How long does the generator run. Choosing a generator for a summer residence: between a gas generator and a diesel engine

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

All questions regarding the selection, installation, operation of low-power power plants are answered by Energomodul specialists.

Is a manual or electric starter preferred for a 6kW small power plant?

It is problematic for a sports unprepared person to start a 6 kW power plant using a manual starter (rope). We recommend buying power plants equipped with an electric starter (ignition key) for a power of more than 5 kW.

I have a small 220V welding machine that runs on a regular outlet, which gasoline generator should I choose for it?

A household socket has the following characteristics: 16A, 250V - this is 4 kW. But we must remember that the welding machine has a starting current, so it is better to purchase a gas generator with a power reserve, we recommend 5-6 kW.

How long can my gasoline generator run without stopping?

Low-power (up to 15 kW) gasoline and diesel generators operate at 3000 rpm and not designed for permanent work. All low-power power plants are divided into three groups:

  • Group I - household portable power plants, the annual operating time should not exceed 250 hours per year;
  • Group II - semi-professional power plants, annual operating time should not exceed 500 hours per year;
  • Group III - professional power plants, annual operating time of more than 1000 hours per year is possible.

To clarify which group your gasoline generator falls into, you need to contact the seller.

Can a gasoline generator run outdoors? I have seen such installations in operation many times in parks near shops and stalls.

The gas generator can work outdoors in good weather and even in the rain, as the electrical part has a degree of protection of the shell IP23.
The first digit 2 is protection against foreign objects having a diameter >12.5 mm.
The second number 3 is protection against liquid penetration (protection against rain when water flows vertically or at an angle up to 60° to the vertical).
Still, in heavy rain, you should not leave the gas generator. Remember that you are dealing with electricity. And most importantly, the power plant must be grounded before starting.

I purchased a 4 kW gas generator in a large store on the Moscow Ring Road. I need to mount it in the country and install an autorun system on it in case of power failure. The store refused to help me. Advise what to do?

If your gasoline generator is equipped with an electric starter (started by turning the key, from battery), then autostart can be set on it, but if the generator is started by a manual starter, then autorun cannot be set. In any case, the specialists of our company will help to install your gas generator in the country.

I want to buy gasoline power plant at 10 kW, but they are embarrassed by the small fuel tanks installed on them, for only 5-6 hours of continuous operation. Can I put an extra container of fuel nearby?

Absolutely not! The installation of additional containers for flammable liquids with a flash point below 61 degrees Celsius, the so-called flammable liquids, is prohibited. You can recommend installing a diesel power plant, and already put a fuel tank up to 5000 liters to it.

In the cottage I installed a gasoline power plant with a capacity of 8 kW, but I rarely use it, once every 3-4 months. And when it is required - I can not run it, because. the battery runs out, you have to pull the manual starter, and this is very difficult. Advise what to do?

To prevent battery discharge (battery), we can set automatic Charger, it will keep the battery charge constant.

What difficulties can arise when installing a low-power power plant? Will I be able to mount the gas generator myself, in a specially built room?

There are no difficulties, it is necessary to create three systems - electrical, exhaust and ventilation. You can if you are a welder, ventilator and electrician.

I need a low power 6 kW power plant. I can not decide, advise on the choice: buy a gasoline or diesel power plant? What is the difference?

Each type of power plant has its pros and cons, everyone chooses a gasoline or diesel engine according to their requirements, we can only compare, and you make a decision. So:

gasoline generators compared to diesel generators: cheaper in cost, lighter in weight, less noisy, easier to start from a manual starter, work well with negative temperatures, but they have a higher fuel consumption, fuel is more expensive, engines have a smaller engine life* by 2-3 times.

* - engine life, the operating time of any machine with an internal combustion engine or the internal combustion engine itself to the limit state at which their further operation is generally impossible or is associated with an unacceptable decrease in efficiency and violations of safety requirements.

Official website of the magazines "Tools", "GardenTools" and "Everything for construction and repair" of the "Consumer" series
The life of a modern person is unthinkable without all kinds of equipment powered by electricity. In a city, power supply is usually duplicated many times: if one section of the network fails or is turned off for repairs, others take over the load. Cases of "blackouts", i.e., power outages, are extremely rare in the city, each time they are perceived as an emergency and are eliminated as quickly as possible. It is quite another matter in countryside. The current can be turned off at the most inopportune time for planned network repairs, in case of an accident, and even sometimes in the event of a normal thunderstorm. And when it will turn on, it is impossible to predict. There is no spare power line outside the city, so the villager will have to wait. There is a way out - if a centralized reservation of the electrical network is not possible outside the city, then this issue can and should be taken care of on your own.

If you do not consider expensive and exotic technical solutions like solar panels and windmills, to create a backup power supply system for a country house, you will need a mini-power plant, or, more simply, a generator with an internal combustion engine.

Types of generators

Now on the market there are many models of electric generators with a capacity from one (or less) to several tens of kilowatts. There are also models of much greater power, but this is clearly not for private use. With such a spread in power, it is not surprising that these devices look different. The main components of any electric generator are the engine and the alternator, that is, a device that generates current. External and consumer differences of different models - housings, start-up and protection devices. Depending on the requirements, you can find several different versions of different nodes. Let's consider them taking into account the main criterion by which the model is selected - electric power.

But first, let's make a little clarification. For all generators in the documentation, you can find several numbers characterizing the power. The consumer is usually interested in the rated power - the one that the generator can deliver to the network for a long time. However, in a short-term mode (several seconds), the generator is able to deliver somewhat more power without much damage to itself. However, most often the first thing the buyer pays attention to when he comes to the store is the power value of the engine itself, indicated in hp. p.s.: this is a big sticker on it or on the body. The figure is printed large, looks solid, and it is possible that the maximum engine power is indicated. A simple marketing ploy: "the more the better." Besides, everything is correct. The motor, most likely, has just such power. But this figure has nothing to do with the rated power delivered “to the outlet”. In this case, in order to approximately determine the output power of the generator itself from the sticker at a glance, this figure must be divided in half. Then the conversion factor will be taken into account (1 kW \u003d 1.36 hp), and the permissible rated power, which is 10–20% lower than the maximum, and the efficiency of the generator itself, and one more “nuance” that is found in many manufacturers engines (more on that later). In order not to be confused, in the future, under the term “power”, we will mean the rated electric power of the generator itself, and it is in kilowatts, even if we are talking about the engines used. Why this is so and what nuances should be taken into account when selecting the required power of the station will also be said later.

Most often, the alternator, both in the documentation and in common parlance, is called a generator, especially since guessing by the meaning, we are talking about the entire station or the “generator node of the generator”, there will be no problems. We will use both names.

Engine types

Two-stroke motors equip the smallest models with a power of about 1 kW. You should not expect special "feats" from such gas generators. The resource of a two-stroke engine is relatively small; a mixture of gasoline and oil is used as fuel. Their main advantages are small weight, size and price. Currently, the number of such models on the market is gradually decreasing.

Four-stroke carbureted gasoline engines are the most popular. They are equipped with generators with a power of 1–6 kW, sometimes up to 10 kW. This power is enough to provide energy to some extent for a country house, if necessary, you can work with various power tools. Their cost is not too high, the resource is quite large.

Some manufacturers produce engines similar to gasoline, but running on natural gas(liquefied or trunk). On the one hand, it is convenient: gas is cheaper than gasoline, engine life is longer, exhaust gases are much less harmful. But the disadvantages are also obvious: there are relatively few gas filling stations, cylinders are heavier and more inconvenient than fuel canisters, and when working on main gas, autonomy is completely lost, and the “vital activity” of the generator depends on the presence of gas “in the pipe”. Some of these models can run on both gas and gasoline without reconfiguration, some are designed only for gas. It is worth remembering that gas in cylinders and main gas is, in fact, different types fuel, and in order to switch from one to another, a slight alteration of the supply system will be required.

Diesel engines are put on generators with a power range of 5 kW and “to infinity”. The main advantage is durability: a diesel engine has a resource several times higher than a gasoline engine. But the cost of manufacturing a diesel engine is much higher than a gasoline one, and they themselves are heavier, which is especially noticeable on small engines. If the stations are used to provide energy to large objects or several powerful consumers at the same time, and in a long-term mode, the issue of saving when buying fades into the background. The high initial price is offset by lower fuel consumption and cost. Almost all generators with a power of over 10 kW are diesel, the use of gasoline engines for them is not economically justified.

Since we are talking about durability and thermal conditions, it is worth mentioning the cooling of the engine, because the resource of the entire station as a whole mainly depends on the conditions of its operation. Liquid systems with a cooling radiator are used at many stations with a power of over 10 kW. The considerations here are the same: powerful stations are bought for long-term continuous operation, they require a lot of fuel, which means that the question of efficient heat removal arises. On small heat generators, not so much heat is released to take it away, and the air flow is enough.

The situation with engine oil is approximately the same: in two-stroke engines there is no independent lubrication system, in small four-stroke engines, oil is simply poured into the engine. A complete pressurized lubrication system, with an oil filter and sometimes a separate oil cooler, appears on stations with a power above 6–10 kW.

Generator in a generator

The second most important unit of the gas generator is the generator itself (alternator). It can be asynchronous or synchronous. Actually, this is an electric motor of the appropriate type, working “in reverse”: the shaft is forcibly rotated, and an alternating current is obtained at the output. Structurally, an asynchronous generator is simple, but poorly adapted to work with variable loads, electric motors, and even more so welding machines, and installation on it additional systems adjusting the parameters greatly complicates the design and still does not help completely. However, this does not mean that the "asynchronous" is worse. The higher the engine power, the calmer the asynchronous generator will “digest” the starting currents of electrical equipment, and not all generators are bought to work specifically with the tool. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, however most of modern generators in the range of 1–6 kW - with a synchronous alternator, with windings on the rotor (and stator, of course). They are more adapted to variable and short-term high loads. To adjust the current parameters, a fairly simple automatic control unit (AVR) is most often used. Typically, a synchronous generator is equipped with brushes, although recently brushless models have become more common. There are other ways to adjust the output voltage, such as compound.

To maintain stable output current parameters for such generators, the shaft speed must be fixed. Its nominal value is most often 3000 rpm, less often, for some diesel generators, - 1500 rpm. In this case, the “output” will be an alternating current frequency of 50 Hz. Since the motor speed depends on the load, a small variation is allowed: little load - the motor speed is slightly higher, a lot - the speed and frequency of the current decrease. It is only important that the frequency does not go beyond the permissible range in the entire load range.

Another type is an inverter gas generator, or rather, a generator with an inverter output voltage generation circuit. Regardless of the type of alternator, the resulting alternating current is converted to direct current, stabilized, and then converted back to alternating current. The deviations of the parameters of the output current from the "inverter" are 1–2.5%, so they can be used to power complex electronic equipment. For a traditional generator, this figure is in the range of 3-5%. The frequency of the resulting current in inverters does not depend on the speed of the shaft. It is possible to use such stations in economical mode: engine speed is regulated depending on the load. At small stations (mostly "suitcases") there is often a choice of two modes: either maximum power or "economy" mode. Since automatic throttle position adjustment is a relatively long process, it is undesirable to use the economy mode for equipment with high starting currents. It is intended for cases where the load is more or less stable.

The inverter station is much more compact and lighter (for small models - about a third). "Minus" is only one. The cost of electronic components for it is still very high. If we compare different types generators, it turns out that stations with a capacity of about 1–2 kW are in approximately the same price range, and with a further increase in power, the price of inverter technology increases sharply. Most often, inverters are used either on low-power generators, or at large stations, where the price is not so important. In the middle, most popular range, synchronous alternators with AVR are most often used.

In addition, generators can be single or three-phase. The former are designed to work with the usual "two-pin" socket, the latter can be used both for conventional equipment and for powering the corresponding three-phase power equipment. But even here there are nuances. If you connect powerful single-phase equipment to a three-phase generator, it is necessary to distribute consumers as evenly as possible between the phases (three stator windings to which the corresponding wires are connected), otherwise a phenomenon called phase imbalance occurs. Without an overload, no more than a third of its full power can be removed from one phase of a three-phase synchronous generator, for asynchronous this figure is 70–80%. The constant operation of one or two phases in high load mode will lead to overheating of the corresponding windings and quickly disable the station. Three-phase models share a power range of "5 kW and above" with single-phase models. For smaller values, they do not make sense.

And another current source often found in stations is the 12 V output. It can be found on models of any power. A useful option, but it serves the sole purpose of recharging car batteries. Other equipment must not be directly connected to the generator.

Launch systems

At first glance, everything is simple here. Starting can be manual, with a traction cable or electric. Manual starter - for light models, electric start - for heavier ones. In the 2–10 kW range, starting with both of these methods is often possible. The higher the power, the more likely it is to meet an electric starter on the model, and vice versa. After 10 kW, manual start becomes almost impossible - there will not be enough strength.

However, in addition to starting, which requires the presence of an operator, there are also autonomous generators that can turn on independently when the regular power supply is turned off. They are a little more complicated: after all, in order to start a cold engine, you need to close the air damper, and then open it as it warms up. If the owner is not around, a device is required automatic control damper. Of course, an electric starter is required - there is no one to pull the cord. In addition, you need a “smart” electronic autorun unit that takes control of turning it on and off. Such blocks can be used at stations with a power above 5 kW. Some station models are equipped with remote start devices: you have to turn them on manually, but you don’t need to approach the generator: a wired or wireless remote control is used.

Varieties of execution of cases

By appearance All generators can be divided into three main types.

Portable. They are produced in a closed case, most often with a handle. Weight 10–35 kg. They look like a “cube” or an oblong “suitcase”, usually they are called that in everyday life. Compact, comfortable, attractive design. "Cubes" with a power of about 1 kW are the most budget solution. They can be with a two-stroke or four-stroke engine, conventional or inverter alternator. "Suitcases" more or less massively appeared just a couple of years ago. These are four-stroke inverter models.

In a plastic noise-proof case, with a power of up to 2–2.5 kW, they are also quite suitable for carrying alone. Start-up and control are almost always manual, although it is this class of mini-power plants that is now, perhaps, developing most intensively. In particular, models with electric start have now appeared, as well as varieties with ignition control and a fuel valve using a single switch.

Frame. Mounted inside a metal, usually tubular frame. Power 1–6 kW, weight 20–100 kg. The most versatile, inexpensive and quite simple technically. They have to be transported by weight together (at least). Often, a pair of wheels, one or two folding handles can be attached to the frame and, if necessary, roll the generator like a wheelbarrow or cart (in front of you or behind you). The frame also includes many models with a power of up to 10 kW, weighing up to 200 kg, stationary or having four (usually) wheels for transportation. The wheel kit is sometimes supplied with the generator, sometimes offered as an option.

Generator sets in a closed casing. The casing protects the generator from dust and surroundings from noise. Designed for stationary work, wheels are usually not provided. Almost all diesel stations are manufactured in this design (diesel itself is noisier) and some gasoline ones. Power - from 5 kW, weight - from several hundred kilograms. Much of the weight

And the cost falls precisely on the casing and the massive base, which reduces the transmitted vibration. These stations massively use complex electronic systems control, monitoring and signaling, as well as "on-board computers" with the indication of the main parameters and the output of error codes. The price of models with increasing power can increase almost “to infinity”. Often they are called DGU - diesel generator sets. The upper power limit for DGUs practically does not exist, it’s just that the higher it is, the narrower the scope: the technique is becoming more and more “piece”.

Other elements

First of all, these include protection systems: automatic fuses, which, in the event of a trip, can be manually switched on again. Sometimes there is also a fully automatic protection against overload or short circuit. It is equally important to monitor the oil level during operation. There is almost always a sensor that turns off the engine when it decreases (except, of course, for two-stroke engines). It can be equipped with indicators of low oil level and overload.

Sockets. Usually one or two, less often three single-phase, sometimes they can be designed for different capacities of connected consumers, i.e. “simple” and “power”. If the generator is three-phase, an appropriate socket is added to them, and two screw terminals or a special socket are provided for the 12 V output. Then the corresponding wire is attached to the station. The 12V output uses a separate fuse.

Voltmeter. At powerful stations and relatively inexpensive generators, voltmeters are now almost always present. It is noteworthy that some eminent manufacturers do not fundamentally install voltmeters on light models, as if saying: “What is there to see? Everything will be all right!” You can’t blame them for the desire to save money: the detail, by and large, is cheap.

Hour meter. Useful for monitoring the timeliness of maintenance. May not be available on light and household models.

Fuel tank with tap. Often equipped with a fuel gauge. There is a subtlety here. Many engines entering the assembly of generators can initially be equipped with a small tank. Often on frame models, manufacturers put tanks of increased volume.

Generator selection

Suppose we are faced with the task of backup power supply of a country house, plot, or even several. The first thing to think about is which consumers will be connected when the main power fails. Practice shows that energy consumption can be significantly reduced by turning off at least unnecessary illumination and not using powerful equipment. But if there is a lot of equipment, the electricity is cut off often, for a long time, and you don’t want to deny yourself anything, you will have to make a full-fledged backup system and take a more powerful generator. The main parameter that you need to know is the power of simultaneously connected consumers and their features.

Just summing up the nameplate power is not enough. This can only be done if all the equipment belongs to an active load (heaters, electric lamps). If the load is reactive (coil or capacitor), i.e. equipment with electric motors or a welding machine is connected, it is necessary to enter the correction factor (cos φ), which is indicated in the documentation for the equipment. But that's not all. When turned on, the electric motor consumes several times more power than during steady state operation. Therefore, for a simple technique

With electric motors, the required generator power must be tripled. The situation is even worse with refrigerators and submersible pumps: at the time of starting, their engines are immediately under load. So for the normal operation of the pump, the instantaneous value of the power consumption for several seconds can exceed the nominal value by an order of magnitude. Of course, the generator has a “margin of safety”, but frequent overload, if it does not cause the protection to trip, will clearly affect the durability.

By the way, another confusion is connected with this when determining the power of generators. Apparent power, measured in kVA, is algebraic sum active and reactive, and in kW it is indicated

Only the active component. Multiplying the value "in kVA" by cos φ, we get the value "in kW". For three-phase generators, cos φ is usually taken equal to 0.8 (for single-phase generators - one), although other values ​​\u200b\u200bit can be found in the documentation. Manufacturers don’t have any unified description scheme here, everyone writes as they want: some indicate all three of these parameters, others indicate two power values, others indicate only the full value and the value of cos φ (again, a simple marketing ploy: it is always higher, because e. looks better).

The allowed time of continuous operation depends on the load on the generator. The greater the load, the less you can work without a break. This data is usually found somewhere in the depths of the instruction. But taking a generator “with a large margin to make life easier for the motor” also does not make much sense. And it's not just the increasing price, weight and dimensions. What matters is that for optimal performance generator must be loaded. Further, having decided on the power, it is necessary to imagine in what conditions the station will operate. If interruptions are rare, a gasoline unit is preferable, and if constant long-term operation is important during long outages of the main power supply (or its complete absence), it makes sense to look at a diesel engine.

Little tricks

Let's get back to our motors. At the “frame” station, as mentioned earlier, we can often see a sticker with some numbers on the motor housing. And in the vast majority of cases, these numbers mean "some" power and, most likely, "some" maximum. In horsepower, it's more solid. This has already been mentioned, and a simple way to estimate the value of the output electrical power at a glance was also mentioned: just divide this figure in half.

The "nuance" is that the power of this motor has nothing to do with operating conditions. The motor of a conventional generator is set to about 3000 rpm (under rated load). The power of a single motor, some leading manufacturers have recently indicated at a speed of 3600 rpm (they agreed so). But other manufacturers may indicate the same power at any other speed (from 4000 to 6000 rpm). It does not matter that the engines do not work in such modes - but the figure is large and beautiful.

By the way, this “nuance” when calculating power is used in many areas, and on cars, in particular, too. There are some tricks when determining the nominal and maximum power of the motor. And here different manufacturers have different calculation methods. We will not dwell on them. After all, in a generator, we should be more interested in the output of electrical power, and not the sticker on the motor.

Single phase or three phase.

"Three is more than one" - every preschooler knows this. Only adulthood sometimes makes its own adjustments. If we have a single-phase synchronous generator with a power of, say, 6 kW, we can connect single-phase equipment with a power of up to 6 kW to it. And if we take exactly the same, but three-phase (in this range, many manufacturers produce both modifications), we can also connect up to 6 kW to it. But only

Separately: in each of the single-phase sockets - no more than 2 kW. Therefore, the scope of three-phase generators is either the creation of a small but full-fledged branched network, or work with three-phase equipment. But they will not be able to “pull” a single-phase welding machine or a particularly powerful tool. By the way, damage as a result of such an overload is not a warranty case.

Time of continuous work.

Another value, which, by and large, does not mean anything. In order for the engine to work properly for a long time, it must be given breaks for cooling. The vast majority of generator manufacturers recommend generating no more than a tank at a time. And for how long this tank will work out - depends

From its volume, the load on the generator (“taken” electric power), engine settings, temperature and even air pressure. For stations designed for continuous operation (primarily generators with liquid-cooled motors), there may be their own recommendations: in continuous mode, with low output power - one number of hours, at full load, in standby mode - less.

What happens if the gas generator is operated longer than allowed by the instructions?

Most likely, it’s okay: it won’t fall apart instantly, and it won’t turn into a pumpkin either. Theoretically, overheating is possible (depending on the air temperature and the cleanliness of the cooling fins), a decrease in the resource and a denial of the guarantee (if the user admits that the operating time was maliciously exceeded). In general, it is advisable to follow the rule: “If you have a gas generator, turn it off, let the generator rest,” but life makes adjustments here too: if there is no electricity, but it is needed, hardly anyone will follow the recommendations.

In order for the equipment to work throughout the entire period of operation, it is important to carry out maintenance on time and not exceed permissible load. By the way, it is also impossible to reduce it: prolonged idling leads to the fact that the motor simply cannot reach the calculated thermal regime and operates “in a cold state”. Although this is less dangerous than overloading, it obviously will not add a resource. It is optimal if long work the generator gives from 25 to 80% of the rated power (summary data, this range differs for different manufacturers).

Some manufacturers, as an experiment, test generators on a continuous basis, without interruptions. Judging by the reports, nothing terrible is happening to the engines: at least the declared resource is being worked out, and the engines after that remain operational.

Welding work.

For conventional gasoline generators of sufficiently high power, it is possible. On technology low power it will not be possible to work properly: the engine will “choke”, and the electrode will “stick”. But, from the point of view of service specialists, such loads for a conventional household gas generator are good way introduce the generator to these very specialists. In general, this question is at the discretion of the user: if you really want and need it, then you can, but the probability of a breakdown increases greatly. For constant work with welding, it is more advisable to purchase a welding gas generator.

"Quality" of current.

For power engineering, in principle, a synchronous alternator (or asynchronous high power) is preferable. If electronics are supposed to be powered, it is advisable to use an inverter gas generator. However, it is expensive, especially at high power, and low power is unsuitable for serious work with other equipment. There is an easy way out here as well. Electronics do not need a lot of power. In order not to worry about its safety, you can use a DC output designed to recharge 12 V batteries. It is possible to connect an inverter to such a battery (not an alternator, but an electronic unit), which converts direct 12 V back into alternating current, but of much better quality . An inverter converter of small power, sufficient to power consumer electronics, is inexpensive. In an emergency, you can use a car battery, trying not to discharge it deeply.

Typical solutions when using power generators

If a mini-power plant is purchased to work for several hours a day, and even then occasionally, and the connected equipment is the same banal “TV and a light bulb”, a “cube” or “suitcase” with an electric power of about 1 kW will be enough. However, its power is not necessarily enough even to connect a refrigerator. If, in the absence of a regular power supply, the owner finds a “suitcase”, especially in summer, he will probably try to start the refrigerator at his own peril and risk, without listening to any advice. It will turn out or not - it is impossible to say for sure, but the overload for several seconds (at startup) will certainly exceed the allowable power of the generator. All that can be advised in such a situation is to conduct each launch under personal supervision. If the protection works at startup or the refrigerator buzzes “somehow wrong”, then it didn’t work out, the experiment must be stopped, and it’s time to transfer the products to the underground or lower them in a bucket into the well. But even if the refrigerator starts up normally, you should not calm down. After turning it off, it is better to turn off the generator. In the end, if you do not open the door, an acceptable temperature will be maintained for 5-10 hours. It can be tolerated, especially if "blackouts" are rare in the area.

For guaranteed operation of the refrigerator, the power should be slightly higher, at least 1.5–2.0 kW. This is either a “suitcase” in a noise-proof casing, or a small frame gas generator. They take up little space, the "suitcase" can be stored directly in the room by closing the fuel tank and the valve on the tank cap. Even one person, not even very strong, is capable of taking such equipment out into the street. Such a solution does not require any serious additional costs. With such power, you can already work with a light power tool.

Frame gas generators are the most versatile. Their standard power of 2.0–6.0 kW is enough for almost all types of work, construction and energy supply at home. The easiest way, of course, is to stretch an ordinary extension cord from them - they do it on the road and at a construction site. If the issue is precisely the supply of electricity at home, it can be approached more seriously.

There are many options. Simple ones are associated with the alteration of electrical wiring. It is possible to stretch an “emergency” electrical network in the house and power the necessary devices from it. Not very convenient, but budget, besides, you can get by simple generator small power. More complex decisions are related to the reworking of the main network. Yes, and for the generator, there may already be a reason to find a place on the street or in non-residential premises with good ventilation.

The easiest option here is to install in a few minutes. The easiest option here is to install

A knife switch or a block of power switches right in the house (after the electric meter, of course). If the electricity goes out, the gas generator is started and the housing is switched to backup power. The main thing is not to forget two things: firstly, you need to make sure that the generator in no way "could" connect to the fixed network. Its power is clearly not enough for everyone else, overload and shutdown will occur (or breakdown if the protection does not work), and if the main light suddenly turns on in this situation, the farewell fireworks of the generator and all other equipment are not ruled out. And secondly, in order not to miss the moment of turning on the main power supply, you need a signaling device. The easiest way is to put a separate light bulb between the meter and the power switch. If a three-phase network approaches the house, the following option is possible: the most important low-power consumers are “hung” on one of the phases, and it becomes a backup. Of course, you still have to switch manually. However, for such cases, you can use a three-phase station. If you need work without human intervention, you will need to include an automatic control unit in the system and use a stationary generator capable of working with this unit. The unit is installed in a regular electrical network.

In the event of a power failure, it disconnects the home network “from the wires” and gives the command to start the generator. After a successful launch, a regular (or backup) home network is automatically connected to the gas generator. When electricity

It will appear again, the automation will transfer the network to normal mode and turn off the generator in a few minutes. Such blocks can be used at stations with a power above 5 kW. Usually they are coordinated with specific models and are available as an option: the average issue price is from a quarter to almost half the cost of the entire station. But power outages are minimal, at least as long as there is fuel in the tank. There are also modifications of stations on which the autorun block is already installed. Powerful stations in a noise-proof casing are usually equipped with everything necessary individually based on the needs of the customer.

Station launch

Mobile devices are usually stored in a house or barn and taken outside before launching. Although generators can operate in any weather, it is advisable to provide at least a canopy in advance from rain and direct sun rays. Before turning on, you need to ground the device; for this, a stud with a nut is provided on it. The easiest way is to use a pointed Tili L-shaped metal pin (preferably copper or brass), hammered into the ground, and copper wire for connecting a pin and a stud. It is not included in the set of stations, but it is quite simple to make it from improvised materials.

Before starting work and after its completion, the generator must be allowed to idle for several minutes. This will save the life of the engine.

AT winter time when operating outdoors or in an unheated room, it is impossible to “drive” the unit without load for a long time, since in this case the engine will not be able to warm up to the standard thermal regime. It is allowed to use a ballast load (for example, a heater), and it is recommended to load a gasoline engine more than a diesel one. The minimum load values ​​are 10% of the rated power for diesel and 30–40% for gasoline. In winter, periodic inspection and cleaning of the air filter housing from ice is required, as well as disconnecting the crankcase ventilation tube from the air filter housing. Stationary models are mounted in a separate small room, equipped with air intake and exhaust gas emission systems to the street.


Before each start-up, a general inspection of the unit for leaks of fuel and oil and check the oil level should be carried out. If topping up is necessary, use the same brand of oil that was filled earlier. Although the engines in generators are almost always equipped with an automatic shutdown system if the oil level drops below a safe level, periodic monitoring is required to avoid unexpected generator shutdown. Sometimes there are sensors that "check" the presence of oil only at the time of start. If the level drops during operation, such generators will not stall.

No manufacturer recognizes engine failure due to lack of oil as a warranty case. “Dry” work leaves characteristic marks on the rubbing surfaces, and it will not work to deceive the service center by adding oil after a breakdown.

The frequency of other types of maintenance depends on the characteristics and frequency of operation of the generator. Usually, after the first 5–10 hours of operation, it is necessary to change the oil, and further maintenance is carried out according to the formula: “After so many hours of operation or after so many months, whichever comes first.” Different manufacturers have slightly different recommendations. Before carrying out work, in order to avoid accidental start-up, remove the cap from the spark plug or the terminal from the battery. The resource of the engine depends primarily on three main components: air quality, oil and fuel. From time to time it is necessary to remove and clean the air filter (when working in dusty conditions, more often than recommended by the instructions). If the filter is foam rubber, it is enough to blow it out; if the paper filter is very dirty, it needs to be replaced, although it can also be blown several times. The next frequently required operation is an oil change. Since oil filters are provided only in powerful models, the engine life also depends on the condition of the oil. Replacement must be done on a warm engine, so more merges. For air-cooled technology, an appropriate oil is recommended, it is not that expensive, one replacement for a generator with a power of 2 to 10 kW requires from 0.6 to 1.5 liters, so there is not much point in saving. As for fuel, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the engine. Any fuel deteriorates during long-term storage, it is better not to use “old stocks”. A modern gasoline engine requires gasoline with an octane rating of 92 to power it. Different manufacturers have their own concept of “fresh gasoline”, the maximum recommended shelf life is no more than a month. More can be provided if special stabilizer additives are used. Two-stroke engines require adding a small amount of special "two-stroke" oil to gasoline. The shelf life of such a mixture is no more than a few weeks, some manufacturers recommend not using a mixture even a week old. Diesel fuel is "summer" and "winter", sold

At gas stations depending on the season. "Summer" diesel fuel in winter will simply freeze before reaching the engine.

Other less common but necessary operations include checking, cleaning, adjusting spark plug gap if necessary, cleaning or replacing fuel filter (if equipped), cleaning fuel tank, checking and replacing fuel hoses if necessary, and adjusting valve clearances. . And, of course, the installation must be kept clean, periodically cleaning it from dust and dirt.

For powerful generators, there are other operations depending on their design, such as changing the oil filter, checking, topping up and replacing antifreeze, fastening threaded connections, tightening belts, etc. Full list can be found in the instruction manual or service book.

How long will the generator run without refueling?- many consumers are interested in such a question before buying. This is enough important point, after all, in order to add fuel, it is necessary to turn off the unit and wait for some time until the equipment cools down, because refueling is strictly prohibited when the engine is warm.

How to calculate how long one refueling will last

To find out how many hours the device is able to work, you need to know the amount of fuel that is consumed per hour and the dimensions of the fuel tank. If you divide the volume of the tank by the amount of gasoline or diesel that goes in an hour, you get exact time installation work. You may ask where to get these measurements. Everything is quite simple, because manufacturers enter these values ​​​​in the installation documents.

They usually have the following fuel costs:

  1. Equipment with a capacity of up to three kilowatts burns approximately 0.7-1.0 liters of fuel per hour.
  2. More powerful units, respectively, consume from 2 to 2.7 liters of fuel.

Let's give an example so that everyone understands how to calculate the construction time at one gas station. Let's take as an example where the fuel volume is 25 liters, and the fuel consumption per hour is approximately 2.5 liters. It turns out that at one gas station, you can use it for a full 10 hours.

It is worth saying that these are only preliminary calculations, because fuel consumption and operating time depend on many factors, such as fuel quality, ambient temperature, etc. weather and, of course, the level of utilization of the device by consumers.

The more equipment will be connected to the installation, the greater the fuel consumption. The same applies to ambient temperature. If there are severe frosts outside, then the amount of gasoline or diesel consumed will be 10-15% more.

So it's better to check this characteristic on own experience after the successful acquisition of the generator, since it can please its owner with longer work at one gas station than calculations have shown, or vice versa, spend all the fuel for more a short time. This technique and its work is always unpredictable, even in this matter.

In order for the calculations to be at least approximately justified, the equipment must be kept in a warm room, where there is excellent ventilation, and it will not overheat. Also, do not load the design to the maximum. There should always be 15–20% of power left in reserve.

Let's say you decide to buy a gasoline electric generator for your dacha. And everything seems to be fine - both the price suits, and the power, but ... all the same, doubts arise regarding the purchase. And their main reason is a small motor resource, which usually does not exceed the ridiculous (from the point of view of a motorist) 500-600 hours for two-stroke engines and 3000-4000 thousand for four-stroke ones. What to do? First of all think...

In order to estimate the approximate service life of the purchased generator, you must first determine what you are buying it for. Here, after all, this is the case - depending on what kind of situation you have in your country house with power supply. It may be very bad - and then the generator may be required to work for several hours every day ... or it may be that long power outages occur no more than once a week and last no more than an hour.

So let's figure out about 500 hours of service life - is it a lot or a little?

Let's start with the worst option - the electricity goes out often and your gas generator will have to work 3-4 hours a day. In this case, its motor resource will be enough for 120-150 days. If we proceed from the fact that the summer season lasts about 4 months in central Russia (from mid-May to mid-September), then it turns out that the generator will last only one season.


But! Firstly, it must be taken into account that we are not staying at the dacha without getting out for 4 months, but we are limited to holidays and weekends - this will be a total of 50 days. Of which, almost half will be in June-July, when the nights are short and the need for electricity is minimal. But even if we assume that the electricity in your suburban area will be cut down strictly in the evenings, when you want to turn on the TV, then all the same, the possible service life of the generator increases to three seasons.

And if we assume that the generator will have to be run once a week, then even up to 7-8 years. This term is already more solid ... but by no means final.

Firstly- the service life of the generator will be extended (and significantly - up to 50%) if every 100 hours (that is, at the end of the summer season) its maintenance is carried out: oil change, Supplies and filters.

Secondly- the wear of the generator during this period may not be fatal at all. For example, the piston rings in the engine itself may wear out, the brushes in the electric generator may go bald, they may leak rubber seals and fuel lines. It's annoying, but not fatal. service center all these parts can be replaced in a day, after which the generator can be operated further.

True, you need to keep in mind one more thing ... You don’t have to be very happy if the summer season is so successful that there is no need to start the generator at all. This is also not very good - after all, gas generators are designed for serious operation, and with prolonged downtime, some components may lose their qualities.

So a gasoline generator needs to be started from time to time (at least once a month) and connected to it with a load of 75-80% of the maximum power. At least half an hour or an hour a month, a gasoline generator needs to work ... and it will not hurt you to cut the grass with an electric lawn mower.

In general - long (up to 10-12) years of life for your gas generator.

To solve this problem, it is first necessary to determine the total installed capacity electrical appliances that can be simultaneously connected to the power plant:

  • active (with a predominance of active load: electric stoves, lighting, electric heaters),
  • inductive (with a predominance of inductive load, especially at the moment of switching on: various kinds of electric motors, drills, saws, pumps, compressors, refrigerators, electric motors, laser printers).

If you have chosen a power plant with synchronous generators, then its power is calculated from the following ratios: for active ones, you need to sum up the power of all simultaneously connected devices, add about 15-20 percent power margin, and you will get the necessary generator power.

Inductive-type electrical engineering needs more power at the time of start-up, so their total power must be increased by 2.5-3 times to ensure the station's operability.

Practical experience in the use of power plants suggests that for lighting a country house (2-3 light bulbs, a refrigerator, a TV), a power of 2 kilowatts is enough. Owner country cottage, who is constantly worried about power outages, it is necessary to purchase a power plant with a capacity of 10 to 30 kilowatts. Builders using a drill, grinder and concrete mixer will have enough power up to 6 kilowatts.


Particular attention must be paid to the number of phases in the power plant. SINGLE-PHASE power plants for 220 V are used when using single-phase electrical wiring and electrical appliances. THREE-PHASE power plants for 380 V are used both for industrial purposes and for cottages, with a three-phase network wiring. In addition, it should be borne in mind that between zero and phase you will remove 220 volts, and between two phases - 380 V. When using three-phase power plants, it is necessary to observe the condition of approximate equality of the power of consumers located on different phases. For normal operation of the generator, the difference in electrical power in different phases should not exceed 20 - 25%.

  • Overloading of the genset is not allowed.
  • The operation mode of the gas generator is considered normal if the load power is 20-80% of the nominal. Do not let the engine run for long periods of time at low load or at idle.
  • The normal period of operation of the gas generator is the time of operation from two full regular fuel tanks, after which it is worth giving the station a rest.
  • When using three-phase generators, it is necessary to remember the correct (uniform) distribution of the load over the phases (the phase imbalance should be no more than 25% relative to each other).


Any electric motor at the time of switching on consumes several times more energy than in normal mode. To avoid getting into technical details, let's use an analogy; Imagine a heavy cart standing on a horizontal surface. It takes much more effort to move it from its place than to maintain its speed in the future. The starting overload in time does not exceed fractions of a second, so the main thing is that the power plant can withstand it without shutting down, and even more so without failing. By the way, from the point of view of starting currents, one of the most "terrible" devices is a submersible pump, in which at the time of start the consumption can jump 7-9 times. This is understandable: unlike, say, a drill, the pump does not idle - it immediately has to start pumping water.


An external inspection of the generator and such control operations as checking the level of oil, coolant, fuel must be carried out at each start, despite the fact that automation can ensure safety in any emergency situations that occur during its operation. If the generator is installed outdoors, it must be thoroughly cleaned periodically, as dust prevents heat dissipation and thus contributes to dangerous heating of the parts of the unit. It is necessary to change the oil in a timely manner.

The frequency of maintenance activities depends on the generator model, the quality of the consumables used, the intensity of the unit, as well as the degree of automation of the generator, and generally ranges from 50 to 100 hours for gasoline generators.

In addition to replacing consumables and filter elements, the reliability of electrical contacts, the tightening of bolted connections, the operability of all protection systems, the level of vibration, etc. are checked.

When the generator has to run very frequently, the need for scheduled maintenance determined by the number of hours. special attention requires a unit that is rarely used. The fact is that the engine "likes>" to work under load. If he "works" a little - for him this is a "stressful" situation, which leads, for example, to a loss of flexibility of the ring around the piston, or to the formation of soot in the working area of ​​​​the engine. Some experts recommend not to "bring" the unit to "stress", and at least once a month for an hour to run the unit at 75% load.


  • Use clean, oil-free motor gasoline (4-stroke engine).
  • Octane number not less than 85 (AI-92, AI-95, AI-98) for engines with overhead valves (on the valve cover of such engines, as a rule, the Latin letters OHV are stamped).
  • Octane number not less than 77 (A-80, AI-92, AI-95, AI-98) for engines with side valves.
  • Use unleaded gasoline. The use of leaded gasoline reduces the life of the engine due to the presence of particulate matter in the combustion products.
  • It is not recommended to fill gasoline to the very top of the gas tank. You should leave some free space above the fuel in order to provide additional volume for its expansion.


The basis of power plants is an engine-generator unit, consisting of a diesel or gasoline engine and an electric generator. Generators are also divided into three main types: diesel generator, gas generator and gas generator.

The most simplified principle of operation of the power plant is as follows: the motor "turns" the fuel into the rotation of its shaft, and the generator with a rotor connected to the engine shaft, according to Faraday's law, converts the revolutions into an alternating electricity. The engine and generator are directly connected to each other and are reinforced through shock absorbers on a steel base. The engine is equipped with systems (starting, speed stabilization, fuel, lubrication, cooling, air supply and exhaust) that ensure reliable operation of the power plant. Starting the engine manually or using an electric starter or autostart, powered by a starter 12-volt battery. The motor-generator set uses synchronous or asynchronous self-excited brushless generators.

Some power plants may also have a control panel and automation devices (or an automation unit), with the help of which the station is controlled, monitored and protected from emergencies.


The engine is rightly considered the "heart" of a diesel generator or gasoline generator. It is its resource that determines the "life" of the power plant: the mean time between failures of a power generator unit is always several times higher than that of a motor. In most cases, the class of the power plant is determined by the engine used, or rather, its motor resource. In particular, a high-quality gasoline engine has an average of 3-5 thousand hours of continuous operation until the first probable failure. Diesel engines, as a rule, have a much longer resource than gasoline engines, their fuel consumption is more economical, and allows for less severe storage conditions, however, a power plant assembled on the basis of a diesel engine is 1.5-2 times more expensive than a similar power plant, but assembled on the basis of a gasoline engine . Therefore, it is rational to make a choice in favor of a power plant assembled on the basis of a diesel engine in the following cases:

  • use of the power plant as the main source of power supply (at least in cases of its long-term use)
  • the use of a homogeneous type of fuel (the presence of units operating on diesel fuel)
  • electrical capacities above 10-12 kVA, where power plants with gasoline engines are practically not used.


This block, in fact, generates electricity. Depending on the type of power generator, the power plant is better able to cope with certain tasks. Single or three phase generators.

Their name follows from the purpose - to feed the appropriate consumers. At the same time, only single-phase loads can be connected to single-phase generators that produce alternating current with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz, while both are connected to three-phase (380/220 V, 50 Hz) (there are corresponding sockets on the dashboard, or terminal blocks).

With single-phase power generators, everything is more or less clear: the main thing is to correctly "calculate" all your consumers, take into account possible problems(e.g. high starting currents) and select a unit with an appropriate actual output power. When connected to three-phase generators of three-phase loads, the situation is similar.

But when connecting single-phase consumers to three-phase generators, a problem arises called "phase imbalance". Without going into technical details, we will form two rules

  1. The power consumption of a single-phase load must not exceed 1/3 of the rated three-phase output power of the unit. In other words, a 9-kilowatt three-phase generator set can power no more than a 3-kilowatt single-phase heater!
  2. If there are several single-phase loads, the difference in their power consumption should not exceed 1/3 of the "phase imbalance" ("phase imbalance" is the same 1/3 from rule 1). By the way, this is an ideal value realized for high-class power plants. For simpler units, this parameter is less.

The power plant can be started in two ways: manually (for which you need to pull the cord or turn the handle) or with an electric starter (of course, if the model has one), that is, by turning the key or pressing the button. In addition, a number of units equipped with an electric starter allow remote start using a remote control connected to the station by a cable.

The presence of an electric starter is necessary condition to turn the power plant into a full-fledged backup power supply system that will automatically function (including turn on or off) without any human intervention.

Average values ​​of the total power consumption of some electrical appliances (W):

Household electrical appliances

power tool

hair dryer


electric stove

electric grinder

Circular Saw

coffee maker

electric planer




Other electricity consumers




water pump

a circular saw


air conditioner

a computer

various electric motors

electric kettle


electric lamps

gas mower

High pressure pump

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