A cleaning schedule that will teach you how to keep your house clean once and for all. Cleaning Schedules: Offering the Best Samples

landscaping 11.10.2019

Any activities require accounting and control. Cleaning is provided by cleaning and cleaning services in most large and medium-sized cities. To simplify mutual understanding, maintenance of cleaning schedules is imputed. Such documents are created in accordance with the specific requirements prescribed in the contract, drawn up taking into account the norms and standards for cleaning certain types of premises. For example, the conditions for cleaning apartments and cleaning offices will be different.

The classic version of the cleaning schedule with a manager-controller.

Table for calculating the total working hours of a specialist.

(click to enlarge image) DOWNLOAD toilet cleaning schedule

A photo. Toilet cleaning schedule

You are invited to download the cleaning schedule, a sample is presented in Microsoft Word. Also a list of tasks for a specific employee (a cleaning schedule in the form of a task list is suitable for controlling specific or private events, for example, in one cottage you need to clean windows, stove, refrigerator, balcony and computer desk, and in the other microwave, toilet and windows and dry-clean carpets and dry-clean furniture). To control the monthly plan or payroll, use the schedule (schedule) of the total working hours.

Cleaning norms - standards and technology

The technology of professional cleaning is prescribed in state standard. You can find out the typical cleaning standards industrial premises. Naturally, the requirements for different rooms different are presented. Must follow state standards cleaning of a particular type of premises.

The documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format.

The state standard, compiled to verify the provision of household cleaning.

The document offers cleaning rates and formulas for calculations.

Quality indicators of professional cleaning GOST R51870-2014

Call and order cleaning in the cleaning company "Dokman" (St. Petersburg).

I continue to supplement my pages, and I hope yours,. And also, I continue to plan cleaning. This time I suggest you download and fill out a sheet with a weekly cleaning schedule for your home.

I'll tell you a little about it.

I made 2 sheets. one already filled in, for those who are interested in my schedule and for whom such a schedule is suitable. And an empty form - you can fill it out yourself.

I set up my schedule like this: Every day I have repetitive routine tasks, well, general cleaning at home (Weekly Hour of Blessing at Home, like Fly Lady), I "scattered" for the whole week. On Saturday I do business as usual. The daughter is mainly engaged in this day by the father. Therefore, this is, so to speak, my personal "unloading" day. Well, Sunday is our family day. For this day, I have only those things planned from my cases that, one might say, have already become a habit. Such as making the bed or cleaning the sink.

I'll talk a little about some points. Don't be put off by such an item as daily mopping. No, I'm not some crazy housewife. We just have 3 cats! so wool and other feline joy immediately make themselves felt. But, nevertheless, this is not a point that I flawlessly perform every day - it is a kind of reminder: "If you have time - wash!". But, if I missed washing the floors yesterday, I must wash it today, but the item "sweep in the hallway and kitchen" on Saturday is mandatory. that is, even if I have a catastrophic time trouble - I must carve out 3 minutes to sweep.
By the way, in this schedule, despite the fact that it is cleaning plan, there are items such as compiling a menu and a to-do list for the next week.

I included them here because planning is like a hobby for me! I am ready to sit all day planning, filling in beautiful plates! O! I love planning! So, sometimes I get so carried away with planning that I forget about my household chores and work. To make this happen as infrequently as possible, I noted these points during normal working days. and I try to devote time exclusively to this these days. During the week, of course, I check my to-do lists for the day, but this is already an adjustment, not a compilation)).

And the day of menu planning for me on Saturday is not easy! On Sunday, we go for a walk with the whole family, and when we return, we go to the supermarket for groceries with a menu plan for the week and a list of necessary products. Moreover, we have a small family tradition, I call it "Dish of the Week". Every Sunday we are all together, and of course our three-year-old Masha too, we cook some unusual dinner. But I will talk about this tradition a little later.

Every home has problem areas that need to be cleaned every day. This will take no more than 5 minutes, but will significantly reduce the risk of spreading the infection.


Most practical option- plastic or glass cutting board You need to wash it every day - it should become the same familiar procedure as brushing your teeth in the morning. It is enough to wash the board with a sponge and soap, and then rinse thoroughly with water. After that, it can be doused with boiling water. If you use a dishwasher, put cutting board every time you start the machine. In addition, it is worth using a separate board for raw meat and birds.


You are unlikely to forget to feed a cat or a dog, but far from everyone wash the plates after dry food. Even if the dishes appear perfectly clean on the outside, bacteria e. coli and staphylococcus aureus, which cause poisoning in both the animal and its owners. Wash your pet's dishes every day the same way you wash yours.


The kitchen sink is a real breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. E. coli feeds on leftover food, and the humid environment creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, mold and fungus. How to keep clean? First, thoroughly clean the sink and remove food residue after each dishwashing. Secondly, pour boiling water over the sink every two or three days. It is very important to include the sink in your daily cleaning routine.


If you use the same towel to dry your hands, utensils, and work surfaces in the kitchen, bacteria (such as salmonella and E. coli) can get from the cloth onto plates or washed fruits and vegetables. In addition, moisture is an ideal environment for germs, and wet towels attract various microorganisms. All this leads to poisoning. To minimize the risk, use different towels for your hands, utensils, and work surfaces. Dish towels should be changed every day, because they are the first place where harmful bacteria accumulate. Wash all kitchen towels at the highest temperature allowed and then iron or dry them.

Cleaning once a week

Admit it, when was the last time you washed your home phone or disinfected the TV remote control? And you need to do it regularly!


Each of the household members touches them dozens of times a day, bacteria multiply and are carried throughout the house. To catch an infection, it is enough to take a dirty pen, and then touch your eyes or mouth. Wash your hands with soap and water every week. If someone is sick at home, wipe the handles more often, you can use a disinfectant solution.


First you touch them to open the water, and then close them with clean hands. Wash faucets thoroughly with a sponge and soap - at least once a week. If someone in the house is sick, you should do it more often. The same rules apply to toilet flush buttons.


The main rule: do not allow your family to eat in the living room! Vacuum all upholstered furniture once a week with a special nozzle. If sofas and armchairs have removable covers, wash them or have them cleaned every two to three months.


Dust mites are the most common cause of household allergies, and bedding is one of the favorite habitats. With the constant presence of the allergen, the reaction can develop even in adulthood. Wash bedding weekly at the highest temperature. The same should be done with bedspreads, blankets and pillow covers.


According to research, the most important hotbed of infection in hotel rooms are remotes. remote control. Of course, only family members use the remote control at home, but nevertheless, harmful microorganisms can also live on it. Wipe the remote with wet wipes once a week if everyone at home is healthy. If there are colds in the family, do this every day.


We touch them as often as door handles. Clean the light switches once a week with warm soapy water, and pay special attention to the light switch in the hallway that you use when you enter the house before washing your hands.


The phone gets dirty when it comes into contact with the skin, and if you actively use cosmetics, then the bacteria on the surface of the handset multiply even faster, especially if the phone has buttons. Wipe the handset with wet wipes at least once a week.


On the toilet seat (and especially under it) accumulates great amount microbes is obvious. Men understandably raise and lower the toilet seat several times a day. It is logical if the husband takes over the disinfection.

Monthly cleaning schedule

Perhaps these surfaces do not get dirty as quickly as the sink or carpets, but they should not be forgotten either! Use this apartment cleaning schedule for a month.


Wipe the table surface to wash away dirt and dust. At home, a damp sponge is enough; at work, you can use disinfectant wipes for office equipment. Be sure to clean your mouse and keyboard. Please note that if you often eat in front of the computer, food particles may get stuck in the keyboard. In this case, you need to clean it more often (once a week or as it gets dirty) and more thoroughly.


No wonder if you never thought to wash it, because we put clean knives and forks in it, right? In fact, if wet utensils get into the drawer, it creates an ideal environment for the reproduction of microbes, fungi and mold. You don’t want all this to end up on the spoons that adults and children eat, do you? Once a month, take out all the appliances, rinse thoroughly with warm water, clean the holes and grates with a brush.


If the refrigerator has a beverage compartment, it must be washed even when you pour clean drinking water. The same applies to the ice compartment. Plaque gradually forms on the internal surfaces, mold and fungus may even appear. Read the manufacturer's instructions for the best disinfection method. If there are no special instructions, mix vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio, dip in a solution toothbrush and clean all surfaces that you can reach. And then pass through the compartments for ice and drinks 3-4 glasses.


The same number of microorganisms can live on fresh vegetables and fruits as on raw meat: bacteria from the soil even get on garden vegetables and fruits, which are considered to be almost sterile and eat from the garden without even rinsing with water. To remove bacteria, wash all compartments of the refrigerator once a month with a sponge, warm water and soap.

Cleaning once a year

Let's not hide: for some housewives, their hands very rarely reach these household items. Put them on your annual cleaning schedule!


Sure, you vacuum them once or twice a week, but carpets need a thorough cleaning every year. If your carpets can be washed or steamed, and the vacuum cleaner has the appropriate features, it's simple: clean all the carpets properly with a special shampoo. Of course, you can wash the carpets by hand, but if the area is large enough, consider calling in the specialists from the cleaning company once a year. In any case, after wet cleaning, the carpets must be thoroughly dried, because mold immediately develops under wet coatings. For such drying, many cleaning companies have professional hair dryers.


As a rule, it is enough to clean curtains and blinds once a year, but if you live in big city and dust accumulates faster, it is worth doing as it gets dirty. Do not forget that dust can exacerbate allergies and respiratory diseases. Wash the curtains in the machine using the delicate cycle without drying, or take them to the dry cleaner. Vacuum blinds with special nozzles.

The long-awaited day off has come and instead of spending it at home for relaxation, many women start cleaning the house. They wash, wash, dry all day, and at the end of the day they realize that their day off is over, and tomorrow they will go to work again, but they really want to relax, forgetting about these things.

Compiling a list of house cleaning tasks and distributing them by day will help simplify cleaning tasks

If you want to deal with your usual things and pay attention to loved ones in one day, then this is quite feasible. So take a pen and make a plan for cleaning your house or apartment.

Schedule of activities for the week

If you correctly make a plan for the days of the week, then for each day you will have one action planned. For example, on Wednesday - washing and ironing, Thursday - cleaning the bathroom and toilet. Such an uncomplicated schedule will reduce your weekend cleaning time.

The weekly cleaning plan necessarily includes such an item as grocery shopping. For example, you can buy all the required products on Friday evening, and prepare meals on the weekend.

Most often, housewives try to cook for the whole week on their day off, so that when they come home from work, they don’t bother. But there are some products that need to be purchased every day. This should include: bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, herbs. As for freezing, cereals and other accessories, they can be bought once a month.

Sample cleaning schedule

The plan for the days of the week must necessarily include such things that do not have to be done every week. This can be attributed. In addition, try not to scatter things around the house. Teach your household to order, so that everyone cleans up after themselves. Then cleaning every day will be quick and easy. Correctly drawn up cleaning schedule in the house or apartment - perfect solution in order to free up time for a trip to the cinema or for gatherings at home in front of the TV.

Schedule your daily cleaning

Cleaning should include a number of simple activities, the implementation of which will reduce the time for cleaning on the weekend. So, what parts of the house or apartment need constant cleanliness? Of course, this is the kitchen and the restroom.

Cleaning up the kitchen

Includes washing dishes. She must always be clean. Accustom yourself to the fact that even the smallest dirt should not remain in the pan and pots. If you leave them for later, they will get bigger and bigger, and then you have to spend half a day cleaning them. When washing saucers and plates, be sure to pay attention to the bottom. It is there that the gray coating concentrates.

Daily comprehensive cleaning will not do without washing the stove. Probably, every housewife has such situations when something “ran away” onto the stove during cooking. If you cook often and intensively, then the floor in the room must be wiped every day after cooking is completed.

Be sure to include cleaning the toilet bowl in the cleaning plan for the house or apartment on the days of the week. For this you will need to use special means, which will eliminate the formation of harmful bacteria and rust. Be sure to include in the plan daily to clean with a rag in the bathroom and on the stove the available droplets of water after taking water procedures. If this is not done, then over time lime deposits will form there.

Cleaning work in the bathroom

When you have a home or a pet, then be prepared for the fact that your plan daily cleaning not without a vacuum cleaner. If there are no pets, then vacuuming is necessary as necessary. The same can be said about dust. If you live in a large and dusty metropolis, close to a dusty road, then you need to wipe the dirt on the furniture 2 times a day.

When evening comes, most people scatter their things, and then in the morning you need to spend time cleaning them. To prevent this from happening, include in your daily cleaning plan a procedure for putting things in their places.

The daily cleaning plan should include airing the apartment or house. AT winter time you need to do this 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, and in summer you can leave the windows open at all.

Cleaning every 2-3 days

To make your work easier, you can change the schedule for the days of the week a little and reschedule some things, cleaning every 2-3 days. In addition, this way you can even throw something out of your daily plan.

Carrying out floor cleaning

If you have made a habit of floors every day, but you do not have small children, then you can do such actions every 2-3 days. But here you should already be guided by the degree of pollution. For some, it is enough to perform wet cleaning every 7 days. But you need to walk on the carpets of vacuum cleaners every day. Some other housewives are doing the finished one every 2-3 days. Thus, they will cook for several days at once and can be free the next evening.

A properly drawn up schedule for the days of the week will allow each housewife to clearly define her task plan and quickly clean the house. If you have everything at home on the weekends, then you can shift part of the responsibilities to their shoulders. Then you can quickly cope with your duties and can go somewhere with the whole family in the evening or just drink tea together.

Kitchen towels

How. Wash in the machine according to the instructions.

Why. Kitchen towels get dirty very quickly, because we use them many times a day. This is especially true if you have a large family. Towels can look clean but contain a lot of bacteria.


How. Before going to bed, wash all the accumulated dishes or just put them in the dishwasher.

Why. If you leave dirty dishes and pans overnight, they will be harder to clean in the morning. In addition, dried food particles serve as an environment for the development of bacteria and cause bad smell.

Kitchen table

How. wipe the table disinfectant. By the way, do not wipe all kitchen surfaces with one rag: this way you only spread germs in the kitchen.

Why. What we don't put on kitchen table: keys, bags, money, not to mention the products brought from the store. Bacteria from all these items can get into food.

Pet bowls

How. Most bowls are machine washable. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the dishes so that there are no traces of detergent left on them.

Why. Unwashed water and food bowls attract various pests and can cause health problems for your pets.

Once a week

Kitchen cabinets

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent. Take Special attention areas where food particles may fall.

Why. On the doors kitchen cabinets collects dust and grease from cooking. There may also be pathogenic microbes.


How. Pour 100 ml of white vinegar or 50 ml of chlorine bleach into the toilet bowl (most importantly, never mix them) and leave for a few minutes. Clean everything inside with a brush, and then drain the water.

If there is limescale and rust on the toilet, leave the vinegar or bleach on for an hour. Walk outside with a special disinfectant.

Why. Most likely, you yourself know that a lot of bacteria accumulate in the toilet bowl.


How. After each use, simply rinse the tub with water. But once a week you need to wash everything more thoroughly. Use sparing ones so as not to damage the enamel.

Why. Bacteria accumulate in the bath, and the enamel darkens from dirt, grease and hard water.

shower cabin

How. Wash the cabin walls with warm water and treat with a special antibacterial spray.

Why. This will protect the walls from discoloration, limescale and mold.

Food Waste Disposer

How. Put ice cubes, frozen lemon juice, or vinegar into the cleaner.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate on the internal chopper blades, and ice will help remove them.

Cushioned furniture

How. Vacuum the furniture itself, pillows and do not forget to vacuum under chairs and sofas.

Why. On the upholstered furniture dust and pet hair accumulate especially quickly. Don't forget to get rid of it, especially if someone in your family has allergies.


How. Wash with warm water and soap or a disinfectant solution.

Why. Food particles and bacteria accumulate in the bin.

Once in two weeks

Curtain in the bathroom

How. Vacuum gently with the brush attachment. Wash by hand or in the washing machine depending on the material.

Why. The curtain in the bathroom absorbs odors and attracts dust.

Switches and door handles

How. Wipe with a cloth and detergent.

Why. On handles and switches, a mass of microbes accumulates daily.

Sleeping area for pets

How. Vacuum and wash separately from your clothes. If you just want to get rid of the bad smell, sprinkle the bed with baking soda and leave it for 15 minutes. Then vacuum up the baking soda.

Why. Your pet's bedding collects hair, dander and dirt.

Bath mat

How. Wash hot water in the washing machine.

Why. Mold can easily grow on a rug, especially if it doesn't dry well. In addition, germs and dirt accumulate there.


How. If your oven has a turntable, remove it and wash it in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher. For the insides of the microwave, put a glass of water with lemon slices in it and heat for 3-4 minutes.

Then wipe off the softened dirt with a damp sponge. Add baking soda to the water to eliminate the unpleasant odor. Then dry thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Why. After each use, food particles remain in the microwave.

Once a month

A vacuum cleaner

How. Replace the bag, clean the filters and wipe the inside of the vacuum cleaner.

Why. Regular cleaning of the vacuum cleaner will increase the cleaning efficiency.


How. Remove the filter, soak it in soapy water, and then rinse thoroughly. Insert the filter back, put a glass of vinegar on the bottom of the machine and start full cycle without dishes. Leave baking soda in the bottom of the car overnight.

Run the cycle again in the morning without dishes.

Why. Over time, dirt, grease and food particles accumulate in the dishwasher. This results in an unpleasant smell and plaque on the dishes.

Kids toys

How. Wash once a month Stuffed Toys in the machine on a delicate wash. Use a lint roller to dust them between washes.

Why. Bacteria quickly accumulate on toys, and children's immune systems are still not strong enough.

Coffee maker

How. Pour a mixture of water and white vinegar (1:1) into the water tank and turn on the coffee maker. When several cups have drained, turn off the appliance and leave for an hour. Then turn it back on and run a few cycles with water only.

Why. This will help remove the scale.

Draining the sink and tub

How. Pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar into it. cover the hole rubber glove, let the mixture work for 10-15 minutes, and then turn on the hot water.

Why. Fat and small debris collecting on the walls of the pipes causes an unpleasant odor and.

Once in two months

Behind and below the washing machine

How. Vacuum gently behind and under the washing machine, especially around the power cord.

Why. Dust and debris accumulate under the washing machine, which increases the risk of fire.


How. Treat each blade with white vinegar and then wipe with a rag.

Why. Dust collects on the surface of the blades and spreads throughout the house when the fan is running. This can lead to an exacerbation of allergies and respiratory diseases.


How. Vacuum. If the blinds are very dirty, remove them and wash in the closed position with warm water using a soft brush. Turn over and repeat the same on the other side. Then open and leave to dry.

Why. They accumulate a lot of dust, which is especially harmful for allergy sufferers.

Once a quarter


How. Remove the filter from the hood and rinse it in hot soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. dishwasher better not to use.

Why. Dust, grease and food particles accumulate in the filter, which hinder the operation of the hood.


How. Soak the drawers and shelves in warm soapy water, and wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a sponge. To remove stains, it is better to use plain soda, rather than disinfectants.

Why. This will reduce the risk of food poisoning and get rid of accumulated bacteria.


How. Remove books from shelves, dust thoroughly, and flip quickly to remove dust from pages as well. If you store books in a stack, swap them around so the covers don't warp.

Why. Paper pages lose color and deteriorate, and they can also start.

under the flower pots

How. Once a quarter, move the pots to another place so that the window sill or floor under them does not burn out. And of course, do not forget to wipe the place where your flowers stand at least once a week.

Why. If the pots are always in the same place, the coating underneath may become darker than the rest of the areas due to the uneven distribution of light.

Stove (hob)

How. Remove all handles and wash them in hot soapy water, wash the panel behind (under) them thoroughly and dry with a dry cloth. If the handles are not removable, wipe them with a well-wrung sponge and detergent, and go through hard-to-reach places with a toothpick.

By the way, the working surface of the stove should be regularly wiped with a special cleaning agent or soda with lemon juice (1: 1).

Why. Dust and food debris not only spoil the view, but also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.


How. Treat burnt spots with soda, and then sprinkle with vinegar to start the reaction. Wash the grate with soap and water.

To clean the glass door, use a glass cleaner or a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar. Soak a rag or paper towel in the mixture, wring it out and place it on the glass with the door open. Leave for half an hour to soften the dirt. Rinse with water and dry with paper towels or a lint-free cloth.

Why. Food particles remaining in the oven will smoke when heated.

Twice a year

Pillows and blankets

How. Wash by hand or in the washing machine on a delicate cycle and air dry.

Why. This is especially important for those who suffer from allergies.


How. Turn the mattress over, while alternating turns from one side to the other and turns "head - legs".

Why. This will prevent the mattress from warping.


How. Turn off the power before removing any parts of the lamp. Wipe gently with a damp cloth, you can use soap.

Why. Dust and dirt accumulated on the lamps can dim the light from the bulbs by 30%.

Behind and under the refrigerator

How. Unplug the refrigerator, remove the protective grill at the back, clean it and gently wipe the condenser and fan. Vacuum the wall behind the refrigerator. Wipe the side walls of the appliance, the floor under it with a rag.

Why. Dust on the floor, mixing with moisture, can damage flooring. And excess dust on the walls increases the risk of fire. Plus, cleaning will greatly increase the efficiency of the cooling system, which will increase the life of the refrigerator and save you money.

shower head

How. Remove the watering can and soak it in white vinegar, then rinse thoroughly.

Why. Over time, the watering can becomes clogged, and because of this, the water pressure deteriorates.


How. Go over both sides with a sticky roller to collect dust. If there is a lot of dirt, wash with water and a brush. Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar in 3.5 liters of water, pour into a spray bottle and wash the windows with this mixture, wiping them thoroughly with a microfiber cloth.

Why. Dirty windows let in less light, and dust can cause various diseases respiratory tract.

Once a year


Washing machine

How. Pour 100 ml of chlorine bleach into the drum or pour 100 g citric acid and run the wash without laundry at maximum temperature. container for detergents manually.

Why. Drum washing machine easily soiled, and over time it may develop an unpleasant odor.

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