Dragon's best years. Dragon and snake

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Under the sign of the Dragon, which will rule the world this year, innovative, creative, proud, courageous, passionate and hot-tempered individuals are usually born.

Dragons are the most freedom-loving animals in the horoscope. Necessity of compliance established rules- their curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. is a beautiful and energetic creature, confident and fearless in the face of challenges. Although dragons are pleasant to others and their generosity attracts many friends, arrogance can lead to the opposite result.

People born in the year of the Dragon have similar character traits. Below we will talk about some of their features depending on the five elements Chinese horoscope:

Chinese dragon

Illustration: SMYang/The Epoch Times

Metal Dragon (born 1940 and 2000)

Metal dragons are powerful, truthful and courageous. They achieve success due to their determination. Possessing strong traits, they often comfort and reassure others. Metal dragons strive for action. Things are done best when they do what they truly believe in or when they stand up for their beliefs. Metal dragons can lead others, which they do with great success. At the same time, they do not like to give in.

Water Dragon (born 1952 and 2012)

Water has a calming effect on the fearless temperament of the Dragon - it allows you to restrain violent enthusiasm. Unlike other dragons who want attention, water dragons are more accommodating and will willingly take a step back in the face of conflict in order to assess the situation soberly and rationally. Thus, they make smart decisions and are able to have open conversations with others without fear of controversy. However, things can go wrong for them if they don't understand the issue enough, or if they start a new project without finishing the previous one.

Wooden Dragon (born 1904 and 1964)

Wood dragons like to discuss original ideas, and they are open to other opinions. The tree gives the dragon variability and reveals its creative potential. Wooden dragons are innovative, creatively practical, and they appreciate art in every form. Being less pretentious, wood dragons know how to get along with other people. They have everything they need to live a prosperous and happy life. However, they are frank and sometimes a little assertive when defending their opinions.

Fire Dragon (born 1916 and 1976)

Fire dragons are energetic and powerful, but can go from calm and collected to blazing in a matter of seconds. In some cases, a dragon's fire is its own worst enemy. They also suffer from recklessness and short temper. However, when fire dragons maintain their composure and control their emotions well, they can influence other people.

Earth Dragon (born 1928 and 1988)

Earth dragons make great leaders because they are practical and knowledgeable in organizational matters. Dragons of the earth element need to be admired. They are friendly and will not leave in difficult times. The earth element gives the dragon's personality an extraordinary capacity for self-control, and generally the earth dragon deserves the respect it desires. They will work diligently to achieve their goals in life. These dragons treat romantic relationships with care and take their lives very seriously.

Lily Chu The Epoch Times(The Epoch Times)

Year of the Dragon

Dragon Hieroglyph: Chen.

Dragon Motto:“I reign.”

Sign location: fifth.

Triad: first (triangle of Creators).

Element (element) of the Dragon sign: Earth-Yang.

Nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: east-southeast.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Aries.

Time of day ruled by the Dragon: 07.00-09.00.

Color: yellow.

Dragon Gem: amethyst.

Food traditions: poultry, cereal dishes.

Years of the Dragon

  • February 16, 1904 – February 3, 1905, Year of the Wooden Dragon.
  • February 3, 1916 – January 22, 1917, Year of the Fire Dragon.
  • February 23, 1928 – February 9, 1929, Year of the Earth Dragon.
  • February 8, 1940 – January 26, 1941, year of the Metal Dragon.
  • January 27, 19521 – February 13, 1953, Year of the Water Dragon.
  • February 13, 1964 – February 1, 1965, Year of the Wooden Dragon.
  • January 31, 1976 – February 17, 1977, Year of the Fire Dragon.
  • February 17, 1988 – February 5, 1989, Year of the Earth Dragon.
  • February 5, 2000 – January 23, 2001, year of the Metal Dragon.
  • February 23, 2012 – February 9, 2013, Year of the Water Dragon.
  • February 10, 2024 – January 28, 2025, year of the Wooden Dragon.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Energy, vigor, self-confidence, pride, nobility, integrity, dignity, eccentricity, intelligence, passion, determination, innovation, generosity, loyalty, ambition, justice. They can be tactless, too domineering, arrogant, demanding, intolerant, inclined to suppress and tyrannize others.

The Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese horoscope, the only mythical creature among animals corresponding to the signs of the 12-year cycle. This legendary creature is a symbol of good luck, freedom and power. Unlike Western ones, Eastern dragons are kind creatures, disposed towards people.

Dragon - the fifth sign of the Chinese horoscope

The Dragon sign has a Yang nature and correlates with the Earth element, in which both principles are most harmoniously balanced. The direction of the dragon corresponds to east-northeast, which, in turn, is associated with morning. This direction corresponds to the end of spring, the time when Yang begins to gain strength. The month of the Dragon is the 3rd month of Chinese calendar year(according to the Gregorian calendar this is approximately April); The time of day from 07.00-09.00 is dedicated to the dragon - the so-called “fifth watch”.

The Dragon sign in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to the yellow color (huang), or more precisely, golden yellow (jin-huang), which is associated with power and authority. During the Qing Dynasty clothes yellow color Only the emperor had the right to wear it. The Yellow Imperial Dragon, the Yellow Emperor Huang Di (the first ruler to unite under his rule) are also associated with the golden yellow color most China).

The Dragon is included in the first Triangle of Spiritual Relationship - the Triangle of Creators, the vertices of which are the first, fifth and ninth branches, i.e., respectively, the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. In this triad, the Dragon acts as the leader.

Strange as it may seem for such an active sign, the Dragon manages to establish excellent relationships with almost all signs Chinese zodiac. The best, even ideal, union in love, marriage, friendship and business arises with the Rat, and it is simply very good combinations with Monkey, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep) and Pig. A union with a Dog is strongly discouraged.

The dragon is a magnificent mystical creature; it represents wisdom, luck, joy, love and life itself. This eastern sign zodiac and the favorable influence of the stars.

The Dragon's gift is harmony, beauty, virtue, rich and long life. However Eastern zodiac sign Dragon can captivate with illusions, blind, pass off fantasies as real life, and then all the benefits received by a person will turn out to be a deception, and fire and gold will become just a memory.

What are the years of the Dragon according to the eastern zodiac sign?

Years born under the eastern zodiac sign Dragon: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In addition, there are the following varieties of the Dragon horoscope sign:

  • Metal Dragon (1940, 2000, 2060)
  • Water Dragon (1952, 2012, 2072)
  • Wooden Dragon (1904, 1964, 2024)
  • Fire Dragon (1916, 1976, 2036)
  • Earth Dragon (1928, 1988, 2048)

Characteristics of a person born under the eastern zodiac sign Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon eastern calendar, receive strength, luck, emotionality, passion, and originality from their patron. People according to the Chinese horoscope Dragons are bright, passionate, lively personalities. Thanks to their good business qualities, projects and, in general, any undertakings for them end in undeniable success.

A person born according to the eastern zodiac sign in the year of the Dragon is characterized by sensitivity, activity and amazing endurance; he comes into this world to win. He is endowed with a magnificent mind, self-confident, proud, but this does not prevent him from being generous.

These people are completely incapable of hypocrisy. Hence the dislike of diplomatic tricks, representatives Eastern zodiac sign Dragon allows himself to make categorical statements. But in no case is it slander!

This noble sign has such a trait in its characteristics as gullibility. A person according to the Chinese horoscope of the Dragon has many friends, and this despite the fact that he puts forward quite high demands on people. He has his own point of view on everything that happens around him; for those around him, it is, as a rule, valuable and significant.

The eastern zodiac sign Dragon lives here and now, the waiting is painful for him. In order to achieve a goal, he shows amazing efficiency, but is inclined to commit impulsive actions, the consequences of which are not always favorable.

The secret of success for people born under the zodiac sign Dragon of the eastern horoscope

Possessing strong leadership abilities, people born in the year of the Dragon are successful in business, media, politics, military affairs, sports, teaching, medicine, music and acting.

  1. Che Guevara,
  2. Vladimir Putin,
  3. Joan of Arc,
  4. Patrick Swayze
  5. Fedor Uglov,
  6. Pele,
  7. Arvydas Sabonis,
  8. John Lennon,
  9. Tom Jones
  10. Placido Domingo

- all these successful individuals have their own patron, and this is the eastern zodiac sign of the Dragon.

years of birth: 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012

The dragon belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the fifth sign of the Chinese horoscope. He rules from 7 to 9 am. The season that brings luck to the Dragon is spring, and its apogee period is April. According to the European Zodiac, the Dragon corresponds to the sign of Aries. Its fixed element is Wood. The colors that bring him happiness and prosperity are: black and yellow. Plants that bring good luck are lotus, sage, mandrake. The most favorable countries for the Dragon to live are Ceylon, Nepal, Kenya, Cuba, Bolivia, Spain, Finland.

In Europe, it is believed that calling someone a Dragon does not mean to give him a compliment, but rather to emphasize disobedience, intractability and impatience. Inside the Dragon stores several treasures. It is created in shiny scales and represents dizzying strength and undivided power. For life, he always chooses inaccessible caves at the top or soaring in the skies. In such dark places, mythical heroes fight him tooth and nail, as he never forgives those who disturb his peace. This animal breathes fire and makes the earth tremble under its heavy tread. It combines all the elements at once; Living on the ground, iodine can also be in the air, for which it has wings. It can easily tolerate water depths.

Man associates with this animal his unbridled imagination, fear of the chaos of non-existence or destruction. The dragon fascinates him and makes him tremble. Since ancient times, the Dragon has been depicted on the walls of the temple. This is a tribute to the lord underground kingdom and at the same time a spell against evil spirits. In China, an image of the Dragon was always placed over the roofs of houses as a symbol of familiarization with its amazing power.

Dragons are happy if they are born during a thunderstorm. They cannot live without space, air and the freedom they love. In the first part of life, they experience certain difficulties, because Dragons demand too much from others. The Dragon's childhood and youth are very difficult; during this period they must establish themselves. But his intransigence and integrity create constant difficulties for him. The Dragon always experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction due to the discrepancy between his ideal and reality.

In the second half of life they are hampered by their artistic temperament. Dragons are aware that they are superior to those around them, and usually suffer if they are not understood. But, in essence, people admire them, and the successes of the Dragons are so great that these troubles look simply insignificant. - Those born under this sign will definitely be happy in. old age. When they achieve everything they wanted, life will gradually return to normal - as it smoothes out sharp corners The dragons find their balance.


In all Eastern countries, the Dragon is considered a sign of good luck. It personifies great heavenly power and is a symbol of life. Dragons represent wisdom of mind, but not of action. They are incredibly charming, capable of anything and go ahead, creating

The impression is that they have the secret of luck. These people are simply full of vitality. Dragons easily overcome difficulties and are accustomed to shuffling circumstances like cards. It is impossible not to smile when meeting them. They always have a lot of fans who believe in their infallibility.

People born in the year of the Dragon are gifted individuals. They are intelligent, persistent and generous, they are able to accomplish absolutely anything. And they do everything very well. Dragons never live in need. Unlike the Hare, the Dragon can only be known in exceptional situations. They are not as naive as Pigs, because they have strong and firm statements, which makes them very difficult to deceive. Their weakest point is everyday life. From it they either lose their shine, or, on the contrary, transform them to virtuoso grace. They are strong and straightforward, incapable of duplicity, hypocrisy and scandals; they often lack basic tact and diplomacy.

Dragons have a lot positive qualities. They are energetic, charged with enthusiasm and liveliness of character. Dragons are very scrupulous and pure, they try to do everything as best as possible and, as a rule, succeed in this. They will not be broken by defeat, because representatives of this sign are endowed with good health.

But under unfavorable circumstances, they can become impatient and irritable if they do not prevail, so they are too demanding of friends and family. Such people do not have basic patience, they do not know how to bypass obstacles, or be diplomatic, even if their life depends on it. They are overly confident in themselves, cannot tolerate doubt, and cannot understand why others doubt. It's so easy for them to start something. Because of this, they have difficulties. Dragons are idealists and always strive for perfection. And therefore they often give up a lot in order to achieve even more. Desiring a lot, Dragons are accustomed to giving a lot.

These people can be uncompromising and irritable, they promise a lot, but often their thoughts are ahead of their words and intentions. Although their statements can be harsh, the opinion of the Dragon is worth listening to. People are accustomed to following their advice and therefore the influence of these individuals is great. Often they are simply rude and do not know how to admit their mistakes, but this does not cause protest from those around them. On the contrary, there are a lot of admirers around them,

Singing praises. If you refuse them something, they become categorical and still do not back down.

Dragons are very proud and endowed with incredible enthusiasm. Everything around them fades from their shine. They are seductive and irresistible due to the warmth of their very nature. Without such people the world would be a very gray place. Dragons, with their unexpected reactions, striking strengths and weaknesses, surround their lives with subtle wit. After the bright extravaganza that the Dragon organizes, he can disappear in the glow of his own fire.

Fighting the Dragon is not easy; it is better if he protects you and gives advice. It's easier and more enjoyable for everyone. His advice must be followed unquestioningly, because it is always correct. We must not forget that Dragons are almost soothsayers. Some consider their recommendations absurd, but even so they are almost brilliant. We must not forget that even jesters had the privilege of giving advice to kings and making fun of them.

Everything will be fine if the Dragon is able to use the sobriety of his mind. Unfortunately, this does not always work out. After all, they never use the advice that they themselves give to others. They notify their friends of danger and troubles, but they themselves rush into them without thinking about the consequences. Those born in the Year of the Dragon must remember that they are not the real Dragons of legends and fairy tales. A man is a man. Dragon people can never find complete balance, so many of them try to hide from reality all their lives. Such little fighters make one attempt after another, accumulating their victories and forgetting about defeats.

Dragons are smart and know how to benefit society by flaunting their virtues. In fact, they are not that educated or cultured, but they are interesting storytellers, a little daring, and can often be found leading protesters. They are not satisfied with secondary roles; they are created only for a dominant position. This is probably why they are always dissatisfied with something.

It is worth recalling that the Dragon represents the four main virtues of the East: wealth, harmony, charity and long life. But every medal has a downside. We must not forget that there is some deception here: people know about

These are the qualities of the Dragon and that is why they are believed. In fact, they are believed because they are Dragons.

During the day they sparkle and shine, but their shine can also be superficial. The power of the Dragon lies in their illusory nature. In essence, the Dragon has a rather hidden character, it is a very camouflaged animal. An animal that exists for holidays and carnivals. Of course, they look strong, but not absolutely. They can be made to spew fire, water and even gold. But when the holiday is over, the paper Dragon is necessarily burned, and then, like a Phoenix, it is reborn from the ashes for the next holiday.


Dragons are incredibly lucky; they will always find those who will believe them and help them. They will always get the funds for living wage. They have an amazing ability to adapt to different times. They are often haunted by financial troubles, because they are too careless, reckless, never think about spending and are not afraid of scammers. They try to see every swindler as a lost sheep, thinking that they do everything unintentionally. They are very easy to deceive, and, as a rule, they do not know how to save. Dragons may invest all their money in an enterprise in which they are not confident, but still do not know how to live differently.

In business, it is better for them to deal with Ox or honest Pigs. Otherwise, they face ruin. Dragons are happy to spend money, they shower their loved ones with gifts and always rely on their taste. And sometimes he lets them down. They can be forgiven for their selflessness, so they never marry for convenience. First of all, they. They value people, they don’t care about the thickness of their wallet. Dragons can only be interested interesting work and original profession. They often show contempt for money, but it cannot be said that they will give everything for the sake of the cause. Despite their carefree nature, they maintain a sense of reality.


Dragons cannot stand everyday routine, they cannot stand constraint, mechanical work and the need to obey some kind of regulation. They usually break habits by creating their own personal program. They are completely unpredictable.

Dragons are wonderful people; all their qualities seem to be created to solve insoluble problems. During a crisis, they feel like fish in water. If there are no natural Disasters, shocks, they begin to get bored. Therefore, it is difficult to seat them at the bureau. Dragons choose professions that allow them to make changes, create, and make people move. Only in this case can they be satisfied.

Dragons are wonderful musicians, they love creative work, giving herself completely to her. They adapt creativity to their profile and do not tolerate excessive administration. Once caught in such a mechanism, they become very unhappy. Throughout their lives, Dragons try themselves in various areas. In order for them to choose something, they need long-term experiments. But this is not scary, since instability is observed only at the beginning.

Dragons are very supportive A good relationship with employees. Everything goes well as long as no one pokes their nose into his affairs. At the slightest intrusion, they begin to spew fire. Any boss, before hiring a Dragon, should think about this.

At any job they perform simply brilliantly. They achieve success in all areas. They can devote themselves to some great cause and will definitely realize themselves. But, unfortunately, this big deal may not be particularly righteous.

Dragons make excellent lawyers, orators, architects, artists, volcanologists, meteorologists, astronauts, artists, doctors, ambassadors, politicians, directors, presidents, national heroes and prophets.


The doors of success open before the Dragon, as they have incredible charm. In courtship and in love, they behave completely irresistibly. If they like someone, they will use all their abilities to win the victim. It is as if they are giving their partner the honor of being their lover. They are always confident in their success. Dragons perform magic in love.

He is usually loved by many, but rarely falls in love. He doesn't care about sex for sex's sake, so he never feels disappointed. More often than not, Dragons themselves become the cause of misfortune.

Women of this sign are always surrounded by admirers who often invite them to marry. Dragons do not tend to marry early, and some of them remain bachelors. They can live alone, are reclusive by nature, and are often better off alone.

Dragons are a strange mixture of enthusiasm without attachment, they know how to be independent. Their heart can also be won, but yours a great victory will collapse from the first gust of wind, and you will find yourself in a funny position, because love under the sign of the Dragon is very unstable. They conquer everyone with love, but this is their trick. Dragons are passionate, but do not burn with love. They know what they want and what needs to be done to get it. They can do just fine without love, because Chinese wisdom says: The Dragon is happier if it is independent.

Dragons have no sense of ownership, they are absolutely not jealous and are always indifferent to a little flirtation. They need victories to attract attention. They are simply convinced that everyone should fall on their faces after their royal gesture. Apparently, this is why they are not too tender. They have a cool heart that cannot be penetrated either by tears or assurances.

And yet they are very difficult to resist because they radiate heat. Their vital energy has a wonderful effect on people’s mood, like an intoxicating drug. Next to them you feel more beautiful and alive, this is their secret, but they don’t even suspect it. There is another side to the circumstances. Often for Dragons, love turns into an end in itself.


It is not worth reminding that Dragons are not pets and are not created for farming. Dragon women do not even touch dirty dishes and do not want to be in the background both in marriage and in the profession. The matter may come to a divorce. If the Dragon marries early, he does so in order to free himself from the influence of his parents. But, as a rule, such marriages are not very stable and the second marriage is more successful. They love children and are good educators who understand the needs of children. They do not burden children, but, on the contrary, develop in them independence, the ability to act alone, to get out of any situation. Their only mistake is that they are very demanding of their offspring, they are difficult to please, since they believe that no one can be better than them.

The Ox child will never be able to satisfy the Dragon parents. The Hare will seem to them not ambitious enough, the Snake, Horse and Monkey will urge their parents as they want, because they know how to flatter. The Sheep's Dragon parents will be able to develop artistic talents and will not constrain the Rat's independence. They will easily force the Rooster and Boar to obey, and the Tiger will learn moderation and sobriety from them if he listens to their advice. It is best to avoid the child - Dog, he will not make a brilliant (impression on them, because he likes to criticize the mess.


This mythical animal reigns at night, so it needs a special habitat. Within four walls, melancholy attacks them; he cannot stand cages. In such a situation, he may become claustrophobic; he needs a lot of air, space, wind whistling, speed. From time to time he wants to straighten his

Wings, but he won’t be able to do this in narrow walls. This is a born nomad who loves a change of scenery and easily adapts to a foreign land. He is oppressed by constant monotony.

The Dragon House is like an exotic cave, he loves style with a not very busy interior. They often change scenery and what would suit them best is an ancient castle located above a dizzying abyss. Now Dragons live in modern apartments with standard architecture, but still try to diversify the environment. Often they exchange the cramped conditions of a modern city for the free space of the sea.


When it comes to sex, Dragons are real snobs. They love the appearance of shine. Deep emotionality and passions are alien to them. They enjoy love affairs that lead to intrigue. When they achieve what they want, they quickly lose interest. Dragons are always concerned about their sexual capabilities, as they are ambitious. They are strong and always confident of success.

Sometimes Dragons look a little apathetic, it may seem that they are not at all interested in the opposite sex, but this is not true, they have many qualities for which they can be adored. They love to socialize. As a rule, they choose lovers who have money because they love to spend it.

They are infinitely sensitive and passionate. Their sexual fantasy blossoms into erotic pleasures. They are quite aggressive and are used to twirling their lovers. Their sexual appetites often change, sometimes they become almost animalistic, and if they do not receive complete satisfaction, they look for pleasure on the side. They have a lot of opportunities for sexual attention. In the act, they prefer competition; their main advantage is incredible self-control.

Dragons become unhappy if they don't find the right partner. Then they get irritated and become unbearable. Dragons can make their lovers very unhappy. This sign is ruled by passions; they want to achieve everything they can.


The incredible charm of this sign makes him irresistible. The dragon makes you believe that he is a fairy-tale prince whom absolutely everyone should look after.

It’s always interesting to be with them, their life is filled with colorful events. The dragon knows the mass interesting stories. And he loves to be listened to with his mouth open. To keep loved ones near them, Dragons do not use special techniques, because they never stick to one person. If someone leaves them, they will not detain him.

Dragons can change, but they do it unconsciously, simply asserting themselves in this way - they, as a rule, do not go too far. If his partner deceives him, then a piece of the ideal in him is destroyed. The dragon loves modesty. In case of a breakup, he remains a good friend.

If the Dragon needs to give a gift, it is better to buy some toy or thing that will add to his collection. This trinket will make him very happy, and he will understand that he is cared for. To seduce him, you need to spend a lot of effort, but it is better not to show that you like him, then this will definitely arouse his curiosity.

When everything has already been said, there is nothing more to talk about and the time has come to part, it is enough for the Dragon to hint at some of his shortcomings. These are not the people who tolerate insults; they probably won’t think twice and will quickly leave you.


Guillaume Apollinaire, Roald Amundsen, Joan Baze, Count Basie, Kenneth Stark, Bint Crosby, Salvador Dali, Neil Diamond, Prince Edward, Che Guevara, Joan of Arc, John Lennon, Yehudi Menuhin, Francois Mitterrand, Florence Nightingale, Gregory Peck, Clif Richard, Bernard Shaw, Garrld Wilson, Sarah Bernhardt, Mary Pickford, Sigmund Freud, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Bros Tito, Jean Gabin, George Balanchine, Lewis Carroll, Imanuel Kant, Marlene Dietrich, Julia Christie, Alexander Eiffel, Franco Braamonde, Frederick the Great , Harry Grant, Graham Greene, Edouard Manet, Andre Maurois, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Napoleon III, Nicholas II Romanov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Oppenheimer, Henri Philippe Pétain, Francesco Petrarca, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Edmond Rostand, Immanuel Swedenborg, Emil Gilels , Vitaly Ginzburg, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Constantine II, Luis Corvalan, Olga Lepeshinskaya, Nina Makarova, Marcello Mastroianni, Vasily Merkuryev, Jean Victor Moreau, Pablo Neruda, Edson Pele, Tatyana Peltzer, Anna Saxe, Ineko Sata, Evgeniy Svetlanov, Eduard Shevardnadze.


Dragon and Dragon

Such a brilliant sign as the Dragon is accustomed to bright light. And it’s not surprising if you’re interested in the brilliance of a fellow sign. They are fascinated by each other, but it will be very difficult for them to share power. As a rule, this becomes a stumbling block on their path. Irritation quickly arises, as they cannot stand their partner’s successes. You can’t call it jealousy, they’re just used to taking care of someone, and an equal opponent doesn’t need their advice. For them it's just an insult. Rivalry easily arises between them. They begin to put on a real performance that will end in mutual insults.

Dragon and Rat

This is a good union. The Rat is very excited and confident by the delightful Dragon. She gives him everything because he is smart and insightful. To attract the Dragon, she can do incredible stupid things. But is the Dragon selflessly given to the humble rodent? Probably not always. The dragon is too amorous. And when a new passion flares up in him, he can simply forget about it. But he loves to be idolized and admired. The Rat's love is just a balm for his soul, so they are connected not only by a feeling of love, but also by a magnificent friendship, they complement each other perfectly. The Rat faithfully clears the way for its beloved.

Dragon and Ox

The ox is ideal for normal Everyday life, he knows how to avoid unnecessary risks, and the Dragon rushes into any unusual adventures both in work and in everyday life. Therefore, the Dragon often rushes through Vol’s life like a speeding express train. But for Vol, such shocks are very useful; although this will tire him very much, it will be beneficial. The Dragon will help Ox become more mature and experienced; in turn, having enjoyed the stability of Ox, the Dragon will rest near him for some time. They will feel mutual peace, but not for long. The dragon cannot stay in one place for a long time and will soon want to disperse. They feel great working together. When the Dragon goes on business trips, Vol always does the calculations.

Dragon and Tiger

These signs are also very similar because they are bold, energetic and quite adventurous. Tigers are excellent advisers and always warn their partner’s careless steps, but they themselves are the first to get into a fight. The Dragon also loves to lead and is always confident in his own rightness. The Dragon can give the Tiger the ability to think rationally, which will be very useful for the Tiger, because paths worthy of his efforts will open up for him. Sometimes the Dragon can mislead the Tiger or push him into a difficult adventure. But this doesn’t scare them at all. Their mutual ignorance of limits will only make life together more exciting. True, this will reduce stability. If the Dragon refuses to obey the Tiger, conflicts and disputes will undoubtedly arise, but thanks to their sincerity, these signs will be able to smooth out any misunderstandings.

Together they always succeed, since each infects the other with success and there is no rivalry between them. They will make a lot of noise in their business, but if they have a good administrator, things will go even better.

Dragon and Hare

The union of the Dragon with the Hare is possible if the head of the family is the Hare. The hare is a bit of a philosopher and is capable of self-denial. But the Dragon is too temperamental, and therefore it is difficult for the Hare to endure a passionate partner for a long time. After small victories, he will prefer a long rest. He is patient and willing to compromise, but does not like having his toes stepped on, and the Dragon is sure to irritate him. For some time the Hare will stoically endure the hurricanes generated by the Dragon, but then he will begin to be indignant. One day he will express everything to the Dragon, and the last word will remain with him. Perhaps this is the only time the Hare will show firmness. Harmony in this union can only be achieved if the Dragon is away from home from time to time and if everyone shows maximum patience with each other.

Dragon and Snake

This is one of the best unions. With their wisdom, the Snakes seductively influence the elegance of the Dragon. The dragon will be proud of his partner, he will feel even stronger. Not a single Snake will do anything stupid, will not seek the same power, she prefers behind-the-scenes maneuvers. If the Dragon is a woman, then the situation is worse; she will want to be fawned over. Of course, for some time the partner will do this out of courtesy, but having learned about her more deeply, he will feel strongly about her

Will get attached. The dragon does not like embarrassment. He always wants to shine, and the Snake can provide this for him. Although these are related signs, the union between them will be favorable. The Dragon, which has a sense of self-esteem, will become more restrained, and the Snake will become more tolerant.

Dragon and Horse

These people are united by enthusiasm and the fire of struggle. It is easy to imagine them as loyal rivals both in sports competitions and in adventures. They always have common goals, and therefore there are practically no problems in the union. It is much more difficult if the Dragon is a woman, because she requires unquestioning worship and constant signs of attention. The horse is very selfish; it does not always have time to concern itself with the state of mind of its partner. The Dragon will try to curb the disobedient Horse, and this may go too far. And if the Horse is a woman, then this is much better. The dragon will not devour his beautiful friend and will give her room for action.

Dragon and Sheep

There are many pros and cons to this union. A sheep always needs a patron to protect and support it. She will unquestioningly obey the Dragon, and everyone will be only happy. The Dragon demands adoration and wants to be irresistible, but the Sheep cannot give him due honors. Of course, she respects him, but giving compliments is not her style. In such an atmosphere, the Dragon can simply wither away. In this union, it is better if the Dragon is a man, then he can find satisfaction in work. And if the Dragon turns out to be a woman. The sheep will definitely do something stupid.

Dragon and Monkey

They suit each other very well. They can philosophize together for hours. But still, their relationship lacks depth, although they think differently. They should think about living together much earlier. The Monkey has every opportunity to seduce the Dragon and keep him, because the Monkey is so fidgety, knows how to give fiery compliments, and sometimes even remains respectfully silent. With this she conquers him, and she has a chance to even keep him near her. The Dragon, selfless and airy, will be able to capture the Monkey and will cause a wave of admiration from her. There is no rivalry between them; on the contrary, they value each other. This helps them succeed and fool many outside observers. The rest is a matter of time.

Dragon and Rooster

Both love to shine and show off, but they do it in different ways. To establish himself in his personal qualities, the Rooster wants to please everyone, and the Dragon was created to be brilliant, because its light is natural. In this union everything is going quite well. The Rooster tries to show himself in all his splendor thanks to the fire-breathing Dragon. He admires the Dragon and is proud that he managed to attract his attention, and flattery for the Dragon is his second self.

True, it will not happen without crises; when there is misunderstanding, quarrels may arise. The Rooster does everything selflessly and takes great care of his appearance, and this often begins to irritate the Dragon. He loses patience, and the Rooster can only leave.

Dragon and Dog

This is an unfavorable union. Often these signs do not have common goals and do not understand each other. Probably, the Dog is the only sign that is not delighted by the shine of the Dragon. The dog looks at life realistically and cannot stand artificial shine, devoid of nuances. Of course, the Dog will fall in love with the Dragon, but it will only suffer from this, since it will not be able to be gentle. Deep down, she will laugh at her partner, and the Dragon, in turn, will suffer from the lack of her attention. Such a person must be loved with all his shortcomings and admired. This is very difficult for the Dog, and she may unwittingly hurt him. All this leads to the emergence of new complexes, and there are already enough of them.

Dragon and Boar

For the Dragon this union is very favorable, but for the Pig - not entirely. In this combination, the Boar falls into the Dragon's trap; it can instantly turn its head. Boar all his own free time will be busy only with the Dragon, the Negro will no longer have time for himself. Admiration for a brilliant partner will instill energy in him, he will become more liberated and begin to go out into society on his own. This will not offend the Dragon at all, and he will not forget to give wise advice to his partner. The Pig will gratefully accept the Dragon's words, because his advice is always valuable.

Date of publication: 08/16/2011

The dragon, according to the Chinese, who “awarded” one of the years of the 12-year cycle with its name, is a very strong and powerful creature. He can be a reliable patron and protector, but under a different set of circumstances he will incinerate him with his fire-breathing mouth or beat him with a powerful tail before his opponent has time to group or say anything in his own defense.

They are all different. But they are united by the Dragon

What is he talking about? horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon? A person born in the year of the Dragon can bring positive or negative to the world, but in no case will he become a mediocre inhabitant of the planet, lost in the crowd.

Dates of those born in the year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon is: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and next year 2012.

The Dragon will come into force on January 23, 2012 and will hand over the “reins of power” to the Snake following it on February 9, 2013.

Character traits of those born in the year of the Dragon

So, those born in the year of the Dragon are honest people, alien to hypocrisy, flattery and deceit. Thanks to this, they are noble, decent, and even, with proper upbringing, intelligent. However, they are characterized by intemperance associated with an unwillingness to put up with injustice, mental uncleanliness (and physical, by the way, too). Therefore, the Dragon can unwittingly offend with a word when, under the influence of emotions, he says something without thinking.

Dragons are very independent. Moreover, in everything - in the company, in work, in hobbies. You can often hear the prefix “himself” from them. They love to engage in self-medication, self-improvement... but they also often “sin” by self-flagellation.

Whatever the Dragons undertake is certainly brought to its logical conclusion. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those who, by the will of fate, had to be “in harness” with them. But the Dragon will never put it on someone else's shoulders own share duties due to them. Although he will not tolerate other people’s negligence and carelessness and will torture such a person with nagging and criticism. Yes, something, but you won’t find patience and tolerance with the Dragon.

Spheres of success for those born in the year of the Dragon

The Dragon is an extraordinary and strong leader. He is able to organize, it seems, anything and anyone. Business, politics, art, science, military affairs - all this may be in the area of ​​his competence. Such a person knows how to plan, keep both the thoughts in his head and the surrounding space in order.

However, life can force the Dragon to take a dubious path. You shouldn’t be surprised if you find out that some criminal “celebrity” is a Dragon by year of birth. The Dragon is capable of succeeding in this “position” no less than in any other. And the most interesting thing is that such “pranks” in most cases go unpunished for him and get away with it.

In any case, the Dragon is not threatened by one thing - poverty.

Dragon and love. Horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon are usually popular with the opposite sex and have a lot of fans. Dragon Woman can be briefly described as a socialite.

Dragon Men are not so desperately in need of universal worship. Some of them prefer to remain single, wanting their freedom to be unrestricted. But, regardless of the gender of the Dragon, their life partners should always remember that these people need solitude from time to time.

Being in love, the Dragon surrenders to the feeling with all his inherent ardor, until existing relationships at one moment they will not seem like a habit and routine to him. Dragons are not at all sentimental and break off bored relationships mercilessly. And they can immediately start searching new love and impressions, fortunately, they always have someone to choose from. The main mistake made by their partners, perhaps, should be considered attempts to comprehensively control the Dragon and subordinate them to their influence.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rat, Monkey and Rooster are most suitable for the Dragon as life partners. Each of these signs will complement and help the Dragon in different ways: Rat - with devotion and ability to plan family budget, Monkey - patience with all the dragon's difficulties of character, Rooster - the ability to be content with little and live unpretentiously in the shadow of the glory of the Dragon.

But it is better for the Dragon not to connect his life with the Tiger and the Dog. The Tiger will hourly bring disharmony into the Dragon's life with his own charisma, while the Dog has too much realism and pessimism for him.

Dragon and Zodiac. Combination of horoscopes

Dragons born under different signs The zodiacs, of course, differ from each other to some extent. Stars strengthen some qualities in them and weaken others.

Dragon-Aries should be called the Dragon Squared. The Aries sign is closest to the eastern Dragon in spirit. Thanks to this, such a person will not only go towards his goal, but fly towards it as if on wings. However, Aries's stubbornness and straightforwardness often serve him badly: having collected a bunch of bruises and bumps along the way to success, he loses a considerable share of the joy from it. Therefore, it would be nice for the Aries Dragon to acquire a reliable partner who could stop him in time and protect him from breaking through walls with his forehead. Suitable activities for Aries-Dragons are trade and construction.

Taurus significantly softens the Dragon, making him more of an esthete and connoisseur of beauty than a formidable ruler. As a rule, they are good family men. In addition, they are very scrupulous about their appearance, love accessories, etc. The best thing to do For Dragon-Taurus, something from the field of applied art is used - interior design, sculpture, painting, etc.

Duality Gemini leads to the fact that such a Dragon can in the most unexpected way move from extreme peacefulness and good nature to extreme anger. The Gemini Dragon loves showiness and tries to be so even to the detriment of himself and his loved ones.

Constellation Cancer makes the Dragon a wonderful builder of castles in the air. He really knows how what he has planned should look like, but he doesn’t bother to think through the little things... or rather, what seems like little things to him. This is truly: “the gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.” If next to the Cancer-Dragon there is an intelligent and practical companion, then you can count on a truly durable and beautiful castle.

Dragon-Lion- this is continuous suspiciousness and doubt. “Am I good enough in this light?”, “Was I sufficiently solid and impressive in that situation?” It would seem that all you have to do is find yourself a quiet place away from everyone, and all the problems will disappear by themselves. But it was not there! This Dragon cannot do without spectators. Therefore, a good way out for him is radio, organizing celebrations, etc.

Realism and practicality Virgo combined with the Dragon's imagination gives an interesting effect. Such a Dragon can convince of anything, because his conclusions are logical and seem to be completely justified. It’s only later that it may turn out that he was “carried away.” So it would be good for the Virgo-Dragon to find some area where he could allow his fantasies to be turned into hard cash. For example, a stylist, cosmetologist or marketer selling something, well, not entirely material (perfumes, or what?) - just right!

U Dragon-Libra the eternal problem is spleen. He seemed bored and tired of everything. IN opposite field he is disappointed, the work seems routine and does not promise anything. If only there was something like that, with risk, adrenaline, new impressions! Such a Dragon is good at traveling, conquering peaks (literally), becoming a test pilot...

Dragon-Scorpio be sure to deliver something big. If it’s a business, then the oil industry, if it’s management, then the whole country. He will not run a network of stalls selling cigarettes and Pepsi-Cola. He would also have made a great Generalissimo. Only the Almighty would take him away from big crime, because the dragon-like Scorpio also has no fear of this sphere of “activity”.

Sagittarius-Dragon- probably the calmest and most reasonable among all the signs born in the Year of the Dragon. He values ​​friendship and has great integrity. And he doesn’t particularly need to be the center of attention and fame. Such Sagittarians make excellent “gray” cardinals, but they are absolutely selfless and dedicated to the work they are doing.

Born in the Year of the Dragon Capricorns, like Sagittarius, do not need excessive pomp and veneration from the crowd. They would like more income and stability... But the “dragon” essence still takes its toll, so Capricorn Dragons can be recognized by what exactly they decided to do. They are inevitably drawn to something extraordinary, say, breeding crocodiles or selling Voodoo masks.

Dragon-Aquarius does not accept imperfection, especially in himself. Any failure that a representative of another sign would “step over” with a shrug of his shoulders will cause him a feeling of discomfort for weeks and will not allow him to forget about himself. The Aquarius-Dragon will spend a lot of useful energy on this and may lose a lot in success.

Dragon-Fish prudent, intelligent, has a sense of beauty. He would probably make a great science fiction writer. But the trouble is that the Dragon Fish has low self-esteem. It would hardly even occur to him to think about it. Now, if only someone would give some insight... As for the more “mundane” spheres of existence, then best option for him it’s finance.

Famous Dragons

The dragon is an intellectual, a charismatic personality, an esthete. Therefore, you will find famous Dragons in the most different areas human activity. For example, writers born in the year of the Dragon are E. Poe, O. Wilde, Omar Khayyam, M. Sholokhov, C. Perrault, L. Carroll, J. R. Tolkien, I. Brodsky, M. Gorky. Dragon Actors - M. Dietrich, Al Pacino.

Philosophers who were born under this sign are also known to the world. Among them are F. Nietzsche, F. Engels, O. Spengler, J.-J. Rousseau, I. Kant. And, of course, among the Dragons there are many politicians: J. d'Arc, Nicholas II Romanov, Martin L. King, A. Lincoln, Che Guevara, V. Putin, F. Mitterrand, E. Shevardnadze.

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