Lenormand's large layout: features of fortune-telling. The great French soothsayer and her cards

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Welcome to the world of fortune-telling Lenormand! If you are not yet familiar with Lenormand cards, with the help of the information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn to understand their language and interpret the meaning. If this oracle is already familiar to you, then here you will find not only traditional, but also new layouts, as well as ways to interpret cards, the versatility of which will allow you to clarify the situation in any area of ​​life. Despite the seeming simplicity of the images on the cards, they have a deep meaning that you can comprehend with a closer acquaintance with divination.

The world of the oracle Lenormand is filled with magic, and to learn how to understand it, you have to overcome a long and full of adventures. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to deal with various life situations that can cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes on our way there are people, animals, various objects and places that protect us, protect us, shelter and give parting words. Once you enter the mysterious world of Lenormand fortune telling, you will learn to control your own destiny. If you look closely at the cards, you will see that the images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional meanings and providing a deeper vision of a particular situation.

Origin of Lenormand cards

Fortune telling according to the Lenormand system became widespread in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and still remains popular in many countries of the world.

The fortune-telling cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French soothsayer Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), whose life was full of adventure. During the French Revolution, thanks to her extraordinary ability to predict fate, she won the fame and respect of the Parisian high society, in which she was called the Parisian Sibyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, whom she advised before, during and after her marriage to Napoleon. However, the emperor was very outraged by the careless prediction of his divorce from Josephine. This divorce, according to Marie Lenormand, was due to the fact that Josephine was too old to bear Napoleon an heir. Without thinking twice, the emperor hurried to arrest Lenormand and imprisoned her so that the prophecy would not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards bear her name, Mademoiselle Lenormand is not their author. For her predictions, she used various divination methods, including palmistry and tarot. As divination cards, at first, she, like other soothsayers of that time, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, in which there were no junior cards with numbers from 2 to 6. Picket is a card game that has been very common in France and Italy since the 16th century . Fortune telling on the picket deck was popularized by the French influential esoteric Jean-Baptiste Allette.

The traditional Lenormand deck used today was created by Johann Kaspar Hechtel and first published in 1800 for a family card game called The Game of Hope. Its essence was that the players in turn laid out 36 cards in the form of a square on the playing field; the values ​​of two dice were used to move. The cards had numbering, images, and also included elements of a playing picket deck, which also included sixes. Thanks to this interweaving of images and elements of the picket deck, the predictors got an illustrated deck, where the meanings of playing cards and symbolic images were combined. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of divination at that time - the Lesser Lenormand Oracle.

The small oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which depicts only one symbol that has a specific meaning; but when interpreting it, the property of the corresponding playing card is also taken into account.

Fortune telling Lenormand is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows it to be widely used to find answers to any questions. This fortune-telling is very popular as salon entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

oracle structure

The Lesser Oracle of Lenormand first caught my attention a few years ago, intrigued by the possibility of getting more accurate predictions than tarot cards. Based on my experience with many Lenormand decks, I can say that the more details are shown on the card, the more difficult it is to interpret. Simple and understandable symbols on divination cards more accurately convey the deep meaning and meaning inherent in them, which cannot be said about complex and intricate images.

It is not often that soothsayers make a deal for themselves, but at the same time this is a great opportunity to hone their skill in interpreting cards.

Teaching the basic principles of interpretation:

Description of layouts with examples:

Many fortune tellers who prefer to work with Lenormand cards never cease to be amazed at how easy they are to understand. However, some beginners worry that they are not able to immediately connect their intuition or inspiration, as it happens when working with tarot cards. Don't back down! Once you memorize the basic meaning of each card, you can quickly assess the situation and make connections between pairs and triplets of cards. Very soon, you will learn to instantly see the big picture, highlight key messages and interpret them with confidence.

This process can be compared to learning a foreign language: at first you will inevitably stutter when trying to say “hello” or “thank you”, but as your vocabulary grows, you will eventually begin to formulate whole sentences with confidence. The more you practice, the faster you will master the Lenormand fortune-telling language and feel their charm.

© Lefevre S., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

There are cards inside!

The book is very accessible, everything is written as clearly as possible. There are cards inside that can be cut out. I really liked the content of the book.

Veronica, Tula

A very accurate study of Lenormand divination!

I must say I liked the book. In general, the real methodology by which Maria Lenormand divined has not been preserved, and different authors offer their own interpretations, although they are based on the works of those who first did the same. The book is written very well, thoroughly, it is felt that the author devoted a lot of time to the study of life and Lenormand's divination. The book is suitable for teaching beginners, although many points will be of interest to professionals.

Vladimir, Suzdal


A very good book in terms of content. There are cut out cards inside. The meanings of the cards, their combinations are very accessible, different layouts are given. I recommend the book!

Maria, Moscow

Just what you need for a beginner!

I've never played cards, but I decided to give it a try. This was my third book. The first two are gathering dust in the closet, I didn’t really understand anything from them. A lot of redundant information. And here, not only is everything clear and understandable, but also only the information that is needed to tune in to fortune-telling and make a deal.

Evgenia, Murmansk

From divination to knowledge!

The desire to look into the future and predict fate has been characteristic of man since ancient times. What tricks he just did not turn to to lift the veil of secrecy: to stones, bones, stars, the moon, the flight of birds, coffee grounds. The human imagination knew no bounds. Some methods of divination have sunk into oblivion, and some have proved to mankind that the future can still be seen. This method is fortune telling on cards.

Attitude to fortune-telling on the cards is not always unambiguous. Once upon a time, the church was burned at the stake for trying to predict the future. Even today, card fortune telling is often considered blasphemy or quackery. But those initiated into the secrets of divination know that this is a reliable way of knowing the world and yourself. After all, all the answers to our questions already exist in the Universe, and the cards will help to hear this answer.

Cards are a conductor between the Universe and man.

Fortune telling on the cards opens a portal of communication with higher information, a person receives an answer to his request and looks into the future. And one of the most famous and reliable methods of fortune-telling on cards is fortune-telling created by the great soothsayer Madame Lenormand.

Who is Madame Lenormand?

Have you ever heard this name? Meanwhile, in the XVIII-XIX centuries, Madame Lenormand was considered one of the most famous soothsayers in Paris. Her admirers were Napoleon himself and his wife Josephine Beauharnais, Robespierre and Saint-Just, Alexander I and Honore de Balzac. And more than once the predictions of the "Queen of fortune-telling" came true. Madame Lenormand created a special deck of cards and divination methods that revealed to her the secrets of the universe. Several centuries have passed, but fortune-telling is alive, has passed the test of time and won a credit of trust!

Will Madame Lenormand open the future for you?

Yes! This deck is very easy to handle and gives reliable answers in skillful hands. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to own the profession of a psychic or a wizard. You can easily make a layout on the cards and understand its meaning.

The Lenormand deck depicts the picture of the past, present and future as fully as possible. Therefore, you will not only be able to get answers to questions, but also trace a complete picture of the development of the situation and open up new opportunities and prospects.

Madame Lenormand's deck will help you get an answer to a simple question and show you the right path in the most difficult situation. You will make the right choice, understand what kind of person you are dealing with, find out what awaits you in the near or distant future, clarify what you will encounter at work, at home, in relationships. You will learn to build your plans according to the "advice" of the cards and be able to avoid trouble. Together with fortune telling on the cards, you will move in the direction of happiness, health and luck.

Just remember that you should not completely shift your life onto a deck of cards. Despite its uniqueness, it does not grant wishes. It just helps you look at the situation from the outside, find out the source of the problem, and therefore, find the right course to follow to resolve it.

Madame Lenormand's deck of cards is not entertainment. It does not work for the sake of idle curiosity, it provides an opportunity to change your destiny!

This is not just a book. This is a divination book!

Here is the most complete guide to working with the Madame Lenormand deck. In it you will find divination options for a variety of life situations, as well as the deck itself with cards that you can cut out.

Remember that the deck cannot be transferred to another person. It should only be yours.

But that's not all! You will have the opportunity to practice under the strict guidance of a professional. In each chapter there are practical tasks that will show how to apply the acquired knowledge. And after completing the training you can make a real professional personal alignment.

Good luck in resolving your difficulties!

How does the history of fortune telling on cards begin?

For the first time, fortune-telling on cards is mentioned at the beginning of the 12th century. BC e. in ancient Egypt. Then they used a deck of cards, consisting of 78 pictures, which were called Arcana. They were divided into suits in accordance with the elements - Water, Air, Earth and Fire. They predicted the outcome of military campaigns and state affairs, the yield of the year and the mercy of the gods.

It is believed that card fortune telling was also widely used in ancient China and ancient India, in Assyria and Babylon, ancient Rome and ancient Greece.

But in Europe, divination cards became known only in the 15th century thanks to the gypsies, who brought them with them from the East and perfectly mastered the art of predicting the future.

True, officially fortune-telling on cards came into use only at the end of the 18th century. It has become an integral part of secular entertainment. In France, a deck called "Tarot" was released. It consisted of 78 cards and four suits (swords, bowls, wands and money). Subsequently, it was this deck that became the prototype of the well-known deck of cards with hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs.

Fortune telling on cards: myths and reality

Despite the wide popularity of fortune-telling on cards, the attitude towards it is not always unambiguous. Someone perceives such predictions with distrust, they drive someone into a dead end with their accurate forecasts, and someone calls them blasphemy.

Fortune telling on cards has acquired so many myths during its existence that it begins to lose all the seriousness of the destination. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth understanding why cards can be trusted and considered as one of the simplest and most effective ways to predict the future.

Myth 1. Divination is a gift!

Once upon a time, only the elite could predict the future - priests, shamans, magicians. Only they had access to the secrets of the world, and their knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. However, now the situation has changed. Fortune telling on cards has become much simpler and has become available to any person. After all, he does not need to have the gift of clairvoyance at all. The cards do everything themselves.

Basic meaning:

10 Tambourine - intellectual activity. Gift. Success. Joy.

The book card itself is neutral, neither negative nor positive, mysterious.
The book is a symbol of a secret that can be revealed; nearby cards will help you understand what is hidden in a closed book.

Often the appearance of the Book card in the layout speaks of the importance of fundamental education, the need to study something new, that there are some areas covered with mystery for you, and you need to go deeper there.

Also, this card shows a person who is studying, collecting information, investigating, but has not yet been able to solve the mystery.

Map The book is associated with astrology, divination and esotericism. It leads to another world, deeper, where everything is hidden. After all, even reading a book again, you can discover more and more new layers of information. Appearing in the layout, the Book says that you have a problem in some actual area, and if you study this area, you can rise to another level, what exactly is this area indicated by neighboring cards or the house in which the Book card lies in a large layout Lenormand.

This card is one of the most mysterious in the entire Lenormand deck, as it hides all the important information in itself, it is fraught with a riddle and some kind of secret. It is also the symbol of a deck of cards.

Negative value:

map shadow

Any blocking card next to the Book indicates that the secret will not be revealed, you will not receive important information for you, you will not be able to buy the book you need, or take the course that you are already going to take. Yes, this information could shed light on obscure cases, but so far it is closed to you for some reason

The Book card may indicate the fact that information is being hidden from you intentionally. It may take effort and time to shed light on this mystery. But not all things can be revealed to you and there are many reasons for this, for example, the disclosure of this secret will harm you or others, you are not yet ready to perceive that information, or it is simply not your business when the question concerns third parties, and for any information that you may accidentally open Querentka when it is not ready for it, you will have to bear great responsibility. But it can also be a kind of deception, like withholding information.

In a negative aspect, the Book speaks of lies, duplicity, hypocrisy, malicious concealment of facts, or vice versa, when other people's secrets are revealed for their own benefit.

In matters of personal relationships:

A secret romance or relationship with a very complex and withdrawn person. Be more attentive to your partner, try to discern the inner wealth behind the outer inconspicuousness and secrecy.

Interest meetings based on intellectual kinship.

Relationships without love are based on calculation. In a marriage or long-term relationship, it may indicate a secret relationship on the side.

The book also speaks of closeness and misunderstanding between partners, which brings sadness and problems.

For business and finance:

In matters of business, the book card speaks of the need for in-depth analysis and study, perhaps you need to raise your professional level and take refresher courses, continue your education.

Map Book shows office work, accounting, work with books, essays, reports.

If you are currently looking for a job, it is best to gain new knowledge for this, to raise your professional level.

Important things will appear in the work, perhaps you will learn something secret or you will need to undergo training. A person can earn secret knowledge by providing services in such areas in which few people understand or by working in such an area closed from prying eyes, for example, on some secret developments. It can also indicate espionage.

The financial situation on the map Book is stable. But this card says that spiritual wealth is more important to a person, and not finances, he works for an idea, and does not strive to improve his financial situation.

In medical matters:

For health, the Book card is not very good, because. indicates that the disease proceeds in a latent form, it is already quite advanced, but it is difficult to diagnose it, a doctor of a very high qualification is needed. It also indicates problems with vision and memory.

As a personality card:

The card book describes a person with a good education, smart, erudite, but not too sociable, rather, he is even closed, on his mind, he must still be able to talk to him. He has a rich inner life and knows how to entertain himself through natural curiosity and extensive interests in various fields. He reads a lot, he can give the impression of an excellent botanist, a kind of Znayka with glasses. It has some mystery and mystery. And he is well hidden behind the facade, it is difficult to probe him, as well as to predict.

Map The book can also talk about a notorious, squeezed person, with megalomania, who considers others almost idiots. Self-esteem is either greatly overestimated or underestimated, in any case, this prevents normal communication with people, and especially with representatives of the opposite sex.

April 17th, 2013 , 12:44 pm

I stick to my order in reading the layout, so it may simply not coincide with what you have read about previously in books or on the Internet, it’s just that it’s convenient for me and I have my own thoughts about why I read this way.

When I laid out the BR, I immediately look at where the querent's card is located, this position alone can tell a lot - above, below, to the right, to the left, in which house it is.

Then I look at what cards he has above his head, under his feet, where are the cards of other people, where are the cards of health, troubles, surprises, losses, and so on and so forth. Well, simply because usually people rarely turn away from the good life. So, all cards like Cross, Coffin, Scythe, Mice, Clouds, Tree (no need to be surprised this card is in the list of negative ones, this is our life and health), Tower, Mountain, Fox, all this needs to be tracked.

I look in parallel, on the machine, if the person has debts, if I don’t see the person about whom the question is being asked, I can see if the woman is in custody or not, the woman has been abandoned or she has abandoned, well, in general, some specific combinations of cards, to which got used to it while working.

So you understand, the problem is that I don’t read the layout according to the rules, that’s the whole trouble (((((I see him, how should I say it ... I don’t read the cards in the corners, I don’t read the first three cards, if they are not interesting to me ... I'm so disorganized

BUT! I always pay attention to interpersonal relationships, where people's cards fall, I always look at the first house, because this is the house of news, and I love news very much, which means you can look at the position of the rider himself - this is useful info. I definitely look at the house of the Key and the position of the Key in the layout - this will show me the person’s decisions about the chosen significator (the key is agreements, the heart is love, etc.), I will definitely look into his house, and so on.

I make sure to look at mirrors, correspondence and horses to find out more details.

But in fact, I want to tell you this - if you want to read the alignment WELL, never try to do everything according to the instructions from beginning to end, look here, then look here and then here. There are certain rules for reading elements - we use this, as when we read triggers, there are certain rules for reading horses, the layout is read from left to right and top to bottom - this is also used, but here is the sequence - I am categorically against it, there are no strict rules, you must pay attention to direct to the map of the querent and his interactions, and not to the rules, what is behind what, otherwise you will knock yourself down, you will lose thought. I will show you an example later on how everything is done easily and simply. No extra wisdom.

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