Raised and ridges. Where is the Atlantic Ocean located? Ocean characteristics, North and South Atlantic Oceans

landscaping 13.10.2019

is the smallest sea in the world. The average depth is only 7.4 m, the greatest is 13.5 m. The sea was formed around 5600 BC. after the spill of the neighboring Black Sea, which flooded the mouth of the Don, forming a new water area.

The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is probably the only one in the world that has had more than 100 names in its entire history! Here are just a few of them: Meotian, Karguluk, Balysyr, Samakush, Saks, Frankish, Kaffa, Akdeniz. The modern name of the sea was given by the city of the same name, conquered for Russia by Peter I. And only with mid-eighteenth century on the maps it began to be designated as Azov.

Despite its shallow depth, the Sea of ​​Azov is considered one of the richest in terms of the number of individuals per 1 sq. km. According to this indicator, it is 40 times richer than the Mediterranean and 160 times richer than the Black.

- marginal sea in the north-west of Europe. Area - 415 thousand sq. km, average depth- 51 m. Some scientists distinguish the part of the sea between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland as a separate water area - the Archipelago Sea.

In the "Tale of Bygone Years" this sea is called the Varangian, the Swedes, Germans and Danes called it the East, and in Ancient Rome the sea was described as the Sarmatian Ocean. For a long time, the Baltic Sea has been considered one of the main transport routes linking Russia and Europe.
The Hebrides Sea is located between Scotland and the Hebrides. The area is 47 thousand sq. km, the average depth is 64 m.

The sea is cold, winds and hurricanes often rage over its surface, which are alternately replaced by showers and fogs. The weather here is unpredictable, which makes navigation very difficult.

- a small sea (area 100 thousand square kilometers) between Great Britain and Ireland. The ancient Greeks called it the Ibernian Ocean. In winter, storms rage here, in summer the water warms up to 13-16 °C. And the height of the tidal waves reaches 6 meters.

In the last 100 years, the issue of building a bridge across the seas or an underwater tunnel has been widely discussed. And according to Greenpeace, the Irish Sea is considered the most radioactively polluted in the world.

It separates Central and South America, and is connected to the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal. Its area is 2.7 million sq. km, the average depth is 2500 m.

The sea got its name in honor of the Caribs - a group of Indian tribes who settled in the Antilles in the 15th century, that is, at the time when the Spanish conquerors appeared in these waters. However, very often this sea was also called the Antilles.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, piracy flourished in the Caribbean, which had a significant impact on the development of the region's economy. The most famous pirates caribbean Cast: Henry Morgan, Edward Teach (nicknamed "Blackbeard") and Bartholomew Roberts ("Black Brother").

By the way, Tortuga is a real island in the Caribbean, which was once a stronghold of piracy.

It washes the southern parts of Ireland and Great Britain and the northwestern coast of France.

The name for the sea in 1921 was proposed by the English scientist E. Holt, who decided to perpetuate the memory of the most ancient people who lived in this region - the Celts. Until that time, the northern part of the sea was considered part of the Strait of St. George, and the southern was designated as the "south-western approaches" to Great Britain. After a series of studies at the beginning of the 20th century, it was decided to single out this area as a separate sea and assign an official name to it.

Washes the southeast coast of Greenland. This small area is famous for its harsh climate and cold waters, which are brought here by the Arctic currents. The sea is named after the greatest Danish hydrographer of the 19th century, K.L. Irminger.

- the northernmost sea of ​​the Atlantic with an area of ​​​​840 thousand square kilometers, the average depth is 1898 m. The proximity of the Arctic is clearly felt here. During the winter months, 2/3 of the Labrador Sea is covered with floating ice. And because of the melting of glaciers, icebergs are often found. One of the largest turbidite channels in the world lies in this water area.

Despite the harsh climate, the coasts of Labrador were inhabited as early as the 5th century BC. The coast of this sea has become home to many ancient cultures of the Indians and Eskimos.

The sea is named after the island of the same name, which was discovered by the Portuguese G. Kortirial in 1500. Translated from port. "Terro do Lavrador" means "land of the plowman".

- an inland sea separating the Asian and European parts of Turkey. The area is 11.4 thousand sq. km, the average depth is 259 m.

The Sea of ​​Marmara was formed several million years ago, its description is found in the historical writings of the ancient Greeks and Arabs. But the first Scientific research Russians spent here: in 1845 - the expedition of M. P. Manganari, in 1890 - a special scientific expedition of S. O. Makarov and I. B. Spindler.

- a unique sea, which in many ways differs from all the seas on earth.

Firstly, this is the only sea on the planet without coasts. Its boundaries are currents. That is why the area of ​​the Sargasso Sea is determined approximately - 6-7 million square kilometers.

Secondly, the sea is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest stretch of calm water. Indeed, almost 90% of the sea is covered with sargasso - brown algae. Such a vast spot is visible even from space.

Thirdly, this is one of the safest seas in the world, as predatory marine animals do not look here for fear of getting entangled in algae. Other fish (especially eels) use this with might and main, choosing this sea for laying eggs.

Until recently, the waters of the Sargasso Sea were considered the most transparent - there is little plankton, so it was possible to look deep into almost 60 meters. Unfortunately, the currents bring here a lot of garbage, including plastic waste, which seriously threaten the ecology of the water area.

Washes the northern coast of Europe, located between the British Isles, Scandinavia and the mainland. The area is 755 thousand sq. km, the average depth is 95 m.

The North Sea is of great transport importance. Almost all the main sea routes of our planet intersect here, and the cargo turnover in this sea is 20% of the world's.

The Atlantic Ocean is considered one of the largest and most voluminous in size, namely the second largest after the Pacific Ocean. This ocean, the most studied and developed, when compared with other areas. Its location is as follows: from the east it is framed by the shores of North and South America, and in the west its borders end with Europe and Africa. In the South it goes into South ocean. And on the north side it borders on Greenland. The ocean is distinguished by the fact that there are very few islands in it, and the topography of its bottom is all dotted and has a complex structure. The coastline is broken.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

If we talk about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ocean, then it occupies 91.66 million square meters. km. We can say that part of its territory is not the ocean itself, but the existing seas, bays. The volume of the ocean is 329.66 million square meters. km, and its average depth is 3736 m. Where the Puerto Rico trench is located, it is considered the greatest depth of the ocean, which is 8742 m. There are two currents - North and South.

Atlantic Ocean from the north side

The border of the ocean from the north is marked in some places by ridges located under water. In this hemisphere, the Atlantic is framed by a rugged coastline. Its small northern part is connected to the Arctic Ocean by several narrow straits. Davis Strait is located in the northeast and connects the ocean with the Baffin Sea, which is also considered to belong to the Arctic Ocean. Closer to the center is the Danish Strait, which is less wide than Davis. Between Norway and Iceland towards the northeast lies the Norwegian Sea.

The Gulf of Mexico is located in the southwest of the North Ocean, which is connected by the Strait of Florida. Also the Caribbean. Many bays can be noted here, such as Barnegat, Delaware, Hudson Bay and others. It is on the northern side of the ocean that you can see the largest and big islands who are renowned for their fame. These are Puerto Rico, the world famous Cuba and Haiti, as well as the British Isles and Newfoundland. Closer to the east you can find small groups of islands. These are the Canary Islands, Azores and Cape Verde. Closer to the west - the Bahamas, Lesser Antilles.

South Atlantic Ocean

Some of the geographers believe that the southern part is the entire space to the Antarctic. Someone defines the border at Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope of the two continents. The coast in the south of the Atlantic Ocean is not as indented as in the north, and there are no seas here. There is one large gulf near Africa - Guinea. The farthest point in the south is Tierra del Fuego, which is framed by small islands in in large numbers. Also, you cannot find large islands here, but there are individual islands like about. Ascension, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha. In the extreme south you can find the South Islands, Bouvet, Falkland and others.

As for the current in the south of the ocean, here all systems flow counterclockwise. Near the east of Brazil, the South Equatorial Current forks. One branch goes north, flows near the northern coast of South America, filling the Caribbean. And the second one is considered southern, very warm, moves near Brazil and soon connects with the Antarctic current, then heads to the east. Partially separates and turns into the Benguela Current, which is distinguished by its cold waters.

Landmarks of the Atlantic Ocean

There is a special underwater cave in the Belize Barrier Reef. They called it the Blue Hole. It is very deep, and inside it there is a whole series of caves, which are interconnected by tunnels. Deep into the cave reaches 120 m and is considered unique in its kind.

There is no person who does not know about bermuda triangle. But it is located in the Atlantic Ocean and excites the imagination of many superstitious travelers. Bermudas beckon with their mystery, but at the same time they frighten with the unknown.

It is in the Atlantic that you can see an unusual sea that has no shores. And all because it is located in the middle of the body of water, and its boundaries cannot be framed by land, only currents show the boundaries of this sea. This is the only sea in the world that has such unique data and is called the Sargasso Sea.

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Atlantic ocean map

Ocean area - 91.6 million square kilometers;
Maximum depth - Puerto Rico trench, 8742 m;
Number of seas - 16;
Most big seas– Sargasso Sea, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea;
The largest bay is the Gulf of Mexico;
The largest islands are Great Britain, Iceland, Ireland;
The strongest currents:
- warm - Gulf Stream, Brazilian, Northern Tradewind, Southern Tradewind;
- cold - Bengal, Labrador, Canary, West Winds.
The Atlantic Ocean occupies the entire space from subarctic latitudes to Antarctica. It borders the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and the Arctic Ocean in the north. In the northern hemisphere, the coastline of the continents, which are washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean, is heavily indented. There are many inland seas, especially in the east.
The Atlantic Ocean is considered a relatively young ocean. The mid-Atlantic ridge, which stretches almost strictly along the meridian, divides the ocean floor into two approximately identical parts. In the north, individual peaks of the ridge rise above the water in the form of volcanic islands, the largest of which is Iceland.
The shelf part of the Atlantic Ocean is not large - 7%. The greatest width of the shelf, 200 - 400 km, is in the area of ​​the North and Baltic Seas.

The Atlantic Ocean is in all climatic zones, but most of it is in tropical and temperate latitudes Oh. Climatic conditions here are determined by trade winds and westerly winds. The wind force is strongest in the temperate latitudes of the southern Atlantic Ocean. In the area of ​​the island of Iceland is the center of the origin of cyclones, which significantly affect the nature of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
Average temperatures surface water much lower in the Atlantic than in the Pacific. This is due to the influence of cold waters and ice that come from the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica. In high latitudes, there are many icebergs and drifting ice floes. In the north, icebergs slide off Greenland, and in the south, from Antarctica. Today, the movement of icebergs is monitored from space by piece satellites of the earth.
Currents in the Atlantic Ocean have a meridional direction and are characterized by a strong movement of water masses from one latitude to another.
The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean is poorer in species composition than that of the Pacific. This is explained by the geological youth and cooler climatic conditions. But, despite this, the stocks of fish and other marine animals and plants in the ocean are quite significant. The organic world is richer in temperate latitudes. More favorable conditions for the residence of many species of fish, they have developed in the northern and northwestern parts of the ocean, where there are fewer flows of warm and cold currents. Here, cod, herring, sea bass, mackerel, capelin are of industrial importance.
The natural complexes of individual seas and the inflow of the Atlantic Ocean are distinguished by their originality. This is especially true for the inland seas: the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic. In the northern subtropical zone is located, unique in nature, the Sargas Sea. The giant Sargassum seaweed, which is abundant in the sea, has made it famous.
There are important sea routes across the Atlantic Ocean that connect New World with European and African countries. On the coast and islands of the Atlantic there are world-famous areas of recreation and tourism.
The Atlantic Ocean has been explored since ancient times. Since the 15th century, the Atlantic Ocean has become the main waterway of mankind and does not lose its significance today. The first period of ocean exploration lasted until the middle XVIII century. He was characterized by the study of the distribution of ocean waters and the establishment of the boundaries of the ocean. A comprehensive study of the nature of the Atlantic began with late XIX centuries.
The nature of the ocean in our time is being studied more with 40 scientific ships from around the world. Oceanologists carefully study the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere, observe the Gulf Stream and other currents, and the movement of icebergs. The Atlantic Ocean is no longer able to independently restore its biological resources. Preservation of its nature today is an international matter.
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The Atlantic Ocean basin includes the inland seas of Azov, Black and Baltic. Communication with the ocean is carried out through narrow straits. Insignificant water exchange with open areas of the water area and the river causes desalination, which is especially typical for Baltic Sea. All this affects the biodiversity of the seas and the state of their ecosystems. The seas are characterized by low efficiency, the Black Sea is non-freezing. The waters of the Atlantic have important transport and recreational functions, and therefore in some of their areas there are centers of environmental tension.
The Sea of ​​Azov washes the southwestern borders of Russia and is the shallowest sea on the planet (Fig. 45). Its maximum depth is 13.5 m. morphological features refers to flat seas, and in terms of distance from the ocean, this is the most continental sea on the planet.
According to the agreement between Russia and Ukraine, ratified in 2004, the sea is classified as inland waters these states.
The relief is quite simple and is characterized by a gradual increase in depth. The location of the isobaths is close to symmetrical. The coasts are predominantly sandy, flat, but in some places there are hills that turn into steep rock formations.
The sea is located in the zone of temperate latitudes, which is reflected in the climate. V winter time great influence on weather exerts the Siberian anticyclone, which determines low temperatures and strong winds. Summer period predominantly dry and characterized by fairly high temperatures.
The salinity of the sea differs sharply from the average salinity of the ocean and depends on the river runoff, which is up to 12% of the volume of water. In the area of ​​the Kerch Strait, salinity is about 11.5% o.
The currents strongly depend on the wind regime, as a result of which their direction is not constant. The circular current is directed counterclockwise in the central part of the water area.

Freeze-up begins at the end of November, but the formation of ice is irregular, depending on temperature regime. In the most severe winters, the thickness of the ice can reach 90 cm. The ice is completely cleared in mid-March.
Species diversity is low. The ichthyofauna includes 103 species. Beluga, stellate sturgeon, herring, fish and shemaya are the most valuable commercial anadromous species. Among marine species pelengas, tyulka, glossa, red mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel stand out. Marine mammals are represented by only one species - the harbor porpoise (Azovka) - the smallest mammal from the group of cetaceans. Concerning quantitative composition flora and fauna, the Sea of ​​Azov stands out among all the seas of the World Ocean. In terms of fish productivity, it exceeds the Black Sea by 40 times, the Mediterranean - by 160 times.
Beluga is one of the largest and longest living fish. Lives in the Azov, Black, Caspian Seas. In the Temryuk Bay Sea of ​​Azov in 1939, a female beluga weighing 750 kg was caught.
Economic activity on the coast is very well developed. Fishing and recreational activities stand out. The sea is experiencing a negative load in the coastal part, the situation is especially critical near industrial centers. Transport activities, including the transportation of petroleum products, have a great impact on the water area.
The Black Sea also belongs to inland seas Atlantic Ocean and washes the southern regions of Russia. Through the Bosphorus it connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, it is the border between Europe and Asia Minor. Among all the seas that wash Russian Federation, The Black Sea stands out for being the world's largest meromictic reservoir, at depths of more than 150-200 m due to saturation with hydrogen sulfide, the concentration of which reaches 14 mg / l, there is practically no life.
The coast is slightly indented, the Russian part of the Black Sea section is characterized by a wide shelf strip. The sediments are dominated by coarse clastic rocks: pebbles, gravel, which are replaced by fine-grained sands and silt with depth.
The climate is predominantly continental, to the southeast of Tuapse - humid subtropical. Big influence weather is affected by cyclonic masses formed in the Atlantic. The spurs of the mountains are not a barrier to the cold northern air masses, which causes a strong cold wind (bora). The area is characterized by warm, wet winters and hot, dry summers.
In the current scheme, two closed circulations are distinguished, in the oceanographic literature they are called "Knipovich's Points" after the oceanographer Nikolai Knipovich, who first described the Black Sea current scheme. The small size of the water area and its isolation determine the insignificant tides. However, surge phenomena are well expressed.
The surface layer of waters has a salinity of about 18%o, which increases with depth to 22.5%o.
The mild climate usually does not favor the formation of ice. However, in very severe and long winters, the sea can be covered with ice near the coast, which happens no more than once every few decades.
About 2500 species of organisms live in the Black Sea, including about 160 species of fish, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks.
Sea dragon (scorpion fish, snake fish) (Fig. 46) is the most poisonous fish that lives in the Black Sea in shallow water with a sandy and muddy bottom. Due to their secretive lifestyle and aggressiveness, dragons are very dangerous to anyone who disturbs them.

The water area of ​​the sea has an important recreational, fishing, transport value. The Black Sea ports are the end points of the pan-European transport corridors. Among environmental issues pollution by oil products, ballast water and chemicals is emitted.
The Baltic Sea washes the northwestern coast of Russia and is located within the continental shelf (Fig. 47). The sea is characterized by a significant indentation of the coastline, the presence of numerous islands and high freshness.

The bottom is heterogeneous, sands are common in the coastal part, changing with depth to silty deposits of glacial origin.
The climate is formed under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and is defined as the maritime climate of temperate latitudes. The region is characterized by cloudy, humid weather.
A feature of the hydrological regime is a large inflow fresh water brought by rivers flowing into the water area. The circulation of surface waters is generally counter-clockwise, but winds can influence the direction of currents. The tides in the Baltic Sea are semidiurnal and diurnal, but insignificant, their magnitude does not exceed 20 cm.
The waters are characterized by significant desalination. In the Gulf of Finland, salinity does not exceed 2%o, in open waters it increases to 20%o. Freeze-up begins in October-November. During one winter, the ice can melt and freeze again. Near the coast of the Gulf of Finland, the thickness of fast ice reaches 65 cm. Open water areas usually remain free of ice.
Amber, the most valuable wealth of the Baltic Sea, according to legend, is the remains of the ruined palace of the sea goddess Yurate. So the mighty Perkunas, the god of Thunder, punished her for her love for the simple fisherman Kastytis. The origin of amber is more prosaic. This is the hardened resin of coniferous trees that once grew here.
The greatest importance of the Baltic Sea is transport. At the same time, fishing is also widely developed. Baltic herring, sprat, lamprey, whitefish and other species of fish are caught here. The state of the ecosystems of the Baltic Sea is in a depressed state. This is due to the excess of anthropogenic load. Chemical weapons were buried in the water area. A lot of ammunition has been preserved since the Second World War. Significant oil pollution.
It should be noted that the situation in almost all the seas surrounding Russia is far from favorable. There are several problems that are common to all marine areas. Among them:
. depletion of bioresources associated with overfishing and poaching;
. pollution of water areas with oil and oil products;
. radiation pollution, especially of the northern seas;
. global warming climate, leading to quality
changing marine ecosystems. Rational use of nature and management of biological resources should be based on ecosystem studies, on knowledge of the key relationships and patterns of their functioning.
Questions for self-control
1. The concept of a population. Peculiarities of hydrobiont populations.
2. The size and density of the population.
3. The concept of the capacity of the environment.
4. Horological structure and territoriality in hydrobiocenosis.
5. Age and ethological structure of the population.
6. Sexual and generative structure of the population.
7. Peculiarities of hydrobiont population dynamics.
8. Characteristics of distribution forms and population growth.
9. The concept of biotic potential.
10. Mortality and survival of individuals in populations of hydrobionts.
11. Hydrobiocenosis and its structure.
12. Characteristics of the species and size structure of hydrobiocenosis.
13. Trophic structure of hydrobiocenosis.
14. Features of the functioning of hydrobiocenosis.
15. Nutrition and respiration of hydrobionts.
16. Dynamics of hydrobiocenoses.
17. Features of marine ecosystems.
18. Characteristics of ecosystems of the continental shelf.
19. Characteristics of ecosystems of the pelagial and deep-sea bentali.
20. general characteristics seas of the Pacific.
21. General characteristics of the seas of the Arctic Ocean.
22. General characteristics of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean.

Part of the World Ocean bounded by Europe and Africa from the east and north and South America from the west. The name comes from the name of the titan Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology.

It is inferior in size only to the Quiet; its area is approximately 91.56 million km2. It is distinguished from other oceans by the strong indentation of the coastline, which forms numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of ​​river basins flowing into this ocean or its marginal seas, much more than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another difference Atlantic Ocean is a relatively small number of islands and a complex bottom topography, which, thanks to underwater ridges and uplifts, forms many separate basins.

States of the coast of the Atlantic Ocean-49 countries:

Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Benin, Brazil, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Grenada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Iceland , Spain, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint -Lucia, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, France, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa.


It is divided into northern and southern parts, the border between which is conventionally drawn along the equator. From an oceanographic point of view, however, the equatorial countercurrent, located at 5–8° N latitude, should be attributed to the southern part of the ocean. The northern boundary is usually drawn along the Arctic Circle. In some places this boundary is marked by underwater ridges.

Borders and coastline

in the northern hemisphere has a heavily indented coastline. Its narrow northern part is connected to the Arctic Ocean by three narrow straits. In the northeast, the Davis Strait, 360 km wide, connects it with the Baffin Sea, belonging to the Arctic Ocean. In the central part, between Greenland and Iceland, there is the Danish Strait, with a width of only 287 km at its narrowest point. Finally, in the northeast, between Iceland and Norway, is the Norwegian Sea, approx. 1220 km. East of Atlantic Ocean two water areas deeply protruding into the land are separated. The more northerly one begins North Sea, which to the east passes into the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. To the south there is a system of inland seas - the Mediterranean and the Black - with a total length of approx. 4000 km.

In the tropical zone in the southwest of the North Atlantic are the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, connected to the ocean by the Strait of Florida. Coast North America indented by small bays (Pamlico, Barnegat, Chesapeake, Delaware and Long Island Sound); to the northwest are the Bays of Fundy and St. Lawrence, Belle Isle, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay.


Surface currents in the northern part Atlantic Ocean moving clockwise. The main elements of this large system are the warm current of the Gulf Stream directed to the north, as well as the North Atlantic, Canary and Northern Equatorial (Equatorial) currents. The Gulf Stream follows from the Strait of Florida and the island of Cuba in a northerly direction along the coast of the United States and at about 40 ° N. latitude. deviates to the northeast, changing its name to the North Atlantic Current. This current divides into two branches, one of which follows the northeast along the coast of Norway and further into the Arctic Ocean. The second branch turns south and further southwest along the coast of Africa, forming the cold Canary Current. This current moves to the southwest and joins the North Equatorial Current, which heads west towards the West Indies, where it merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the North Equatorial Current is an area of ​​stagnant water, abundant in algae and known as the Sargasso Sea. Along the North Atlantic coast of North America, the cold Labrador Current passes from north to south, following from the Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea and cooling the coast of New England.

ISLANDS of the Atlantic Ocean

Most major islands concentrated in the northern part of the ocean; these are the British Isles, Iceland, Newfoundland, Cuba, Haiti (Hispaniola) and Puerto Rico. On the eastern edge Atlantic Ocean there are several groups of small islands - Azores, Canaries, Cape Verde. There are similar groups in the western part of the ocean. Examples include the Bahamas, Florida Keys and Lesser Antilles. The archipelagos of the Greater and Lesser Antilles form an island arc surrounding the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. V pacific ocean similar island arcs are characteristic of deformation regions earth's crust. Deep-water trenches are located along the convex side of the arc.

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