Oil for diluting fuel in a gasoline power plant. How long will the generator run without refueling? Disadvantages of gasoline power plants

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

How long will the generator run without refueling?- many consumers are interested in such a question before buying. This is enough important point, after all, in order to add fuel, it is necessary to turn off the unit and wait for some time until the equipment cools down, because refueling is strictly prohibited when the engine is warm.

How to calculate how long one refueling will last

To find out how many hours the device can work, you need to know the amount of fuel that is consumed per hour and the dimensions of the fuel tank. If you divide the volume of the tank by the amount of gasoline or diesel that goes in an hour, you get exact time installation work. You may ask where to get these measurements. Everything is quite simple, because manufacturers enter these values ​​​​in the installation documents.

They usually have the following fuel costs:

  1. Equipment with a capacity of up to three kilowatts burns approximately 0.7-1.0 liters of fuel per hour.
  2. More powerful units, respectively, consume from 2 to 2.7 liters of fuel.

Let's give an example so that everyone understands how to calculate the construction time at one gas station. Let's take as an example where the fuel volume is 25 liters, and the fuel consumption per hour is approximately 2.5 liters. It turns out that at one gas station, you can use it for a full 10 hours.

It is worth saying that these are only preliminary calculations, because fuel consumption and operating time depend on many factors, such as fuel quality, temperature environment, other weather and, of course, the level of utilization of the device by consumers.

The more equipment will be connected to the installation, the greater the fuel consumption. The same applies to ambient temperature. If there are severe frosts outside, then the amount of gasoline or diesel consumed will be 10-15% more.

So it's better to check this characteristic on own experience after the successful acquisition of the generator, since it can please its owner with longer work at one gas station than calculations have shown, or vice versa, spend all the fuel for more a short time. This technique and its work is always unpredictable, even in this matter.

In order for the calculations to be at least approximately justified, the equipment must be kept in a warm room, where there is excellent ventilation, and it will not overheat. Also, do not load the design to the maximum. There should always be 15–20% of power left in reserve.

Text prepared by: Vladimir Medvedev

During long power outages, fuel-powered generators come in handy. Today, this category of equipment includes many different models of equipment, which is divided into three main groups - gas, diesel and gasoline generators. We would like to tell you about what they are and for what purposes gas generators are intended.

Design and principle of operation

At the heart of all fuel mini-power plants is an internal combustion engine. Also, the design of the generator contains auxiliary systems: a fuel tank, a pump, a fuel line, a rotor, a battery, etc.

The classic gasoline generator works according to an extremely simple and understandable scheme. After starting the engine, which can be carried out manually by a person or by automation, the fuel from the tank is transported through the gasoline pipeline to the engine. Along the way, it passes through filters, where small impurities are removed. In the carburetor part of the engine, gasoline is mixed with air and together they are sent to the cylinders. There, the air-fuel mixture is ignited by the spark plugs and the released gases set the piston system in motion. The crankshaft spins the rotor, causing mechanical energy transforms into electricity.

Such a complex device as an autonomous power plant has a whole complex various characteristics by which it can be classified. Their combination, ultimately, determines the purpose of each particular model. Petrol installations are usually classified according to:

  • Appointment. Household gasoline generators are designed specifically for use in the home. As a rule, these are cheap low-power devices with a simple design and extremely simple operation. Their antipode is industrial or professional generators, which are noticeably more expensive and more complicated, but they produce more electricity and have an increased motor resource.
  • Mobility. Portable power generators mainly represented by models low power(up to 5 kW), intended for domestic use. Stationary power plants are much more powerful, and therefore are used for industrial purposes.
  • engine type. Petrol generators up to 1 kW are equipped exclusively with two-stroke internal combustion engines. Such a motor has a small motor resource, but it is very cheap, and therefore is in demand among domestic consumers. Anything more powerful than one kilowatt is more expensive and hardy four-stroke engines.
  • Number of phases. Despite the fact that many sellers obsessively recommend three-phase generators to all buyers, not everyone needs them. For domestic purposes, an inexpensive single-phase power plant is quite suitable. Three phases are needed to power powerful electrical equipment, such as manufacturing machines.
  • Power. To power a private house, a small shop or office, a generator of 4 kW or even less is usually enough. At the same time, do not forget that low-power power plants need to be given a break every 4 hours. To power a medium-sized store or office, a construction site or a small workshop, you need a gasoline generator set with a power of about 10-15 kW. Such devices need a rest every 10 hours of operation. Finally, for really large objects, for example, a service station or a large office, a generator is needed, the power of which will be 20-25 kW.

Benefits of gas generators

As mentioned at the beginning, autonomous power plants are represented by gas, gasoline and diesel generators. Accordingly, when analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of gasoline units, they need to be compared with these competitors. So, the key advantages of gas generators, significant for the consumer, are the following characteristics:

  • Price. With the same power, a petrol unit will always be cheaper than a diesel or gas one.
  • Weight and dimensions. A gasoline engine is smaller and lighter than a diesel engine of the same power. Well, since the engine is the main element in the design of the fuel generator, the relationship between the weight of the internal combustion engine and the weight of the entire device is direct. This makes gasoline generators the most suitable option for domestic use, especially for those situations where the generator is planned to be transported frequently.
  • Operation and maintenance. Compared to gas-fired power plants, gasoline power plants have more simple design They are also much safer. Thus, they can be served by any person, even very far from technology. At the same time, a qualified specialist is needed to work with a gas power generator.
  • Noise. Design features The engine and exhaust system of gasoline generators make them much less noisy than diesel generators. Such a generator better fit for installation next to residential building, where the strong noise of a diesel engine would create discomfort for residents.
  • Exhaust. Again, a more advanced design, as well as cleaner fuel, allows a gas generator to produce significantly less exhaust gases than a diesel plant. Due to this, their use is permissible even in rooms where people work, for example, in a workshop. But, of course, this is only possible if there is good ventilation.
  • Winter work. As you know, gasoline engines are much better tolerated negative temperatures than diesel ones. If you plan to use the generator outdoors in winter, it is better to give preference to gasoline, as it starts much better in frost.
  • Fuel. It is advisable to use a gas generator only if the main gas pipeline is connected to the facility. In all other situations, preference should be given to installation on liquid fuel, since gasoline is easier to buy and there are no problems with its transportation.

Disadvantages of a gasoline generator

In addition to the obvious advantages, gasoline generators also have certain disadvantages that can become a significant reason to give preference to installations on other fuels. The most significant disadvantages are:

  • Working hours. The design of the gasoline internal combustion engine, which gave it so many advantages, is also the reason for its shortcomings. While a diesel or gas generator can run 24 hours a day, a gasoline generator needs to rest every 4-10 hours (depending on power).
  • Motor resource. Gasoline engines of electric generators are about twice inferior to diesel engines in terms of reliability. After 2 thousand hours of work (sometimes even earlier), they already need a major overhaul.
  • Power. Although a gasoline engine can be made of almost any power, from the point of view of economic feasibility, diesel already becomes more profitable than gasoline at about 10-20 kW. In this regard, most gasoline generators are low-power household installations.
  • Current quality. Among fuel mini-power plants, a gas generator produces the least quality electricity. Power surges in some situations reach 10%, which is why gasoline should only be used with low-sensitivity equipment.

Household and industrial gasoline power plants in assortment are presented in the store of the EnergoPlaza company. Here you will find high-quality generators of domestic and foreign production at the best prices in the city of Moscow and in the Moscow region.

Many manufacturers of household and portable power plants like to indicate incredibly high generator power ratings on the packaging or equipment case. At the same time, only in small print in the instructions in the mark with an asterisk indicate that this is the maximum peak power, theoretically calculated on the basis of the magnitude of short-term current overloads or starting currents. Asian manufacturers of generators, who are not particularly shy about slightly exaggerating the merits of the equipment they produce, sin especially with such marketing tricks.

The meaning of advice number 1 - base your choice and load your generator, focusing only on the passport value of the rated power of the generator or on the power that the power plant provides in long-term operation.

Council number 2. Provide the generator with the necessary supply of oil and filters

The interval for changing oil and filters in a power plant is quite short and at the same time depends to a very large extent on the intensity and degree of load on the generator. Since it is often difficult to predict how long the generator will be used as a backup or emergency source of electricity when the central power supply is turned off, at least a minimum supply of oil and filters for one change will allow you to stay in a critical situation with a working generator.

The meaning of advice number 2. Typically, generator manufacturers recommend that the first oil change be done after 25 hours of generator operation, and subsequent changes every 50-60 hours. Please note that this particular oil and filter change period may come during a critical situation, when the uninterrupted operation of the generator becomes vital. Otherwise, instead of liquidation negative consequences lack of electricity, in the presence of a working generator, you will be forced to sit without electricity or run around shops or acquaintances in search of consumables.

Council number 3. Cool the engine of the power plant before refueling the generator

After running the generator continuously for several hours, many owners of the power plant immediately grab the canister of fuel to refill the generator's fuel tank to the brim, which immediately makes at least two gross mistakes!

Most small-sized domestic and portable power plants are equipped with fuel tanks in the upper part of the body, so that the fuel will automatically fall into the carburetor due to gravity. Imagine what it would be like to refuel a generator if, in a critical situation, your hand trembles and fuel spills onto a hot engine, or you fill the container with gasoline in the dark and it flows down the tank onto a hot engine or exhaust system. And at this time, there is a fuel tank above the hot parts of the power plant, and you, bending over the generator, hold a canister with a combustible substance!

The meaning of advice number 3. Allow the generator to cool down for at least 15 minutes before refueling. You can survive a quarter of an hour without electricity, but at the same time you will protect yourself and your loved ones from a fiery hell! At the same time, do not forget the accompanying rules when filling the fuel tank - do not rush, be sure to illuminate the work when refueling at night and in no case pour fuel into the generator tank to the brim.

Most common cause failure of all generators - poor fuel quality. Since almost all owners of generators keep power plants filled in case of an emergency, even the highest quality fuel begins to lose its properties after a while - it decomposes, loses its most volatile fractions, moisture accumulates in the fuel system, lacquer deposits and hardly soluble precipitation. Therefore, manufacturers recommend initially using only fresh high-quality fuel, or at least adding a special stabilizer to it, which protects it from decomposition for a long time.

The meaning of advice number 4. For the operation of the generator, of course, a certain amount of fuel is needed, but it is highly desirable not to store it very much. long time in the fuel tank of the generator. If you do not plan to use the power plant for a long time, empty the fuel tank of the cooled generator and start the engine until it uses up the remaining fuel from fuel system.

No matter how attractive it would be to plug the generator into the outlet of an apartment or a private house using an adapter or a cord with two plugs and thereby ensure the operation of all electrical equipment in the room, do not do this under any circumstances! It is dangerous for the life of not only your loved ones, but even distant neighbors from the opposite house! The power of even a small generator is enough to kill your neighbor or electrician conducting repair work on power lines.

The meaning of advice number 5. Use either separate extension cords for connection from the standby generator, or use fixed emergency wiring in the room that is not connected in any way to the central power lines. Practice shows that in living conditions don't be smart with various schemes automatic input of a reserve, which are used on industrial equipment because it is either too dangerous or too expensive.

Tip #6 Store Generator Fuel Safely

Throughout the civilized world, the maximum allowable fuel storage standards at home are established. We have not reached this point yet, and we have more problems with providing high-quality fuel and lubricants, so this advice is purely advisory in nature, based on international experience operation of household and portable generators.

When forming a supply of fuel and oil for the operation of the generator, the thought “the more the better” does not justify itself at all. For example, it is strongly not recommended to use large canisters with a capacity of more than 20 liters for storing gasoline. The reasons are simple:

  • When filling the generator fuel tank from a heavy and bulky container, there is a high probability of spilling or overflowing fuel. That is, it is dangerous and inconvenient.
  • A long period during which fuel and lubricants will be produced from a large reserve tank can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of fuel or oil.

The meaning of advice number 6. It is better to store fuel and lubricants in two or even three small canisters than in one large one! Refueling is more convenient and safer, and the fuel supply can be quickly replenished or replaced with a new one!

Tip #7 Use grounding and only high-quality wires to connect the load

Life shows that many of our compatriots, acquiring an expensive power plant, are trying in every possible way to save on wires, and the need to ground the generator is generally considered as a meaningless requirement of the manufacturer.

Why you should not save on wires:

  • Most often, the generator is used under open sky, respectively, moisture, sun and heat or frost affect the wires. The cross section of the wires must withstand a load of 25% -30% more than the maximum power of the generator, and the cable insulation must withstand negative impact environment and be resistant to the influence of fuels and lubricants used in the generator.
  • The cross-section and length of the cable must ensure the maximum removal of the generator from the residential area. Even the most expensive and high-quality generator is still quite a noisy device with toxic exhaust gases that you should not breathe even in the absence of a central power supply. At the same time, manufacturers recommend limiting the generator to a distance of about 30 meters from people - so the negative impact of noise, vibration and exhaust gases will be minimal, but at the same time the power plant will remain under the complete visual control of the owner.

Why you should not save on grounding:

  • Automatic generator protection provides for load disconnection only when short circuit or exceeding the current load above the maximum allowable. In the event of a breakdown of electricity on the case, without grounding, circuit breakers unable to perform the protective functions assigned to them.
  • For sustainable and safe work electrical equipment from the generator must have a clean zero, which cannot be achieved without grounding.

The meaning of advice number 7. Don't save on quality wires and grounding. Cables with wires good section with reinforced insulation and modular pin grounding do not cost so much to save on the safety of your family or on the repair of electrical equipment connected to the generator.

In this article, we have already recommended that the generator be located at some distance from crowded places. However, such a distance from the owner of the generator can provoke thieves to steal an expensive portable power plant. The means of protection is simple - just fasten the frame of the power plant to some fixed mount or massive construction. For these purposes, you can, of course, use a standard U-shaped bicycle quick-release lock, but it is best to purchase a steel chain with a reliable turnkey padlock specifically for the generator.

The meaning of advice number 8. In the event of a massive power outage, not only you will want to stay with the light, but also various dubious personalities who are not stopped from stealing the ownership of the generator. The chain and lock combined cost a paltry sum of money compared to the cost of a power plant. If you follow the advice and equip the generator installation site with modular grounding, you will already have a great place to fix the generator. It is best in such cases to use a piece sewer pipe with lid painted to match the color of the lawn. Inside, you can place the output of the ground loop, and use a powerful lawn anchor to fasten the chain.

How to start a new generator? This article contains all the necessary information on preparing the generator for start-up, its refueling, maintenance and maintenance. You will learn how to organize trouble-free and reliable operation of the generator by reading this article.

The device of any electric generator with a drive internal combustion engine, regardless of its power, is the same:

1. Generator start block.

2. Internal combustion engine.

3. Oil dipstick.

4. Electric generator.

5. Automatic control of the generator, including a protection unit.

6. Electrical sockets.

7. Fuel tank.

8. Common carrier frame-body.

Preparing to start the generator

Most of the generators sold are fully assembled at the factory, the buyer only needs to fill it with fuel and oil. Before you start refueling, you need to find out which oil and fuel is recommended by the manufacturer. Depending on the type of engine, you may need:

1. Diesel fuel.

2. Gasoline A92 or A95.

3. Methane.

4. Engine oil for two-stroke petrol engines.

5. Engine oil for four-stroke petrol engines.

6. Engine oil for diesel engines.

Refueling two-stroke gasoline engines

The cheapest generator models are equipped with a two-stroke gasoline engine. Internal organization such an engine does not provide for a separate oil lubrication circuit. To lubricate the engine, oil is supplied to it along with fuel, where it is then burned. The standard ratio of the oil-gasoline mixture is 1 share of oil to 50 shares of gasoline. In such models of generators, oil and gasoline are simultaneously poured into the fuel tank.

Refueling of four-stroke and diesel engines

More modern engines have a separate oil lubrication circuit, so you first need to fill the crankcase with oil, and then fill the tank with fuel.

The amount of oil to be filled must correspond to the volume indicated in the passport. A household generator with a power of 1.5–2.5 kW is usually filled with about 1 liter of oil. For refueling you need:

1. Unscrew the dipstick plug on the engine crankcase.

2. Fill with 80–90% of the volume of oil indicated in the passport.

3. Replace and then remove the dipstick.

4. Check that the oil level matches the minimum-maximum marks.

5. Add oil in small portions, each time checking its level with a dipstick. Top up until the dipstick shows an oil level that exceeds the minimum, but less than the maximum (if the distance between the “minimum” and “maximum” marks is conventionally divided into four parts, filling up to ¾ is optimal when filling the oil for the first time).

6. Tighten the dipstick plug tightly on the engine crankcase.

It is impossible to use an oil that does not have the required viscosity or another grade (mineral, semi-synthetic) to refuel the internal combustion engine, it is especially dangerous to mix different types of oil for filling.

Refueling is carried out in the gas tank located at the top of the generator. The maximum amount of fuel is indicated in the technical documentation. It is not necessary to fill in fuel "to the eyeballs". The fuel in the tank must be at least 10 mm lower than the upper wall of the tank (the fulfillment of this condition is due to the need to compensate for the pressure created by gasoline vapors). Filling must be done through a special watering can with a mesh filter or a fabric filter.

Recently there has been a large number of multi-fuel generators that support the possibility of using not only gasoline, but also methane gas as fuel. To supply gas, you need to use a special hose, at the point of its connection with the gas cylinder reducer or gas line, you must install a separate shut-off valve.

Checking the air filter

Air filters are installed on all generators. Some of them need to be wetted with engine oil (sponge filters) to work effectively. Before starting, it is necessary to find out the type of air filter and prepare it for operation, since the quality of purification of the air used and, as a result, the reliability and durability of the generator operation directly depend on this.

Turning on the generator with manual start

Before turning on a charged generator, you must:

1. Choose a well ventilated place.

2. Install the generator strictly horizontally.

3. Disconnect load from it.

4. Connect ground.

After that, sequentially perform the following operations:

5. Open the valve installed at the outlet of the fuel tank.

6. Limit the air supply with a special air damper.

7. Several times, gently pulling the starter cord towards you, lubricate the engine.

8. Turn on the "ignition".

9. Pull the starting handle sharply.

10. If the engine does not start, repeat the operation 2-3 times.

11. After starting, smoothly return the cord to its original position.

12. As the engine warms up, open the choke.

13. Turn on the electric generator.

14. Check the presence of voltage on the installed devices.

Since the fuel system of a new generator is filled with air, if the generator fails to start after 2-3 attempts, you need to bleed the air on the fuel filter and carburetor.

Turning on the generator with an electric starter

Perform the first 5 points in the same way as a manual start, after which:

6. Insert ignition key.

7. Turn it to the "start" mark.

8. Allow the generator less than 20 seconds to start.

9. If the engine does not start, repeat the operation after 1 minute.

10. After starting the generator, return the key to the "ignition" position.

11. Turn on the generator.

If the battery installed in the generator is discharged, then with a starter cord, you can start it manually.

When starting a diesel generator, it is necessary to additionally use a decompressor and bleed air.

Generator shutdown

To safely shut down the generator, do the following:

1. Removal of all electrical load from it.

2. Shut off the fuel supply valve.

3. Wait until the drive motor has stopped.

4. Disable the ignition button.

For emergency shutdown just press the stop button.

If the generator is rarely used, after turning it off, it is advisable to move the piston of the internal combustion engine cylinder to its highest position. This allows you to block access to the engine atmospheric air capable of causing internal corrosion. The piston moves when the starter cord is pulled “towards you”, the place where noticeable resistance appears will correspond to the optimal position for storage of the cylinder piston.

Generator Maintenance

During operation, it is necessary to regularly check the fuel level, at start-up - check the oil level. Constantly monitor the tightness of the oil and fuel system. Generators cannot provide a constant supply of electricity. Depending on the model, at intervals of 8 to 24 hours, it must stop for maintenance (refueling, checking the oil level).

Attention! Refueling while the generator is running is strictly prohibited!

After the first 5–10 hours of operation, an oil change (engine break-in) is required. Subsequent oil changes are carried out according to the schedule given in the instructions.

It is necessary at each oil change to check the condition of the fuel and oil filters, to clean the spark plug from carbon deposits. After cleaning the candle, it is necessary to check and, if necessary, adjust the gap between the electrodes (the optimum gap is 0.7–0.8 mm).

If the generator is used in places with excessive dust, Special attention the air filter must be kept clean. The frequency of filter cleaning should be reduced to 24 hours of generator operation or less.

For long-term storage, the generator piston must be moved to its highest position. Place the generator in a dry, well-ventilated area. Before starting the generator, it is necessary to add fresh fuel to it (especially if it is equipped with a gasoline internal combustion engine).

Every 2–3 months, to maintain the generator in a working, lubricated condition, it is necessary to start it up and run it until the internal combustion engine is completely warmed up (5–10 minutes).

Vlad Taranenko, rmnt.ru

http://www.rmnt.ru/ - site RMNT.ru

If you have purchased expensive model gasoline generator, you need to think about the quality of the fuel you are going to use. After all, not all brands of gasoline are suitable for reliable and efficient operation. In this article, we will fully answer all questions regarding the choice of fuel.

What affects the quality of gasoline

First of all, high-quality gasoline for is a factor affecting the frequency of refueling. The cleaner and better gasoline, and this, as a rule, is not lower than A92, you will use, the less often it will be necessary to refuel the equipment. The fact is that bad gasoline contains many impurities, as a result of which it burns out faster and constant refueling is required. Therefore, if you save money by buying cheap brands, then in the end, you overpay approximately twice.

The duration of operation also directly depends on the quality of gasoline. Poor-quality fuel leaves a residue on the walls of the gas tank and engine, which affects the operation of the device. It is worth noting that most often, various breakdowns in the engine occur precisely as a result of the use of low-quality gasoline.

Which gasoline to choose

As a rule, the best gasoline for a gasoline generator is A92. Practice shows that when choosing higher grades, the advantages are not large, and the price is sometimes significant. When operating a device with a four-stroke engine, only pure fuel is used. For two-stroke engines, gasoline can be mixed with oil. This is also done for better job engine, and to increase the service life, as well as to reduce fuel consumption. In addition, some oils help the generator perform better at low temperatures. There are several types of fuels and lubricants, which are classified as summer and winter and have different viscosities and fluidity.

V winter period A92 brand fuel is mixed with fuels and lubricants of such types as: 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W.3. In summer, W oils are used, under the numbers 20W, 30W, 40W and 50W. There is also a third type of fuels and lubricants, namely 5W-40 and 25W-40. Such fuels and lubricants are universal and can be used in a variety of weather conditions. First of all, before using oil for mixing, carefully study the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Some fuels and lubricants are mixed outside the generator, however, if the model is marked SELF-MIX, then this means that the oil is added to the generator separately, since the model has self-mixing technology.

Experts first of all recommend paying attention to the amount of lead contained in the fuel. This substance has a very favorable effect on the operation of the engine and all equipment in general. Lead does not leave deposits on spark plugs and engines. That is why lead-free gasoline is not recommended.

Old fuel is also not recommended for use in a gasoline generator. After six months of storage, the combustible substance undergoes oxidation, as a result of which it causes more soot and soot when used. If the fuel is stored at high temperatures, then oxidation can begin much earlier. Therefore, before making long-term stocks, you should think very carefully.

As it turns out, not only fuel quality affects efficient work generator, but also its correct refueling. So there are a number of recommendations that will help extend the life of your gasoline generator:

  • The tank should not be filled completely. The distance from the upper edge of the neck to the fuel level in the tank must be at least 20-25 mm;
  • Do not pour fuel often, as it is saturated with oxygen and oxidizes faster;
  • Do not leave fuel in the tank for a long period. It is worth draining the fuel into the canister and making sure that the gas tank is clean during downtime;
  • Fill the tank only in well-ventilated areas;
  • Clean the fuel filters from time to time.


High-quality fuel (not lower than A92), mixing fuel with fuel and lubricants and following the basic rules when refueling are the three main factors that affect the quality of the generator and its service life.

If your generator is running poorly, shutting down spontaneously, producing weak power, not starting the first time, or not starting at low temperatures, then the cause may not be a technical problem, but poor-quality fuel. It is worth thinking about changing the fuel, for more efficient use of this technique.

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