Crowdfunding in Russia. Crowdfunding - what is it, a list of Russian and global crowdfunding platforms

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

(Eng. Crowd - crowd, Funding - financing) - a method of attracting investments for a project.

The most famous progenitor crowdfunding- American. More than 10 million people have supported projects on Kickstarter. The service Indiegogo is also popular in the world. In Russia, there are several analogues: Planet and Boomstarter.

Here is a link to my Boomstarter project: Japan Reality Show Business. In 40 days I was able to collect 202,034 rubles. It wasn't easy. Here are some tips to help you with your campaign.

1) Create value

Your project should be useful to you, your environment and other people. Think about how your product will change our lives in better side? One of the most popular areas of crowdfunding is Technology. The guys create holders for flash drives, desktop air conditioners, keys with a GPS tracker. Absolutely everything that appears in a bright head.

In my case with the Japanese trip, it was more difficult to convey value to others. I had to prove that this is not just a vacation.

2) Make an honest video

The video in the title of your project is one of the decisive factors. Many sponsors of your project will be satisfied with a short video presentation, where you honestly tell what you have in mind.

Here is my video:

3) Set reasonable numbers

Once a brilliant idea pops into your head, you'll want to wager a decent amount to raise. Only now more than 90% of projects do not collect the required amount.

I recommend clearly describing the minimum budget: what you need money for and how much. Let the audience know that if successful, you will continue to raise money and add additional bonuses. For example, in the production of clothing, such a bonus can be a new color or an additional model.

Remember a simple thing: if you do not collect the entire amount, you will receive NOTHING. All money will be returned back to your sponsors on the cards.

4) Choose smart incentives

As an incentive to sponsors, you can give a product that you create with the money raised. Usually production takes 1-5 months after the end of the campaign.

If you have an intangible product, as in my case, you can give symbolic gifts. I sent UniFashion sweatshirts, postcards from Japan. I also gave a video message from the Japanese and the opportunity to participate in my press conference.

Don't stop at banal t-shirts - come up with the most daring things!

5) Don't Expect Miracle Support

When I first started my project, the Boomstarter manager said that he would post an announcement in the company group and suggest media contacts. I relaxed and thought that the money would flow like water. The project is incredibly important! 🙂

They didn't run. The repost did absolutely nothing. 0 rubles. The media was not interested in the zero project. It was necessary to work. Every day I sent messages to newspapers and online publications. Every day I got rejected. This is the reality of crowdfunding.

Get ready for everyone to kick you in the ass

Keep talking - that's the key!

6) Make a Fundraising Plan

But the plan is working! After all, this is mathematics. Divide your amount by the number of days and you get the amount that should be collected daily. In my case, 200,000 rubles / 40 days = 5,000 rubles daily.

In addition to the monetary plan, set the number of successful media partnerships. They wrote in 10 newspapers - 1 published. 0.1 conversion is just awesome!

As it develops, the Internet becomes a tool for all more tasks. Let's put it this way: if earlier it was possible mainly to work or have fun on the Internet, today with the help of the same social resources you can organize some kind of movement, develop an idea or create a real social "boom", whatever it may be expressed.

One of the best examples of how the Internet can become a powerful platform for social organization people is crowdfunding. This is a relatively new movement that originated in the West just a few years ago. At first it was, of course, just an idea, which gradually grew into an entire industry, the volume of which, according to the results of 2014, is estimated at $ 5.1 billion worldwide. This money finances a huge number of interesting projects, start-ups, charity events and more.

Crowdfunding in Russia, of course, is a relatively small share of these funds. However, even in our country, platforms are being created that allow centralized collection of money and directing it to certain needs. About what this movement is, what are its advantages and how you can participate - read this article.

What it is?

Let's start with the definition of the term "crowdfunding". This, as you probably already understood, is a word that comes from the English language, formed by the merger of the other two - crowd (in translation - “crowd”) and funding (“investment”). Thus, in itself, this word means "mass fundraising from a large number of people".

The phenomenon by which we mean crowdfunding is not something that people have come up with for last years. Mankind has long known that by gathering efforts (funds) together, it is possible to realize some more global, large-scale goal. In fact, it has been used for centuries.

And the thing is that crowdfunding platforms have recently appeared on the network, which have greatly facilitated this task. Now, in order to announce a fundraiser, you just need to publish a message in social network. And the people who are interested will catch up. So, in principle, fundraising takes place on modern sites. Anyone can donate for anything. There are several models by which crowdfunding sites work.

For example, it can be fundraising as a charitable contribution (for example, for the treatment of a child); as an investment with a subsequent reward (when the person giving money receives a product sample or a souvenir from the company in return). The third model by which money is raised is investing - when people donate funds in return for shares in a startup.

Why is this needed?

The answer to the question of why a crowdfunding project is needed is very simple. Fundraising Model main goal puts, first of all, to accumulate a certain amount. The purpose of such a collection can be anything - to undergo a course of treatment, to assemble a new gadget, to hold an event, to release a music album, and so on. It all depends on who is collecting money, and what this person (group of people) does.

In the future, the funds are directed in the way it was originally stipulated: for example, money from investors goes to a single account of a company conducting crowdfunding (there are several of them in Russia), after which they are directed in a single payment to purchase equipment, rent a studio, and so on. In some cases, money may also be given to the initiators of their collection in order for them to carry out their original task. True, in this case, of course, these finances are carefully monitored.

How and who can use it?

People who could apply for fundraising are usually not selected in any way. Owners of resources that carry out crowdfunding (including Russian sites) accept all applications from anyone who would like to try to raise money and realize their goal. Then they are filtered and carefully selected in order to determine the most worthy project. Of course, each of the platforms has its own set of criteria by which they separate potentially interesting applications from unpromising ones. Then the fundraising process begins. Most often, the initiators of the collection are required to disclose information about themselves and their idea as much as possible, to provide some evidence and facts - all that will convince everyone to make their investment.

Work model

So, to make it a little clearer how everything works, let's show how the crowdfunding project model functions visually. As you may have guessed, everything starts with an idea. It is she who should come to the developer, who immediately lights up with it, thinks over its implementation and submits an application for a fundraising platform.

He does this in accordance with the conditions (rules) of submission. Most often, you need to carefully describe what the essence and novelty of your idea is, to whom it can be useful, how you are going to implement it, and, of course, where and how much money you will spend in order to implement your idea. You publish all this data on the project, after which everyone can familiarize themselves with them and make their contribution.

Next, your campaign begins. The site gives you a certain period during which you must collect a certain amount of money. Let's say that in 30 days your project should collect 100 thousand dollars. In the event that you collect 109 thousand, the organizers give you this amount to achieve your goals. If, for example, your project collects only 73 thousand dollars (does not reach the previously determined amount), it is considered not to have taken place. The money that people allocated is returned to them.

Successful examples in the world

In order to understand how Russian crowdfunding should work in the future, we can look at the most best examples in the world - the most successful sites operating, in particular, in the USA Of course, this is KickStarter. The platform has collected billions of dollars for the implementation of certain products throughout its existence. This is a huge number of startups, some of which have already reached unprecedented heights.

What's great about this venue is the perspectives for each individual participant. Imagine: any inventor, having created a good enough campaign, is able to take his idea into real life and present your product. Firstly, it encourages people to develop, come up with something new and amazing; secondly, projects like KickStarter allow you to create those things that will ultimately change people's lives for the better. These include: innovative gadgets, programs, content and much more - everything that will benefit other people.

Projects in Russia

We have several crowdfunding platforms. Of the most famous, these are: “From the World by a Thread”, “Tugeza”,, Indiegogo, Kroogi and others. All of them work with projects of different directions, some of them relatively recently (about a year or two). Nevertheless, these sites even managed to show certain results (volumes of funds raised). For example, BoomStarter - 5 million rubles, - 10 million and so on. In the coming years, as experts predict, we should expect the market to grow by 7-9 times annually. Thus, a real “boom” awaits us in the field of such a phenomenon as crowdfunding. Russian sites, apparently, are already preparing for this.

How to collect the required amount?

This question worries everyone who raises funds in this way. There are two main factors here - a description of the idea and its PR. To have a really strong, worthwhile project, you need to carefully consider its purpose, form of implementation and technical features representation. As for PR, it depends on how many people will transfer their funds to you. Therefore, it would not hurt you to involve local (and not only) media in advertising your campaign.


The possibilities that crowdfunding opens up (this is actually the way to life for your project) for each of us are simply endless. The main thing is to be aware of this and work on your idea, not despairing if nothing works right away. Work - and you will succeed! The experience of a large number of other people proves this.

The meaning of the hard-to-pronounce word “crowdfunding” is explained very easily and simply. Crowdfunding? this is an action to raise money for the implementation of any idea, business, project, creation of an invention.

Usually such actions take place via the Internet. Anyone who wants to can take part and contribute any amount to the announced project. Why is this type of activity so popular now, and who has already excelled in it?

The meaning and meaning of crowdfunding

Translation from English of the first part of the word "crowd" means literally "crowd", and "funding"? financing.

That is, everyone on a voluntary basis contributes to the financing of any project. Does the idea work according to the principle? with the world on a string, naked? shirt.

The author of an idea, or someone who wants to bring it to life, posts information about their offspring on the Internet, which includes goals, deadlines for implementation, and announces the amount needed to collect. The details of the account where you need to transfer money are published.

Sponsors, or as they are called, backers, who invested their money, often receive a reward, for example, a copy of brought to life. But most often, crowdfunding occurs on a gratuitous basis.

How did crowdfunding originate?

The crowdfunding movement began about two decades ago. In 1997, admirers of the famous rock band Marillion organized an Internet event to organize the band's all-American tour. Later, inspired by the success of the idea, the group initiated a fundraiser to record several more albums.

Representatives of the media and the film industry later mastered the same method of raising funds.

Successful examples of crowdfunding

In 2002, Eric Bauman launched the Internet project, which was implemented based on the idea of ​​crowdfunding. People who were involved in raising funds for additional filming of the film "Waiting for a Miracle" were promised participation in the filming process and a bonus in the form of DVD versions of the film, issued before their official release. The required amount was collected in three weeks. The amount of the bonus varied depending on the amount donated.

The project of the cartoon "Masyanya", beloved by Russians? one of the most famous and successful projects created with funds raised through crowdfunding. The website announced the company's conditions for collecting the required amount of 100,000 rubles.

Those who donated 100 rubles received a link to a video with a cartoon. Invested 500 rubles? autographed portrait of Masyanya. Those beckers who were generous with 5,000 rubles were mentioned in the credits. Portrait of the sponsor or his loved one, drawn by Oleg Kuvaev, was promised to those who would lay out 20 thousand rubles. For a donation of 50 thousand rubles, a unique watercolor from the artist was presented as a gift.

The results of such an action were unexpected: the fundraising was completed in 8 hours. But the money continued to come in, and all the money collected during the month was spent on the release of the next series of Masyanya.

Crowdfunding is used not only for cultural and social projects. Political goals are also successfully financed with funds raised little by little by ordinary people.

For example, Barack Obama was able to raise $272 million online in the 2008 primaries.

Alexei Navalny also chose the crowdfunding method to raise funds for events around. His scandalous project "RosPil" for several years was able to collect no less than 10 million rubles.

Where to post your offer to raise funds?

For those who want to take advantage of the crowdfunding opportunity, there are several portals on the Internet where you can post your idea and announce a fundraiser for it.

The most famous fundraising project in the US is Kickstarter.

There are no Russian analogues of portals of this scale yet, but there are similar projects with similar goals:, Boomstarter and Kroogi.

Mankind has long learned to attract funds from interested parties for the implementation of certain projects. Collecting from the world by thread, people have been building temples for centuries, helping those in need, and publishing books. Even when you're throwing money away for a gift to a colleague or giving to buskers, you're participating in a massive fundraiser.

Despite its ancient history, on the Internet, the method of collective financing began to be used quite recently.

Term crowdfunding(eng. Crowdfunding), meaning in translation "funding by the crowd", arose in 2006. The editor of the Wired magazine, Jeff Howe, in one of his articles applied the concept crowdfunding in a narrow sense, referring to volunteers among Internet users.

Let's figure out what it means crowdfunding today, in relation to a variety of business, social and cultural projects carried out on the Internet.

Crowdfunding. How does this happen. Short.

You decide to implement some interesting project but you don't have enough funds. You present your idea on a special crowdfunding platform or social network and ask for financial support. Users who are interested in the project transfer money to you. You, having collected the necessary amount, realize your dream.

What does crowdfunding guarantee?

  • Independence - your age, appearance, place of residence, connections do not matter.
  • Reducing the role of intermediaries - You do not need to take out a bank loan at high interest rates. The investor will not dictate his terms to you. "" and venture funds are also canceled. Funding comes from person to person directly.
  • Equal game rules for all: we like it - we pay. Users voluntarily invest in a project that they believe serves the common good.
  • Openness of fees - Initiators of the fundraiser at the beginning of the project's creation name the amount they need to raise within a specific period of time. The site must be open to every visitor to the crowdfunding platform. Information about costs and rewards, if any, should also be transparent to all users.
  • Accountability - each project should regularly report to donors on the nature and success of ongoing events.

Crowdfunding risks:

  • Donors who participate in crowdfunding need to understand that in most cases, their money cannot be returned.
  • Carefully choose a crowdfunding platform, no one has canceled scammers.

Classification of crowdfunding projects

  • charitable help;
  • volunteer activities;
  • support for politicians, athletes and musicians;
  • launch of startups;
  • publishing books, recording music albums, filming movies;
  • Information Technology;
  • games and gadgets;
  • political companies;
  • public projects.

Ways to finance crowdfunding projects

  • "All or nothing". If the necessary amount is not collected within a strictly established period, the money is returned back to the sponsors, and the project initiator receives nothing.
  • "Leave everything". Absolutely all collected funds are transferred to the project. Even if it is only 10% of the amount declared at the beginning.
  • "Eternal Funding". The collection of money is carried out without a time limit until the required amount is collected.
  • "Crucial moment". The money is transferred to the author of the project after reaching the "checkpoint" (for example, after collecting half of the required amount).
  • "Free Contribution". A person transfers money based on a disinterested desire to help launch a project. Almost all charitable projects work according to this scheme.
  • "Non-financial bonus". The donor receives some material reward, but not money. For example, by donating a certain amount for the publication of a book, you can get free access to the book on the site in return.
  • "Financial Benefit". By donating money to a project, a person wants to receive a monetary reward. A share of the income of an implemented business project, return of a deposit with interest, or a share of shares of a future enterprise.

Good afternoon friends! None of us will be surprised by the fact that the Internet has long been a tool for the implementation of a huge number of various needs. In the network we communicate, and have fun, and even work. Tell me, how many of you have thought about using the Internet to promote your own ideas, develop projects and create a real social “boom”? If you are still looking for where to get money to implement your undertakings, you have been saving money for more than a year, but you still can’t get closer to the cherished goal, then you just need to get acquainted with such a phenomenon as crowdfunding. This movement arose relatively recently, but has already managed to gain considerable momentum. What operating principle crowdfunding, what it is in general, and how to use it to organize fundraising for personal needs, I propose to find out right now.

Crowdfunding: what is it?

I want to say right away that crowdfunding is young and innovative phenomenon that literally took over the business world. With its help, many entrepreneurs got the opportunity to launch their projects and thereby earn a lot of money on them. In turn, all kinds charity organisations and media personalities can use crowdfunding to raise funds to finance their endeavours. But let's talk about all this in order.

In order for crowdfunding to stop being something distant and unknown for you and me, I think it would be appropriate to delve into history its occurrence. The origins of this phenomenon originate in the middle of the 20th century, in the US securities market. It was at this time that the development of the market began to go quite unusual scenario- almost half of the shares of small, but actively developing companies, were sold using the unregulated market. To describe this phenomenon in simple words, it turns out that he could buy securities of a small laundry anyone who wants right in the garage of the owner of this freshly baked business.

This led to the fact that huge amounts of savings flowed into business, and most ordinary people, who wisely invested in shares of little-known companies, after a certain period of time became owners of considerable fortunes. For example, one American family managed to earn almost 3 million dollars in just 5 years from the shares of a company that produced plastic cups. The striking thing about this story is that the papers that were bought in the early 80s were worth only a couple of hundred bucks at that time. And there are quite a few stories like this one. Company Apple, as you remember, also started its journey in the garage.

Impact on large companies

This phenomenon, which is so atypical for the securities market, led to the fact that small companies difficulties began to arise with the registration of the issue of shares. In addition, the market, which is completely there was no regulation, became a fertile ground for speculation and earnings on investors who were sold low-quality paper. However, at the same time, such public investment contributed to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. This type of investment has led to the fact that the sale of shares, shares and shares has allowed more than one company start confidently and get the necessary financial support at an early stage of business development.

American small business and rapidly developing startups have created a need for huge number small investment. Agree that 10-50 thousand dollars is not the money for which it is worth bothering with the issue of shares, their registration and sale through secondary market intermediaries. It is for this reason that there was a need for public funding for projects. The massive emergence of crowdfunding platforms led to the fact that in 2012 in America and European countries the obligation to register crowdfunding projects was officially lifted from the state.

Theory and translation of the term

Since we have more or less figured out the history, it's time to find out what the dry theory says about crowdfunding. Obviously, crowdfunding is borrowed word in our language. In order to adapt this definition to the Russian language as much as possible, it makes sense to turn to English-Russian dictionary. We break the term into two components: crowd- crowd and funding– financing, and we get “crowd financing”. To make the expression more harmonious, change it to " collective financing". In general, the name of the phenomenon speaks for itself.

It turns out that crowdfunding is mass fundraiser for a specific project or idea. With the help of such financing, charitable events are actively developing today, free software, books are printed, songs are written and clips are shot. Crowdfunding is a wonderful and, unfortunately, one of the few opportunities to help financially realize ideas for those who need it.

Why is pooled funding needed?

By and large, the main idea of ​​crowdfunding is realization of human ideas. The right to choose which project will get a ticket to life, and which one will be left without means of subsistence, still remains with the society. Crowdfunding is the best way to convey the moods and needs of the crowd. With it, you can find out exactly what worries ordinary people at the current time.

I think none of you will argue with the fact that realization of human needs is the cornerstone of any business. Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs understand the needs of consumers. In turn, crowdfunding is a real reflection of what the crowd wants. If a person is interested in something, it means that he has a need for it, and therefore he is ready to invest his own funds in it.

Imagine that your favorite writer has finished work on another book, but publishers refuse to publish it for some reason. For a masterpiece to be seen by the world, the author needs money. You want to read a book and are ready to help the writer financially. As a result, there are a hundred or even a thousand fans who sincerely want to support their idol and do not refuse to help him in self-realization.

Perhaps the most humane goal of crowdfunding is charity. A considerable number of organizations actively involved in the fate of the homeless, disabled people affected by natural Disasters, does not have own funds to implement their programs. For them, crowdfinding is not only a way to draw public attention to the problem, but also an opportunity to receive financial support from caring people.

Who is crowdfunding suitable for?

The main condition that crowdfunding must meet is openness of fees. Recipients are those who collect Money, should at the very beginning of the creation of the project announce the amount that they need to collect in the process of public financing. The amount of funds that are raised during a specific period of time must be open to each visitor to the crowdfunding platform. The same rule must be followed for expenses and for remuneration, if any.

Obviously, such funding can be more or less successful, depending on which project is put forward to the public. In general, crowdfunding is suitable for those who:

  • Represents interests charities
  • Engaged in development small business or implements startups
  • Is a representative creative environment– writer, musician, etc.
  • Actively promotes the interests of his own hobbies - to fans, fans

Types of crowdfunding

If we consider crowdfunding from a business point of view, then we can distinguish 3 main types of it:

  1. crowdfunding
  2. Debt crowdfunding
  3. crowdfunding

Each of them has own approach to donor and recipient investments, and therefore I propose to talk about each of them in more detail.

Reward crowdfunding

Let's start with the most popular form of crowdfunding, reward crowdfunding. main feature this type of fee is that project donors receive certain rewards for your investments. I must say right away that these awards are extremely rarely of a financial nature. The essence of the incentive is that the investor gets the result he needs from his contribution. In order for you to understand how this type of crowdfunding works, I propose to consider it with a living example.


Let's imagine that you and I are fans of some musical group that needs to shoot a clip worth 100 000 rubles. The performers do not have such money, and therefore they turn to their fans, that is, to us, for help. For help in the implementation of the project, the musicians promise each donor a certain reward. For example:

  • per financial assistance in the amount of 100-500 rubles, donors will have access to watch the video immediately after its shooting is completed
  • a contribution in the amount of 500-1000 rubles guarantees donors access to the video and the autograph of the soloist of the group
  • investment in the amount of 1000-2000 rubles - this is all the same access to the video and a poster with the image of idols, decorated with autographs of each of the members of the group

To date, reward crowdfunding is the most popular type of public investment in Russia, within which many successful projects have been implemented.

Equity crowdfunding

In second place in terms of popularity is equity crowdfunding. This method of financing is more like a serious investment, since it involves acquisition of company securities. This investment option will certainly interest those who are looking for, and those who need additional funds for business development. I want to immediately warn all newcomers, who still have little understanding, from rash actions. The fact is that this species crowdfunding does not guarantee donors a profit. All risks fall solely on the shoulders of investors.

Equity crowdfunding is a real find for small and medium businesses. This investment allows as soon as possible to find funds for the implementation of grandiose tasks, the implementation of which is necessary for the active development of the business.

Debt crowdfunding

Those who are friends with English language, probably already understood that we are now talking about debt crowdfunding. In general, this financing option is largely similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the donor, who acted as an investor, receives for his investments either a share in the project, and, consequently, a part of the profit, or a 100% return on invested funds. I must admit that this the model is quite risky, because it is not completely clear what can be obtained in return.

However, this method of attracting investments is actively used by startups. Despite the riskiness, it can be safely considered as a good alternative to investing in securities.

Identifying a crowdfunding project

Well, now I present to you 6 hallmarks present crowdfunding project:

A clearly defined goal

Before creating a project, each recipient needs to announce the purpose for which he plans to spend the funds received as a result of the collection. Sites that promote public investment projects do not allow the use of borrowed funds for third-party needs that were not mentioned in the project.

Clear time frames

A strict time limit allows you to understand whether the idea for which the funds are raised is relevant at the current time. If the project does not have time to receive the required amount within the predetermined time frame, it is closed without receiving from the collection not a penny.


Donors who participate in crowdfunding need to understand that they have there are no guarantees that the invested funds will be returned to them. And in the event that we are talking about social and charitable projects, we are not talking about the return of funds and making a profit at all.


Anyone who has landed on the project page should have free access to information about the progress of fundraising, about the goals of the event and about the rewards that can be received for making a contribution.

Broad specialization

On global fundraising platforms, both musical and literary projects, as well as projects related to the world of innovation, can be nearby.


Every project must report regularly to donors about how successfully the goals set are being met. Here you need to catch a fine line - if the project turned out to be unprofitable, for example, the book was not in demand by the reader, then the money that was invested in the startup remains in the project. If the writer, in principle, did not start work, refused to write a book, then he will have to return the money that donors gave him.

Most popular sites

I am sure that many of you, while reading this article, have already googled services on the Internet that carry out crowd funding. If you are seriously thinking about how to make money on crowdfunding, such platforms will come in handy.


American and European

A few words about great success

If you remember, in 2008, when he ran for President of the United States Barack Obama, the money for his election campaign was collected precisely at the expense of public funding. In just a few weeks, with the help of crowdfunding, it was collected over $280 million. It was thanks to the support of 2 million Americans who did not skimp on supporting Obama that the future President of the United States of America managed to carry out his campaign and subsequently win the election.

In Russia, a successful example of a crowdfunding project can be considered fundraising for the recording of the album of the group "Alisa". Literally in 4 months, the musicians managed to attract huge investments in their work - 11 million rubles.

Why is crowdfunding profitable?

To finally convince you that crowdfunding is a solid benefit, I propose to study its strengths:

  1. On average, it takes from 10 days to two months
  2. Investors who invest their funds in order to receive additional income are relieved of the need to be constantly present in the project
  3. Successful projects find their audience, get attention from already well-known companies and can safely count on the support of business sharks
  4. Investors can choose in advance the option of paying dividends (if any)

It must be admitted that success in crowdfunding is not an easy task. Your project should be singled out by donors among hundreds or even thousands of others like it.

In order for the money to flow specifically to you, and not to competitors, follow these simple rules.

Set realistic goals

Ambition is, of course, wonderful, but to attract folk remedies, you have to be realistic and set only those goals that can be achieved.


Statistics is a stubborn lady, with whom it is extremely difficult to argue. So, she says that summer is the most unfavorable period for undertakings. Investments work best in mid-autumn, when most donors have already returned from vacation and earn money for investment.

Originality of the idea

In crowdfunding, it is important to find golden mean between the desire to stand out among the mass of other projects, and maintaining the reality of the goal. Do not strive to stand out by sliding into the abyss of the unattainable.

Be generous with information

The more you tell donors about yourself, your business, plans for its implementation, past experience and achievements, the more confidence you will inspire in yourself.

Business plan

Set clear goals and deadlines for their implementation. You must understand who your target audience is, who will be interested in your project, and who will give you money for its implementation.


In general, crowdfunding is great start for those who do not have their own funds for development, but are confident in their strengths, skills and talents. If you know how to interest the crowd, you can offer her something that she wants to "swallow" and is willing to pay for -
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