Which of the angels was God of love. How close is the angels to God? Angel Day, Name Day

Gardening 21.09.2019

Even before the creation of the visible world created the Lord of his faithful servants, holy and disembodied spirits - Angels. Their destination is to announce and fulfill his will. Even the word "angel" in translation means "Bulletin". They are loyal assistants of the Lord in the fight against enemies and intermediaries between God and people. From their mouths are honored by the Most High for his unfounded grace to their creatures. In the Christian tradition it is believed that all angelic sleeps are divided into three categories (triads). Each of them includes three angelic ranks. The position of an angel in one or another category depends on its capabilities or, as it is customary to speak, the god's knowledge.

The first is the highest triad

The names of the angels constituting the first - the highest - the Triad and the directly co-chair of the throne of God, - seraphims, cherubs and thrones. Translated from the Greek word "Seraphim" means the flame. This fully reflects their flaming love for the creator and the ability to excite it in others. Heruvimov, the Lord endowed all the depth of knowledge and abundance of wisdom. They know everything that is available to know the creative creature. The thrones are filled with the grace of Higher God, as a result of which the Lord, upholstered in them, creates his Higher Justice.

Second - Middle Triad

Next is the average triad. The names of the angels entering her - domination, strength and power. The first of this angelic rank - domination - encourage people to dominate their passions, defeat temptations and manifestations of the evil will of those spirits of darkness that hostile to God and people.

Angels are made by the Divine Fortress, constituting the second group of this rank - forces. It is through them that the Lord creates miracles and will noise such an ability to holy by his righteous and waters. By grace, sent through the angels of this rank, they are creating miracles in the days of their earthly life.

Next follow the authorities. Their dot is the taming of the demonic forces and the reflection of the engines of temptations aimed at the death of human. In addition, they strengthen the spirit of the devotees of God in their all-end business.

Beginning - Angels of the Low Triad

And finally, the third category. The names of the angels that make up this rank, the beginning, archangels and angels. This group in an Angelic hierarchy is the lowest link, which is closest to people. Each component of this triad also has its purpose.

Beginning is a kind of government-breakers, guardian angels of whole countries and continents. So, from the Holy Scripture, you can find out that the patronage of the Jewish people was entrusted to the archrest of Mikhail. The starts are set to control the universe. According to their dignity, they are higher than the guardian angels of individual people.

Archangels - God's Glevist

The following Archangels are the highest angels, God's adolescents. They assign them to report to people about all great and the Preslav, that the will of the will of the Most High. It is enough to recall the Great Mission of Archangel Gabriel sent to the Virgin Mary. Archangels strengthen faith in God in God and enlighten their minds to know His will.

From the Holy Scripture We know that their seven. The testimony of this is contained in the biblical book of Tavita, where Archangel in a conversation mentions with him that he is one of the seven angels. Also in the revelation of John the Bogoslev, you can read about seven spirits in the throne of God. In church traditions are mentioned all the names of the angels. The list includes Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uriel, Selaphila, Iehudia, Varajelila and Jeremiah. Let's talk more about each of them. Scripture and sacred legend will help us with us, including the names of the Angels and Archangels.

Briefly about each of the archangels

Archangel Michael among the Supreme Angels occupies a dominant place. In the iconographic tradition, it is customary to depict it in the form of a warrior in full combat closure, driving a serpent or dragon. A similar tradition was based on the fact that in ancient times in heaven there was a clash between the angels - servants of God, and spirits that disappeared from him. Fallen angels whose names are also given in the Holy Scriptures, led by their leader Dennica were overthow from heaven and became servants of Satan.

Archangel Gabriel is often portrayed by an old lantern in one hand, inside which the candle burns, and in the other - the mirror. This carries a deep meaning. The candle hidden in the lantern is a symbol of fate, hidden before its execution, but also after being comprehended only by those who look into the glooring of their conscience.

The name of the Third Archangel Rafail means mercy. Therefore, it is customary to depict the vessel with healing oil, facilitating the flour of the suffering.

Uryal is a patron of those who devoted themselves to science. He is depicted holding in the hand lowered down the zipper. He flammbles human hearts to the fire of Divine Love and enlightens the minds to know the truths.

Selaphil is called Arkhangel Prayer. Accordingly, this image is characterized by a prayer posture and merchant. His hands in a reverent impulse are pressed to the chest, he himself is immersed in communication with the Almighty.

Archangel Yehudiil is represented on icons holding a golden crown in one hand - award for the true servants of God, and in the other - whip, consisting of three cords, which he protects them into the glory of the Holy Trinity.

And finally, Archangel Varajil. He carries God's blessings to those who in his life was the performer of his covenants. It is enough to remember that Varajil was one of the three angels who came to Abraham and Sarah under oak in Mamra and argued about the soul of the son of Isaac.

The names of these higher angels in their sound can be described as men's. The names of women's angels in this context are not found.

Angels - Representatives of the Third Group of Divine Spirits

But the closer to we are coming to the angels - representatives of the third, the last link of this rank. They are assigned to the creator a special care about us. Among their host are also guardian angels, giving each of us on the day of Holy Baptism. The names of the angels to us are not known, but they are invisibly present near us throughout the life path. We do not see them, but we can feel the proximity of our patron and mentor. To do this, we will try to learn about it as much as possible.

Angels relate to us that the Lord has created them, like us, in their image. Despite their carepe, he generously endowed them with the ability to love, know the world and be samples of the purest and most sensible creatures. These are samples of God's perfection, fully obeying the will of the Creator. Angels are endowed with the ability not only to communicate with each other, but also to understand what comes from the depths of human souls. This gives us the opportunity to talk with them in prayers. Nothing is so packed and does not carry peace as direct communication with the guardian angel.

From the heritage of the Holy Fathers, we know that the fallen angels, the names of which are crossed out of the divine books, left free places in the host of heavenly spirits, fill out that they should come. This suggests that we are prepared to become part of an angel bed. From here you can judge how clean and saints should we be in our earthly life.

Iconographic image of angel

About how the immediate communication of the angels with live people and the souls of the dead, we learn, above all, from the Bible. It often gives a description of the angels who came to people. Usually they are presented in the form of boys, closed in snow-white clothing. This corresponds to the iconographic tradition. Wings, which are depicted on picturesque works, conclude purely symbolic meaning. Their task is to show the swiftness of the Flight of the Divine Spirit.

The carelessness and carelessness of spirits

In 787, at the Seventh Ecumenical Cathedral in the city of Nahei, it was decided to depict Angels only in the male appearance. This is consistent with the fact that in the Holy Scripture is primarily mentioned male names Angels. Men's or female, in this case, is a pure conventionality. Angels are spiritual creatures, and the spirits do not have a flesh, respectively, they are useless. The Spirit may appear to people in the fact that it wishes, and therefore any image of it is symbolic. In principle, the names of the women's angels have the same right to exist, like men, but we adhere to the prevailing traditions.

It should be borne in mind that the image taken in Western European painting an image of Cupids nothing to do with the angels do not have. They are the remnants of paganism. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, all these generations of the Renaissance are nothing but the fruit of the fantasy of the authors. We can talk about their aesthetic advantages, but in no case do not look for any spiritual and philosophical in them.

Limit of our knowledge about the nature of the angels and the archangels

Our knowledge of the angels is limited to the fact that the Holy Scriptures and St. Literature opens us. Very much remains hidden from us. For example, the names of the angels and demons are given only in the context of certain events, there are no list of their list.

The same picture is observed in the literature of other religious denominations. When we open the works of the Holy Fathers dedicated to the issues of the sacred history, the names of the angels and the archangels mentioned in them also constitute only a minor part of the entire immense commandment.

This can also be said about the number of angels and demons. We can not know how many of them. For example, the Holy Apostle John the Bologosov writes in his "revelation" that he saw in the throne of God's "darkness and thousands of thousands" angels. These words carry only information about very large quantities without stopping at specific values. Similarly, attempts to list the names of the angels and demons, which "darkness themes and thousands of thousands are".

Supernatural power of angels

And it is also necessary to mention the supernatural strength of angels. The Bible is the many examples. Recalling at least as angels hit the blindness of the inhabitants of Sodom, and they did it, without touching them, but only the effort of will. Another biblical episode draws a picture of how the angel of God had fallen along the mouth, ready to shit St. Daniel. Archangel Gabriel punishes the temporary little Zharya, doubtful in the prophecy uttered. In the New Testament, we read how Angel was freed from the dungeon of the Holy Apostles, at one desire forcing them to fall from them who said their chains. This list can be continued for a very long time. The Angels of God, the names of which opens to us, and the unnamed of their congratulations are creating supernatural acts thanks to the strength that the Lord gave them.

Names, data with holy baptism

Our use is the concept of "Angel Day", that is, the name day. It is always mistaken to understand that under the word "angel" is always meant by one of the monastery of those affordable creatures that were discussed in the article. In this case, it is often implied by the saint whose name when baptized received a birthday room, and not an angel at all. The name Orthodox Ivan can be given to a person born on the day of the memory of John the Bogosla, and Peter - on the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul. These saints, as well as guardian angels, are our heavenly patrons, and, before the throne of God, the Most Highs are praying for us "the benefits of earth and peace times."

Angel (Dr. Greek. ἄγγελος, Angelos - "Bulletin, Messenger") in Avraamic religions - a spiritual reasonable inside and a disembodied creature, expressing the will of God and possessing supernatural possibilities. The Bible calls angels by office spirits. Frequently depicted in the form of people with snow-white wings behind the back.

Angels are not led by our distribution, discord, war, anger, hatred and envy. They are saturated with the sweetness of the contemplation of the beauty of the Divine and knowledge of the wisdom of the eternal. So, in the incessant contemplation of God, in constant aspiration and elevation to him, in Never, the immensitious championships of immense glory and greatness live in the sky of Angels.

Angel abilities:

The power of angels is given by God. It determines for any angel those abilities that Angel will have:
1. Be invisible to physical vision.
2. The ability to fly in spiritual (spiritual elevation, proximity to God).
3. The ability to manifest in material: the ability to appear in the physical human body, the ability to influence the physical world. Vision Through the time of time, the ability to read both human souls and thoughts of people in the view, get to the depths of the hearts of the heart and the mind of a person.
4. The ability to destroy entire cities.
5. Angels are inherent free will of choice.

In Kabbalah, angels are from one hundred thousand to forty-nine million.
Kabbalah - manual describing the way to God. And this path leads through the palaces or unnecessary halls, where the help of angels is needed.

Eight main angels:

1. Anael - God burned to me
2. Gavriel - Power of God
3. Samuel - poison of God.
4. Michael. - Like God, the leader of the Heavenly Troops
5. Sashal - Justice of God
6. Raphael - Healer
7. Cassiel - the throne of God
8. Oriel - Light of God
Above all Metatron. - Glasa God

Perfume - the human soul, freed from the body:
1. Pavale - Holy Joseph Spirit
2. Capel - the Spirit of the Baptist in the Desert hitting John
3. Raphael - Solomon Spirit
4. Getatia - Moses Spirit
5. Uryel - Spirit's Spirit
6. Borrowed - the Spirit of Moses Wand
7. Getatel - the spirit of Jesus Navina
8. Gimel - Spirit of the Snake Eva
9. Kameel - Spirit of Personal Courage
10. Office - Spheys
11. Alepta - Abraham Spirit
12. Gavriel - Spirit Ilia
13. Samel - the spirit of John the Baptist
14. Mikhal - Spirit Alessay
15. Vo-Ael - Ghost Spirit
16. Tetatia - the Spirit of Virtue
17. Anel - Spirit of knowledge
18. Falet - the Spirit of Happiness (earthly paradise)

Seven main demons of the devil (his prettiness):

1. Samael - Lord of the Air and the Angel of the Mailway
2. Velzevul - Vladyka Darkness and Demons
3. Python - Spirit of the Division
4. Belial - perfume perfume
5. Asmodener - Demon - Fighter
6. Lucifer - the Spirit of Astral Light
7. Satan - opposed to God

Angel of prayerful reflections about God towers over all these creations. The path of prayer reflections leads him to an increasingly elevated opportunity of love, which, ultimately, is achieved by the realization that every life is holy, that every life is God and the transfer of love. All we will do in the divine ecstasy of prayer or prayer reflection is an act of creation. And only such an act in God and through God creates new angels.

Angels were created by God before creating a material world, they have significant power over. They are much larger than all people.
The appointment of angels: the election of God, the incarnation of His glory, to send and embody the grace into the glory of God (because they are the great help of rescue).
Angels, as well as people, have the mind and their mind is more perfect than human. Angels are eternal. They create His Spirit in the soul of man, allow the heart of the human to form their image.
In the Angelic world, the God of a strict hierarchy (subordination from 9 angelic ranks) was established. Dennica led by the whole angelic military - the most powerful, talented, beautiful and approximate to God.
But one day he was so regenerated with his highest position among other angels, which decided to raise the riot and take the place of God. Moreover, he managed to seduce a lot of angels from different ranks. Then, at that moment, ArchReart Mikhail called on the oscillating to remain loyal to God, headed the host of bright angels, and struck Dennitsa (who became called Dilolo, Satan, Satan and Others, and other fallen angels - demons, demons, devils).
And there was a war in heaven, as a result of which the unclean power was overthrowing himself to hell, where he was sorganized into the kingdom of Wheelzevul, with the same angelic hierarchy. Fallen spirits are not fully deprived of their former power and, according to God's ligation, can inspire sinful thoughts and desires, to lead them and hurt them. But good angels, whom more than demons help themselves.
The name of the Spirit is not the same as the person's name. God is the Spirit, and as a Spirit - calls the creature not by the transient (who will call a man on the brand of his jacket?), But according to glory. The name of the angel is the name of His Fame. The names of some angels are open to people: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Iehudiil, Salafail and others.
Angels - Keepers - Perfume sent by God to every person before birth.
For each person, the demons wishing to destroy His soul with the help of inspired fears, temptations and temptations. (In the heart of every person between God and the Devil, the "invisible brand" is being conducted).
Each Angel (and Bes) has various abilities: one comes to people understanding the virtues of non-sucking, others strengthen faith in people.

Gain Angels:
1. Angels
2. Archangels
3. Throne
4. Deligncies
5. Start
6. Power
7. Shinia
8. Climb

According to Dioniria, the anophagitis angels are located in the following order:
1. First Lick (Higher Hierarchy)
2. Serafima (IVR. שׂרפים - burning, flaming, fiery, -grech. Σεραφί - six-square angels. They flames with love for God and many encourage her.
3. Cherubims (DR.-Greek. Χερουβίί from the IVR. כרובים, Kerubim-proceeds, minds, distributors of knowledge, the outpouring of wisdom) - four-time and four-year angels. Their name means: the outpouring of wisdom, enlightenment. (Satan was from China Cherubimov).
4. Throne (Dr.-Greek. Θρόνοι) - the god-bodies - the Lord sits on them as on the throne and speaks his court. The thrones (Dr. Greek. Θρόνοι), according to Dionius: "godpox") - The Lord sits on them as on the throne and speaks his court.
5. Second Lick (average hierarchy)
6. The dominations (DR.-Greek. Κρρόόόότςς, lat. Dominations) - put the wisdom management set from the god of the earth rules, teach to own feelings, tamper sinful lusts.
7. Forces (DR.-Greek. Δυνάμεις, lat. Potestates) - Wondering and send the grace of miracles and the inspirement of God to God.
8. Power (DR. Greek. Ἐἐἐυσίες, lat. Virtutes) - have the power to force the power of the devil.
9. Third Face (Low Hierarchy)
10. Beginning (archons) (Dr.-Greek. Ἀρχαί, lat. Principates) - They are instructed to manage the universe and the elements of nature.
11. Archangels (heads of angels) (Dr.-Greek. Ἀρχάγγελοι -Mikhail) - Teachers of Heaven, teach people how to flow in life.
12. Angels (Dr. Greek. Ἀγγελοι - closest to people. They announce the intentions of God, instruct people to virtuous and holy life. Gabriel; Rafail; (For Pseudo-Dionysius Arkhangel Mikhail is an "angel"); seven angels with gold Bowls filled with anger of God; Angel of the abyss Avaddon with a chain and a key of the abyss; Seven angels with pipes.

After disappearing from God, Dennitsa began to call Satan (which means "opponent") and the devil (which means "slander"), and fallen angels - demons or demons.

In the fallen perfume acts only evil. You need to remember this. There is no good house, trolls, drums (in fact - demons). There are fallen perfume, the power of which is underestimated dangerous.

Demons can not make anything to the Creator - he is inseparable for any of its creation (and fallen angels too). All the malice, all his hate demons turned to a person, knowing how much God loves people. The devil, taking the appearance of Zmia, seduced by our ancestors of Adam and Eve, because of him they violated the commandment of God. By this he deprived them of immortality and divine grace.

Since then, having received the opportunity to influence the thoughts, feelings and deeds of people, the devil and his demons seek to imagine people are all deeper and deeper into the bunch of sin in which they themselves are.

We want this or not, but from the moment of your birth we are involved in the war between good and evil, between God and demons for our souls. This war began before the creation of the world and will continue to a terrible court.

In the war of war is finished with a complete defeat of evil, but the battlefield was transferred from the sky in the heart of a person. In the battle with evil to all people, bright angels are very helpful.

Bright angels

Bright angels serve God, guard us from demons and help us do good. They are very, very much: they surround the throne of God thousands of thousands.

Angelic world is immense, but not all angels are the same. Some are closer to God, others further and have different qualities - degrees of perfection.

All the angels in the Heavenly Hierarchy, by the nature of their ministry, are divided into several faces ("categories"). The first face make up the obsolete spirits that are closest to God: the thrones, cherubs and seraphims. The second, the middle face is the authorities, domination and strength. The third, closer to us is angels, archangels and starts.

So, the angels are divided into three faces, and in each face there are three ranks.

According to the ranks, the angels are endowed with various dating spirit of the Holy Spirit - the spirit of wisdom and mind, the spirit of the Council and Fortress, the Spirit of God's fear.


Of all the heavenly Chins of Serafim - the most closest to God. For Serafimov, God is love. The name "Seraphim" means "fiery", "fiery". Flame divine love leads seraphim into a sacred trepid. They are closed by two wings their faces, two wings - legs, and with two flying. So they are depicted on frescoes and icons.


For Cherubimov, God is wisdom. Cherubs with a thrill contemplate the divine mind, examine him and, as if they cover his wings of his secrets, keep them, caress, west before them. Due to the incessant contemplation of the Divine

Wisdom Cherubs themselves know everything perfectly and people promise knowledge.


For the thrones, God is the king of glory. The thrones not only feel and chant the greatness of God, but also themselves are filled with this grandeur and others give it to feel. There are minutes when a person with some special force feels the greatness of God: gloss lightning, wondrous species of nature, worship in a magnificent temple ... The feelings of the greatness of God appear in us without influencing the thrones.


For the dominance of God - Springman. Missing domination like God, so great, hugs everyone and all with his care - keeps and protects every epics, every midge, the smallest sand. The domination teach us to take care of his soul, dominate passions and sinful habits.


For the strength of God - the Wonderworker. They are given to see such miracles whom our mind cannot imagine. They can delve into the very depth of these wonders, they are also open and the highest goal of all miracles.


Power - Witnesses of God's omnipotence. They penetrate the divine power, as the hot iron penetrates fire, and they themselves become its carriers. The power they are clothed is unbearable for the devil and draws it hordes to flight. When the demon attacks the demon, they advise to pray to the authorities so that they will drive this demon to their authority.


God introduced them the authorities over natural elements (water, fire, wind). Thunder, lightning, storm - all of this manage the start. These angels also hold over the whole nations. They borrow for their nations in front of the Lord, and the kings and rulers inspire the thoughts and intentions relating to the benefits of nations.


Archangels are heavenly teachers. They teach people how to arrange their lives according to the Will of God. Archangels know what the person awaits a person on one or another life path, so they deflect from one way, and on the other, on the contrary, they guide the person. They strengthen the holy faith in humans, enlightening their mind with the light of the Holy Gospel.


Angels continue the case of Archangels - teach us to recognize the will of God. They guide us so that we do not get confused with a faithful life path, and guard from the traffic police. Angels are so close to people that literally surrounding us - they look at us everywhere, they are watching every step. According to St. John of Zlatoust, "all the air is filled with angels."

When baptism, God gives every man of the Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects the man all his earth life From the troubles and misfortunes, warns from sins, protects against the terrible hour of death, does not leave after death.

All the angels of God are also called celestial forces or heavenly arms. The leader of the heavenly military - ArchReart Mikhail, he belongs to the seven chief spirits closest to God.

The seven of the most important perfumes are Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Salafiwa, Uriel, Iehudiil and Varajil. They are called archangels, but they count to the rank of seraphim.

The continuation of the "Heavenly Hierarchy" is the "church hierarchy", in which three degrees of priesthood correspond to the Three Lachels.

The basis for the creation of church teachings about the angels is written in the V century the book Dionysius Areopagitis "On the Heavenly Hierarchy" (Greek. "Περί της ουρανίας", lat. "De Caelesti Hierarchia"), a better known in the edition of the 6th century. Nine Angelic Chins are divided into three triads, each of which has any feature.

The first triad - seraphims, cherubs and thrones - characterized by the immediate proximity to God;
The second triad - the forces, domination and power - emphasizes the divine basis of the universe and world beauty;
The third triad - the beginning, Archangels and the actually angels are characterized by the immediate proximity to man.
Dionysius summed up what was accumulated before him. Seraphims, cherubs, strength and angels are already mentioned in the Old Testament; In the New Testament, domination, starts, thrones, power and archangels appear.

According to the classification of Gregory Theologian (4th century), an angelic hierarchy consists of angels, archangels, thrones, dominances, starting, strength, radiance, climbing and understanding.

According to its position in the hierarchy, the ranks are located as follows:

Serafima - First
Cherubim - Second
Throne Third
domination is the fourth
Forces - Fifth
Power - Sixth
start - seventh
Archangel - eighth
Angels are ninth.

Jewish hierarchical constructions differ from Christian, because it is applied only to the first part of the Bible - the Old Testament (Tanakhu). One source consists of ten Angels, starting from the highest: 1) High ... 2) backing; 3) Aleret; 4) Hashmalim; 5) seraphim; 6) Malay, actually "Angels"; 7) Elohim; 8) Ben Elohim ("Sons of God"); 9) Cherubim; 10) Ishim.

In Maseket Azilut, ten Angelic officials are given in a different order: 1) Serafima led by Shemuel or Yehoel; 2) Ofami led by Rafail and Othaniel; 3) the cherubs that Kerubiel heads; 4) the shine over which the cedets and gabriel are supplied; 5) Tarshist, the heads of which Tarshysh and Sabriel are played; 6) Ishim with Cefaniel at the chapter; 7) Hashmalim, whose leader is called Hashmal; 8) Malay, headed by an Uzziel; 9) Ben Elohim led by Hofniel; 10) Arelim, which is supervised by Mikhail.

The names of the senior angels (archangels) vary in different sources. Traditionally, the highest rank is attributed to Mikhail, Gabriel and Rafail - three angels, named in biblical books; The fourth to them is usually added Uryal, occurring in the non-canonic 3 books. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that there are seven higher angels (associated with magical properties Numbers 7), attempts to list them were taken from the time of 1 Book of Enha, however there are too big discrepancies. Limit to the listing of "magnificent seven" adopted in orthodox tradition: This is Gabriel, Raphael, Uryal, Salafiiiwa, Iehudiil, Varajil, Ieremic, headed by the eighth - Mikhail.

The Judaistic tradition of an extremely high position also assigns the Archangel Metatron, who in the earthly life was Patriarch Eneokh, but in heaven turned into angel. He is a Vizier of the Heavenly Court and almost the deputy of God himself.

Nine Angelic Chinov

First hierarchy Second hierarchy Third hierarchy
Serafima Domination Start
Cheruvima Forces


Throne Authorities Angels

1. Serafima

Serafima - Angels of Love, Light and Fire. They occupy the highest position in the hierarchy of the ranks and serve God, taking care of his throne. Serafima express their love for God by constant singing of the paws.
In the Hebrew tradition, the infinite singing of Serafimov is known as "Trisagion" - Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh ("Saint, Holy, Holy Lord of Heavenly, the whole earth is full of his radiance"), considered songs of creation and holiday. Being closest to God creatures, seraphim are also considered "fiery" because they are embraced by a flame of eternal love.
According to the medieval mysticism Jan Van Ruisbroku, the three ranks of Serafimov, Cherubimov and Thrones never take part in human conflicts, but are with us when we are peacefully contemplating God and experience constant love in our hearts. They generate divine love in people.
In St. John the Theologian on the island of Patmos was the vision of angels: Gabriel, Metatron, Komuel and Natanilation among Serafimov.
Isaian - the only prophet mentioning seraphims in Hebrew Sacred Scripture (By the Old Testament), when he talks about his vision of fiery angels over the throne of the Lord: "Everyone had six wings: two closed the face, two closed their feet, and two were used for flight."
Another mention of Serafimov can be considered a book of numbers (21: 6), where reference to " fire Snakes". According to the" Second Book of Enha "(apocryf), Seraphim has six wings, four heads and faces.
Lucifer came out of the rank of Serafimov. In fact, the fallen prince was considered an angel who overshadowed everyone else until God's mercy lost.

Serafima - in the Judaistical and Christian mythology angels, especially close to God. The Prophet Isaiah describes them as: "In the year of the death of King Ozia, I saw the Lord, sitting on the throne, and the edges of Reese filled him all the temple. Around him stood seraphim; Each of them on the six wings: the two closed each face of its own, and his two closes his legs, and two flew. And they appeased to each other and said: holy, holy, Holy Lord Savaof! The whole land is full of his glory / "(Is. 6. 1-3). According to the classification of pseudo-donission, together with the cherubs and the thrones of seraphims belong to the first triade: "... Holy thrones, multi-colored and multicreated ranks, named in the language of Jews with cherubs and seraphims, to the expressions of St. Scriptures are in the greater and directly
proximity to God ... With regard to the name of Serafimov, it clearly shows the unceasing and most advanced their aspiration for the divine, their hotness and speed, their ardent, constant, relaxed and steady swiftness, also their ability to extend the lower inland, and inflamm them To such heat: It also means the ability, pledging and burning. Thereby cleaned them - always open. Another, constantly identical, light-proof and enlightenment of them. Rocking and teacher all overseas.

2. Cheruvima

The word "Cherub" means "fullness of knowledge" or "wisdom outpouring". This choir has the power to know and contemplate God and the ability to understand and convey other divine knowledge.

3. Throne

The term "thrones", or "multi-eyed", indicates their proximity to the throne of God. This is the closest to God Chin: and their divine perfection, and they receive consciousness directly from him.

Pseudo-Dionysius reports:
"So, the very first of the celestial hierarchies are devoted to the first of the celestial hierarchies, as it has the highest rank, especially because it is, as to the closest to God, initially include the first womb and sanctification, and the burning thrones and the outpouring of wisdom are called
Heavenly minds because the names of this are expressing their god-like properties ... The name of the highest thrones means that they
completely free from every earthly attachment and, constantly towering over the ruling, premierably strive for the city, by all
motionless and firmly stuck to the merits true to the highest,
Taking his Divine suggestion in full of impassance and universities; It also means that they wear God and Rabolenno perform divine his commands.

4. Deligncies

Holy domination is endowed with sufficient strength to rise above earthly desires and aspirations and free themselves from them. Their duty is to distribute the responsibilities of the angels.

According to the pseudo-donission, the "significant name of the saints of the dominance ... means some non-working and free from any low attachment to the earth's elevation to the city, none of the violent attachment to the non-erupted with them, in any case, does not hesitate, but the domination is permanent in its freedom, standing above all the humiliating slavery, alien to any humiliation, seized from any inequality to itself, constantly seeking true domination and, how much it is possible, happily transformed into the similarity committed him as itself, and all the subordinate to him, which is not a stringent to anything accidentally exist But always fully applied to the true essence and unceasingly acquainted by the showing godly

5. Forces

Forces known as "brilliant, or shining", - Angels of wonders, help, blessings that appear during battles in the name of faith. It is believed that David received support for the strength on the battle with Goliath.
Forces are also angels from which Abraham received his power when God ordered him to sacrifice his sole son - Isaac. The main responsibilities of these angels are wonders on earth.
They are allowed to interfere in everything related to physical laws on earth, but they are also responsible for compliance with these laws. This rank, the fifth in the hierarchy of the angels, mankind is given a valor as well as mercy.

Pseudo-Dionysius says: "The name of the holy forces means some powerful and needed courage, if possible, they are reported, reflected in all their god-like actions in order to remove everything that could reduce and weaken divine insights, they are given, strongly We are striving for a gibrant, which is not expelled from the tanniff, but steadily discrepancing to the highest and all-intensive strength and, how much is possible, according to its forces, it makes it a completely addressed to it as a source of strength and god-like-descending to the lower forces to report to them. "

6. Power

The authorities are at the same level that domination and power, and are endowed with power and mind, inferior only to God. They provide equilibrium of the universe.

According to the Gospels, the authorities can be both good forces and the evil minions. Among the nine angelic ranks, the government closes the second triad, in which there are still dominations and strength. According to Pseudo-Dionysius, "the name of the Saints of the authorities marks equal to divine dominance and forces, a slim and capable of adopting the divine insights of the Chin and a device of a premium spiritual dominion, which is not self-abandoned in the evil given to And other holy leads leading to it and, how many possible, like a source, and depicting it, and depicting it ... in a completely true use of its dominical strength. "

7. Start

Began - these are legions of angels who protect religion. They constitute the seventh choir in the Hierarchy Dionysius, the next directly in front of the archangels. Beginning give the power to the peoples of the earth to find and survive their destiny.
It is also considered that they are the keepers of the peoples of the world. The choice of this term, as well as the term "power", to designate the ranks of the Angels of God, is somewhat dubious because in. "Epistles to Ephesians" "" authorities and authorities "are named" Spirits of Evil Primbate ", against which Christians should be fed (" to Ephesians "6:12).
Among those who are considered by the "main" in this rank, Nisrok, the Assyrian Divine, which occult Scriptures are considered to be the main prince - demon of hell, and Anail is one of the seven angels of creation.

The Bible says: "For I am confident that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor
Beginning, no strength, nor the future ... can not overcome us
From God's love in Jesus Christ, our Lord (Rome, 8.38). By
Classification of pseudo-donission. The starts are part of the third triad
Along with the archangels and actually angels. Pseudo Dionysius says:
"The name of heavenly bosses means a god-like ability to command and manage according to the sacred procedure, appropriate to the authorities, as herself fully apply to the initial start of the beginning and the others, as characteristic of themselves, to guide it, to express in themselves, however, an inaccurate beginnings image and. Finally, the ability to express the premiered bosses in the landscaping of the bombings .., the proclaiming chin of the authorities, the Archangels and Angels alternately commands over the human hierarchies, so that it is in order to climb and appeal to God, communication and unity with him, which and from God gracefully applies to All hierarchies, which are hosting through the message and is poured into a sacred slender order. "

8. Archangels

Archangels - the word is Greek origin and translates as "Angels", "Senior Angels." The term "Archangeli" appears for the first time in the Greek-questiondon of the Jewish literature of Pre-Christian Time (Greek. Hicks "Book Enha" 20, 7) as the transmission of expressions like (" grand Duke") In annex to Mikhail Old Testament texts (DAN. 12, 1); then this term is perceived by the New Testament authors (Jud. 9; 1 Fess. 4, 16) and later Christian literature. According to the Christian He Hierarchy, they occupy the place directly above Angels. Religious tradition includes seven archangels. The chief here is Mikhail-Archrestig (Greek. "The Supreme Commander") - the leader of the arms of the angels and people in their universal battle with Satan. Mikhail's arms serves as a slammed sword.
Archangel Gabriel is known for most of all participation in the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ. Like a messenger of the innermost secrets of the world, it is depicted with a blooming branch, with a mirror (reflection also a way of knowledge), and sometimes with a candle inside the lamp is the same symbol of hidden sacrament.
Archangel Rafail is known as Heavenly Healer and the consolation of the suffering.
The four other archangel is mentioned less often.
Uriel is a heavenly fire, the patron saint of those who devoted themselves to the sciences and arts.
Salafila is the name of the Supreme Minister with which prayer inspiration is connected. It is written on icons in a prayer posture, with cruciform folded on his chest.
Archangel Yehudiil blesses devotees, guarding them from the power of evil. IN right hand He has a golden crown as a symbol of blessing, in the left - Beach, who drives out enemies.
Varachiol was assigned the role of the distributor of the highest faces of simple workers, primarily the farmers. It is depicted with pink flowers.
The Old Heavenly Archangelah says the Old Testament Tradition. Their Ancient Wiral Parallel - Seven Good Spirits Ame Sha Sphew ("immortal saints") finds the compliance of the mythology of the Vedas. This indicates the Indo-European sources of the teachings about seven archangels, which in turn correlates the most ancient ideas of people about the seminar structures of being both divine and earthly.

9. Angels

And Greek, and Jewish words expressing the concept of "Angel" mean "Bulletin". Angels often performed this role in the texts of the Bible, but the authors often give it the term and another meaning. Angels are disembodied assistants of God. They appear in the form of people with wings and halo of light around the head. Usually they are mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious texts. Angels have the kind of man, "only with wings and dressed in white clothes,: God worked out from stone"; Angels and Serafima - Women, Cherubes - Men or Children)<Иваницкий, 1890>.
Good and evil angels, messengers of God or Devil, converge in the decisive battle described in the Book of Revelation. Angels may be ordinary people, the prophets inspiring in favor of good accomplishment supernatural carriers of all kinds of news or mentors and even impersonal forces, like winds, cloud pillars or fire, which led the Israelis during their exodus from Egypt. The plague and sea ulcers call the evil angels of St. Paul calls his disease "Satan Bulletin". Many other phenomena like inspiration, sudden motivations, providence, are also attributed to the angels.
Invisible and immortal. According to the teachings of the church, the angels are intimately invisible perfume, the immortal from the day of their creation. Angels are a lot that follows from the Old Testament Description of God - "Lord of the Military". They form a hierarchy from the angels and the archangels of the entire host of heavenly. The early church clearly divided nine types, or "ranks", angels.
Angels served as intermediaries between God and His People. In the Old Testament it is said that no one could see God and stay alive, so direct communication between almighty and man is often depicted as a communication with an angel. It was Angel who did not give Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Moses saw an angel in a burning bush, although the voice of God was heard. Angel led the Israelis during their exodus from Egypt. From time to time, biblical angels look quite like mortals until their true essence opens, like the angels who came to the lot in front of the horrific destruction of Sodom and Gomorra.
Unnamed perfume. In the Holy Scripture, other angels are mentioned, such as spirit with a fiery sword, which blocked the path of Adam back to Eden; Cherub and Seraphim, depicted in the form of thunderstorm clouds and lightning, which reminds of faith of ancient Jews in God's god; A messenger of God, who miraculously resized Peter from prison, in addition, angels who were Isaoy in his vision of the Heavenly Court: "I saw the gentlemen sitting on the throne of high and extomed, and the edges of Reese filled it all the temple. Around him stood seraphim; each of them has six wings; The two closed each face of its own, and the two legs covered their feet, and two flew. "
Sonslam Angels appear several times on the pages of the Bible. So, the choir of angelov announced the birth of Christ. Archangel Mikhail commanded a numerous celestial military in the battle of evil. Single angels in the old and new covenants who have own names- This is Mikhail and Gabriel, who brought Mary's news about the birth of Jesus. Most angels refused to call themselves, this reflected the resulting belief that the disclosure of the spirit of the Spirit reduces its power.

Who are angels?

The word "Angel" occurred from the Greek "Angelos", "Bulletin" and is the translation of the Jewish "Malack". It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Jews angels borrowed from Babylonian and even more in the Persians who first divided perfumes into two opposition camps. On the pages of the Old Testament, the angels often appear, not only as servants and Messengers of the Most High, but also as the manifestations of the Divine itself, through which Yahweh speaks with a person. The Jewish doctrine of angels was subsequently perceived by Christian and Muslim religions.

Over the centuries, interest in the angels broke out, then fed (or was crushed artificially). Already in the New Testament, we read about two religious groups representing two directions of the Jewish spiritual thought, of which "Sadduki say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, no spirit, and Pharisees recognize both" (Acts 23: 8). Being creatures are much closer to the human world than the Most High, the angels could not not be objects of close attention; On the other hand, too much excitement around the angels led to the risk of evasion from strict monotheism. That is why, seeking to preserve the cleanliness of the teachings, the theologians of all the masters constantly emphasized the creature position of the angels and warned them from worship.

Biblical information about the Angelic world is sufficiently stingy, but in full, human imagination regarding the angels is manifested in apocryphs, rabbinist writings and Kabbalah. The idea of \u200b\u200bangels was picked up by the European Occult Magical Tradition, which, often ignoring the difference between good and evil spirits, sought those and others to use for their own purposes using special seals, spells and ritual actions.

The origin of the angels

Like all things, the angels were created by God - all theologians agree on this point. However, there are various opinions regarding the time of the creation of angels. Many saw the first phrase of the Book of Being: "At first, God of the sky and the earth created a hint of the invisible world of disembodied spirits, angels (since the creation of the visible sky is referred to later) and unformed primary. From the instructions of the book, Iova on the fact that the angels were joined when the Lord "believed the foundation of the Earth," was concluded that by the time of the creation of the land the angels had to exist. The apocryphal book of Jubileev unequivocally refers to the creation of angels to the first day of creation.

The talmudic tradition, however, prefers to transfer the time of the creation of angels to a later date, relating, for example, to the second day, "in order not to say, as if God received help in his work." Rabbi Khanina believed that the angels were not created before the fifth day, putting them among the winged creatures (see Gen. 1:20).

According to another curious point of view, reflected in the Treatise "Hagiga", the fiery river, the current before God's throne, gives rise to new Suns of Angels, who within the day they praise God, and then go to the same river to change new ones.

Number of angels

Already in the Bible reflected an idea of \u200b\u200ban innumerable set of angels. "Is there an account of his military?" - Wrongs (25: 3). Daniel reports: "Thousands of thousands served him and the darkness of those who had before it" (Dan. 7:10). This formulation is repeated in the apocryphic 1 book of Enha: "And ... I saw a thousand thousand, darkness of those, unpretentious and innumerable many standing before the glorus of the Lord of the Spirit" (EN. 40). Subsequently, the huge number of angels speak and in the New Testament (Heb. 12:22, Rev. 5:11 et al.).

Even the Talmudists, with their passion, it was difficult to call the exact number of angel rati to the exact estimate. In one source it is said that there are 496,000 myriad angels that glorify God. Sixty Miriad Angels had once descended and watered two crowns on the head of every Israelis, who adopted the law; But when the Israelis began to sin one hundred and twenty thousand angels descended to remove them (Shab. 88a). In Sinai, God appeared with twenty two thousand angelic sits, although other authorities believe that the number of premises could not be calculated any mathematician. A thousand angels followed by every Israeli, and one angel precedes him to command the demons to give way; In his left hand, this angel holds a thousand angels, and in his right hand - ten thousand angels. Rabbi Simon Ben Lakish gives the following description of the immensity of heavenly worms: "There are twelve Mazzalot [" Zodiac signs "], everyone has thirty military; Each military is thirty camps; Each camp is thirty legions; Each legion is thirty cohort; Each cohort - thirty buildings; And each case has 365,000 Miriad stars "(Berach. 32b).

Classification of angels

Some generally accepted classification of angels does not exist. You can distinguish several of the characteristic names of angels, corresponding to the nature of their activities. Among them, "Mentor Angel", indicating the "direct path of it" (Job 33:23), Angel-Fighter, devastating Jerusalem with ulcers (1 paralypse. 21:15), "Angel of Covenant", which is part of the temple along with Lord (Mal. 3: 1), "Angel of Persons", Saving People of Israel (Is. 63: 9).

In the apocryphal literature, the angels are attributed to power over natural phenomena and elements. In 1 book, Enoch speaks about the spirits of thunder and zipper, the sea (tides and tides), the inlet, hail, snow, clouds, dews, rain (EN. 60), water, winds, air (EN. 69). In the book of Jubileev, an attempt was made to summarize all the functions or positions of angels, the angels of the face, the angels of the glorification, the angels of the Spirit of fire, the angels of the winds of the winds, the angels of the cloud perfume, hail, hay, the angels of the Vallee, Gromov, Lightning, the Angels of the Hodge and Sources, Winter and spring, autumn and summer, angels "of all spirits of his creations in the sky and on Earth", as well as the angels of the spirits of the gloom, and light, and morning dawn, and evenings (YUB. 2). This topic subsequently develops talmudic literature.

In the magical essays, angels can be classified in relation to elements (fire, water, land, air), with planets and signs of the zodiac, by their influence in certain days of the week (see, for example, "Heptameron" P.Abano)

A number of mystical creatures subordinate to God is described in the Jewish Bible; Malah (Bulletin / Angel) is just one of them. Other, distinguished by their characteristics from the angel, are iris (angels-observers / higher angels), cherub (powerful), sarim (princes), seraphim (fiery), hail (righteous), and backing (wheels). Unifying entities for the whole set of creatures serving God are: Tsava (owner), B "Nei Ho-Elohim or B" Na Elim (Sons of God), and a cedal (saints). They constitute Adat El, Divine Assembly (PS.82; 1). Selected number of angels in the Bible (three, to be accurate) have names: Mikhail, Gabrielle, and Satan.

Presentation of angels

Angels may appear in surprisingly diverse forms, although the Bible often neglects to provide at least some description (the book of judges 6: 11-14; Zechariah 4). They appear humanoids in most of the texts of the Bible (Numbers 22), and as such are often indistinguishable from human entities (Genesis 18; 32: 10-13; Jesus 5: 13-15; Judges' book 13: 1-5), but they can also Manifest itself as pillars fiery and clouds, or as a flame inside the bush (outcome 3). Psalms characterize such a natural phenomenon as zipper as a manifestation of God (PS.104: 4). Other divine creatures appear the winged part of the Divine Throne (Isaiah 6) or the Divine Chariot (Ezekiel 1). The appearance of Cherub is well known, it is masterfully depicted on the ark of the covenant (outcome 25). Perhaps the most ambiguous creation is Malah Adonai, an angel who can be, and may not be a visible manifestation of God.

Angels usually depicted in the form of blonde androgine boys with wings (invisibility symbol) in white linen clothing with gold belts. The habitat of angels - heavens, which are created before the dense sky (Gen..1.1, Gen..1.8).

Biblical angels perform many functions, including the delivery of information for mortal, protection, salvation, care for the Israelis and the beating of Israel's enemies. The Book of Daniel includes a number of ideas regarding Angels, which were created in post-biblical times, including the Angels named and Guardian Angels: All nations of the world have their own supreme angels, angels are organized hierarchically and everyone has its own spheres of influence and powers. .

Angels in Judaism

Jewish sources of the Greco-Roman period expand the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe angels contained in the Jewish Holy Scripture. It can be emphasized to note the first systematization of the biblical hosts of the sky and bringing the hierarchy of various castes of angels, managers and employees at various levels of the sky. Mention of the Zharya seven Eye of God (4:10) is interpreted as a reference to seven archangels, or seven higher angels at seven heavens (ENOH 61; Old Testament, Levi).

You can see polytetic views that manifested in the revival of the Divine Hierarchy in the terms of monotheism. Now instead of secondary gods with specific spheres of influence, angels appear, subordinated to the One God, but each - with their field of authority (3 Enoch). This is accompanied by the reproduction of the named angels. For the first time we hear about Uriel, Raphael, Peniele, Metatron and many, many others (I enoch, Tovit, IV Ezra).

Also increases the awareness of similarities between the angels and mortals. It seems that the border between human and angelic states permeate. A detailed analysis of the apocryphic fragments of the Bible (Genesis. 5:24; II Book of Kingdoms 2:11), shows that an extraordinary mortal, such as ENOH, can be elevated to the Angel Status (I Enoch).

The idea of \u200b\u200bdualism is stronger than in the Jewish Scripture, manifests itself in late antiquity and leads to the division of angels into two camps: light and darkness, which is illustrated by the materials of the discipline leadership found among the Scrimos of the Dead Sea. The mythical mention of the misadventures of the sons of God in Genesis 6: 2 becomes a reference point for this faith. So, the legend of fallen angels first appears in pseudo-epigraphic texts (I ENOH 6, from the section, sometimes called the observer book). It also meets the idea that the angels envy a person. The myth of fallen angels ultimately becomes the mainological leitmotif in Christianity, but remains largely in the shadow in Judaism, providing much less influence on the late Jewish cosmology (see Demons and Satan). The faith in the fact that the angels can be called and used by a person, which will later become the main element of Merseava's mysticism, originally appears at this time (the Book of Solomon's Wise).

Generally speaking, Rabbian literature adjusts the important role of angels when indicating their role in the apocalyptic and mystical traditions. It is assumed that the angels have no freedom of will (Shabb. 88b; Genesis 48:11). But they have intelligence and inner life; They are capable of argument and to errors (Ps.18: 13). Angels exist to fulfill the only task (Genesis 50: 2), the angels are subordinate to the person and the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice (Genesis 21, the message of Jeremiah 93a).

However, the mention of Angels in Rabbian literature is almost as often as mentioning the heavenly owners themselves. Many of the Divine Actions described in the Holy Scripture were later assigned to various angels (Genesis 31: 8; Jeremiah Epistle 105b). In contrast to this trend, however, the tradition of the Jewish Easter dedicates the role of angels in the central event of deliverance to Israel from Egypt (MAGID).

The functions of angels are even more diverse, and their role in the device and the functioning of the world is even more penetrating. Initially, the image of Maveta (death) in the Bible was identified as Malah Ha-Maven (death angel). Early Jewish concept of personal angels, Melachei Charkets and Memunich, "employees" or "guarding" angels and "envoys" also develops in rabbinian literature. The idea that the angels make up the choir, singing to God, is also an object for comments and reflections of the wise men (Genesis 78: 1).

While Rabbian Scriptures do not offer any systematization of angels, unlike Christian and magical traditions, some parallels are still visible. So, from the Talmud, we learn that Mikhail, the guardian of Israel, serves as a high priest in Heavenly Jerusalem (verse 12b). Legends about the Angel Prophet Elii become among the most widespread stories about the angels. Elijah often appears among mortals, carrying revelation from heaven and solving insoluble questions.

The fact that all the angels (not only seraphis and cherubs) have wings are first mentioned in this period (verse 16a). The size of angels can vary from small to cosmic (verse 13b).

The fundamental disagreement about the nature of the angels also appears. Some view the angels as "embodied the ideas of God", elemental, created from fire, like Muslim Iphritis, or from the impossible combination of fire and water (Sefer Ecir 1.7). Others regard them as intangible, disembodied essences of the mind.

Unlike biblical authors, wise men allow themselves to reflect on the origin of the angels. They teach, for example, that the angels did not exist before the creation of the world, but were created as part of the heavens on the second day of creation (Genesis 1: 3; 3). Others argue that they were created on the fifth day, the day of creation of the winged creatures.

In late Antiquity, angelology becomes the main element of Mersezava mystizism. Any Adept, who wants to achieve the Heavenly Palace and the Vision of Divine Glory, was to know how to pass by the Guardian Angels (usually knowing and calling for their names) at each level. Perhaps even more important for this mystical tradition is that the angels could be caused and attracted to the ground to serve a person-dedicated.

Many rituals and practices dedicated to this action are given in Heclot's Scriptures. Binding in late antiquity, the angels were increasingly connected and limited to the daily life of a person.

Medieval Midrash repeats and develops early exercises about the angels, but it is during this period that individual philosophers begin to offer a systematic and idiosyncrazic classification of angels. Maimonidees, for example, thoroughly talks about them in his Misch Torah, Hillcot Vodiai Hator (laws of the bases of the Torah). Carefully classifying angelic ranks (ten) in their rationalistic system, Maimonidees equates them to the Aristotle "Umam", which are intermediaries between the spheres. As such, they are awareness and managers in their movement, but in this Aristotelian context, Maimonidez says that they are forms of natural casualness, in contrast supernatural beings. It also expands its definition, including a natural phenomenon and even human psychology (it describes a sensual impulse as an "angel of lust"). Based on this, he concludes that there are two types of angels, eternal and ephemeral, and the latter are constantly being inside, then outside of existence. He also denies the angels ever can acquire the material form; The collisions described in the Bible are only vision and dreams of patriarchs and matriarchs. On the contrary, other thinkers, such as the German Pietist Eleazer of Worms, adhered to esoteric and frozen supernatural concepts in angel studies. Due to the sublime status of studying the Torah among the Jews of Ashkhanazi, the rituals of the call of Angels, especially those who could open the secrets of the Torah, like Sar Ha-Torah and Sar Ha-Panim (Prince of Torah and the Prince of Presence), became widely known.

Ranned medieval magic works Sefer Ha-Mitamat catalog Hundreds of angels, along with this pointing out how to influence them and use their names when creating protective amulets, curses and other ways to achieve power. Zohar, along with the continuation of the tradition of Angelic Systematics, sorts them into seven palaces and classifies them in accordance with four worlds of emanation (1: 11-40), and also gives angels with female signs along with male signs (1: 119b).

Kabbalists in many reported visits to angels. The legislator of magic Joseph Karo wrote about the spirit of Michna, who visited him at night and trained his Torah Ha-Soda, Esoteric Torah.

The main contribution of the ideas of hacides to angel studies was clearly anthropocentric, even the psychological interpretation of the nature of the angels. Early Masters Hasidov believed that ephemeral angels are a direct result of human actions. Good affairs create good angels, destructive behavior creates destructive angels, and the like. In other words, most angels are a by-product of human activity, but not God! Thus, the balance between the angelic and demonic forces in the Universe is the direct result of human solutions and actions.

In the last quarter of the 20th century, according to the testimony of Jewish society, the interest in the angels was revived.

Magical use: the names of the angels have apotropic properties and often appear on amulets, magical inscriptions and formulas. In the evening rituals to sleep Creed Sh "Ma Al Ha Mith Angels, Mikhail, Gabrielle, Uriel and Rafail are called for protection for the whole night. Angels have their own areas of specialization and can be caused to help mortals in these areas, such as, for example, Studying and memorizing Torah.

Angels in Kaballe

Angels are often mentioned in old-fashioned Jews. According to the Jewish monuments, angels will be attached to the male floor. Jewish angels did not have wings. They were more like internal drivers, and not as the currently active forces. In Kabbalah, angels are from one hundred thousand to forty-nine million.

Kabbalah - manual describing the way to God. And this path leads through the palaces or unnecessary halls, where the help of angels is needed.

There are four worlds:

1. The material, the physical world in which we live.
2. The world who command 10 angelic troops. Each Angel has its name. At the head of their angel of the highest china metatron.
3. The world of light, which opens from the highest, God's world.
4. God's world, which is combined with the female and God of God, Yakhwe Shekhin.
In Kabbalah there are ten Sephirot, or Angels. These are the main conductors of Divine Energy. Each flourishes like a luminous rose, in each petal of which the winged circuit opens. Sephirov names are distracted: statement, beauty, eternity, beautiful, strength, mercy, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and crown, crown.

They are located in the preferred top of the pyramid.

Based on the Angel Sandalfon, this is an angel keeper.

God has seven major angels, they are considered to be "incarnations":

Analeare, god hurt me
Gabriel, the power of God
Samuel, poison of God
Mikhail, similar to God, the leader of the Heaven
Sashal, justice of God
Rafail (Archangel), God healer
Cassiel, the throne of God
Above all the metatron, Glass of God

Perfume (human soul, freed from the body):

Pavale, Holy Joseph Spirit
Cafel, the Spirit hit John the Baptist in the desert
Rafael, Solomon Spirit
Getatia, Moses Spirit
UREL, the spirit of the ezra
Borrow, the spirit of Moiseeva rod
Gutel, the spirit of Jesus Navina
GImel, Spirit Snake Eva
Camel, Perfume of Personal Courage
OK, Spherhest spirit
Aleppa, Spirit of Abraham
Gavrielle, spirit Ilia
Samel, spirit of John the Baptist
Mikhal, Spirit Alessay
In Ael, the Spirit of Ghosts
Tetatia, the Spirit of Virtue
Anel, spirit of knowledge
Falet, Spirit of Happiness (earthly paradise)

The devil has seven major demons, they are also considered to be the devilness of the devil:

Samael, Vladyka Air and Angel of the Mailway
Velzevul, Lord Darkness and Demons
Python, spirit of pruney
Belial, perfume perfume
Asmodener, demon fighter
Lucifer, the spirit of astral light
Satan, opposed to God

Angel of prayerful reflections about God towers over all these creations. The path of prayer reflections leads him to an increasingly elevated opportunity of love, which, ultimately, is achieved by the realization that every life is holy, that every life is God and the transfer of love. All we will do in the divine ecstasy of prayer or prayer reflection is an act of creation. And only such an act in God and through God creates new angels.

The highest creation is Mitvuch, the study, knowledge of the Torah, prayers and repentance. Every Mitzvuch, which makes a person, is not only an act of spiritual contemplation, the sacred itself, but it is also an act of transforming the material, physical world.

Angels in Islam

Belief in Angels is an integral part of the Muslim Faith (Quran 2: 177). According to Islamic ideas created from the element of light. The meaning of their existence in serving people (Koran 2:34).

Angel Gabriel informs the prophets with the revelation of God.
Angel Mikhail, heads heavenly army
Angel Azrail is an angel of death,
Angels Harut and Marut - Magic Knowledge (Quran 2: 102).
Angel Malik, guarding Geenna Fire

There are several classes of angels, each of which performs its task. Some of the angels called Makarabun is in constant worship of Allah. The name of the Most High Allah does not come off with their mouth. They say about them in the Qur'an "Heaven is ready to express over them, and the angels raise their Lord and ask for forgiveness by those who are on earth ..." (42: 5). As we cannot exist without air, so they cannot leave worship.

Angels called "Kiramen Katibin" lead a permanent account of the earthly affairs of people and scrupulously record the act of life of each person. Other angels fulfill the role of people defenders. They are called "haphase". If it were not for the protection of the Angels "Hafaza", Muslims would be constantly subjected to attacks of the Satanic forces.

Parts of the Angels, at the head of which Azrail was delivered (peace to him), was instructed to take the souls of dead people. Their name is "Malayka Ul-Maut." About them the Almighty Allah says: "Say:" Receive your death angel of death, which you are charged, then you will be returned to your Lord "" (Sura 32, Ayat-11).

Another 2 Angela - Munkar and Nakir - ask questions to the dead about their God, the Prophet, religion. Being in the grave after burial, they appear before the dead not always in the same form, but in accordance with the faith or unbelief of the deceased. In front of Kafir, they appear in terrible guise: completely black with luminous eyes, ferocious, huge growth. And questions ask them to a thunder voice. And in front of the believers who have conducted a worthy lifestyle, are in the form of a friendly friend, and questions are asked goodwill and with participation. There are 19 angels, obliged to serve in hell and called "Bearing". They are huge growth and very cruel. "We made the rules of fire only angels and made the number of them only by the test ...". (Sura 74, Ayate 31)

Almighty Allah, at his discretion, elected prophets not only from among people, but from among the angels. Four main angels - Arkhangeli Jabrail, Mikael, Israfil and Azrail are the prophets of angels. In addition to prophetic missions, they have other personal tasks from the Almighty Allah. Archangel Jabrail passed the commandments of Allah to another prophet. Mikael is authorized to drive winds and rain clouds. Azrail, as mentioned above, takes the souls of people who graduated from their life path. And Archangel Israphyl Most High Allah instructed constantly to be huge trumpetresembling a horn. He expects from this pipe called "Suour", the order of Allah. As soon as the Most High Allah gives a sign, Iraspiil Doonet in "Suur", and the end of the world will come.

Prophets from the number of people above the alert-angels. At the same time, prophets-angels are above ordinary people. But ordinary people who lead the righteous lifestyle, firmly following the prescriptions of the Quran and Sunny, in turn above ordinary angels. This is why, they consider Islamic scientists that angels that do not have sex who do not need either in a drink, not having a passion, be righteous much easier. While a person has to constantly die his passion so as not to fall into sin, succumbing to the temptation of Satan.

In the noble Koran, it is said that the Almighty Allah created angels two or three-four-four. "Praise Allah, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who made angels by envoys with wings double, triple and quadruple. It increases in the creation, which he pleases. Allah Powered over each thing "(35: 1) No need to forget that the wings of the angels are not similar to either the wings of birds or on the wings of windmills. Their wings correspond to their power. The force and the magnitude of the angels depend on what they are intended for. And their wings correspond to this appointment.

Below is an extensive list of angels. This is part of a large collection of magic names that I collected last year. Names I took from several sources, including: Book of Enha 1 (Translated by Charles), the classic work of Gustav Davidson, angels dictionary, Angels Matthew Bansa from A to Z and Encyclopedia of Angels, which was released by Visible Ink Press (composed of James Lewis and Dorothy Oliver) In addition to several sources of medieval ceremonial magic, such as forbidden rites, etc. There will also be a separate list with the names of the demons. Technically, the angels differ from the demons, because one of them was lowered from heaven, and the second remained beside God. Naturally, everything is not so simple, so the names of the fallen angels are mixed with usual in this list (especially with those that were taken from the list of Enha).

How we decide who fallen, and who is not? If you follow the instructions of the medieval church, then the only angels that can be considered not fallen and quite legitimate is the Archangels Rafail, Gabriel and Mikhail, they are most often mentioned in the Bible. It can be noted that these three are also often appearing in the sacred texts of other religions. In the Sumerian legend about the descent of Inanna to hell, Mikhail, Gabriel and others, are guarded by the gate of hell. Those who later will be called the Archangels, in the Jewish myth appear as guards who receive gifts from the goddess, before she passes all the circles of hell to reach the throne of his sister Ereshkigal. Extensive knowledge about the angels and demons that pass through the century, the same passion for me as a variety of myths. I hope that many of you will find this list interesting, even if you look it just for the sake of interest. Enjoy.

List of angelic names:
Aarin (Aarin): The term that is used to describe the angels, which descend from heaven, in search of human daughters to produce nephlinimov, appear in the Book of Enha.
Abaddon (abaddon): Angel abyss.
Abalim (abalim): "Great Angel", fiery guard.
Abdiel (abdiel): The courageous "flame seraphim", from the book "Lost Paradise" of Milton.
Adimus: Angel, revered by the Church, probably occurred from the first person.
Adoel (adoel): Angel, who ruled the explosion, thanks to whom the Universe appeared (the Angel of the Big Bang), according to the book of Enha.
AF (AF): A terrible angel consisting of red and black flame.
Ahiah (Ahiah): Semi-Angel, Son Selyza.
Akhazriel (Akhazriel): "Bulletin of God."
AMALIEL (Amaliel): Defender of weak.
Anahita (Anahita): The fiery female angel is associated with water and Persian myths.
Anaiel (Anaiel): Angel who gave knowledge to mankind, according to the book of Enha.
Anak (Anak): "Gigant", mortal with the blood of an angel.
Anakim: "Giants", the race of fierce giants, mentioned in the Bible as descendants of gigids.
Anaphiel: high angel Merkaba, Print Bearer.
Angelos (Angelos): Translated from Greek: "Messenger", heavenly creature.
Afaeleon (APHAELEON): The ruler of fallen angels is listed in treatises about ceremonial magic.
Apolyon (Appolyon): Angel abyss.
Arakiba (Arakiba): Angel from Book Enha.
Aralim (Araralim): "Great Angel" of the throne, fiery guard.
Arachel (Araquiel): He taught the signs of the earth, from the book of Enha.
Arariel (Arariel): Ocean Angel, Patron Rybakov, Medieval Angel of Knowledge.
Arkon (Archon): Angel manager of the material world, from the Gnostic myth.
Ariel (Ariel): "Lion of God", air spirit, sources: Hebrew myths, and Shakespeare appears.
Ariook (Arioch): One of the fallen angels, according to the "lost paradise", Milton, also appears in the works of Michael Murkok.
Aric (Ariuk): The keeper of Enha, according to his book.
Armaros (Armaros): He taught humanity of magic, from the book of Enha.
Armisael: Angel of childbirth.
ASAF (ASAPH): Angel, who allegedly was the author of Psalms 73-83.
Asurial (Asuriel):Angel who warns about the flood, from the book of Enha.
Azazel (Azazel): He taught people to make metal and produce precious stones, from the book of Enha.
Azrael (Azrael): The Angel of Death, appears in the works of Leyla Wendey.
Balton (Ballaton):guardian, the name is used in Solomon magic.
Baradiel (Baradiel): Heavenly Prince, Grad Angel, from the book of Enha.
Barakiel (Baraqiel):heavenly Prince, Angel of Lightning, from the book of Enha.
Barattyl (Barattiel): Supports the highest skies, from the book of Enha.
Befort (Bethor): Angel Jupiter is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boamiel (Boamiel): Angel of 4 edges of the sky is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boel (Boel):Angel Saturn.
CAMAEL (CAMAEL): "The one who sees God."
Camiel (Camiel): One of the options for Kamael, "the one who sees God."
Caphriel: Angel Shabasha.
Cassiel (Cassiel):Angel of tears and abstinence is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Kerwiel (Cerviel): Angel of Principles.
Chalkydri (Chalkydri): or "Copper Snake" or South Satellite, from the Book of Enha.
Camel (Chamuel):"The one who is looking for God."
Chasan: The patron of air is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Daniel: "God is my judge," in Hebrew also the name of the prophet.
Dubbiel:defender of Persians.
Duma: Angel of silence is also a patron of Egypt.
Empirean (Empyrean): Higher skies, heavenly fire, mentioned in the "lost paradise" of Milton.
Efemera (Ephemera): "Short-lived" angels that are created to sing praise to God.
Erelim (Erelim): "Brave".
Exoudii (EXOUSIA): "Power" or "Virtue", an alternative to Angel, Greece.
Ezecuel (Ezequiel): He taught humanity to knowledge about the clouds, from the book of Enha.
Gabriel (Gabriel): "God is my power," an angel of the Court, one of the angels, which seems to be named in the Bible.
Gadiel (Gadiel): It is intended to reflect evil, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Gadriel (Gadriel): He taught people to military arts, from the book of Enha.
Gagallim: "Sphere".
Gazadriel (Gazardiel): Angel of dawn and sunset.
GERMAEL: "The greatness of God", an angel of creation.
Gezuriya:Angel Powers.
Gibborim (Gibborim): The giant semi-angel, "a man of glory", is mentioned in Jewish and biblical treatises.
Gregory (Grigori):from the Greek "Looking".
Gabriel (Habriel): Angel Powers.
Hadariel (Hadariel):"Glory to God."
Gadramiel (Hadramiel): "Glory of God", the name of Gabriel.
Hamon (Hamon):
Haniel (Haniel): "God's grace".
HAROTH (HAROTH): The twin Maruta, knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in the Persian myth.
Hashmal: Leader order.
Hawuliel (Hayliel):the winner of the fiery shoulder, from the book of Enha.
Hemah (Hemah): A terrible angel consisting of black and red flames is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Hochmael: "The wisdom of God."
Irin (Irin): An alternative definition for nephower, there is a belief that Ireland was named after him, since he was first settled in that place.
Ishim: Ice angel and fire.
Israfel:Angel resurrection.
ITURIEL: Messenger of Gabriel, appears in the "lost paradise" of Milton.
Jabil: Muslim version of Gabriel.
Jael (Jael):guardian of the ark of the covenant.
Jeduthun: Chormeister gives the statuses of angels.
Jehoel: Jehoeel: Head and Guardian, Seraphim.
Jeremel (Jeremiel): "God's mercy", option of Ramiel.
Cadmiel (Jeremiel): Angel of childbirth.
Calmiya: Guardian curtains.
Kasbiel: He taught the name that binds the oath from the book of Enha.
Kasdeja:he taught Spiritis and fertility control, from the book of Enha.
Kemuel (Kemuel): Option of Camael, "The one who sees God."
Kerubel (Kerubiel):the Terrible Angel of Fire and Lightning, Head of Choir Cherubimov.
Cesef (kezef): Angel of destruction.
Kochbiel (Kochbiel): "Star of God", angel of astrology.
Lahabiel: Defender and guard.
Lilah (Lailah): "Night", an angel of conception, according to Muslim treatises: an angel woman.
Layla: Live version, "Night".
Lucifiel: "LIGHT", Morning Star, Lucifer option.
Lucifer: The most beautiful of the angels, who challenged God, but was overthow for his pride.
Makhadiel (Machidiel): "God is everywhere," from the book of Enha.
Madan: Angel Mercury, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Mahanaim (Mahanaim):"Two Army", heavenly army, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Malachi: "God's envoy".
Malach (Malakh): "Messenger", heavenly creature, Muslim term, meaning an angel.
Mariuk (Mariuk): Guardian Enha.
Marot (Maroth):twin Garota, who knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in the Persian treatises.
MASTEMA: "Angel accusations."
Matariel (Matariel): Angel of rain.
Melkin (Melkyal): "God is everywhere," from the book of Enha.
Mercaba (Merkabah): "Chariot", mystical path to God.
Metatron (Metatron): The Angel of Presence, the Divine Archivius, the mediator of God.
Mikhael: The sword of God and the Heavenly Warrior-Prince, one of the archangels whose name is mentioned in the Bible.
Mikal (Mikhal): Option Mikhail, "Like God."
Mumiel: Guardian health.
Muriel (Muriel): Angel order.
Nakir: Black and blue eyed Justice Angel.
Nathaniel: "Dana God", the angel of fire.
Nephilim: Nephilim: Giant semi-angel, "Nice man."
Nuriel (Nuriel): Grad Angel.
ONFIEL (Onafiel): Angel Moon.
Ophaniel (ophaniel): Snake Angel.
Ophanim: "Wheel", "multi-eyed," can be attributed to snakes.
Oriel (Oriel): Angel of fate.
Oriphel (Oriphiel): Angel of the planet Saturn.
Pahadron (Pahadron): Angel Terror.
Peliel: Head of the Choir virtue.
PENEMU: He taught writing people from the book of Enha.
Peniel: "Seek God."
Fanuel (Phanuel): Angel of presence, angel of repentance.
Pura (Purah): Angel of oblivion.
Puriel: Stern judge.
Quadisin (Qaddisin):"Saints", stand next to Gregory.
Kvapsiel (Qphsiel): Pushes your enemies.
Rabdos: Keeper stars.
Raduriel: Heavenly archivist, from the book of Enha.
Raguel: "Friend of God."
Rahab (Rahab): The cruel angel of the sea is allegedly killed by God, angry at him for some act.
Rahatiel (Rahatiel): Managing constellations from Book Enha.
Rahmiel (Rahmiel): Angel of Mercy.
Ramiel (Ramiel): "God's mercy", annual angel.
Raphael: "God's Healing", the Angel of the Sun, Archangel, his name is mentioned in the Bible.
Rasiel: Angel of earthquake, from the book of Enha.
Razael: Angel Tyne, there is a belief that he was punished by God for giving the book by Adam's magic.
Remiel:translator of visions, from the book of Enha.
Rickiel: Rikbiel: The keeper of the chariot of God, from the book of Enha.
Ruhiel: The angel of the winds.
Sabath (Sabaoth): He was worshiped as an angel in the Middle Ages, in Jewish: Heavenly Army.
SAHAQIEL: The keeper of the fourth sky, from the Book of Enha.
Salatiel (Salathiel): "Asking Lord."
SAMAEL: "Yad of God", a formidable angel of death, he is associated with Satan / Lucifer.
Sandalphon (Sandalphon): Brother, Greek Angel of Fame and Prayer.
Saraquiel (Saraquiel): An option named after Arakuel, he taught forbidden knowledge, from the book of Enha.
Sariel (Sariel): "Prince of God", manages perfumes, from the book of Enha.
Semalion: Angel of proclamation.
SemSapiel: Mentioned in the book of Enha.
Semal (semyaza): The leader of the angels who came down from heaven to marry the daughters of human, sometimes they are associated with Lucifer and / or Satan.
Seraph (Seraph): Live fire, Holy Angel, the name may mean: "Fire Snake."
Seraphiel: A similar eagle, chief seraphim.
Shamsiel: "Light of God", from the book of Enha.
Sidriel: Prince Virtue, from the book of Enha.
Sopheriel: Guardian books about life and death.
Soterasel (Soterasiel): "The one who causes God's fire."
Tabris (Tabris): Angel of free will.
Tadiel (Tadhiel): Angel sacrifices.
Tagas (Tagas): Heavenly Prince, mentioned in the Book of Enha.
Tamiel: Mentioned in the Book of Enha.
Tarshishim: Tarshishim: "Shining".
Tatrasiel: Heavenly prince, mentioned in the Book of Enha.
Temlakos (Temlakos):the patron of children who were subject to violence, Greece.
TURIEL (Turiel): Mentioned in the Book of Enha.
Uriel (Uriel): "God's flame", sometimes angel healing, sometimes angel of death.
Uziel (USIEL): "The power of the Lord", from the book of Enha.
VRITIEL (VRETIEL): Angel of wisdom from the book of Enha.
Yahoel (Yahoel): Defender and keeper, seraphim.
Zadkiel: Angel, his symbol is a dagger, from the book of Enha.
Zagzagel: Angel burning bush.
Zakum (Zakum): Angel prayer.
Zambrim: The ruler of fallen angels is mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Zaphkiel: Faster Cherubimov.
Inhall (Zarall): Guardian of the ark of the covenant.
Zephon (Zephon): Messenger of Gabriel, mentioned in the "lost paradise" of Milton.
Zophiel:"The beauty of God."
Zuriel (Zuriel): "My Lord-stronghold".

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