How soon will the end of the world.

reservoirs 20.09.2019

Almost every year, all of humanity talks about the end of the world, it has already become a kind of tradition, perhaps it is fueled by means mass media, Hollywood blockbusters and more. The most realistic date was called in 2000 at the turn of the millennium, and in 2012 the end of the human era was predicted by the Maya Indians. However, nothing happened, perhaps scientists erroneously interpreted the found ancient records. Now many skeptics are inclined to believe that the end of the world in 2017 will still come. This is indicated by many prophecies of famous clairvoyants, as well as the calculations of some experts in the field of astronomy. Consider the main versions of the apocalypse, and find out the news about when the end of the world will be in 2017 on what date?

Possible Armageddon Scenarios

Many who wait for the apocalypse often look for possible scenarios and signs of the end of the world in 2017. Among specialists studying various cataclysms, sample list that can destroy mankind:

  • nuclear war;
  • the fall of a huge meteorite;
  • various natural disasters(flood, earthquake, etc.);
  • the use of mass chemical or bacteriological weapons;
  • superbug;
  • global catastrophe associated with experiments on natural elements.

It is worth noting that almost the entire list of reasons is associated with the actions of the person himself, in many respects the preservation of our planet will depend on people. Indeed, now the news most often reports that many animals and plants have already died from human hands, perhaps soon the situation will come on Earth in which all living things will die. True, the end of the world can be canceled by the person himself, who understands what experiments on nature will lead to.

And what do clairvoyants and psychics say about the end of the world?

Prophecies of famous seers

One of the most famous prophets of Russia - Saint Matrona - saw that it was in 2017 that humanity would disappear from the face of the Earth. Before her death, the Matrona of Moscow uttered such a prophecy that soon all people will die without wars, and this will happen precisely in 2017.

She left an order to her descendants so that they would not stop praying, because only in prayer a person will find his salvation.

According to Matronushka, in the evening all people will fall dead, and in the morning they will get up and go underground. How to interpret her vision correctly, many do not know what the great soothsayer had in mind? Perhaps the image of a terrible cataclysm came to her, approaching our planet, as a result of which the whole world would cease to exist? Whether her prediction will come true or not, we will find out very soon. After all, Matrona did not directly speak about the end of the world in 2017.

And what are Vanga's predictions for 2017? Will the world end in 2017 according to the Bulgarian clairvoyant? Regarding the current year, Vanga did not have positive predictions, the soothsayer felt that difficult period for the whole world, but there will be no end of the world.

Vanga saw that new military conflicts would break out, rivers of blood would be shed, humanity would once again be on the verge of war. No, the clairvoyant did not speak of the onset of global human death, but she believed that the end of humanity lies elsewhere: in the degradation of society itself, the substitution of basic values.

The forecasts of modern psychics are also disappointing, many of them see global natural disasters that can lead to the death of mankind.

Some predict the fall of a meteorite, someone started nuclear war, and someone believes that no, nothing can happen, on the contrary, many conflicts will be resolved.

The predictor cannot always clearly explain his knowledge, most often he receives chaotic images that he interprets as he understands. Therefore, whether or not the end of all mankind will be known in a few months, the events of 2017 will show.

Scientists' calculations

Experts in the field of astronomy have their own views on this issue. Scientists from NASA suggest that our planet should be wary of many threats from space. For example, on February 10, 2017, the WF9 asteroid will come close to the Earth, which can not only cause various natural disasters on the planet, but even collide with it. Although most scientists believe that the size of the asteroid is too small, only 1 km in diameter, and the distance at which space objects will meet is 50 million kilometers, which is quite far even within the boundless space.

All the hype that was raised about February 10 is more contrived by the media. And whether the end of the world will come in 2017 as a result of the fall of a meteorite, we will find out in a few days. The news that February is the last month for the whole world has already flooded the entire Internet.

A bit of eschatology

Someone may not know this science, but now it is gaining momentum in popularity. The fact is that eschatology is a science that studies the phenomenon of the end of the world, why people believe so much in the coming of the apocalypse, and psychics love to predict the next Armageddon so much.

According to eschatologists, the question of the end of the human era has been discussed at all times. Even the ancient Egyptians believed that everything is finite, as the daylight hours come to an end and night comes, so the world goes through a certain cycle of development, then dies, and a newer and more perfect one appears in its place. And some peoples believed that the end of the world would come when the gods who watched over life on Earth died.

A person has always thought about his fate, realizing that nothing can be eternal in the world. After all, once our planet did not exist either, because of a possible threat, life should not be canceled, everything flows and changes, no, we must live and hope for the best. And when will the end of the world be in 2017, what date, let scientists think about it, because this is their job. And we must believe that humanity will live on Earth for a long time, all military conflicts will be resolved and peace will come. It is better to watch the news less and enjoy the current day more!

For the entire time of the existence of mankind, it was threatened by many “ends of the world”, which promised to bring devastation, chaos, deprivation and death with them. Every time one of the seers announced a sad event to come, the world plunged into a panic.

The inhabitants of the planet tried to find salvation underground, in bunkers, on ships, stocking up on food and water. Turning to history, we can recall that our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, and you and me, experienced the “end of the world” in 1994, in 2000 and in 2012.

When will the end of the world be in 2018, what date is the exact date and time: Prediction of the prophets

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been great amount people who claimed they could see into the future. Even today there are those who consider themselves a great prophet and are ready to answer any questions asked. Among the most discussed theories regarding the death of our planet in 2018, we should dwell on the following: A serious viral infection that will claim millions of lives.

It was this prediction that Matrona made for 2018. She argued that people would die without war and salvation would not be found soon. East Asia and America will be under water and most of their inhabitants will die. A huge meteorite is moving towards the Earth, which will cause a global catastrophe. In many developed countries a severe economic crisis will begin: people will die of hunger. Dormant volcanoes will wake up from a long sleep and massive eruptions will begin, from which it will be difficult to hide.

The Earth will meet an extraterrestrial existence: a UFO will fly to America and the most intelligent from alien civilizations will set foot on the planet. Directly given creations can avoid the approaching combat dissension. A great seer will arise who will be able to turn people to a different religion, and this will make it possible to exclude a fierce battle. Just as it is clear that the absolute extermination of people will not happen in any way, certainly our land will not disappear into non-existence. All, without exception, in which the prophets are of interest - this action politicians, finance problems, and indiscretions of experts, which have every chance of causing epidemics.

When will the world end in 2018, what date is the exact date and time: What awaits Russia in 2018

As a separate item, I would like to talk about predictions for Russia. In the near future, cardinal changes will take place in this country, and I would like to believe that they will benefit the Russians. First of all, the seers claim that: the state will again unite with the five republics that were part of the USSR.

A new one will be built mighty power with improved economic and political principles; the strongest prophet will come to the country, who will change the course of history and put an end to all strife; Russian scientists will make a serious step in medicine and science: they will produce medicines for incurable diseases and find a cheap source of energy.

If he turns to science, then astrophysicists declare that in the shortest period of time, the end of illumination does not threaten our earth in any way. It will happen, in case, only after 3 billion years, if the Sun begins to shoot ruthlessly, it will turn the Territory into a continuous desert . By this period, experts will certainly find a method, as well as to protect themselves and the entire society without exception from death.

Judging by the predictions of the great soothsayers and astrologers, 2017 will not be as calm as it seems at first glance. Humanity is waiting for change, both in political and social life. Many soothsayers even prophesy an imminent end of the world in 2017. All this news is getting a little creepy, so we propose to figure out the upcoming events together.

This article contains interpretations of the visions of great clairvoyants, as well as predictions from Saint Matrona. You will only have to decide whether to listen to them or decide your own destiny, because a lot also depends on our actions.

Predictions about the death of the world

Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of humanity, to understand where we came from. But the most burning topic was and remains the fate of the inhabitants of the planet. Everyone knows that nothing is eternal, so people from time immemorial have been trying to understand whether the end of the world will happen, which will entail the mass death of all living things, or whether our race will never die out.

A vivid example of the fact that at all times there were soothsayers predicting the death of all living beings and the planet as a whole are presented below:

  • The Mayan calendar states that with the onset of the death of the Fifth Sun, the planet Earth, as well as all its inhabitants, will perish. The priests claimed the end of the world and even set its date - 12/21/2012. Fortunately, their predictions did not come true.
  • The predictions of Isaac Newton, a world-famous physicist, show that the end of the world will come in 2060 due to the fact that people transgress the Laws of God and behave inappropriately. He put forward his forecast on the basis of astrological observations and data set forth in the Book of the Prophet Daniel.
  • The sacred writings of the Zoostrians (information from the Avesta) prophesied the destruction of all life as early as the year 2000. The great Zarathustra wrote that our world would plunge into chaos. Note that this forecast was taken seriously by many inhabitants of the planet. The media were full of bright headlines that the end of the world was just around the corner. People were frightened by large-scale catastrophes, plane crashes, lack of electricity.

  • A well-known clairvoyant that the Apocalypse will nevertheless set foot on our lands. The exact date of this terrifying event could not be found out, although she said that in 2378 a huge asteroid would fall on Earth, which would provoke a global flood, followed by the death of all life. It is hard not to believe the predictions of this soothsayer, because many of the things that she saw in her visions have already come true and continue to come true.
  • Nostradamus also said more than once that the end of the world is near. His legacy is poetic predictions, hard to interpret, but some of them still managed to decipher. According to the most common version, the world will plunge into darkness in 2250 after a devastating nuclear war. However, not everyone will die in this battle. The survivors will survive until 3797, at which time the planet will collide with space body. It is this event that will trigger the end of the world.

Many prophecies never came true, and the scheduled date of the death of the world passed unnoticed by the inhabitants of our planet. But there is only one prediction, which still causes serious concern. It was made by Saint Matrona, the idol of millions of believers around the world.

Who is Saint Matrona?

A woman of an incredibly kind and bright soul was born at the end of the 19th century, or to be more precise, in 1881. A few days before the birth, the mother of Matrona Dmitrievna saw an unusual dream in which her daughter was presented in the form of a white bird with human face but with closed eyes. After the birth, they discovered that the girl was blind.

Another amazing incident occurred during the baptism of Matrona. As soon as the priest took her out of the font, a thick column of light rose above the baby, exuding a pleasant aroma. The clergy first encountered a similar phenomenon, so they considered that the girl would live a long life and be enlisted as a saint.

Already in childhood, Matrona treated sick people and helped those who were suffering. As an adult, she was forced to leave her native land and move to Moscow, where she lived out her life. last years. In 1952, the soothsayer died and already in 1998 she was declared a saint.

What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that should happen in 2017. Her words “Without a warrior, everyone on earth will die and it will be in the distant 2017” is already beginning to catch up with waves of fear on people. Matrona urges humanity to turn to God before it's too late, not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She claimed that difficult times would come, filled with sorrow and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - February 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie on the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, inveterate skeptics do not believe such predictions and are in a hurry to turn to science in order to find a reasonable explanation for the statements of the clairvoyant. But even modern scientists cannot give an absolute guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body, which will start the process of destruction of all life that is on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic attitude, humanity does not stop believing in better times. After all, even great soothsayer said that after the Apocalypse there will come peace and tranquility. Surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the end of the world will come in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!

Some people do not think about when the world will end, while others, on the contrary, are waiting for a new predicted date. Often this is due to different attitudes to the issues under consideration, greater or lesser awareness, religious preferences, but any point of view has the right to exist, and which one to adhere to, the person decides for himself.

What is the end of the world?

The concept of "end of the world" is usually referred to as a catastrophic event that:

  • Will strike at humanity on a global scale;
  • It will destroy the foundations of civilization and throw back the development of people many millennia ago;
  • Will cause a mass extinction of the Homo Sapiens species (abruptly or over a period of time).

Apocalyptic scenarios can come from completely different sources:

  1. Almost every self-respecting religion has its own opinion regarding the end of time and the rebirth of the sinful human race. The transition of the world to a qualitatively different state cannot but be accompanied by cataclysms and catastrophes;
  2. The clergy is echoed by experts in esoteric and occult knowledge. The idea of ​​otherworldly forces breaking free and destroying everything in their path has become a popular story in popular culture;
  3. UFO researchers often cite "irrefutable evidence" of imminent death intelligent life on Earth from meeting much more intelligent aliens;
  4. The hypothetical probability of the destruction of all things is also admitted by respected scientists.

What awaits us in the future and will there be an End of the World?

Throughout the history of mankind, there were a huge number of people who claimed that they could see into the future. Even today there are those who consider themselves a great prophet and are ready to answer any questions asked. Let's see what else scientists predicted for us and clairvoyants, psychics and saints predicted.

November 13, 2026, according to calculations famous mathematician Heinz, von Foerster, will be the day the world ends. It is on this day that the population of the planet will reach a level at which it will not be able to feed itself.

The next disappointing forecast for the Earth is April 2029. At this time, the approach of the huge 400-meter asteroid Apophis is expected.

The asteroid will approach the Earth at a close distance, as a result of which the asteroid may change its trajectory and crash into the Earth in 2036.

Although after the January passage of the asteroid past the Earth in 2013, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory specialists stated that the possibility of a collision with the Earth in 2029 is excluded, and in 2036 it is extremely unlikely.

In 2035, the end of the world will occur according to one of the predictions of Nostradamus. It will be the outcome of a long war of 27 years, which, in theory, should already be going on. What kind of war Nostradamus had in mind is not clear.

Isaac Newton, who studied the text of the book of the Prophet Daniel, was sure that the end of the world would come in 2060. What it should be is also not clear.

Optimists believe that neither they nor their children and grandchildren will catch the end of the world. Just for them - a few dates of the end of the world quite distant from today.

In February 2622 year there will be another end of the world “according to Nostradamus”. A researcher from Syktyvkar A.V. Fotiyev “transferred” the end of the world predicted by Nostradamus to this date.

2666 seems dangerous, since it contains the number of the devil (something similar was apparently expected in 1666).

There are also opinions of some figures that in the year 3000 a meteor shower of Tauris will pass through the solar system. What might happen as a result can only be guessed at.

A 3797 is the last date in the prophecies of Nostradamus, so if none of the ends of the world predicted by him until this moment happens, then this year there will surely be an Apocalypse.

Video: Coming doomsday dates!

Doomsday calendars: all dates

Is the end of the world a myth or reality?

Any person decides for himself whether it is worth waiting for the apocalypse or not. It will depend on his prejudices, literacy, religious preferences. The main thing is not to impose your opinion on someone else about when the end of the world will be. There are many points of view on this matter, and in order to answer the question under consideration, one should recall the features of the signs of the end of the world and the theories of the apocalypse put forward:

  1. The current issues are ecological state planet and climate change. We are already seeing results modern activities. Its aggravation can have unpleasant consequences.
  2. Believers will say that the apocalypse in the Bible is not a myth, only the exact date is unknown.
  3. For the modern developed world, the issue of deadly diseases remains unresolved. The aggravation of this situation can lead to the death of mankind.
  4. In the era of the introduction of the latest developments in the military industry, any international conflict could adversely affect the security of the entire planet. Unable to solve problems peacefully, a person takes up arms, and if it is nuclear, then the apocalypse is not ruled out.
  5. If we talk about global causes, then solar system lives according to its own laws, and any violation of them will affect our planet in different ways. A person here is deprived of the right to choose.
  6. Another reason is the desire to modern technologies and creation artificial intelligence. A computer can be made so smart that it will find a way to control people.

Humanity has already once experienced a terrible catastrophe that destroyed almost the entire population of the Earth. Scattered tales and legends have come down to how a civilization that has reached a fairly high level of development, overnight as a result of a monstrous cataclysm. The most famous and widespread myth among various peoples is the myth of the Flood. In some legends, the Flood is a huge wave that surged through the most high mountains, in others - gradually water, which flooded a vast territory. In all legends, one pious family survives, which the gods warned in advance. For all other people, the Flood was the end of the world.

Eschatology paints a monstrous picture of the beginning of the end: giant tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and for those who survive - a long winter, famine and epidemics. Believers of any denomination perceive the apocalypse as an inevitable but necessary procedure before moving on to better world. There are people who are waiting for Armageddon with interest as the biggest spectacle and plan to take their seats in the front row, while alarmists look with horror at the next predicted date.

Over the past 2000 years, there have been a huge number of alleged ends of the world, and with late XIX centuries fell on the heads of people in a continuous stream: 1874, 1900, 1914, 1918, 1925, etc., and in 1999 13 doomsdays were expected. The 21st century does not lag behind the previous century in terms of the number of apocalypses. There are about 30 Armageddons in the first decade.

The next one is expected to take place in December 2012. This is the most publicized end of the world for eschatology. On the day of the winter solstice (12/21/2012), the next cycle of the Mayan calendar ends, which began in 3114 BC. e. and lasted 5125 years. According to the ideas of the ancient Maya, on this day the end of the "Fifth Sun" will come. It will be marked by global cataclysms that will wipe out all mankind from the face of the Earth.

In 2018, the Apocalypse should come due to a nuclear war (Nostradamus). 2036 - a collision with the Earth of Apophis, an asteroid with a diameter of about 300 meters. 2060 - the calculation of Isaac Newton according to the book of the prophet Daniel. 2892 - the prediction of the monk Abel.

The rest of the world do not have more or less exact dates. In the next 50 years, a supervolcano is expected to awaken. As a result of the eruption, smoke and ash will hide the Earth from sun rays which will lead to the death of all flora and fauna.

During the same period, a sharp change in magnetic, and, possibly, geographical poles may occur, as a result of which the planet will lose its magnetic field. Inversion is dangerous because during the absence of the cosmic field it can reach the surface of the Earth and kill all life on the planet.

Another prediction is related to global change: warming or cooling. In case of warming, glaciers and polar caps can completely melt, and most of the land will be flooded. In the event of a cold snap, a new ice age will come, many species will disappear, and humanity, if it survives in such conditions, will be thrown back into the Stone Age in terms of development.

After 5 billion years, the Sun will turn into a red giant, increase in size several times and swallow the first 3-4 planets. Thus, according to scientists, the Apocalypse is inevitable, one can only hope that it will happen in a very distant future.

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