What hand should you write with, and why do it if you have a computer? How to develop your left hand if you are right-handed? Learn to write with your left hand first.

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You have most likely met a person who writes with his left hand. When writing, they usually bend their hand quite strongly at the wrist. This is because they were not taught to write correctly from childhood. This provision is also necessary so that a person can see what he wrote before. Seeing already written text when you are right-handed is quite simple, but it is difficult for left-handed people. But such a problem is quickly solved if you follow simple tips.

Teaching technique

Paper position. Through your desk mentally draw a center line that divides it into 2 parts. The same line should divide your body along the line of the nose into 2 parts. The part of the table that corresponds to the left part will be used for teaching writing.

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Place the sheet only on the left side of the table. The top right corner is lower than the left. That is, you need to tilt the sheet differently when you write with your right hand. Accordingly, you will write downwards, not upwards. This position of the paper will help you see the written text better, get less tired and write with your left hand more freely.

Pencil or writing pen. Hold your pencil or pen slightly higher than you would with your right hand. It is advised to take from 2.5 to 4 centimeters from the paper - this is the lower capture point. Try not to overexert your fingers and hand, otherwise the training will be quite tedious.

Paper. To learn how to write beautifully and well with your left hand, you need to learn how to write evenly enough. Notebooks with special lined paper will help you with this.

Letter size. At the beginning of training, in order to develop muscle memory, you should write large letters.

  1. Determine the purpose for which you need to learn this. Learning just to try it out can end before you've mastered the basics.
  2. Don't make learning difficult. If the process is painful and difficult for you, then you are unlikely to finish it. Let your hand rest more often.
  3. Train. Write with your left hand in all situations, even when you are required to write legibly and neatly. You can also set for yourself, as training, the required daily minimum. After some time, it will become much easier for you to write, and the speed of writing will increase significantly.
  4. Need to develop left hand, use it to do all the tasks you normally do with your right hand. Even ordinary activities, like brushing your teeth, will be clumsy at first, but after a while it will become natural for you.
  5. Try to learn how to draw with your left hand. If you succeed, then you can proudly say that you drew it, and even with your left hand.

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First, conduct a test that will determine your belonging in relation to the leading hemisphere. Ask your friend to push you from behind discreetly and see which foot you put forward.

Get at least one more confirmation - cross your arms over your chest. The hand on top is the dominant one. If both tests indicated that you belong to figuratively thinking people, then you should be patient - restructuring is not easy.

If you use your right hand to a minimum, i.e. do not belong to the category of those people who skillfully operate with both of them in their activities (for example, pianists or croupiers), then you should start developing it gradually.

First, change your left hand to your right hand while washing dishes, dusting, combing, etc. After a week, you will feel much more confident when performing simple household tasks. Also, get used to the idea that learning to do something is uncomfortable. hand nevertheless it is possible.

Get some copybooks and notebooks with diagonal curved lines. Get ready for daily lessons and never miss them - only with the help of constant practice you can "stuff" your right hand and learn how to write quickly and beautifully with it.

Take a position at the table so that the light falls from the left side.

Take a pen and hold it with your forefinger and thumb, and use the middle one as a stand. During work, the brush should lie on the table, as you write lines, it must be moved to the right. Practice on a piece of paper, evaluate how comfortable you took the pen.

Open the copybook - at first it will be difficult for you to trace the letters, but a few weeks of training will teach you how to draw straight lines. First, practice doing individual elements of the letter, various hooks. Only after that go directly to writing letters, then words, and then sentences.


  • write with the other hand

Writing with two hands at the same time, and not the same things, is a skill that not only allows you to surprise your friends, but it is also a skill that develops the hemispheres of the brain. Be patient - it won't work right away.

If your hands are already sufficiently trained by previous exercises, proceed to storm your own. Draw different shapes and letters at the same time.

If everything began to work out with them, go to words, phrases, sentences. It is more difficult in this matter - to think about two things at the same time, and not to own this moment hands. But your brain will start like clockwork.

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It is well known that the human brain consists of two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, analysis, accurate calculations. Right - promotes the development of imagination, creativity, intuition, is a generator of new ideas. How to develop the hemispheres of the brain in order to become a harmonious personality?

You can properly develop the hemispheres of the brain by training your hands. This requires the usual manipulations that are automatically performed by right hand(if a person is left-handed, then left-handed) start doing with the other hand.

You should start with simple steps. For example, press the buttons on the remote control to scroll through the records, remove the mobile from the case, brush your teeth, etc. left hand. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult: you can try to print, draw with your left hand. If classes become a habit, a positive result will not be long in coming.

Both hands work - both hemispheres develop

Psychophysiology has developed a special set of exercises for the development of the hemispheres. But practice shows that closer training is through actions that have become a habit for many years. One of the most effective methods considered "mirror painting". You don't need anything special for this. It is enough to put a notepad in front of you or Blank sheet paper, take in both hands on and start simultaneously displaying the same geometric figures. This exercise can be done at work, at home, on vacation.

Scientists have proven that with the simultaneous work of both hands, the activity of the brain as a whole is activated, that is, the left hemisphere is also included in the work. Therefore, playing the piano, violin, typing on a computer and elementary potato peeling are effective, which contribute to the development of the cerebral hemispheres.

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  • Development of both hemispheres of the brain, involving fine motor skills

Left-handedness has long been considered a developmental defect, left-handers were retrained from childhood, often with very harsh measures that affect the psyche much more than the actual work of the left hand. However, fixation on the prevalence of the right also does not always lead to a good result: right-handed people have a less developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, creativity and a number of other qualities. As a result of learning left hand writing, you will be able to develop these properties in yourself and discover some talents.


Do a few simple tests. First, cross your arms over. The upper forearm is an indicator of the dominant side. Interlace your fingers in the same way and look at the top finger; clap your hands (the dominant hand is again on top). Keep in mind that the more indicators that indicate your right-handedness, the more difficult it will be for you to learn and, therefore, the more patience you will need.

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Note that the position of the left hand when writing is different from the position of the right.

Make sure that your hand is free, and also that the handle is in line with your hand.

With the left hand it is very easy to switch to mirror writing. It is necessary to strictly control each element of the letter.

Useful advice

The pen should be the same as that of any first grader. Take the simplest standard pen.

Start writing from the very simple elements. You learn to write again, so the technique is not much different from the one by which children are taught to write. But since you already know how to write, learning will go much faster.

First, write at a table, in a comfortable writing position. This is necessary at first, even if you are used to writing while sitting on the steps or in the train.

Don't be discouraged if the pace of your email seems too slow. This is nominal. Even those people for whom the left hand is leading, at first write more slowly than right-handers.


  • how to learn to write with your left hand right handed in 2018

hemispheres brain responsible for different functions: left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right one is responsible for creativity and intuition. Right hemisphere is responsible for the functioning of the left side of the body, and the left, respectively, for the right side. In case you want to develop the left hemisphere, that is, logical thinking, you should pay attention to a number of recommendations for the development of the left hemisphere.


Use logical tasks. In order to develop logical thinking, you need to study the logical algorithms that your thoughts will follow. Solve logical problems and constantly practice logical thinking in order to develop it.

Solve math problems. Mathematics is a science, the study of which is impossible without a developed left hemisphere, so the more you solve complex problems, the faster your left brain develops. hemisphere.

Useful advice

The most valuable is the harmonious development of both hemispheres, so try not to stop at the development of one hemisphere, but develop both evenly.

What is the secret of sports success? Each champion has a different answer to this question: discipline, willpower, intelligence, or innate physiology. One way or another, perfect body control is necessary for any athlete, and it necessarily implies the ability to use both hands equally.


Learn to play right now. There is nothing more difficult than relearning to do what was initially learned incorrectly. If you want to learn something new for yourself, start with an instructor who will teach you how to move and handle sports equipment correctly. It is necessary to immediately explain to the coach that you want to develop both arms evenly.

Fulfill necessary exercises. They are in every form. In order for the stick to become a continuation of the body, it is necessary to start the lesson on the ice with swinging arms and bypassing the stick around the body, shifting from one hand to the other, so that each time you change hands, grab it correctly. For all sports, coordination exercises are equally important, which determines how freely you can control your body.

Strengthen the muscles in both arms. Usually one hand

Acquiring the ability to write with the left hand for a right-hander allows you to develop abilities that are more inherent in left-handed people and coordinate the work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

By learning to write with your left hand, you can develop your intuition, Creative skills and a sense of humor.

Follow our instructions and you can quickly learn to write with your left hand.

  • We arrange the sheet of paper correctly. Before starting to write, we place a sheet of paper in an appropriate way: the upper left corner of the sheet should be slightly higher than the right one. This is necessary so that the hands are positioned correctly while writing and experience less stress.
  • Choosing the right learning tool. The length of a pencil or pen should be somewhat longer than usual, since it is more convenient for left-handed people to hold the tool a little higher: the distance from the sheet of paper to the point around the pencil should be 3-4 cm.
  • We write with the left hand. It is best to start learning on a lined sheet, since it is desirable that the lines are already straight from the beginning. Try to display large enough printed letters first, and then capital letters. Practice mirror writing with your left hand: writing words, phrases and sentences from right to left, while the letters must be rotated 180 degrees. It's not only effective training but also a fun hobby. Leonardo da Vinci himself entertained himself with such a letter. Try not to limit yourself to only calligraphy lessons, but in any case, write down phone numbers, addresses, names of films and books with your left hand.

  • We draw with the left hand. Drawing is necessary for full development motor skills of the left hand and in order to quickly learn how to write well with the left hand. First put down the outline points of your future drawing, and then connect them together. Another tip is to try drawing something in sync with both hands, and then smoothly transition to drawing with your left hand.
  • Habitual actions with the left hand. For greater development of the left hand, it is necessary to “instruct” it to perform various habitual actions: brushing your teeth with your left hand, dialing a phone number, holding cutlery, using a computer mouse, etc. At first, such actions can be clumsy and cause a lot of inconvenience, but over time all this will become a habit and you will perform any action equally well with both right and left hands.
  • We catch items. Prepare a small ball and do the following exercise: throw the ball against the wall and try to catch it with your left hand without helping with your right. You can do this exercise with a partner. It also perfectly develops coordination of movements by throwing the ball up, while it is necessary to try to catch it first with two hands, and then with one - with the left.

In order for the result not to be long in coming, classes must be carried out regularly, while it is better to devote a small amount of time to the exercises, but daily, in order to develop muscle memory, than for several hours in a row, excessively loading the undeveloped arm, but twice a month or once a week .

Section: Self Improvement ,
  • Any of us can become ambidexter, that is, a person who equally owns the left and right hand. Einstein, Michelangelo, Tesla, da Vinci, Fleming and Franklin were ambidexters. Of course, in order to wake up the other hand (in the case of this article, the right one), you will need a lot of time and patience, but this goal is still quite achievable! And this article will tell you what to do.


    Practicing writing skills

      Write something with your left hand every day. You can’t want today, and wake up ambidexter tomorrow - you have to work, and for quite a long time - several months or even years. So, if you really want to learn how to use your left hand at 100%, then you have to train daily.

      • Set aside time in your schedule to write with your left hand. Just 15 minutes a day is enough.
      • The main thing is not to force yourself through force - disappointment and fatigue ruined many great undertakings.
      • Practice regularly and you will succeed.
    1. Hold your hand correctly. When you're trying to train yourself to write with your left hand, it's important to hold the pen comfortably in it.

      • Many of us hold the pen too tightly, squeezing it in an almost death grip, which makes the hand tire quickly. A tired hand, in turn, worsens the quality of writing.
      • So that your hand does not get tired, hold the pen with your left hand as you would hold it with your right, but mirroring everything. And do not deny yourself breaks for rest!
      • Writing on good paper with a good pen will be much more convenient and easier.
      • Tilt the paper 30-45 degrees to the right - at this angle you will be more comfortable.
    2. Practice writing alphabet characters. Use your left pen to write down the entire alphabet of your language, both lowercase and uppercase. Take your time, focus on making the letters even remotely resemble themselves. So far, quality is important to you, not speed.

      • For the sake of comparison, do the same, but with your right hand. Accordingly, continue to work with this role model.
      • Keep your drafts in a folder somewhere. So, it will be more convenient and easier for you to track progress and, accordingly, it will be easier to deal with a lack of motivation.
    3. Practice writing sentences. Having worked out the alphabet, it's time to move on to the text, more precisely, to the sentences.

      • Start with something simple, like "I'm writing this sentence with my left hand." Remember, there is no need to rush, we must try to do everything qualitatively.
      • Then try to write some sentence from those that contain all the letters of the Russian language.
      • And then another one like it.
    4. Work with prescriptions. You remember them, you yourself learned to write from them, even if long ago and with your right hand. However, neither the situation as a whole, nor the rules for writing letters have yet to change. With the help of copy-books, you will hone your skills in writing letters with your left hand.

      • Strictly speaking, you are not just learning to write with your right hand, you are learning to write again and accustoming your brain to it. Namely, for such cases, prescriptions were created.
      • Remember your lined notebooks with slanted lines? They will come in handy again - it will be easier to ensure that the letters have similar proportions.
    5. Try writing backwards. In Russian, as in many other languages ​​of the world, the text goes from left to right, “from thumb to the little finger."

      • For right-handed people, this is not surprising. In addition, so, they also do not accidentally smear the ink when writing.
      • For left-handers, in turn, this state of affairs looks less natural. It is really easier for lefties to write from right to left.
      • For example, da Vinci was left-handed and wrote that way - from right to left, mirroring the letters when writing. This created a kind of cipher, which could only be read by reflecting the text in a mirror.
      • Practice writing text from right to left with your left hand, and you will be surprised at how quickly and easily letters will get. However, to really write backwards, you need to write the words themselves backwards too!
    6. Draw. This, of course, is not quite the same, but still the ability to draw with your left hand will come in handy - you will learn how to control your hand more precisely, and also make it stronger.

      • Start with something simple, like basic geometric shapes like squares, circles, and triangles. Then move on to more complex shapes - trees, chairs, and so on. When this will be easy for you, start drawing people and animals.
      • Draw from top to bottom with your left hand. This is a great exercise to start training your brain to use your left hand as well as your right.
      • Many great artists were ambidexters and often, when one hand got tired, they simply took the brush with the other and continued to paint. Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, a famous artist, was famous for being able to draw with both hands at the same time.
    7. Be patient. As mentioned earlier, learning to write with your left hand takes a lot of time and effort. So be patient and don't give up!

      • After all, it took you years to learn to write with your right hand! Yes, you were a child, but that doesn't make much of a difference. Moreover, this means that you will wake up the left one even faster! However, even with this in mind, you should not expect quick results.
      • Don't worry about writing speed at first. You must learn to control your hand, write letters accurately, and not write quickly. Speed ​​is the next step.
      • Motivate yourself that the ability to write with your left hand for a right-hander is cool and spectacular. Something, and motivation will come in handy for you ...

      Making the left hand stronger

      1. Do everything with your left hand. In general, everything. This is the easiest way to accustom her to various loads. If you're doing something with your right, now start doing it with your left..

        • Brush your teeth with your left hand. Comb your left. Stir the sugar in the cup with the left. Butter for bread - left. Open the door - left. All left!
        • Throw darts - left. Hold the cue - left. Bowling - also left.
        • Yes, at first it will be difficult, you will accidentally break loose and start doing everything right. In this case, there is one sure remedy - tie the fingers of your right hand. Everything, the hand is useless, you have to do everything with your left!
      2. Lift weights with your left hand. This will help you correct the difference between the dominant and non-dominant hand.

        • Dumbbells, carpal expanders - all this will serve you faithfully.
        • Start with small weights and gradually increase the load.
      3. Learn to juggle. Juggling three or four balls is perhaps one of the better ways strengthen the left hand and improve coordination. Moreover, it is also spectacular in itself!

        Practice with the ball. So, one of the great exercises for non-dominant hands is working with a ball bouncing off some surface. Take two tennis rackets and two balls, then start bouncing them off the floor - simultaneously and with both hands.

        Learn to play a musical instrument. Many musicians whose instrument requires two hands are somewhat ambidexter.

        Take up swimming. Another activity for two hands at once, developing overall coordination of movements and, as a result, the brain.

        • Sign up for a pool, swim a couple of tracks, and you will not only begin to develop your left hand, but in general, you will do a useful thing for the body. Cardio never hurt anyone!
      4. Wash dishes with your left hand. Washing dishes regularly with the left hand is simple and reliable way develop her dexterity. This is both exciting and useful for the future, and not only for washing dishes.

      5. Start doing tasks with your left hand that require more precision. Write to mirror image, play pool or darts, peel shrimp with your non-dominant hand, which you have already trained on easier tasks. It will also develop your overall ability to automatically transfer any action in a mirror image to the other hand. The next time you take on a new task with your left hand that you usually do with your right, you will be a little more dexterous from the very beginning than if your left hand had not been accustomed to such exercises. It may take years for the left hand to equal the right hand, but in two months it will come close to it. Once you've got the hang of it with your left hand, you don't have to wait impatiently for it to catch up with your right hand. If you're in a hurry to get ambidexterous and are willing to take it slow at first, you can skip steps 2-7.

        • Practice writing with your left only at home. At school or at work, write with your dominant hand until you can write with your left quickly and accurately enough.
        • When you start doing everything with your left, try not to use your right.
        • Do daily tasks with your left hand - hold the plug, remote control, etc. in it.
        • Be patient and don't rush.
        • Whatever you have done with your right hand, now do with your left hand.
        • When learning to write with your left, do not forget about posture.
        • Pay special attention to writing sentences containing all the letters of the alphabet.
        • When writing with your left hand, look with your right eye.

    It is known that development is an obligatory part of our life. Especially the development of the brain, because it is this organ that directs our life, moreover, it contributes to the normal functioning of the whole organism.

    We live by performing actions that have long become a habit. It is not often that right-handed people think about why they use their right hand most often - they write with it, count money, take up the door handle, brush their teeth, etc. With regard to left-handers, the same can be said, although left-handed people are more likely to realize that they are not like that. like everyone else, because the majority are right-handed.

    Therefore, our article will refer to the majority of right-handed people for whom society has created more comfortable conditions. So, dear right-handers, the question is:

    Why don't we develop the left hand as well?

    You ask: why?

    It is more convenient and more habitual for me to work with the right hand. Why do I need extra effort to acquire the skills of virtuoso possession of the left hand?

    And in order to force our brain to work more productively.


    Everything is logical. We develop the left side of the body - we get the development of the right hemisphere. As a result, our logical mind is enriched by connecting the intuitive and creative channels of the brain.


    A great way to develop your left hand is to teach it how to use writing instruments - a pen and a pencil. For right-handers, this will be a very interesting activity, although not so simple. Let's try again to feel like preschool children who are learning to write. Only this time with the left hand.

    Fortunately, schools have long ceased to practice the terrible method of forcibly retraining inborn left-handers. However, many people who write with their left hand do so with a strong flexion of the wrist. Thus, the hand holding the pen is on top of the stitch. Although this allows you to see the written text, the hand with this method strains more and gets tired more often.


    1. Set a goal

    Why do you want to learn the skill of writing with your left hand? In order to comprehend something new, to develop the brain, intuition, creative sphere, or to surprise acquaintances and friends. Answer this question and let it be your motivation for learning. The lack of a goal can lead to the fact that you stop doing it before you finish the job.

    2. Equip the workplace

    You must be comfortable and comfortable place where you will be doing. Let it be a desk, the lighting on which falls on the right, and not on the left, as it was before. Move table lamp, and free the left side of the table from unnecessary things, because now your elbow and a notebook for work will be there.

    3. Prepare the tools for the job

    This is a pen and notebook. They should be comfortable and loved so that the desire to use them remains in any case. It is possible that the pen used by the right hand will not suit you for writing with your left hand. It is desirable that the writing paper be lined, i.e. fit notebooks in a ruler and a cage. You can also take it in an oblique ruler, but keep in mind that the slope of the oblique lines is designed for right-handed writing.

    4. Make the learning environment comfortable, do not complicate the process itself

    If you set yourself too challenging tasks, the training process will not bring you joy and satisfaction, and there is a risk that training will stop earlier than necessary.

    5. Drawing with the left hand

    To improve the motor skills of the left hand, try drawing with it. Even if it's sketchy. Also, this lesson perfectly develops creative abilities, because the right hemisphere will be active at the same time!

    6. In addition to training, improve your skill in life

    Use your left hand to write down a phone number, a plan in your diary, an idea. If you don't need to write beautifully or quickly, why not let your left hand do the work?

    In addition, let the left hand work in other cases. For example, try brushing your teeth with it, washing dishes, combing your hair, in general, doing the same things that you used to do with your right. Just do not at first trust her with dangerous actions that require accuracy. For example, cutting meat or vegetables with a knife, shaving, sewing with a needle. Let the hand first acquire the necessary dexterity.


    Hold the pen with your left hand at a distance of 3-4 cm from the paper, i.e. higher than usual. The paper should be tilted to the right, with the top left corner higher than the right. Thus, you will be able to see the written text without bending the hand at the wrist. The light, as already mentioned, should fall from the right side.

    What exactly to write?

    You can use recipes for left-handed people, which you can buy at an office supply store or download from the Internet. And work, as in the first grade, displaying the letters, and later - the words in them. This way is good developing left hand writing skills and beautiful handwriting.

    But if you find it boring, don't force yourself! Try writing your thoughts, favorite poems, even excerpts from books in a regular notebook. For adults, this is even more natural than writing out letter after letter in copybook many times.

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