Preparing a wooden cutting board for use. Caring for your cutting board The best way to coat your cutting board

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

All sorts of vegetables are cut on a wooden board, fish is cleaned, meat is butchered. Therefore, juice, different smells and pieces of food remain on the surface. If the hostess does not take care of the board or does it incorrectly, the product will not last long. To extend its lifespan, you need to know some tricks. We will tell about them.

Prevention is the key to longevity

If you are the owner of a cutting board made of natural wood, do not forget about preventive measures. With proper care of the product, the occurrence of cracks and mold is prevented. Therefore, the hostess uses cutting board on purpose for many years.

What tools give good results? Best Option is the use of a special oil. It must meet two main criteria: safety for people and high efficiency. It is also important how the oil tolerates elevated temperature. For example, sunflower oil spoils quickly. Therefore, a board impregnated with such a substance acquires an unpleasant odor after a few years. You can’t get rid of it, so you have to throw away the cutting board and get a new one. This is an additional cost. For proper care behind the cutting board, advanced technology mineral oil is ideal. It has no smell and taste. Mineral oil is environmentally friendly. Therefore, harmful effects on health are excluded. Mineral oil has an affordable cost and excellent performance properties. After using it, the cutting board becomes more durable. The oil fills all the pores, therefore, the penetration of liquid and food particles into the wood structure is excluded.

Treating a board with mineral oil is a simple process that does not take much time. It consists of several stages:
First you need to make sure the board is clean. If there is contamination, the product is cleaned in advance of food debris;
enough mineral oil is applied to the paper towel;
the wooden surface is wiped with a paper towel. Mineral oil is evenly distributed over the board;
the product is not used during the day. If the cutting board is needed urgently, you need to wait at least a couple of hours. The oil must be absorbed into the wood;
after complete impregnation, the remaining oil is removed from the board. This is done with a paper towel.

In order for the cutting board to serve for a long time, this procedure must be repeated once a month. Then cracks will not appear on it even after several years of intensive use.

Another remedy suitable for preventive board care is beeswax.
It is a waste product of bees that has been used for many years to care for wood. A special ointment is made from beeswax. Mineral oil is used as the second active ingredient. Together, these two components have a positive effect on the condition of the wooden cutting board.
Ointment based on wax and mineral oil has a multifaceted effect on the condition of the cutting board. This means:
increased moisture resistance - the ointment fills the pores and cracks. That's why natural wood protected from the harmful effects of moisture;
creation of a protective film - bacteria and particles of dirt do not penetrate under the formed wax layer;
good tactile sensations - the surface of the board becomes perfectly smooth;
pleasant smell - after treatment with oil, the board acquires a unique aroma.

Disinfection is a must
Regular disinfection is essential. During such an event, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are eliminated. There are several ways to disinfect a cutting board. We will highlight the main options that housewives often use in practice. Required resources include:

Hot water in combination with a detergent - an effective solution.
With it, dirt and bacteria are removed from the wooden surface. For best results apply detergents containing surfactants. It could be liquid soap used daily for washing dishes. Cleaning a cutting board is easy. Need to put wooden product into the sink and rinse thoroughly with water and detergent. If the product is large, it is processed with a damp sponge. At the final stage, the surface is wiped;

Vinegar is a remedy that is available in every home. It contains an acid that eliminates all types of pathogenic bacteria.
Processing a cutting board with vinegar is best suited for people who are allergic to detergent. When it is carried out, they do not appear side effects. When performing disinfection, the wooden surface is wiped with vinegar. After that, the board dries up. The peculiarity of the vinegar treatment is that the active substance destroys mineral oil. Therefore, after disinfection, additional impregnation of wood with oil is recommended;

Hydrogen peroxide is another remedy that all housewives have.
It is used everywhere. First, the board is wiped with a paper towel to remove dirt. The tissue is then saturated with hydrogen peroxide. It cleans the surface of the board. Thus, a complete disinfection is performed.

AT difficult cases when the wooden product has come into contact with rotten food, a bath cleaner is applied. It contains aggressive components that must be handled with care. Therefore, before starting the processing of the cutting board, you need to wear gloves and prevent the substance from getting into your eyes. Additionally, you need to think about ventilation. Then pungent odors are quickly removed from the kitchen.

How to use the cleaner? To do this, the substance dissolves in water. Then the board is cleaned of food debris. The prepared solution is poured onto the surface. After a few minutes, the cutting board is washed under running water. Another effective method is the use of lemon. Juice is squeezed out of it directly onto a wooden surface. After a while, the board is wiped or washed, and then dried.

Cutting board maintenance
To make your wooden board last for many years, we want to tell you about important rules. Every housewife should know about them, since the service life of the product depends on it. If you follow all the rules, you save cash, because it eliminates the need for frequent purchases of the product.

Caring for a cutting board made of bamboo and other types of wood lies in following these rules:
clean the product after each use - such a process cannot be postponed until tomorrow. While the board is dirty, bacteria and moisture penetrate the structure of the material. They have a negative effect on wood. Therefore, the period of operation of the cutting board is significantly reduced; after wet processing, do not place the cutting board in a dryer designed for dishes. Lay the product on a flat surface. When it is tilted, the wood warps and bends in one direction;
do not wash the wooden product in dishwasher. This process must be done manually. Natural material is sensitive to water. With prolonged contact with moisture, wood loses its original properties. It gradually collapses and loses its attractive appearance; Don't leave your cutting board in the sink with other utensils. The product must be washed immediately, as soon as the meat was cut or the fish was cleaned. When in water, the wood begins to deteriorate and deform.

But what if, after years of working on your favorite cutting board, there are cuts from a knife?
Two options are possible here. The first is the acquisition of a new product. The second is a recovery procedure. To eliminate deep cuts, you need to take sandpaper and sand the surface. After that, it is necessary to wash the cutting board with detergent and soak it with mineral oil. After performing such processes, the product will acquire a lost appearance.

Valuable advice from experts
Sausage, bread, hard cheese are cut daily on the cutting board, and meat and fish are also cut. Therefore, such an item needs special care. It consists not only in mineral oil treatment and disinfection. Finally, we want to give a few useful tips, with the help of which the process of caring for a wooden product is simplified. In order for the board to serve for a long time and retain an attractive appearance, listen to the recommendations of experts:
to eliminate the smell of garlic and onions, use coarse salt or soda. Apply one of the components to the surface and leave for five minutes. After that, rinse the cutting board and dry it;
never leave a wooden product near a heat source ( open fire, heating radiators). High temperatures are detrimental to natural material. This is manifested by the fact that the wood is deformed;
cut food over the surface of the entire board. Then the wear of the product will be uniform; buy two cutting boards and use them differently. Cut vegetables and fruits on one surface. Use the second product for cutting raw meat. Thus, the risks of food contamination with pathogenic bacteria are eliminated;
Always keep your cutting board dry. Moisture systematically destroys wood;
never soak the item to remove berry juice stains. There is another solution for this purpose. Sprinkle generously with salt and then rub with lemon. The spots should be gone.

Don't forget our tips and rules. Then your cutting board made of natural wood will last a long time!

Wood is one of the most common building materials in the world. It is widely used both for the construction of buildings and for interior decoration due to strength, durability and excellent aesthetic characteristics. Because it natural material, it is subject to biodegradation under the action of moisture and microorganisms, so it is important to prevent the putrefactive process. How and what is the treatment of wood from decay?

Causes of decay

The main enemy of wood is a fungus that causes it to rot. "Contamination" can occur as a result of improper storage and transportation. Active reproduction of microorganisms provokes a whole set of concomitant factors:

  1. Increased air humidity - up to 90%.
  2. Stagnation of oxygen.
  3. Moisture exposure.
  4. Temperature fluctuations and freezing.
  5. Prolonged contact with the soil.
fungus on wood

Prevention of wood decay

To prevent the appearance of mold even before the start of construction, there are many preventive measures. Since the moisture content of the tree after felling varies from season to season, dry in vivo it needs at least 1 year.

There are a number of methods for preventing biodegradation processes and negative impact moisture:

  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Staining with special compositions.
  3. Roof waterproofing.
  4. Heat and vapor barrier.

The foundation for a wooden structure should always be located above ground level, it is also necessary to equip a drainage system and blind areas. A garden near the house with tall trees is a bad idea as they will interfere with natural drying.

Also, to prevent putrefactive processes, it is necessary to inspect the house every year. If signs of fungus are detected, the material should be taken for a sample to determine its moisture content and density.

Preventive measures are important, since many physical indicators decrease in wood affected by the fungus: it becomes up to 30 times less hard, 3 times less dense. All this leads to distortion window openings, the movement of the walls, up to the loosening of the structure.

Once biodegradation has begun, it can be contained with special means- both store and folk.


If mold has already appeared, then its growth can be prevented with the help of antiseptic agents. They suppress reproduction wooden surfaces microorganisms that cause putrefaction.

Today, the store usually has something to choose from antiseptics

When choosing a particular tool, you should pay attention to indicators such as possible harm for humans and animals, anti-corrosion properties and impact on the quality of wood.

All antiseptics are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Water soluble agents.
  2. Oily.
  3. Pasty.

Water-soluble antiseptics

The most common impregnation is sodium fluoride. Its popularity is due to a set of significant advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • good penetrating ability;
  • absence bad smell.

Sodium fluoride does not impair the aesthetic properties of wood and does not cause corrosion of metal parts that come into contact with it. In order to protect the tree from decay, BBK-3 and GR-48 are also often used.

BBK-3 is a solution of borax and boric acid. It is relatively safe for humans and animals, and also has excellent penetrating power.

GR-48 is a drug based on pentachlorophenol. It protects the boards not only from the negative effects of moisture and biodegradation, but also from blue.

Often, products are used that contain several active ingredients at once - for example, HTC based on chrompic and zinc chloride. However, this impregnation has 2 significant disadvantages: toxicity and the possibility of wood staining.

Oily and pasty antiseptics

Oily antiseptics are considered the strongest of their kind. They are used to protect wooden walls from the negative effects of moisture and soil. However, oil impregnation also has two serious drawbacks: a sharp unpleasant odor and the ability to stain wood in a dark brown color.

Paste antiseptics consist of three main components:

  1. Water soluble antiseptic.
  2. Filler.
  3. Clay or bitumen as a binder.

Organically soluble antiseptics are products like PL containing pentachlorophenol and petroleum products. However, due to their high toxicity, they are rarely used.

The use of organically soluble antiseptics is justified for treating wood when exposed to moisture in order to avoid drying. Using these tools, you need to take care of personal protection: gloves and a respirator.

How to impregnate wood

In order to treat the tree with an antiseptic composition, use different methods. Most effective way immersion of the material in baths with the active substance is considered. The only disadvantage of the method is its high cost.

The second method is impregnation using autoclaves. This method is based on the effect high pressure, which contributes to the deep absorption of the composition into the material.

Often, special pastes are applied to the boards - they have good penetrating power and effectively protect the material from fungus. Often, antiseptics are applied with rollers, brushes, or simply sprayed from a spray bottle.

Applying an antiseptic with a brush, as well as a spray gun

It is always necessary to apply the composition on a dry surface that has not been varnished or enameled, since in these cases the product will not be able to be absorbed.

The first step is to treat the areas where rotting has already begun. Usually these are the ends of the building and sections. It is best to carry out the procedure at a temperature of +20 to +25. If the temperature drops below +5, treatment with an antiseptic will not work.

Folk remedies for impregnation

If the putrefactive process did not have time to grow strongly, folk remedies will help prevent further destruction of the tree:

  1. silicate adhesive.
  2. Soda and vinegar.
  3. Potassium bichromate solution.
  4. Copper vitriol.
  5. Resin.
  6. Salt and boric acid.

The easiest way is to use silicate glue. It is required to dilute it with water, and apply the resulting solution to areas where biodegradation is observed. You can also treat the places of decay with soda, and sprinkle with vinegar from the spray bottle on top.

Potassium bichromate is used by mixing in equal proportions with sulfuric acid. The resulting composition should be processed not only on the boards on the street, but also up to 50 cm of the soil layer.

Another effective handy tool to prevent wood decay - copper sulfate. To prepare the composition, take 100 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

For external processing, resin can be used, as well as a mixture of 1 kg of salt and 50 g of boric acid, which are stirred in 5 liters of boiling water. Such a composition must be applied to the wood several times, waiting for a couple of hours so that the product can be absorbed.

Processing by the Finnish method

The Finnish method is a special way of processing wood to protect it from moisture and decay. You will need a set of ingredients:

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • water;
  • slaked lime;
  • inkstone.

Such a composition is kept on the material for a very long time, without being washed off with water. Despite the safety of the method, it is recommended to use it only for protective treatment wood for fences and roofs.

The listed ingredients must be mixed to a consistency resembling sour cream, and the bulk of the mixture should be based on flour and water. After thorough mixing, the composition should be slightly heated over low heat, and when it becomes warm, you need to quickly apply it to the boards.

After the first layer has dried, it is necessary to process the material again. If the composition has cooled down by this time, it will need to be heated again.

Good day, dear readers of this blog!

How to prepare a wooden cutting board for use? How many have asked this question?

My own experience and the study on the Internet of very conflicting information on this issue prompted me to write this article.

Cutting boards are expendable materials. Their operating conditions are very harsh by definition. You can, of course, do nothing and immediately put the board to work. But it will not last long, 6-12 months. And some high-quality wooden boards are not cheap ...

Many of you have heard and read that wooden utensils must be soaked before use vegetable oil. Most often, sunflower, olive, linseed, palm, grape seed, hemp, teak and the like are recommended.

I want to warn everyone who wants to use this method!

Impregnation of wood with vegetable oil is one of the oldest ways to process it. This has been done for centuries, but this method has two significant drawbacks for modern inhabitant metropolis.

The fact is that vegetable oils

They dry for quite a long time and remain fluid, “dirtying” other objects with which they come into contact;

The oil in the pores of the wood will go rancid, and the product will have a rich, but unpleasant bouquet of odors that are almost impossible to get rid of.

So, in order to increase the service life, increase the stability of the board, protect against bacteria, and give a beautiful appearance cutting boards recommend processing mineral oil. Mineral oil is a product of petroleum refining and has neither taste nor smell.

You can buy mineral oil suitable for food purposes in stores selling wooden cutting boards, I saw it in IKEA. But the most affordable mineral oil for everyone is sold in every pharmacy - this is vaseline oil.

So let's get started! Wash the board and dry it. Run your hand over the board, if it seems rough, treat the board with fine sandpaper №№ 600, 400.

Mineral oil should simply be poured onto the surface of a cutting board and rubbed over the entire surface with a soft cloth or hand. It is necessary to process all surfaces of the board, including the side ones. Do not be afraid to "pour" the oil - the wood will absorb as much as it needs.

A new board must be processed several times (from two to five with a break of about 6 hours between treatments). Remove any oil that has not been absorbed into the final layer with a paper towel.

Perhaps after the first layer of oil, the fibers of the tree will rise. Go over them with fine sandpaper #600-400.

A more advanced and "long-playing" method of board treatment is coating with a mixture of vaseline oil and beeswax. We prepare the mixture in a water bath: heat vaseline oil, put pieces of beeswax in it in the proportion of 1 part of wax / 4 parts of oil.
Cool the mixture and apply on the board from all sides with a brush or cloth, polish with a dry, clean cloth.
You can buy natural wax from familiar beekeepers, in markets where they sell honey, in online stores selling components for soap making and cosmetics.

Approximately 3 times a year, the impregnation of the board with mineral oil must be repeated. You can process any wooden utensils in this way. Therefore, the oil you bought will not go to waste.

In conclusion, I want to advise those who find the method described by me difficult, an innovation - simple flexible silicone cutting boards. They are light, non-slip, wash well, do not absorb odors, do not stain from the juice of fruits and vegetables, do not dull knives. They are convenient to store - just rolled into a tube. Often they are called not boards, but cutting mats.

Silicone cutting mats are very convenient for preparing a wide variety of dishes; ideal for rolling and cutting dough.

Wash them with warm water and liquid detergent by hand with soft sponges; do not use abrasive detergents. All silicone products are dishwasher safe. They withstand temperatures from -40 to +230 degrees.

A cutting board is a favorite product of beginner cabinetmakers, because it is easy to manufacture, practical, and the most concise and simple design can always be attributed to the author's idea. That is, you can buy a riser for four hundred rubles, cut it into three or four parts, get a whole set of cutting boards and sell it for four thousand. If you also have a miter saw, it will take ridiculously little time, just make sure you take orders. Did the ghosts of fabulous wealth flash before your eyes? But the hell was swimming there, in fact, everything is a little more complicated :(

About how much more difficult, I will tell later - for such a story it would be nice to have step by step photos process. You never know what desperate housewife will read this and want to make a cutting board for herself or a culinary friend as a gift. You need to be open to any audience and write detailed, visual posts. Therefore, for now I will focus on one point, even at the final stage: on the treatment of the board with oil.

Why is it necessary to soak the board with oil? In short - because it is beautiful and hygienic. Wood, as we know, is a porous material; oil penetrates into the pores and protects the wood from excess moisture and foreign odors. An oil-soaked board lasts longer and is easier to clean.

What oil to use to impregnate the board? In separate discussions, this issue provokes a cooler holivar "snowboard or skis", people insist on using linen, olive, even just sunflower oil; they suggest heating it, boiling it, immersing the board in oil for several days ... There is an easier, cheaper and odorless way: vaseline oil from a pharmacy. Vaseline oil is a mineral oil that does not decompose, does not emit an unpleasant odor, and does not harm a person. In addition, vaseline oil has a high ability to repel dirt. Whether or not to heat the oil before impregnating the board, I cannot say; I tried this and that and didn't notice any difference. The technology is the same: we dip a tampon twisted from a suitable piece of clean cloth into oil and carefully rub it into the board, wait forty minutes, repeat the procedure, and so on three or four times. Only in case you decide to heat the oil (for this, any small kitchen dishes- vaseline oil will be washed off without a trace, without spoiling it), take care of your hands. Someone thinks that one-time processing is enough; someone insists that the board should be oiled again every three to four months.

Somehow, for clarity, I will take a photo of the board before and after impregnation. Oil not only protects the tree, but also "shows" its texture; many people think that this way the products look more beautiful.

In the lacquer pavilions you can find special oils for impregnation of kitchen boards (often based on organic tung oil), and they do an excellent job, but if you are going to make two or three boards for yourself or as a gift, it is easier to purchase a bottle of vaseline oil for fifty rubles than a specialized canister for eight hundred.

Pictured is a board I made for myself. It is minimalistic, there are no pens here. (because of cropping), no holes (because this cut has metal studs inside, and I was not sure that I would not stumble on them with a drill), no fittings (because I haven't come across any suitable yet)- but she's pretty.

You may have heard that wooden cutting boards should be oiled, or you may have even done it yourself. Why is this required, and are any oils suitable? The simplest and affordable option- this is vaseline oil, which can be found in a pharmacy - with it a cutting board will gain a second life.

Why is oil needed?

  • The oil moisturizes the natural material, which, without impregnation, tends to dry over time. Boards that undergo regular treatment last longer and retain a presentable appearance.
  • The oil creates a natural protective film on the surface of the wood, preventing the absorption of odors and the penetration of bacteria deep into the board. It is good if the product itself is of high quality and has such properties as Epicurean boards that do not absorb liquid and odors
  • Properly carried out processing will protect the surface from microbes and fungus, and will prevent the formation of mold.
Important: cutting board oil should not be vegetable: it will go rancid and give the product an unpleasant, persistent odor. Unlike vegetable oil, mineral cutting board impregnation oil has no odor, no specific taste, and will not add flavor to cut foods.

How to oil a cutting board?

Gently pour mineral oil on the surface and rub with a soft cloth. Coat the board on all sides, not forgetting the side ones. Don't be afraid to pour in too much oil - the wood will take as much as it needs and the excess will simply soak into the fabric.

Pure mineral cutting board oil will penetrate deeply and close the pores. Such treatment should be repeated from time to time, at least 3 times a year.

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If you want to create a more durable coating that will fill small cracks and noticeable cuts, then you can add beeswax to the oil. It will protect the surface from wear, make it smooth in appearance and touch, and prevent moisture from penetrating inside. Natural wax is sold in the same place as honey, or in online stores of components for cosmetics and soap making. It is necessary to mix oil and wax in a ratio of 4 to 1. This is done as follows: the oil is heated in a water bath, wax chips are added to it and mixed until the mixture is homogeneous. When using a microwave, you can put the container with the mixture for 30-40 seconds until the wax dissolves.

While the solution is hot, it is necessary to coat all surfaces of the board with it. As it cools protective covering will grow stronger, after its formation, the board should be polished with a soft cloth. If you are using a new untreated board, then the procedure should be repeated after 6 hours and do not forget to renew the coating once a month.

Such a simple and quick procedure as impregnating a cutting board with oil will prolong its life for a long time. Especially if the product is expensive and of high quality - care for it is simply necessary. Of course, even in the absence of any care, a wooden board can be successfully used, but literally in a year it will “grow old” and lose its attractive appearance.

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