History - legendary restaurant yar. Babi Yar: History

Landscaping and layout 22.09.2019
Landscaping and layout

The legendary restaurant "Yar" - the brainchild of the French chef Mr. Tranquil Yard - at first, on January 1, 1826, was located in the house of the merchant Shavanna at the corner of Kuznetsky Most and Neglinnaya. Soon it became very popular among gourmets who fell in love with "Yar" for its exquisite menu and excellent wine cellars. One of the regulars at Yar on Kuznetsky was Alexander Pushkin, who captured the memory of the restaurant in one of his works.
Later - from 1848 to 1851. - "Yar" worked in the Hermitage garden, but not in the Hermitage garden, on Petrovka, which we all know well, but in the old one on Bozhedomka. But soon it opened as a country restaurant in Petrovsky Park, on the Petersburg highway, in the possession of General Bashilov, who rented out his estate for a restaurant. The fact is that for the purity of morals in city restaurants, it was forbidden for gypsies to sing, and outside the outposts they had every right to perform. Merchants and young people, squandering their father's fortunes, sometimes staged crazy festivities in "Yar" and often simply smashed the premises of the restaurant, but even these facts, not quite decent for a respectable institution, did not dare the other public from him. Bryusov, Chekhov, Kuprin, Chaliapin, Stanislavsky, Gilyarovsky, artists, writers, lawyers often visited Yar.
In 1895 "Yar" was acquired by Aleksey Akimovich Sudakov, a Yaroslavl peasant who achieved everything with his mind and talent. Sudakov, who has agreed with the management of a nearby hippodrome on mutual customer service. The proceeds from this ingenious idea made it possible to rebuild the restaurant. In 1910 he rebuilds "Yar" (architect A. Erichson): from wooden house the restaurant has turned into a solid palace with columns, with a summer garden for 250 seats, with a fountain, stone grottoes and gazebos entwined with ivy. Staff houses were built near the restaurant.
The restaurant in 1910 was valued at 10 million rubles in gold, a huge figure. The restaurant with its service buildings occupied an entire block, the restaurant had its own power plant, its own water pumping station, a car park, its own stable, summer terrace, flower beds, the back of the property was framed by "mountains" - made of stones brought from the Caucasus.

The house to the right of the Sovetskiy hotel building is the house for the restaurant employees. Earlier, its side turret-bay window was decorated with a spire. To the left of the restaurant was the house of Sudakov himself, which, unfortunately, has not survived.

In pre-revolutionary times "Yar" became famous for its carousing, so colorfully described by Gilyarovsky. Savva Morozov was one of Yar's regulars. One winter he went to his favorite restaurant, but he was not allowed there - some merchant walks - the restaurant was taken out "at the mercy". Savva tried to be indignant, they say, he is a regular customer, he left a lot of money here, but they still refused to let him into the restaurant. Then the angry Morozov drove to Petrovsky Park, scored some idleness there, brought him to the restaurant and ordered to break the wall in order to enter the restaurant through it in a straight line. The wall is being broken down, Savva Timofeevich is sitting in the troika, waiting. Not amenable to persuasion. I don't want to call the police either - a regular customer. Somehow he was persuaded by a gypsy from the choir not to destroy the restaurant: "Dear father, what are you doing, we will be left without earnings," in general, they persuaded him, he paid off all the "burglars", spat on everything and left.
The famous millionaire Khludov came to Yar accompanied by a tame tigress.
And then the merchants loved to play in the "aquarium". They ordered to pour water into a huge white piano to the brim and let the fish go there.
Was in "Yar" and the price list for those who like to party. The pleasure of smearing the waiter's face with mustard, for example, cost 120 rubles, and throwing a bottle into a Venetian mirror - 100 rubles. However, all the property of the restaurant was insured for substantial money.
"Yar" was visited by Grigory Rasputin and Felix Yusupov, Chekhov and Kuprin, Gorky and Leonid Andreev, Balmont and Bryusov, Chaliapin, the artists Vasnetsov brothers, Levitan, Repin, Vrubel, Serov ...
After the revolution, the restaurant was closed, the stucco molding was torn from the ceilings, the fountain and the garden were destroyed, the property of the restaurant was taken out. Sudakov was arrested. The fate of the owner of Yar is tragic - after the revolution he and his children were often arrested, the Central Committee was summoned, they were regularly "shaken", considering him the owner of a huge fortune, he could not emigrate abroad. Later, Sudakov worked as a simple accountant in an ordinary Soviet office. To live out his life, he went to the village. He did not like to talk about "Yar", this topic was closed to him. After his death, he was allegedly buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Such are the rise and fall of the owner of "Yar", who began his career as a "boy" in a teahouse, who achieved everything with his work, intelligence and talent, turned the cult restaurant into an empire, and ended up as an ordinary employee in a state organization ...
Until 1952, the building of the former restaurant housed a cinema, a gym for Red Army soldiers, a hospital, a cinema school, VGIK and the Pilot's House. In 1952, a hotel complex in the Russian Empire style was added to the building of the Yar restaurant on Stalin's personal order. Now the former building looks almost unrecognizable, only by the arched windows one can identify the Sudakovskiy Yar. "Yar" was renamed into "Soviet" restaurant. A little later, a gypsy theater "Romen" moved in near the hotel - the spirit of the old "Yar" and the gypsy choir of Anna Zakharovna turned out to be attractive.
The Sovetskiy restaurant has become widely known as a “restaurant for the privileged” - diplomats, party leaders and confidants. During these years "Sovetsky" was repeatedly awarded with pennants and honorary awards. Vasily Stalin, the King of Spain Juan Carlos, and Indira Gandhi, Vysotsky with Marina Vlady, and the "Iron Lady" with Konrad Adenauer have been here.
Over time, the restaurant fell into decay, but since 1998 it has experienced its next birth under the same name - "Yar". The restaurant was restored - the pre-revolutionary interior was completely restored here, the frescoes of the beginning of the century on the ceiling and walls were put in order, the chandelier of 1912 was repaired, and the fountain in the courtyard, made according to the project of the Bolshoi Theater fountain, was recreated.
This is the history of the Yar restaurant.





20 - 15 thousandyearsback- the beginning of the settlement of the territory of the region with people

IImillenniumbeforen. NS. - Fatyanovo culture

Imillenniumbeforen. NS. - Imillenniumn. NS. - Diakovo culture

IXv... - the first mention of the Merya tribe, the beginning of the settlement of the region by the Slavs

862 G... - the first mention in the annals of the city of Rostov

988 -1010 yy. - reign in Rostov Yaroslav the Wise

992 - the beginning of the Christianization of the Yaroslavl region

1071 G. - the first mention in the annals of the city of Yaroslavl

1148 G. - the first mention in the chronicle of the city of Uglich

1152 G. - foundation of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky

1207 G. - allocation of the Rostov principality

. 1218 G. - the allocation of the Yaroslavl principality

1237 - 1238 yy. - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars to North-Eastern Russia

4 Martha 1238 G. - battle on the river Sit

1240 G... - Battle of the Neva

1242 g - The Battle on the Ice

1257, 1262 yy. - uprisings in the cities of the region against the Mongol-Tatars

1260 - 1299 yy. - the official dates of the reign of Fyodor Cherny in the Yaroslavl principality

8 september 1380 G. - Battle of Kulikovo, in which, along with other Russian troops, the Yaroslavl regiments took part

IIhalfXvv. - the final incorporation of the Yaroslavl lands into the Moscow state

§1. The oldest history Yaroslavl land

Stone Age

Scientists have long been interested in the question of the time of man's appearance on the territory of our region. There were different points of view on this issue. Now, thanks to archeology, we know: our distant ancestors appeared on the territory of the Upper Volga about 13-14 thousand years ago. This is the time of the ancient Stone Age - the Paleolithic.

The most ancient settlement of people of this time is called the Golden Stream. It is located near the city of Uglich. Archaeologists have discovered here a variety of flint tools: chisels, axes, knives, punctures and other items. People of this period hunted bulls, reindeer, as well as smaller forest animals.

In the Middle Stone Age - Mesolithic (12-10 thousand years ago), tribes of hunters and fishermen lived on the territory of our region. These tribes built their settlements along the river banks.

During the hunt, they knew how to use not only a spear, but also a bow and arrows. Fishing and gathering played an important role in their lives.

People lived in small tribal communities, and for housing they used small semi-dugouts dug in the ground.

Approximately 8-6 thousand years ago, the era of the new stone age began - the Neolithic. People of this time continued to engage in hunting and fishing. During archaeological excavations, flint arrowheads and spearheads, bone harpoons, fish hooks, and wooden fish traps were found. Our ancestors also knew various means of transportation - boats, skis, sledges, rafts.

One of the sites of people of the Neolithic era was discovered in the 1970s right on the territory of modern Yaroslavl - in the Zavolzhskaya part of the city, opposite the Strelka. This is the Zavolzhye parking lot. It existed about 6-4 thousand years ago. This is the oldest human settlement on the territory of Yaroslavl.

As can be seen from the above examples, in the Stone Age, the territory of our region began to be populated by primitive hunters and fishermen.

Bronze Age

On the territory of the Yaroslavl Territory, tribes of the Bronze Age are also known. These tribes were called Fatyanovo, because the first traces of these tribes were found near the village of Fatyanovo near Yaroslavl.

Many burial grounds of these tribes are now known. For example, Volosovo-Danilovsky, where about 120 burials were found.

The Fatyanovites were cattle breeders. They raised pigs, sheep, cows and horses. Fishing and hunting were ancillary activities. The burials contained the bones of bears, wild boars, deer and other animals. In all the burial grounds, articles made of bear bones, its teeth and fangs were found. Probably, the bear was considered by the Fatyanovs as a sacred animal, the patron saint of cattle. Remnants of the bear cult were preserved on the territory of the Yaroslavl Territory in the future.

The Fatyanovites used bronze tools, but they also preserved stone products for a long time.

They themselves were engaged in metalworking, knew how to smelt axes, spearheads, as well as all kinds of metal jewelry - rings, rings, bracelets.

Women were engaged in pottery for Fatyanovites. They sculpted vessels from clay, and then burned them at the stake. The Fatyanovo tribes were at the stage of patriarchy, that is, the main

men played a role in the economy and management. Economic activities were strictly segregated by sex and age. Life expectancy reached 40 years, although in some burials people are buried even at the age of 50 to 60 years.

Later, the Fatyanovo tribes encountered numerous Finno-Ugric tribes and dissolved into them. And the remnants of the Fatyanovo culture can be traced by archaeologists up to the appearance of Slavic tribes on the Upper Volga.

Iron age

And how did our distant ancestors live during the Iron Age? We can also judge this by the materials of archaeological excavations. They testify that the forest belt was then inhabited by numerous tribes of the pre-Slavic, Finno-Ugric population - the Dyakovites. They were named after the settlement found by archaeologists near the village of Dyakovo near Moscow.

Settlement Bereznyaki (Reconstruction)

One of these settlements existed on the territory of the central part of modern Yaroslavl. Scientists named it Medveditsa settlement. It was located on the banks of the Medveditsky stream approximately in the place where the Church of the Savior on the City is now located.

The most famous settlement of Dyakovites on our territory is the Bereznyaki settlement, excavated by archaeologists near Rybinsk in the place where the Sonokhta River flows into the Volga. This settlement was a village well fortified with a moat, a rampart and a log fence. It contained the remains of a large house in the center of the village, a smithy, several residential buildings,

as well as the so-called "house of the dead" with finds of burnt bones. Perhaps these are the remains of cremations.

The inhabitants of the village were engaged in the manufacture of iron tools, as well as cattle breeding. Archaeologists have found iron axes, knives, arrowheads, bronze and glass decorations.

Another settlement of the Dyakovites is the Popad'inskoe settlement. Unlike a settlement, an unfortified settlement is called a settlement in archeology. This village existed at a distance of about 20 km from Yaroslavl in the area of ​​the modern sanatorium "Krasny Kholm". It was located on the elevated right bank of the Volga in the place where the small river Peksha flows into it.

Archaeologists have unearthed a large family home. It was a log structure 20 meters long and 6 meters wide with a deepened earthen floor.

There were three active and two abandoned hearths in the house. These were depressions in the floor about one meter in diameter, lined with stones along the circumferential STI.

In the center of the house was a small adobe stove that stood on the stones. Such a multi-stage house speaks of the disintegration of clan relations among the Dyakovites and the separation of separate families. These families built log houses with earthen floors and stone hearths. The size of these family dwellings was about 25 square meters. In total, there were 12 buildings in the settlement.

The inhabitants of the settlement were engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Pigs and horses predominated among domestic animals, the meat of which was eaten. The inhabitants made various tools of labor from bone, as well as carved figures of animals. For example, a bone figurine of a bear was found. This find is associated with the religious beliefs of the population, among which the bear cult continued to exist. Remnants of this cult survived until the 10th-11th centuries and were later reflected in the Yaroslavl coat of arms.

The inhabitants of the Popad'insky settlement were also engaged in fishing, as evidenced by the finds of sinkers. The hunt provided them with furs - a commodity that was exchanged for metal and jewelry. Among the finds, there are imported things, for example, cross-shaped brooches (fasteners), which were then common in the southern Baltic region, as well as glass beads.

Popadinskoe settlement was suddenly abandoned by residents in connection with some kind of catastrophe that ended in a fire. Fleeing from the fire, residents were forced to leave many things, according to which archaeologists restored the way of life of the village.


In the 6th-9th centuries, tribes of the Finno-Ugric ethnic group lived on the territory of the Yaroslavl Volga region - the Meri, who were historically the successors of the Dyakovites.

We know about the Meryans not only from archaeological sites. Some chronicle testimonies have been preserved about them. The well-known Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" under the year 907 tells about the Merya as a tribe that lives in the area of ​​lakes Nero and Kleshchino (Pleshcheyevo). In the same year, according to the chronicler, the Meryans took part in the campaign Kiev prince Oleg to Byzantium.

The Yaroslavl Volga region was the outskirts of the land of Mary, but here, too, traces of their stay have been preserved. The well-known Meryan settlement Medvezhy Ugol was located on the Strelka, in the center of modern Yaroslavl. It is with him that the legend connects the arrival of Prince Yaroslav the Wise here, the murder of a bear and the founding of the city. Until now, numerous Meryan names have been preserved on the map of the Yaroslavl region. settlements, rivers, lakes, etc. For example, Timerevo, Kotorosl, Kurba, Nerl, Nero, Tunoshna, Tolga and others.

The most famous Meryan settlement on our territory was the Sarskoye settlement. It existed from the 7th to the 11th century at the confluence of the Sara River into Lake Nero. Blacksmithing, bronze casting and jewelry production was developed in the settlement.

Archaeologists have discovered there a large number of objects of labor, weapons, ornaments, hoards of coins and trade implements, which indicates the developed trade relations of the settlement. The economy of the inhabitants of the settlement was based on agriculture and cattle breeding. Cattle predominated among domestic animals.

Slavic colonization of the region

In the 9th century, the first Slavic settlers appeared in the Volga-Oka interfluve. They created new settlements here or settled on already inhabited lands. The local inhabitants - Merya - were partly ousted by the Slavs, partly included in the new population and rather quickly disappeared among the Slavs.

The most famous archaeological sites of this period are the Timerevsky, Mikhailovsky and Petrovsky burial grounds. They were discovered at the end of the 19th century near Yaroslavl and got their names from the nearby settlements.

In the XX century, archaeologists studied these monuments in detail and discovered a lot of interesting things. A large settlement was discovered near the Timerev burial ground. On its territory, on the banks of the Sechki River, in 1968, a treasure of silver oriental coins was found - dirhams, which belonged to the VIII-IX centuries. A part of the treasure was lost, but about 1500 coins were collected.

In 1973, on the bank of the same river, another treasure of dirhams was discovered, amounting to about 2,760 coins. Scientists have established that the found coins were minted on a huge territory - Dirhem from the Timerev settlement in Central Asia, in Persia, in Syria, on the Arabian Peninsula and in other places. This information allowed scientists to draw a conclusion about the very close trade relations of our territory with the countries of the East through the Great Volga Route. Among the finds, archaeologists have found a "Scandinavian footprint". During excavations, archaeologists found a male burial with a sword, combat knife and other military armor. The handle of the sword was decorated with an ornament, and on the blade was an inscription in Latin - ULFBERHT. This was the mark of the famous Rhineland workshop, which also spoke of the trade relations of our

lands with Western Europe.

The things found, as well as the study of human burials, led scientists to very important conclusions. It turned out that among the burials of the 10th century, 13% belonged to the Scandinavian, 12% - to the Slavic and 75% - to the Finno-Ugric. The composition of the population was mixed, but so far the Meryans predominated.

Already in the 11th century, the Slavic element increased significantly, the Scandinavian almost disappeared, and the Meryan greatly decreased. As scientists say, the Slavs assimilated the Meryans. This is how the process of forming the population of the Yaroslavl Volga region went.

At the first stage, the Ilmen Slavs who came from the Novgorod lands took part in the Slavic colonization. Then the Vyatichi, who came from the south-west and south, joined this process. They moved along the Oka and further up along its tributaries.

From the Yaroslavl Volga region through Lake Nero, the Slavs came to Lake Kleshchino. The settlement of Kleshchin from the center of the Merya district became for them a strong point in the development of the Zalessky region. The Slavs settled in unoccupied territories without a military seizure of the Meryan lands. Archaeologists have not been able to find traces of the destruction of the Meryan settlements and ancient settlements. The local Meryan nobility became part of the Slavic nobility.

Slavic colonization was accompanied by cultural influence on the Meryan tribes. The mixing of the Slavic and Meryan tribes was also facilitated by the fact that the difference in their socio-economic development was small.

It is interesting

Among the coins of the second Timerevsky hoard, which numbered about 2760 oriental coins, scientists discovered several very rare, unique coins. These include, for example, the dirham of the ruler of the Arab Caliphate, Idris II (820-821), minted in the city of Vatita. To date, only two such coins are known in the world. One is kept in the numismatic collection of the National Library in Paris. And the second, Yaroslavl, was transferred for permanent storage to the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

1. To what time can the appearance of the first people on the territory of our region be attributed? Find on the map of the Yaroslavl region and show the places of the first human settlements in the region.

2. Tell about economic activity Stone Age tribes.

3. Tell us about the economic activities of the inhabitants of the Iron Age.

Yaroslavl Territoryfrom ancient times to the endXvcentury

4. How did people of the most ancient period make tools?

5. Tell us about the most famous settlements of ancient people in our region (Popad'inskoe settlement, Bereznyaki, Medvezhy ugol and others).

6. Find geographical names of Finno-Ugric origin on the map of the Yaroslavl region. What ethnic groups participated in the formation of the ancient Russian population of the Upper Volga region?

7. What interesting finds were made by archaeologists duringexcavationsTimerevsky burial ground? Tellabout themin more detail.

the history of the yaroslavl region of darkness, the history of the yaroslavl region of ukraine
The Yaroslavl Territory was inhabited already at the end of the Late Paleolithic (about 20-13 thousand years BC) after the retreat of the last glacier, when its territory was covered with the icy tundra, on which herds of mammoths grazed. The only known monument of that time on the territory of the region is the parking lot near Uglich near the village of Zolotoruchye.

In the Mesolithic (12-5 thousand years BC), the territory of the region was covered with forests, in which primitive hunters of the Butovo and Jena culture lived, who mastered the technologies of bow and arrow. further these tribes evolved into the Upper Volga Neolithic culture.

In the Neolithic (5-3 thousand years BC), the local Cro-Magnons were supplanted by the Lappoid hunting and fishing tribes of the so-called pit-comb pottery culture. Hundreds of sites of this era have been discovered in the Yaroslavl Territory.

At the beginning of the II millennium BC. NS. (Bronze Age) from the Middle Dnieper region, cattle-breeding tribes invaded here, which subjugated the Neolithic tribes and partially mixed with them, they received the name Fatyanovskie, the largest of the burial grounds found later in the region - Volosovo-Danilovsky near the village of Volosovo (Dogadtsevo station), where archaeologist D.A.Krainov in 1962-1970 excavated about 170 burials. The Fatyanovites are replaced by the Iranian peoples of the Abashev culture

From the middle of the 1st millennium BC. NS. until the middle of the 1st millennium A.D. NS. the region was inhabited by the so-called Dyakovsky tribes, who knew how to process iron, who were engaged in cattle breeding and slash farming, as well as fishing and hunting. In the second half of the 1st millennium A.D. NS. The territory of the region is settled by the Finno-Ugric people of Merya. Several Meryan settlements (fortified settlement) and settlements (unfortified) were excavated, these were the centers of crafts and trade: the Sarskoye settlement on the Sara River, which flows into Lake Nero, the settlement near Grekhov Stream, which flows into the Volga, 7 km from Uglich, Popadinskoye (near the house recreation "Red Hill") (20 km from Yaroslavl), Kleshchino on Lake Pleshcheyevo and others. In the 9th-10th centuries, the Upper Volga region began to be peacefully settled by the Slavs, they were representatives of the Ilmenian Slovenes and Krivichi, they gradually mixed with the Merians.

  • 1 Old Russian period
    • 1.1 Specific time
    • 1.2 Tatar-Mongol yoke
    • 1.3 Subordination to Moscow
  • 2 Imperial period
  • 3 Soviet period
    • 3.1 Before the War
    • 3.2 period of War
    • 3.3 Post-War
  • 4 Modernity
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 References
  • 7 See also

Old Russian period

Rostov-Suzdal principality (lilac color) - the oldest state association on the territory of the Yaroslavl region in the XI century

Yaroslavl belongs to the core of the Russian lands. The first Russian city on its territory was Rostov, which was mentioned in the chronicles as early as 862. When in 882 the capital of the Russian lands shifted to Kiev, Rostov turned into an administrative center North-Eastern Russia(Rostov principality). Among the famous Rostov princes were Boris (one of the first Russian saints) and Yaroslav the Wise, who built the city of Yaroslavl in 1010. The epic hero Alyosha Popovich came from Rostov. 991 (just three years after the Baptism of Rus) Rostov became the center of the diocese, which confirmed the high status of the city. However, in the Yaroslavl region, Christianity took root with difficulty. In 1071, an Anti-Christian uprising broke out here, during which Leonty of Rostov was killed.

Specific time

Main article: North-Eastern Russia

Since the second half of the 11th century, centrifugal tendencies have been increasing in Russia. Since 1054, according to the will of Yaroslav the Wise, Rostov, along with other cities of North-Eastern Russia, became the possession of his son, Prince of Pereyaslav Vsevolod Yaroslavich, where he sent governors. Yuri Dolgoruky ruled the Rostov land in the 12th century. 1125 he moved the capital of the principality to Suzdal (Vladimir region) - since then political role Rostov was constantly decreasing. During the reign of Yuri, Uglich was first mentioned in 1148 (according to the local chronicle it has been known since 937), in 1152 Pereyaslavl (Zalessky) was built by him on Lake Pleshcheevo near the ancient Kleshchina, in the second half of the 13th century the city of Romanov was founded.

In 1155, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, moved the residence to Vladimir, since that time the Yaroslavl region was ruled by the Vladimir princes. However, at the beginning of the XIII century, the Vladimir principality also disintegrated into appanage principalities. The centers of four principalities are located on the territory of the Yaroslavl region.

  • Pereslavl principality in 1175 founded by Vsevolod Big Nest... His successor is the son Yaroslav - the father of Alexander Nevsky, the grandfather of the first Moscow appanage prince Dmitry and the great-grandfather of Ivan Kalita, from whom the Moscow tsars count their score.
  • The Rostov principality in 1207 was created by his son Konstantin Vsevolodovich, but after the bloody battle of Lipitsk he managed to become Vladimir prince(He lost Rostov to his son Vasilko).
  • The Uglich principality in 1216 goes to the son of Konstantin Vladimir
  • The principality of Yaroslavl goes to another son, Konstantin Vsevolod.

Tatar-Mongol yoke

In February 1238, Northeastern Russia was devastated during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Pereslavl defended for 5 days, almost all of its inhabitants died, Rostov and Uglich surrendered without a fight, but they were also destroyed, although to a lesser extent, nothing is known about the defense of Yaroslavl, but it was also destroyed. On March 4, 1238, a detachment of the Temnik Burundai clashed with the Russian army on the Sit River; Russian troops were utterly defeated. So the dependence of North-Eastern Russia on the Golden Horde began. In the second half of the XIII and at the beginning of the XIV century, the cities of North-Eastern Russia were repeatedly ravaged by the Horde. In 1257, the Battle of Tugovaya Gora took place. The "invocation" of the Mongol-Tatars was also accompanied by the feuds of the Russian princes. The Yaroslavl army under the command of Prince Vasily took part in the Battle of Kulikovo, the inspiration of which was the local Saint Sergius of Radonezh.

Submission to Moscow

In 1302, the Pereslavl principality joins Moscow. In 1463, the territory of the Yaroslavl Region peacefully became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The former principalities, being transformed into counties, were then ruled by Moscow governors or voivods, sometimes given out as feeding to the newly arrived princes. The city of Lyubim was founded in 1538. After the creation of Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl became an important staging post on the way from Moscow to the northern port.

The territory of the Yaroslavl region suffered greatly during the Time of Troubles, the population was devastated, many died or fled; especially heavy damage was inflicted on Rostov and Yaroslavl. Twice in April 1609 and in December 1615, Pan Lisovsky's detachments swept through the region like a tornado. From April to July 1612, the Second Militia was stationed in Yaroslavl, from where it moved south to liberate Moscow from the Poles. Yaroslavl was finally determined and the composition of the government - the "Council of All Land". In March 1614, the Cossacks of Ataman Balovnya ravaged the Poshekhonsky district. November of the same year from Yaroslavl to suppress the rebellion came out the army of the governor Valuev. September 1618 Hetman Sagaidachny with his huge Cossack army marched through the Yaroslavl region, acting on the orders of the Polish prince Vladislav.

In 1692 Rostov and Pereslavl were taken over by the Yaroslavl governor. On the eve of Peter's transformations in Rostov, a Slavic-Greek-Latin school was created in Rostov and a postal service with Moscow and Arkhangelsk.

Imperial period

Main article: Yaroslavl province

In 1708-1710 Russian state was divided into 8 provinces: Yaroslavl, Uglich, Romanov entered the St. Petersburg province, and Pereslavl, Rostov and Lyubim - in Moscow. In 1719, a division into 45 (later 50) provinces appeared - on the territory of the modern Yaroslavl region there were the Yaroslavl and Uglich provinces of the St. Petersburg province and the Pereslavl and Kostroma provinces of the Moscow province. The provinces were divided into 5 districts. In 1727, the districts were renamed into counties, at the same time the Yaroslavl and Uglich provinces were transferred to the Moscow province. In 1777, as a result of the provincial reform, on the basis of most of the Yaroslavl, Uglich, and a smaller part of the Kostroma province, the Yaroslavl viceroyalty (Yaroslavl province) was formed, which was divided into 12 counties. Old cities became the centers of five counties: Yaroslavl, Rostov, Uglich, Romanov, Lyubim. Since the center of the county must have been a city, the corresponding status was assigned to the following settlements: Posad Mologa - the city of Mologa, Rybnaya Sloboda - the city of Rybnoy (later Rybinsk), Borisoglebskaya Sloboda - the city of Borisoglebsk, the village of Pertoma - the city of Poshekhonye, ​​the village of Myshkino - the city Myshkin, the village of Danilovskoye - the city of Danilov, the village of Petrovskoye - the city of Petrovsk. All cities received new coats of arms and the first regular building plans. In 1786, the department of the Rostov diocese (since then it is the Yaroslavl and Rostov diocese) was transferred from Rostov to Yaroslavl. In 1796, the governorships were abolished, the provinces became the main administrative-territorial unit; in the Yaroslavl province, the number of counties was changed to 10.

Map of the Yaroslavl governorship. 1792 year.

Westernization led to the emergence of theaters (Russian Academic Drama Theater named after F. Volkov), museums (Museum at the Yaroslavl Natural History Society) and educational institutions both secular (Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinsky, Demidov Juridical Lyceum) and spiritual (Uglich Theological School). Folk crafts (enamel) are created on the basis of the synthesis of Western and local traditions. At the same time, government measures led to resistance, which acquired religious forms(Runners).

In the 19th and 20th centuries, primary industrialization took place in the Yaroslavl Territory. In 1850, the Yaroslavl tobacco factory was created. In 1879, with the participation of Mendeleev, the Yaroslavl oil refinery was created. In 1870 the railway connects Yaroslavl with Moscow, and in 1872 - with Vologda. Local periodicals appeared (the newspaper Severny Krai and the magazine Dubinushka). In 1916, the Russian industrialist V.A.Lebedev, within the framework of the government program for the creation of the automotive industry in Russia, created the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. Industry is also developing in Rybinsk (Russian Renault, Rybinsk Printing Machine Plant). Public transport appeared (Rostov horse-drawn tram).

During the Civil War, there were no active hostilities on the territory of the region, with the exception of the Yaroslavl and Rybinsk uprisings, which inflicted heavy damage on these cities. During Civil War and in subsequent years, new authorities were formed, the administrative-territorial division of the region changed several times. So, in 1921-1923 Rybinsk province existed, in 1929 the Yaroslavl province was abolished, in 1929-1930 Yaroslavl and Rybinsk districts of the Ivanovo industrial region existed in its place, in 1930 their territories were transferred under the direct control of the administration of the industrial region.

On March 11, 1936, the Ivanovo industrial region was divided and the Yaroslavl region was formed from 36 districts and 15 cities, including 3 cities of regional subordination - Yaroslavl, Rybinsk and Kostroma. the composition of the region included the territory of the former Yaroslavl province (without the eastern part of the Rostov district), a significant part of the Kostroma province and the Pereslavsky district of the Vladimir province. The territory was 62 thousand km², and the population was 2.1 million people. 1944 from Yaroslavl was separated Kostroma region... The Yaroslavl Region has a territory of 36.4 thousand km², which has remained practically unchanged since then.

In the first years of Soviet power, industrialization was intensively carried out in the Yaroslavl region. Old factories are being modernized and new ones are being created. The chemical industry is developing (Yaroslavl rubber and asbestos plant, SK-1). In order to meet the growing demand for electricity, the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station began in 1935, which led to the emergence of the vast Rybinsk reservoir on the Volga and the flooding of the city of Mologa. The construction was carried out by the forces of the prisoners of Volgolag. 1930s collectivization was carried out Agriculture and "dispossession". By the spring of 1941, about 3,500 collective farms had been formed. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War The Yaroslavl region was one of the most industrially developed in Central Russia... At the end of 1936, there were 587 large industrial enterprises employing more than 200 thousand people. Most of industry was concentrated in the three largest cities: Yaroslavl - 53%, Rybinsk - 17%, Kostroma - 11% of the production volume. 1940-1941 the most important roads for the region were built Yaroslavl - Rybinsk and Yaroslavl - Kostroma. Rates of growth industrial production were significantly higher than in neighboring regions and exceeded the average growth rates in the country.

Along with industrialization, there was a cultural revolution, an increase in the number of schools and the publication of newspapers. In order to improve the ideological treatment of the masses, cultural institutions are being created: the Yaroslavl Puppet Theater and the Yaroslavl Regional Philharmonic. At the same time, Orthodox churches were closed, their premises were used for household needs, restoration work was curtailed.

Since 1924, the only higher educational institution in the region was the Pedagogical Institute. In 1931, an evening metal tank and a department of the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers were opened in Yaroslavl. In the 1930s, the Higher Communist Agricultural School operated. In 1932 the Rybinsk Aviation Institute named after V.I. S. Ordzhonikidze, evacuated to Ufa during the war. In 1943, a medical institute was opened in the regional center, in 1944 - a technological institute of the rubber industry and an agricultural institute, an evening Institute of Marxism-Leninism. From 1918 to 1975, 18 155 people were convicted on the territory of the region for political reasons, 2219 of them were shot. These figures do not include the unjustifiably dispossessed, administratively deported and members of their families. In 1937-1938, 544 regional leaders were repressed in the region, including more than 40 heads of city and district party committees, 166 directors of industrial enterprises, about 40 heads and teachers of educational institutions; during these years 1660 people were shot, including 423 workers, 246 peasants and 256 employees.

During the War

Main article: Yaroslavl region in the Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, more than half a million residents of the Yaroslavl region went to the front, more than 200 thousand people died (approximately every tenth inhabitant of the region). In the fall of 1941 - in the winter of 1942, there was a real threat of an enemy invasion of the region; it built two defense lines with a total length of 780 km, part strategic enterprises was evacuated, preparations were made for resistance. 1941-1943 the region was subjected to bombing, the most destructive of which occurred on the nights of June 10 and 21, 1943. The Yaroslavl region received about 0.4 million wounded and about 0.3 million evacuees. National economy quickly rebuilt in a military manner and became an important part of the country's defense production. In 1942, the military airfield Dyadkovo was opened in Yaroslavl. During 1940-1944, the annual volume of industrial production increased by 12.2%, the region supplied the front with about 760 types of defense products. The Yaroslavl region, which previously imported more than half of the food consumed, in 1943-1945 provided itself with all food products.

After the war

During the IV five-year plan (1946-1950), 15 industrial facilities were reconstructed and erected in the region, the conversion of military production was carried out at the enterprises, the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station was completed and the filling of the Rybinsk reservoir, the Uglich watch factory, Rybinsk cable factory, Rybinsk hydromechanization plant, mechanical plant Volgostroy, Rybinsk electrotechnical plant, Semibratovsk plant of gas cleaning equipment. By the end of the five-year plan fulfilled ahead of schedule, the industry of the region exceeded the level of 1940 by 46%. In 1950, the enlargement of collective farms took place in the village - 962 were created out of 3890. The electrification of the village began through the construction of low-power primitive power plants.

In 1957, the television and football club "Shinnik" appeared. In the 1960s, Poshekhonsky cheese began to be produced in the region. Jazz began to play on the banks of the Volga. Yarsotsbank was established in 1990.


Anatoly Lisitsyn became the first governor of the Yaroslavl region. 1990s, the regional brand Yarpivo appeared. The Muslim diaspora has grown. Rock festivals (Dobrofest) began to be held, the Goths appeared. At the same time, negative phenomena have also emerged. Residents of the Yaroslavl region were shocked by the Ritual murder in Yaroslavl, committed by Satanists. The population of the area slowly began to die out. Migrants from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan began to come to replace the local residents.

In 2006, the Yaroslavl Region was the leader in terms of the number of Internet schools. The region also launched a project to assign a fairy-tale character by the region. Kukoboe lives Baba Yaga, in Rostov - Alyosha Popovich and Emelya with a pike, in Pereslavl - Tsar Berendey, in Myshkin - Mouse-norushka, in Rybinsk district - Chicken Ryaba, in Poshekhonya - Vodyanoy. Well, here, in the Pereslavl forests, there is the most fabulous place - the Far Away Kingdom.

Notes (edit)

  1. Uglich
  2. 1 2 3 Meyerovich M.G. This is how Yaroslavl began. Yaroslavl: Verkhne-Volzhskoe book publishing house, 1984. - 63 p.
  3. Krainov D.A. The most ancient history of the Volga-Oka interfluve. Moscow: 1972.
  4. There are already Hafiz among us (interview with the head of the Yaroslavl community of Muslims Kuri Halimov)
  5. Yaroslavl Goths said that they have no worldview
  6. Yaroslavl Satanists who ate 4 teenagers stabbed the victims 666 times
  7. Yaroslavl residents continue to die out
  8. Yaroslavl Region is the leader in the number of Internet schools
  9. The Yaroslavl region was chosen as the homeland of the fairy bear


see also

  • List of renamed settlements of the Yaroslavl region

history of the Yaroslavl region in, the history of the Yaroslavl region of Kazakhstan, the history of the Yaroslavl region of darkness, the history of the Yaroslavl region of Ukraine

History of the Yaroslavl Region Information About

It seems that it was always accepted, but it was Yar, the famous restaurant that today is called nothing less than legendary, that started the grandiose celebrations in the capital.

Over the entire period of its existence, starting from the 20s of the XIX century, "Yar" has repeatedly moved and rebuilt, was used for its intended purpose and without it, experienced better times and not the best, and after almost two centuries it again became what it was for Chekhov, Kuprin, Gorky and Chaliapin fell in love with their time. Indeed, a lot of eminent guests visited the Yar. Recently, everyone can join this list. However, in order to have a carouse, as the rich Moscow people used to do, it is better to investigate the territory in advance. Well, after the revelry business will not.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Walk like that

The history of Yar began on the eve of 1826, when the Frenchman Trankl Yar opened a restaurant named after himself at the intersection of Kuznetsky Most and Neglinnaya streets. The newspaper "Moskovskie vedomosti" then reported that "a restaurant with a lunch and dinner table, all sorts of grape wines and liqueurs, desserts, coffee and tea, at very reasonable prices had opened." For twelve years, a branch of the famous restaurant has been opening in a wooden one-story building near Petersburg Highway (now Leningradsky Prospekt). A few years later, the restaurant on Kuznetsky Most was closed, and since then it has worked only here, behind Tverskaya Zastava.

The premises of the restaurant, in which a small garden was arranged, then consisted of a small common hall and several separate offices. Yar did not have any amusements, and it differed from the usual modest establishment only in that the cuisine here was excellent, and sometimes the owner himself could feed the late guest.

After Trankl Yar, the owners of the restaurant changed one after another, and it is now difficult to say who it was here that the gypsies first appeared. This always attracted the audience, because at that time it was possible to listen to the gypsy choir only in a country restaurant: in Moscow, gypsies were forbidden to sing.

“Yar” became famous for its revelry, merchant revels and amusements in the 1870s. The merchants who walked around frolicked as best they could. For example, they “played in the aquarium”: they poured water into the piano and let live fish go there. Also in "Yar" there was a special price list: smearing a waiter's face with mustard cost 120 rubles, and putting a bottle into a Venetian mirror - 100 rubles. The owner of such fun was only on hand: all the property was insured, and he received money both from the revelers and from the insurance company. In 1896, the restaurant was acquired by a new owner - Aleksey Akimovich Sudakov, a Yaroslavl peasant who had achieved success with his mind and talent.

Alexey Akimovich Sudakov. Photo: From the archive of the restaurant "Yar"

Service at Yar has always been distinguished by its sophistication, and now even more so: “A lover of boiled sturgeon or sterlet would come up to the pool, pointing his finger at one or another fish. It was immediately caught with a net, and the amateur cut out a figured piece from the gill cover with scissors. When this fish was served on the table, already boiled, a piece was applied to the cutout. If it matched, then the fish is that! No deception. "

In 1910, Sudakov rebuilt "Yar" according to the project of the architect Adolf Erichson: the restaurant turned from a wooden house into a palace with columns. The fame of "Yar" grew every year: soon the restaurant acquired the status of a must-see attraction in Moscow.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Pastvu.com

Then in the "Yar" there were two huge halls: the summer "White" and the winter "Napoleon", decorated with an impressive luxury even at that time.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Pastvu.com

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Pastvu.com Each hall had its own stage. Upstairs there were numerous offices with balconies that looked out like theater boxes into the hall. There was also an imperial box in the restaurant, although Nicholas II never visited Yar: Grigory Rasputin did it for him.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Pastvu.com

With the growing popularity of "Yar", the concert program also expanded: the best artists, including circus performers and magicians, performed on the stage of the restaurant.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Despite the general amusement, the manners in the restaurant were the strictest. The famous singer Nadezhda Plevitskaya, who began her pop career here, recalled Sudakov as follows: “A dignified and strict merchant, he demanded that the artists not go on stage in a large neckline: Moscow merchants take their wives to the Yar and“ God forbid that there was no indecency. " Alexey Akimovich, by the way, for many years was the elder of the neighboring Sergievsky church on Khodynka. At his own expense, he built several schools in his homeland in the Uglichevsky district, and provided assistance to former fellow villagers.

A revolution soon broke out: the restaurant worked until February 1918 and was subsequently closed. All property was confiscated. For several days, silverware, Meissen porcelain, paintings and crystal were taken out of the Yar ...

In October of the same year, the Yar Workers' Club was opened. IN AND. Lenin. During the NEP years, he worked as a restaurant for a short time, until VGIK moved here in 1924. In the late 1930s, the building was handed over to the Air Fleet Directorate. It was decided to open the Pilots' Club here, since the Central airfield was located nearby, on the Khodynskoye field. Another restructuring began in 1939: one of the restaurant halls turned into a club hall, the second - into a living room. Here in June 1941, the 18th division of the people's militia of the Leningradsky district of Moscow was formed.

In 1947, the son of Joseph Stalin, Vasily, was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District, and it was on his initiative that a new restructuring of Yar began in the early 1950s: with an extension along Raskova Street, a hotel called Sovetskaya. In number 301, which is now called "Stalin's", the leader's son lived for a year.

For hotel guests, a restaurant was opened in one of the halls of the former Yar, where only high-ranking officials, and later world celebrities, were accepted. V different years it was visited by Margaret Thatcher and Mother Teresa, Pierre Cardin and Indira Gandhi, Mireille Mathieu and Jean-Paul Belmondo. Another hall, the former "White", first became the cinema "Victory", and later - just a concert hall. From 1969 to the present day, the only professional gypsy theater in the world, Romen, has been located here.

"Yar" today

Over the years of perestroika - now countries, not buildings - both the restaurant and the hotel have come to a very deplorable state. In 1998 new general manager Valery Maksimov began reconstruction, thanks to which the former glory began to gradually return to "Yar".

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Sovetskoye, now a four-star hotel, can be reached from the Dynamo metro station. To the left of the entrance is the reception and shelves with traditional Russian souvenirs, to the right is the entrance to the restaurant.

Moscow. Hotel "Soviet". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

At the entrance to the halls, guests are traditionally greeted by a bear in a hat with earflaps and an obliging waiter - a tribute to tradition, not otherwise. Nearby is a book of reviews and suggestions with entries in all languages ​​of the world. On opposite wall- portraits of eminent guests and an aquarium with ocean oysters and Kamchatka crabs, which can be prepared on request.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

The hall, which is called Yar, has been recreated today original interior XIX century: with a two-tiered stage, heavy velvet curtains, stained glass windows, a crystal chandelier and frescoes on the almost twenty-meter ceiling.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

They tried to preserve the green bar adjacent to the hall as it was under Sudakov: a massive wooden sideboard, on the walls - old engravings with views of Moscow and lamps reflected in the mirrors.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

In the hotel itself, the post-war interior has been restored. As before, the white grand piano adorns the malachite hallway, and the floors are traditional red carpets. In general, the spirit in the hotel "Sovetsky" has been preserved the most that neither is the Soviet one. What, by the way, is not used by the first generation of filmmakers.

Moscow. Hotel "Soviet". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

Meanwhile, the Yara menu contains dishes that were served here even before the revolution: they are marked with an asterisk. Oxtail jelly, Rostov herring forshmak, old Moscow borscht, sterlet in champagne, old Russian pork - from the names alone it starts to suck in the spoon. Pushkin's dessert stands apart - a cold sweet raspberry and rhubarb soup served with chocolate muffin and vanilla sauce.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

By the way, Pushkin himself never visited Yar on Leningradka - the poet was known as a frequenter of the first Yar on Kuznetsky Most, and it was about him that he later recalled:

How long have I been hungry in anguish
Fasting involuntary to observe
And veal cold
Remember Yar's truffles ...

Whether there will be new lines dedicated to the modern dishes of the legendary restaurant will become known very soon - in about a hundred years.

Moscow. Restaurant "Yar". Photo: Ekaterina Zel / Strana.ru

"... How long have I been hungry in anguish
Fasting involuntary to observe
And with cold veal
Remember Yar's truffles? ... "
A.S. Pushkin.

Who has not heard about the legendary restaurant "Yar"!

The history of "Yar" begins in 1826, when a restaurant with a dinner and prices ". The owner of this "restaurant" with the hotel was the Frenchman Tranquil Yard.

Photo of the 1900s.

Coming to Moscow, A.S. Pushkin repeatedly visited the Yard's restaurant. On January 27, 1831, Pushkin, Baratynsky, Vyazemsky and Yazykov commemorated here their common friend, the poet Anton Delvig, who died on January 14.
Pushkin had and favorite dish- sweet rhubarb soup.

Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky..

Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky 1792-1878.

Anton Antonovich Delvig (1798-1831).

Pushkin also had a favorite dish in the restaurant - sweet rhubarb soup.

Just in case, here is a recipe * - suddenly you want to try.
1 liter apple juice, a pound of raspberries, 150 g of sugar, honey to taste. Add cinnamon, star anise, cloves and allspice peas to them, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Then add 100 grams of rhubarb and 150 grams of cream to the boiling mass. Beat everything hot with a mixer, strain through a fine sieve, let cool. Served chilled. Garnish with fresh mint leaves, whipped cream, vanilla sauce. (Recommended to be served with a chocolate muffin).

Photo of the late 19th century.

Police lists retained a list of persons who stayed at the Yara Hotel (Yarda) and who were under police surveillance. In 1832, Pavel Alekseevich Golitsyn lived, a former participant in the overseas campaigns of 1813-1814, a member of the Union of Welfare. On January 6, 1842, passing through St. Petersburg, N.P. Ogarev, and in February 1846, after a trip abroad, he was here again with N.M.Satin. "We have not seen each other for several years ... - said A. I. Herzen. With a beating heart, we rushed with Granovsky to Yar, where they stopped."
Several years - from 1848 to 1851. - "Yar" worked in the "Hermitage" garden, but not in the "Hermitage" garden, on Petrovka, which we all know well, but in the old one on Bozhedomka **.
And in 1851 "Yar" opened as a country restaurant in Petrovsky Park, on the Petersburg highway (now Leningradsky Prospekt) owned by General Bashilov. At this place, although it was rebuilt several times, it still exists today.

Photo of the 1890s. Restaurant "Yar" on the Petersburg highway.

This is now the beginning of Leningradsky Prospekt - a prestigious, central area "not so far from the Kremlin." And then, in the middle of the 19th century, it was a countryside surrounded by gardens and summer cottages. Having moved out of town, "Yar" did not move into the category of out-of-the-box restaurants, which are only of interest to summer residents. The road to "Yar" was brightly lit both in winter and in summer at night, and along it mad threes rode- all in "Yar". One of the most famous aphorisms about “Yar” - “They don't go to“ Yar ”- they get to“ Yar ”” - very accurately reflects the specifics of the institution and its regulars. In "Yar" it was "hit", having reached a certain state ... Intoxication? No, the state of mind, when this broad Russian soul asks for daring revelry, scope and "no one could contradict me." It was then that the troikas rushed to "Yar", to the gypsies.

It was at this time that the gypsy choir became an inseparable part of the Yar. Anna Zakharovna Ivanova, talented not only as a singer, but also as an organizer, supervised this choir, as well as the relationship between the singers and their fans. The gypsy choir "from Yar" becomes the best in Moscow, the gypsies in it are the most vociferous and most beautiful.

Here I will make a small digression and a little about the gypsies .......

Look at this lovely man, this is Count Alexei Orlov ("Count Alekhan") (1737-1807) - one of the most colorful figures of the adventurous and gallant 18th century: a hero, a rich man, a boozer, the winner of the Turkish fleet at Chesma, brother of Catherine's favorite Grigory Orlov, the kidnapper of Princess Tarakanova, the creator of the Oryol trotter breed and, in the end, the fashion for gypsies in Russia.

Count Alekhan fell in love with gypsy singing during the Russian-Turkish war, and in 1774 he demonstrated a curiosity to Moscow society - a gypsy choir and orchestra. He bought some of the choristers on the territory of modern Romania, where the Roma were in slavery, he recruited some in Russia from the Roma ethnic group that had developed by that time, and then gave them free rein.

The leader ("chorevod") of the first professional gypsy choir in Russia was Ivan Trofimovich Sokolov. The artists were assigned to the bourgeois class and settled on Bolshaya and Malaya Gruzinskaya streets in Moscow (this area somehow did not have a historical name).

Following Alekhan's example, other "Catherine's Eagles" Potemkin and Bezborodko started their gypsy choirs in St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, Moscow has always remained the "capital" of Russian gypsies.

Count Alexei Orlov also left life to the accompaniment of the singing of his choir. According to modern doctors, familiar with the descriptions of the symptoms of the disease, he died of cancer. Before his death, he screamed and swore in pain that could be heard in the street, and the heirs, wishing to observe decency, ordered the gypsies to play and sing as loudly as possible.

In 1807, the new choir director, nephew of Ivan Trofimovich, Ilya Osipovich Sokolov (1777-1848) - a gypsy singer, songwriter, became a favorite of the Moscow (and later Petersburg) audience. By that time, the Moscow gypsies had become so famous that even Napoleon wanted to admire the famous Russian fun. But in 1812 the choir of Sokolov, having donated a lot of money to the needs of the army, was evacuated to Yaroslavl before the arrival of the French, and all the combat-ready men of the choir volunteered for the hussar regiment with the beginning of hostilities.

In 1852, "Yar" opened as a country restaurant in Petrovsky Park (now the Dynamo sports complex is located here), on the Petersburg Highway (now - Leningradsky Prospekt). Approximately from that time the Sokolovsky choir began to perform in "Yar". The fact is that then, for the purity of morals in city restaurants, it was forbidden to sing to the gypsies, and behind the outposts they had every right to perform (Tverskaya Zastava, now - the area of ​​the Belorussky Station).

Under the new owner of the restaurant F.I. Aksenov, the restaurant also appeared: a large orchestra, a Russian and Danish choir, as well as a winter garden with all sorts of wonders. At this time the choir was led by Anna Zakharovna Ivanova, a talented singer and at the same time an outstanding "manager". The gypsy choir "from Yar" was the best in Moscow, and the gypsies in it were the most vociferous and most beautiful. If any manufacturer flared in love with the chorus girl, he had to pay the chorus a large sum of money, in confirmation of the "seriousness" of his intentions. Only after that the choir was "not against", and, of course, Anna Zakharovna led the process. It should be added right away that in accordance with the then prevailing moral atmosphere, all the money earned by the chorus was divided among everyone, including the elderly.

Merchants and golden youth, squandering their father's fortunes, sometimes staged crazy festivities in "Yar" and often simply destroyed the restaurant's premises, but even these facts, not quite decent for a respectable institution, did not dare the rest of the public from him.

The next owner of the restaurant was the enterprising A.A. Sudakov, who has agreed with the management of a nearby hippodrome on mutual customer service. The hippodrome was then the center of Moscow social life, close to Tverskaya Zastava and to the place of festivities for the "pure public" - Petrovsky Park. The venerable fathers of families, having fed the children with cakes in the confectionery shops of the park, could indulge in a spree in the "Yar" in the evening.

In "Yar" people of the imperial family and literary bohemians, railway concessionaires, bankers and stock dealers, artists, lawyers spent their time. Savva Morozov was a regular at Yar. Przhevalsky, Chekhov, Kuprin, Gorky, Stanislavsky came here ... In all this splendor, the "folk healer and psychotherapist" Rasputin was not averse to taking a noisy walk.

Visitors were "treated to all kinds of food" in the huge stately halls and cozy offices located on the balconies. According to the archives, "Yar" was considered the # 1 restaurant in Russia and Europe. Why in Europe? Yes, because the French chefs of "Yara" cooked no worse than their fellow countrymen, and in terms of the range and quality of plant, animal and especially delicacy products, Russia at that time was far ahead of all of Europe taken together. In "Yar" the choice of products for cooking various dishes was incalculable.

The great Russian bass Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin (1873-1938), as soon as the public lost interest in himself, came to "Yar", sang from the balcony of the main hall, then arranged a noisy brawl with the visitors. The next day, all of Moscow knew about it, the full house at the Bolshoi was provided.

Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky (1853-1935), Russian journalist, prose writer, poet. He was one of the best reporters in the capital's press, his "hobbyhorse" was criminal chronicle and reporting, he wrote about the most notable and sensational events, he was called "the king of reporters". Gilyarovsky was the most famous and recognized expert in Moscow. This manifested itself at all levels: the writer brilliantly knew the history of the city and its modernity, architecture and geography, high society and the Moscow "bottom". Gilyarovsky was a living legend. The most incredible stories and incidents were associated with his name. There were legends about the physical strength of "Uncle Gilyai": he could bend a copper penny with his fingers, tie a poker in a knot. Contemporaries, noting Gilyarovsky's versatile talents, considered his communication talent to be one of his most notable talents. Many famous contemporaries were his friends: Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin, Chaliapin and many other writers, artists, actors. It goes without saying that Gilyai visited Yar and colorfully described the binges for which the restaurant became famous.

The position that "Yar" took in relation to its guests is the satisfaction of any ( absolutely any) whims and imagination - made a restaurant powerful magnet that attracted the Volga and Siberian capitals with the relentlessness of a boa constrictor.

Petersburg highway both in winter and in summer at night was brightly lit, and mad troikas galloped along it - to "Yar".

Photo from the early 20th century. Petersburg highway. "Yar" on the right behind the trees.

As they used to say then: "They don't go to Yar - they get to Yar." When the broad Russian soul demanded a binge - then - in "Yar". If, of course, the purse allowed. There is a scale, there is the famous gypsy choir of Anna Zakharovna.
In 1871 Fyodor Ivanovich Aksyonov became the owner of Yar. The restaurant flourished.

Photo of 1900. The old building of the "Yar" restaurant.

In 1895, after the death of Aksyonov, "Yar" was acquired by Aleksey Akimovich Sudakov, a Yaroslavl peasant who achieved everything with his mind and talent. In 1910 he rebuilt "Yar" (architect A. Erichson): the restaurant turned from a wooden house into a solid palace with columns. It is in this building to this day. Staff houses were built near the restaurant.
"Coachman, drive to" Yar "is a song dedicated to Sudakov, it was sung during the grand opening of the new building of the restaurant.

Photo of 1911. New building "Yar".

Visitors were treated to huge stately halls and cozy offices located on the balconies. In the courtyard of the restaurant, a beautiful summer garden for 250 places with mysterious stone grottoes, gazebos, entwined with ivy, a fountain and lawns. In pre-revolutionary times "Yar" became famous for its carousing, so colorfully described by Gilyarovsky.

Savva Morozov was one of Yar's regulars.

Morozov Savva Timofeevich (1862-1905)

One day in winter he drives up to his favorite restaurant (this was even before his perestroika), and he is not allowed. Some merchant walks - the restaurant has taken off "at the mercy" (banquet service, that is). Morozov then scored some kind of idleness, brought him to the restaurant and ordered to break the wall - "I pay for everything." The wall is being broken down, Savva Timofeevich is sitting in the troika, waiting, which means that he can call on the crows. Not amenable to persuasion. I don't want to call the police either - a regular customer, he left so much money in the restaurant. Somehow he was persuaded by a gypsy from the choir not to destroy the restaurant.
And then the merchants loved to play in the "aquarium". They ordered to pour water into a huge white piano to the brim and let the fish go there.
Was in "Yar" and the price list for those who like to party. The pleasure of smearing the waiter's face with mustard, for example, cost 120 rubles, and throwing a bottle into a Venetian mirror - 100 rubles. However, all the property of the restaurant was insured for substantial money.

Photo of 1910. Summer hall of the restaurant "Yar".

There was also an imperial box in the restaurant, however, Nicholas II did not visit the restaurant, but Grigory Rasputin visited it more than once. However, like his future assassin, Prince Felix Yusupov.
V different time Yar was visited by Chekhov and Kuprin, Gorky and Leonid Andreev, Balmont and Bryusov, Chaliapin, the artists Vasnetsov brothers, Levitan, Repin, Vrubel, Serov ...

Photo of the 1910s. The new building of the Yar restaurant.

In February 1918 "Yar" was closed. The Bolsheviks then had no time for hazel grouses with pineapples; nettle soup was on the agenda. Only a song remained of Yar:
Sokolovsky choir at "Yar"
Was once famous.
Sokolovskaya guitar
It still rings in my ears.
The troika rushes quickly to the Yar,
The soul is torn to the open,
To forget yourself with a guitar
Hear the gypsy choir ... ...
Everywhere money, money, money,
Money is everywhere, gentlemen,
And life is bad without money
Not good for anywhere ... ...

After the revolution, the restaurant was closed. Sudakov was arrested. Short time, in the NEP, he also worked as a restaurant, and then a cinema, a gym for Red Army soldiers, a hospital, a cinema technical school, and VGIK were alternately registered here. In the 1930s. it was rebuilt into the Pilots' Club.

Photo of the early 1930s.

"Yar" was no longer there, and songs about it sounded all over the world. There, across the ocean, a young Hollywood star Deanna Durbin sang the old song "Hey, coachman, drive to Yar" accompanied by the "American" gypsy choir.

Photo of the late 1930s. Former "Yar", rebuilt as a pilots' club.

In the early 1950s. the building was once again rebuilt, now beyond recognition, and the Sovetskaya hotel with the restaurant of the same name was opened in it. A little later, a gypsy theater "Romen" moved in near the hotel - the spirit of the old "Yar" and the gypsy choir of Anna Zakharovna turned out to be attractive.

Photo 1952

Photo of 1954 by A. Tartakovsky. Hotel "Soviet".

Vasily Stalin, the King of Spain Juan Carlos, and Indira Gandhi, Vysotsky with Marina Vlady, and the "Iron Lady" with Konrad Adenauer have been here.

Photo of 1955. Side facade.

Photo of the 1960s.

In 1998, the reconstruction of the restaurant began, reviving the former glory of Yar.
To date, the pre-revolutionary interior has been restored: the frescoes of the beginning of the century on the ceiling and walls have been restored, the 1912 chandelier (as well as 1952 lamps) has been put into operation, the fountain in the courtyard has been recreated, made according to the design of the Bolshoi Theater fountain.

Sources - http://dedushkin1.livejournal.com; http://allday.ru

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