Magnit's code of corporate ethics. Code of Conduct

reservoirs 26.09.2019

In any organization there should be some basic document that introduces "newcomers" to the rules of life and work in the company. Often such a document is the Rules of internal labor legislation. I propose an alternative to the Rules - the Corporate Code (sample) of the company, which contains both legally enshrined provisions and the rules for working in this particular company.

Company Code


1. This Corporate Code will define the rules of conduct and norms labor discipline company "A".

2. An employee hired by the company undertakes to comply with all management requirements related to the production process, and management to create the necessary conditions for the effective work of employees.


1. Employment in the organization is made on the basis of a personal application addressed to the Director.

2. When hiring an employee, on the first working day, he must be instructed in the Personnel Management Service and in the Security Service.

3. When hiring, an employee is obliged to present, in accordance with the “Procedure for hiring personnel for work” adopted in the holding, within 2 days to the Human Resources Service, the following documents: passport; work book, insurance certificate of state pension insurance; military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service; education document; certificate of identification tax number of registration with the tax authority at the place of residence; certificate of income from the last place of work.

4. The employee must immediately notify the Human Resources Service in writing of all changes in personal data (last name, place of residence, home telephone number, marital status, etc.).

5. Employment is formalized by the order of the Director, which is announced to the employee against signature. The order must indicate the name of the work (position) and the conditions of remuneration.

6. For all employees who have worked more than 5 days, work books are maintained in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

7. A three-month probationary period is established for a hired employee in order to verify his compliance with the position held and the work assigned. Based on the results of the probationary period, a decision is made on the end of the probationary period, which is formalized by the order of the Director.

8. Termination labor relations company and employee may take place on the grounds provided for by applicable law. Calculation wages and compensation, as well as the issuance of a work book, is carried out after the employee completes the "Bypass Sheet" of the established form, which is issued by the office manager.

10. The employee has the right to terminate the employment relationship with the company by notifying the management in writing two weeks in advance.

11. Termination of labor relations is formalized by the order of the Director.

12. Upon dismissal, all material and technical means used by the employee and belonging to the organization are subject to return to the unit where the employee worked.


Disciplinary Duties

1. The range of duties that each employee performs according to the specialty, qualifications and position is determined job descriptions and provisions.

2. Employees are obliged to strictly comply with all instructions of their superiors, as well as all orders and instructions that are brought to their attention.

3. Employees are required to observe labor discipline, work schedule, use work time for productive work, to refrain from actions that interfere with other employees to carry out their labor obligations.

4. Employees are obliged to comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety and fire protection, provided for by the relevant rules and instructions.

5. Employees are required to attend planning meetings and general meetings conducted by management.

6. Employees must keep cleanliness and order in the premises allocated for them, the canteen, toilets, workplaces, official vehicles, etc.

7. Employees are obliged to rationally use equipment, consumables, energy, fuel and other material resources of the company. Do not use them for personal purposes. The removal of equipment from the premises is carried out on the basis of a permit of the established form. Unauthorized connection and installation is not allowed software that does not contribute to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the employee.

8. Employees should not abuse telephone conversations during working hours to solve problems that are not related to production activities, as well as use the Internet only for solving production problems. Intercity phone calls of a personal nature are paid by the employee.

work ethics

6. Employees are required at work to have a neat appearance and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

7. Employees are required to refrain from profanity. Adequately use expressions with increased expressiveness. Watch the tone of speech.

8. Employees should strive to ensure that their appearance, behavior and speech contribute to maintaining a favorable image of the company in the eyes of partners, customers and stakeholders. Everything that happens in production, at the request of the employee, can be openly discussed with management at meetings labor collective, but should not become the subject of gossip outside the walls of the company, which can damage the reputation of the organization.

9. Smoking on the territory of the organization is allowed only in specially designated areas.

10. Employees are prohibited from drinking alcohol in the workplace. For violation this rule management has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions, up to and including dismissal.

Other Responsibilities

11. Employees are obliged to take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that impede normal work, if it is impossible to eliminate them on their own within the powers delegated to him, immediately report this to the head of the unit or management.

14. Keys to individual premises of the company are issued only to employees who have permission to receive them, about which a corresponding entry is made in the register of the duty officer.


1. The management of the company is obliged to create healthy and safe working conditions for life.

2. Promptly communicate to employees prospective and current activity plans, as well as orders and instructions.

3. To perform direct production tasks, provide employees with the necessary resources.

4. Provide correct application the current conditions of payment and labor rationing, stable payment of wages, taking into account the personal labor contribution of each employee, social guarantees and security.

5. The management of the company reserves the right to control labor and production discipline, as well as to impose disciplinary sanctions and apply measures of material influence (fines).

6. The management of the company undertakes to promote the systematic improvement of the qualifications of employees, to promote creative and professional growth.

7. The management of the company is ready in every possible way to encourage the loyalty of the personnel to the organization and its tasks.

7. When carrying out their duties, the company's management should strive to create a highly professional, efficient team, form and develop a corporate culture, and increase the prestige of working in the company.


1. The time of the beginning and end of work and a break for rest and meals is established by the orders of the head of the structural unit and is fixed in the employment contract. In agreement with the management, the employee may change the working hours.

2. For overtime work(including on weekends) that arose in connection with a production need, the employee is provided with time off or monetary compensation.

3. The absence of an employee during working hours at the workplace, including being late, without the permission of the immediate supervisor, may serve as a basis for reducing the amount of payments for the current month and / or applying other measures, up to and including dismissal.

4. In the event of temporary incapacity for work, the employee is obliged to inform the head of his department about this on the first day of absence from work and subsequently provide a properly executed certificate of incapacity for work on a strict reporting form. Hospital certificates of arbitrary form and other similar documents are not documents confirming the objectivity of the reasons for absence from work.

5 . For family reasons and other valid reasons, the Employee, upon his application, may be granted short-term leave without pay.

6. Salary for an incomplete worked month is calculated according to the number of days worked, in accordance with the PVTR and the corporate code of the company.


1. An employee is granted an annual paid leave of 28 calendar days. The time of granting leave, its full or partial use is agreed with the head of the department and the Director of the company.

3. The employee has the right to regular paid leave and leave without pay in accordance with Labor Code RF, but not earlier than 6 months from the start of work in the organization, for the actual hours worked. The vacation schedule is drawn up based on the production capabilities of the unit and the company, and is approved by the Director.

4. Calculation and payment of vacation pay is carried out in accordance with the accepted rules for calculating vacation pay for company employees.


1. Organization and holding of any festive events within the office can be carried out only with the permission of the management and outside working hours, in accordance with the corporate code of the company.

2. Use alcoholic beverages(including beer) without the permission of the Director within the official and adjacent territory during working and non-working hours is strictly prohibited. Management reserves the right to apply sanctions up to and including termination of all employees involved.


1. For violation of labor discipline, the management reserves the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions: verbal reprimand; rebuke; dismissal for appropriate reasons.

2. Disciplinary sanctions are applied and approved by the Director on the proposals of the heads of departments.

3. Before applying a disciplinary sanction, explanations must be requested from the employee, and in case of refusal, an appropriate act is drawn up. The refusal of the Employee to give explanations cannot serve as an obstacle to the application of a penalty.

4. Disciplinary sanctions may be applied in cases of: being late, absent from work for more than 3 hours without good reason and other violations of working hours; smoking in inappropriate places; viewing porn and gaming Internet sites; usage technical means and material resources companies for personal purposes; improper performance of official duties.

5. For each disciplinary offense Only one disciplinary sanction may be applied.


1. For exemplary performance of labor duties, increased labor productivity, continuous and flawless work, and for other achievements in work, the following incentives are applied: announcing gratitude, presenting a diploma, issuing a cash bonus, and rewarding with a valuable gift.

2. Incentives are announced in the order, brought to the attention of the entire team.

3. Employees who successfully and conscientiously fulfill their labor duties are given an advantage in career advancement in accordance with the corporate code of the company.

ITeam expert comment:

Highly useful classification codes. However, the article does not answer the question of how to really improve the efficiency of company management with the help of the code? And this is probably the most difficult.
It is not enough to develop a code. It needs to become a norm of behavior for top managers and owners, and possibly the entire organization. This is a separate task and often it is not performed.
Unfortunately, when assessing the level corporate governance, verification of compliance with the company code is not carried out.

Partner of consulting company iTeam
Mikhail Korkishko

AT last years Codes of corporate ethics have appeared in many large Russian companies. Is it a fashion, a nod to Western investors, or is the owner really trying to improve the efficiency of company management with the help of the code? As practice shows, codes of ethics do contain resources for solving a fairly wide range of tasks. At the same time, there is no single methodological approach to the creation of ethical codes today. The first step in building such a methodological base may be the classification of existing codes of corporate ethics carried out in the article.

A study of the ethical codes of leading foreign and domestic companies showed that they are often very different from each other. The considered codes have a different format, a different style and, moreover, perform different tasks. It depends on the tasks that this document will be and how it will work in a particular organization.

To the history of the issue

A code of ethics is essentially a set of rules and norms of behavior shared by group members. With the help of the code certain models of behavior and uniform standards of relations and joint activities are set.

The first universal codes, representing a set of universal human values, were sets of religious rules (for example, the Ten Commandments old testament). A little later, private codes began to emerge that determined the behavior of individual social groups society (for example, the Code of the Samurai "Bushido").

The need for private codes (for example, codes of associations, professions) arose due to the fact that universal norms were not enough to regulate human behavior in specific situations. Private ethics concretized general moral principles in relation to the characteristics of a particular activity.

Currently, the most common are two types of ethical codes - professional and corporate, which regulate the relationship of people within these groups.

Depending on the identity of a specialist (with an organization or with a professional community), a code of professional or corporate ethics will be more significant for him.

Professional codes govern relationships within the professional community and are effective in the "liberal professions" where professional ethical dilemmas are most pronounced. One of the first professional codes of ethics was the Hippocratic Oath - the Code of Physicians. The most well-known codes of ethics are those professions where significant ethical dilemmas are set by the content of the activity (lawyers, psychotherapists, journalists, realtors, etc.).

Codes regulate the behavior of a specialist in difficult ethical situations typical for a given profession, increase the status of the professional community in society, and form confidence in the representatives of this profession. The code also reinforces the importance of belonging to a profession, its adoption can indirectly be a rite of initiation, an act of “conversion to a profession” (for example, taking the Hippocratic oath and admitting doctors to medical work).

When the most significant ethical dilemmas are set by the organization, the activities of employees are regulated by the corporate code.

Learn more about the Code of Conduct

The root cause of ethical problems in business is contradictions in the interests of interest groups. Business includes economic relations between many groups of people: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, competitors, governments and communities - stakeholders. For the most effective management modern manager should take into account the totality of interests, and not just the interests of shareholders.

Interest groups often make conflicting demands.

For example, a conflict of interests between the company and the consumer: is it possible to sell a product that does not correspond in quality to the declared one (false advertising)?

The company strives for the most profitable coverage of its product and attracting customers, interest is the prosperity of the company. The consumer is interested in the most objective message about the consumer qualities of the product, the interest is full awareness.

It should be noted that not all problems have a moral aspect. For example, the question of whether to introduce a new product in Europe before the US has no moral component. And the question of different quality criteria (or different norms of information transparency about the quality of goods) for the products of one company exported to the United States and third world countries already affects moral standards.

Therefore, the most important tasks of the code of corporate ethics are to set priorities for target groups and ways to harmonize their interests.

A code of conduct can perform three main functions:

  • reputational;
  • managerial;
  • development of corporate culture.

The reputational function of the code is to build confidence in the company on the part of reference external groups (a description of the policies traditionally fixed in international practice in relation to customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.). Thus, the code, being a corporate PR tool, increases the investment attractiveness of the company. The presence of a company code of corporate ethics becomes a global standard for doing business.

The managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Improving the efficiency of employees' activities is carried out by:

  • regulation of priorities in cooperation with significant external groups,
  • determining the order of decision-making in complex ethical situations,
  • indications of unacceptable forms of behavior.

Corporate ethics, in addition, is an integral part of corporate culture. The Code of Corporate Ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey the values ​​of the company to all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

Approaches to creating ethical corporate codes

As a rule, codes contain two parts:

  • ideological (mission, goals, values);
  • normative (standards of working behavior).

At the same time, the ideological part may not be included in the content of the code.

Professionally homogenous organizations (banks, consulting companies) often use codes that primarily describe professional dilemmas. These codes “came out” of the previously described codes of professional communities. Accordingly, the content of such codes primarily regulates the behavior of employees in difficult professional ethical situations. In banking, for example, this is access to confidential information about the client and information about the stability of his bank. The Code describes the rules for handling such information and prohibits the use of information for personal enrichment.

First of all, management tasks are solved here. Complementing such a code with chapters on the mission and values ​​of the company contributes to the development of corporate culture. At the same time, the code can have a significant volume and complex specific content and be addressed to all employees of the company.

In large heterogeneous corporations, the combination of all three functions becomes complex. On the one hand, there are a number of policies and situations that are traditionally enshrined in ethical codes in international practice. These are policies in relation to clients, suppliers, contractors; description of situations related to possible abuses: bribes, bribery, embezzlement, deceit, discrimination. Based managerial function, the code describes standards of exemplary behavior in such situations. Such a code has a significant volume and rather complex content. Addressing it to all groups of employees in the conditions of a significant difference in the educational level and social status of employees is difficult. At the same time, the development of the company's corporate culture requires a single code for all employees - it must set a common understanding of the company's mission and values ​​for each employee.

In such a situation, 2 versions of the code are used - declarative and expanded.

"Credo", or declarative version ethical code has been used to present ethical principles since the beginning of the 20th century. These codes include Creed (declaration of values) "Johnson and Johnson" (1944), Code "Seven spirits (principles)" of behavior of employees "Matsushita electric" (1933). They describe the general principles of employee behavior at the declaration level.

In fact, the declarative version is only an ideological part of the code without regulating the behavior of employees. For example, "Credo" includes 4 expanded values, "Seven Spirits" - seven basic principles. At the same time, in specific situations, employees themselves must navigate how to behave, based on basic ethical standards.

These codes are still in effect today. However, in some cases it is difficult for employees to assess the ethical legitimacy of a particular act based on general principles. Therefore, in order for the code to really work, companies resort to constantly broadcasting these principles through the singing of the anthem, regular discussions and other corporate rituals. For example, beginning in the 1970s, Johnson & Johnson established a practice of constant discussion and critical review of The Creed. During the Tylenol poisoning crisis(1), Larry Foster, the company's vice president of communications, said the company had no choice but to remove Tylenol from the market. To refuse to do so was to violate the Creed.

So, the declarative version of the code solves, first of all, the tasks of developing corporate culture. At the same time, in order to provide the code to the international community and solve specific management problems, it is necessary to develop additional documents.

Since the 80s of the XX century, a detailed version of the code with detailed regulation of the ethics of employee behavior has also become widespread (P&G, BP). They fixed the specific regulation of the behavior of employees in certain areas where the risk of violations was high or difficult ethical situations arose. These regulations were described in the form of policies regarding customers, consumers, the state, political activities, conflicts of interest, labor safety.

At the same time, the large volume and complexity of the content of such codes determine their selective addressing. In most companies, such codes are developed for top and middle management and are not a universal document that unites all employees.

Approaches to creating ethical codes




Alfa-Bank, Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Johnson & Johnson, Panasonic

Organization characteristics

Professionally homogenous organizations

Large, professionally heterogeneous organizations

Describes professional ethical dilemmas, norms and standards of behavior May contain an ideological part

Describes ideology and general rules behavior

Describes policies in relation to key groups Regulates the behavior of employees May contain an ideological part

Main functions

Can implement all three functions: reputational, managerial and corporate culture development function

Implements mainly the function of corporate culture development, partly - managerial

Implements reputational and managerial functions

To whom is addressed

All employees

All employees

Mainly management

Professional language, large volume

Clear text, small volume

Special terminology, large volume

So, each company defines its own tasks, for the solution of which it intends to use such a tool as a code of corporate ethics. But the creation of the code, of course, is not limited to writing the text of the document. There is a specificity in the execution of such documents: it is impossible to force the execution of the code of ethics. Therefore, in order for it to really work, even at the stage of its creation, it is necessary to provide procedures that include, if possible, all employees of the company in the process of developing a document. Only if every employee accepts a code of corporate ethics will it be actually implemented.

But how to accomplish such a task in a large corporation? What if a large company needs a code that performs all functions simultaneously: developing corporate culture, increasing management efficiency, positively influencing reputation?

  • Differences between "male" and "female" cultures
  • Description of organizational cultures
  • Chapter 2
  • 2.1. Elements and characteristics of organizational culture
  • 2.2. Company missions and slogans
  • Suggested b. Nanus systematic approach in the development of new missions
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and company mission development
  • Model of "neurological levels"
  • 2.3. Communicative unity of the organization.
  • 2.4. The image of the organization and its formation
  • Types of image depending on its characteristics
  • The relationship of elements of culture
  • 2.5. Company reputation: essence, formation, management
  • Some values ​​of the statistical indicator k1
  • 2.6. Symbols, rituals, myths and legends in the company
  • Types of organizational rites
  • Chapter 3 goals and values ​​of organizational culture. Company Code
  • 3.1. Goals and goal setting of different types of organizational cultures
  • The "Management by Objectives" system as a tool for motivating personnel of different cultures
  • Achievement of goals according to the UPC system for the head of the department1
  • 3.2 Values ​​and norms of culture as a criteria basis for personnel behavior
  • Interpretation of the same values ​​in different cultures
  • 3.3. Company Code
  • I. Personal principle
  • II. Principles of professionalism
  • Section i. Definitions of terms used in the Standards
  • Section III. General provisions
  • Section IV. Interaction with clients and colleagues
  • Section V. Preparation and execution of transactions
  • 4. Ethical obligations of a social worker to society
  • 4.1. Support for the general welfare
  • Case assessment of organizational culture in Uzory LLC
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. Determining the type of employee that is ideal for the company culture
  • The most common types of workers
  • NLP approaches to evaluating people
  • Personality types and their corresponding types of culture and incentives
  • Methods for identifying employee preferences and qualities
  • 4.2. Problems and difficulties in the selection of personnel corresponding to the culture of the company
  • 4.3. Methods of non-directive staff reduction
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.1. Staff motivation as an element of company culture
  • 5.2. Methods of motivation of various organizational cultures
  • I. Basic salary calculation
  • Grading system for a consulting company
  • 3. Participation of personnel in profits, ownership and management of the company
  • 5.3. Non-traditional methods of motivation
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Introducing staff to the organizational culture of the company
  • 6.2. Training of staff from different organizational cultures
  • Distinctive features of learning organizations
  • Companies
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. Personnel performance assessment systems
  • 7.2. Personnel certification
  • Chapter 8
  • Employee Behavior Models
  • Key Features of Team Roles
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Skills and competencies of leaders of different organizational cultures
  • General Patterns and Problems of Russian Leadership
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.2. Diagnosis of the degree of commitment of employees to culture. Employee loyalty to the company
  • 5. Who blames the use of company resources for personal gain is so common?
  • 10.3. Loyalty in understanding different cultures
  • Chapter 11 Features of the organizational culture of Russian companies in various fields of activity
  • 11.1. Banking corporate culture: features and development prospects
  • 11.2. Features of the culture of organizations in the social sphere
  • 11.3. Patterns and features of the development of the most important elements of the culture of the studied organizations
  • 1. Employees' perception of the company's culture. Satisfaction and loyalty
  • 3. Training and communications
  • Chapter 12
  • 12.1. Modeling the development of the organizational culture of the company
  • The Twelve Management Practices
  • 12.2. Using the content of the concept of "socio-economic space" to improve the management of human resources of the company
  • Chapter 1
  • 3.3. Company Code

    In terms of their content, corporate codes are local regulatory legal acts containing the most important information and regulatory provisions adopted in the company. Such a regulatory book for personnel { employee handbook, staff handbook) structurally, as a rule, it consists of two parts: the information part tells about the history, the company, its culture and the main directions of personnel policy; the regulatory part consists of the rules and regulations that are most important for the company and take into account its specifics: the procedure for hiring, dismissal, certification, consideration of labor disputes, types and amounts of compensation to employees, prevention of discrimination, working hours, labor discipline, health protection, property protection firms, protection of commercial secrets, ethical standards of behavior, types and conditions of social insurance, etc.

    The latest legislation in Western countries and the United States pays special attention to protecting the identity of the employee and his human dignity, specifically stipulating disciplinary liability and the procedure for handling complaints of sexual harassment, racial and national harassment, bullying of the disabled and persons with limited working capacity. Bullying of employees is considered in three aspects:

      verbal (screams, insults, nicknames, ridicule, spiteful statements, continuous public criticism, constant mention of past miscalculations, verbal threats);

      non-verbal (creating an unbearable environment through isolation and ostracism, excessive supervision and control, refusal to communicate);

      physical (slapping, hitting, pinching, pushing out of the office, stealing or damaging the victim's property).

    Here are excerpts from the Code of Conduct for Company Employees General electric ( G.E. ), regulating the most important aspects of the behavior of its employees.

    Responsibilities of all employeesG.E.

    Each rule of corporate conduct defines specific responsibilities for its implementation. There are, however, obligations that apply to all rules. You should:

    study those rules that directly apply to your work. You do not need to know all the rules verbatim, but you do need to have a general understanding of the content of each of them and to study the rules directly related to your work in detail. Visit page G.E. on the Internet ( integrity. ge. com), covering issues of business ethics. There you will find the full texts of the most recent rules relating to your area of ​​work;

      seek help from your manager, company lawyer or other services if you want to clarify the specifics of the application of our rules;

      promptly report all situations that, in our opinion, could lead to a violation by you or others of any of these rules, as well as all possible attempts to violate the rules of corporate conduct G.E.;

      understand that you have several ways to raise a question about situations that concern you in terms of compliance with corporate rules G.E.. You can report them to any manager G.E. or a company lawyer, auditor or other person responsible for compliance with corporate rules. You can state the essence of the issue in writing or orally, in an open or anonymous form;

      if your complaint regarding business ethics issues is not properly considered, you can forward it to any of the persons listed in the previous paragraph;

      assist in the investigation of violations of corporate rules G.E..

    All employees are prohibited from harassing or obstructing anyone in the formulation and resolution of issues related to compliance with the principles of business ethics G.E..

    Penalties for violation of corporate rules

    Employees who violate the spirit or letter of these rules G.E., subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. The following are examples of misbehavior that may result in disciplinary action:

      actions that violate corporate rules G.E.\

      inducing other persons to commit such acts;

      late reporting of known or suspected violations of any corporate rule G.E.\

      refusal to cooperate in the investigation of possible violations of any corporate rule G.E.\

      retaliation against any employee for reporting a possible violation;

      insufficient organizational skills of the manager and the lack of the necessary diligence in the work to ensure compliance with corporate rules G.E. and applicable law.

    Under the violation of corporate rules G.E. also understood as an offense that entailed a criminal penalty (fine or imprisonment) for both the violator and the employing company, as well as civil sanctions in the form of compensation for damages or the payment of a fine.

    Your personal commitment:

    I confirm that I have received the corporate code of conduct G.E., called "The Principles of Business Ethics: The Spirit and the Letter of Our Commitment".

    I am aware that every employee of the company is required to strictly adhere to the corporate rules contained in this document.

    If I have a suspicion of possible violations of corporate rules G.E., I will report this to one of the managers, or the company's lawyer, or the auditor G.E., or another person of the company responsible for compliance with corporate rules.

    How to respond to violations of the principlesG.E.

    For each of us as an employee G.E., the most important responsibility is to report suspicions of a possible violation of corporate rules G.E. or applicable law. Sometimes it seems that this is not easy to do. Someone might even think that this would mean a violation of their own ethical standards. If you feel this contradiction in yourself, you need to clearly understand how much damage your silence can cause. It can lead to consequences such as:

      harm to health, safety and welfare, both for you personally and for your employees at work, for the company as a whole, as well as for people and environment in the areas where we operate;

      loss of confidence in the company among customers, shareholders, official authorities and members of the public;

      huge fines, damages and other financial sanctions against the company, fines and / or imprisonment of individual employees.

    In this regard, the company requires that employees do not remain silent if they suspect possible violations of corporate rules. The point of reporting such situations is not to create problems for your colleague, but to protect him and others from a potential threat.

    The most important norms and corporate rules covered in the Code:

    Work with customers and suppliers; invalid payments; compliance with the rules of international trade; prevention of money laundering; protection of private interests of customers; relationships with suppliers; work with government organizations; compliance with fair competition laws; environment, health and safety; equal conditions of employment and work; protection of company property; conflicts of interest; the control; operations of employees with shares of the company; disclosure of commercial information; intellectual property” 15 .

    The main activities at the stage of development and consolidation of regulatory documents and rules are as follows:

    1) development of regulatory documents on compliance with business ethics, conflict prevention and procedures for their investigation;

      bringing these regulatory documents to performers of all levels;

      the introduction of firm regulations obliging victims and witnesses to immediately report all situations of violation of established rules. To this end, the introduction of various reporting mechanisms;

      conducting trainings for the company's employees in order to work out and consolidate the mechanisms for recognizing violations of the norms and promptly communicating information to the manager;

      conducting trainings for managers and executives of the company.

    In its most generalized form, standards of work behavior

    look like this:

    Professional knowledge and skills:

      possess a full set of professional skills and knowledge;

      additionally for the manager - to evaluate and improve the professionalism of their employees.

    Customer Orientation:

      take into account the client, know the client's business, listen to the client, build their work based on the needs of the client;

      for the manager - to help his subordinates see the work through the eyes of the client.

    Motivation for success:

      set ambitious goals, outline measurable indicators of success, do not calm down until the goal is achieved, raise the bar as soon as the previous one is taken, take reasonable risks;

      for a manager - to aim his subordinates at serious goals, motivate them to achieve results.


      offer pi to promise only what you can deliver; do what you promised;

      achieve results predicted in terms of quality and timing;

      for the manager - to implement the standard of reliability in the work of the subordinate.


      see new opportunities, offer new approaches, find non-standard solutions;

      for the manager - to cultivate a creative approach to work in the team.


    set clear goals, accurately plan, formalize and standardize processes, clearly interact with colleagues and clients;

      for the manager - to carry out competent work on managing execution, including setting tasks and monitoring.


      take responsibility for the final result, make decisions independently, propose and implement initiatives, lead colleagues and the client;

      for a manager - to act as a thought leader for subordinates, to transfer responsibility.


      work for a common goal, trust and help colleagues, constantly interact and coordinate their work with colleagues, resolve conflicts constructively;

      for a manager - to build a team, to achieve a single team vision, to organize interaction.


      constantly learn, learn new things, be a mentor for colleagues;

      for a manager - to develop his subordinates, create an atmosphere conducive to development, delegate new functions to subordinates.

    The commandments of business etiquette may reflect a certain behavioral aspect that is recommended to employees of the company. Let's consider this on the example of ZAO Atomstroyexport.

    Code of honor for an employee of CJSC Atomstroyexport

      Be respectful of authority. Due respect for authority important element successful work. Everything must be in order. Obey the law. Share the values ​​of our culture, observe its norms and regulations.

      Respect is needed at all levels. Respect not only your boss, but also your subordinates, which is the most reliable guarantee of self-respect.

      Be purposeful. The goal must be clearly defined and carried out within the planned time interval.

      Personal affairs and moral values ​​should not contradict universal human values.

      Do not separate words and deeds. A business person is considered such if he can keep his word.

      The speech of the employee must be clear and correct. Vague or vulgar speech alarms the interlocutor.

      Learn to relax and reflect on your life. Normal rest is a prerequisite for high incomes.

      Respect elders. Listen to the advice of experienced people. The lessons of the past should help in the present.

      Respect the culture and traditions of your country and other states.

      Respect human life, dignity and human rights. Your attitude towards others should be the same as you yourself expect from them.

      Correctly calculate your funds. Optimal use of funds and wise management of people is a guarantee of efficiency and high profits.

      The property of the company and information belonging to it cannot be used by the employee for personal gain.

      Be honest and truthful. Don't hesitate to turn down dishonest offers. Cherish the good name of the firm and your own.

      Respect the right to private property.

      Respect, prestige, well-being are the results, but not the goal. Hard work, creativity, foresight, making the most of your abilities and continuous self-improvement are your must-have principles.

      The firm has no power over the family, but a strong family is the key to the prosperity of the company.

    Here are the well-known provisions of the code of conduct, formed on the basis of an analysis of 269 Japanese companies 16:

    Code of Conduct for Workers in Japanese Enterprises

        Attitude to the company:



        Attitude to work:

    • responsibility, fulfillment of duty;

      thrift, accuracy, patience;

      a sense of pride in their work.

        Attitude towards seniors, colleagues and subordinates:


      affection and courtesy.

        Self attitude:




      moral stability.

    In 1912, Russian entrepreneurs adopted "Seven principles of doing business in Russia"?

    1.Respect authority. Power - necessary condition for efficient business management. Everything must be in order. In this regard, show respect for the rulers of order in the legalized echelons of power.

      Be honest and truthful. Honesty and truthfulness are the foundation of entrepreneurship, a prerequisite for healthy profits and harmonious relationships in business. A Russian entrepreneur must be an impeccable bearer of virtue, honesty and truthfulness.

      Respect the right to private property. Free enterprise is the basis of the well-being of the state. The Russian businessman is obliged to work for the benefit of his Motherland by the sweat of his brow. Such zeal can be shown only by relying on private property.

      Love and respect the person. Love and respect for a working person on the part of entrepreneurs generates reciprocal love and respect. In such conditions, a harmony of interests arises, which creates an atmosphere for the development of a wide variety of abilities in people, encourages them to show themselves in all their splendor.

      Be true to your word."Once you lied, who will believe you." Success in business largely depends on the extent to which others trust you.

      Live within your means. Don't get carried away. Choose a case on the shoulder. Always evaluate your options. Act according to your means.

      Be purposeful. Always have a clear goal in front of you. An entrepreneur needs such a goal like air. Don't get distracted by other goals. In an effort to achieve the cherished goal, do not cross the line of what is permitted. No goal can overshadow moral values.

    Now in Russia there are more than a dozen codes of conduct adopted by various professional groups: the Banker's Code of Honor, the Rules for the Good Practice of Members of a Professional Association of Stock Market Participants, the Code of Honor for Members of the Russian Guild of Realtors, the Code of Professional Ethics for Members of the Russian Society of Appraisers, the Code of Ethics and the Standard of Practice of the Moscow Association - Guilds of Realtors, Code of Ethics of the Association of Direct Selling Companies, Code of the Federal Securities Commission (FCSM), etc.

    The most general was Russian Code of Entrepreneurship(1997) ( twelve principles of doing business in Russia))

    The rules of business and corporate ethics apply to members of the Board of Directors and employees of the Yandex group of companies, that is, all members of the team. The Yandex group of companies includes Yandex N.V. and all companies of the Yandex N.V. - including business units and joint ventures, in the authorized capital of which there is a majority share of the companies of the Yandex group.

    Yandex strives to adhere to high standards of business ethics when doing business. Therefore, we expect all team members to follow the principles described in the Rules of Business and Corporate Ethics. Failure to follow these rules may result in negative consequences, including legal ones - both for the employee and for Yandex.

    All team members should study these rules, as well as other Yandex policies and internal rules. Responsibility for compliance with the law and the Rules of Corporate Conduct lies with each of us. All team members must be aware of the principles described in these rules and follow them in their work. Managers need to do everything possible to ensure that their team members understand and comply with Yandex's policies and rules.

    We also expect our counterparties, consultants and other people or companies who work with us or act on our behalf to also follow the business ethics principles described in this policy. Third parties may not perform any actions on behalf of Yandex that are prohibited by team members. Non-compliance by partners with these principles will make it impossible to continue business relations with Yandex.

    1. We work for users

    Our the main objective- to create high-quality services for millions of Internet users, and this is reflected in Yandex's internal documents. It is important that each team member strives to achieve this goal. First of all, we should think about the user characteristics of the service, how it will be liked and useful to people. Yandex expects team members to feel responsible not only for their part of the work, but also for the product as a whole. Be sensitive to user feedback and suggest improvements. If you notice that something does not work or does not work correctly on one of the Yandex services, be sure to inform the responsible managers about it.

    Our business is largely based on the high reputation of Yandex and the trust of our users. This trust is the result of many years of work of many people and one of the core values ​​of the Yandex brand. Remember that users of our services trust us with their data. It could be personal information person (for example, passport data), our correspondence with him, knowledge of his social connections and much more. Our internal procedures restrict access to any non-public user information. It is strictly confidential and may only be used for the purposes for which it was collected. When working with personal data, you are obliged to keep it secret and prevent its disclosure and dissemination.

    2. Work in Yandex

    Equal rights in employment

    When hiring, Yandex provides all candidates with equal opportunities. We hire those who are best able to cope with the proposed tasks. It does not matter to us nationality, race, political or religious views, sexual preferences and other characteristics not related to professional qualities person and performance of duties. We consider it unacceptable to discriminate on any of the grounds specified in the law applicable to Yandex.

    Working relationship

    The same principles should guide team members when professional communication. No attacks, insults or rude jokes related to gender, age, nationality, political or religious views, etc. are allowed.

    Company property and resources

    Yandex provides team members with everything they need to work. This is the property of Yandex. We expect team members to treat it with care. The Company does not prohibit the use of work property for personal purposes, but expects this to be within reasonable limits. Maintaining offices in such a way that it is pleasant and comfortable to work there is also the work of our colleagues, which we treat with respect.

    We have open offices, and all employees can bring their guests. At the same time, remember that you are fully responsible for ensuring that your guests do not interfere with work and that there are no leaks of confidential information. While guests are in the office, they should not be left alone, unaccompanied.

    Intellectual property

    Our intellectual property includes, among other things, the logo, trademarks, patents, software products, etc. These are very important and valuable assets of Yandex, and any use of them at external events or by our partners must be agreed in advance with the head of PR- services. If you come across our logo or other intellectual property and you have doubts about the legality of its use, please report this to the Legal Department.

    Yandex respects the intellectual property of third parties. Misuse of someone else's intellectual property can lead both Yandex and a team member to lawsuits and fines, as well as negatively affect our reputation. If your project involves the use of any content or software that does not belong to Yandex, be sure to consult with lawyers.

    3. Legal Compliance

    Compliance with laws is the responsibility of all members of our team. We expect them to comply with the laws and other regulations that apply to Yandex. Knowing them is very important, because we have services, some functions of which may depend on the legislation of a particular country.

    Team members must take into account the laws that are in force in the countries where Yandex operates and relate to their professional duties - in particular, they regulate the operation of the service for which the person is responsible. For advice, please contact Yandex lawyers, and this should be done at the service design stage.

    All team members must comply with the requirements of legislation governing import, export and other trade aspects entrepreneurial activity in the countries of our presence. In addition, it is necessary to take into account trade and economic sanctions imposed in various states, if they are applicable to the activities of Yandex.

    Bribery is a crime in all countries where Yandex operates. Team members should be aware that we prohibit any form of bribery, including commercial bribery and other types of illegal payments to gain or retain business advantages. Local custom or common practice cannot be a justification for committing a crime. It is also important to follow Yandex's requirements for receiving gifts and invitations to entertainment.

    Team members must not offer, give, solicit, or accept money, gifts of value, or favors for the purpose of obtaining or retaining a business advantage or favorable treatment. Direct or indirect promise of a bribe is equivalent to giving a bribe. Choose counterparties impartially, taking into account the quality of goods or services, competitive prices and the reliability of potential partners. Team members must not accept bribes or other illegal or inappropriate payments, gifts or favors.

    Securities Laws

    Since we - public company(Yandex N.V. class A shares are listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange and on the Moscow Exchange), we must comply with the requirements of US and Russian securities laws.

    Regulations federal laws The United States and the Russian Federation on Securities recognize it as illegal to sell or purchase securities using material non-public (insider) information. Insider information is information that is expected to have a material effect on the price of Yandex shares and that has not been officially disclosed on Yandex's behalf in press releases, research, corporate blog posts, or other materials. If you are in any doubt as to whether any information is public, please refer to the Insider Trading Policy for more information. If you have any questions, please contact the PR department.

    Team members who are in possession of any material non-public information about Yandex should not use it to buy and sell Yandex securities, nor share this information with other people who may use it to trade securities.

    4. Conflict of interest

    All team members have certain obligations to Yandex. In particular, we expect that in their professional activities they are guided primarily by the interests of Yandex and our users. A conflict of interest is a working situation in which there is a conflict between personal interests (or the interests of your friends, relatives, partners) and the interests of Yandex.

    To understand whether there is a conflict of interest in a particular situation, think about how it looks from the outside. Can you tell your boss and other colleagues about it? If this situation is described in newspapers and blogs, how will this affect Yandex? All team members must avoid conflicts of interest and situations that may be perceived as such.

    There are no more universal definitions here, so in each specific situation you need to think. For example, a notepad can be accepted, but the latest iPhone model is not. If we are talking about a collective gift - for example, for all employees of a particular department, evaluate how expensive each of them receives as a result.

    We try to follow the same rules when making gifts to our partners. We don't want to give them the feeling of a conflict of interest either.

    Other examples of conflicts of interest:

    • If at the same time as working at Yandex you work for or consult with a competing company;
    • If you employ your close relative under your direct subordination;
    • If you have an interest in a company that competes with Yandex or is a supplier or customer of Yandex;
    • If you have personal financial interests in a transaction that you enter into on behalf of Yandex that could influence your decisions.

    Team members must notify Yandex of any conflict of interest. They are also required to complete a conflict of interest survey when conducted by Yandex.

    5. Confidential Information


    We have a lot of sensitive information regarding our technology, partnerships, finances, etc. For example, this Technical information about the operation of our products and services, user data, product promotion strategies, financial results Yandex before their public announcement. Disclosing such information can cause significant harm to Yandex, so it is prohibited. Upon hiring, all team members sign a Confidentiality Pledge and agree to abide by the Trade Secrets Policy.

    Even if you think that on your own official duties you do not have access to any confidential information - working at Yandex, it is quite difficult not to find out anything secret. For example, you can hear a conversation between colleagues or find a printed document in the printer. Remember that you have committed not to disclose any confidential information (even to colleagues if they do not have access to such information) and to use it only for the performance of their official duties. You should not attempt to access confidential information that is not needed to perform your job duties.

    Information Security

    One of the important aspects related to maintaining the confidentiality of information is compliance with the requirements of the information security service. If you notice suspicious network activity; computer behavior similar to the manifestation of a virus infection; If you suspect that some Yandex services have been hacked, or you know of other security breaches, be sure to notify the information security service.

    Communication with the outside world

    When answering questions from third parties related to Yandex, use common sense, the recommendations of the PR service, as well as the Regulations on Trade Secrets of YANDEX LLC. During negotiations with partners, a situation may arise when you need to provide certain confidential information. This can be done only by signing a non-disclosure agreement with a partner. Please, before revealing anything secret, make sure that this agreement is actually signed.

    When communicating with colleagues from competing companies, do not try to find out anything confidential. There are companies that we compete with, and we do it honestly, without trying to get their secrets. If your friends or close relatives work for competing companies, please be careful when talking to them about professional topics.

    When interacting with government authorities in the countries of our presence, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of the GR service (corporate relations department). You can communicate with government officials on behalf of Yandex only if you are authorized to do so. When communicating with officials, only the official position of the company can be voiced. If you do not know Yandex's position on any issue, you should forward it to GR managers. Questions from the media should be referred to the PR service.

    6. Closing deals

    Team members must strive to secure the best possible deal and always act in the best interests of Yandex. It is important to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to other factors - for example, the reputation of the company with which we are starting to cooperate.

    Yandex has internal procedures that regulate the access of certain team members to funds, as well as granting certain people the right to sign contracts on behalf of the company. Information about who can sign and approve certain expenses and contracts is contained in internal documents.

    From all people empowered to sign contracts and manage any amounts from the Yandex budget, we expect attentiveness and a reasonable approach to spending. If you sign a contract, make sure you understand everything and agree with everything. All contracts must be approved by the responsible manager, employees of the legal and financial departments. Before concluding an agreement, you should make sure that the counterparty is in good faith and check the authority of the signatory.

    8. Compliance with the Rules of Ethics by counterparties

    We expect all third parties, in particular suppliers, contractors, consultants, agents and companies that supply goods or services for or on behalf of Yandex, to adhere to the following principles during their cooperation:

    • Comply with all laws, requirements, and regulations applicable to the company in the countries where Yandex operates, including sanctions restrictions, if any.
    • Do not offer, solicit or take bribes, expensive gifts, or anything else that affects the impartiality of decision-making when interacting with members of the Yandex team, as well as when interacting with other legal or individuals as part of the performance of work, the provision of services, the supply of goods for Yandex.
    • Maintain transparent and accurate records and records.
    • Confidential information available to the counterparty when performing work, providing services, or supplying goods for Yandex may be used by the counterparty only within the framework of a contractual relationship.
    • Avoid conflicts of interest when making decisions as part of the performance of work or the provision of services, or the supply of goods for Yandex.
    • Report violations of the listed principles (see clause 9. of these Rules).

    9. Complaints and questions

    We have a confidential hotline that all team members, users, partners and clients can use to report violations of the Rules of Business and Corporate Ethics. The hotline is open in the form of a special form through which you can send a request:

    The Ethics Committee may amend these Rules as necessary. All team members must take part in trainings that introduce the requirements of the Rules of Corporate Conduct or their individual principles. Such trainings are conducted by the ethics committee.

    Deviations from these rules may be allowed only in exceptional cases at the discretion of Yandex. All of these cases must be publicly disclosed if required by law, regulation or rules applicable to Yandex.

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