How will your working time be determined. Basic requirements of legislation

Arrangement of the site 26.09.2019
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Russian labor week is 40 hours. This requirement is spelled out in Art. 91 TK RF. It does not depend on what periodicity a person works. An employee can work 5-6 days in a row. In case of exceeding the duration of work, the administration must issue overtime hours. Accounting pays such time at higher rates.

Abbreviated working week

  1. Such an opportunity is provided to teenagers who have not been 16 years old. Weekly duration of working time for minor citizens is 24 hours.
  2. Teens aged 16 to 18 can work at no longer than 35 hours.
  3. The abbreviated working week is provided with disabilities 1 and 2 groups. Disabled citizens have the right to work at no more than 35 hours a week.
  4. Special privileges are provided to people who are forced to work in difficult conditions. Harmful factors have a negative impact on the human body. Thanks to the reduced work week, the intensity of the impact of increased noise, chemicals or radioactive irradiation can be reduced.

How many hours is the working week, if a person is constantly in contact with chemicals? To reduce negative consequences, the state obliges the management of enterprises to reduce the working day.

Important! Reducing working time applies only in relation to workplaces corresponding to 3 or 4 degrees of danger. The duration of the work week for such employees is 36 hours.

Weekend work

Provisions of Art. 95 TK RF applies to all staff groups. The pre-holiday day should be reduced at least 1 hour. This is due to the fact that a person needs to be able to prepare for rest. Such rules apply to all employees.

There are not only federal, but also local holidays. They affect the duration of the work week. An exception to the rules are events that are associated with professional activities. For example, metallurgists celebrate their holiday in July. But this event is not considered a day off.

Employers are not required to reduce working hours due to professional events. Sometimes a specialist is needed on a day off. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay an overtime employee at higher rates. Such a need can be associated with the nature of the work performed.

Schedule at night

How many hours is the working week for employees who work at night? The duration of the working day is reduced by 1 hour. Not all people can work on a night shift, which lasts from 22.00 to 6.00 in the morning. The manager must sign a shift schedule that is mandatory for execution. The administration has no right to attract the following employees to the night:

  1. Women who are waiting for a child. Work in the night shift is accompanied by an increased load.
  2. Restrictions relate to mothers raising children under 3 years old.
  3. The administration of the plant can not withdraw in the night shift of adolescents who have not yet been 18 years old.
  4. An obstacle to work in the night clock may be dependents.
  5. There are medical constraints that affect the possibility of working at night.

To demand from the employer to reduce the duration of the shift for 1 hour you must first study the employment contract. It should be indicated about the procedure for labor activity in the night shift.

How to work in different countries

The organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD) is engaged in counting working time. Her employees use statistical information collected from around the world.
The duration of the working day in different countries is very different. Russians on average worked over the past year 1987 hours.

Moreover, Russia is not at all the leader in this indicator. The most hardworking countries can attribute:

  • Mexico;
  • Japan;
  • China;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Chile.

Many people are surprised that there are no developed countries in this list. For example, the Germans work 30% less than Russians. In Europe, the shortest working week. To estimate the working week's duration, you can use information collected in different countries.

Name of the countryThe duration of the work week, in the clock
Great Britain43,7

The duration of the working week increases due to vacations. The Japanese are considered the most real workaholics. And this is despite the fact that the working week in this country does not differ from the Russian. The reason for increased disability is that many people want to move on the service staircase. Most Japanese enterprises are customary to stay at work. In official statistics, this information does not fall. However, in fact, the Japanese work 50 hours a week.

Around the world, the Chinese consider a hardworking nation. This opinion is confirmed by statistical data. The duration of the working week in this country reaches 60 hours. Employers rigidly regulate the time settled on the meal. Lunch break lasts 20 minutes. The Chinese have a very short vacation. To rest, they are given only 10 days.

Overtime work

The work performed by the employee at the initiative of the administration is recycling. The employer must take into account the provisions of one hundred 99 Tk of the Russian Federation. The bosses have no right to force a specialist to work after the end of the working day. He must give voluntary consent. The administration draws up overtime hours in accordance with the order. Accounting takes into account the overtime clock separately.

The administration is obliged to pay overtimely spent overtime on high rates. Such a need may arise, the workshop does not have time to perform a plan. The presence of an employee may be required if it is necessary to prevent damage to property.

Important! Urgent work is not only paid at higher rates. He is impossible without the consent of the employee. The administration is obliged to issue a written order.


The need to reduce the duration of the working day may be associated with family circumstances. Most often, the initiator of such a decision is the employee himself. The head of the enterprise cannot refuse the following categories of employees:

  • pregnant women;
  • guardians raising a disabled child;
  • the need to change the schedule of work may be associated with a serious illness of a close relative.

The employee receives a salary given the worked hours. The man himself chooses the schedule for which he wants to work. It requires an employer's approval. Part-time can be installed by the employer itself.

Such a need can be associated with re-equipment of production. The administration can enter the incomplete work week due to the complex financial position. The regime of an incomplete working day introduced at the initiative of the employer cannot last more than 6 months. At the same time, the employee's income decreases sharply. In the long run, the company risks losing qualified specialists who will be forced to look for another job.

How much should a person who is exposed to dangerous factors?

Correction of the duration of the working day is made in accordance with Article 92. TK RF. Specialists estimate the intensity of the impact of harmful factors. The hazard class in the workplace should correspond to 3 and 4 subgroup. Employees who work in harmful conditions have the right to a reduced working week. It should not exceed 36 hours a week.


The state takes into account the health of adolescents and pregnant women. Performance of official duties can be associated with the impact of harmful factors. Such employees have the right to work on abbreviated schedule.

The norm of working time is due to such factors as the duration of the working week, the duration of the labor day or shift, the distribution of the weekend, etc. Therefore, employers should independently calculate it in accordance with the specifics of work at a particular enterprise (for example, at the six-day working week).

The concept of the six-day working week, the legislative framework

Chapter 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the establishment of a working time mode. There is no accurate definition of this concept in the legislation, however, in Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is indicated that the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • the duration of the working week (five-day working week with two days off, the six-day working week with one weekend or);
  • for individual categories of workers;
  • jogging time and care, including a break;
  • change of workers and weekends in accordance with labor legislation, and the contract.

Regardless of the mode of operation, the duration of the working week should not be more than 40 hours in the aggregate. However, there is an exception when they are carried out - the norm of working time is observed for a certain period (month, quarter, year).

This option is used if it is impossible to comply with the provisions of the daily or monthly working time. The organization can apply a single mode of operation (five-day working week) or simultaneously use several modes (for example, one group works five days with sliding output, the other is six days with one output).

Features of the six-day working week compared with the five-day schedule

Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that under the five-day working week two weekends relies, and at six days - one. The second day in the five days is set in a collective agreement or in accordance with the rules of the internal regulation, and Sunday is considered a common day off.

According to the rules, the duration of the working day before the holiday is reduced by one hour. According to Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, at the six-day working week, the duration of work in such days cannot exceed five hours.

It is worth noting that with the coincidence of the weekend and the non-working holiday, the first is transferred to the next day after a festive working day. Exceptions from this rule - New Year's holidays and Christmas (part 2 of Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, we will transfer two days off, which coincided with these holidays, on other days in the next calendar year.

This weekend transfer rule when coincided on a festive day for the next working day is also applied to regional holidays (Protocol No. 1 of 02.06.2014)

It is worth mentioning about the duration of the usual working day. With a five-day working week, it is eight hours, at the six-day working week the number of hours per day is not clearly established, however, in practice, often set five days to seven hours, and the sixth - five.

Labor nuances on six-day graphics under different working modes

Abnormal working day, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it provides that, by order of the employer, individual workers can be involved in the fulfillment of their employment duties over the established working time. However, such a regime can only be applied to those employees who in the collective agreement or agreement contain a list of job descriptions, adopted taking into account the representative body of workers.

The consent of the employee to apply such a regime is required.

Flexible work schedule, according to part 1 of article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an organization of working time when the beginning, the end or the length of working time is established in coordinating the parties to the employment contract. With this mode, the daily or monthly working time rate cannot be met, therefore the summable accounting of working time is applied.

The employer, in this case, should provide an employee to develop a total number of working hours throughout a certain account period.

It is established when the duration of the production process is higher than the permissible norm. This mode is applied to the more rational use of equipment, as well as increasing the volume of products or services provided. In accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each group of workers must fulfill their labor responsibilities within the time set in the schedule.

In some types of production with unequal intensity of work throughout the working day, according to Article 105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the working day can be divided into parts. Labor legislation does not regulate their duration and quantity. The only condition remains the observance of the borders of the total working time and the constant duration of daily labor.

Internal Labor Rules Rules are a local regulatory act that regulates employment, dismissal, rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties, work, recreation and recovery, and other issues of regulation of labor relations (Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .

General information about the production calendar for the six-day working week

In 2018, only 365 days. However, most of them are festive, which are also added weekends (in the case of a six-day working week this is one day off - Sunday).

In order to correctly distribute the rate of working time, make up a year at the six-day working week.

Non-working holidays are defined by the following regulatory acts:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 112)
  • Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the transfer of the weekend in 2018" of 14.10.2017 №1250

In Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a list of non-working holiday days has been enshrined, which from year to year does not change:

Weekend transfer at the six-day work week

To create the conditions for a full-fledged recreation of citizens, as well as for the rational distribution of working time, in Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the next transfer of the weekend days is provided:

  • January 6 (Saturday) on March 9 (Friday);
  • January 7 (Sunday) on May 2 (Wednesday);
  • April 28 (Saturday) from April 30 (Monday);
  • June 9 (Saturday) from June 11 (Monday);
  • December 29 (Saturday) from December 31 (Monday).

With 6 day working week, the Saturday is not considered a weekend, which is why it is not provided if it is provided. That is, at the six-day work week, March 9, April 30, June 11 and December 31, 2018 remain working days. "New Year's holidays" will last from January 1 to January 8.

Abbreviated for one hour working days for workers at the six-day working week falls on February 22, March 7, April 30, May 8, June 11, November 3, December 31.

Norm of hours at the six-day working week

According to Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one day off for enterprises and organizations with a six-day work week has been installed. A common day off is Sunday (Article 111 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The normal duration of the six-day working week, as well as five days, can not be over 40 hours (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The rate of working time for the six-day working week is calculated on the calculated schedule of the five-day working week. Thus, the norm of working hours in both cases coincides.

The calculation of the standards of working time in 2018 is carried out depending on the duration of the work shift:

  • at a 40-hour working week - 8 hours;
  • with the duration of the working week less than 40 hours - the number of hours, which is obtained by dividing the established duration of the working week for five.

The lack of portals of the weekend due to the holidays does not affect the procedure for calculating the norms of time, as they are calculated, based on the five-day week.

Consequently, the standards of working time at the six-day working week are:

  • at 40-hour - 1970 hours (40 hours: 5 days. × 247 days.- 6 h);
  • at a 36-hour - 1772.4 hours (36 hours: 5 days. × 247 days. - 6 h);
  • at 24-hour - 1179.6 hours (24 hours: 5 days. × 247 days. - 6 h).

Examples of calculations of employee earnings at the six-day working week in 2018

Example 1.

In PJSC "Spring" six-day working week with one weekend day. The duration of the shift in Monday-Friday is seven hours, on Saturday - five hours. Salary A.N. Platonov is paid depending on actually spent time. Hour tariff rate - 280 rubles. In September 2017, A.N. Platonov worked on 21 days, incl. 5 Saturday. What is his salary for the month?


Actually spent number of hours \u003d 137 (7 hours x 16 working days + 5 hours of 5 working days).

Platonov's salary for September \u003d 38360 rubles (280 rubles x 137 hours)

Example 2.

In OJSC "Snegir" - a six-day working week with one day off. On the content of one of the employees, Karpova M.R., is a disabled child. Every month she has 4 extra weekends. In October 2017, the employee was provided with a weekend for child care 10, 14 (Saturday), 19 and 24 numbers. What is the calculation of her earnings for extra four weekends?


In the settlement period (from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017) M.R. Karpova was accrued 345,000 rubles, the number of days spent - 235. Middle day earnings \u003d 1468 rubles (345,000 rubles / 235 days). Average additional earnings for 4 additional output \u003d 5872 rubles (1468 rubles x 4 days).

Working time duration is an important indicator For all specialties. After all, it is precisely it determines the possibility of calculating overtime and the grounds for making complaints to the employer. Also, this indicator is influenced by the conditions of the concluded employment contract.


This provision is regulated by 91 articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is given in it. determining the working day.

According to this provision, working time is the period of the day when an employee fulfills his immediate job duties in accordance with the established rules of the internal employment and conditions prescribed in the employment contract.

It should be noted that this article does not indicate the total duration of labor.

These indicators are partially reflected in. It is determined in it the maximum duration of the work shift for the specified categories of workers. At the same time, labor periods for other categories of specialists are not displayed.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the duration of weekly labor are enshrined. So, in accordance with 94 Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the time of work for the week can not be more than 40 hoursand rest time should be at least 48 hours.

Normal shift duration and rest time

Not displayed in the Labor Code and norms regulating the boundary duration of the time of operation during replacement graphics. Because of this, it is quite common to occur when the duration of one shift will be equal to day. In this case, such a routine is not considered to be considered, provided that weekly number of working hours will not be more than 40.

It is important here to note that the appointment of two daily shifts will be a violation of the law, since the total weekly working time will be 48 hours. In case the weekly time will exceed the forty-hour norm, then it should be negotiated separately with each employee. The best option will be appointment of one daily shift and second sixteen.

From the above, it can be concluded that the standard duration of the work shift in labor legislation is not provided. At the same time, during its destination, attention should be paid to the weekly norm of labor time.

As a rule, under standard conditions, the employee's working week will be either five-day or six-day.

It is also worth noting that it is possible to draw up a smaller amount of labor days, everything will depend on the adopted internal regulation in the organization (in accordance with Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, a five-day schedule of an employment week is considered to be standard.

With a five-day work week, employees work for 5 days at 8 o'clock. Personnel services consider that this mode is optimalSince in accordance with scientific research, employees will show maximum performance. Also, do not forget about weekends, which, as a rule, falls on Saturday and Sunday, which also has a positive effect on their recreation level.

It is worth noting that there may be another allocation of working time when using replaceable labor. In this case, weekends can be floating.

With an incomplete work week, an employee can work in the organization even only one day a week - everything will depend on its work time established in the labor contract. So, if a specialist has only 5 working hours a week, it will easily work out them in one day.

It is important that the employer has the right in the independent distribution of working hours on the Days of Labor Week. It is important that at the same time the total number of hours did not exceed 40, and the rest was at least 48 hours.

Features of calculus


As noted above, the maximum number of labor hours per day is not set. However, in accordance with Article 94 of the TK RF determined categories of citizenswho will not be able to work a more installed limit. They also regulate the duration of the shift.

Since minors are much more affected by their organism and the psyche of external factors, the legislation in Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation consolidated them abbreviated labor time (Also, for them there is a reduction in weekly labor in Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Workers whose age is from 15 to 16 years old, do not have the right to work more than 5 hours per day (shift). For the age group from 16 to 18 years, the duration of the working day is legally provided at 7:00.

It is worth noting that for minors who work simultaneously with school or college, a shorter working day is established. It is equal to the age group from 14 to 16 years of 2.5 hours. For minors from 16 to 18 years old - 4 o'clock.


In accordance with the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is forbidden to work with disabilities of a more established daily norm, but this provision does not display the norm itself.

This nuance is that each disease is individual, as a result of which one person can work without restrictions, and the other is not.

According to the law, the disabled before its employment should appeal to the hospital, which should issue a conclusion in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 441n.

This document should show an assessment of the health status of the disabled person after its survey. In addition, in conclusion should be spelled out contraindications for certain working conditions.

In accordance with the above, the doctor determines based on the results of the examination, the duration of the disabled labor day, he may also ban it to work.

Workers in harmful and dangerous industries

For employees in spheres related to harmful and dangerous working conditions, in 94 Article Labor Code of the Russian Federation established restrictions on the maximum day of labor. It is necessary that the employer determines with the help of a special commission the degree of harmfulness of working conditions.

After that, in accordance with 92 of the Article Tk of the Russian Federation, will be adopted the rate of the number of working hours within one week. It is equal to 36. It is also worth noting that the employer may establish and fewer hours, for example, 30.

For those who work 36 hours a week, the maximum duration of labor per day should not exceed 8 hours. For employees who work 30 hours a week, daily load must be no more than 6 hours. However, the law leaves the opportunity to the employer when concluding additionally agreements with workers on raising day labor hours up to 8 or 12.

Before weekends or holidays

In accordance with Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the total daytime duration of labor hours should be reduced one hour. Also in it are prescribed exceptions.

For example, if the organization in the organization should be continuous, the absence of a shortened day of employees can be compensated in the material plan.

In case the enterprise adopted a five-day working week, the time of work before the holidays there should be no more than five hours.

In nighttime

In the event that the employee works at the enterprise at night, then its set number of working hours will be reduced one hour. Under the exception, only those specialists who were hired to exercise official duties at night are falling.


Also, the duration of the working day is set for:

  1. Citizens who work part-time (maximum 4 hours a day).
  2. Ship workers - 8 hours during a five-day system.
  3. Women who make up the ship's team during flights in the Arctic Ocean (7.2 hours).
  4. Persons whose age ranges from 17 to 18 years old, workers on ships - 7.2 hours.
  5. Drivers at a five-day labor week - 8 hours, at six days - 7 hours.


Impact The duration of working time on the health and performance of the employee is presented in this lecture.

The definition of such a concept as working time is given in Article 91 of the Labor Code, according to which it is "time during which an employee in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulation and the terms of the employment contract must fulfill labor duties, as well as other periods of time that in accordance With this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation relate to working time. " And the working time recognize a number of periods when the employee actually did not work. For example, as a result of downtime, which has arisen through the fault of the company.

The code determines the normal duration of working time. It is 40 hours a week. For some categories of staff, abbreviated duration of working time must be installed. For example, for workers between the ages of 16 and 18, it is 35 hours a week. The list of such employees is given in Article 92 of the Labor Code. By agreement between the company and the employee, the latter can be established by incomplete working time (). And in some situations the company is obliged to do this. For example, at the request of a pregnant woman. In case of incomplete working time, the employee must work out the number of hours about which he agreed with the employer. For example, the company has a five-day work week with a working day duration of 8 hours (that is, a 40-hour work week). At the request of the employee, it can be installed not eight, and for example, a seven-or-six-hour working day (that is, a 35- or 30-hour working week). A variant is possible when the employee works not five days a week, and less (for example 4 or 3 days).

() Art. 93 TK RF.

What differ abbreviated and incomplete working time? The first is necessarily established in cases directly provided by the Labor Code. Otherwise, this will be considered as a violation of labor legislation. The second is determined by agreement between the employee and the company. Moreover, the employer company is not obliged to establish incomplete working time (except in the cases we have talked about above).

If, on the initiative of the company, an employee worked in excess of the normal duration of working time, this is considered overtime. Therefore, the revised clock is paid in an increased amount.

Most small companies are underway to account for working time. It is used at the same daily duration of working time. As we said above, at the 40-hour and five-day working week it is 8 hours a day. If the employee works on the terms of the 35-hour and five-day working week, it is 7 hours a day, etc.

Possible option with weekly working time. In this case, the norm of working hours should be respected per week. For example, 40 hours at a five-day working week with two days off (Saturday and Sunday).

With such accounting, it is possible to launch clocks in this or that day of the week with a working on another day. Suppose on Monday, the employee worked for 6 hours, and on Wednesday - 10 (all other days he worked at 8 o'clock). In this situation, the normal working hours will be observed. At the same time, the fact of labor on Wednesday within 10 hours (2 hours more laid) is not considered overtime.

Often, under the terms of work, the daily (weekly) work time is impossible for the employee. At some days, he must work more than the established norm, to some - less. In such a situation, there is a summable accounting of working time (). In this case, the duration of working time should not exceed the normal number of working hours for the accounting period. This period may be any time defined in the company (for example, the month, quarter, half of the year). At the same time, the maximum duration of the account period is one year.

With the calculations of the working time norm for 2019 it is easy to cope with this article. In it, we give a table of working time standards for months, quarters and 2019 as a whole, as well as the procedure for calculating the norm and balance of working time with examples.

Read in our article:

Working Time Table for 2019

The number of working days (everyday life) in 2019 at the five-day working week - 247. The number of weekends and holidays in 2019 on the manufacturing calendar - 118. The annual working time rate for 2019 is at the 40-hour week - 1970 hours (40 hours : 5 days. × 247 days. - 6 h).

With a replacement work schedule, the duration of working time still should not be higher than the norm - that is, it can not exceed 40 hours a week. This is achieved by alternating workers and weekends on the schedule of replacement. The specified procedure extends to the norm of hours per week and month at 12 hours of work.

Therefore, the norm of hours with a changeable schedule of work, regardless of the number of hours, the shift is also in 2019 also - 1970 hours (40 hours: 5 days. × 247 days. - 6 h).

It turns out that the duration of the working day or shift, depending on the length of the working week in the clock, is as follows:

  • at the 40-hour working week, it will be 8 hours;
  • at 39-hour it is 7.8 hours;
  • at a 36-hour it is 7.2 hours;
  • at 35 hours it is 7 hours;
  • at the 24-hour working week - 4.8 hours;

In 2019, there will be six pre-holiday days to six - February 22 in the winter, March 7, April 30, May 8, in spring, June 11, in the summer and pre-New Year December 31. Duration of work these days, as usual, decreases for an hour.

If the day off is transferred to a worker, on this day (former weekend) the duration of work turns out to be the same as it would be on the working day to be transferred to this day off.

In addition, calculating the norms, do not forget about the transfer of the weekend days. If it turned out that the weekend and non-working holidays coincided, weekend tolerate on a working day, which is next after the festive. In the form of exception, the special procedure for transferring holidays that coincided with the weekend can be installed. For example, part of the New Year holidays in recent years have joined other holidays, for example, May.

An example of calculating the working time rate in January 2018

In January 2019, at a five-day working week with two weekends, 17 working days and 14 days off.

- at the 40-hour working week - 136 hours (40 hours: 5 days × 17 days);
- at a 36-hour working week - 122.4 hours (36 hours: 5 days × 17 days);
- at a 24-hour working week - 81.6 hours (24 hours: 5 days × 17 days).

An example of calculating the rate of working time in March 2019

In March 2019, at a five-day working week with two weekends, 20 working days and 11 days off. At the same time, March 7 is a pre-holiday working day, so working time is reduced by one hour.
The norm of working time this month is:
at the 40-hour week - 159 hours (40 hours 5 days × 20 days - 1 hour);
at the 36-hour working week - 143 hours (36 hours: 5 days × 20 days - 1 hour);
at the 24-hour working week - 95 hours (24 hours: 5 days × 20 days - 1 hour).

Annual norm (average annual)

Similarly, it is possible to calculate the standard of working time as a whole for the year: the duration of the working week (40, 39, 36, 30, 24, etc.) can be divided by 5, then, specifying the calendar, multiply by the number this year working days .

From the resulting number, the number of hours on which the working time will decrease on the days preceding non-working holidays.

Consider specifically the situation of 2019. 247 business days will be this year at a five-day work week with two days off. Including 6 abbreviated for one hour of the pre-holiday working days mentioned above, and 118 weekends and non-working holidays.
So, the norm of working time in 2019 will be:
- at a 40-hour week - 1970 hours (40 hours: 5 days × 247 days - 6 hours);
- at a 36-hour working week - 1772.4 hours (36 hours: 5 days × 247 days - 6 hours);
- at the 24-hour working week - 1179.6 hours (24 hours: 5 days × 247 days - 6 hours).

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