Life and work of Fet. Interesting facts from the life of Fet

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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (years of life 1820 - 1892) - this name is known to any schoolchild. Consider the most important thing in Fet's biography: his family, creativity, Fet's biography. The biography is short, for elementary school students. The life of the poet was very eventful events, and Fet's biography is briefly presented in a concise form with difficulty, since I want to tell a lot of interesting facts about Fet.

The famous poem is taught at school by everyone without exception and is remembered all their lives:

  • Again the birds fly from afar
  • To the shores that break the ice
  • The warm sun is high
  • And the fragrant lily of the valley is waiting.
  • Again in the heart nothing will die
  • Till the ascending blood cries,
  • And with a bribed soul you believe
  • That, like the world, love is endless.
  • But will we get so close again
  • In the midst of nature, we are pampered,
  • As seen walking low
  • us the cold sun of winter?


Athanasius was born in 1820 in the Oryol region (formerly the Oryol province) in the famous Mtsensk district. His mother Charlotte-Elisabeth Becker was a German citizen. Sh.-E. Becker was married to a German poor servant of the city court with the unmemorable long German name Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Föth. Has Fet through "e". Johann Vöth divorced Becker, then remarried and died in 1826. After his death, he left no legacy to his ex-wife and son.

On the eve of the divorce in 1820, a Russian landowner of noble origin, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, arrived in Darmstadt. Elizabeth Becker meets him. They fall in love with each other. Elizabeth by that time was pregnant with her second child. Shenshin secretly takes his future wife to Russia. They got married only in 1822, when the boy was already 2 years old. The boy was baptized and named in the world Afanasy Afanasyevich Shenshin. At birth, the boy was recorded as the consanguineous son of the parent A. N. Shenshin.

Previously, a child could be legitimate, born in wedlock. Since the marriage took place two years after the birth of the future poet, it was difficult to recognize him as a natural son. It is believed that this was done for a bribe.

When the boy was 14 years old, fate played a cruel joke with him. The secret of his birth surfaced in the church office, it turned out that a mistake had been made, that he was not the son of the nobleman Shenshin, and therefore could not have a noble title. Afanasy Neofitovich was recognized as Fet's stepfather. An official church message was issued about this.

Married Shenshina and Becker had several children together. K.P. Matveeva is the elder sister of Fet. Born in 1819. All other brothers and sisters were born in the Shenshin family:

  • L.A. Shenshin in 1824;
  • V.A. Shenshin in 1827;
  • ON THE. Borisov in 1832;
  • P.A. Shenshin in 1834

There were children who died at an early age Anna, Vasily and possibly another Anna. Infant mortality was very high even in wealthy families.

It is interesting to know: the poet, the life and work of the writer.


Fet initially studied at the Krummer boarding school in Estonia, where he received an excellent upbringing. Further, in 1838, he entered Moscow State University and studied at the philosophical and philological department of literature. Here he is passionate about literature and languages. He graduated from the university in 1844. The first publications of poems were made in the senior courses of the university.


Fet began writing his first poems at a young age. Afanasy Afanasyevich was a lyricist from God. He sensually composed nature, love and art into poetic forms. With all this, the poet's lyrical nature did not interfere, but rather, on the contrary, helped him to be an enterprising good landowner with a "commercial streak".

The first official publications of poems were made in the Lyric Pantheon magazine in 1840. The first collection of poems was published in 1850, and then published regularly. He became any modern poet and was published in various publications.

Feta has always been oppressed by circumstance, according to which he was deprived of the title of nobility. He was very eager to regain this title and in 1853 he entered the service in the guards regiment. Unfortunately, the service did not bear fruit. In 1858, he retired, and remained untitled.

A year earlier, he marries Maria Botkina . on accumulated capital they buy arable land. Fet becomes a passionate farmer: he grows crops, raises livestock, takes care of bees, and even digs a pond where he breeds fish. The estate was called Stepanovka. A few years later, the estate begins to bring a good income - up to 5-6 thousand a year. This is huge money. In 1877, he sold the estate and bought another - Vorobyovka in the Kursk province. It was an old estate with a beautiful manor house on the banks of the river and a huge century-old garden.

From 1862 to 1871, along with poetry, Fet was carried away by prose. These are two absolutely opposite literary currents of his work. If Fet's poetry is very lyrical, then prose is called realistic. These are stories, essays about rural hard work. Among the well-known - "Notes on civilian labor", "From the village" and others.

Fet had a lot of fans. One of them is Maria Lazich. They had tender feelings for each other, but could not cross their destinies. She died. Many of the best love poems are dedicated to Mary: “Talisman”, “You have suffered, I am still suffering ...” and others.

Afanasy Afanasyevich, knew several languages ​​and translated many works of famous writers:

  • "Faust" by Goethe;
  • Translations of ancient writers - Horace, Virgil, Ovid and many others.

Fet wanted to translate E. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, but he took up the translation of Schopenhauer, and he also dreamed of translating the Bible.


Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892) was born in the very center of Russia - in the Oryol region. The names of I.S. are associated with this region. Turgenev, L.A. Andreeva, I.A. Bunina, N.S. Leskov. Until now, researchers are arguing whether Fet was the son of the landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, in whose estate he was born, or his mother Charlotte Fet gave birth to a child from her ex-German husband. Fet Shenshin fell passionately in love with Charlotte while being treated in Germany, and secretly took her to Russia, where a few months later a boy was born who became a wonderful Russian poet...

At the end of his life, Fet wrote his memoirs "The Early Years of My Life" (they were published after his death, in 1893). He speaks dryly and reservedly about his childhood. This is not surprising. He remembered his father as stern, stingy with affection. Namely, his character, his orders determined the homely atmosphere. The poet's mother was a timid, submissive woman. Deprived of parental warmth, little Athanasius spent whole hours in communication with the courtyards.

The boy first learned German under the guidance of his mother. And when he began to read in Russian, he was passionately carried away by Pushkin's poetry.


School life began for Athanasius at the age of thirteen. He was sent to the boarding school of the German Krümmer in the small town of Verrlo (now Võru), located on the territory of present-day Estonia. From the school fraternity, the boy was distinguished by the gift of poetry. Poetic talent grew in Fet's soul with difficulty, but steadily. There was no one to perceive and warm this talent away from home. And then there was an event that turned the whole life upside down. From birth, he bore the family noble family name of his father - Shenshin. But a year after the start of his studies at the boarding school, the boy received a letter from his father, which said that from now on Athanasius should bear his mother's surname - Fet. (He became a fet later and by accident: in the printing house where the magazine with his poems was printed, the typesetter forgot to put two dots over the "e".) For a teenager who loved his father, this was a blow and, moreover, meant that he was losing his nobility title and right to be heir.

And the fact was that the boy was born before the marriage of his father with Charlotte Feth was consecrated by the church. Shenshin managed to record it in the metrical documents, but in 1834 the forgery somehow surfaced. Leaving the boarding school as a seventeen-year-old youth, Afanasy Fet left in him annoying witnesses of his unexpectedly erupted misfortune.


In the winter of 1837, Afanasy Neofitovich unexpectedly arrived at the boarding school and took his son to Moscow to prepare for entering the university. When the time came for the exams, Fet passed them brilliantly. He was admitted to the Faculty of Law. Soon the young man moved to the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy. But he did not become a diligent student. Instead of sitting in a crowded auditorium, he sought solitude, and verses multiplied in his cherished notebook.

By the second year, the notebook was thoroughly replenished. It's time to present it to the judgment of an experienced connoisseur. Fet gave the notebook to the historian M.P. Pogodin, who at that time lived N.V. Gogol. A week later, Pogodin returned the poems with the words: "Gogol said that this is an undoubted talent." Fet decided to borrow three hundred rubles to publish a collection of poetry and call it "Lyrical Pantheon". On the title page were the first letters of the author's first and last name - A.F.

First publications

At the end of 1840, Fet was already holding his first thin book. Imitative verses prevailed in it, which the author later did not dare to reprint. However, soon after the release of the Lyric Pantheon, he became different in many ways - an original, original poet.

Magazines willingly published his poems. Among connoisseurs of poetry, Fet had many admirers. But they could not return to him the title of nobility and the surname Shenshin. And he could not come to terms with this loss. And Afanasy Afanasyevich made a firm decision - to go to military service. According to the law of that time, the rank of an officer was supposed to return him to the nobility, however, due to the rules that changed in this regard, he managed to become Shenshin again only in old age. And not thanks to military merit, but by the “highest command” of the emperor.

First love

After graduating from the university (1844), Fet a year later entered the Cuirassier regiment stationed in the Kherson province.

While in military service, Fet met an intelligent, charming girl, Maria Lazich. In Maria Fet found a connoisseur of poetry, a connoisseur of his own poems. Love came... But Lazic was poor. Dreaming of the restoration of the noble rank and material prosperity, Fet did not dare to marry a dowry. The lovers parted. Soon Maria Lazich died tragically. Her image riveted the poetic feeling of Fet all his life. Words of love, repentance and longing broke from his pen.

Petersburg. Collaboration with Sovremennik

In 1850, Fet's second collection was published. It published the poem "Whisper, timid breathing ...", which for many has become almost a symbol of all Fet's poetry. In 1853, Fet began to serve in the guard and moved from south to north, to the location of his new regiment. Camp exercises were now taking place near St. Petersburg, and the poet had the opportunity to visit the capital.

He renews old literary acquaintances and makes new ones. In particular, with the editors of the Sovremennik magazine, which was led by N.A. Nekrasov, who rallied around him many talented writers.

In Sovremennik, Fet came to court. The poet felt sincere attention to himself and perked up. Paper and pencil beckoned him again. 50s became for the poet "finest hour", the time of the most complete recognition of his talent. The third Fetov collection was being prepared for release. Petersburg literary comrades vigorously discussed each poem of the future book. At that time, Fet especially trusted the taste of I.S. Turgenev.

Fet's poems were unusual and unusual. Much of what today seems to be innovative achievements seemed to the readers of that time to be linguistic errors. Turgenev corrected some of Fet's lines, and it has not yet been decided how to publish these poems: with Turgenev's amendments (Fet accepted many of them) or in their original form. In Fet, the word is intended to convey smells, sounds, musical tones, light and flower impressions.

"Escape" to Stepanovka. Break with Sovremennik

In 1860, in his native Orel province, and even in the same Mtsensk district where Fet was born, he bought the Stepanovka farm and built a house. Thus happened, in his words, the "flight" to Stepanovka. What reasons pushed the poet to this flight?

In the late 50s, the passion for poetry was replaced by a cooling towards it - Fet's "finest hour" came to an end. On the eve of the peasant reform of 1861, the demarcation of literary and social forces began. The voices that rejected "pure art" in the name of "practical usefulness" grew louder and louder. The position of Nekrasov's Sovremennik was more and more determined by the articles of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov. In protest, Fet, together with I.S. Turgenev and L.N. Tolstoy left the magazine.

In 1859, Fet published an article “On the Poems of F. Tyutchev” in the Russian Word magazine, where he deliberately challenged public opinion. Art, the poet wrote, should not adhere to any “directions”, it should serve “pure beauty”. Thus, Afanasy Afanasyevich ruined his reputation in the eyes of the democratic public, now he was considered a reactionary, and his lyrics - "avoidance of life." Fet closes in the estate, as if in a fortress, not accepting hostile modernity.

And yet Fet's village housewarming was caused not only by these reasons. All his poetry suggests that the poet loved the land, rural nature, knew a lot about plants, birds, animals. Having retired, as it were, into a double retirement (both in the service and in literature), Fet devoted himself entirely to economic concerns. For seventeen years of life and hard work, he turned Stepanovka into an exemplary profitable estate. But Fet does not stop writing. At this time, he translated the ancient poet Anacreot, oriental (Saadi, Hafiz), German (Heine, Goethe), French (Musset, Beranger) authors. It was Fet who first translated into Russian the treatise of the German philosopher Schopenhauer "The World as Will and Representation".

Beginning in 1883, Fet began to publish collections of poems one after another under the general title "Evening Lights". The title is frankly symbolic: it is about the evening of life. However, perhaps more important here is the word "lights". The later lyrics of the poet not only retained the pressure of the heartfelt feeling inherent in youth, but also acquired the property to radiate the light of wisdom. In 1890, at the age of seventy, Fet proclaimed:

As long as on the chest of the earth
Although I can hardly breathe,
All the thrill of life is young
I will be intelligible from everywhere.

Poems for analysis and recitation by heart

Philosophical lyrics: “I will only meet your smile ...”, “On a haystack at southern night ...”;
“Dream of feelings” (Ap. Grigoriev) in poetry: “I am waiting ... Nightingale echo ...”; “The cat sings, squinting his eyes ...”, “There are patterns on the double glass ...”, “I fall off the chair, I look at the ceiling ...”, “No, do not expect a passionate song ...”;
The lyrics of nature: “How fresh it is here under the thick linden ...”, “Still fragrant bliss of spring ...”, “Over the lake, the swan pulled into the reeds ...”
Lyrics of love: “Do not leave me ...”, “Smile of languishing boredom ...”, “By the fireplace”, “In the darkness above the bright tripod ...”, “The night was shining, the moon was full of the garden ...”


Nina Sukhova. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet // Encyclopedia for children "Avanta +". Volume 9. Russian literature. Part one. M., 1999
L.M. Lotman. A.A. Fet. // History of Russian literature. Volume three. Leningrad: Nauka, 1982. S. 427 - 446

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich (1820 -1892). Fet holds one of the most honorable places among the writers who sang Russian nature. His poems convey subtle images, melodious lyrics of his father's expanses and poignant romance of feelings.

Fet was born in the family of a poor landowner with German roots, in the Novoselki estate. By the age of fifteen he was sent to a private boarding house and three years later he entered Moscow University. While studying at the verbal faculty, he began to try himself in the literary field. In 1840, his collection Lyrical Pantheon was published, which delighted readers with sincerity and purity.

The poet's second book came out only ten years later, and was overshadowed by the death of his beloved, Maria Lazich. At this time, Afanasy Afanasievich was in military service. He needed to regain the nobility, which he was deprived of due to the peculiarities of Russian jurisprudence. Being transferred to the Life Guards, the poet has the opportunity to communicate with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov.

Ivan Turgenev edits Fet's third poetry collection, published in 1856. It included about a hundred works; both old and new. This edition was highly acclaimed by both readers and critics.

In 1856, Afanasy Fet married and retired the following year. He acquires a vast estate, where he becomes a successful landowner. His poems, previously published in separate books and published in leading domestic journals, are published in a two-volume edition of 1863.

After the resignation, Fet successfully leads the landowner's economy, zealously protecting the old way of life. His noble family name - Shenshin and privileges are returned to him. Issues of his collection "Evening Lights" and a book of memoirs are published. But health wears out a deadly disease.

During one of the attacks, the poet decides to commit suicide, but falls dead, barely opening a cabinet with table knives.

The future poet was born on November 23 (December 5, according to the new style), 1820 in the village. Novoselki of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province (Russian Empire).

As the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left Germany in 1820, Athanasius was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin. After 14 years, an unpleasant event occurred in the biography of Afanasy Fet: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his title.


In 1837, Fet graduated from the private boarding school of Krimmer in the city of Verro (now Estonia). In 1838 he entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow University, continuing to take a great interest in literature. He graduated from the university in 1844.

Creativity of the poet

In a brief biography of Fet, it is worth noting that the first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry was first published in the collection "Lyrical Pantheon" in 1840. Since then, Fet's poems have been constantly published in magazines.

In an effort to regain his title of nobility by all possible means, Afanasy Fet went to serve as a non-commissioned officer. Then, in 1853, in Fet's life, there is a transition to the Guards Regiment. Creativity Fet even in those days does not stand still. In 1850, his second collection was published, in 1856 - the third.

In 1857 the poet marries Maria Botkina. Having retired in 1858, without having achieved the return of the title, he acquires land, devotes himself to housekeeping.

Fet's new works, published from 1862 to 1871, make up the cycles "From the Village", "Notes on Freelance Labor". They include novels, short stories, essays. Afanasy Afanasievich Fet strictly distinguishes between his prose and poetry. Poetry is romantic for him, and prose is realistic.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is one of the outstanding lyric poets of the 19th century. “This is not just a poet, but rather a poet-musician,” wrote P. I. Tchaikovsky about him.

Indeed, many romances have been written to Fet’s words: “The garden is all in bloom” by Arensky, “Your luxurious wreath is fresh and fragrant” by Rimsky-Korsakov, “In the invisible haze” by Taneyev, “I won’t tell you anything ...” by Tchaikovsky, “ In the silence of the secret night ... "Rakhmaninov and others.

One of the first to be set to music by the composer Varlamov was the poem “Don’t wake her up at dawn…”:

Don't wake her up at dawn
At dawn she sleeps so sweetly
Morning breathes on her chest
Brightly puffs on the pits of the cheeks.

And her pillow is hot
And a hot tiring dream,
And, blackening, they run on their shoulders
Braids tape on both sides.

And yesterday at the window in the evening
For a long, long time she sat
And watched the game through the clouds,
What, sliding, started the moon.

And the brighter the moon played
And the louder the nightingale whistled,
She became more and more pale
My heart was beating harder and harder.

That's why on a young chest,
On the cheeks so the morning burns.
Don't wake her up, don't wake her up
At dawn, she sleeps so sweetly.

The feelings of a young woman are conveyed by the poet with exceptional artistic expressiveness. The poem is written in song intonation: three-syllable meter with an accent on the last syllable - an anapaest.

Some poetic lines begin, as in folk songs, with the same words (“At dawn, you don’t wake her, at dawn she sleeps so sweetly; and her pillow is hot, and her tiring dream is hot”). The repetition of the first lines at the end of the poem: "Don't wake her up, don't wake her up" - enhances the intonation-melodic sound of the poem.

In 1850, the critic Apollon Grigoriev wrote about this poem: "... a song that has become almost folk."

No less poetic and musical are the landscape lyrics of A. A. Fet. Poems about nature are combined by him into separate cycles according to the seasons: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow". A special cycle is dedicated to the sea. Fet loved nature, knew it very well and felt it subtly.

The poet personifies natural phenomena, perceives them as animated beings, thanks to which the landscapes are always covered with a certain mood:

color garden breathes
Apple, cherry.

tormented by song
Nightingale without a rose
Weeping old stone
Dropping tears into the pond...
("In the haze-invisibility.")

A. A. Fet can be called a singer of nature and love. He did not deal with issues of public life in his works. The poet "never could understand that art was interested in anything other than beauty", and acted as a defender of "pure art". He considered artistic creativity as the only refuge "from all sorts of sorrows, including civil ones", and sought to oppose art to reality. Fet's literary principles are closely connected with his general outlook, with his life.

He was born in 1820 in the village of Novoselki, not far from Mtsensk (Orel Region), into the family of a wealthy landowner. Until the age of 14, Fet lived and studied at home, and then in a boarding house. In 1837 he entered the Moscow University at the Faculty of History and Philology.

His poetic talent was clearly manifested during his studies at the university. As a student, he is already becoming a famous poet and is published in literary magazines. After graduating from the university, Fet entered the military service and spent nine years in the remote places of the Kherson province.

Since 1854, Fet began to collaborate in the Sovremennik magazine. But even in this best time of his activity, he did not find himself in the camp of fighters for freedom and democracy, but opposed them and, together with a group of noble writers, left Sovremennik in 1859. From that moment, Fet finally withdrew from public life and took up the landowner's economy and zemstvo affairs. His muse continued to serve the ideals of love and beauty, and he did not notice how Russian literature struggled to solve the most difficult national problems.

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