Tale of temporary years Treaty of 911 years. Russian-Byzantine Treaty

Arrangement of the site 22.09.2019

907 year.

Oleg, having passed a bit from [King] Grad, began negotiations about the world with the Greek kings Leon and Alexander, sent to them to the city of Karl, Farlaff, Vermuda, Rulaw and Stemid with the words: "Pay me tribute." And they said the Greeks: "What do you want, let you". And he pointed out Oleg, give (his) soldiers for 2000 ships of 12 hryvnias on Pokalchin, and then give the contents of arriving from Russian cities: primarily from Kiev, as well as from Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Loveness and other cities, for Those cities are sitting by Oleg Princess.

When the Russians come, let the content charge, how much they want, and if merchants come, let them charge for 6 months: bread, wine, meat, fish and fruits. And let them get a bath with them as soon as they want. When the Russians go home, let them charge on your king on the road, anchors, tackles, sails and what they need.

And they posed the Greeks. And they told the kings and all the boyars.

If the Russians are not for trading, then let them not charge the monthly. Let (Russian), the prince will forbid his ambassadors and (in general) the Russian coming here to do the stepping in our villages and in our country. Arriving (here) Russian let them live near the Monastery of St. Mammoth; And when our royal majesty will send (to them anyone), who will rewrite their names, then (only) they will take the monthly monthly - first (who came) from Kiev, then from Chernigov and Pereyaslavl from other cities. And let them enter the city only through the same gate accompanied by a royal official, unarmed, a person of 50, and let them trade, how much they need, without paying any trading duties.

So, Tsar Leon and Alexander concluded peace with Oleg, pledged to pay tribute and swore both parties; Sami (the Greeks) kicked the cross, and Oleg and his warriors led to the oath in Russian; And they swear to their weapons and their gods Perun and Veles, the god of livestock. And so the world was approved.

911 year.

In the year 6420. She sent Oleg his vigumers to establish peaceful relations and conclude a contract between Byzantia and Rusy; And, sent (their), said this:

The list from another (copy) of the contract located in the same kings of Leo and Alexander.

1. We, from the (name) of the Russian people, Chala, Ingeld, Farlaff, Vermud, Gouda, Ruevid, Karna, Frelav, Ryur, Aktev, Torang, Lidulfost, Smeid, sent by Oleg, the Grand Duke Russian, and all suspended bright boyars To you, Lero, Alexander and Konstantin, God's Grace, the great autocrats, the kings of Greek, to confirm and strengthen friendship, existing between the Greeks and Russians over the years, according to the desire and command of our princes [and] of all the Russians subject to them. Our lordship, more thance wanted by the grace of God to confirm and strengthen the friendship that existed between Christians and the Russians, many times really sought not only in words, but in writing and unreasonable sneezing, swear by our weapon, confirm and strengthen this friendship, according to our faith and custom.

2. These are the sections by the grace of the God of a peace agreement, as we agreed about it. First of all, let them conclude with you, the Greeks, the world, and will be friends with each other all the soul and heart, and not allow, according to our mutual desire, no disorder or resentment from the bright princes to us; But we will try, how many maybe to keep with you, the Greeks, (in now), impeccable friendship, a written contract, expressed and sworn confirmed. Also, you, the Greeks, to continue to always follow the same indispensable and impeccable friendship in relation to our bright princes of Russian and to all who are under the hand of our Light Prince.

3. As for crimes, if the atrocities will happen, agree: let the accusation contained in publicly represented (real) evidence, will be recognized as proven; If any (proof) will not be trusted, then let the party be sworn, which is dominated by him (evidence) not trusted; And when it comes in, according to its faith, let the punishment will correspond to the nature of the crime.

4. On the following. If anyone kills (anyone) is a Russian Christian or a Russian Christian, let him die at the site of committing the murder. If the killer will run away, but it turns out to be a thing, then the part of his property, which is supposed to him by law, let him take a relative of the murdered, but also the killer's wife will preserve what he relies on custom. If the killer is poor and (at the same time), he fled, then let it be under the court until found (if found, then), let it die.

5. If (who) strikes the sword or beat (whom) by any tool, then for that blow or beating let give 5 liters of silver according to the custom Russian. If the who committed it turns out to be the poor, then let it give how much it can, up to the fact that even removes the very clothes in which she walks, but (as for the missing, then let him swear, according to its faith that no one can help he and let him prosecution In order to recover (from it), the fine on it ends.

6. On the following. If Russian is stolen by a Christian or a Christian among Russian and captured by the thief victim at the time when he makes theft, at the same time he will resist and will be killed, then his death is not defended by Christians, nor Rusy, but even if even The victim will take his own (property), which he disappeared. If the thief will give up without resistance to the hands of the one who has committed theft, and will be connected to them, then let them return what she dare to encroach, in a triple size.

7. On the following. If anyone is Russian with a Christian or a Christian among Russian, - causing suffering and obviously creating violence, will take something belonging to another, let it compensate losses in a triple size.

8. If the rook will be thrown strong wind on someone else's land and there will be there any of us, Russians (nearby), then if he wants (host) to keep it with his goods and send back to Greek land, let them (we) through any dangerous place until it comes She is safe in place; If this rook saved after the storm or after it was thrown to the stranded, he would not be able to return to its places, then we, Russians, help the rings of the rook and spend it with their goods unharmed. In the event that such a misfortune happens near the Greek land with the Russian Ladier, then (we, the Greeks) will spend it into Russian land, and let (free) sells goods of that rook; (So) if you can sell something from (that) the rook, then let us, the Russians, unload them. And when we come (we, Russians) to Greece for trading or with the embassy to your king, we will miss (we, the Greeks) with the honor brought to sell goods (c) their rooks. If it happened (so that) Ktolibo from the arrivals on that species will be killed or beaten by us, Russians, or will be taken from the rook, then let the Russians, who created it, will be awarded to the above punishment.

9. On the following. If the prisoner (from among the subjects) of a country is forcibly held by the Russian or Greeks, being written to another country, and will appear (the compatriot of the captive), Russian or Greek, then (then it is allowed) to buy and return the redefined homeland, but (merchants , His) I bought it, will take the price of it, or let it be counted in the redemption price of a valid (spent market) price of Chelyadina. Also, if in war (he) will be taken by the Greeks, still let him return to his country, and will be given (for him), as mentioned above, its price existing in ordinary trading calculations.

10. When you need to go to war. When will you need to go to war, and these (Russians) will want to honor your king, then how many of those who came (to you) at any time would not want to stay at your king in their will, let their desire be fulfilled.

11. On captives Russian (Christians) brought from any country on Russia and immediately sold to Greece. If someday the prisoners of Christians will be brought from any country on Russia, they must be sold at 20 spools and return to Greece.

12. On the following. If the Russian Chellowadin is stolen, or will run away, or will be forcibly sold and the Russians will begin to complain, then let it be confirmed by the readings of the Chelyadin, and (then) the Russians will take it; Also, if merchants lose Chelyadian and declare this, then let them find a search and, finding it, will take it ... if anyone will not make this search to the local official, will be considered guilty.

13. Russians who are in service in Greece from the Greek king. If anyone (of them) dies, without testifying his property, and his (relatives) (in Greece) will not be, then let him return his property to the closest relatives in Russia. If he is a testament, then let the one who (he) wrote (order) to inherit property, will take off and inherit them.

13a. About Russians who make trading operations ...

About various (people), walking in Greece and remaining in debt ... If the villain (? Not) returns to Russia, then let the Russians complain to the Greek Tsariy Majesty, and he will be captured and returned for Russia.

15. Let the Russian Greeks and the same, if the same (with them) will be done.

To confirm and irrevoyedness, a real peace treaty between you, Christians, and the Russians, we were a cinnabyr (? Ivanov's spelling) on \u200b\u200btwo charters: your king and own, and, bagel (oath), a pretextful honest cross and sacred as a single trinite Your true God, gave our ambassadors. We swear to your king, put (for the kingdom) by the grace of God, according to custom and to establish our people, that neither we nor any of our country (will) violate the (these) approved paragraphs of the peace treaty. And this written copy of the contract was given to your kings for approval, so that this agreement was confirmed and the world existing between us.

Month of September 2, Indict's 15, a year from the creation of the world 6420.

The king, Leon, honored Russian ambassadors, gold and silks, and precious fabrics, and attached them to her husbands to show them church beauty, gold chambers and wealth stored in them: many gold, precious fabrics, gems, as well as the wonders of His God and the Passion of the Lord: the crown, nails, the bugger, the power of the saints, teaching them their faith and showing them the true faith. And so let them go to his land with a great honor.

The ambassadors sent by Oleg came to him and told all the speeches of both kings, as established peaceful relations and concluded an agreement between the Greats of Earth and Russian, and (decided to continue) not to crime oaths - neither Greeks or Russian.

944 year.

In the year 6453. Sent novel, Konstantin and Stephen to Igor ambassadors to restore the former peaceful relationship. Igor, talking to them about the world, sent his warriors to the novel. Roman convened Boyar and Sanovnikov. And they led Russian ambassadors and ordered (to them), as well as write the speeches of both sides to the Charter.

The list from another (copy) of the contract located in the kings of Roman, Konstantin and Stephen, Christ-loving Vladyk.

1. We, from the (name) of the Russian people, ambassadors and merchants, Ivor, Ambassador Igor, Grand Prince Russian, and Common ambassadors: WooEFAST - Svyatoslav, Son Igor; Sakrev - Princess Olga; Ludi - Igor, Igor nephew; ULEB - Vladislav; Kanitsar - Preyatava; Shikhburn - Sfendra, loyable wife; Pratten - Turdoes; Libyar - Fostov; Grim - Sphirkov; Praston - Akun, Nearby Yard; Pile - students; Essrich - Yerliskov; Wist - foobs; Istr - Aminda; Pratten - Bern; Yatvan - Gunarev; Chibrid - Aldan; Number of clips; Steggie - Eton; Sphida ...; Alvad - Gudov; Frusi - Tulbov; Mutur - Utin. Doorpet (? Merchants): Adun, Adulb, Igizlade, Ulyb, Fronta, Homol, Kuzi, Emig, Tourbrid, Fursten, Bruna, Ruhand, Gunastra, Frassen, Igtejd, Turburn, other Turben, ULEB, Turben, Mona, Ruevid, Sven , Styr, Aldan, Tiili, Apubcar, Sven, Vuzlev and Xinko Borich sent by Igor, the Grand Duke by Russian and all the princes and all people of Russian land. And those are entrusted to resume an old peace treaty for the evil who hate the old peace treaty, for many years as broken, and to approve friendship between the Greeks and Russians.

And our grand Duke Igor, and his boyars, and all Russian people sent us to the novel, Konstantin and Stefan, the great Greek kings, strengthen the friendship with the kings themselves, and with all the boyars, and with all the Greek people for all the years (until), while shines The sun and exists the world. And if (anyone) from the Russian country will figure out this friendship from the Russian country, let those of them who accepted baptism will receive retribution and condemnation on the death of God and in this world, and in terms of death. And those of them who are not baptized, let them not get help or from God, nor from Perun, and they will not protect with their shields, and they will die from their swords, from arrows and another of their weapons, and let the slaves in this world and ground.

2. And the Grand Duke of Russian and his boyars let them send Greek to Greece to Greek (so many) ships with their ambassadors and merchants as they want. If (earlier) it was decided that the ambassadors brought gold prints, and the merchants were silver, then now she commanded your prince to send letters to our royal majesty; We sent by them (ie, Russians) ambassadors and guests, let them bring a diploma, where it will be written like this: "I sent so much ships"; In order to find out of these (literactions) and we come with peaceful intentions. If they come without letters and turn out to be in our hands, we should delay (them until then) until we build your princess; If they (they) do not allow themselves to delay and will resist, then (if they are killed), let them not contribute to your prince; If, killing, come to Russia, we will write to your prince - and let them (with them) that they want.

2a. If the Russians are not for trading, then let them not charge the monthly. And let it forbate (Russian) the prince of his ambassadors and (in general) the Russians arriving here to create the stepping in our villages and in our country. Let the arriving (here) live near the monastery of St. Mammoth; And when our royal majesty will send (to them anyone), who will rewrite their names, then let them (only) they will take the monthly monthly - first (who came) from Kiev, then from Chernigov and Pereyaslavl.

And let them come to the city only through the same gate accompanied by a royal official, unarmed, a man of 50, and let them trade, how many they need, and go back, and even a royal official guard them. If any of the Russians or from the Greeks will make a lawlessness, even if the official) will judge them. When Russians come to the city, let them do not commit the earnests - let them have no right to buy precious fabrics more than 50 spools (each). And if anyone buys something from those tissues, then let him show (their) to the royal official, and he, imposing a stamp, will give them to him. And the Russians go from here let them charge from us, as needed, food on the road and what you need to provide people as it was installed earlier, and let them return to their country, and in the Holy Mammont to winter (they) are not right.

3. If the chellowadin escapes from the Russians who came to the country of our royal majesty and (living) near the Holy Mammoth, and if he is there, then let him take him; If it does not exude, then let our Russian - Christians swear in accordance with their faith, and non-Christians according to their custom, - and then take from us, according to the price established before, 2 precious fabrics for Chelyada.

4. If our chelyadin runs to you from people of our royal majesty, or from our capital, or from other cities and bring something (with him), then you should return it; And if everything that he brought, it will be possible, then take two spools for the capture (Chelyadada) from it (ie, the owner).

5. If someone of the Russians will try (unimprovingly) to take something in people of our royal majesty and will attempt, it will be severely punished; If (he) will already take (anything), then let him pay doubly; And if the same causes the Greek Russian, then (he) will be subject to the same punishment, which one (Russian when performing theft) was subjected.

6. If it happens to steal something Russian in the Greeks, it should be returned not only stolen, but also (overlapping) its price; If it turns out that the stolen is already sold, then let him doubly its price and will be punished in Greek custom and according to the Charter and custom Russian.

7. And no matter how many captive Christians of our country

the Russians neither led, if the young man or a good maiden would be, let (with their redemption) give (our software) 10 spools and take them; If (will), an ordinary (captive), then give 8 spools and take it; If it is old or small, then 5 spools will give.

If the Russians from the number of prisoners are in slavery in the Greeks, then let the Russians buy them on 10 spools; If Greek bought (Russian), then he should swear and take his price as he gave for him.

8. And about the Korsun country. Russian Prince has no right to fight in those countries, nor in any cities of that land, and the country will not be subject to you; When the soldiers ask us the Russian prince to fight, let him (so much), how much he needs.

9. And about the following. If the Russian Greek ship is found, thrown into the shore somewhere, let them do not cause damage; If someone who takes something from him, or pay any person (from this ship) to slavery, or kill, it will be punished according to Russian and Greek custom.

10. If the Russians will find Korsunhan's mouth at the mouth of the Dnieper for fishing, let them not cause them any evil. And let the Russians do not have the right to winter in the mouth of the Dnieper, in Belober Friend and in St. Heger, but with the onset of autumn, let them depart in Russia at their homes.

11. And about the following. If black Bulgarians come and began to fight in the Korsun country, then we ask the Russian prince so that he does not allow them to cause damage to his country.

12. If any crime of the Greeks, the subjects of our royal majesty will be committed, then (you) do not have the right to be punished, but, according to the command of our tsarist majesty, let them receive (they are punished) to the measure of their misconduct.

13. If a Christian of a Russian or Russian Christian kills a Christian and will be captured by the killer of his births (killed), then it will be killed.

If the killer will run away, but it will be a matter, then let his property take the birth of the murdered. If he proves to the poor and (at the same time), he ran away, then let him be found until found; If it is found, then it will be killed.

14. If you hit the sword or a spear or any instrument of Rusin Greek or Greek Rusin, then let it pay for such a lawlessness by Russian 5 liters of silver. If he proves to the poor, then let him be so sold out all that even the clothes in which he walks, and they will be removed from him, but (as for the lack of him, then let him swear, according to his faith that nothing Has, and let it be released.

15. If our royal majesty will wish (get) from you warriors to combat our opponents, and if they write (about it) to your great prince, then let them send to us (so much), as we wish; And let others recognize other countries, which friendship binds the Greeks with the Russians.

16. We wrote this contract on two charters: and one Charter is located in our royal majesty - it also shows the cross and written our names; And on the other (wrote names) your ambassadors and your merchants. Going out (back) along with the ambassador of our Tsarist Majesty, let (they) interpret it to the great prince of Russian Igor and to his people; And those, having received the Charter, let them swear that they will truly observe what we agreed on and what we wrote on this charter, on which our names are written.

We are (swear): those of us who are baptized, swear in the Cathedral Church of the Church of St. Ilya, the preserved honest cross and this charter, to comply with everything that it is written on it, and nothing (which is written in it) does not violate; And if it breaks out (anyone) from our country, Prince Lee or who is different, baptized or unresolved, will not receive help from God, and he will be a slave in this life and in the afterlime and will he be jammed with his own weapon.

And unreleased Russians, the well-known swords, wrap (?) And the rest weapons, swear that everything written on this charter will be fulfilled by Igor, all the boyars and all people of the Russian country are always, in all future years.

If someone from the princes or from Russian people, a Christian or non-Christian, violates what is written on this charter, then he should die from his weapon, and he will be, as a violated an oath, cursed by God and Perun. And if there is a great prince Igor, it is worthy to maintain this right friendship agreement, but he will not collapse (that is, this agreement, until then), while the sun shines and stands the whole world, in the current times and in charge.

The ambassadors sent by Igor returned to him with Greek ambassadors and told (Him) all the speeches of the Tsar Roman. Igor urged Greek ambassadors and told them: "Tell me what the king punished you?" And the ambassadors of the king were told: "Now the king sent us to the world, (for) wants to have peace and friendship with Russian prince. And your ambassadors drove our kings to the oath, and we were sent to bring you and your warriors. " And Igor promised Igor. And Sunter called Igor ambassadors and came to the hill, where Perun stood; And they folded their weapons, shields and gold, and Igor and his warriors swore and how many Russian pagans, and Russian Christians led to the oath in the Church of St. Ilya, which stands over a stream at the end of the steply conversation. It was the Cathedral Church, because many Varyags and Khazars were Christians. Igor, approving the world with the Greeks, let go of ambassadors, giving them to furs, whale and wax. The ambassadors came to the kings and told all the speeches of Igor and about his friendship to the Greeks.

971 year.

And sent [Svyatoslav] ambassadors to Zesar in Dorostol, for there was a cessary, saying like this: "I want to have with you lasting peace and friendship. " (Zagesar), having heard it, was delighted and sent him gifts, more than the former. Svyatoslav accepted the gifts and began to think with his friend, saying like this: "If I do not enter into a procession of the world, and he learns that we are not enough, then approaching us to deposit us in the city. The Russian Earth is far away, and Pechenegs are fighting with us, who will help us (then)? If we conclude with Cessera, - after all, he pledged to pay tribute, - then we will be (quite) enough. But if it won't send (us) Dani, then again, gathering many warriors, let's go from Russia to Tsargra. " And it was like a squad this speech. And sent the best husbands to Zesar. And having come to Dorostol, they told about this condom. The core as the next morning called them and said: "Let Russian ambassadors say." They said: "So says our prince: I want to be in solid friendship with Cessera Greek at all future times." Zesar, glading, commanded the scribe to record all Svyatoslav speeches on the charter. And the ambassadors began to speak all speeches and began writing to write. So they said:

The list from another (copy) of the contract, which is in Svyatoslav, the Grand Duke Russian, and Zesarya Greek John, called Tsimischius, written by Sveneldom and Skin Feofil in Dorostol of the month of July, Indict 14, a year 6479.

1. I, Svyatoslav, Prince Russian, as swear, and confirm his oath as this treaty: I want to have peace boy and other people and solid friendship with John, Great Cessera Greek, with Vasily and Konstantin, God, with Vasili, and Konstantin, And with all your people until the end of the world.

2. And I will never encroaggle your country, nor collect troops (for the war with it) and does not give another people on your country and land, subject to the Greeks, to the Korsun region with all its cities and Bulgarian land.

3. And if anyone else comes to your country, then I will be an opponent and I will fight him.

4. As I swore to the Greek tesarians, and with me a boyars and all Russia, but observe these irregular contracts. If the above, I and those who are with me and who are suspended to me, do not observe, let them be cursed by God, in which you believe, Perun and Velez, the god of livestock, and let them please like gold, and we will be excised by our own weapons. And no doubt in the truth that they were now depicted on the golden plate, they wrote on this charter and brought their seals.

Svyatoslav signed the world with the Greeks and went to the thresholds in Ladyah.

The subsequent analysis of the agreement of 911 confirms the idea that we have the usual interstate treaty. Firstly, this is evidenced by the characteristics of partners participating in the negotiations: on the one hand, this is "Russia", on the other - "Greeks" (or "Rus" and "Krentian"). These concepts identical in this context The concept of the country, states pass through the entire contract, starting with the preamble and ending with its final part. Secondly, the general political, interstate nature of the agreement 911 shows that it is a typical agreement of the "World and Love": its general political part repeats agreements 860 and 907.

The chronicler noted that Oleg sent his ambassadors to Constantinople "Building Peace and put a row between Rus and Byzantia. In these words, the nature of the agreement is clearly defined: on the one hand, it is "peace", and on the other - "row". The concepts of these for the chronicler are not equivalent. Judging by the text of the contract, under the "world" it is meant exactly the general political part. And this is not just "stylistics", "moral center", the formal protocol, as D. M. Meicheik and A. V. Longinov wrote about this, and the reflection of existing historical realities, which were indeed postponed into stereotypical protocol phrases, taken long ago on Armament by the state-diplomatic services of many countries of the early Middle Ages.

911 Agreement speaks of "retention" and "notice" " former love"Between the two states. The first article of the Treaty, coming after the protocol part, is directly devoted to this general political story: "The essence, Yako Further, we are Imali about God's faith and about love, the heads are: on the first work, I will die with you, Greeks, yes love each other from everything Souls and Amateur ... ", and then there is a text that says that both sides swear" to preserve others and always years "," immutable always and in all of the summer "abide by" love is not steady and the restless. " This political commitment is formulated precisely in the form of individual chapters, one of which is talking about the promise of Russia to keep this world, and the other reflects the same obligation from the Greeks: "Tako and you, Greeks, but keep the same Love to Prince to our bright Rusk. .. "2.

This general political part is quite definitely separated in the contract from subsequent articles on the specific plots of the relationship between the two states, as it is later said: "And about the chapters, it is about to bring leprosy, steady Sita." This means that below is the "chapters" concerning the "leprosy", atrocities, controversial issues 1, etc. After the presentation of these "chapters" about "hover" agreement 911 returns to the same idea that is expressed in the protocol and the first articles of the Agreement - to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world between the two states: "The former peace will with the creation ...", "Klya-jog ... not breakage ... Stretched the head of the world and love", "such a written Dam ... on Approval and on the notice of the everyday world of the world "3. Here, the concept of "peace and love", formulated by the already generalized form, applies to the entire contract, to all "tested" in it, regardless of whether they are directly related to the issue of "retention" of the world or are devoted to more private issues. But be that as it may, this line "Peace and Love" passes through the entire contract, and with its general political part, and with specific plots 4.

The question is naturally arising: for what and Russia, and Byzantium, it took four years later to return to this general political idea, expressed in the contract 907? "

The answer to it is contained in the agreement itself 911 g. There is no saying that "love and peace" concluded between the states re-in, - after the world of 907, it would be meaningless. The contract only notes that the ambassadors are directed "to hold and on the notice of" "peace and love", that is, to consolidate the already achieved. Recall that after military conflicts 941 and 970-971. "Peace and Love" were anew and were viewed as a return to the "Old", the "first" world, under which we, as noted above, we understand the contract of 907. There is no such return here: there was no military conflict between countries over the years.

In agreement, 911, it is precisely indicated, for which it was necessary to return to this "retention": the world of 911 lies, "it is not at least a word, and the Scripture and a swirl", that is, is, from the point of view of the Creator Creators of 911 , some new stage in contractual relations between Byzantium and ancient Russian state. Perhaps we are talking about the first written-written general political agreement "Peace and Love", which repeated in principle the former "verbal" (or basically verbal) such agreements - contracts 860 and 907. It is interesting to note that the question of the need for writing, and not verbally, to issue an agreement belongs to this general political storyline - "peace and love", and not following him, the heads of "hover", which once again can bring to the idea that 907 could be coordinated and enshrined in writing, perhaps in the form of Christul, some specific conditions, as follows the traces of documentary passages traced in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and labeled 907

However, if in 907 the contract was issued in the form of Christul, i.e. the imperial award, then in 911 the Russians could insist on the other form of the contract - on an equal bilateral agreement, since, as F. Dalger noted and and . Karaanopulos, "According to the political theory of Byzantines, the contract was a privilege, the provision of mercy: the Byzantine emperor condescended before to provide such mercy to foreign rulers. That is why the Byzantine emperors, certificates of privileges, such as Chrysius, were used as contractual letters. It is possible that Russa insisted on the elimination of this "condesception", which could also be the reason for the conclusion of a new deployed general political agreement. In this regard, we want to draw attention to the translation of this part of the agreement A. A. Zimin. He stressed that Oleg wanted to "confirm and strengthen the friendship" that Russe and before that "repeatedly really sought not only in words, but in writing and ineffective sworn, swear by their weapon, confirm and strengthen this friendship ..." 6 . And this means that written agreements existed before, as well as verbal, as well as an oath on weapons, which is reflected in the source.

On the other hand, the agreement 911 was not only a contract of the "World and Love", but also "next." This "row" refers to specific plots of relations between two states (or their subjects) in the field of and economic, and political 7.

The first article talks about the ways to consider various atrocities and measures for punishment for them; The second is responsible for murder, and in particular about property responsibility; Third - about responsibility for intentional beatings; the fourth - about responsibility for theft and the corresponding punishments; Fifth - about responsibility for robbery; Sixth - on the order of helping the merchants of both countries during their swimming with goods, help the victim shipwreck; seventh - on the procedure for the repurchase of prisoners - Russians and Greeks; Eighth - about allied assistance to the Greeks by Russia and on the procedure for the service of Russov in the Imperial Army; ninth - about the practice of repurchase of any other prisoners; Tenth - on the order of returning frying or abducted Chelyadi; Eleventh - about the practice of inheritance of the property of the dead in Byzantium Russov; The twelfth - about the order of Russian trade in Byzantium (the article is lost); The thirteenth is responsible for the debt and punishment for non-payment of debt.

Thus, a wide range of problems governing the relationship between the two states and their subjects in the most vital and traditional areas for them are covered and regulated by these thirteen specific articles, which constitute the content of the word "row".

Domestic historians, as we have already seen, wrote a lot about comparing the agreement 911 and the Greek-Persian Agreement 562, but did not consider these two documents from the point of view of the components of the stereotypical contracts of the "Peace and Love" and its testing. Meanwhile, it gives the results very remarkable 8.

In the contract of 562, the World Agreement for 50 years and the payment of Byzantium Dani Persians was issued as a separate document - Sacra, or approved diplomas about the world. In this letter drawn up in Greek and Persian languages \u200b\u200band, accordingly, on behalf of the Byzantine Emperor and Persian Shah, said: the sides "had negotiations between themselves about the world, and they interpreted it, and they approved the world for 50 years, and all the press was put on the written. And we argue the world on the conditions in which the winter, Roman Magister and Eusevia agreed among themselves, and on that remain "9.

Then, Menandr reports, another embassy meeting followed, during which "after many disputes" was developed directly to the contract itself consisting of 13 articles of a particular nature. In the first article, the Greeks and Persians agreed to not use the Derbent pass for military purposes; In the second - to prohibit its allies to lead wars against both parties 10; in the third - to trade "on the existing customary through certain customs"; in the fourth - to promote the Embassy Exchanges and provide them with "proper security", and diplomatic representatives were allowed to carry goods and duty to trade with them "; in the fifth - abide by the procedure for trade and the merchants of the" barbaric "peoples dependent on each side; in the sixth - Allow the transition of subjects from one country to another only in wartime, and in a peaceful period, give away the dedication of each other; in the seventh - determine the procedure for considering the complaints of the subjects of both states on each other; in the eighth - not to build border fortifications and not give the reason to the new war; in the ninth - not to attack on the territory of another state; in the tenth - do not keep the Greeks in the border fortress of the gift of military forces over the necessary for the protection of the fortress and not use it for the raids for Persian ownership; in the eleventh - to determine the practice of court places of controversial property questions, different types of offenses arising between the subjects of both states.

The twelfth article contains an appeal to God, which must support "storing peace" and be the enemy to those world will break; The last article recorded that the world is 50 years old, and the procedure for approval by the sovereigns of both countries of the document agreed upon by the ambassadors is determined.

A special agreement was concluded regarding the freedom of the religion of Christians in Persia.

Thus, the same structure is visible in the Greek-Persian agreement as in the later Russian-Byzantine agreement of 911. The only difference is that the outer-credentials and the general political agreement of the Menandrov of the Treaty were submitted to a separate diploma, and in the agreement 911. They include an integral element in the document protocol and in its first two articles; As for the assurance of loyalty to the Agreement and appeal to the gods, as well as the procedure for their design in the contract 562, then they are submitted to the individual last two articles. And in the agreement 911, these motives are also presented in the final part of the document. Specific articles of the Greco-Persian treaty are a kind of "row". In content, many of them are very close to the contract points of 911, as well as other agreements of the early Middle Ages, devoted to the regulation of trade and ambassadorous contacts, the consideration of property disputes, the settlement of territorial, including border, conflicts, etc. In this sense, the "row" of 562 and the "row" 911 only reflected the specific historical specificity of the relations of states that concluded the contract.

At the same time, it is impossible to not pay attention to the fact that the agreement 911 is a more developed diplomatic document than the contract 562. Three components that have become clearly traced in it, which have become classic with time:

I. Introduction in which the ambassadors who have entered into an agreement, a person and the state are called, the interests of which they represent, as well as the state and the person with which this agreement is concluded. Here the general political purpose of the concluding contract is formulated;

II. The direct content of the contract itself, its articles, the procedure for its approval, oaths of the parties;

III. Final part containing the date of signing the contract.

In the agreement 562, only the lines are planned, which were subsequently cast into clear articles of medieval diplomatic documents. And this is understandable, as in the VI century. And in the empire itself, and in the surrounding countries, the future diplomatic traditions, which took place in Byzantium only by the end of the X century.

In order to determine the political nature of the agreement 911 - whether it is equal to the contract or Imperial Christul, if Russia or Byzantium is obligation, and it is necessary to analyze the contract from the position of how it is reflected in it and to what the interests of these two states 15 .

Already in the introductory part of the contract, where the Russian side takes the word and the ambassadors say that they are "from the genus Rusta" sent Oleg to the Byzantine emperors, we see the first sign of bilateral agreement. Indeed, the two sides are the Greeks and Russia, Oleg and the Imperial Trio - are here counterparties in the negotiations. The Heads of "World and Love" also worry the character of bilateral obligations with full partner equality.

First formulated the obligation of the Russian side: in the contract on behalf of Russians there is a text "Let you die with you, Greeks ..."; Russa undertake not to violate the world by any "temptation" or "fault." And then the text though continues to go from the Russian side, but it contains the obligation of Byzantium on this subject: "Tako and you, Greeks, but keep the same love for Prince, our bright Rusky ..." Russa had to abide "peace and love "Forenly (" always years "), and the Greeks undertook to keep the world" in all of the summer. "

In the first of the chapters about "hover" we read that if any crime is committed and it will not be proven, then you should resort to the oath and everyone who suspension in a crime must be blocked according to its faith ("... Faugh to grieve for your faith "). And this means that the Greeks swear according to the customs of the Christian faith, Russa - pagan. For some reason, the modern translator missed this important aspect of the article and followed this text as follows: "... And when the side of the side ..." No, we are talking about the fact that the suspension side must swear exactly "on the faith of her" that It implies in this case the bilateral of the agreement and equality of partners.

More precisely, this text translated this text A. A. Zimin: "... and when it comes in, according to its faith ..." 16

Second article This idea of \u200b\u200bbilateral and equality of the contract is also brighter. It says that if the Russian will kill the Greek or Greek Russ, then the murder will be able to death. In the case of the flight of the killer, the latter (i.e. and the Greek, and Russian) must suffer the following punishment: his property is transferred to the nearly killed; If the killer "Neimit", i.e. the poor, then it will remain "heavy", and he will be killed if it is found.

In the third article formulated sanctions for blowing a sword or any other subject. The quantity must pay 5 liter of silver "by law Rusky"; If he does not have this money, he gives how much it can, and in the payment of the rest gives everything, right up to clothes. This article also means both sides and their equal responsibility for the crime. As for the words "according to the Law of Law", they testify only to the application in this case, the norms of Russian law; This norm itself, as seen from the text, belongs to the guilty and Greeks, and Russamas.

In the fourth article - about responsibility for theft - we read again: "... to decide that anyone Rusin at the Khrestanin, or Paki Krestananin in Rusin ...", or the thief will prepare steal and will be killed at the crime scene, then his death is not admired. "Not from Khrestan, N" from Russia. " And again both Contracting Parties act here with equal partners.

The fifth article states that both the Greeks, and Russ, who attempted the robbery, pay for it in a triple size: "... who, who from Khrestyan or from Russia, a torment, makes it creating and sucking the tric."

In the sixth article, this line continues: if Russian or Greek ladies suffer shipwreck, both parties are equal to the responsibility for saving the vessel of the other party. Rus should at the same time, supplied by the "Ruh-Scrap of His Ruh," to send it to the land of Krestan. If the catastrophe will occur with Russian turbine near the Greek coast, the Greeks should hold it into the "Russian land" 17.

In the seventh article - about the prisoners - it is also stressed: "... Incain, half the country hold there or from Russia, or from Greek, sold to Ou country, whether Rusyn Li Grechinin is cooked, and you will be redeemed and discharged. .. ", that is, we are talking about the fate of the prisoners of Russians and Greeks and obligations and Russia, and Byzantia regarding the repurchase of prisoners and return them to their countries.

Bilateralness and equality of obligations are visible in the article by the thirteenth, devoted to the declaration of responsibility for the debt. It says that if the Russian will make a duty in my homeland and then will not return to Russia, then the leader has the right to complain to him by the Byzantine government, and the guilty will be captured and returned for Rus. But Russa must do the same in relation to the rules of the Greeks. "Si and the same way to make Rus Greek, the appearance of such a thing."

Some articles contain the obligations of only the Greek side 18. This refers to the article on the resolution of Russamas to serve in the Greek army. At the same time, this permission is derived from the first part of this article, the meaning of which is that in the case of the war of Byzantium with any opponent, Russia can provide an empire to the Empire: "Even requires it to the War ITI, and these want so-titi The king of yours ... "And if the Russian warriors who came to want to stay on the Byzantine service" Night will ", they receive this right to be a real agreement. It seems that allied assistance from Russia is its voluntary business ("Want an accuracy"), but this case is not at all voluntary for the warriors themselves: they are obliged to go to war as the Allies of Byzantium and then "Wheaves" may remain on Service in the Empire. Thus, in the one given case, we are dealing with the first known in writing in writing by the Union Agreement of Russia with Byzantium, and the allied obligations bearing only Russia in relation to the empire. We believe that it is verbally such an agreement between Russia and Byzantium, the parties concluded both in 860 and 907; The Allied Obligations of Russia were paid by the Byzantine gold in the form of Dani and other trade and political benefits recorded, in particular, in the agreement 907 in the light of these agreements, supported by the article on the Allied Assistance of the Agreement 911, are especially obvious to the blows of Russian rati in conquer In 909-910 and 912/13, the threat of Constantinople Patriarch Nikolai Mystic to the Bulgarian king of Simeon to send "Scythian tribes" to him, and among them Russia, the following joint actions of rivers and Greeks against Arabs. These allied relations were violated only somewhere in the mid-30s of the X century.

Greek commitments are traced where there is a clear return of the stolen or fueling Russian chelyadin. The Greeks pledged to also return the estate of Russian subjects to Russia, if it was not done about the death of any orders on this score. At the same time, in one case, we trace the obligation only the Russian side: it concerns the return of the Russians captured by the Greeks for redemption at the prescribed price.

Both Greek and Russian obligations are associated with the immediate interests of the parties and are dictated by a real historical situation. The Greeks needed military assistance between Russia in their military enterprises against Arabs - and here a point on the resolution of Russami serve in the Byzantine troops, which, apparently, reflected a long-term practice has repeatedly. The Russian feudalizing tip was interested in strengthening his rights to man, slaves, - and here the Greeks undertake to return Chellowadin to Rus on Russia. Byzantium, in turn, has achieved obligations from Russian obligations to return the Greek prisoners, which, most likely, was the extension of the recent Russian campaign to Constantinople. Thus, these articles not only do not violate the total bilateral and equal nature of the entire agreement, but also emphasize its mutually beneficial nature.

The bilateral and equal nature of the contract confirms its ending. It says that the "former world" is recorded on the "Double Haraut", i.e., for two literactions. One of the literals is certified by the Byzantine emperor and is transferred to the Russian ambassadors ("The former peace is a crest, the king of your and his own hand, who preserved a honest cross and sacred by the Trinity of the Single Tropentago of God, lime and give our ambassador. On the other "harat" the Russian ambassadors swore. This diploma was transferred to the Byzantine emperors ("we swear to your king, I like the god of God, IKO God's building, according to the law and in the obese of our language ... and such a writing of your kingdom for approval ...";.

Thus, the introductory part of the contract, where he takes the Word of the Russian Party and declares about the holding and written registration of the "Peace and Love" agreement, and the "A number" of the contract with its specific articles, and the final part of the document again returning us to the general political issues, are based on bilateral and equal obligations and Russia and Byzantium.

Russian-Byzantine Treaty 911 and in this respect repeats the Greco-Persian Treaty of 562. There also on a bilateral and equitable basis, "the heads" of the "World and Love" were formulated in the approved literacy about the world. Similarly, the Greco-Persian "row" had bilateral equal obligations. True, there were deviations: a separate document on freedom of religion Christians in Persia contained only the obligations of the Persian side. But in this case, as in the case of the permission of the Byzantine government to serve RUSSAAM in the Greek army, we are dealing with historically folding relations of the two countries, when these obligations are not common, but absolutely concrete and unique.

What is the system of concluding this contract? The document was written in two versions: one, as already noted in historiography, went from the Greek side, was transferred to the Greek Russian embassy and, apparently, was written in Greek. It is this Greek original that signed the "Hero" by the Byzantine Emperor. Another specimen was from the Russian side and was apparently written in Russian. This Russian original on which the Russian ambassadors swore, and was transferred to the Byzantine emperors.

The agreement was made in the same way and the procedure for its conclusion between the Greeks and Persians in 562 was prepared at the same time. At the same time, two authentic diplomas were prepared on Persian and Greek languages. The authenticity of both texts was thoroughly drilled, and the parties took not only all the words and concepts, but also "the power of each word". From these two originals made accurate lists. Then the Persian Ambassador of Ziech handed over to the Byzantine Ambassador Petra copy, written by Persian; Peter handed over Zihi copy, written in Greek, i.e., each embassy received the original written in the language of the other side and having the appropriate signature and printing. But winter took for memory written in the Persian list, identical to Greek and who did not have seals on himself. Peter did the same 21.

In 911, the Greeks and Russa were also exchanged by the texts of authentic diploma, as was the case with the conclusion of the Greek-Persian treaty: the Greeks gave a copy, signed by the emperor, Russian ambassadors, and in exchange they received the Russian text.

Were and in this case, copies were removed from both originals, as in 562? About this chronicle silent. But the analysis of the agreement 911, its comparison with the only well-known deployed agreement of the early Middle Ages - the contract of 562 convinces that such copies could well be removed. In favor of this, the texts of the Sacra about the world (562), coming from the side, in the language of which was written by the original, were opened by the titles of rulers of a given country and the names of ambassadors who were making the diplomatic act of the Diplomatic act, and the original Owned by the other party, in turn, opened by the titles of rulers, the names of the ambassadors of this other country. IN this case Authenticity was observed only in the form of representation; The names of the rulers, their titles, the names of ambassadors and their titles were naturally in every literacy of different 23. The case is the same as the agreement with the agreement 911 we read that copy that was postponed in the chronicles and goes from the Russian side: "We are from Ruscago ... illegae from Olga ..." Further outlines the Russian point of view on the purpose of the contract. The text comes on behalf of Oleg: "Our Lightness," - the document says.

Judging by the analogy with the agreement 562, there should have been an authentic text coming from the Greeks; This is also indicated by the final part of the 911 treaty, which states that there was a copy of the Greek "Harai", signed by the emperor. But Lev VI could not sign the text of the contract coming from the Russian side. He signed the text coming from the Greek side, the text, the authentic Russian origin.

From these positions, it is possible more definitely what it was done before, to argue that the chronicler had a copy of the Russian text, whose original was given to the Greeks during the final ceremony 24. This means that the entire procedure for issuing a contract of 911 was similar to the one that accompanied the conclusion of the agreement 562 and the Byzantino-foreign agreements in the X-XV centuries.

There is no doubt that the Greek original, which, like a copy of the Russian original, was irrevocably lost, should have been both a Greek original of the archive.

K. Neumanov showed that the inclusion in the contract of obligations of the partner, i.e., the transformation of Christulus into a bilateral equal agreement, begins from the end of the XII century. When the Byzantium loses its former force. However, having considered the point of view of a number of historians that the inclusion in the treaty texts of bilateral obligations could be the Byzantine fee for military assistance from the state with which the agreement was concluded, K. Neumanov rejected such an opportunity on the grounds that until the end of the XII in ., For example, in Byzantino-Venetian relations, agreements could have a bilateral obligations, but not preserved.

At the same time, K. Neumann, and F. Dalger and I. Karayanopuelos have proven that the registration of contracts in the form of Christ-Lov-Gleasives begins to practice by the Byzantine diplomatic service only from 992. 26

Thus, the agreement 911 does not fit in no time, nor essentially in any of the schemes noted above. This means that the contract 911 as a type of document takes its special place in the system of Byzantine diplomacy, even if you recognize that it is close to the imperial Christian. But it is not. From Christulus, this agreement differs next to the hell. The procedure for its design is definitely saying that we have a completely equal, bilateral interstate agreement. It was drawn up in accordance with international diplomatic traditions that have come down from earlier times, and it is necessary to compare it not with late privileges agreements, but with equal agreements of the 1st millennium such as the Greco-Persian treaty 562.

In this regard, it is difficult to agree with the opinion of S. M. Kashtanova that the diploma approaching the type of Christulus issued without prior negotiations in another country. In the first place in this kind of Christulus there is an oath diploma of foreign ambassadors. Such a sweaty diploma S. M. Kashtanov saw in the part of the text that opens with the words: "We are from the genus Ruskago ..." - and further to words: "And about the chapters, it's likely to be kept leprosy, tasting Sia to Sita." However, S. M. Kashtanov did not pay attention to the fact that the composition of this swelling diplomas there is bilateral text on compliance and russia, and the Greeks of the "Peace and Love" agreement. Identical text was in the Greek original. He considers the words about the Scripture "on the two harate" as the preparation of two documents: one "harachi" - a "complemented version of the abandoned diploma" and the other "harati" - the Imperial Christulus 28. As we tried to show, the speech in this part of the diploma is about the preparation of two authentic texts in Greek and Russian, approved by both parties. Comparison of the graduates of the diploma-vulov (where, in fact, it is said that this document is an imperial Christomol) with the final part of the 911 treaty also convinces from their difference from each other. In Christulus, issued by Genoa on behalf of the emperor in 1192, it is that, thanks to this document, Genoa received the rights formulated in it as the obligations of Byzantium. The emperor's oath is also given here to comply with this Agreement 29. There is nothing like this in the agreement 911, which, as already noted, ends with bilateral oaths and obligations.

The text of Christula was translated into the language of the country with which an agreement was concluded; If it was a Western European country, then Christul was translated into Latin. In this case, he retained his form. A completely different character is the transfer of diplomas of 911, which was a copy of the text coming from the Russian side to the Greeks.

Reasoning A. Dimitriu and other authors that the contract 911 was not finally approved, since Oleg did not ratify it in the face of the Byzantine embassy in Kiev, it seems untenable for us, since such ratification was conducted by the Russian embassy in Constantinople. From the face of Oleg, Russian ambassadors swore at the certificate "by law and on the obese of our language", i.e., all the crate of the oath at the contractual literacy, which was adopted in Russia and which was still demonstrated by Oleg in 907 and Igor in 945 G.

The Russian-Byzantine agreement 911 was neither an addition to the agreement of 907, nor a formal writing act compared to the previous oral agreement, nor "new" world in relation to the world of 907. It was a completely independent interstate equal "world-row" not only included the main provisions of the "World and Love", proclaimed in 907, but also complemented by their specific articles "Ray". Registration of this agreement took place on all canons of the then diplomatic practice regarding the conclusion of the contract between the two equal sovereign states. This agreement was another step forward in the development of ancient Russian diplomacy and appeared on the way from an oral oath agreement of 860 and, perhaps, the Christian contract 907 to the deployed written diplomatic documents, the heights of the early refortel diplomatic documentation.

In connection with this basic value of the Russian-Byzantine agreement, 911. Many sharp disputes of the past seem not so relevant. These include, in particular, disagreements about what language was initially created by this act: whether the text placed in the chronicles, the translation, or he was immediately written in Russian, and if he was a translation, then who was a translator - Greek, Russian or Bulgarian? Where was the contract initially created - in Kiev or in Constantinople? And so on above all about the document language. Scientists have repeatedly noted the presence of Gersis in the language of the contract; They paid attention to the fact that in his text there are many alien to the pagan Russia of Christian concepts; The trace of translation from Greek in a heavy, fright style of the act (Evers, N. A. Lavrovsky, I. I. Szrenevsky, S. A. Gideonov, A. Dimitriu, D. M. Meichik, A. E. Presnyakov, S. P. Obnorsky, V. M. Istrin, S. Mikutsky, etc.); Specified on the style of the entrance part, on the features of the texts of the conclusion and articles. Today it is impossible to accurately prove, what was the linguistic basis of the text, shaved in the chronicle. Judging by the procedure for developing a contract held in Constantinople, it can be assumed that the original text of the Russian diploma could be written in Greek, and then he was already translated into Russian, and, and accordingly, the entry and conclusion of the contract were changed, due to the fact that the word took the Russian side thirty . In this case, the translator could be Russian, and Bulgarian (V. M. Istrin, S. P. Obnorsky), and Greek. It is still thinking that if the document is a translation, I carried it a representative of the Russian side, so - as specific articles of the Agreement have a Russian language basis (N. A. Lavrovsky), close to the language of Russian truth, and entry and conclusion carry the Byzantine diplomatic Language and conceptual stereotypes.

In this regard, it is legitimate, in our opinion, the assumption of A. V. Longinov that the draft treaty, in any case, his "row" could be developed in Kiev or in some other place during the preliminary negotiations with the Greeks.

But you can express another assumption. The well-known heavyweightness of the presentation of the contract, the confusion with the most attractive pronouns "our" and "yours" could be associated not only with the transfer of diplomas from the Greek original and the corresponding change in pronouns, since the text was no longer from the Greeks, but from Russ, but also with the "Ruchev" The nature of the negotiations and the "speech" by their presentation, as mentioned above. This is aware of a certain extent confirming the text of the document: in the introduction and conclusion (except for one case) coming from the Russian side and developed not in the "speech" disputes, but there are no such confusion from the formulas held in the imperial office, such a confusion: all pronouns are arranged correctly ; The confusion begins with the presentation of specific articles when the Russian and Byzantine ambassadors were taken alternately. Thus, the article on mutual assistance to the victim shipwreck states that Russ they are obliged in this case to provide all kinds of assistance to the Greek Floy. The text goes here from the first, Russian person - "us", "we". And then the same duties of the Greeks are formulated: if the misfortune happens to the Russian turbidity, the Greeks should hold it on Russia, but the text sounds again from the first person: "... yes I spend Yu in Russian land." In this case, we face or with the traces of Greek "speeches", or with a scribe's mistake, translator, or with the tradition, to which K. Neumann said.

He noticed that with a change in the form of the Byzantino-Venetian contracts from Christulov to gramons with bilateral obligations (after 1187) and a confusion appears with mature pronouns: the same subject acts on the first, then from a third party. K. Neumanna analyzes the first such known diploma of 1187 and notes that in the entry, the text comes from a first person, and in the main part of the contract, both parties represent themselves in the third person. And another important detail was noticed by K. Neuman: In the course of negotiations with the Byzantines, there were cases when the other side insisted from prestigious considerations to ensure that certain points of the contract formulated by the Byzantines from the first person, although this contradicted the rules of grammar. So, in 1198, Venetian ambassadors demanded that the swelling part of the contract Alexey III Comnne outlined from the first person, which was done. Confusion (similar to that happened in the Russian-Byzantine agreement 911) could arise as K. Neumann, and due to the fact that the imperial office sometimes did not cope with the style, especially in cases where the traditional form of Christul "It turned out to be blown up" bilateral obligations.

Negotiations on the production of a contract, as you know, were held in Constantinople, they ended in the same place and ended with the "signing" of the act of the act. Byzantine ambassadors did not appear in Kiev, Oleg did not ratify the self-person contract. It seems that such practice can not be considered random. Russia of that time was not yet for Byzantiya by the state, which could apply for complete diplomatic equality with the world empire, and the fact of the procedure for developing a treaty in Constantinople confirms. In this sense, equality has not yet been achieved in the titulature of the Grand Duke Kiev. In the text of the agreement, Oleg is repeatedly called "Our Grace", "Light Prince of Our".

This title did not cause interest among scientists. N. A. Lavrovsky considered him a simple borrowing from the Byzantine Lexicon, ascending to the Roman Illustris. This was written later and S. A. Gideonov. Indifferently passes by this title A. V. Longinov, believing that the concept of "luminosity" Greeks hugged the whole composition of Russian princes presented in the contract.

Meanwhile, the question of the title of the state of the state in a particular diplomatic agreement of antiquity and the Middle Ages played fundamental importance. This question was associated with the prestige of the state, often with its territorial claims. It seems to us that the title "Lightness" in the application to the Great Prince Kievsky is not a random translation from Greek, but the exact definition of the Byzantine diplomatic service of importance, the state prestige of a young Russian power. In Byzantium, which supported diplomatic relations with many states of the then world, was accurately determined by the significance and in accordance with this titulator of the rulers of these states. In his work, "On the ceremonies" Konstantin VII, the buggernic wrote that in documents addressed to the rulers of ancient Russia, the emperors of Byzantium appealed to them as follows: "The grar of Constantine and Roman, Christ-loving Emperors Roman, to Archona Rusi." A certain title was, as we see, enshrined and for the ruler of the ancient Russian state. Similarly, Konstantin VII applies to the Bulgarian king, but there, the epithetic "courteble" appeared in addition to the title of Archont. Konstantin VII recommended to contact both the "bright king of francs" 33.

It seems that the concept of "light" corresponded to the place that the Byzantine "diplomatic routine" and Russian rulers.

A number of diplomatic stereotypes are found in other concepts of the Act of 911, especially in its introductory and final units. Here are the vintage concepts of "peace and love", "assertion" and "immobility" of the contract, and the formula for the preservation of the contract "To the whole of summer", and so on.

The inclusion of Russia into stereotypical diplomatic relations with the Byzantine Empire is seen not only in the procedure for generating a contract and its content, but also in the order of staying the Russian Embassy in Constantinople. The chronicler tells how Emperor Lev VI "honored" Russian ambassadors - "Gratteom, and Poroloks and Ph.Dofami", "Peli" to them "men", who showed them "church beauty, and beards of kind, and in them the richness, Zlata Many and Favrookers and Kamnya Drague, and the Passion of the Lord and the Crown, and Nails, and the Crimson of the Bagry, and the relics of the saints ... ". Then he "let go of them on Russia" with the premium "34.

Regarding this chronicle text in pre-revolutionary historiography there were no special differences. Scientists appreciated him as a certificate of applied to the Russian embassy of the usual diplomatic practice of receiving foreign missions in Constantinople. So accepted Arabs, Venetians. Only G. M. Barats, loyal, skeptically noticed: It is unclear why the ambassadors who concluded the contract did not hurry home to ratify it, why they walk on the chambers, accompanied by some husbands, why they watch the church, but do not rush to contact Christianity, etc. 35

In Soviet historiography, this plot did not pay attention at all. True, the commentator of the above text "Tale of Bygone Years" noticed that this information that is not in the initial arch (reflected in the Novgorod first chronicle), the chronicler learned from the later narration (from 988) about the parcel of Vladimir Svyatoslavich his ambassadors to Constantinople 36

Only in 1968, this issue considered V. T. Pashutu. He noted that "Special courtie introduced them (ambassadors. - A.S.) with the church attractions of Constantinople" 37.

And further A. Kuzmin again revived distrust of this chronicle text. He considered that in this case we are dealing with the "torn continuation of the story" about the events of 907 38

And this means that the embassy of 907 was taken on all canons of the then Byzantine diplomatic tradition; Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich concluded agreement 911, the reliability of which A. G. Kuzmin does not question, was devoid of such a reception. The text that the ambassadors were released with honor "in their land" were presented, which they came to Oleg and told him about the progress of the negotiations, the conclusion of the "world" and "urida". In general, the presence of an embassy on the occasion of the conclusion of the agreement 911 is raised. The real diplomatic tradition is stressed.

It seems that this chronicles, as well as much in the practice of the conclusion of the agreement 911, reflects a very stereotypical situation. The very set of these gifts, as we see, the same as in 860; Other foreign embassies received the same - gold, expensive fabrics, precious vessels. The laws of diplomatic hospitality, widely noted in the practice of medieval ambassadors, indicate that in this case we simply have the first testimony of such a reception of the Russian Embassy in Byzantium. It was familiar with the sights of the city, the ambassadors saw the pride of Byzantium - her magnificent temples, her Christian shrines. Then there was a "vacation", i.e. the official farewell reception of the embassy, \u200b\u200bon which the emperor "released" the Embassy of the Embassy of the Embassy. The traditions of the first reception and the last - "vacation" are traced in the ansis of many European countries and the peoples of the Middle Ages. That is how it is necessary to understand the words of the chronicler that the king "let go of the" ambassadors "with the Cement Great".

The ambassadors were accompanied by V. T. Pashutu, special officials, "men", which in 907 were obliged to introduce Russian, like any other, mission to the city, place it, rewrite, etc. in this case We are secondary to meet with the diplomatic function "Tsareva Muga", facing directly to the Russian embassy. Finally, the reception of Oleg Ambassadors in Kiev on the return of them to their homeland testifies to the same generating stereotype of diplomatic practice, they told him the "whole speech of both king" and told how the conclusion of the "World" and the development of a "row" ("Kako Colding Mir . And the sideline is put ... ").

Thus, the description of the pastinian pastinople in Constantinople also points to the inclusion of ancient Russia to the orbit of international diplomatic practice, and the agreement of 911 marked a qualitatively new stage in all respects: the course of developing an agreement, its content, procedures for the conclusion, the practice of reception, and "vacation "Russian Embassy in Byzantium.

General data on the contract and its meaning

In 911 (the year was incorrectly affected by the year 6420, therefore not 912, and 911 years old), according to the chronicle data, Prince Oleg sent his people to the Greeks to conclude the world and establish the contract between Russia and Byzantia. The contract was concluded on September 2, 911 between the two parties:

The contract established the friendly relations of Byzantium and Kievan Rus, determined the procedure for the repurchase of prisoners, punishment for criminal offenses committed by Greek and Russian merchants in Byzantium, the rules of reference trial and inheritance created favorable conditions Trade for Russians and Greeks, changed the coastal right. From now on, instead of the seizure of the ship thrown ashore and his property, the owners of the coast were obliged to assist in their salvation.

Also, under the terms of the contract, Russian merchants received the right to live in Constantinople for six months, the empire was obliged to contain them during this time at the expense of the treasury. They were given the right of duty-free trade in Byzantium. And the possibility of hiring Russians to military service in Byzantium was allowed.



  • Bibikov M. V. Rus in Byzantine diplomacy: Rus agreements with the Greeks of the X century. // Ancient Russia. Questions mediovers. - 2005. - № 1 (19). - P. 5-15.
  • Vladimir-Budanov M. F. Review of the history of Russian law. - K.-SPb.: Publishing house N. Ya. Ogloblin, 1900. - 681 p.
  • Monuments of Russian law / Ed. S. V. Yushkova. - M.: Gosyridizdat, 1952. - Vol. 1. Monuments of law Kiev state X-XII centuries. - 304 p.
  • Tale of temporary years / ed. V.P. Adrianovoy-Penets. - M.-L.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950. - Ch. 1. Texts and translation. - 405 s.; Part 2. Applications. - 559 p.
  • Falaleva I. N. Political and Legal System Ancient Russia IX-XI centuries. - Volgograd: Publishing House Volgograd state University, 2003. - 164 p.
  • Yushkov S. V. Social and political system and the right of Kiev state. - M.: Gosyridizdat, 1949. - 544 p.

see also

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    Oleg Probe leads troops to the walls of Tsargrad. Miniature from Radziwill Chronicles (beginning of the XIII century). Date 907 year ... Wikipedia

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Per year 6420 [from the creation of the world]

I sent Oleg my husbands to conclude the world and establish a treaty between the Greeks and the Russians, saying this: "The list from the contract concluded with the same kings of Lion and Alexander. We are from the genus Russian - Chala, Ingeld, Farlaff, Vermad, Rollaw, Gouda, Ruhad, Karna, Frev, Rouer, Aktev, Torang, Lidul, Fost, Rod - sent from Oleg, Grand Duke Russian, and from everyone who is under Hero His, - Light and Grand Princes, and his great boyars, to you, Lev, Alexander and Konstantin, Great in God, the dealers, the kings of Greek, to strengthen and for the certificate of many years of friendship, formerly between Christians and Russians, at the request of our great princes and According to the command, from all those who are under His Russians. Our lordship, above all wishing in God to strengthen and certify the friendship, which existed constantly between Christians and Russians, judged by justice, not only in words, but also on a letter, and a swirl, swear by weapon to his own, to approve such friendship and certify her by faith And according to our law.

Such are the essence of the head of the contract, regarding which we ordered themselves in God's faith and friendship. I will make me the first words of our contract with you, Greeks, and become each other with all my heart and in all kinds, and do not let me happen, because it is in our power, no deception or a crime of our bright princes on the hand; But we will try to how much of our forces, to preserve with you, the Greeks, in the future years and forever unreserved and unchanged friendship, expressing and lending to the letter with consolidation, an outer certified. Also, you, the Greeks, observe the same unshakable and unchanged friendship for the princes of our bright Russian and to all who are under the hand of our bright prince always and in all the years.

And about chapters relating to possible atrocities, agree: those atrocities that will be clearly certified, let them be considered undoubtedly accomplished; And what will not be believed, let the one side, which hats, so that the atrocities do not believe it; And when the side will double, let it be punishment, which will be a crime.

This: if anyone kill, is a Russian Christian or a Russian Christian, - so dies on the site of the murder. If the killer will run away, and it turns out to be a thing, then the part of his property, which is supposed to be done by law, let him take a relative of the murdered, but also the killer's wife will preserve what he relies according to the law. If it turns out to be a poor killer, then let him go under the court until he is involved, and then yes will die.

If he hit who the sword or will beat any other to the gun, then for that blow or beating, let it give 5 liter of silver by law Russian; If the poor who made this misconduvement, then let it be given how much it can, so that let him take off and the same clothes in which he walks, but for the remaining unpaid amount, let him be in their faith that no one can help him and even if not This residue is charged.

This is: if the Russian has a Christian or, on the contrary, a Christian among Russian, and caught the thief victim at that time, when he makes theft, or if the spike will be prepared and will be killed, then the death of him from Christians will not be accomplished from Russians; But let the victim take it to his own that he lost. If the thief will voluntarily give up, then let him take the one who he stole, and let him be connected, and will give what he stole, in a triple size.

This is: if some of the Christians or from the Russians by eating [the robbery] and explicitly will take something belonging to another, then let him return in a triple size.

If the sword is thrown into a strong wind on someone else's land and there will be there any of us, Russians, and will help you to keep it with a cargo with a cargo and send it to the Greek land, I spend it through any dangerous place until it comes to place safe; If the rook of this buzzi or stranded is delayed and can not return to its places, we will help the rings of that rook we, the Russians, and spend them with their goods to meet. If it happened near the Greek Earth, the same trouble with Russian roes, I spend it into Russian land and let them sell goods of that rook, so if you can sell from that rook, then let us bring [in the Greek shore], Russians. And when we arrive [we, Russians] to the Greek land for trading or embassy to your king, then [we, the Greeks] will miss the goods sold by the goods sold. If any of us happen, the Russians who arrived with the Ladye, to be killed or something will be taken from the rook, then let the perpetrators be awarded to the foregoing punishment.

About these: if the prisoner of one or another side is forcibly held by the Russians or the Greeks, being sold to their country, and if, indeed, it will be Russian or Greek, then let them redeem and return the redefined face in his country and take the price of his bought, or let it be Offered for him the price, leaning for Chelyada. Also, if it will be taken by the war in the war, it will still let him return to his country and will be given for him the usual price of him, as already mentioned above.

If there is a set in the army and these [Russians] will want to honor your king, and no matter how much they come for what time and want to stay at your king in their will, then let it be so.

More about Russians, about prisoners. Appeared from any country [prisoners of Christians] on Russia and sold [Russian] back to Greece or prisoners of Christians, given on Russia from any country, all these must be sold at 20 grains and return to Greek land.

About this: if the Chelyadin is stolen, either run away, or the Russians will be sold and complain and complain, let them prove it about his Chellowadin and take it to Russia, but also the merchants, if they lose Cheldadin and appealed, let them demand the court and when they find , - Take it. If anyone does not allow to produce inquiry, it will not be recognized as right.

And about Russians who serve in Greek land from the Greek king. If anyone dies, without reducing his property, he will not have his own [in Greece], then let him return his property to Rus closest younger relatives. If there will be a testament, he will take the one who wanted to inherit his property, and so inherit him.

About Russian trading.

ABOUT different peoplewalking in Greek land and remaining debt. If the villain does not return to Russia, then let the Russian Greek kingdom complain, and it will be captured and returned for Russia. Let the Russian Greeks and the same, if the same thing happens.

As a sign of the fortress and invariabry, which should be between you, Christians, and the Russians, this peace treaty, we created Ivanov's spelling on two charters - the king of yours and his own hand, - made him an oath with a pretextful honest cross and sacred as the Trinity of the Unified True God's God and Dalited our ambassadors. We swore to your king, set from God, like a divine creation, by faith and by our custom, not to violate us and anyone from our country's established heads of peace treaty and friendship. And this writing was given to the reign of yours for approval so that this agreement was the basis of approval and identifying the world's existing between us. The month of September 2, Indict 15, a year from the creation of the world 6420. "

The king, Leon, honored Russian ambassadors - gold, and silks, and precious fabrics - and attached to them her husbands to show them church beauty, gold chambers and wealth stored in them: a lot of gold, shipyards, precious stones and passions of the Lord - Crown, nails , the bugger and the relics of the saints, teaching them to be their own and showing them the true faith. And so let them go to his land with a great honor. The ambassadors sent by Oleg returned to him and told him all the speeches of both kings, as they concluded the world and the contract was put between the Greats and Russian and established no crime of oaths - neither Greeks, nor Rus.

Translation D. S. Likhacheva. Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Treaty of 907 years.

In 907, the Byzantine emperors "signed the world with Oleg, they pledged to pay tributes and swear to each other: they ourselves kissed the cross, and Oleg with her husbands had to swear on Russian law, and those with their weapons, and the Perun, God, and her hair, God livestock, and approved the world. " This passage says that in the state of Oleg existed their laws, according to which people lived, Russia was still a pagan country, so that Russians and the Byzantines had their text of this contract, most likely he was issued in the form of Chrysulla. Imperial award, where some specific conditions were agreed, as they say traces of documentary passages traced in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and labeled 907.

In fact, this agreement was a political interstate agreement, regulating the basic issues of relations between the two states, peaceful relations between the countries, about the payment of the annual cash flow of Russia, the liberation of Russian merchants from shopping duties in the metropolitan markets of Byzantium. This treaty regulated the entire relationship between Rusani and Byzantium citizenship, both states were keenly needed.

Rus with confident steps entered the international arena. She declared itself as a serious, independent strength conducted by his foreign Policy. For some time, the world was installed between the two states.

After the agreement of 907, the prisoner of Russia with Byzantium, in relations between the two states, there was a pause of four years, in any case, it looks according to the "Tale of Bygone Years". Yes, and historians who wrote on this topic, agreed together that there were no remarkable phenomena between the events of 907 and the subsequent chronicles between Russia and Byzantium.

Treaty 911

In 911, Oleg decided to the Tsargrad to send his ambassadors in order to have concluded a written contract.

"We are from the genus of Russian, Karl, Ingelot, Farlov, Veremid, Rollaw, Gouda, Ruledd, Karna, Flalav, Ruir, Aktutruyan, Lidulfost, Smeid sent by Oleg, the Grand Duke Russian and all under His Light Boyars for You, Lion , Alexander and Konstantin "(brother and son of the first)" the great kings of Greek, for retention and on the notice of many years former love between Christians and Russia, by the will of our princes and all the go-on Oleg, the next chapters no longer verbally, as before But in writing, I approved this love and swore in the law by Russian our weapons.

1. The first word will die with you, Greeks! Yes, love each other from all of the soul and do not give anyone from our bright princes under the arm, offend you; But we can, alone, always and unspokenly observe this friendship! Also, you, the Greeks, but keep always love still to our bright princes of Russian and everything is under the hand of light Oleg. In the case of crime and guilt, yes we do Tacos:

II. Wines is proved by testimonies; And when there are no witnesses, it is not the plaintiff, but the defendant swear - and everyone is swearing for the faith of her. "Mutual resentment and quarrels of the Greeks with Russians in Constantinople were forced how to need to think, emperors and prince Oleg to include articles of criminal laws into a peaceful state agreement.

III. "Rusin Lee killed a Christian or a Christian Rusin, so dies on the place of atrocities. When the killer is the domic and hits, then his estate to give the near relative of the murdered; but the killer's wife does not lose their legitimate part. When the criminal leaves, not leaving the estate, it is considered By the court, the report will find him and execute death.

IV. Who will hit another sword or what a vessel, will pay five liters of silver by Russian law; Neychy will pay, which can; Yes, he will remove the clothes and the clothes in which he walks, and yes, he swars on the faith of his, that neither the neighbor, nor friends want to redeem him from the guilt: then leaves for further recovery.

V. When Rusin steals something from a Christian or a Christian from Rusin, and caught on theft wants to resist, the owner of the stolen thing can kill him, not being recovered, and will take its back; But it should only tie a thief, which without resistance is given to him in his hands. If Rusin or a Christian, under the guise of a search, will enter whose house and will force someone else instead of his own, and will pay three times.

Vi. When the wind will throw out Greek ladies to Earth alone, where we happen, Russia, we will guard it along with her cargo, send Greek to the ground and spend through every terrible place to fearless. When she can not be returned to the fatherland for raging or other obstacles, we will help the rows and bring Ladia to the neighboring Russian pier. Goods, and everything that will be in the gasts saved by us, and sold freely; And when our ambassadors to the king or guests go to Greece will go to Greece, they will give a lady back in there and will ignore that it is reversed for its goods. If someone of the Russians kill a person to this pricks, or something steals something, and the guilty penalty is the above.

VII. If they are found in Greece between the Russians purchased by slaves or in Russia, the Greeks, they will be released and take for them, which they were worth the merchants, or a real, the well-known price of slaves: Captives will also be returned to the fatherland, and for each, the eyeppiece 20 shalles will be submitted. But the Russian warriors who come from honor to serve the king may, you will want to remain, staying in the Greek Earth.

VIII. If the slave of Russian will leave, will be stolen, or taken under the guise of the purchase, then the owner can search and take it; And who opposes the search, is considered guilty.

IX. When Rusin, serving the king of Christian, will die in Greece, without reducing his inheritance, and his relatives will not be with him: then send his estate in Russia to a cute neighbor; And when will make a disposal, then give the estate to the heir, meaning in spiritual.

X. If the Russians in Greece will be guilty and other people in Greece and if they demand them in the fatherland for punishment, then the king of Christian should send these criminals in Rus, at least they did not want to return there.

Yes, both Russians come in relation to the Greeks!

For the right performance of the current conditions between us, Rus and the Greeks, we ordered a cinnabar on two charters. The king Greek brought their own hand, swore with the Holy Cross, inseparably the life-giving Trinity of a single God, and gave the charter of our lightness; And we, the ambassadors of the Russians, gave him another and swear on the law to their, for themselves and for all Russians, to fulfill the approved heads of peace and love between us, Russia and the Greeks. September 2 week, in 15th summer (that is, Indict) from the creation of the world ... "

The subsequent analysis of the agreement of 911 confirms the idea that we have the usual interstate treaty.

Firstly, this is evidenced by the characteristics of partners participating in the negotiations: on the one hand, this is "Russia", on the other "Greeks". The chronicler noted that Oleg sent his ambassadors to Constantinople "Build a row and put the world" between Rus and Byzantia. In these words, the nature of the agreement is clearly defined: on the one hand, this is "peace", and on the other - "row". The contract indicates "retention" and "notice" of "former love" between the two states. The first article of the contract coming after the protocol part is directly devoted to the general political plot: « The first word will die with you, Greeks! Yes, I love, each other with all my heart and do not give anyone of our bright princes from our bright princes to offend you; But in sweating, how can we, always and unspokenly observe this friendship .... " And then there is a tex that says that both sides swear to preserve the world for many years. This political commitment is formulated in the form of individual chapters, one of which indicates the promise of Russia to keep this world, and the other reflects the same obligation from the Greeks. "Also you, the Greeks, but keep always love for our bright princes of Russian ...." . This general political part is separated from subsequent articles dedicated to the specific plots of relations between the two states. At the same time, if in 907 the contract was issued in the form of Christul, then in 911 the Russians could insist on another form of the contract - on an equal two-sided agreement.

On the other hand, the agreement was not only a contract of "Peace and Love", but also "nearby." This "series" refers to specific plots of relations between two states (or their subjects) in the field of economic and political.

The first article talks about the ways to consider various atrocities and measures for punishment for them; The second is responsible for murder, and in particular about property responsibility; Third - about responsibility for intentional beatings; the fourth - about responsibility for theft and the corresponding punishments; Fifth - about responsibility for robbery; Six - on the order of helping the merchants of both sides during their swimming with goods, the help of the victim shipwreck; seventh - on the procedure for the repurchase of prisoners of Russian and Greeks; Eighth - about allied assistance to the Greeks by Russia and on the order of service in the imperial army; ninth - about the practice of repurchase of any other prisoners; Tenth - on the order of returning frying or abducted Chelyadi; Eleventh - about the practice of inheritance of the property of the dead in Byzantium Russov; Twelfth - about the order of Russian trade in Byzantium (the article is lost); The thirteenth is responsible for the debt and punishment for non-payment of debt.

Thus, a wide range of problems governing the relationship between the two states and their subjects, in the most, for them, the vital and traditional areas are covered and regulated by specific articles that are compiled by the words "row". Of all this it follows that the Russian-Byzantine agreement of 911 was a completely independent interstate equal "peace-row". The design of this agreement took place on all canons of the then diplomatic practice regarding the conclusion of the Treaty of honey with two equal sovereign states. This contract has become another step in the development of Old Russian diplomacy.

The contract was written in Greek and Slavic. The conditions of peaceful should not have anyway and the Greeks and Varyags: the first did not know the language of the Normanov, but Slavic was known and to others.

It is also necessary to also notice that between the names of fourteen nobles used by the Grand Duke for the conclusion of peaceful conditions with the Greeks, there is not a single Slavic. Only Varyagi seem to surround our first sovereigns and enjoyed their attorney, participating in the affairs of the Board.

The emperor, giving ambassadors with gold, precious clothes and fabrics, ordered them to show them the beauty and wealth of temples (which stronger mental evidence could imagine the greatness of the greatness of Christian God) and with dear let them go to Kiev, where they gave a report to the prince in the success of the embassy.

This contract presents to us Russians are no longer wild barbarians, but people who know the sanctity of honor and folk solemn conditions; have their own laws, approving the security of personal, property, the legacy of the heritage, the power of the wills; They have internal and external trading.

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