Transformations in the inner Catherine 2 briefly. Catherine II reforms briefly

Engineering systems 22.09.2019
Engineering systems

Catherine 2 reforms (briefly)

Short description Reform CatherineII.

like most monarchs of Russia, Catherine The second also sought to introduce their innovative reforms. Moreover, the time of her board had to be difficult for the whole country. Collapse of the judicial system, corruption, huge external debt, as well as a weakened fleet and army - this is what caught, enhancing the throne of the Empress.

Provincial reform

According to this reform, adopted by the seventh of November 1775, instead of the former section on the province, the counties and provinces began to share the land on the counties and province. At the same time, the total number of provinces was increased more than twice (from twenty to fifty). All of them were shared on a dozen counties, and in the role of the chief of two or three, the governor was performed, which is the Governor General.

Judicial reform

From now on every class had his own court. So, the peasants were violent, in citizens - magistrates, and the nobles judged the so-called Zemstvo court. In addition, conscientious courts were formed to reconcile various classes in which representatives of three classes were included. Senate performed as the highest judicial body.

Secularization reform

According to this reform, which was held in 1764 by all monastery lands, was engaged in the savings board. At the same time, the government took on the maintenance of monasses and determining the number of monks, as well as monasteries.

Senata reform

According to the manifesto Catherine the second from the fifteenth of December 1763, the role of the Senate was significantly narrowed. However, the powers of the prosecutor (his chapter) were revised on the contrary. At the same time, the Senate becomes a pinnacle of the judicial instance.

Urban reform

Reform russian cities Regulated by Catherine issued in 1785 by diploma. She introduced elected new institutions by increasing the number of voters themselves. Urban residents were divided into groups on various signs (from estate to property). Each category had its privileges, responsibilities and rights.

Police reform

Catherine The second also introduced the so-called "Charter of the Police", according to which the renovation is becoming a police department. It consisted of citizens, a policeman, city and attachments.

Educational reform

Formation B. settlements People's schools began the beginning of the system of general education Russian schools in the country. The schools were divided into two types: small and major schools.

Monetary reform

In case of Catherine, the second Cashier is created and the state bank. In addition, the first paper money is introduced.

The laws that do not preserve the measure in good, are the reason that the immeasurable evil is born.

Catherine II

The policy of enlightened absolutism conducted by Catherine, demanded the reform of the country, which only began to move away from the era Palace coup. Such changes in Russia really occurred, but the reforms of Catherine 2, in contrast, for example, from Petrovsky, not so much created a strong state how much they created a strong elite in the state. Moreover, the closer to the end of Catherine's rule, the tendency becomes more distinct.

The main directions of the reforms of Catherine second

Catherine 2 reforms touched upon all aspects internal politicians. She reformed the country, creating the centralization of power in St. Petersburg, as well as affecting social structure Countries for the formation of the elite. Below is a table in which the main directions of the reform activity of the empress and some results to which it led is considered.

Table: Catherine 2 reforms and their main direction
Years of sale Title of reform Essence and brief results
1763 The judicial system of Russia was systematized, and the Senate was divided into 6 departments.
1763-1764 The confiscation by the state of church and monastic lands, as well as the peasants who worked on this earth.
Eliminated autonomy of Ukraine and Cossack districts (YIK, Zaporizhia, Don) - 1764.
Gubernskaya reform - 1775
Current reform - 1782
Introduction of serfdom in Ukraine - 1783
A country management system was established, which was divided by the province and was divided into the counties. All regions of the country have about the same rights.
1785 Praised diplomatic city.
Plugged gram of nobility
Finally formed a new elite, which relied on the power of the emperor.
1786 School reform The first large-scale attempt to introduce primary education for all classes.

Reorganization of the Senata.

The reform of the reorganization of the Catherine Senate 2 was carried out on December 25, 1763. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis reform was to create a system of judicial management of the country, where the functions of power will be divided between six departments:

  1. Solved the most important cases from the field of politics in St. Petersburg.
  2. Solved court cases in St. Petersburg.
  3. Supervised functions over education, art, medicine, transport and science.
  4. He controlled the military industry in Russia. This department responded both for land and for maritime units.
  5. Sold political affairs in Moscow.
  6. The implementation of judicial functions in Moscow.

The head of the Senate and the First Department was appointed prosecutor. He had the right to personally report to the emperor. The remaining departments headed the Ober-prosecutors who reported and reported the chapter of the Senate.


After the death of Peter 1, the church began to restore its privileges and influence. Yes, the church was removed from the country's management, but it retained their lands, property and the right to own fortress peasants. The latter was liquidated in 1764, when the secularization of church lands occurred. This reform assumed:

  • Churches and monasteries are deprived of the rights to land and on serfs. As a result, more than 900 thousand peasants switched from the status of "church" to the status of "state".
  • Churches and monasteries retained the right to real estate.

Thus, a strike was inflicted on the independence and independence of the church, because she lost its main source of its income.

Local control system

Categories of local self-government reforms Catherine 2 It is important to note that these changes have created the basics of bureaucracy, significantly expanding the staff of officials. The reform was published in 1775 and was called the "institution to manage the provincial All-Russian Empire." Province in Russia appeared in Peter 1. Peter Alekseevich divided the country to 8 provinces. Catherine 2 instead of 8 provinces introduced 50, which were also divided into the counties.

Brief essence of these reforms Catherine 2:

  • The country shared on the province (the population of 300-400 thousand people), which were divided into the counties (the population of 20-30 thousand people).
  • The province of the province stood a governor-general who gained assistants, vice-governors. Also, he was subordinate to the Politsmester.
  • Finally the formation of the judicial system.
  • Local control was transferred to the hands of the chosen class, which the power planned to rely on.

Simultaneously with the creation of a local government system, Catherine 2 limited independence, autonomy, individual areas of the country. For example, in 1764 the autonomy was deprived of Ukraine and the hetmanism system was eliminated in the same year. The last hetman of Ukraine was Razumovsky. It was a step in order for uniform laws in the country and there were no exceptions. In the same 1764 autonomy, other Cossack lands were deprived of - Don, Yaik and Zaporizhia.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Reforms Catherine 2.
Rubric (thematic category) Politics

The period of the Board of Catherine 2 is sometimes called time 'Approved Absolutpism'''''s. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the desire to rule in accordance with the ideals of European enlightenment. The policy of enlightened absolutism was expressed in the destruction of the most obsolete feudal institutions (some class privileges, subordination of the Church by the state, conducting some reforms - vessels, schooling, softening censorship, etc.) These measures were aimed at strengthening the position of the nobility, as well as contributed to the development of the emerging bourgeoisie. An important feature of the policy of enlightened absolutism was the desire of monarchs to weaken the severity of social contradictions by improving the political superstructure (system of government, education of legal proceedings, etc.). Among the historians there is no unity on whether she really was "Fofilosophe in the throne'' 'and really was committed to the educational ideals, or she skillfully played a role and wore a mask of the enlightened government, wanting to look adequate in the eyes of enlightened Europe.

Probably, at the beginning of his reign, she was committed to educational ideals. At the same time, conducting policies of the enlightened absolutism, Catherine successfully used it to strengthen its authority. Taking the power of her husband and son Paul, without having sufficient rights to the throne, she sought to show himself a savior of Russia, the Knights''svobody and the rule of law. The Empress has actively rewritten with European enlighteners Voltaire, Didro, who was arrested by Daria Saltykov's cruel fastener, suffering from dozens of fortress peasants, encouraged science and art, wrote himself, instilled in OPU, etc.

The largest event of the policies of enlightened absolutism was convening in 1767ᴦ. Commissions on the composure of the project of new deposits (laid commission). As steering Document The Commission of Empress prepared''Nakaz'''', written on the basis of educational ideas. In it, as a form of government, an autocracy was approved due to the vast territory of Russia. A guarantee from tyranny should be controls. In this recommendation document, torture was rejected, the application was limited. death penalty. The main issue was the question of attitude towards the fastener right. Catherine treated him. In the first version, it was referred to a desire to soften the fortress state, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ was expressed in the ban on the establishment of additional duties and the transfer of serf peasants of a special collegium that would charge the duty in favor of landowners. At the same time, only a few deputies from the stapled commission approved this proposal. Realizing that the landowners do not want to change anything, Ekaterina 2 taking advantage of the beginning of the war with Turkey in 1768, dissolved the commission. The cultivation of the enlightened absolutism was influenced by the Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugacheva (1773 - 1775), as well as the bloody events of the Great French Revolution (1789 - 1794).

More successful were the transformation of the outdated system of government.

a) she rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe graph N.Panina about creating the imperial council that was to actually rule the country and did not come with autocratic power.

b) but she spent reform of the Governing SenataBy dividing it with 6 departments. Senate lost its former political role, turning into a bureaucratic superstructure over the entire Empire agencies.

c) changed the system of local self-government in Ukraine. Getman replaced the general - the governor.
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Ukraine finally lost autonomy.

d) in 1763 - 1764gᴦ. Catherine carried out canceled after the overthrow of Peter 3 the secularization of church lands. This replenished the treasury and allowed to stop the excitement of monastic peasants.

To manage former monastic peasants, a collegium of savings was created, and the peasants began to be called economic. The number of monasteries in Russia decreased from 881 to 385. There was a deprivation of state subsidies and Dudin Ambrosis Nikolsky Monastery, located near modern Dzerzhinsk, which largely predetermined his future sting. The clergy lost in many ways the property independence, being on the content of the state. So it was completed, started by Peter 1, the process of turning the clergy into a special squad of officials.

e) B. 1775 year was carried out provincial reform. The provinces were eliminated. In order to increase the efficiency of management, the amount of provinces increased from 23 to 50, the number of their population decreased to 300-400 thousand. At the head of each stood the governor appointed by the Empress. In the county cities, the power also belonged to the appointed government. In the counties, the executive authorities belonged to the lower Zemsky court headed by the captain - by correctionman, elected by the local nobility.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in the local government the prevailing role was played by the nobility that was natural at that time.

Especially among the events of Ekaterina 2, it should be noted " Praised literacy nobility'''' (1885). Gramist confirmed the rights of the given nobility earlier: freedom from the television punishments, the pillow, the obligatory service, the right of unlimited ownership of estates and land with its subsoils, the right of trade and industrial activities. The decision of noble dignity could be made only by decision of the Senate with the highest approval. The estates of convicted nobility were not subject to confiscation. The nobility was now called a noble estate. The feed of the powers of noblest facilities were expanded. The nobility received a class self-government: noble collections led by the provincial and county leaders. The nobility could make presentations to the authorities about their needs. It is not by chance that the Board of Catherine 2 is often called the'' rigid century of the Russian nobility'''''''''''''''' Having received the law, the nobles were overcome public responsibilities. In this regard, V.O. Klyuchevsky noticed witty:''prava without duties - legal misfortune, as a result, no reason - nelveryness is logical; The estate with one rights without duties is the political inability, and the inability cannot exist. Alas, the impossible has become possible. Such an order has existed until the cancellation of serfdom in 1861.

True, in a humored literacy it was not said about the right of the nobles to own the souls.Probably, Catherine wanted to show it that this right will not be guided by the nobility.

On one-sided, historically uncomfortable provision of liberty to the nobility, Russian peasants responded with active participation in Pugachev uprising 1773 - 1775. What were the social thoughts and the aspirations of the peasant mass? Especially bright reflection they found in Manifesto E. Pugachev dated July 18, 1774ᴦ. It was a granted diploma of the Peasant Miru'''''', or''Hhartia, on the basis of which the new, Menzitsky kingdom would have to create. Pugachev called on''VSœh, who were previously in the peasantry and citizenship of landowners, being loyal slaves of our own crown'''''', and then kicked the''dried cross and prayer, heads and beards, liberty and freedom and forever the Cossacks, without requiring recruiting sets, pillow and other money supply , possessions of lands, forest and hayfields and fish fishing, and salt lakes without buying and without a lifting and freeing all overlooking the villains of the nobility and hail sophum-judges, the peasants and the people of the people imposed and burden. The peasants, therefore, sought to be liberated from the fortress capture, wanted to get the earth and land and get rid of all overlocks and serving, to arrange community self-government to Cossack Lad.

But this was not destined to come true.

Gotted diploma of the city'''' (1785) was aimed at creating a third estate. She confirmed previously data to the rich merchandise of rights and freedoms: liberation from the pillow of the Podachi, the recruitous service. Eminate citizens and merchants of the first two guilds were released from the body punishments and some other duties. The urban population was divided into six discharges that make up the Grad society. It elected the urban chapter, members of the magistrate and vowels (deputies) '-General Grad Duma''''''. "Most Hradskaya Duma'''' 'elected a six-headed Duma - the executive body of the Office, consisting of representatives of the Gorno-residents.

The reforms remained unfinished due to the serfdom, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ prevented the folding of a strong third class, sharply raised the nobles over all over the rest of the population. Moreover, the peasants did not have any civil rights and were excluded from the estate structure of society. But destroy serfdom Catherine could not. On the contrary, with her about 900 thousand state peasants were transferred to the fortress unfortunate.

Reforms Catherine 2. - Concept and types. Classification and features of the category "reform Catherine 2." 2017, 2018.

  • - reforms of Catherine II

    In Catherine II received their further development Beginning of Peter I in the area administrative device and local self-government. The judicial reform was continued. In 1775, with the aim of improving financial, supervisory and judicial activities, three-membered division ....

  • - reforms of Catherine II

    Reform of public administration and legislation. The reform of central institutions was carried out. In 1763, the Senate was divided into 6 departments, deprived of the legislative function, turned into a judicial and appellate institution. In 1763-1764, secularization was carried out ....

  • - reforms of Catherine II

    Theme 2 Petrov transformations of the first quarter of the XVIII century. Topic 1 1. Calculation policy: a) change in the position of the nobility; b) peasants and their categories, change in the tax system; c) Posad population and changing his status. 2 .....

  • - The reforms of Catherine.

    Domestic policy. 1747 to 1796 increased from 18 million to 36 million, the rural population was 95%. With it doubled the number of manufactories from 600 to 1200. Senate reform 1763g. The Senate was divided into 6 departments with strictly defined features. The Senate was deprived of the legislative ...

  • - B. reform Catherine II. Public administration. Located commission

    A. Peter III. A coup on June 28, 1762 1. Peter III arrived in Russia back in 1742, shortly after the top of Elizabeth, and was appointed heir. But the choice was failed. Peter III was uneducated, cruel, demonstratively despised all Russian, admired by the Prussian King Friedrich II. IN... ..

  • 1. short biography Catherine II ............................................. 4

    2. The beginning of the reign ............................................................ 6

    3. Reforms of Catherine II ..........................................................7

    Conclusion .............................................................................. ..17.

    List of references ............................................................... ......... 19


    In a row of self-containers Russian Empire Many strong, volitional personalities, the political and legislative activities of which had a huge impact on the growth of not only Russia as a whole, but also of individual social layers, the life and culture of society. The gradual modernization of life in Russia, the main impetus was given to the European policy of Peter I, was continued by other monarchs, the epoch of which played an equally important role in the formation of a powerful Russian Empire. Russian Empress Catherine II was the power legislation; In his state management, she sought reforms and made an invaluable contribution to the development and strengthening of Russia. The era of its rule is highlighted by historians as a separate stage in the development of the empire, since it was Catherine II, a course of reforms in the socio-political life of Russia, aimed at modernization and strengthened state power in the country. This legislative activity of the Empress responded to the spirit of time, new European trends and ideas that brought with them in the XVIII century an era of enlightenment. Politics enlightened absolutism Catherine II, as the main reflection of the principles of the Epoch of Enlightenment in Russia, is interesting not only by its innovations, but also a combination of Western trends with the identity of Russia.

    1. Brief biography of Catherine II

    Catherine was born in 1729 in the German seaside town of Shattin. The innocent Sophia Frederick Augustus Anhalt-Crembed originated from the poor German Prince.

    Ekaterina Alekseevna was rather complicated and, of course, an outstanding personality. On the one hand, it is a pleasant and loving woman, on the other - the largest statesman.

    In 1745, Catherine II adopted orthodox faith and was married to the heir russian throne, Future Peter III. After hitting Russia a fifteen-year-old girl, she quickly mastered the Russian language and customs. But with all the abilities to adapt great Princess It was necessary: \u200b\u200bthey had a hit from the Empress (Elizabeth Petrovna) and disregard from her husband (Peter Fedorovich). Her pride suffered. Then Catherine appealed to literature. Possessing random abilities, will and hardworking, acquired extensive knowledge. She read a lot of books: French enlighteners, antique authors, special works on history and philosophy, the compositions of Russian writers. As a result, Catherine learned the ideas of public benefit enlighteners as a higher goal. state Worker, on the need to upbringing and enlightening subjects, about the primacy of laws in society.

    In 1754, Catherine had a son (Pavel Petrovich), the future heir to the Russian throne. But the child was taken from Mother to Apartments Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

    In December 1761, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died. Peter III entered the throne.

    Catherine II was distinguished by the vast workability, the power of will, purposefulness, courage, cunning, hypocrisy, unlimited ambition and vanity, in general, with all the features characterizing a strong woman. She could suppress her emotions in favor of developed rationalism. She was inherent in a special talent to conquer general sympathies.

    Catherine slowly, but right, moved to the Russian throne, and, in the end, took power from her husband. Shortly after the top of the unpopular among Peter III's generic nobility, relying on the Guards Shelves, overtook him.

    From the first days of the reign of Catherine wanted to be popular in the widest masses of the people, she defiantly attended a manty manty, worshiped to holy places.

    In the first years of the reign of Catherine II, it was intensively looking for ways of approval on the throne, showing extreme prudency. Solving the fate of the favorites and the favorite of the previous reign, she showed generosity and condescension, saving to chop off the shoulder. As a result, many people really talented and useful people remained in their former positions. Catherine loved and knew how to appreciate the merits of people. She understood that her praise and rewards would force people to work more diligently.

    2. Beginning of reign

    At the beginning of the reign of Catherine, Ekaterina has not yet mastered the role for himself and either continued to implement policies scheduled for the previous time or completed it. Separate innovations of the empress were privately carried out and did not give reason to attribute the reign of Catherine to the category of outstanding phenomena in domestic history.

    Catherine not without reason pointed out a rather difficult circumstance at which she began to reign. Finance has been exhausted. The army did not receive a salary for three months. Trade was in decline, because many of its industries were given to a monopoly. Did not have proper system in state economy. Military department was immersed in debt; Sea barely held, being in extreme disregard. The clergy was displeased with his lands. Justice was sold with trade, and the laws were guided only in cases where they favored the face strong.

    Immediately after the court, Catherine was noticeable to a championship in the state organism. At the same time, in all respects, the personal participation of the Empress was discussed in solving all sorts of issues.

    From the moment of seeing the throne and before the coronation, Catherine participated in 15 sessions of the Senate, and unsuccessfully. In 1963, the Senate was reformed: it was divided into six departments with strictly defined functions and under the guidance of the prosecutor general appointed by the monarch, became the body control over the activities of the state apparatus and the highest judicial authority. The Senate lost its main function - legislative initiative, it actually moved to the Empress. The death of John Antonovich saved Catherine from fear for the future of his throne. Now her ambition could be satisfied with the implementation of its own plans. She has accumulated a certain management experience, ideas appeared to implement innovations.

    3. Reforms of Catherine II.

    "Okaz" and commission 1767 - 1768.

    In January 1765, Catherine began working on a legislative project directly.

    In July 1767, more than 500 deputies who have formed the "Commission on the preparation of the project of new deposits" have been gathered in Moscow, which worked seven years. On June 30, the Commission began its work, "Okaz" was officially announced, and all deputies received the texts of the Code of Legal Principles.

    The official text "of the Commission on the preparation of the project of new deposits" consisted of 20 thematic chapters and 526 articles. Most of The text was, as seen, borrowed. However, in the end, Catherine had an independent design and political principles of creation. The discharges developed by it were aimed at strengthening the unlimited power of the monarch, the legality based on "reasonable condescension", on guarantees civil rights in the form of privilege estates, for the general reform of the legal system in the spirit of these principles.

    The first five chapters fixed the most important principles of power. state Board In Russia, as indisputable, "fundamental" starts of society in general. One of the very first articles "Pok" proclaimed Russia of the European Power. This situation had an important political subtext: following the criteria of Montesquieu, all the laws of the European statehood are inherent in Russia, despite its special extensity. The main one of these patterns is "the sovereign in Russia is autocratic; for no other, as soon as the power connected in his particular can act similarly to the space of such a great state." A "Any other board would not only be in Russia harmful, but also at the end of a ruin." However, the new, legal, monarchy has a new goal: all the actions of people "send to getting the largest all the good", promote the prosperity of society, guarantee the rights of citizens-subjects. The sovereign cannot and should not edit himself everywhere, although it was he who relied on the legal source of any power in the state. This shows that the "Okaz" completely preserved the absolutism of the monarchy.

    Chapters 9 and 10 established the principles of legislation in the field of criminal law. Properly built criminal law proclaimed the most important guarantee of civilian "liberty". "Okaz" categorically prohibited any cruel in the form of punishment, reduced possible cases of death. The court is also an institution not so much punitive as an organ of protection of society and citizen. And since the court acts in a real estate society, then in it guarantees judicial justice should be to participate in elected representatives from estates in consideration.

    Chapters 11-18 were dedicated to legislation in the socio-legal sphere and civil law. Society is divided into three estates based on the natural and historical differences in occupation. More honorable place of the nobles guaranteed them special privileges in the service, owned. But for the peasantry it is important to "establish something useful". The law must protect all, but civil rights are provided according to the estate.

    The last, 19 and 20 chapters of "orders" established some rules in certain issues of legislation. Freedom of religion was declared, the courts not provided for by law were prohibited.

    Catherine The second made many reforms raised the economy and enlightenment of Russia, for which it can be bold to refer to the Great.

    What did she do?

    Firstly, reorganization of the Senate. Catherine The second returned Senate the status of a supreme judicial institution and took the legislative functions from him, leaving them only after the emperor.

    Secondly, provincial reform. Catherine created 50 provinces throughout Russia and arranged no noble self-government there, which created absolute control of the monarch of power without harm to the population.

    Thirdly, economic reform. Catherine The Great introduced paper money - an appointence. Actually, plus this reform is that you don't need to wear a lot of mediques in your pocket, which they pull out the stronger and stronger. Everything fits in a pair of paper.

    Fourthly improving education. Catherine created the system educational institutions. She also created many educational houses, whose students received not only education, but also money.

    Fifth elimination of hetmanism at the Zaporizhzhya Schash. Ukraine remained without any signs of autonomy.

    At sixth, the humiliated diplomas in which the rights and privileges of merchants were determined, as well as the rights and benefits of citizens.

    In-seventh, decree of the liberties of the nobles. This Decree Catherine broke the previous talleryi am no nobility and gave them many privileges, rights and advantages. In addition, now the nobles were not obliged to serve, became self (in the provinces). Also, the nobles became inviolable: they could not be punished, deprivated freedom and property without trial.

    In eighth secularization of church lands. Catherine passed the church lands of the board of the economy. This reform caused the state to keep the church, but the advantage of this transformation was that now the state and determined how many countries need churches and priests. The lands that were not spent on building monasteries and other church buildings were sent to the State Fund.

    Ninth, police reform. This reform helped control the main population, its activities both physical and moral and spiritual, therefore not only a police officer was established, but also church supervision.

    In ten freedom of entrepreneurship. This reform allows producing products and sell them abroad. Also, this reform made it possible to create an enterprise to any person. Economic freedoms of the population increased, but the management has ever more and more centrally.

    Reform results:

    • The results of the reforms of Catherine are a great dual, actually, so it is great.
    • Strengthening power, she gave the population to economic freedoms, because of which it was possible to rise from the lower levels of society and to make their own enterprise, get an education.
    • Also was eliminated by the threat from the Zaporizhia Snish, since its autonomy was eliminated. Citizens finally could participate in the life of their country, society became enlightened and freer.

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