Dacha interior design photo gallery. Interior of a country house (53 photos) in eco-style, French and Russian style

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Old, unnecessary things accumulate in a city apartment. It is sometimes a pity to throw them away, so we drag it all to the dacha with the thought that someday they will come in handy. Of course, you can arrange storage from the dacha, but for those things that are really truly dear to you. And from the junk, after all, it is worth getting rid of.

Country interior - a mix of various styles

The interior of the cottage should be homely and warm. Just like in an apartment, a country house should be divided into zones: working, relaxing, living room, dining room. Since the country house is as close as possible to nature, such a style is very well suited for it - country (rustic style). To create it, only natural materials are used: the floors are lined with boards. They can be left in their original state, but such floors are more difficult to clean than painted or varnished. You can choose a transparent varnish and then the texture of natural wood will be preserved.

Professional designers recommend mixing styles, as the tastes of members of the same family may be different. You can decorate the interior in the country in a classic style, with small "blotches" of retro. For example, use wicker furniture, lampshades decorated with natural fabrics. Add bright details in country style: sofa cushions, tablecloths and wraps. With the help of such accessories, you can easily change the interior to suit your mood.

For a country interior, you can use elements of the American style. It is quite simple. The American style does not involve expensive materials, but the design solution itself looks luxurious and rich. Such an interior is built on the use of color combinations and contrasts. So, for example, architectural forms, such as niches, arches, ledges, can successfully fit in. In such an interior there should not be sharp corners, they should all be smoothed out. The best option for lighting is wall and table.

Materials for country interior

No matter how much you want to - choose natural materials, give up plastic. Don't you really want to make the interior truly rustic, cozy, on the same wavelength with nature?

  • When creating a country interior, the walls can be covered with wood materials, or you can combine materials, using decorative bricks or decorative stone to finish some sections of the walls. The country-style interior is done in elegant, light colors and shades. The ideal solution is the color of amber, tea, peach, salad color.
  • Lighting in the country, make it soft, pleasing to the eye, lamps with diffuse lampshades, matte shades will achieve the desired effect. The work area should be well lit.
  • Fabrics used in rustic interiors should be natural fabrics with fine patterns. The pattern can be floral, or you can choose fabrics with small polka dots. Windows with curtains made of such fabric will look elegant, simple and at the same time original.

Summer cottage furniture

To create a cozy country interior, it is best to choose furniture made of natural wood. Elements woven from a vine will look good. Choose furniture with simple shapes. She, of course, should be cozy and comfortable. For storage, you can use not only cabinets, but also chests of drawers with chests. Shiny surfaces, plastic and glass are not typical for country style.

A country interior with a fireplace will look very good.

Complete the decor with various cute items. Arrange vases, cover the table with a linen tablecloth, decorate the walls with small paintings with rustic motifs, upholstered furniture can be covered with cozy blankets - all this will make the room more comfortable.

What kind of interior do you have in your country house? A photo

If earlier, at the word “cottage”, many began to tremble, since this word was synonymous with tireless work on a personal plot, today times have changed noticeably. Now a dacha is a symbol of serenity and outdoor recreation, and a country house is a small palace built specifically to spend time in idleness. That is why the interior of a country house should be simple, peaceful and, at the same time, functional. Please note that the dacha is a place of rest for the whole family, so everyone should be comfortable here. Well, if you plan to come to the dacha with a large company or in the winter season, then you should take into account such nuances.

Country house: do-it-yourself interior

Often we are condescending to the dacha - not paying any attention to the interior and design at all. Remember - old unnecessary things accumulate in the apartment from the category “it’s a pity to throw it away, and there’s nowhere to store it,” so they go on a trip to the country. Of course, we have a glimmer of hope that someday these things will be useful to us, but, as it turns out, they soon become ordinary rubbish.

Naturally, the dacha is your personal property and you don’t owe anything to anyone: if you want to turn this place into an accumulation of rubbish and junk, there are no more questions. But if you still hope to create your own oasis, a green island of relaxation, you should take more seriously not only the construction of a home, but also its design. Even the interior of a small country house can be transformed in such a way that you will have a real family safe haven, where you will go with great pleasure.

  1. The interior of your dacha should be homely, cozy, warm, so that you feel confident and calm. But do not forget that experts advise in no case to repeat the design of a city apartment here - the one in which you live. Remember that the dacha should be associated with relaxation and not remind you of the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  2. It doesn’t matter how many rooms there are in the country house, there should be a strict division into a recreation area and a work area, as well as a place for cooking and eating.
  3. Lighting is best made soft - it is more pleasing to the eyes. Lamps with lampshades that scatter light or frosted shades are also suitable. But the working area should have good lighting.
  4. If you are going to use fabrics in a country interior, it should be natural fabric with some small pattern: either flowers, or polka dots, or some other print. If you hang such curtains on the windows, it will be very, very original.
  5. The construction of a country house is a very responsible business - use natural products for this - both for exterior and interior design. For example, coniferous trees - they are not only able to keep warm in winter, but also perfectly provide salvation from the heat in summer.
  6. In order to really relax in the country, it is necessary to use only light colors in the interior. As bright accents, you can use a variety of design solutions. But don't overdo it here either! Let it be rare elements of something bright or even dark.
  7. Do not forget about living plants - you are in the country! Plant annual flowers in pots - just in this place this decision is very appropriate.
  8. Old and broken furniture for a summer residence is not good. But if you are limited in finances, it doesn’t matter, breathe a second life into old furniture. But only qualitatively restored before that. Only then it will be exactly what you need!
  9. The right decision is to purchase wooden or wicker furniture for summer cottages. A prerequisite is that it should be simple and convenient. A closet, chest of drawers, chest will fit perfectly into any country interior.
  10. Being engaged in the improvement of a country house, give up plastic, metal, shiny and varnished surfaces - this will not add comfort.
  11. If possible, be sure to equip a fireplace in the country, especially if you plan to come here in the winter season.
  12. Add some “trinkets”, vases, old photographs of relatives, paintings to the interior that are dear to your heart.
  13. A tablecloth made of natural materials, such as linen, will look very harmonious on the table.
  14. If you have opted for upholstered furniture, be sure to cover it with blankets on top - this will add comfort to any room. For the same purpose, add pillows and capes.
  15. Don't be afraid to mix different styles: if it's a classic, then with the addition of retro or country. But it’s still better to refuse modern styles, such as hi-tech, art deco or kitsch - this is absolutely not what is needed for a summer residence.
  16. If you have kids, they will be crazy about pillows that are made in the shape of all kinds of vegetables and fruits. A little imagination and work, and now you have a real dacha, where vegetables and fruits are found everywhere.

Interior of a country house inside: style

If you want to equip a country house in such a way that it fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, then you will need to work a little to achieve harmony. And it is not at all necessary to build a palace from the Victorian era (although to each his own), a small building is enough, the interior of which is thought out according to all the rules.

What is the attraction of giving? It allows you to feel at least a little part of nature. This is exactly what many modern summer residents are waiting for. Therefore, in order to achieve your goal, you need to choose an interior that will have a rather bold “peasant”, “rural” or “village” bias. No, there is no need at all to set up hard, rough and unplaned benches or lay mattresses on the floor. All this is in the past! Today, rustic style can be quite “modernized” and multifaceted.

The interior of a country house in the style of "Provence"

French style. To achieve it, it is necessary to use natural and simple materials. For example, if the furniture is wooden, but not rough, but elegant. The colors in the interior should be natural, the following shades are characteristic of the style: sand, blue, green and the like.

Particular attention is paid to textiles and various details. Homespun bedspreads and all sorts of nice little things will do: knick-knacks on the shelves that delight the eye and heart. All this will be very useful, because such nuances add comfort and sincerity.

Of course, you cannot boast of the Provencal landscape outside the window, but no one will forbid you to use stylized paintings.

The interior of a country house in the style of "country"

European country is not only attractive, but also economical, because this interior involves the use of inexpensive materials.

The country style is characterized by a slightly rough wood floor, simple wooden furniture, which is sometimes painted white, checkered textiles - curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads. You can also make them yourself - just master the patchwork style. Decorative elements are also mandatory - there must be a huge number of them.

It is believed that country style is just the perfect solution for giving. Judge for yourself - this style is concise, but bright and rich. It has such a warm coloring that just looking at the photo you can feel its light that flows from the inside.

Experts say that country style is not just one of the directions in design, it is a state of mind!

By the way, there are several varieties of country style:

  • American;
  • French;
  • old Russian.

What is the difference between them? First of all, with pieces of furniture and decoration that characterize the country to which you are more in awe. It is worth noting that all these three areas are quite lively and characteristic in terms of subject matter. In order to decorate the room, you will need tablecloths, blankets, capes, curtains and a lot of little things that will transform the room.

American style cottage interior

American style is a very simple solution that is perfect for a country house. What is remarkable is that interior design will not require large expenses from you, but the end result will look rich, stylish and simply luxurious!

American style is a game of contrast and color combinations. Arches, niches, ledges, wood and stone, fire (fireplace) and water (fountain), windows on the entire wall and rooms with no windows at all fit perfectly into this style. There should not be anything sharp here, all corners will need to be smoothed out, and either wall or table lamps can be used as lighting and, of course, natural light from huge windows that are not draped in anything.

American style is a minimum of decorations and a maximum of practicality.

The interior of a country house in the Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style is pragmatic - it is suitable for those who do not like pretentiousness and decorative ornaments and "pleasant little things." A typically "masculine" understated style that conveys a "Nordic" character.

The main material of the cottage is wood. There should be a lot of it, since it is from wood that the house itself is built, wall decoration is done and furniture is selected. The Scandinavian dacha is dominated by natural and calm colors, simple shapes and ... absolutely no ruffles and trinkets.

But do not think that such a dacha will be rough and uncomfortable, on the contrary - the style suggests finding harmony in minimalism. Textiles will become a real valuable decoration: curtains and bedspreads, as well as flowers and photographs. All this will create the right - romantic mood and give an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

The interior of a country house in the style of "retro"

It may seem to many that the direction of the retro style is boring and not bright. In fact, this is not true at all! A country house in retro style is wicker furniture, antique dishes, lampshades decorated with natural fabrics and unchanging black and white framed photographs. Such blotches of antiquity will be very advantageous, especially since creating an interior is not at all difficult - each of us has or had grandmothers from whom we inherited rare things. Everything will fit for a summer residence - from an old piano to a huge samovar - this will only strengthen the stylistic direction. And if you add a wooden couch and oil paintings on the walls, the effect will be amazing!

If you decide to use exclusively new pieces of furniture, artificially aged, use antique items that have extravagant shapes and elements: expensive vases or antique clocks are a very good decision.

As for textiles - floral and geometric patterns on upholstery, bedspreads and various furnishings. When choosing paintings, stop at still lifes or avant-garde images.

Interior of a small country house

A small cottage is not bad at all, as it will allow you to show all your creativity to make the house elegant, practical and roomy.

It is quite difficult to find furniture for a small house, as the standard one is prohibitively large. That is why it is often necessary to resort to the services of manufacturing all the necessary items to order. Or - another option - do everything yourself.

  1. The bedroom can be one room with the living room, or it can be a completely separate room. As an option - placing beds on the veranda or in the attic. An excellent solution is bunk or even triple beds, loft beds (“below” there can be a closet, table, chest of drawers or work area), hammock beds, folding beds.
  2. Compactness is the key to a good mood and the convenience that you will experience while living in a small country house. Soon you will see that functionality is a very practical and convenient thing. Folding beds, tables, chairs, pull-out shelves. As closely as possible "staff" the walls. For example, beds and sofas can be placed close to the wall, leaving one approach to sleeping places.
  3. Do you want to separate the seating area and the dining area? Use a screen or a light curtain. You can put open shelving.
  4. Try to use every centimeter of your premises - even the smallest cottage can be quite roomy, the main thing is to calculate everything correctly.
  5. Use one item for different "needs". For example, it is not at all necessary to bring dining, writing and computer tables to the dacha. One table will do. A large closet can easily accommodate both things and garden tools. One rack can be used for both dishes and decorative ornaments.
  6. Try to make sure that when you enter the house, you feel harmony - then it will not matter to you at all how many square meters you have a summer cottage.

The owners sometimes pay even more attention to the arrangement of a country house than to the design of a city apartment. If the city usually has full-length housing, then in cottages in the country the space is often limited and this serves as an excellent warm-up for the owner's imagination when planning the design of a small country house. A particularly great desire to clean up arises after all those things that, due to a misunderstanding, no one had previously thrown into a landfill, migrated to the dacha. Now they aimlessly take up space not on the balcony, but in a country house, and you have to forget about rest in cleanliness and comfort.

It is wrong to carry rubbish to the dacha. Source allan999.su

It is rare when a professional is invited to create the design of a country house - now you can find enough typical examples of housing design in different styles and adapt them to your needs. Moreover, the general rules for using a small space always remain unchanged.

Small cottage: how to use space

The area of ​​a typical dacha is on average 30 m², including an attic. Therefore, it is important to properly dispose of the place. Get rid of unnecessary furniture and appliances.

Light colors and mirrors visually expand the space. There should be a minimum of items: a kitchen cabinet, a dining table, an armchair and a bed. It can be difficult to find the perfect furniture in the store, so it's easier to make it yourself or ask friends to help.

The center of the common room is best left free to expand the room. Furniture-transformer helps to save space in the house. It can be a sliding dining table, a chair-bed or a folding sofa. In the kitchen, a refrigerator, an electric stove for 1-2 burners and several open shelves are usually enough.

You must always remember that a mini-cottage is needed for relaxation, and not for storing trash.

miniature houses

Today, very small change houses are very popular. Their area is 7-8 m², but even in such conditions it is possible to comfortably arrange a place to relax.

All furniture is placed along the walls. Here you can not do without transformers. For storage, drawers built into the niche of a sofa or table and a mezzanine are suitable.

An example of a compact interior of a change house Source giropark.ru

The bed can be placed on a small platform under the ceiling. In height, 1.5 m from the roof level is sufficient. The ladder is suitable attached or capital, under which there will be a closet.

Arrange kitchen utensils on shelves so as not to clutter up the room. Furniture with smooth corners will provide more space for passage. A competent layout even allows you to equip a bathroom inside the change house (a dry closet and a shower).

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Examples of video space saving solutions:

In what style to arrange a cottage

One of the traditional styles is suitable for giving: country, Provence, Scandinavian, classic or retro. All of them use natural materials and soothing colors for decoration. To decide on a stylish interior for a summer residence, examples in the photo below.


American country is characterized by natural materials in the decoration of rooms and furniture. As well as simple patterns on textiles. Shades are pastel and woody.

Country welcomes the simplicity of forms - a circle or a square. There should not be any extra items in the room.

american country source seattlehelpers.org

In the common room, a lampshade, a sofa, a soft carpet or an imitation of an animal skin. There are framed photographs on the walls. There is a checkered tablecloth on the table. Rocking chair in front of the fireplace, blankets and small pillows are also part of the country. If there is a sleeping place in the common room, then you can hide it behind a curtain or a row of wooden columns.

The bedroom, equipped on the attic floor, does not need extra furniture. Maximum - a bed, wardrobe, dressing table or nightstand. A bow in long nets and mushrooms on a string are part of the design of an American-style country house.

Country like those who gravitate towards rural life. Simple, comfortable and beautiful.


According to the French tradition of Provence, wooden furniture is painted white. Sheathed with pastel-colored fabric with floral ornaments. The legs of the chairs are curved and decorated with carvings. Be sure to light curtains on the windows. Wallpaper with a small pale pattern is allowed. At the same time, the basement of the walls is lined with light wood panels.

Romantic Provence creates an atmosphere of relaxation Source decoratex.biz

The interior of Provence is dominated by white. This is good for a small cottage, which will become more spacious. The house should have a lot of plants in pots and vases. Rare clocks and lamps, family photographs, openwork napkins are part of the decor of the French village.

Provence is perfect for a summer vacation. In such a house it is always cozy, light and calm.

Scandinavian style

This design direction is similar to the old Russian one. It is based on a tree of natural, white or yellow color. The walls, floor and ceiling are sheathed with plain panels. The furniture is simple, angular. Bright accents in the decor are allowed:

  • Colored cushions
  • Striped rugs
  • Souvenirs

Scandinavian style is restrained and cold. In summer, in such a house it will be nice to relax from the heat. The interior does not require a lot of furniture and trifles. If curtains, then rolled or tulle. Tablecloths and napkins do not lay. But there should be a lot of lamps. Cabinets height at the level of the chest of drawers. There are open shelves for books. As an ornament, the Scandinavians love deer and tree branches.

This style of country interior is suitable for unpretentious households or single owners.

Laconic Scandinavian style for a Russian dacha Source houzz.com


Classic style is luxury and chic. From materials he uses wood, marble, velvet. The color scheme of saturated shades: brown, white, gold, green, burgundy.

The classic interior of a living room in a country house looks like this. Furniture on curved legs, decorated with gilded monograms around the perimeter. There are frescoes on the walls and ceiling, plaster moldings or modern polyurethane foam. Tiered chandeliers, sconces with classic rounded shades or in the form of candles.

The textile is dense and heavy. There are double curtains on the windows - organza and velvet with drapery and tassels. The tablecloth on the table is wide, up to the floor, and the edges are fringed. Ornament on fabrics with swirls or stripes.

Classics loves crystal: in a sideboard, on pedestals, chandeliers. As well as expensive paintings in luxurious baguettes and other antiques.

The classic style will look organically in a large country house. Suitable for conservative residents.

Luxurious classics in the country for aristocratic natures Source our-interior.com


Retro is a favorite and simple style for giving. Furniture, accessories, kitchen utensils of the Soviet era probably remained in every family. Many electrical appliances still function. It’s a pity to throw it away, but in a country house a steel iron or a Baby machine will last for several decades.

Grandma's sideboard or wardrobe will look worthy against the background of other furniture of the last century. If the upholstery on the sofa is worn out, it is easy to replace it with a similar one.

For retro typical striped wallpaper, plank floor, whitewashed ceiling. Natural materials: wood, cotton, linen, wool. Cabinet furniture polished.

Cosiness is created by carpets, bright embroidered pillows, rugs with rhombuses, reproductions and framed black-and-white photographs. As well as lamps with wide lampshades. The shops have a large selection of items for interior design in retro style, if suddenly nothing has been preserved at home.

A dacha in the spirit of the Soviet era is ideal for lovers of the 80s. There will always be vivid memories from the past.

A retro-style cottage will remind you of the good old days Source houzz.es

Functional areas in the country

A typical country house has a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. If the building is one-story, then at least two functional areas are in the same room. Therefore, space allocation is needed.

The first option - the bed is in the living room. To make everyone comfortable, the sleeping place is hidden behind curtains, a screen, wooden columns or plywood partitions. As an option, install a loft bed in the far corner of the room.

The kitchen-living room can be conditionally divided by a bar counter. It will also become a dining table. If there is a glazed veranda, then it is better to dine there. A stove with a refrigerator will also fit in the corner. Then the house will become a full-fledged vacation spot.

When all three main zones are forced to be in the same room, the same interior items will help to live comfortably. The kitchen is best equipped closer to the living room. With a shortage of space, the owners will sleep on a single sofa, air mattress or folding bed.

When there is a second floor in the country house, the design should be the same. Zoning is useful if there are several beds for adults and children upstairs. You can separate them with a bookcase or partition.

Different flooring and columns zone the country house Source houzz.se

Life hacks for the interior of the cottage

Even on summer nights it can be cold, so heating must be provided in the house. A fireplace or wood-burning stove will become the center of evening gatherings. At the same time, for a small house, it must be borne in mind that electric models save space with the same heat transfer. The traditional clay stove corresponds to the Old Russian style. Nowadays it is brick, plastered and painted with white paint. You can use it to cook. It is better to entrust the installation of a fireplace or stove to professionals who will take care of fire safety and long service life of the equipment.

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There are many useful and unusual things that will come in handy in the country. Video example:

At the cottage you can show all your talents. For example, in carpentry. Make a bed with your own hands from improvised materials:

  • old doors
  • Details of a disassembled cabinet
  • wooden pallets
  • Runners from large sledges, etc.

Instead of a heavy dusty mattress in the country, an inflatable one will be appropriate. At the end of the season, just blow it off and put it in a drawer. Blacksmith craftsmen can try to build a metal bed with a beautiful twisted headboard. Another option is to hide the bed in a closet. It will be put forward and removed on gas lifts or hinges.

Fireplace in the country - heating and a place for conversations Source hd-freeimages.com

Needlework in the country is welcome. You can decorate the screen using decoupage technique. Embroider a picture with beads or a cross. Decorate the lampshade with a beautiful fabric, woolen threads or can lids. For lovers of knitting in the country, there is also an application: rugs, blankets, napkins, vases, cozy slippers. You can make a curtain between rooms with your own hands. To do this, you need a fishing line or a dense thread, filler, glue and a cornice. String anything:

  • beads
  • Twisted colored cardboard
  • hollow pieces of wood
  • buttons
  • knitted balls
  • Shells, etc.

Any thing made with your own hands will add comfort and warmth to the country interior.

Country house exterior

A house on a garden plot is usually built of brick, logs or foam concrete. External design style can be different: modern or classic. The main thing is that the elements and colors are in harmony with the design inside the cottage.

For country, the facade cladding should be wood-like - natural or as plastic panels. Open terrace, many rectangular windows, soft tiled roof.

Facade in Provence style surrounded by flowers and greenery Source houseremake.com.ua

Provence needs decorative plaster or stone on the facade. Shutters on the windows, flower beds around the house. The main palette of finishing materials: white, beige, brown, pale yellow.

Wood is used to support the Scandinavian design. The house itself can be blocky, but painted in pastel colors or lined with clapboard. The windows are large for natural light. Roofing from a metal tile.

The facade of a classic house is decorated with stucco. The walls can be brick or concrete, painted in light colors. Many narrow windows and columns are always whitewashed.

A brick cottage suits retro style. Usually, an orange simple ornament (diamonds, dotted lines) is built into white walls. Roof made of slate or modern ondulin. The fence should be of the type of picket fence - low and translucent.

You can create the interior of a country house, the photo of which you really liked, on your own. The following points are important:

  • Safe materials
  • Functional furniture
  • Washable wallpapers and textiles
  • Base, tint and contrast color
  • Large and bright windows
  • zoned area

Functional wardrobe-bed will save space in the country Source strojka-gid.ru

The cottage is equipped in terms of practicality. It's not scary if you can mix several styles into one. The main thing is to do it harmoniously and comfortably.

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photos of amazing country houses, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of the successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not only compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of houses in these summer cottages are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, with the exception of the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite its small size, it has two bedrooms - one downstairs, the other in the attic.

From the side of the main entrance, a covered terrace is attached along the entire wall, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the windows of the house open onto the terrace.

The house combines a seating area, dining area and a compact kitchen built along the back wall. At the entrance to the house from the side of the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

On the other side of the house is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is the bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

In the attic above the bedroom and bathroom is the second bedroom.

Because the upper bedroom is spacious enough, then if the family is small but likes to receive guests, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room on the lower floor by abandoning the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more space for guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 sq.m, the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that it all fits into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, from the inside the house does not seem small at all. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The place under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

The small bedroom downstairs seems bright and cozy due to the large windows.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, immersed in greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro things and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This pretty country house captivates with its atmosphere: the tree is everywhere in it, and this creates a unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who look at such houses and sigh: “Yes, it’s original, but it’s difficult to properly place everything in such a house ...»

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, a living room and a surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of solitude and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or in a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan country house.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for a comfortable life up to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it impresses not only with its design, but also with picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, a modern kitchen, a fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house from old windows.

We change everything to new ones, while throwing away a lot of old windows of varying degrees of wear. The owner of this house is just installing windows, and she was always tormented by the desire to find a use for still good old windows. This is how the house was built.

A special charm of this house is given by various cozy little things: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so sleeping until twelve in such a bedroom is unlikely to succeed!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m is made of used materials: wood and roofing iron, at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs the open plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room is quite comfortable for relaxing and accommodates a sofa and an armchair. In addition, a folding dining table is provided on the back wall of the kitchen island.

It is also possible to place a dining area on a covered veranda at the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see on the plan, next to the bathroom there is a pantry, and at both ends of the house, the country house has sleeping attics.

On the one hand, the bed is located above the bathroom. The stairs up are successfully combined with a rack for the kitchen.

At night, the house is lit by candles, oil lamps, and electricity stored from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But the first place in terms of originality should be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the history of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is carved by hand from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done by the artist Noel Wotten alone. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small cozy country house, then know that your dream is feasible!

You will learn more about the design of a country house inside an economy class photo in this article, as well as the interior of a country house inside: an economy class photo.


  1. Simple furniture. It makes no sense to buy expensive furniture with an abundance of decor for giving - choose the simplest things, because they will help create a cozy country style. If wooden cabinets and chests of drawers seem boring to you, decorate them with your own hands - this is a great activity for a family weekend in the country.
  2. Used items. When choosing furniture for the interior of economy-class country houses, feel free to use sites selling used items. There is nothing wrong with installing a new kitchen set in the country, as long as it is in good condition. By the way, if you bought a new sofa for your apartment, you don’t have to bring the old one to the country house, if you don’t like it anymore, it’s better to sell it and buy another one, also “from hand”, but more attractive and suitable for your home.
  3. Quality is more important than speed. Of course, you want to furnish the house with stylish furniture as soon as possible, finish the walls with the best boards and install a beautiful fireplace. But if funds do not allow, do not rush. A cottage is an acquisition for many years. Distribute the budget evenly and improve your garden house gradually. It is better to buy a more expensive fireplace than the cheapest model, and postpone other alterations until next year, than to buy everything at once, but at the lowest prices and at the expense of quality.
  4. Seasonal discounts. If you dream of a garden swing, for example, but this purchase seems unreasonably expensive to you, wait for the beginning of autumn. All country goods will be sold at good discounts, so arrange a raid on shops for summer cottages and gardens in late August and early September.

Bedroom in an economy class country house: photo

Country bedroom furniture

Furniture must be made of wood (after all, you came to the dacha to breathe fresh air, not synthetic fumes). If finances do not make it possible to purchase oak furniture, you can opt for larch - products made from it are also very high quality - they do not rot, do not dry out, are resistant to high humidity, and pests do not start in it.

In addition, since we are talking about the bedroom, it is imperative to purchase a comfortable bed, without any creaking springs (this also applies to the old spring bed, which absolutely all doctors advise to scrap). If there is no money for a wooden bed, you can easily make it yourself - just knock several planed boards together, put MDF sheets on them, and attach wooden beams instead of legs. All that remains is to put a good mattress on top ... You can put an ordinary bedside table or a small wooden table near the bed. You may also need a chest of drawers or the simplest wardrobe.

Interior of a country house inside economy class photo

Interior decoration of a country house inside is the most important detail, pay attention to the styles.

Country bedroom economy class style

  • Well ventilated - have good ventilation;
  • Be bright enough during the day and have the right lighting at night;
  • To have a well-combined color scheme - it is better to refuse to use bright, shiny and noisy shades here;
  • When repairing and decorating, the use of natural materials is mandatory (especially for furniture).

Regardless of which option you choose - a more sophisticated Provence or a rough country style, the rustic style, which often looked out of place in the city, will definitely be in its place here. Both styles are extremely similar to each other, the difference is only in minor details: country is characterized by natural colors and lacquered furniture, and in Provence the wood should be painted white.

In this case, it is advisable to choose the most ordinary bed for a country bedroom, made of wood, without any frills and decorative inserts. Above it, it is imperative to install a canopy that will protect against mosquitoes and midges at night.

It is best to use MDF panels for finishing the ceiling and walls - they tolerate moisture well, last a long time and look great with your chosen style.

It is better to refuse paper wallpaper in the country at all, since huge temperature fluctuations and high humidity can lead to the fact that they will peel off in a year.

You can complement the rustic style with woven floor rugs, a checkered or lace blanket, linen curtains and small flowers depicted on them, and a lamp with a lampshade made of fabric material will also look appropriate.

A cozy and beautiful country house will be an ideal place for you to relax if you make only a little effort to harmoniously and warmly decorate its interior. The photo shows cottages made in a variety of styles, but before deciding on the main direction, listen to the advice of designers:

  • for construction, as well as the interior design of a country house, it is desirable to use natural materials. For example, a coniferous tree will allow you to better keep warm in the winter season, and save yourself from the heat in summer;
  • to make the atmosphere in the house as comfortable and warm as possible, try to use predominantly light colors in the interior, the monotony of which can be easily diluted with bright and dark blotches;
  • fresh flowers and plants in pots will help to refresh the interior in the country, which will be more appropriate here than ever;
  • it is not at all necessary to purchase new furniture, because you can decorate the old one in an original way. So, you can repaint an old cabinet or table or even make an original, unique drawing on them.

These tips will help you decorate your country house interior in a cozy and stylish way, but at the same time quite economically.

The ceiling in the economy class country house: photo

Finishing the ceiling with plasterboard

Drywall is a completely natural and environmentally friendly material and is mainly used for the construction of ceilings with several levels and complex geometric shapes.

The cost of drywall makes it affordable for a person with any level of financial wealth, and the ease of working with it allows you to create a unique design. To create a ceiling in the country with your own hands from drywall, maybe everyone with the necessary tools and some theoretical knowledge.

For a seasonal structure, it is recommended to purchase a moisture-resistant material and, before installing the supporting frame, treat the surface with special antiseptics and a deep penetration primer, as well as repair all existing cracks and crevices at the joints of the floor slabs. The material has a high degree of sound insulation and has a large specific gravity, so the frame must be made reliable and durable.

Installing a frame made of aluminum profiles at a short distance from the ceiling will hide all design flaws and uneven ceilings. To work with drywall, you will need tools such as:

  • tape measure at least 5 m;
  • corner;
  • pencil or marker;
  • knife with a retractable blade;
  • metal shears for cutting aluminum profiles;
  • electric drill;
  • water or laser level.
  • the required number of sheets of finishing material;
  • aluminum profile;
  • dowels and screws for fixing the frame.

OSB boards

OSB boards are just beginning to gain popularity, since they appeared on the construction markets relatively recently, however, they have already proven themselves from the best side.

These slabs are made of wood and retain all the qualities of natural wood, have a smooth surface and do not require additional processing. OSB panels are resistant to moisture, have a small specific weight and are easy to process.

When installing this material, it is recommended to leave small gaps of 1-3 mm between the plates for thermal expansion. For their decoration, paint, putty, wallpaper and other means are used after preliminary priming of the surface.


In many cases, the ceiling in the country house can be sewn up with ordinary plywood, since it retains heat well and has high soundproofing characteristics.

For the ceiling, it is better to use combined plywood, in the manufacture of which species of deciduous and coniferous trees are used. As a decoration, various colorless varnishes are usually used to preserve the beautiful texture of natural wood.

Sources: potolokexpert.com,udec.ru,goodhouse.ru,

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