What to do if it is very hard on the soul? It's bad at heart, but life is so beautiful.

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How can you see the good around, if it became bad in the soul? I don’t want to smile, daily joyful little things go unnoticed. Oppression is growing, and there is less and less strength left to fight. But what if heartbreak is not a diagnosis, but a symptom? What if her arrival is considered a positive moment, able to get rid of something more difficult? Is this really so and how to deal with constant sadness - in this article.

Can heartache be helpful?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but it can. If a tooth suddenly starts to hurt, the patient goes to treat it so as not to lose it in the future. If you suffer from a headache, this is an occasion to go to a neurologist, to prevent the development of something more serious. It's the same with negative emotions. They demand changes that will help, mental disorders, even suicidal tendencies. In general, heaviness in the soul indicates the need:

  • rethink your whole life and its individual stages, especially the current one;
  • decide on changes that have been postponed for a long time;
  • reduce the speed, pace of work;
  • deal with chaos in the head, heart, soul;
  • pay attention to your experiences, learn to devote time not only to others, but also to yourself;
  • give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle;
  • take life in own hands without shifting responsibility for it;
  • find like-minded people.

If sadness is just a symptom, then it’s time to start treating the entire diagnosis. How to do it?

What to do when you feel bad

Avoid isolation

The worst thing you can do with inner experiences is to close yourself off from the whole world. This is especially true in three areas:

  1. communication with friends, relatives;
  2. hobby, interesting leisure;
  3. external expression of emotions.

Why is it better not to deprive yourself of these three things?

Conversations with relatives help to feel the support, care, so necessary for an upset person. In addition, it is relatives and good friends who often give good advice. These are people who do not need to be asked twice for help, because they will help disinterestedly, out of a feeling of love. Even if the problem seems unsolvable, they will readily be there, they will not leave you in difficult times.

Favorite activities, interests distract from heavy thoughts. They drive away negative thoughts, forcing them to let positive into the soul, to give joyful moments. All this has a positive effect on morale.

Expressing accumulated feelings is a way to get rid of negativity, to remove a heavy load. Without splashing out emotions, deterioration appears, which develops at a rapid pace. A person not only does not get rid of what disturbs him inside, but also begins to accumulate everything, to double. In order to avoid complications, it is still better not to forget to dump unnecessary experiences.

Express emotions in art

There is a theory that the best masterpieces are created by creators just when they are going through a difficult period. If there is sadness, it great way test this concept. On the one hand, such classes allow you to open up, on the other hand, not to get hung up on the problem, but to be distracted from it. To ease your pain, you can:

  • write poetry, prose, plays;
  • to draw the pictures;
  • invent songs, compose musical compositions;
  • put choreographic numbers;
  • shoot short films, clips;
  • do needlework;
  • invent something, make something;
  • look for yourself in sculpture, architecture.

Direct energy in a creative direction - a good idea. Such a decision is quite capable of giving a new meaning to life, good mood, an incentive to wake up in the morning.

Sign up with a specialist

  • find yourself, learn more about true desires;
  • set specific goals;
  • change some character traits - insecurity, aloofness, for example;
  • find your own path of self-realization;
  • reveal main reason problems;
  • cope with fears, depression;
  • open up, learn to express your emotions, communicate with others.

If the heaviness inside presses too hard, the therapist will prescribe suitable drugs - sedatives, antidepressants. It is at the reception that such a doctor has a real chance to find like-minded people thanks to group sessions. Also, such a specialist will conduct a conversation with loved ones, tell them how to properly respond to the moral state of the patient.

Plunge into childhood

What can get rid of sadness better than children's fun? For many, childhood is a world of fairy tales and magic, where there is always a lot of interesting things. There are no duties, no worries, life seems so easy, amazing, rich in miracles and the unknown. No one has yet invented a time machine, but it is quite possible to become a child for an hour or two. There are several options for this:

  • ride on swings, rides;
  • let bubble, paper boats in puddles;
  • take a bath with lush foam;
  • buy cotton candy;
  • read fairy tales;
  • move out of snow slide sledging;
  • assemble a puzzle or constructor;
  • sing a children's song
  • watch a good cartoon;
  • do face painting.

A good solution would also be to view children's photos in the family circle. Memories from childhood give warmth, joy. And someone, perhaps, will remember an old, long-forgotten dream, try to fulfill it. If there is a special place where a person loved to spend time as a child, then why not visit it? The positive emotions that result are the best cure for inner pain.

fall in love

Love is an inspiring feeling that makes you come alive. But since fighting with the heart is a waste of time, it is impossible to force yourself to feel this feeling for anyone. Fortunately, the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" does not appear only from love for a person. You can also fall in love with:

  • work;
  • hobby;
  • volunteering or other acts of kindness;
  • nature;
  • art - both in action and in its results;
  • spiritual or moral freedom;
  • life in general.

If the object for the manifestation of feelings is not found in any way, then one of the tips already described will help - consult a doctor. The psychotherapist will tell you where it is better to direct your feelings. They will also help to ensure that there are so many good experiences that they would crowd out all the negativity.

Experience the positive emotions of others

It turns out that you can still become a different person for a couple of hours. How to personally feel the experiences of an outsider? For this, the following options are suitable:

  • read interesting book, follow the feelings of the main characters;
  • watch a movie of your favorite genre, observe the mental states of the actors;
  • visit the theater, feel the history;
  • enroll in acting classes, try on a role;
  • share the joy with friends;
  • give pleasant emotions to passers-by by distributing flowers, balloons, for example. Then rejoice in their reaction.

If in order to get out of depression, you must first experience someone else's joy, well, so be it. In the end, it doesn’t matter where you get the reason for the positive. By the way, you can visit our website.

When it becomes bad at heart, it is better to look for like-minded people with whom you can open up. This is an occasion to start searching for yourself, your place in life, your calling. Being left alone with the burden of your problems is a dangerous decision that aggravates the condition, moves away from recovery. Inner pain will become a bright contrast for good emotions, which will seem even more sublime, pleasant.

The soul is alive

She knows everything about you

And if it's bad at heart,

You must change something in yourself!

Imagine that "bad soul" is the name of a disease that can be quickly treated. Watch comedies, read jokes, listen to funny stories.

Start cooking something sweet. It is known, for example, that chocolate increases the level of the hormone of happiness.

Walk in unfamiliar places and explore them. Photographs taken during the walk will help to keep pleasant memories of them.

Get rid of all old and unnecessary things. You can throw them away or donate them to those who wish.

Why do I feel bad in my soul? The reasons

Possible reasons why you are feeling very bad right now:

  1. Trouble at work.
  2. Discomfort.
  3. Lack of mood.
  4. Lack of variety.
  5. A premonition of something bad.
  6. Loneliness.
  7. Sad memories.
  8. Unrequited love.
  9. Loss of life meaning.
  10. Lack of self-esteem.
  11. Failure.
  12. Self dissatisfaction.
  13. Misunderstanding relatives.
  14. Quarrels, scandals.
  15. "Black line".
  16. Complexes.
  17. Understatement.
  18. Rumors.
  19. Lie.
  20. Betrayal.

There is always a way out of any situation if you look for it well. Do not lose hope and do not be saved by inaction!

Make a big list of your hobbies. Choose one "fad" from all of the above. Hobbies are great medicine. It saves many people from mental anxiety.

Open good book. Take a full look at the pages and lines to bring the experiences of book characters through you.

If the soul wants to cry from resentment and injustice

Forgive the offense and let it go like a beautiful balloon. You will feel much better.

Look at what is happening differently. Find small “pluses” in injustice, rejoice in them.

Cry as much as you need. You shouldn't be ashamed of your emotional state. Remember: crying is not a shame! This applies to both women and men (equally).

Convince yourself that even bad changes happen for the better. Life is used to surprises. Don't be mad at her!

Statuses about a bad state of mind

  1. I want to turn into a small child with no worries, no troubles, no problems!
  2. I feel bad, I play life when it seems to you that I live. There are just a lot of masks that you have never tried to take off from me ....
  3. Have you ever thought that coffee tastes like depression? And I never thought before... Until everything around me turned upside down. Now I can taste coffee on my lips mixed with my own tears. It seems to me that I drink my own pain to the bottom .... God alone sees how bad I am now!
  4. What is happening in my soul now cannot fit in any status.
  5. Unsweetened tea, a prickly blanket, an ocean of negative thoughts, a frightening emptiness…. It's hard on the soul...
  6. Smile - The best way, which helps to hide the deepest mental pain.
  7. If only not to cry, if only not to break .... I want, as before, to joke, to smile!
  8. Everything around is annoying and infuriating. Three villain sisters settled inside me: pain, apathy and sadness.
  9. I'll stand at the crossroads and briefly imagine that I'm not there. People pass by, cars rush by .... I exist. Life goes on without me....

Poems when the soul is very bad

It's hard for me... So bad at heart

That tears fall like rain

Bad luck…. I'm already used to

To what's going on between us

My soul hurts, I try to endure the pain,

Million attempt upset,

Leave now! Don't you dare pity me!

I'll fix everything I've done!

A prayer will help you ... Say it and it will become easier. First, the state of mind is normalized, then, over time, all the troubles will disappear. Believe me, it will!

Sooner or later, every person is faced with a feeling of mental pain. She can come on different reasons, and someone immediately manages to cope with the apathy that has arisen, while someone sinks into depression for a long time. How to avoid the second option and help yourself?

What to do if you are sad for no reason

If no grief has occurred in your life recently, you have not lost loved one and did not fall ill with a serious illness, then it is possible that you are really sad for no reason. In this case, it will be easier to get out of this state:
    Thank fate for the fact that now you are really sad for no particular reason, but it could have been completely different! You are healthy, not hungry, you have friends and loved ones - isn’t this a reason to get out of the blues? Maybe it’s that you are just very tired of some of your duties (work or home) and you just need a good rest for a long time. Consider devoting a few days to taking care of yourself, minimizing your usual worries. If you work, take a vacation and at least a couple of days to relax as you want. Often people get tired of the same type of days, and begin to feel sad because of the lack of sensations. Perhaps this is your case? Then provide yourself with new emotions, and the easiest way to do this is by doing what you have not done before. It can be a horseback ride, an individual dance lesson, going to a concert and much more. Allow yourself to escape from the daily routine and experience something new! It can often be sad from loneliness. If you suspect that you are sad because of this, then find yourself a company! Surely you have a friend or girlfriend whom you can invite to the movies or for a walk. If it so happened that there are no friends, then it's time to make them - for example, on the Internet through forums on this topic. Also, the circle of your acquaintances can expand significantly if you sign up for some interesting courses.

What to do when it's really bad because of someone

It’s hard and I want to cry from loss (breakup, divorce, death of loved ones)

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in life. No matter how difficult it is, it is important to understand that this period just needs to be experienced. The first days after the grief that happened, a person usually experiences shock and cannot fully comprehend what happened. A week after the tragic news, a person begins to understand what kind of loss he has suffered, which turns into acute emotional, and sometimes physical pain. Mood swings, longing, aggression - all these symptoms are characteristic of the first year of loss. Then it gets easier. It is foolish to recommend to be distracted by something else - in a state of strong feelings, it is unlikely that you will have a desire to do yoga or dance. However, still try not to plunge into your grief with your head. Realize that there are people who care about you and who need you. If you do not want to sink into a deep depression for many years or even go to the hospital, then pay attention to the people who need you now. Delve into work, into family affairs, return to a once-forgotten hobby - do at least something that will help you ease the pain of loss a little. Divorce is easier to survive than the death of a loved one. Perhaps now it seems to you that your life is over, and there will be no more light, but this, of course, is not so. In your case, you can and should distract yourself from thoughts of divorce. Accept the idea that if there was a breakup, then everything was not going smoothly in your relationship - someone radically did not suit the other. There will still be a person in your life with whom you will fit each other in all respects. Most likely, later, when you are happy, you will feel sorry for the days spent worrying about a person who is not intended for you. If you are not yet ready for a new romance and dating other men, then just bring new emotions into your life and paints. Surely, the divorce period has distracted you from many current problems and your own appearance. Make an appointment with a beautician for several procedures, visit a hairdresser, update at least partially your wardrobe. Meet friends more often, stay less alone. If you have few friends or regular meetings are excluded, then expand your circle of acquaintances by signing up for some trainings and the like.

Problems in love relationships

If a love relationship bring you pain, then you should think about how to break them. Of course, parting will be a difficult stage for you, but even now it’s not easy for you. Wouldn't it be better to go through a breakup with a guy and start moving on than to suffer in a relationship with him. Share your feelings with your lover, tell us what worries you, and what developments you see next. Relationships remain the same and you still suffer. Breakup is the only the right decision For you.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine how a depressive state manifests itself? So, there are several telltale signs. They may be present in full, or you may observe some of them. 1. Reduced performance. You feel like you have no energy left. Even if you gain strength and still start doing something, it almost immediately stops. You cannot concentrate on your tasks while constantly being distracted by something else. 2. Depression. Your mood leaves much to be desired. Most of the time you are not in the the best location spirit, feeling oppressed. People around you are increasingly noticing that something is wrong with your mood, and you do not even try to hide it. 3. Lack of interest. Before you were fascinated by many things, but now everything is different. You are not interested in any activities and hobbies, work does not arouse your enthusiasm, you try to avoid meeting friends. If someone suggests you go to the movies or something like that, your first thought is to say no. Of course, you can "customize yourself", but over time it becomes more and more difficult to do so. 4. Self-doubt. You feel that you are unattractive or boring. You do not seek new acquaintances, being sure that the other person will not like you. You constantly feel that something is not right with you and that others notice it. 5. Bad sleep. You suffer from insomnia from time to time. You think about something disturbing until late at night, or wander aimlessly through the expanses of the Web. Also, sudden nocturnal awakenings are not ruled out. In the morning you get up in a "broken" state and a bad mood.

6. Appearance. You pay less and less attention to your appearance. It all started with the fact that you started skipping visits to your hairdresser or beautician, and now you do not always follow the basic rules of hygiene - sometimes you are too lazy to wash your hair (despite the fact that she obviously already needs it), update her manicure and the like. You groom and dress yourself automatically, losing interest in putting on makeup, choosing a wardrobe, and various beauty treatments. 7. Lack of sexual desire. If you are in a close relationship with a man, then sex with him has ceased to please you. You do not show initiative and go reluctantly to intimacy with him. You are not even in the mood to feign passion, and it seems to you that if your lover leaves you, then perhaps it will even be easier for you. 8. Apathy. You don't care about anything. You are not interested in what's new in the lives of your friends, you don't care what you will have dinner today, you don't care if you look good and many other things have also ceased to excite you.

1. Understand the situation It is important to understand why depression has entered your life. Most likely, some unpleasant event served as the impetus for it. Be honest with yourself about what it is. Perhaps some time ago you lost a loved one, got divorced, lost your job, got into an unpleasant situation, were disappointed in someone. Having identified the root of the problem, realize that, whatever it was, it remained in the past, it is no more. Your life is moving on, and you need to make sure that a difficult event no longer leaves its unkind imprint on it. 2. Let go of the past, forgive or ask for forgiveness Perhaps you yourself are to blame for the event that led to your depression, and now it gnaws at you. If you feel guilty about someone, then apologize to that person. It is possible that he will not forgive you, which means that this is his choice - to live with a stone in his heart. Your task is to sincerely convey to him everything that you feel, as well as show your remorse. After that, the decision will lie with that person - to continue communicating with you or not. If he does not want to reconnect, leave him in the past, and allow yourself to live a new life. If someone hurt you, and you still cannot cope with your disappointment and pain from this situation, then you need to try to fix it - even if the offender does not ask for your forgiveness and does not feel guilty. Understand that the person who did you wrong is actually weak, and because of this weakness, life will bring him problems more than once. The best and most correct thing you can do is to bring so many bright events and interesting acquaintances, so that the resentment of the past is completely lost in the whirlwind of these emotions. 3. Change the scenery Often, just one small trip can dramatically change the mood of a person. Perhaps this is exactly what you need? Find time to escape from the familiar environment and the city - at least for a few days! Go abroad or just to another city. Important condition: Choose a place you've never been before. You can invite a loved one or a good friend with you, or you can go to independent travel where you can rethink everything that happened to you.

Soothe your soul with prayer

Some people note that prayers not only calmed them, but also helped them look at their problem in a different way. You can just go to church and pray there. Many admit that the atmosphere of the temple sometimes acts in a special way, and they leave the temple as if “renewed”. You can also find a suitable prayer on the Web, and read it in a calm atmosphere, thinking about the words. It is possible that this will bring you the long-awaited peace.

Treat your soul with new sensations and acquaintances

Even if you don’t want any new experiences and acquaintances right now, depression is the case when you need to force yourself to experience new positive emotions. It is clear that now you do not want anything at all, you are ready to wrap yourself in a blanket and never leave the limits of your room. But you deserve a bright interesting life, and you will have to go to it in small steps:1) Choose a profitable and interesting tour, and go on it in the company of a friend or alone. Choose what you liked more before, do not focus on your current state. Did you like to go on excursions to museums and sights of foreign countries and cities before? Take a tour that includes this item. Do you like beach holidays more? Go to hot country to the warm sea! Undoubtedly, the trip will bring back your old emotions! 2) Do not refuse dates if men take the initiative. Perhaps one of these meetings will turn into happiness for you in your personal life! 3) Do not avoid dating, but on the contrary - strive for them! Go to crowded places that involve communication - parties, exhibitions, trainings. Perhaps it makes sense to attend some exciting courses where you can meet other people. Often public organizations arrange interesting meetings, including skydiving, quad biking, launching night lanterns, kayaking. If you do not have a lover, then do not neglect any opportunity to meet him - including dating sites. Register on the resource that will arouse the greatest interest in you, even if you were skeptical about such ways of communication before. Bring more spontaneity into your life and depression will recede!

What to do when you feel bad and want to cry? Perhaps, each of us in life had moments of complete despair, when it is difficult to find a reasonable way out of the situation, when all thoughts revolve around suicide. Loss of interest in life, decreased appetite, sleep often depends on a difficult mental state. To begin with, you yourself should understand that this cannot continue anymore, that you need to change something in your life. Try to find the reasons for your current state. Analyze what could have led to it. Don't be afraid to face the truth. Trust me, it will get easier.

Tune in to win, act actively. No one else will pull you out of this depressive state when everything is bad. Change everything at once, this very minute. Forget everything that was before, now you have a new life. Let go of all your resentments. There is no point in cultivating them in yourself. This makes it harder only for you, but not for those who offended you. Why open up the wound. Forgive the offender, only sincerely. Don't blame yourself for anything. If you did something wrong, offended someone, ask for forgiveness (and yourself too).

Try not to think about your problems at all for a few days. Look at them from the side. You will realize that they are not the main thing in your life. Do not make hasty decisions, especially when your feelings and emotions are aroused.


It's not bad without a reason. Find the cause of your mental discomfort. Some of the reasons are quite obvious. Others are deeply hidden. Do you remember if you had such conditions before? What were they connected to? The cause of mental unrest must be eliminated, no matter how difficult it may be. If this is due to the death of a loved one, you need to understand that it is impossible to resurrect and return a person. Communicate mentally with a dear person and let him go. Remove from sight all the things that remind of him. After a while, you will remember him with a slight sadness, regret, but not with thoughts of suicide.

The ideal solution to the problem would be a change of scenery. Leave the city for a while, change jobs, change the situation in the house, make repairs, even just go out for a walk, distract from terrible thoughts. Sometimes hard painstaking work helps, which leaves no time and energy to think about problems. Constant activity will save you from memories at night: you will just fall asleep immediately without thinking about problems. It is important to feel needed by others, to understand that you are not trying in vain.

Distract yourself with a holiday. It doesn't have to be a noisy fun party. The holiday can be spent even in solitude. Foam bath, favorite sweets and fruits, visits to a beauty salon, shops, etc. Any pleasant little things help to distract from problems.

Remember the pleasant moments of your life, your achievements, everything that leaves a good impression on your soul. Sometimes it's nice to look at photos, pleasant little things that are associated with joyful moments. To get out of depression, you need to make a plan, find a goal to strive for. Perhaps this will be the path to the fulfillment of a dream of a lifetime. Break it down into small, manageable chunks. And move towards the goal gradually.


It is necessary to "pour out the soul" to any interlocutor. It could be a friend, mom, just stranger ready to listen to you. You can even talk about your problem on the forums. It will immediately feel better if you find out why it is so bad at heart. Walking and relaxing in nature will help. If it is not possible to go out of town, you can just take a walk in the city park, garden. Listen to the birds singing, it fascinates and helps to understand that there are other things in the world besides your problem.

Pets are excellent helpers in overcoming mental difficulties. A small kitten or puppy needs your care. He will not let you sink into a long depression, because you are responsible for him. And his love will make your life more pleasant. It will help to solve mental problems and communicate with the beautiful. Visit a museum, theater, concert. Often, works of art turn our understanding of the world and our purpose in it.

Everyone knows that sweet foods, and especially chocolate, increase the level of happiness hormones in the human body. Just do not get carried away with chocolate, otherwise you will have to deal with excess weight. Engage in some creative activity. Even though you don't have any talents, just do something for yourself, like paint a picture. Just avoid pessimistic stories. And you can learn to play the guitar.

Let yourself sleep well. Do not forget: "The morning is wiser than the evening." By morning, all problems will be gone. Engage in repairs, beauty treatments, shopping, charity, exercise. And do not torture yourself with thoughts: why do I feel very bad at heart? Sometimes it is worth seeking help from a psychotherapist. But in most cases, friends, relatives, communication, mutual understanding help. It is important to understand that you are not alone in this world, your family and friends need you. Don't make them unhappy. http://chtodelat.net

What do you do when you feel bad and want to cry? Video

Whatever happy man no matter what, he will always be missing something. Some small trifle, because of which everything will lose its colors and become lousy at heart. What to do in this case and how to deal with it? In this article, we will talk about what to do when you feel bad at heart for no apparent reason.

And cats are scratching at the heart

Everyone knows this expression. It is known not only theoretically, but also practically. It seems that everything is fine, it seems to be happy, but still it's lousy at heart. Why?? Often a person is not able to answer this “why”, since he himself does not understand this. But still, there are reasons. Very often the reason is disagreement with this way of life, self-deception, lack of happy moments, fear due to drastic changes, and much, much more. You can deal with this on your own, but if nothing comes out, you need to contact a specialist. Do not be afraid of going to the doctors, they are people too, they also have emotions and they can help you. The psychoanalyst will not only help you figure out what the problem is, but also suggest a solution to it.

What to do when you feel bad?

There are many things and activities that can help you fight bad moods and depression. But before you start them, you must admit that you really feel bad. First of all, confess to yourself, and only then, if there is a desire, to someone else. To understand your problem is to half solve it. So, let's find out what to do when it's bad at heart.

  • First, don't avoid people. On the contrary, communicate with your family and friends as much as possible, arrange parties and receptions, go on picnics and visit, but just do not be alone with your thoughts and do not move away from your acquaintances - this is very dangerous.
  • Second, get a pet. Best of all is a dog, as it is a very active member of the family that will definitely not let you get bored. Of course, you can also have a cat, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Third, try something new. Take a trip to a resort, try a new dish, upgrade your wardrobe, go to a rock concert or a theater play. In general, do something that you have never done before, feel something that you have never felt before. New emotions and experiences will help you forget about depression and save you from the daily routine.
  • Fourth, donate to charity. You can’t even imagine what happiness it is to help other people. Let even the smallest, but still help.
  • Fifth, go in for sports. Morning jogging and exercising in the gym will not only cheer you up, but also allow you to keep yourself in good shape. In addition, this is a good opportunity to make new acquaintances.
  • Sixth, fulfill your dreams. Write a list of things that you would like to do, but are unlikely to dare to do. Wrote?? And now fulfill, because dreams should come true, and not remain dreams!


After reading this article, you already know what to do when you feel bad at heart. The main thing is to really fight it, and not give up, because your happiness is in your hands - remember this.

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