Steamboats of the CER. Sino-Eastern Railway: Construction and Operation History

Decor elements 22.09.2019
Decor elements

After the manchuric operation of 1945, the road passed into a joint Soviet-Chinese government (as Chinese Changchunskaya railway )

Due to the growth of the activity of the Western powers at the end of the XIX century in East Asia and in the Far East, the Russian Empire began to exercise an increased concern regarding the situation of the considerable part of its territories of Siberia and Far Eastactually cut off from the central part of the country. The task of the implementation of the emergency setting complex in population is in place, which required them to tie them with a center with stable and convenient transport communications. In 1891, it was decided to build the Trans-Siberian Railway. Its construction began simultaneously from Vladivostok and Chelyabinsk, conducted on public funds and demonstrated the rates of railway construction unprecedented until that time - 7.5 thousand km of the new railway line were laid in 10 years. On the east side, Transsib was brought from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, where construction works Braided the need to build a huge bridge over Cupid. From the west side, railway tracks were brought to Transbaikalia.

When starting work on the Transsib laying, two options for its passage from Transbaikalia to the East were considered. According to the first version, the highway was supposed to pass along the coast of Amur and the Russian-Chinese border to Khabarovsk, and on the second - through Manchuria to the Pacific Ocean. The second option was considered even during the design of the Siberian Railway, when it was discussed the possibility of its laying from Irkutsk through Kyacht in Mongolia, then through China to the Russian Primorye. An engineer S. N. Sviyagin played a prominent role in the installation of the route and leadership by the construction of complex sites.

Supporters of the transmission of Transsib along the Amur justified him by the subsequent increase in the possibilities of economic and social Development Russian territories Eastern Siberia and the Far East. S. M. Okrugsky, the former Governor General Governor in the period 1893-1898, stated that even in the case of the joining of Manchuria to Russian Empire - The importance of the Amur Railway for Russia would remain a huge, as well as its "colonization and baseline value". He stressed that in no case cannot stop the construction of the railway line along the Amur.

The supporter of the Manchuric version was the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte, who believed that the railway would contribute to the peaceful conquest of Manchuria. In favor of the Manchurian version, the activity of Japan has also played both in the Far East, threatening the interests of the Russian Empire in China. In addition, the Manchurian version made it possible to enter Russia to new markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Ultimately, the concept of the Minister of Finance was defeated on the construction of the railway line, called the Sino-Eastern Railway, through the territory of Manchuria. Only defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-05 has demonstrated the mistake of this solution to the government, which accelerated the construction of the Amur Railway.

When discussing the construction plans of the CERE, it was decided to involve private capital to participate in it, for which the corresponding preparatory work. In December 1895, a Russian-Chinese bank was created with an initial capital of 6 million rubles. For its formation, 15% of the funds provided the St. Petersburg International Commercial Bank, and 61% came from 4 French banks.

Start of construction expensive

16 (27) August 1897 has become the beginning of the construction of the CER. Construction was carried out simultaneously from the item of the construction department of the construction department for three directions and from three finite points of the CERT - Stations of Grodekovo in Primorye, from Transbaikalia and Port Arthur - In June 1898, Russia received a concession for the construction of the southern branch of the CERE (later known as South Manchurian Iron Roads), which was supposed to provide an exit to the Far Fallen (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Lyushuna) located in the Liaodong Peninsula, rented by the Russian Empire in March 1898, according to the Russian-Chinese Convention 1898. On May 16, 1898, an engineer Adam Shidlovsky laid the first Barack in the Sungari railway. From the Barack and began the city of Harbin ...

In connection with the high length of the highway, it was originally a decision on the disaggregation of the construction into separate sites with the appointment of their own leaders. The line between the Manyzhuri stations in Transbaikalia and the border in Primorye was divided into 13 construction sites, the line from Harbin to Port Arthur was divided into 8 sections.

Nevertheless, 5 (18) July 1901, the temporary movement of trains and cargo transportation throughout the length of the CERE was opened. Due to the disappearance of the need to divide the road to construction sites, they began to merge into associations, and then the posts of bonds of departments were abolished and again subdued the whole road directly to the chief engineer.

By participating in the "Union Army Eight Power Union Army" (United Kingdom, France, Germany, USA, Russia, Japan, Italy, Austria, USA), the Russian Empire took advantage of this opportunity and occupied the northeastern provinces of the Qing Empire to obtain additional advantages in This region. However, its separatic negotiations with the Chinese government after the suppression of the uprising success were not crowned due to the powerful opposition of other powers. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Empire in August 1903 created the Far Eastern governance led by Admiral E. I. Alekseev and instructed him to conduct further negotiations directly with the Qing Courtyard.

Opening expense

In 1908, the Tobolsky governor N. L. Gondatti in a report on the name of V. Plevie insisted on the construction of the Amur Railway and laying the second rut in the Siberian and Trans-Baikal Railways, without which the Amur Railway would have only local importance. In 1911, L. N. Gondatti was appointed Governor General of the Atomur region, after which he managed to implement the construction of a unique at the time of the bridge over the Cupid, the plans of the Union of Ussuria Railway with the Amur Railway with access to the Trans-Baikal Railway.

Shipping Company

Joint-stock company of the CERE also participated in the equipment sea Port. In Vladivostok and through the mediation of the Russian East Asian shipping company, flights to the ports of Japan, Korea and China made flights. By 1903, the Society of the CER has already owned its own flotilla from 20 steamats.

Road after the October Revolution

Cleaning was not complete. At its place, many employees of the FAQ were temporarily left, for example, the main controller of the city of K. Gins, who served earlier in the Kolchak's government and the former chief of staff Ataman I. P. Kalmykova M. A. Demishkhan. In addition, in October 1924, the church department of the CERV was abolished, and the chickens are evaluated from official housing. Gradually was the replacement of royal frames into Soviet. Since only Soviet or Chinese citizens, only Soviet or Chinese citizens could work for the Soviet-Chinese Agreement of 1924, since October 1924, the Soviet diplomatic institutions were massively submitting applications for the receipt of Soviet citizenship to serve the railway and their relatives. According to the Soviet Consul in Harbin V. Ya. Abolinta, by 1927, the Soviet colony in Manchuria counted 25 thousand people, by 1931 it was already 150 thousand people.

In the first three years of the Soviet Department of the dear employees, the road increased markedly. As of October 1, 1927, 27,144 people worked at the CER, including 11304 USSR citizen, 1407 persons without citizenship, 1547 Russians, having Chinese citizenship, 12,886 Chinese. In 1925, the Soviet side initiated trial Against the three senior officials of the CERE - B. V. Ostrumova, M.I. Stepunina, the head of the land department N. M. Gondatti and the head of the Economic Bureau I. A. Mikhailov. The case of a Chinese judge who was an amnestied all four defendants and released them on September 12 of the same year to freedom.

In early 1926, the conflict broke out between the two Chinese warlords of Lo Sunlin and Zhang Zolinov, which embraced the CER. By the evening of January 21 of the same year, the Chinese military took control of the entire South Through of the CERD and on January 23 dissolved all trade unions. But the next day of the USSR and China agreed: the Chinese man being arrested by the Chinese Department released, a normal message was restored on the road, and Chinese military transportations were to be carried out for half a total and in the account of the Chinese share of profits from the CAU.

Attempts to alienate expensive

In August 1926, the authorities have been established in Beijing hostile to the USSR Zhang Zzolin. After that, the Chinese side began to gradually alienate the ownership of the QUCs in its favor. Already on August 24, 1926, the Board of the Road received a dispatch in which Zhang Zzolin offered to pass the North-East Sea Flotily by all vessels of the CAW, and on September 4 of the same year, the Chinese seized the Jource Division. After Zhang Zzolin was killed in June 1928, he was inherited by Son - Zhang Xuelyan. With it, a clearer rate for the alienation of the railway was taken.

In addition, in the early 1930s, the relationship between the Soviet and Chinese aggravated (it began to be called Manchurian) parties, and the latter supported the Japanese. The stumbling block was "case about the hijack of steam locomotives." During the First World War, the Tsarist Government ordered a large part of the steam locomotives for Russian railways in the United States, they arrived and maintained maintenance for the CAW. In civil war, 124 such steam locomotives are stuck at the CER. The Chinese side considered them the property of the CERE, and the Soviet proven that they had no relation to the CER. The Soviet side overtakes 83 steam locomotive in the USSR, in response the Chinese side in 1933 ceased to be direct communication between the CER and the Soviet Trans-Baikal and Ussuri railways. Upon charges of caron locomotives, the Manchurian side arrested 6 Soviet employees of the CAW, who were in custody for more than six months and were released on the amnesty on February 24, 1934. But the locomotives apparently remained in the USSR. In addition, local authorities were often arrested by Soviet and Manchurian employees of the CAW without charge. As of December 1, 1934, the Manchurian authorities were arrested 424 Soviet citizens, of which 201 was released, 94 were deported to the USSR, and 129 remained under arrest. From November 1, 1934, Harbin radio programs of white emigration (for example, K. V. Rodzayevsky) were broadcast from Xinjin from a new powerful station to the Soviet Far East.

Modern condition

As of 2012, in Chinese railway schedules, at least one train passes through the entire line of the former QUCT in China. Passenger train 4192/4194/4195 covers 1529 km from Manzhoule to Suifenha in 25 hours. For the most part of the line (for example, from Manzhoule to Harbel, or from Harbel to Mudanjiang) pass and fast trains.

see also

  • Agreement between the USSR and Manzhou-go about the assignment of the rights of Manzhou-th right of the USSR in relation to the CERE (SJD)


  1. Former Eastern Manchuria
  2. Highest approved Charter of the Russian-Chinese Bank //, Collection of the Third. - St. Petersburg. : State Typography, 1899. - T. XV, 1895, No. 12242. - P. 698-707.
  3. Highest approved by the Charter of the Society of the Chinese Eastern Railway // Complete Assembly of the Laws of the Russian Empire, the third meeting. - St. Petersburg. : State Typography, 1899. - T. XVI, Department I, 1896, No. 13486. - P. 749-757.
  4. According to A. S. Suvorin, Yugovich was a relative of Spouse Witte
  5. It was also called a "bridge village"
  6. Highest approved position of the Council of Ministers "On the establishment of a joint stock commercial Bank Named: "Russian-Asian Bank" //


Selection of Directions and Design

The history of the Sino-Eastern Railway (FC) worked closely with the history of the Trans-Siberian Railway Railway (Transsib) and provided in many respects negative influence on the fate of one of component parts Transsiba - Amur Railway.

Due to the increase in the activity of the Western powers at the end of the XIX century. In East Asia and the Far East, the Russian Empire began to show increased concern regarding the situation of the considerable part of its territories of Siberia and the Far East, actually cut off from the central part of the country. The task of the implementation of the emergency setting complex in population is in place, which required them to tie them with a center with stable and convenient transport communications. A year was decided on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Its construction began simultaneously from Vladivostok and Chelyabinsk, conducted on public funds and demonstrated the rates of railway construction unprecedented until that time - 7.5 thousand km of the new railway line were laid in 10 years. On the east side, Transsib was brought from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, where construction work was braked by the need to build a huge bridge over Cupid. From the west side, railway tracks were brought to Transbaikalia.

Supporters of the transmission of Transsib along the Amur justified him by the subsequent increase in the possibilities of economic and social development of Russian territories of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. S. M. Okovskaya, the former Governor-General in the period 1893-1898, said that even with the accession of Manchuria to the Russian Empire, the importance of the Amur Railway for Russia would remain a huge, as well as its "colonization and base stores". He stressed that in no case cannot stop the construction of the railway line along the Amur.

The supporter of the Manchuric version was the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte, who believed that the railway would contribute to the peaceful conquest of Manchuria. In favor of the Manchurian version, the activity of Japan has also played both in the Far East, threatening the interests of the Russian Empire in China. In addition, the Manchurian version made it possible to enter Russia to new markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Ultimately defeated the concept of the Minister of Finance about the construction of the railway line, called the Sino-Eastern Railway, through the territory of Manchuria. Only defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-05 has demonstrated the mistake of this solution to the government, which accelerated the construction of the Amur Railway.

When discussing the construction plans of the CERE, it was decided to involve private capital to participate in it, for which the relevant preparatory work was carried out. In December, a Russian-Chinese bank was created with an initial capital of 6 million rubles. For its formation, 3/8 funds provided the St. Petersburg International Bank, and 5/8 came from 4 French banks.

Start of construction expensive

16 (27) August 1897 has become the beginning of the construction of the CER. Construction was carried out simultaneously from the location of the construction department for three directions and from three finite points of the CERT - Stations of Grodekovo in Primorye, from Transbaikalia and Port Arthur - In June of the year, Russia received a concession for the construction of the southern branch of the CERE (in consequences known as South Manchurian Iron Roads), which was supposed to provide an exit to the Far Far (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Lyushuna) located in the Liaodong Peninsula, "taken" by the Russian Empire for rent in March 1898 according to the Russian-Chinese Convention 1898.

In connection with the length of the highway, it was originally a decision on the disaggregation of construction into certain sections with the appointment of their own leaders. The line between the Manyzhuri stations in Transbaikalia and the border in Primorye was divided into 13 construction sites, the line from Harbin to Port Arthur was divided into 8 sections.

Opening expense

Shipping Company

The Joint Stock Company of the Curge also participated in the equipment of the seaport in Vladivostok and, through the mediation of the Russian East Asian shipping company, flights to the ports of Japan, Korea and China. By 1903, the Society of the QUC has already owned its own flotilla from 20 steamers.

Road after the October Revolution

Attempts to alienate expensive

On July 17, 1929, the USSR government announced a rupture of diplomatic relations with China, in November 1929 a special red-known Far Eastern army held a rapid operation for the liberation of the CEV. On December 22, 1929, in Khabarovsk, the authorized by the Chinese Republic of Tsai Yuan Sushen and the Commissioner of the USSR, the NKID Agent Simanovsky set the signatures under the "Khabarovsky Protocol", according to which the status quo was restored to the CAW in accordance with Beijing and Mukden treaties.

Andrei Vorontsov to the 110th anniversary of the completion of the construction of the CERE

The Sino-Eastern Railway, the largest highway from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok with a branch to the far and the base of the Russian fleet of Port Arthur, was put into operation 110 years ago, June 14, 1903. According to the Russian-Chinese defensive agreement of 1896, the land under the road was transferred to Russia for 80 years. The CAW not only crossed the continental part of the Northeast China and went out with a separate twig to the Yellow Sea (until 1904), but also had a "alienation band" along the road under the direction of Russia. It was guarded by her Russian guards (up to 25,000 bayonets and a saber at 26 guns), transformed in 1901 in the Camur district of the border guard.

The witty of that time was called Manchuria "Yastossia". Jokes jokes, and Russian colonization of Manchuria was only a matter of time. CER, in essence, by two disperse branches, "attracted" her to Russia. In Port Arthur, the residence of the royal governor in the Far East was already translated. No wonder the Japanese so hurried to start hostilities in the zone of the southern section of the road (only six months after its discovery). The "division" of Manchuria went rapidly. Here, throughout the 2400-Versux, there were new Russian cities (cycaricar, Harbin, Changchun, Far, Port Arthur, etc.) with high-rise buildings and large beautiful churches, sawmills and brick plants, coal copy, shipping company, pier, warehouses , depot, offices, shops, hospitals, district military hospital for 485 beds, schools, 20 railway schools, higher education institutions, libraries, newspapers, magazines and even ... resorts.

But what with all this, including 370 locomotives, about 2,700 commodity and 900 passenger cars, 20 steamers, 1390 railway canvas (since 1905), 1464 railway bridges, 9 tunnels, became after 1917? Where did the Russian Railway Staff and the Lady Border Guard?

The first losses of the CERD suffered in 1905 by the way, she played rather negative than a positive role in the Russian-Japanese war. Commander-in-Chief General Adjutant A.N. Kuropatkin, very afraid to lose the only railway track that connects our troops with Russia, constantly pressed against the southern branch of the CERE, making himself free maneuver and facilitating the enemy the possibility of bypass and coverage. At the same time, the bandwidth of the road was not as great to quickly transfer hundreds of thousands of soldiers with artillery and equestrian taiga to the theater of hostilities. It was only a year later after the start of the war. But Port Arthur by that time already fell, and the fleet was killed in the Tsushimsky Strait. According to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan, most of the southern branch of the road (a plot from Changchun south), which was submitted to the territory captured by the Japanese, was transferred to Japan. Yes, and I didn't need this branch of Russia with the loss of Port Arthur and Far.

After 12 years, the October Revolution broke out. At first she did not greatly affect the status of the road. Until October 1917, the CER was a joint-stock company with state capital. And although in December 1917, the Bolsheviks in Petrograd closed the Russian-Asian bank, through which the calculations of the CAW were calculated, and the Board of the Company of the CERE was eliminated, legally this society remained the owner of the road. In addition, Russia's authority in China was so large that local authorities have recognized the rights of the pre-revolutionary Russian railway administration in the "alienation band" until September 1920. The Russian court also existed and Russian security troops (already, truth, small), who submitted to the director-manager of the Board of the Company of the CERE General Lieutenant D.L. Croata, who played a big role in the political career of Admiral Kolchak.

When, at the end of 1917, the revolution was sought to Harban, the Council of Workers and Soldier deputies arose here. As of December 13, 1917, he was preparing the seizure of power. By that time, almost anything left from the powerful border guard, with the exception of six hundred cavalry, since the Zaamurts went to the front of the First World War. Non-blood squads of the militia, created instead of the Caumur infantry, were unable and proloved by the Bolsheviks. But General Croat, with the help of preserved the loyalty of the officers of the Guardians and Chinese soldiers disarmed the Red Guards and sent them beyond China. It is thanks to the hardness of Croat, the CER, unlike other Russian railways, retained in the years of revolution and civil war, the normal throughput and "commodity view", and continued to go international expressions with restaurant wagons, which, of course, in 1917 1922 And it was impossible to imagine in Russia.

The fall of Kolchak inevitably affected the status of the CER. On March 22, 1920, Russian security troops in the "alienation band" were replaced by Chinese. The Far Eastern Republic of the Far Eastern Republic of the Far Eastern Republic declared the rights to the Far Eastern Republic soon, but did not really listened to her. At the end of 1920, the Board of the Company of the CERE, by agreement with the Chinese, announced the road to an international joint-stock company. In February 1921, the road passed into the Office of the International Technical Committee, headed by an incident from Paris by an engineer B.V. Witty. Unlike its predecessors, he did not have any administrative rights in the "alien band". But wit was an excellent managerial and economist. Under it, the CER from the enterprise of the unprofitable, which had a shortage of two and a half million gold rubles for 1921, turned into a prosperous, with a net profit of 6 million rubles (in 1922). Great importance Ostrums attached appearance Roads. Judging by the photos of the spacious indoor perons of the Harbin railway station, they may be envied by any modern station.

It was Ottoid that owns an idea about the device along the QUCT line for the famous now in the PRC of climatic resorts: Name, Echo, Losao-Gow, Fulaeerdi, Barim, Hinghan and Zhalanutun. Even the advertising song was composed:

Oh, Zhalanutun - what panorama,
Oh, Khalanutun, what beauty!

The "resort line" significantly increased the income of the road.

But, despite the fact that the Russian people continued to work at the CER, with witty, it was no longer serving the state interests of Russia - neither "White" or "Red". It was, as they say now, "Transnational Corporation". In addition, the days of independent existence of the International Society of the Curvas were considered. The Americans strongly crushed at the Chinese to give them a taller and strategically important way.

Under these conditions, enviable activity showed soviet government (enviable - compared with the foreign economic activity of the current government). Using its influence on the then Guidelines of the Gomindan party and other left-handed forces of China, the Soviet Union has persistently achieved the right to jointly with the Chinese management of the CERE, with the simultaneous cancellation of the rights of international society. Americans, in their everight habit, they wanted to pick up everything, so our suggestions for the Chinese looked tempting.

In 1924, the USSR and China signed an agreement on joint operation and ownership of the road. Now the staff of the CERE should have been half Chinese, half of Soviet. But in fact, the parity was respected for long. In China, there was a civil war, and the opposing parties tried to use the CAW in their military interests. This led to the fact that in January 1926, the Soviet driving road of Ivanov even forbade transportation for the Chinese.

Over twenty thousand Soviet employees and work workers arrived at the CAW. In the "alienation band" there was a unique, which existed to it only in the Far Eastern Republic (1920-1922) situation: the joint peaceful living of "Red" and "White" (the number of koi hesitated in for different years from 70,000 to 200,000 people). This found an original reflection in the verses of the Harbin poet of Arseny Nesmelov (Metropolsky):

Pink Building Depot
With soot and dirt podasal
For the largest rail trail,
Where and the hitch with a lantern does not climb, -
Condescended and drunk in a dead end
Rust "Cappel", white armored car.

... and next to him - the irony of fate,
Her lumesed laws -
Having raised the hammerpieces,
Red cars stand on vacation ...

The Soviet Union, oddly enough, satisfied this ambiguous position. In words, the Soviet authorities demanded from Chinese (but not too persistently) to send bellyamigrants in the USSR, but in fact they did not really want to change the existing "status quo". "You are more here," they were confidentially said to former compatriots, according to the testimony of "Harbin" L.I. Chuguevsky. The political situation in China was extremely unstable, yesterday's ally Homindan became suddenly after the coup Chan Kaisi enemy, so the Russian "fifth column" in Manchuria would not prevent the USSR. In addition, the GPU agent felt in the "alienation band" like a fish in water. This can be explained by many oddities against the Bolsheviks to Harbin Emigrants. For example, the same A. Nesmelov, who fled in 1924 from the USSR, was actively printed in 1927-1929. In the Siberian Fires Soviet magazine, and the editorial office did not hide at all from readers where the author lives.

In July 1929, the conflict between the dictator (Chinese governor) of Manchuria Zhang Syueli and the Soviet administration of the Sino-Eastern Railway, which passed to the autumn in full-scale martialctions Between the Red Army and Chinese militarists. This local war, which is significantly superior, by the way, on the wise of military operations, the famous conflict on the island of Damansky, is now almost forgotten. However, in the 1929th streets of all cities and villages of our country were hung with posters: "Hands away from the CER!" But for 10 years before that, Soviet Russia officially refused the CAG as from the "shameful relic of Russian colonialism" ...

Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army under the command of V.K. Blucher forced the Arguan River, Amur and Ussuri, broke the troops of General Zhana Syuelan and took control of the CEV. In December 1929, the Chinese were forced to sign the Protocol in Khabarovsk on the restoration of Soviet rights to the CER and the normalization of the situation on the border of the USSR and China.

The second stage of the presence of Russia for the CAW lasted for a little more than 10 years. In 1931, Manchuria was captured by the Japanese. They decided to create on its territory the puppet state of the manzhou-go, headed by Pu and, Son of the last Chinese emperor. The legal status of the CER has become extremely uncertain. In 1934, the Japanese demanded from the Soviet Union to sell them the road. In case of refusal, they would naturally took it for free. Soviet authorities gave way - for a small amount of 150 million yen. At the end of March 1935, the evacuation of 24,000 Soviet railroad workers began. She lasted until June 28; Total went to the USSR 104 echelon.

A small part of the Beloamigrants joined the "returnees", the other, too small, went to Australia, Latin America, Europe, but the main part remained in Manzhou. At first, Japanese and puppet power struck in every way Russian colony. But soon the Japanese understood their mistake, because most of them were as part of them as enemies, and Russians, by and large, was indifferent, under whose power to live in a stranger - Chinese or Japanese. Between occupying authorities And the Russian emigrants began to establish normal relations. The Japanese, in contrast, let's say, from the current governments of the Baltic countries, believed to be quite possible teaching in Russian in Central and Higher School. They canceled the Sinto's oath for Russian employees, in general "warped" to Orthodoxy. During the reign period PU and the number orthodox churches Harbin increased 3 times. In 1937, our community widely noted the century of Konchanin A.S. Pushkin, and next year - the 950th anniversary of the baptism of Russia.

In September 1945, Japan was headed in Manchuria by the Red Army. Powed and manzhou. Russia returned to himself all the pre-revolutionary possessions in Manchuria (though, already as a co-owner): both the CERC with the southern branch, and Port Arthur, and the Far-Stalin, unlike Khrushchev and Gorbachev, was painfully related to any territorial and property losses. But he had weakness to Mao Zedun. He even forgave him the revisionist phrase in the CCP program 1945: "PDA in all his work is guided by the ideas of Mao Zedong" (and Khrushchev, by the way, did not forgive). On the day of his 70th anniversary, Stalin took off his clock and gave them to Mao: now, they say, your time came. It was not the first and not the last metaphor of Stalin in relations with the younger Chinese friend: he generally brought up Mao in a similar spirit. Despite the Honor rendered to Mao (he was settled in December 1949 at the Stalin dacha in Kuntseva), he was waiting for the reception from Stalin for a whole month and during that time did not see it once, although he lived on the second floor, and Stalin - on the first. Then, according to Mao's memories, he could not stand it and Zascandalil: I, they say, the head of the largest in the country's population and the leader of the world's largest Community, apply to me Stalin! Said - Made: This evening the meeting with Stalin took place. And in the morning the waitress, carrying Mao to the top of coffee, almost dropped the tray, seeing the stairs at the staircase, although not a ghost, but not a reality - gray as Lun Stalin in Mundar of Generalissimus. He stood, looking at her soaked. And this is in such a way, although, as you know, he has never got up before afternoon! Further, Stalin behaved even more unusual, if not to say indecently. He suddenly selected a tray from the waitress, saying: "I myself will take it," and suffered coffee Mao Zedun on the second floor - in bed, so to speak.

Mao was so amazed by this purely Chinese metaphor, which never once again dare to demand anything from Stalin and did not say any thin word about him until death. Soon, in February 1950, Stalin made his favorite a new gift - the CERE (actually passed into the hands of the Chinese in 1952-1953). The third (and the last) stage of the Russian ownership of the CEG was completed.

Russian emigrants began to leave the "alienation band" back in 1946. Many of those who have left the Patriotic rise in the USSR, were arrested here, many voluntarily went to master the virgin. The main part of Harbin residents (20,000 people) moved to Australia, where he founded the current rather numerous Russian colony. By 1953, no Russian emigrant was already in Manchuria. By that time, the FAQ left the last Soviet employees. In 1955, our military left Port Arthur and Far. The history of Russian CERE and the "Strip of Alienation" ended. But this is an integral and very noticeable part of our overall history.

the locomotive 2-3-0 of the G series, or, as then the then railway workers, "Iron Manchur". The fervor of charismatic - Kharkiv building 1902-1903, built only for two roads - Vladikavkaz and Sino-Eastern. He had a flaw - he was too heavy on the axis, and therefore could only walk on main lines with a powerful ballast base and heavy rails. But developed for that time a huge speed: a modification for CER - up to 115 km / h! And therefore drove mostly high-speed trains, in particular, the courier "room first" (Irkutsk - Harbin - Vladivostok). Here he also stands under some mixed train. It is also interesting arrow (on the frame on the left). The Vladivostok railway station was visible.

See also:
Red Army on the eve of the Great Patriotic War
On January 20, 1925, the USSR and Japan signed the Peking Treaty
"Muromets" against samurai!

CER - Chinese Eastern Railway. She was the next Chita, the end of Vladivostok. The road took place through the territory of Manchuria - the area in the northeast of China and had the purpose of consolidating Russia's prevalence in Northern China and ensuring the release of his goods to the country market Pacific Ocean and south East Asia. Road construction was carried out by Russian workers and engineers from 1897 to 1903

Construction of awards

In the summer of 1894, a war began between China and Japan, which China lost to the crash. According to the simonya peace treaty, concluded by opponents on April 17, 1895, China lost several islands, including Taiwan, the Liaodo Peninsula, pledged to pay huge contributions, not to prevent the penetration of Japanese and foreign capital to its territory. Japan's strengthening caused Russia's concerns for the integrity of their possessions in the Far East. Russia in the Union with France and Germany "Nadvili" to Japan so that she followed her appetites. Having achieved this, Russia continued the policy of China's subordination to its influence. In order to facilitate China, the Russian-Chinese bank was created to pay the Contribution.

The next step of Russian diplomacy, the creation of a special fund for bribing Chinese officials to achieve permission from them to create a concession in the construction of the railway in Manchuria, is insulating this important area for Russia from the South and Central China, where American and European banks have hosted, and subordinate to Manchuria influence Russia. In the Moscow Treaty of Russia and China there was a military assistance of countries to each other in the event of aggression against one of them and the construction of the railway through Manchuria to Vladivostok, allegedly to facilitate the court of troops. The concession for the construction of the road received the Russian-Chinese bank.
In 1898, another agreement of Russia and China was signed: the lease of the Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur and the construction of the railway from Port Arthur to Harbin to meet the CAW. The uprising of the "boxers" in China made it difficult to build a road. Nevertheless, according to Wikipedia, in 1901, temporary was opened in 1901, and 2 years later, the regular movement of trains throughout the CAW. From Moscow to Port Arthur could be reached in 13-16 days depending on the class class.

After the CAW until 1929 was under the control of the USSR, then the Chinese were captured by the Chinese, re-infuriated by the Soviet Union, which in turn lost control over the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. Only in 1945 the road returned to Russia so that according to the 1952 Agreement with the People's Republic of China, finally go to it.

History of the CERD in dates

  • 1894, July 25 - the beginning of the war of Japan and China
  • 1894, August 21 - the meeting of the Higher Sanovnikov of Russia with the participation of the king developed a course on reconciliation of the parties, but did not find a response from Japan
  • 1895, January 30 - Chinese authorized profits in Japan in search of peace
  • 1895, February 1 - The second meeting of the king decided to turn to England and France with a proposal to jointly resolve the conflict
  • 1895, March - The influence of European powers made Japan go to negotiations with China
  • 1895, March 13 - China was awarded the text of Japanese peace initiatives
  • 1895, March 20 - Japanese-Chinese peaceful conference opened in Simonseks
  • 1895, on April 17, a Simonsek peace treaty signed
  • 1895, April 23 - Representatives of Russia, France and Germany demanded that Tokyo refusal from the Liaodong Peninsula
  • 1895, May 10 - Japan returned to China Lyodong
  • 1895, July 8 - Russia and China's agreement on the CONTING
  • 1895, December 22 (n. Art.) - established Russian-Chinese bank
  • 1896, January 21 - the first meeting of shareholders of the Bank (from 6 banks one was Russian, the rest of French)
  • 1896, May 22 (N. Art.) Moscow Defense Union of China and Russia
  • 1896, September 8 - the concession agreement of the Chinese government and the Russian-Chinese bank about the construction of the CERE
  • 1896, December 16 - Charter joint Stock Company Approved by Nikolay II.
  • 1897, April 24 - on the seashore of the Sungari River (Songhuhajiang), to the place of its alleged crossing of the railway mainland, where the city of Harbin, the avant-garde detachment of the construction department of the FPA headed by an engineer A. I. Shidlovsky arrived
  • 1898, May 16 - Harbin's birthday - the foundation of the first barrack is laid
  • 1898, March - China and Russia agreement on the lease of the last Port Arthur and the Liaodong Peninsula
  • 1899, April - Agreement of Russia and England on the placement of railway construction areas in China
  • 1899, November 2 - the beginning of the Chinese folk uprising "boxers"
  • 1900, June 6 - the first attack of rebels on the builders of the CERE
  • 1900, June 23 - a new attack. The Chinese destroyed the railway canvas, station buildings. Walleled telegraph poles
  • 1900, beginning of August - Armed Forces of Russia, USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan, Austria-Hungary and Italy. Began an offensive on the "boxers" and suppressed the uprising
  • 1901, July 18 - Open the temporary movement of trains and transportation of goods throughout the length of the CERE
  • 1903, June 14 - the construction management of the QUV PERSONED PERSONNER OPERATIONAL GOVERNMENT, which was the official date of opening of the
  • 1917, December 12 - Harbin Council of Workers and Soldier deputies proclaimed himself the only owner of the CERA
  • 1917, December 26 - Harbin is engaged in Chinese troops
  • 1920, March 19 - the Chinese occupied the strip of alienation around the CERC and stopped the activities of the security guard of the CAG
  • 1924, May 31 - on the agreement concluded on that day the contract between the USSR and China KVA continued to be serviced by Russian specialists
  • 1929, July 10 - another conflict for the CER. The Chinese Army captured the CAG
  • 1929, December 22 - a special red-known Far Eastern army restored the status quo
  • 1931, September - the beginning of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria
  • 1932, February 5 - Harbin is included in the new puppet, controlled by Japan, Manzhou
  • 1935, March 23 - the USSR and Manzhou signed an agreement on the sale of the CERE
  • 1945, August 20 - the troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front and the ships of the Amur flotilla returned to the USSR.
  • 1950, February 14 - in Moscow there was a signing of a friendship agreement between the USSR and the PRC.

The main cargo traffic from Europe did not go by sea, but by rail, which reduced the delivery time of goods by 3 times. In the first third of the XX century. The CER was the main transport artery of the Far East. The road accelerated the settlement Amuria Both Primorye, economic growth of the Russian Far East and Northern Manchuria.

The right to the construction of the CER through the territory of Manchuria, Russia received in accordance with the Russian-Chinese Treaty of May 22, 1896, according to which the strip of alienation (about 6 thousand hectares - Harbin, 54.5 hectares - large stations, about 33 hectares - connectors; Exchange - 113,951 hectares) was a concession territory. On August 17, 1896, the rights to the construction of the CER and the operation of the concession for a period of 80 years are provided to the Russian-Chinese Bank (from the 1910 Russian-Asian Bank). For the construction and operation of the road, the company of the CERE was created, the Board of which was located in St. Petersburg, and the road control - in Harbin. For Russia, favorable tariff and customs regimes were created on the concession territory, the transit of the troops was provided, the system of managing the territory of the Russian model was organized. In the alienation band, Russian subjects have the right of exterriting. In June 1898, Russia received a concession for the construction of the South Branch of the CAW, which was supposed to provide an exit to the Liaodan Peninsula to the ports of Far (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Lyushun), rented in the Russian-Chinese Convention on March 15, 1898.

Opening expense

Exploration work in Northern Manchuria along the QUC line was conducted in 1895-97 under the direction of A.A. Gershova, I.L. Sinai, F.S. Girschman, S.N. HOLOVA, I.I. Oblomiyevsky, I.P. Bocharov. Chief Engineer CERE - A.I. Yugovich. Construction Implemented in 1897-1903: Western Branch of Manchuria-Harbin (1899), Oriental Branch Harbin-Border Neck (1899), South Branch of Harbin-Kuan-Chanzza (1901), Additional branches Jailenorskaya, Yangayskaya, Harbin-Far, Nangaunin-Port Arthur, Dafan-Shen-Dalianwan, Dashitsiao-Incou (1903). The movement by the CER is open in 1903.

The length of the Western and eastern line of the road was 1.5 thousand km (single-mole), southern - 950 km, 1,464 bridges were erected, 9 tunnels were laid, including a two-way Hingan tunnel. At the end of 1904, 441 million rubles were invested in the construction of the CER., Including 71.7 million spent on recovery work After the uprising of the Eateuan (boxing uprising, see Chinese hike), and 11.9 million - on the creation of the maritime and river fleet of the FDA. After Russian-Japanese war According to the Portsmouth Treaty of September 5, 1905, the southern section of the Kuanitzzi-Port Arthur road and the distant, which subsequently compiled an independent South Manchu Railway (YUMD) was departed to Japan. Russia has lost its property in South Manchuria in the amount of 123 million rubles.

Road after the October Revolution

By 1914, Russia has invested 851.4 million rubles in the economy of Manchuria. By 1917, the amount of capital investments in the FACD was 708.5 million rubles. (including the cost of the southern site and the coating by the Government of the Range of the Road). Significant investments made it possible to create a developed transport and social infrastructure, stimulate the development of the forest, mining and manufacturing industry, speed up the urbanization of Northern Manchuria, which strengthened the influx of the population from other areas of China and from Russia. According to the population censuses, the number of Russian-speaking populations along the CER lines at 1907 amounted to 24.8 thousand people, including in Harbin in 1903 - 15.5 thousand, 1913 - 43.5 thousand. In total, 68 permanently lived in Manchuria in 1912, 5 thousand Russians. The Russians compactly lived along the entire alienation band of the CAW, but the western branch was most thickly settled, as well as border rural areas, including a three-strand area located north. Revolution I. They affected the alienation band of the CERE: In November 1917, the Harbin Council of Workers and Soldier deputies was formed; In 1918 acted Business Cabinet D.L. Croata ; In 1919, the territory obeyed Russian government admiral A.V. Kolchak ; In 1920-21 was considered by the authorities Far Eastern Republic as part of it.

In the early 1920s The Chinese authorities took steps to reduce the Russian influence on the CER. In 1918, the Protection of the CERD moved from the Russian side to the Chinese, in October 1920 the Exchange Branch of the CAW is renamed to the Special Region of the Oriental Provinces (ORSP) of China. In the early 1920s Transformed the CERT control system, a court of court and penitentiary institutions have been carried out, abolished russian model management of territory, public and urban self-government The subjects of the former Russian Empire are deprived of extraterritoria. Civil war led to mass emigration In Manchuria. The number of Russian-speaking population in Northern Manchuria amounted to about 200-250 thousand people, including in Harbin in 1920 - 131 thousand, in 1921 - 165 thousand, in 1922-155 thousand, with the result that the city became the center of white emigration in China. The establishment of Soviet-Chinese relations in 1924 and the signing of an Agreement on the CEI with Peking (May 31, 1924) and Mukden (September 20, 1924) by governments provided for the management of expensive on the parity basis, an equal ratio of Soviet and Chinese personnel was established. In 1925-35, the number of Russians in Northern Manchuria was about 150 thousand people, including in Harbin 30-35 thousand emigrants, 25-27 thousand Soviet citizens, 4-7 thousand who adopted Chinese citizenship. In 1929, the Chinese side made an attempt to nationalize the CAW, which led to the rupture of diplomatic relations and armed conflict for the CAW (October-November 1929) with the participation of a special red-known Far Eastern army. The conflict is settled during the negotiations ending with the signing on December 22, 1929 of the Khabarovsky Protocol, restored the law of the USSR in relation to the road.

In 1931-32, Japan occupied Manchuria; The puppet state of Manzhou is formed. In the conditions of the Japanese occupation of Manchuria, after 2 years of negotiations on March 22, 1935, the USSR was forced to agree on the sale of the CER for 140 million yen (about 70 million rubles) and the payment of benefits to the Soviet railway workers in the amount of 30 million yen. The road was renamed to the Northwalking Railway (SJD). The sale of the FACA led to the elimination of all Soviet diplomatic, trade and economic organizations operating in the Manzhouto territory, and the export of 21.5 thousand Soviet railway workers and members of their families in the USSR. Arrivals were distributed through the railway of Central Asia, the European part of the USSR, the Urals and Siberia. According to the operational order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00593 of September 20, 1937, in relation to the so-called Harbinians who returned from China, the NKVD authorities conducted mass repression. More than 42 thousand people underwent repression, including more than 28 thousand people were sentenced to execution. The Soviet citizens who remained on the territory of the manzhou went to the emigrant state, the number of Russian emigrants in Harbin in 1936 - 30.6 thousand; 1944 - 34.6 thousand, in 1945 - 29.1 thousand people.

After the end of World War II, the USSR restored its position in the north-east of China, returning the SJD (which, by agreement of August 14, 1945, entered the joint management of the USSR and China). All lines of the Syrjd and UMR united in the Sino-Changchun Railway (JSC), which was under joint management. During On the territory of Manchuria, about 10 thousand Russians were arrested on the territory of Manyzhuria by the military counterintelligence. Emigrants that were deported to the USSR and were convicted in 1945-48. More than 150 thousand emigrants living in China restored Soviet citizenship, including 29.5 thousand people in Harbin.

Transfer of QUCH Kitai

The Soviet-Chinese Agreement on Friendship February 14, 1950 stipulated the transfer of KSC KNP. By agreement of February 14, 1952, the USSR donated the right to the road to the Chinese side. The transfer of the road took place on December 31, 1952, after which the road began to be called Harbin railway. Repatriation of the Soviet population from the territory of Northern Manchuria in the USSR was carried out mainly in 1954-55 and amounted to over the years more than 40 thousand people, whereas his departure from the rest of the PRC continued until 1961. Repatriates from Northern Manchuria sent to machine-tractor stations and sOVOGO Southern Urals and Siberia, mainly in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk and Omsk region.

Lit.: Historical Overview of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1896-1923. Harbin, 1923; Special region of Oriental provinces Of the Republic of China: Reference information about the administrative and judicial structure of the district. Harbin, 1927; Sladkovsky M.I. The history of trade and economic relations with China until 1917 M., 1974; He is The history of trade and economic relations with China, 1917-1974. M., 1977; Ablova N.E. The history of the CERE and Russian emigration in China (the first half of the XX century). Minsk, 1999; Ablazhi N.N. From the east to the east: Russian emigration to China in the first half of the XX century. Novosibirsk, 2007.

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