Cowboy birthday. Birthday in cowboy style

Site arrangement 15.10.2019
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This “cowboy style” birthday scenario is designed for children from 6 to 8 years old. The "cowboy" theme is more suitable for a son's birthday than a daughter's, but some girls will also like the script with "shooters" and "Indians". According to the scenario, the holiday is held at home (in the apartment), but it can be adapted for holding in any other room or even on the street.

Birthday preparation

We invite guests

Having compiled a list of guests who will be invited to the celebration, you can start making invitations that should be handed to each of them in advance.


We propose to print on the printer found on the Internet and edited with the help of a graphic editor, the "Wanted" ("Wanted") leaflets, which are often shown in American westerns. It is desirable that instead of a photograph of the criminal on each sheet, a portrait of a guest or a birthday man in a cowboy hat is depicted. Under the image, you can write the following phrase: "... (name) is wanted to participate in the celebration of the cowboy's birthday!".

On the other side of the sheet, you can write a few more sentences, for example: “Quick (strong, dirty, white, etc.) ... (guest name)! On 12/15/2013 (date of celebration) you must appear at the Zharovs' ranch (family name) at the address: ... (address). Don't be late and don't forget to bring your gun and hat! It is planned to celebrate the birthday of the Vigilant Eye (“nickname” of the birthday man).

However, you can come up with other original invitations for guests, for example:

  • The text of the invitation can be written on postcards shaped like a cactus, a horseshoe, a gun or a hat.
  • You can attach to any postcard or leaflet decorative elements related to the “cowboy” theme, for example: a sheriff’s toy badge (a plastic star), a cartridge (plastic, but reminiscent of a real one), a feather (taken from a “killed Indian”), etc.
  • The invitation may resemble an ancient scroll, which can be tied with twine and secured with a sheriff's toy badge.

Festive room decor and props for a cowboy party

The organizers of the Birthday must decorate the room in which the holiday will be held in advance, because a “cowboy party” will not work without decorations.

Some tips for creating a wild west atmosphere:

  • If the party is being held at home, then signs with inscriptions (“Saloon”, “Bank”, “Eye Ranch”, “Sheriff”, “Prairie”) should be hung in the hallway. Read more about pointers below.
  • The horse is the best friend of any cowboy! Therefore, toy, painted, molded, bought and hand-made horses can decorate walls, shelves, floors of rooms. There should be as many horses in the apartment as possible so that each child can choose at least one picture with a horse or one toy horse.
  • According to the scenario, you will need eight toy gobies (read more below).
  • To decorate the room in which the celebration will be held, almost any items that are somehow connected with the “cowboy” theme are suitable: cacti (from balloons, real or toy), cowboy hats, horseshoes (toy), posters with images of cowboys, horses, Indians, prairies, canyons, etc.
  • CD with country music or ethnic Indian song motifs.
  • Images of cacti that are drawn or printed on thick paper or cardboard. In addition to the cactus, animals should be drawn in the pictures, but not completely, but only partially (it should give the impression that this animal hid behind a cactus, so only its rear end, ears, tail, hooves, paws, but by no means a muzzle).
  • Brown or black plastic bags (one bag per guest).
  • Scissors.
  • A plastic bucket, basin or any other large container into which water can be poured (for example, an inflatable pool for children).
  • Chocolate "gold coins".
  • Eye patch in opaque material.
  • Colander.
  • Cowboy hats and neckerchiefs (one pair per person).
  • Six pouches made of opaque material. On each bag is written one of the letters that together make up the word "cowboy". In each bag you need to put a “surprise”, for example: in a bag on which the letter “k” is written, you need to put an object whose name begins with this letter (for example: a pencil, brush, candy, etc., you need to do the same with other bags) .
  • Rope or lasso.
  • A homemade “horse”, which can be made from a chair, stool or bucket: for this, a “head” of a horse made of colored cardboard, a mane and tail made of tow or artificial hair are attached to one of the above items. If the organizers of the holiday have a large toy horse available (reaching the shoulder of an eight-year-old child at the withers), then, of course, it is much more suitable for the celebration than a chair with a “mane”.
  • Toy pistols (one per guest).
  • "Horse tail" - a piece of tow tied to a dart for darts.
  • The original "portrait" of a horse, drawn on paper: on the sheet you need to depict a "back view", but without a tail.

Meeting guests and preparing for the party

The host (adult) meets the children in turn and distributes cowboy hats and scarves to them. Shows how to wear these things and tells why cowboys need scarves: “Friends, I will now tell you why a real cowboy needs a neckerchief. The fact is that cowboys ride their horses very quickly across the prairies and canyons and hot sand pours into their faces. Neckerchiefs cover the faces of cowboys from the sand.

After all the children have put on their hats and scarves, they can distribute packages to them and invite them to make fringed cowboy vests from them. Before the children begin to manufacture, the leader must show the guys how to make a vest out of the package.

Master class: "Cowboy vest from the package"

  1. At the bottom of the package you need to make a slot for the head (in the center).
  2. On the sides of the package (along the side "seams"), you need to make two holes for the hands.
  3. The next step: having decided which side the front of the vest will be on, and which side the back will be on, you need to make a vertical cut to the neck in the front so that you get two halves.
  4. The vest is almost ready and you can even try it on, but the bottom of the vest does not look attractive (especially if the bag has handles) and it should be cut evenly. Then the bottom can be decorated with a fringe (by making many vertical cuts with scissors).

Advice: A vest can also be made from a paper bag. Children will love to paint these vests with felt-tip pens, pencils or decorate with stickers. Children will also love the idea of ​​decorating their arms and legs with temporary colored tattoos.

Then the leader leads the guys already “ready” for the holiday to the living room or other room in which the table is set. Children can easily find this room themselves if they go in the direction in which the sign of the "Sharp Eye Ranch" is directed. At the table, children can sit on chairs "on horseback".

Scenario of a children's party in the "cowboy" style

During the feast, the host addresses the children with these words: “ Dear guests! Welcome to the ranch ... (name of the birthday boy), who is also called the Far-Eye! Today this brave cowboy and our good friend is 8 years old! Congratulations! By the way, I have a riddle for you! Veteran cowboy Dirty Joe presented eight steers to Sharp Eye this morning! Can anyone guess why he gave bulls to the Vigilant Eye, and not elephants, for example?

In the end (or thanks to the facilitator's prompts), the children guess that "cow" (from English) is "cow", and "boy" (also from English) is "boy". If you combine two words together, you get "cowboy" - a cowboy.

Leading: “Well done, I'm glad you figured it out! Unfortunately, all the bulls have fled and we cannot find them, but I hope that the brave cowboys and best friends Keen Eyes will help you find them and bring them back to the ranch! Saddle your horses! Just come up with names for your horses (offers each guest to choose one of the toy or painted horses with which the apartment is decorated).

Game: "Saddle the horse"

The host puts chairs in the middle of the room (each participant, except for one, has a chair) and invites the children to take part in an interesting game.

Rules of the game: game according to the rule of the well-known "". To the music, the guys should dance around the chairs until the music turns off. As soon as this happens, all participants must quickly sit on the chairs "on horseback". The player who did not have time to take one of the chairs is out. After that, the leader removes one chair and turns on the music, and the children again begin to dance until the next “musical pause”. The second "round" and all subsequent ones are carried out in the same way as the first, until there is only one participant sitting "on top" on one chair. This player is the winner.

Congratulating the winner, the host takes out and gives the children one toy bull.

Leading: "Guys! Well done! Now, thanks to you, we have one steer and I know where the next one is. An Indian named Sly Fox stole it and we must return the steer back. To do this, we also need to become cunning and learn to say one thing and do another: in this way we will confuse the Indian, and he will return the bull to us!

Game: "Confusion"

Leading: “Playing this game is not difficult at all: I tell you what to do, and each of you does the opposite. Line up and let's get started."

Leader commands:

  1. Lower your hands down (children should raise their hands up).
  2. Raise your hands up (lower down).
  3. Squat down (jump up).
  4. Jump up (crouch).
  5. Stretch the right leg forward (stretch the left leg back).
  6. Stretch the left leg forward (stretch the right leg back).
  7. Spread your arms to the sides (cross your arms over your chest).
  8. Cross your arms over your chest (spread to the sides).
  9. Press your head to your chest (tilt your head back).
  10. Tilt your head back (press it to your chest).
  11. Spread your fingers in a “fan” (clench your fists).
  12. Turn left (turn right).
  13. Turn right (turn left).

At first, the facilitator reads the commands and tells the children what movements to make. He can perform these movements himself, or he can simply speak commands out loud. Having shown all 13 movements, he forms a circle of participants (as in a round dance) and turns on the music. He invites children to dance, periodically performing commands that he will say out loud. Those players who do not cope with the task and perform the wrong movements are eliminated. The child who makes no mistakes wins.

After the game, the host turns off the music and says: “Cowboys, how well you dance! I found out that Sly Fox hid the bull on the ranch! Can you imagine what an insolent?! Help me find him!"

The guys find a bull in the room.

Game: "Gold diggers"

Leading: "Cowboys! Now we need to bring back the third bull that the Gold Digger stole: he could not get the gold and decided to steal the bull. We can mine the gold ourselves and trade it for a bull. Now we will try to learn how to mine gold.”

The host puts a basin of water (or a bucket) in the middle of the room, and throws into it chocolate candies in the form of gold coins. Then he builds the children in a line and in turn blindfolds each of them and gives a colander, with which they should try to catch as many coins as possible from a container of water. At the end of the game, the host counts the number of coins that each player got and determines the winner: the one who caught the most "coins" becomes the winner. The winner receives several dozen “coins” as a prize, and the presenter takes the rest of the sweets and at the same time tells the children: “Well done, everyone managed to get at least a little gold. Now I can exchange these gold coins for a bull.”

Game: "An animal near a cactus"

The host returns to the children with the third bull and tells them: “The gold digger gave the bull! Hooray! Now our path lies through the wild prairie, where cacti grow and terrible predators live. Real cowboys must know that a predator is nearby in advance, otherwise a hungry beast can eat him or his horse. Now I will show cards on which cacti will be drawn. The task of each participant in this game, which is called “Animal near the cactus”, is to see the animal that hid behind the cactus, determine whether it is a predator or herbivore, and also guess what it is called.”

The host takes out cards with drawn cacti and shows one of them to the guys. He can count (and record) the correct answers of each participant and thus determine the winner, who will give the largest number correct answers. At the end of the game, you can give the winner some kind of prize.

What animals can hide behind cacti:

  1. Elephant.
  2. Hare.
  3. Giraffe.
  4. Deer.
  5. Crocodile.
  6. Cow.
  7. Tiger.

Leading: "Hooray! Congratulations! Everyone coped with the task and now they will be able to cross the prairie without a threat to life. And here is the fourth bull, which I also found behind a cactus (shows the guys a toy)!

Game: "Hats with prizes"

Leading: “Now I need six volunteers. Guys (addressing the volunteers), put your hats, please, right here (the presenter points to the floor with his hand). Imagine that while we were riding horses on the prairie, these hats were blown away by a strong wind.

Rules of the game: the host tells the children that there are bags in the hats on which the letters from the word "cowboy" are written. The children take turns guessing what "surprises" might be hidden in them. If one of them guesses that, for example, there are glasses in a bag with the letter “o”, then he receives these glasses as a gift, and the owner of the hat takes the hat and puts it on again. In the end, all the "surprises" go to the smartest guys, and the "cowboys" who were left without hats put them on again.

Leading: “I'm glad that such quick-witted cowboys came to the party. I found out that the fifth bull hid on the balcony! Therefore, we should go to the balcony and look for him there.

The children with the leader find the fifth bull and return "to the ranch".

Game: "Arkan"

Leading: “Friends, tell me, do you know how to use such a long rope that all real cowboys carry with them? Guess what I'm talking about? Yes, of course, I'm talking about the lasso with which cowboys could once immobilize the enemy or catch fleeing cattle.

After that, the facilitator shows the children how to make a lasso from the rope (or shows them a finished lasso) and gives the children a task: they should take turns trying to lasso a chair to which the head of a “horse” is attached from cardboard, a mane and a tail made of tow (or a toy horse, if any). Each participant in this game has three attempts. Those who succeed in all three attempts win.

After the game, the host gives the guests one more bull (sixth) with the words: “Guys, I'm glad that everyone was able to practice catching horses with a lasso today. And while you were practicing here, I found the sixth bull: it turns out that he was standing nearby and eating grass.

Game: "Cowboy Reaction"

Leading: “We must return the last bull to the ranch - the seventh. And I know who he is - the Sheriff, who counts on the fact that the brave cowboys will always come to his aid, because there are many defenseless civilians living in the district. Today I showed you how to use the lasso, and I also think that everyone here can run fast and shoot accurately. But how does today's youth react to the emerging threat to life, and how quickly can they take the necessary measures in a dangerous situation? Now we will find out. Guys, we're going to play Cowboy Reaction."

The facilitator leads the children to another room, which is pointed to by a sign with the inscription "Sheriff". There he puts on a cowboy hat and pins a sheriff's badge (a toy plastic star) to his chest. After that, he tells the children: “As everyone has already guessed: I am the Sheriff. Get in a circle, and I will take this ball (takes the ball and shows it to the children) and stand in the center of the circle. Rules of the game "Cowboy reaction": I throw a ball to any of you and say a word. If the word is associated with something dangerous, then this ball should not be caught, and if the sounded word is not associated with anything dangerous, then it must be caught. That cowboy who could not catch the ball or caught the ball when it should not have been caught is out of the game. In the end, there will be only one cowboy with the fastest reaction. He wins. Let's start!"

"Sheriff" can pronounce words such as: coyote, tribe, bonfire, fire, gun, explosion, grasshopper, horse, bison, cat, virus, bandit, tank, train, wolf, plague, axe, feather, eagle, frying pan.

After the game, the host awards a small prize to the winner and gives the children a toy bull.

Leading.: “Still, what wonderful cowboys came to the party at your ranch today, Vigilant Eye (referring to the birthday boy)! And now let's go and eat, because we need to bring back the eighth bull, we need to gain strength!

Game: Showdown at Noon

After the festive feast, the host invites the children to play one more game in order to return the last toy to the birthday man.

Rules of the game:

The host forms two teams from the participants with an equal number of players and builds them in two lines along two walls of the room parallel to each other. Then the participants of both teams turn their backs to the line of the opposing team. Each child holds a toy gun in their hands.

At the signal of the host (on the count of “five”), the participants of both teams turn around and point the muzzles of toy pistols at the children standing in the opposite line with respect to them. Those children who have not been pointed at are out of the game. The team whose members (or participant) are left standing last wins.


Players have the right, while the leader counts to five, to change places in the line of their team.

After the game, the leader gives the children the eighth bull.

Game: "Horse Tail"

The facilitator hangs a drawing paper with a horse “portrait” (“rear view”) on the wall or on the door. After that, he explains the rules of the game to the guests: the participants in turn, blindfolded, must pick up a dart for darts with a piece of tow (the "tail" of the horse) tied to it, and try to attach this "tail" so that the drawn horse finally then got a real tail. The winner is the one who fixes the "tail" where necessary.

If these contests are not enough, additional themed games and contests can be found in the scenario ""

Party in Wild West style, invitations, script, costumes, contests, food

Every young man from childhood dreams of being a dashing cowboy, a brave Indian or a reckless thug. And every girl sees herself in the role of a beautiful lady surrounded by brave defenders or a bandit, who is a match for men, rushing across the prairie. A world filled with danger, adventures, adventures, romance always attract. Now, everyone can play their chosen role and find themselves in the world western All it takes is a little imagination.

It is not difficult, for the implementation of this venture, it is important to choose the right location . It’s not bad if it’s a house, because organizing this kind of party in an apartment is fraught with unpleasant incidents. There is always the possibility that, due to the "wild" dances of the guests, the neighbors below will have to do redecorating ceiling, because the plaster may not withstand such pressure.

It is also problematic to hold an event at work, because the Wild West and the latest technological advances are poorly compatible things. Alternatively, you can use any bar, the presence of a bar counter is undoubtedly in our hands, but private house with a small garden would be a much better solution.

You should carefully consider the style of the future saloon. Place emphasis on scenery. Old tablecloths, dusty bottles for decoration and, of course, cacti. It will come in handy if your house grows " prickly giant"in human height, but if it is not, then it does not matter, you can take, covered with thorns, his smaller brothers and place them on all visible surfaces. Alternatively, you can draw scenery cacti, showing a little imagination and patience, and arrange them around the perimeter.

A stack of hay will give the room an extra charm. It is also appropriate to organize a retro bar with an abundance of booze, favorite representatives of Texas. The must-have favorites are: tequila with lemon and salt, several varieties whiskey and of course beer, of all kinds and flavors.

For adherents healthy lifestyle non-alcoholic cocktails and teas with fragrant spices are suitable for life. To decorate the walls, you can use posters on a given topic or hang posters of invited guests with the inscription wanted. And above the entrance it is appropriate to hang a sign - the name of your saloon.

Party Menu

Be sure to think in your script what you will feed your cowboys and Indians. It is advisable to use purely American food for this: grilled meat, chops, grilled chicken, and french fries are perfect for garnish and do not forget about sauces, they should be spicy and varied. For a snack, you can use chips or salted popcorn.

A great script idea would be to rename familiar dishes into traditional Texas ones. Arrange a mini-buffet in the yard, serve cooked meals so that they are small and convenient to eat. To prepare grilled meat , be sure to appoint a person who knows a lot about this. Poorly fried or burnt meat will spoil the taste of dishes and will not improve your mood.

Particular attention should be paid to the entertainment program of the evening. The party organizer can act as sheriff - leader . Clothing should be light sand in color, the image will be complemented by a wide-brimmed hat and a sheriff's badge. It would be appropriate to hang 2 holsters with toy pistols on the belt. You can hold a competition on the main bar counter with the participation of all invitees. After the bartender has been chosen, you can start entertaining the remaining party participants.

In the backyard you can breed a large bonfire and have a get-together. A guitar and cheerful songs will create a cozy atmosphere, and marshmallows toasted on sticks will impress both children and adults.

Games and contests

  • Guests will definitely enjoy the game, in the traditional American style. To do this, you need a large toy that should be filled with sweets. The participating player will need to knock down the toy with a stick so that the candy from it would scatter. This action takes place blindfolded, which gives additional difficulties in passing the competition, but significantly increases the excitement of the player.
  • Representatives stronger sex the competition to determine the strongest and most resourceful participant will come to your liking. The task of the contestant is to extinguish the candle in three attempts, using a water pistol for this. The men should also enjoy the fight with the bombs. Balloons filled with water can be used as bombs. Good mood and cheerful laughter are guaranteed to all those present.
  • Competition for definitions most sober should also please the guests. It is advisable to carry it out when everyone present is pretty tipsy. For the game, participants will need newspapers. Participants must put the paper on the floor, stand on it and dance while the music is playing, while not going beyond the sheet. When the music stops, the participants fold the sheet on which they stand in half and continue to dance. This continues until a clear winner is determined, who is awarded the title of the most sober.
  • Everyone knows that gold was the main thing for us representatives of the Wild West. treasure hunt , can be organized as follows, pour sand into the box so that it is filled to the brim and bury valuables in it. The task of each participant is to filter the sand with the help of a sieve and find the treasures hidden in it. The winner is the one who first finds the jewels hidden in his box. As a trophy, the winner can give the finds he made. You should also not forget that about the encouragement of all those participating in the competitions. Prizes can be chocolate coins, horseshoes, cute toys of the necessary subjects.
  • Do not forget during the evening about dancing, you can pick up any thematic music from cancan to incendiary country music. A good idea would be to arrange competitions for the title of the best dancer. It would be nice to give the guests the opportunity to invent a dance that every native of Texas should be able to dance. The most original performances will undoubtedly win prizes.


After you have passed the main stages of preparation, you need to think in what form to issue party invitations . It's best to get creative and make your own invitations, but you can also take advantage of the information age.

If you still settled on the handmade option, then you will need old paper, if you do not have it available, then you can age it yourself. To do this, we need coffee and a sheet of paper, the paper should be dipped in freshly brewed coffee and held there for about 10 minutes, then removed and allowed to dry, if necessary, smooth it with an iron. After the paper for our invitation is ready, you can print or write on it with paints " Wanted“, and below place a photo of the invitee.

Do not forget to write the date, time and place of the party in the invitation, and most importantly, remind the guests that you should come to the party in compliance with the dress code.


Suits for women

To shape the image of the representative of Texas, cute women should direct their attention to men's plaid shirts , free cut. If desired, the ends of the shirt can be tied on the chest, this will make the image more seductive and sexy. Also suitable are dresses made of cotton, loose and simple, or jeans with torn edges in an ensemble with a leather vest.

Looks perfect on feet cowboy style boots , and the head should be decorated with a wide-brimmed hat, which looks very impressive on women.

Complex hairstyles should not be built on the head, it is enough to make pigtails and weave bright ribbons into them, or simply leave the hair fluttering in the wind.

The make-up should not be made bright and defiant, naturalness should prevail in the colors.

Suits for men

For men, creating an image is much easier. It all depends on which character he prefers. If the choice fell on a brave cowboy, then it is appropriate to use a simple checkered shirt in an outfit, flared jeans with a wide belt. The image will complete hat and cowboy boots.

If the choice fell on a noble Indian, then there will be no problems with the costume. Canvas shirt with an ornament and pants, you can wear moccasins on your feet. Feather headdress and warlike face painting are mandatory.

Photo, Party in the style of the Wild West

Game program script

« Cheerful cowboy »

Goals and objectives:

Organization of entertaining leisure for schoolchildren;

Creation of an atmosphere of cohesion and unity;

Providing an opportunity to enter into emotional contact with each other;

Equipment: cowboy costume, toy guns (2) with balls (6), chairs (5), covers depicting a horse, country music soundtracks, prizes, tokens (5), skittles (10 pcs), ropes (2), pins ( 2), 5 sets of balloons different color, cards with numbers, target (poster-fly).

Preparation plan:

    Topic selection

    Game selection

    Scenario Development

    Making and collecting props

    Selection of musical accompaniment

    Conducting rehearsals

    Program demo

Plan of the event:

    Game with the Horse Racing Hall

    The game "Curb the Mustang"

    Game "Sharp cowboy"

    Relay with skittles

    The game "Ball-guide"

All words belong to the presenter

Leading: hello, girls and boys! I mean, I'm glad to see you. Allow me to introduce myself - the best rider in California - Stephanie. Day and night I rode across the desert prairies on my swift steed, jumping over cacti and crossing reservoirs to get to the best holiday. Not everyone can withstand such a leap. Let's try together to survive the difficulties of the road in the saddle. Repeat these movements after me.(shows movement)

Game "Jumps"

( Players imitate the clatter of hooves by hitting their knees with their palms alternately, then right, then left)

Attention! Get ready! Let's go! (The players gradually speed up the “run”, hitting their knees with greater frequency. )

Cactus! (The players say "hop"

We run across the prairie.(Players rub palm on palm and say "Shhhh")

Pond on the way(The players slap their cheeks and say "Bul-Bul")

Girls. (Playing girls waving and shouting "Hi")

Boys. (Playing boys close their arms over their heads and shout "Oooh")

The cowboy is easy to recognize. His biceps are in! Fist - wow!

( Viewers ) Raise your fists! Oh yes! Here are the real sledgehammers. Yes, these guys with one blow will take down the opponent along with the horse. Cowboys who find a token under their saddle (chair), a bullet to the stage!

The game "Curb the Mustang"

As you know, a real cowboy will certainly spend his free time in the saddle. Here are the wild mustangs. You have to curb them. As in any business, in the art of curbing horses, you have to start with the basics, that is, with the ABC.

Sit in the saddle and memorize the letters. (Turning to the players ) Your letter "O". Yours is "P", You remember the letter "P", you - the letter "C". Don't forget the "T".

I will name the objects that come across you on the way. If the word starts with your letter, your horse neighs. Let's try! Port.

Player "Igo-go"

Easy task! That's not all. When I say "mosquito", we slap ourselves on the forehead. "Fly" - we drive it off the horse. "Pit" - bounce along with the horse.

So our races begin! Let's start at my command"Letsgo











(Whoever made a mistake goes into the hall.)

You're wrong, old man. Your memory has failed you. Hold the prize, go to the hall. Luck has failed you. Free the saddle, go to a more comfortable place in the hall.

The host offers the remaining players to choose leaflets with numbers. The first number selected will indicate the row, the second - the number of the seat on which the next participant in the game sits. (choose 2 participants for the next game)

Game "Sharp cowboy"

A cowboy from the cradle knows a lot about shooting. Here are your weapons arsenals, folks. From 500 meters to get any fly in the eye is a trifling matter! Shoot at my command"Letsgo". Whoever gets a fly in the eye faster will become the First Mozyr Cowboy. But remember that you only have 3 rounds for this. So,Letsgo!

Who has the sharpest eye! What's your name, little one? We welcome the first Mozyr cowboy. Friends, is he a real cowboy? (Yes !)

As a memento of this meeting, I will give you horseshoes. They are known to bring happiness. Distribute them now to your friends in the hall, and soon you will see how lucky they are. While some of the guys get horseshoes now, I want to find out if the audience understands anything about horses.

( He descends into the hall, asks questions to any viewer).

Do not worry, you will cope with the questions, especially since I have prepared tips for you.

    What horse is not looked in the mouth?




with caries

2. Who is the author of the lines “I love my horse, will I comb my hair smoothly?”




Who is unknown.

A real cowboy always follows his goal straight and is not afraid of obstacles. But now the case is different. You need to zigzag around the obstacles to get to the last skittle and return back without hitting the obstacle with your horse's tail.

(The skittles are hardly set at the same distance from each other. Ropes are fastened behind the children.)

I remember that today someone wanted to take a big jackpot and acquired horseshoes of happiness in advance. It's your turn, take the stage, those who got the horseshoes.

A column of smoke, the earth is shaking - this is a player rushing towards us!

The game "Ball-guide"

Somehow they gave one cowboy a young, fast horse. He asks his comrades: “What do you think, why do I need this horse?”.(He asks the children, they make suggestions: for work, to go around the herd; to participate in a rodeo; in order to put a horse in the races and win a big prize).

"No," says the cowboy.

Now you have to get to your friend who lives on the finish line. It is not easy to make this everyday life, you have come across too naughty horses.(Each player is given uninflated balls different colors, players line up on the start line). Inflate the balloons to medium size, at my signal release them and go to the place where he fell. Then inflate the balloons again to the same size and, at my signal, repeat the action. The one who gets to the finish line first wins a prize.

It's time to head back.

You only remember one thing: if you ever want to pick up a Colt 45 caliber, ride a wild mustang and go across the endless valleys of California and Texas, come visit me, I will arrange it for you.

Goodbye friends.

Goodbye! Ilbeback!

December 24, 2015

Would you like to go back for a day to those times when stern men talked about a matter of honor, women were proud and daring, and the real fun was not nightclubs, but country dances, shooting at tin cans and chasing the most malicious enemy - the Indian?

Why not? Without stereo systems, light music and computer games, people knew how to have fun for real! Now it’s not like that: now pathos, glamor and extended body parts “rule”. Therefore, if your birthday is in the warm season, and you want open heartfelt fun, here is a good option for wild west parties!

In order not to miss anything important, I suggest the following scenario:

1. Season and meeting time.

The best time of the year for a Cowboy Party is summer. Meeting time - 12-14.00. The costumes must be prepared in advance, so the invitees will only have to put on an outfit and arrive on time. Please note: the most suitable day of the week is Saturday. Surely your party will turn into a daily marathon of entertainment, because Sunday will serve as an excellent healer and “sleeping” before Monday!

2. Invitations.

Be creative, but don't overdo it. Draw holiday attributes (cowboy hats, boots, funny Indian) or print out a coloring book for kids with matching characters.
For the base of the invitation, use scrapbooking paper (in country colors) or plain kraft paper.
Write the text with a linner (capillary pen) or colored felt-tip pens.

Meet the guests, forcing them to introduce themselves “at gunpoint”. You can come up with a password, something like: "I am Walker, Texas Ranger!", And to the Indians: "I am the leader of the Cheyenne tribe!".

3. Take care about costumes!

Naturally, in order for everything to look natural in the spirit of the Wild West, everyone must be ready both externally and internally. That is to be cheerful, loud and always ready to draw a pistol from a holster or an arrow from a quiver.

More about images.

cowboy man: jeans, sew on fringed overlays, wide leather belt, plaid shirt, neckerchief, cowboy hat. Cowboy-style leather boots are desirable. If they are not there, pick up shoes with an elongated toe: what if the boots hid under wide jeans?

Also, you can add characters such as sheriff(how without a servant of the law?)
and bandit(who, of course, is wanted for a hefty reward!).
Cowgirl: almost everything is the same: jeans or denim shorts (skirt), a plaid shirt (or a blouse with a deep neckline and ruffles), cowboy boots, wide leather bracelets, a holster with a weapon or a rough belt, makeup “under natural” (but red is allowed pomade). Hair is loose, or braided in two pigtails. A cowboy hat will also be in place.
If a girl "not a cowboy", replace some elements with a similar country style: a knee-length or floor-length skirt, a thin blouse (light or colorful), you can wear a denim vest or jacket. The hairstyle is the same.
Indians: these costumes are more difficult to construct. Perfect option- rent it. You can try to make an outfit from scraps of brown fabric (better for suede) and any material at hand (feathers, bright jewelry, paints ...). Perhaps there are sandals with high laces. Pay due attention to makeup! This is half of the image.
In case the invitees suddenly do not find some small but important attributes, stock up and be ready to hand them at the entrance.
To better get used to the role, invite guests to watch several films - classics of the corresponding theme (westerns): "Buffalo Bill and the Indians", "Pancho Villa", "The Long Way", "The Lone Ranger", "Once Upon a Time in the Wild West", "Good bad, evil...

4. Venue and decoration.

The ideal place for a Wild West party is a dacha (in cowboy terms: “family ranch”). Rest will be noisy and loud.

You will have to work hard, since the area that needs to be prepared is very decent. Room in country house, or an equipped tent should be decorated with red flags, arrange wild flowers, spikelets in vases from a vine, you can add bright feathers. If you can set up a retro bar style counter - a great party highlight! Hang retro curtains. Cover the furniture with tablecloths in a characteristic color: red and white cage or retro flowers. Bales of hay will look harmonious both in the yard and near holiday table(this is not a renovation for you!).

Hang around the area something like a lasso, cowboy hats, horseshoes, line up cans or beer bottles on the fence.
At the entrance to the yard, hang a large Wanted poster with a photo of one of the guests (find out who will choose the role of a bandit). Be sure to indicate the amount of the reward (preferably in kopecks: so many zeros, but real, if the Hero demands the entire amount). Organize a couple of beautiful targets (it's easy to make from Styrofoam and paint it), as well as arrange cacti around the yard (of course, from Styrofoam, draw needles with a marker - it will be very funny!). On the street, conditionally divide the territory into half cowboys and Indians. Cowboys - a haystack and wooden benches. Indians - wigwam and fire. All this can also be easily built according to a simple scheme.
Arrange colorful retro posters.

5. Music.

Entertainment is necessary and important. First of all, it's loud music. Remember how much space is occupied by waving arms and skipping, which they call dance! By the way, it would not hurt to watch a couple of videos before the holiday, it would be great if many people pick up the songs, the dances, and the temper of the scorchers! Suitable tracks will be hits from: Ann Murray, Gene Watson, George Strait, selective songs by Madonna, Pink, as well as tracks from the mentioned films!

6. Entertainment.

Contests are talked about a few hours after the start of the celebration: let the audience adapt and get used to the roles. If we talk about two warring "groups" (cowboys and Indians), who today decided to reconcile for the sake of a common friend (birthday boy), then the contests must be chosen correctly. Cowboys and Indians must compete, otherwise the peculiarity of such an unusual company will be lost. I offer the following options:

Competition "Who is more". Two teams are thrown into tin cans. The team with the most coins in the bank wins.

Competition "In the apple". The cowboys take turns firing five shots with children's pistols, the Indians with a bow (it's possible that the bow will be a problem - stock up on darts!). Each to their own target. The one with the most "wounds" wins. If both teams hit (all five times), then the one who hit closer to the center of the target.

Candle Burning Competition. Two people (one from each team) from the same distance must extinguish three candles with a water pistol.

Contest "Take me, horse." Each team has a horse and a rider (boy and girl respectively). It's simple: run to the fence and back. The faster horse wins. In the second option, two participants must saddle a wooden toy horse. (26-2)

Competition "In search of treasures". Give two teams a poorly drawn map to find the treasure. Whoever thinks faster - takes the treasure. In the role of treasure - a bottle of good alcohol.

The team with the most points gets a gift. Let it be something edible, otherwise it’s hard to please 5-6 people at once. If one person is awarded, it may be a modern cowboy-style hat, a leather belt, or a flask.

Be sure to think about what songs you can sing around the evening fire. Or maybe your company likes scary or just interesting stories...

7. Menu and drinks.

Cowboys, like Indians, are people with an appetite. Leave light snacks for the party during french style. Coarsely chopped meat, barbecue, baked chicken thighs, barbecue, balyki, ham. Stews, pilaf with vegetables in large containers are also suitable.
Do not be afraid to add spice to dishes - today it is appropriate! Drinks also dictate the mandatory availability of choice. Cowboys go great with tequila, whiskey, beer and (yes!) milk! The latter is generally their native drink. But the Indians have their favorite "drink of the gods" from cocoa beans and various spices. In short, cook cocoa for them, not a single feast was held by the Indians without it.

Finally. Don't forget to take lots of photos. They are sure to be exclusive.

Let your friends appreciate your work, and you will have a great time knocking your heels on the wooden floor and shouting out that "if there is no meat in the roast beef, it's not roast beef" or "The sheriff's Indians don't care about problems"!

Endless prairies, hardy horses, revolvers, lasso, Indian chases, sandstorms, gold rush... The life of a cowboy is full of adventure and danger that so beckons any man over 6 years old. Active and cheerful ladies will also be happy to take part in a cowboy party, demonstrating not only beautiful outfits, but also shooting accuracy. The main thing is to stock up good mood and a sense of humour.

We decorate the room

Best place to have a cowboy party country house. However, a bar or your own apartment is also suitable, if it has enough space for active games and dances. To create the atmosphere of the Wild West, you will need:

  • cacti. They can be real or made from balloons.
  • Toy horses and cows, pictures of them glued to the backs of chairs. Children can be given sticks with a horse head attached.
  • lasso, toy weapons, hung around the room and on hangers.
  • Wanted posters with photos of guests, processed using the Photoshop program.
  • Adults will surely enjoy the bar counter with strong alcohol. Glue the characteristic gate-shutters to the doorway with adhesive tape.
  • Prepare country music as well as groovy rock and roll.


The most difficult task for the modern cowboy - find the right hat. In extreme cases, it can be made of cardboard. The rest of the attributes are borrowed from everyday wardrobe. Brave rangers wear jeans, checkered shirts, pointed boots, neckerchiefs. The outfit can be completed with a dark vest, a sheriff's badge, or a holster with a toy weapon.

Ladies in the Wild West are not far behind gentlemen. At the same time, they can emphasize their femininity by wearing Another bright female image- cabaret dancer To create it, you need a catchy dress, a flirty hat, fishnet stockings, spectacular makeup.


Table setting for a cowboy party is notable for its simplicity. Find a checkered tablecloth. Remove labels from empty beer bottles. Use them as wildflower vases or candle holders. You can take disposable dishes, especially if the holiday takes place in nature.

The main dish will be meat. You can bake chicken, make chops, cook barbecue. The meat is accompanied by various sauces, grilled vegetables. For salads, use cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, and beans. Maybe or tacos. For lovers of American cuisine, chips, french fries and hamburgers are suitable. Serve ice cream for dessert Apple pie. A children's party is unthinkable without a cake.

From drinks, cowboys confidently choose tequila, whiskey, beer. They also like a variety of cocktails. Offer fruit juices to young Texans, as well as iced teas with real berries.

Choose a scenario

A cowboy who greets guests will help you transport yourself to the hot prairies right from the doorstep. He can give them cardboard sheriff badges with their new names on them: sharp Joe, big Ben, charming Laura. After a short initiation, offer to arrange a photo session using cowboy attributes, weapons. Engage the children in making amulets from beads, feathers and pasta covered with acrylic paints.

When everyone is gathered, you can start entertainment program. For children, a well-thought-out scenario of a cowboy party is necessary. Otherwise, everything will end in uncontrolled running around and firing pistols. The plot may be based on:

  • A competition between teams of cowboys and Indians, which will end with the smoking of the "pipe of peace" (it will be successfully replaced bubble).
  • Search for missing cows scared away by wild coyotes.
  • A perilous journey to Red Canyon, where Old Bill buried the gold he found (chocolate coins).

An adult company can look for "fire water" in the form of whiskey stolen from a saloon. To reach the goal, guests have to cope with many challenges.

Games for everyone

Guests of the most different ages. The following activities will help bring together big and small rangers:

  • "Goldmine"Hide chocolate coins indoors. Throughout the holiday, guests will find them in the most unexpected places. As a result, the richest cowboy will win.
  • "Wild Jumps". Set up a relay. Guests must ride the distance, saddling balloon.
  • "The most accurate." In the apartment you can play darts or throw coins into an iron can. On the street, arrange a shooting range from plastic bottles and shoot them with water pistols. Another option is to extinguish burning candles.
  • "Lasso". Learn how to tie it and have a lassoing chair or sand bottle contest.
  • "We shoot, we jump ... Buffaloes!" Those present stand in a circle, dancing to country music. When they hear the word "shoot", they put forward the index fingers on both hands. The command "jump" means that you need to imitate riding a horse and clattering hooves. At the word "buffalo" everyone puts their fingers to their foreheads, depicting horns. At first, commands are given rarely, and then more and more often, forcing the players to make mistakes.

Competitions for children

cowboy party for boys and girls may include the following games:

  • "Treasure hunters". Bury coins and "precious" stones in the sand. Have the kids look for them.
  • "Stigma". A lot of balloons are scattered across the floor. Teams need to put their stamp on them with a felt-tip pen or seal. It is forbidden to mark the same ball twice. The team with the most symbols wins.
  • "Crossing the abyss". One rope is placed on the floor, the other is pulled by adults at shoulder height. Children walk along the lower rope, holding the upper rope with their hands. Adults swing it, imitating gusts of wind. The one who stumbles falls into the abyss.
  • "Smart rider". The contestants are given a horse on a stick (it can be built from a mop). It is necessary to skip the distance without knocking down a single pin, and pierce the ball with a spear.

Contests for adults

A cowboy party attended by Rangers over 18 years of age may include gambling at cards, performing an incendiary can-can, and lighting up a hookah.

Guests will also be entertained by the following competitions:

  • "The most sober cowboy." Give the participants a newspaper on which they will dance to country music. When the melody stops, the sheet must be folded in half. Whoever can balance on a tiny piece of paper the longest is the most sober.
  • "Waterfall Sound" The sounds of falling water are deafening, so the cowboy must use gestures to convey to his comrades the following messages: "I found a gold mine", "There are many wigwams here, but there are no Indians", "I hunted hares", "Don't go there, they shoot there."
  • "Dashing rider". You need to saddle a horse on a stick and portray a cowboy who rides around a wild horse, flaunts in front of his beloved woman, returns home after drinking.

Cowboy party involves crazy adventures, target shooting, perky dancing and good mood all those present. A little effort - and now you have already turned into the heroes of a cool western. Impressions from such a holiday will be unforgettable.

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