Cowboy party (Wild West style). In the wild, wild west

Landscaping and layout 15.10.2019
Landscaping and layout

KGKOU "Altai secondary school number 1"

"Cowboy Party"

Event scenario

Prepared and conducted:

Konovalova Sofia Alexandrovna,

classroom teacher

Tumabaeva Tatiana Viktorovna,

aftercare teacher

Barnaul, 2018

Scenario of the event "Cowboy Party"

Target: creating conditions for the progressive development of the personality of children through implementation in the field of leisure.


Contribute to the formation of a creative personality with intellectual, ethical cultures;

Develop cognitive abilities, curiosity;

Promote the development of children's verbal creativity;

Replenish and enrich the vocabulary of children;

Contribute to the formation of a culture of feelings: friendship, camaraderie, empathy;

Promote team building, satisfaction of leisure needs.

Equipment: presentation, leaflet with dedication text, drawing of a cactus, rope, horses on a stick, leaflet with a question ( ? ), a gold coin (+ 10-15 pcs), cardboard horseshoes and bells (5-5), a papyrus with a story, a note with the text "Go to the Labyrinth Don't-Believe-the-Eyes"

Event progress:

Cowboy dance (grade 8-9)

The Merry Polly and the Mischievous Jessie

Jesse: Hey! I'm Jesse!

Polly: I'm Polly !

Together: Hello cowboy friends !

Children: Hello!

Jesse: Somehow you answer unfriendly ... Are you really cowboys? Maybe a bandit is hiding among you? Let's check!

The moderators ask multiple choice questions, you need to choose the correct option:

“Where do the cowboys live? -In Russia, America, Africa "

“Who does the Cowboy ride? - on an elephant, - on a horse, - by car "

“Who is the cowboy grazing? grazing sheep, cows or donkeys? "

What's on the cowboy's head? Hat, cap or hat?

What weapon does a cowboy carry? Pistol, sword or sword?

Together: Well done, now we see that there are no bandits among you!

Polly: And now we will initiate you into cowboys! And all of you together support me and shout: "Exactly, Merry Polly!"

We have a glorious day, friends!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
And I hasten to congratulate you!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
You young cowboys!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
Fast and daring!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
Everyone, be healthy, brave!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
Strong, agile and skillful!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
So as not to be afraid of obstacles!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
To achieve goals in life!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
So that even in difficult times!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!
A cheerful spirit has taken over you!
CHILDREN: Right, Merry Polly!

And we will be afraid, we will cry and bite!

Children: NO!

Let's be brave and attentive!

Children: Exactly, funny Polly!

Jesse: Well done, congratulations - you are now real cowboys! ( music) And now we are counting on your help! Polly's missing a friend! Can you help find him?

Polly: Once, as always, I came to visit a friend, but he disappeared! And on the floor I found only this ... What is it, guys? ( small cactus (drawing)). So we need to go to the Thorny Desert! Forward!

Cowboys "go" to the desert to the music

1 point - Thorny Desert. Find the animal

Polly: guys, we came with you to the desert where big cacti grow. Some animals hid behind these cacti. Let's try to find them ! Maybe we can find my friend too?

Guessing animals for cacti.

Jesse: Well done boys! Well, Polly, have we found your friend?

Polly: No, my friend was not there ... But look, what is it on a cactus? What is it guys? ( rope)

Jessie: It's not just a rope - it's a Lasso! Do you guys know why you need a lasso? ( children's answers). You need a lasso to catch a horse!

2 point - Game "Catch a horse" (we catch a horse on a stick)

Children (3-5 people) go out and take turns catching a horse on a stick with a lasso

Polly: Well done! You have caught some great horses! Now we can go to the Valley of Swiftness!

Jessie: Hey cowboys, let's play! go out, divide into two teams of 7 people. Let's see whose horse is the fastest!

3 point - Valley of Quickness. Game "Who is faster".

Two teams of 5 (7) people. Participants take turns "sit down" on their horse, run around the cactus and return.

Jessie: Fine! You have caught the fastest horses!

Polly: Oh, what is this sheet? ( leaflet with "? ») What does that mean guys? Where do we go next? Let's look at the screen ( children's offers). Exactly, you need to go to the Lake of Wisdom!

4 point - RIDDLES OF THE LAKE OF WISDOM. Riddles-questions

Jesse: Re bich, so we got to the Lake of Wisdom. Here you need to show your wit, answer questions and guess riddles. You are ready?

    Why does a cowboy wear a hat with such a wide brim? ( It's hot and sunny on the prairie, the hat protects from the scorching rays and casts a shadow over your eyes - you don't have to squint).

    Why would a cowboy have such high boots? ( There are many snakes and thorns on the prairie, boots protect the legs).

    Why does a cowboy need a headscarf? (The scarf protects the face from dust)

    Why does a cowboy need a second leather pants? ( Chaps protect from thorns, prevent jeans from getting dirty and comfortable to ride in).

    1. Not a blacksmith and not a carpenter,
    And for a cowboy, a friend and a worker.
    2. Tell me, friends, who am I?
    There are vast fields
    Their sun burns and the rain soaked them more than once,
    And those fields on your heads .(hat)
    3. Lives on the ranch,
    He grazes the cows.
    A dashing rider,
    Rides an arrow
    Hat with brim
    He is familiar to you and me.

The answer is very simple -

His name is .... ( cowboy)

Polly: Fine! Well done! Now let's check your reaction!

5 point - Game "Dangerous-non-dangerous"

Jessie: We will find ourselves in different situations. If the situation is dangerous, we will shout Bang-bang !!! If safe - Yes! Ready?

Polly : A cowboy rides on the prairie. Suddenly ahead ... A cow! (Yes!). goes further and sees…. Snake! (Bang bang!) Cowboy went around the snake, rides, rides, and suddenly he is surrounded by ... balloons! (Yes!). The cowboy took one ball, goes on, and then ... the bandits! (Bang-bang!) Cowboy grabbed a gun ... (Bang-bang!) And shot in the air! The bandits got scared, scattered (Yes!), And our Cowboy drove on, saw a big canyon ahead ... (Bang-bang!), Dispersed his horse and jumped over the canyon! (Yes!) And found a gold coin (Yes!)

Jessie: Well done, cowboys, we did it! So we have a gold coin. Where should we go now?

Polly: To the Golden River!

Jessie: Exactly! Well, I need brave cowboys, brave and considerate! (5 people per team)

6 point - Game "Gold Miners"

Cowboys, you need to find gold in this variety of jewelry. One, two, started!

(Two teams, two basins with small toys, objects, there are also hidden "gold" coins. The team's task is to find coins: one participant runs to the basin, finds a coin, returns to the team, and puts a coin in a special bucket. The next participant runs and so on until all the coins are found. Kids play (5-5), then older children (4-4).)

Polly: Well done, guys, we did it quickly. Well, look - are there any clues as to where we should go next? ( find a hint-leaf in the basin)... And at the Golden River we found another clue - this is a note - "Go to the Labyrinth of Don't-Believe-the-Eyes"!

7 point - Game "Confusion"

Jessie: Cowboys, I will speak words and show movements, and you should do the opposite! If I say "Raise your hands!", Then you will need to lower your hands. Ready?

Polly: Well done, we did it! Oh, what's this? ( horseshoe and bell). Guys, we left the Do Not Believe Eyes Labyrinth into the Valley of the Wind! There are a lot of horseshoes and bells here.

Jessie: Whoever finds horseshoes and bells, go out to the Valley! ( 5 horseshoes, 5 bells, 11 children)

8 point - Game "Horseshoe-bells".

Jesse: Let's play. The game is called "Horseshoe Bells". Music will sound, listen carefully. The music will stop - you immediately jump on the horseshoes and bells. Those who do not have time - sit down in their place.

Polly: Well done, cowboys, coped with all the tasks! Oh, do you hear? Who is that stomping and ringing? ( a cow appears). Aaaaa !! This is my missing friend Big Horns! Hooray! We found it! Guys, let's dance together !! ( dancing).

Jessie: Guys, look, what's on the cow's neck? ( pouch with hearts). Now let's summarize the work of the holiday mail ( announcement of results). Applause!

Polly and Jessie: At the end of our party, we want to say thank you to 5o, 6-8-9 grades for the cowboy dance and for helping in organizing the party! Your applause in their honor! Kids are invited to try real cowboy drinks, and high school students are welcome to the disco! Thank you, see you soon!

Endless prairies, hardy horses, revolvers, lassos, Indian chases, sandstorms, gold rush ... The life of cowboys is full of adventures and dangers that beckon any man over 6 years old. Active and cheerful ladies will also be happy to take part in a cowboy party, demonstrating not only beautiful outfits, but also shooting accuracy. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood and a sense of humor.

We decorate the room

Throwing a cowboy party is best in a country house. However, a bar or your own apartment is also suitable if there is enough space for active games and dancing. To create the atmosphere of the Wild West, you will need:

  • Cacti. They can be both real and made from balloons.
  • Toy horses and cows, pictures with their image, glued to the backs of chairs. Children can be given sticks with a horse head attached.
  • lasso, toy weapons, hung around the room and on hangers.
  • Wanted posters with photos of guests processed with Photoshop.
  • Adults will surely love the bar counter with spirits. Use scotch tape to glue the characteristic shutter gates to the doorway.
  • Prepare country music as well as groovy rock and roll.


The biggest challenge for the modern cowboy is finding the right hat. As a last resort, it can be made of cardboard. The rest of the attributes are borrowed from everyday wardrobe. Brave Rangers wear jeans, plaid shirts, pointed boots, and neckerchiefs. The outfit can be complemented with a dark vest, a sheriff's badge, or a holster with a toy weapon.

Ladies in the Wild West keep up with the gentlemen. At the same time, they can emphasize their femininity by wearing another striking female image - a cabaret dancer. To create it, you need a catchy dress, a flirty hat, fishnet stockings, and spectacular makeup.


The table setting for a cowboy party is notable for its simplicity. Find a checkered tablecloth. Remove labels from empty beer bottles. Use them as wildflower vases or candlesticks. Disposable dishes can be taken, especially if the holiday is taking place in nature.

The main course will be meat. You can bake chicken, make chops, make kebabs. Various sauces, grilled vegetables are attached to the meat. For salads, use cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, and beans. You can or tacos. For lovers of American cuisine, chips, fries and hamburgers are suitable. For dessert, serve ice cream, apple pie. A children's party is unthinkable without a cake.

From drinks, cowboys confidently choose tequila, whiskey, beer. They also like a variety of cocktails. For young Texans, try fruit juices and iced teas with real berries.

Choosing a scenario

A cowboy who welcomes guests will help you move to the hot prairie right from the doorstep. He can present them with cardboard sheriffs badges, which bear their new names: well-aimed Joe, Big Ben, charming Laura. After a short initiation, offer to arrange a photo session using cowboy attributes and weapons. Have the children make amulets from beads, feathers and pasta covered with acrylic paints.

When everyone is gathered, you can start the entertainment program. A well-thought-out cowboy party scenario is essential for the kids. Otherwise, everything will end in uncontrolled running and firing from pistols. The plot can be based on:

  • A competition between teams of cowboys and Indians, which will end with the smoking of a "pipe of peace" (it will be successfully replaced by soap bubbles).
  • Search for missing cows scared away by wild coyotes.
  • A perilous journey to Red Canyon, where Old Bill buried the gold he found (chocolate coins).

An adult company may be looking for whiskey stolen firewater from the saloon. To reach the goal, guests will have to cope with many challenges.

Games for everyone

Guests of all ages can gather for a party. The following entertainments will help to bring big and small rangers closer together:

  • "Goldmine". Hide the chocolate coins indoors. During the holiday, guests will find them in the most unexpected places. In the end, the richest cowboy wins.
  • "Wild Races". Arrange the baton. Guests must ride the distance riding a balloon.
  • "The most accurate". In the apartment you can play darts or throw coins into an iron can. On the street, arrange a shooting gallery of plastic bottles and shoot at them with water pistols. Another option is to extinguish burning candles.
  • "Lasso". Learn to tie it up and have a competition for rocking chairs or sand bottles.
  • "We shoot, we jump ... Buffaloes!" Those present stand in a circle, dance to country music. Hearing the word "shoot", they put their index fingers forward on both hands. The command "jump" means that you need to imitate riding a horse and clattering hooves. At the word "buffalo" everyone puts their fingers to their foreheads, depicting horns. At first, teams are given rarely, and then more and more often, forcing the players to make mistakes.

Contests for children

A cowboy party for boys and girls can include the following games:

  • "Treasure hunters". Bury coins and "precious" stones in the sand. Invite the children to find them.
  • "Brand". Many balloons are scattered across the floor. Teams need to put their own stamp on them with a felt-tip pen or seal. It is forbidden to mark the same ball twice. The team with more symbols wins.
  • "Crossing the abyss". One rope is laid on the floor, the other is pulled by adults at shoulder height. Children walk along the lower rope, holding the upper one with their hands. Adults swing it, imitating gusts of wind. The one who stumbles falls into the abyss.
  • "Dexterous rider". Contestants are awarded a horse on a stick (it can be made from a mop). It is necessary to jump the distance without knocking down a single pins, and pierce the ball with a spear.

Competitions for adults

A cowboy party attended by rangers over the age of 18 can include gambling cards, performing an incendiary cancan, and lighting a hookah.

Also, the guests will be entertained by the following contests:

  • "The most sober cowboy". Hand the participants a newspaper on which they will dance to country music. When the melody stops, the sheet needs to be folded in half. Whoever can balance on a tiny piece of paper the longest is the most sober.
  • "The noise of a waterfall". The sounds of falling water are deafening, so the cowboy must, with the help of gestures, convey the following messages to his comrades: "I found a gold mine", "There are many wigwams here, but there are no Indians", "I hunted hares", "Don't go there, they shoot there."
  • "Dashing Rider". You need to saddle a horse on a stick and portray a cowboy who goes around a wild horse, flaunts in front of his beloved woman, returns home after drinking.

A cowboy party involves crazy adventures, target shooting, perky dances and a great mood for everyone present. A little effort - and now you have become the heroes of a cool western. Impressions from such a holiday will be unforgettable.

Looking for a cowboy-style birthday party and looking for cool ideas? The creators of P&P have prepared wonderful recommendations for you that will make the holiday not only fun, but also strictly themed! Using our tips, you can throw the brightest party for your child.

Of course, a Wild West-style holiday begins with an invitation. When sending cards by mail or handing them out personally, remember that the style of the invitation should be fully consistent with the theme.

In the invitation, write down the necessary dress code, thereby making it clear to the guests that you are having a serious holiday for serious guys :).

Who said only boys want a cowboy-style birthday? Here is a stylish and original invitation for all girls who want to visit such a holiday!

Of course, the main thing in any themed holiday is the decor of the room. It is very convenient if your children's cowboy birthday is held outdoors. Then the children's holiday "Cowboys" is easy to decorate with haystacks, decorative horses, spotted balls and other cowboy paraphernalia.

Simulated gates or doors to the saloon would be an excellent solution. Thus, you will not only decorate the space thematically, but also give your little guests the opportunity to take funny photos.

Also, don't forget about such simple and at the same time amusing details such as hats, badges and wanted notices. By the way, they can be made from ordinary cardboard.

The best treats for little robbers will be sweets that can be displayed on a thematically decorated table.

As treats, you can cook:

Sweet popcorn

Chocolate chip cookies in the shape of hats and boots

Cream cakes

But these labels for water bottles will help make your holiday even more original!

If you plan to feed the children at the table, make sure that its decor is simple, but fully consistent with the theme.

The rest of the space can be decorated with interesting details.

By the way, these flags and templates can be used to decorate a room or garden.

This will not only greatly facilitate the preparation for the holiday, but also create the necessary atmosphere.

Take some shared shots that will be remembered for such a fun day.

To do this, take care of the various attributes of real cowboys - horses, hats, pistols, boots!

And, of course, the theme cake is an invariable attribute of any birthday!

Do not forget that every little guest will want to take with him a memorable souvenir. That is why, in advance, prepare holiday packages with various little things "in the subject".

Birthday boy


Number of guests

not limited


5-8 years old

Duration of the holiday

2 hours


house and yard
Holiday colors

Brown, green, blue, red


"Dynamite" with tartlets and cream, mousse "Overnight cowboy", marshmallow "Hay bales", cookies "Cows", a city with biscuit cookies


Hay bales, posters, balloons, dollar bags, vases - cowboy boots

Thematic entertainment

Practice lasso, "One-legged Joe", horseshoe throwing, "Put on the horse's hat", water hunting, "Trap", Rodeo, "Golden Sands"

The main characters of the "Cowboys" holiday

Western and Cowboys Holiday Idea

That a "cowboy" is just a cattle shepherd, your child learns much later. And today is his holiday, which means that he fully deserves the main role in the cult Hollywood Western! "…Attention! Motor! Frame 28, take 3! Silence on the site! Go!..". Endless prairie flying under the hooves of a young mustang, a tanned face hardened by the heat and wind, a straw hat and a worn revolver holster. And also - fringed jeans, and certainly - a good cigar. And then - shootings and chases, a corral of horses, dancing until you drop to country music, tequila in the saloon ... and a happy ending. Titles, curtain! Organize real shootings! With different sets for different scenes, shoot multiple takes! Then this "funny almost Hollywood movie" you will watch with the whole family even more often than your favorite cowboy western!


1. Western Party Invitations

When we started preparing for the holiday, we thought to buy ordinary invitation cards. For example, such

But then, when we lived for almost a week in the atmosphere of the Wild West, packing bales of straw, preparing brushwood for a fire, making "horses" for the children, we decided that the invitations should correspond to the scale of the holiday! They just have to be with a twist! And we made them with our own hands, using elementary improvised means and a little imagination for this.

Dad's old jeans (I sewed pockets out of them), brown wrapping paper (we printed the invitation text on it) were used. And plus to everything - we presented each of our guests - a cowboy with a neck scarf (as part of the dress code of the holiday). It turned out great and creative!

And the text for the "pocket" can be written like this:

“Greetings, partners! _____ day (indicate the date of the holiday) I will need you to celebrate the birthday of a furious, dangerous person ________ (name of the birthday man). This mister is getting ready for the ranch party (your last name). You need to be there _______ (time of the beginning of the celebration). Be sure to bring a pistol with you. I think it will be hot! Oh yes, more. Misters, don't forget that you are cowboys! Dress appropriately! I am sending a handkerchief - it will be a pass to the ranch! Give us "Yee Haw!" by number: (phone number) ".

2. Playground decoration, cowboy decorations

Perhaps the preparation for any of our holidays was not so fun! We rolled on the floor laughing, trying on mustaches and stetsons (cowboy hats) and saying, “Drop your weapon! If I was paid 10 cents for every time they put a gun to my temple, I would have become rich long ago! " and so on. Our birthday boy, as far as he entered his role, that he was running for half a day on a stick-horse, catching up with the "Indians" and breaking away from the chase of the "sheriff".

However, we are distracted. Returning to the theme of decor, I will say: "It is best to use red, brown and blue colors for a cowboy party." This is a classic of the genre! And now more specifically on the attributes.

a) Hay (straw). If your "ranch" is located outside the city (or even in the village), then bales of hay will not be a problem to get. Especially at the end of summer, during the end of the arable season. We had such an opportunity! And with the help of neatly packed sacks (which we just borrowed from a local farmer, and then returned back), we created a real American ranch in our yard!

b) Poster - Greeting "Especially Dangerous". So that the guests - cowboys immediately see that they have come to the right address, hang such a poster at the entrance, with a photograph of the birthday boy in "make-up" in the center. Balloons, real cowboy boots with star spurs (they are perfect as vases for flowers and ears of corn), and burlap sacks with "dollars" (reward for the head of a particularly dangerous criminal) can be used as decor. The main thing is to be imbued with the topic! Then the fantasy will be in full swing!

3. Costumes and props of cowboys

Some factual information. Portrait of a cowboy from the South and West of America: leather gloves made of goatskin (they protected the hands and wrists of shepherds from the pull of the lasso), a shirt, usually made of dense natural fabric (in a large cage), trousers with suspenders "chaparrejas" (because the belt is very uncomfortable horse riding), boots with high tops, a colored neckerchief (it protected from the dust of the prairie) and a Stetson hat, with a high crown. And, of course, a revolver!

We bought straw hats for the holiday for all our little guests. And they sent neck scarves to everyone, along with an invitation. And then, discussing the details of the party with the parents of the kids, they also mentioned the dress code. Each of our guests came to the party in a cowboy shirt and jeans! The image was almost 100% consistent!

But regarding the props for games, I will make some explanations.

a) "Riding horses of cowboys". In the "filming" script, there are scenes where cowboys run away from the chase. Of course, they need excellent horses for this! Ours fit these perfectly!

b) "Wild Prairie Mustangs". Shortly before the holiday, our wooden trestles began to respond to this proud status (which we successfully used a couple of weeks ago when doing repairs in the house). Dad attached "heads" and "manes" to them. And our little cowboys practiced throwing a lasso at them!

However, if finding wooden goats on your farm is problematic, you can use a simpler option. For example, "catch" bottles of cola, previously covered with foil under the "cow herd".

c) Tyr. We bought these water revolvers for our cowboys. Of course, after all, a real representative of the Wild West simply needs a weapon!

But then the question arose of the practical use of revolvers during the holiday. At first we thought of organizing a real shootout between the "cowboys" and "Indians". Then they dropped this idea for two reasons. Firstly, it is not known what the weather will be on the day of the holiday (rain or sun), and secondly, after such a "shootout" each guest will need to change into dry clothes (which is not very convenient). Therefore, the idea of ​​a shooting gallery was born. For it, we used old cans of beer and cola, posters depicting the nature of Texas. And the "ducks" and targets were made of thick cardboard.

d) "Golden Sands". One of the scenes in our "film" involved a treasure hunt in one of the lakes of Montana. This "lake" we have become a children's inflatable pool (where we poured sand and small coins).

e) Musical arrangement. You can use the music of John Kesh, Merl Haggard, Ennio Marricone as soundtracks for your movie.

d) Souvenirs and gifts. Every little guest left our holiday with a bag of gifts. And in it: sheriff's star badges, sweets, stickers.

And, of course, the most important props for filming! Camera! You can use conventional, amateur, or professional technique! But making a holiday video is a must!


1. We meet the guests

Our birthday boy met the guests at the gate. Everyone was greeted and checked for a "password" - a scarf. He gave his hat and looked to see if the revolier was in place. When all the "partners" got together, we started filming a movie!

2. Games and entertainment

I had a responsible mission at the holiday! I knocked with a ratchet and announced: “Attention! Camera! Motor! Frame! Double! " It was with these words that our meeting of cowboys was opened!

Frame 1. Take 1. "Practice Lasso"

The essence of this competition: throw a circle over the head of a wooden "horse" with a rope tied to it. The winner is the one who maneuvers the best maneuver.

I read out "Take 2", "Take 3", etc. when each new "partner" came up to the lasso.

Frame 2. Take 1. Game "One-legged Joe"

Rules: all the cowboys stand in a circle. You need to try to have time to step on the neighbor's foot before he removed it.

We tried to play. But soon the game turned into an ordinary fight. Therefore, we quickly made edits to the script, and started playing Catch-up.

Frame 3. Take 1. "Water hunting"

Our cowboys fired at banks and ducks in the shooting range. They got points for a well-aimed shot. By the sum of points, we determined the absolute winner.

Frame 4. Take 1. "Trap"

It so happened that our cowboys fell into the trap of the Indians. We need to get out of it, by all means! Otherwise, death! The essence of the game: to climb over the web of threads without catching them. If the child touched the thread, the bell rang. Such a "cowboy" dropped out of the game.

Frame 5. Take 1. Relay "Put on the horse's hat"

This is a team competition. Children are divided into two teams. Each one is built opposite a "wooden horse" - a goat (or you can - an ordinary chair). Task: Run to the horse - put on a hat - run around the horse - take off your hat - run to your column and pass the baton to another player. If the hat falls from the horse to the ground, the competitor must start over.

Frame 6. Take 1. Game "Throwing a horseshoe"

The essence of the game is to throw a horseshoe on a peg from a distance.

December 24, 2015

Would you like to travel even a day back to the days when tough men talked about a matter of honor, women were proud and cocky, and the real fun was not nightclubs, but country dancing, shooting cans and pursuing the most vicious enemy - an Indian?

Why not? Without stereos, light music and computer games, people knew how to have fun for real! Now this is not the case: nowadays pathos, glamor and enlarged body parts "rule". Therefore, if your birthday is during the warmer months of the year, and you want open mental fun, here is a good option for Wild West parties!

In order not to miss anything important, I suggest this scenario:

1. Season of the year and time of the meeting.

The best time of the year for a Cowboy Party is summer. Meeting time - 12-14.00. The costumes must be prepared in advance, so the invitees will only have to put on an outfit and arrive on time. Please note that the most suitable day of the week is Saturday. Surely your party will turn into a daily marathon of entertainment, because Sunday will serve as an excellent healer and "sleeping bag" before Monday!

2. Invitations.

Be creative, but don't bother. Draw the attributes of the holiday (cowboy hats, boots, funny Indian) or print a coloring book for children with matching characters.
For the base of your invitation, use scrapbooking paper (in country colors) or regular craft paper.
Write the text with a liner (capillary pen), or colored markers.

Meet the guests, forcing to introduce themselves "at gunpoint." You can come up with a password, something like: "I am Walker, Texas Ranger!", And to the Indians: "I am the chief of the Cheyenne tribe!"

3. Take care about costumes!

Naturally, for everything to look natural in the spirit of the Wild West, everyone must be ready both externally and internally. That is, to be cheerful, loud and always ready to pull a pistol from a holster or an arrow from a quiver.

Learn more about images.

Cowboy man: jeans, sewn on fringed patches, wide leather belt, plaid shirt, neckerchief, cowboy hat. Cowboy-style leather boots are desirable. If they are not there, pick up shoes with an elongated toe: what if the boots are hidden under wide jeans?

Also, you can add characters such as sheriff(how without a servant of the law?)
and bandit(who, of course, is wanted for a solid reward!).
Cowboy woman: almost everything is the same: jeans or denim shorts (skirt), a plaid shirt (or a blouse with a deep neckline and ruffles), cowboy boots, wide leather bracelets, a holster with a weapon or a rough belt, make-up "natural" (but red is allowed pomade). Hair is loose, or braided in two braids. A cowboy hat will also be appropriate.
If girl "not a cowboy", replace some elements with a similar country style: a skirt to the knee, or to the floor, a thin blouse (light or colorful), you can have a denim vest or jacket. The hairstyle is the same.
Indians: these suits are more difficult to build. The ideal option is to rent it. You can try to make an outfit from scraps of brown fabric (better under suede) and any available material (feathers, bright jewelry, paints ...). There may be sandals with high ties. Pay due attention to your makeup! This is half of the image.
In case the invitees suddenly do not find some small but important attributes - stock up and be ready to hand them over at the entrance.
To better get used to the role, invite your guests to watch several films - classics of the relevant theme (Westerns): Buffalo Bill and the Indians, Pancho Villa, Long Way, The Lone Ranger, Once Upon a Time in the Wild West, The Good , bad, evil "...

4. Venue and design.

The ideal place for a Wild West party is the dacha (in cowboy's word: "family ranch"). The rest will be noisy and loud.

We'll have to work hard, since the area that needs to be prepared is very decent. A room in a country house, or an equipped tent, must be decorated with red flags, wildflowers, spikelets can be placed in vases from a vine, bright feathers can be added. If you can organize a counter in the style of a retro bar - a wonderful highlight of the party! Hang up retro curtains. Cover the furniture with tablecloths of a characteristic color: red and white checks or retro flowers. Hay bales will look harmonious both in the yard and near the festive table (this is not a renovation for you!).

Hang things like lassos, cowboy hats, horseshoes all over the area, and line up cans or beer bottles on the fence.
At the entrance to the courtyard, hang a large "Wanted" poster with a photograph of one of the guests (find out who will choose the role of the bandit). Be sure to indicate the amount of the reward (preferably in kopecks: so many zeros, but real, if the Hero demands the entire amount). Organize a couple of beautiful targets (it's easy to make from foam and paint it), as well as place cacti all over the yard (of course, from foam, draw the needles with a marker - it will turn out very funny!). On the street, conditionally divide the territory into half cowboys and Indians. For cowboys - a haystack and wooden benches. For the Indians - a wigwam and a bonfire. All this can also be easily built according to a simple scheme.
Organize colorful retro posters.

5. Music.

An entertainment program is necessary and important. First of all, it is loud music. Think about the area of ​​waving and jumping, which they call a dance! By the way, it would not hurt to watch a couple of videos before the holiday, it will be great if many people pick up songs, dances, and the temper of the reckless drivers! Suitable tracks will be hits from: Ann Murray, Gene Watson, George Straight, selectively songs by Madonna, Pink, as well as tracks from the mentioned films!

6. Entertainment.

We are talking about contests a few hours after the start of the celebration: let the audience adapt and get used to the role. If we talk about two warring "groups" (cowboys and Indians), who today decided to reconcile for the sake of a common friend (birthday boy), then the contests should be selected correctly. Cowboys and Indians must compete, otherwise the peculiarity of such an unusual company will be lost. I suggest the following options:

Competition "Who is Bigger"... Two teams are tossed into cans. The team with the most coins in the bank wins.

Competition "Bull's Eye". The cowboys take turns firing five shots from the children's pistols, the Indians from the bow (it is quite possible that the bow will be a problem - stock up on darts!). Each to his own target. The winner is the one with the most "wounds". If both teams hit (all five times), then the one who hit closer to the center of the target.

Competition "The candle was burning". Two people (one from each team) from the same distance must extinguish three candles with a water pistol.

Contest "Take me, horse". Each team has a horse and a rider (boy and girl, respectively). It's simple: we run to the fence and back. The faster horse wins. In the second option, two participants must saddle a wooden toy horse. (26-2)

Competition "In Search of Treasures". Give the two teams a poorly drawn map that they should use to find the treasure. Whoever realizes faster - takes the treasure. The treasure is a bottle of good alcohol.

The team that scored the most points gets a gift. Let it be something edible, otherwise it is hard to please 5-6 people at once. If the award is for one person, it could be a modern cowboy-style hat, leather belt, or a canteen.

Be sure to think about what songs you can sing around the evening fire. Or maybe your company loves scary or just interesting stories ...

7. Menu and drinks.

Cowboys, like Indians, are people with an appetite. Save light snacks for a French-style party. Coarsely chopped meat, barbecue, baked chicken thighs, barbecue, balyk, ham will be relevant here. Stews, pilaf with vegetables in large containers are also suitable.
Don't be afraid to add spice to your dishes - it's appropriate today! Drinks also dictate a must-have choice. Cowboys go well with tequila, whiskey, beer and (yes!) Milk! The latter is generally their own drink. But the Indians have their favorite "drink of the gods" from cocoa beans and various spices. In short, cook it with cocoa, without it the Indians did not have a single feast.

Finally. Don't forget to take lots of photos. They will surely turn out to be exclusive.

Let your friends appreciate your work, and you will have a great time knocking your heels on the wooden floor and shouting that "if there is no meat in the roast beef, this is not roast beef" or "The sheriff's Indians don't care about problems!"

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