Merry games for adults at the table. Interesting comic contests at a table for a fun company

Engineering systems 23.09.2019
Engineering systems

Unfortunately, not always treats and good company - The pledge of a merry mood of guests at the festival. Each one was made at least once in his life bored at a party or observe how this happens with others. However, the team in which there is a person who knows the fun contests for the company and ready to become leading, knowingly doomed to fun and good mood.

To take over the role of Tamada, not only the organizer of the holiday, but also a close friend who is familiar with the preferences of the celebration of the celebration. It is important to remember that people of conservative views are unlikely to take part in too liberated youth games, so it is best to carry out universal contests that are suitable for all age categories.

Competitions for the company are conditionally divided by:

  • drinks;
  • movable;
  • musical;
  • gambling;
  • phantas;
  • predictions.

How to give preference to solve only you.

What to play, sitting at the festive table?

You can start warming up the guests from the game that will allow you to get to know each other closer.

Distribute to guests of 10 toothpicks that will play the role of game chips. Sitting at the table in turn say about themselves truthful phrases about what they never did in life. For example, "I did not fly by plane" or "I did not smoke cigars."

After the first guest said what he never did, players who made it at least once in his life give him one toothpick. Then move goes to the next guest. After one or two circles, the game finish and wins in it, who in her hands remains the most "chips".

For an interesting finale, offer to the winner to tell the toast and wish the guests as much good how many toothpicks in his hands.

Arrange an extreme contest and experience your durability. In the midst of the evening, enter the number of glass in the room on the tray corresponding to the number of guests. Report that in all cups water and only in one nanite vodka. Give the tubes and offer to play "Roulette".

The essence of this game is that guests must choose a glass and at the same time drink their content through the tube. The one who got vodka should not detect himself. Playing solve someone who got a hot glass.

The draw is that in fact in all glasses of nanite vodka and therefore all guests have to be held at the same time, so as not to issue themselves. Believe me, this scene is worthy to know it on video and view in the repeat.

How to make a picnic cheerful and unforgettable?

Arrange "Siamese twins" parade for adults, it will be fun and useful for execution common work. Divide friends to pairs, after writing the number of tasks corresponding to the number of pairs formed. Each pulls lot with the task and performs it, "connecting together".

Guests hug each other for the waist and operate with the right hand of one participant and the left of the other. In such a bundle it is fun to try to ignite the fire, remove the dirty dishes or cut the cucumbers.

When the picnic comes to an end and there are empty plastic bottles in the presence, arrange improvised kegel. To do this, pre-capture a couple of balls that can be used for other games.

Moving games for heating

Movable contests or games for cheerful company organize both at home and on fresh air. Competition "Matryoshki" will be difficult and slapper for men.

Representatives of heavy sex are divided into two teams and become in parallel in two ranks one by one. Each participant, except for the first, is issued a jam. On the team, the second participant in each rank tie the screech in front of standing. Helping and correcting the handkerchief can not be in any case.

Having finished, the player screams "Matryoshka!", And "Matryoshka" jumps away. After that, the third on account, the player jows the tank of the second, shouts "Matryoshka!", And he bounces. The move goes to the next and so on.

Both teams work synchronously and wins the one that will finish faster. After the end of the Competition, the team turns to each other, and, in addition to laughter, it appears quite an explanatory desire to make a photo of memory.

Device cheerful scene for guests. Choose a man and a woman from the sum of volunteers and each separately explain their roles. Men tell me that it should be on a chair or log and portray a person screwing the light bulb. If the nipper will hinder him, he must convince her that she did it for her good and comfort.

The girl explain that her role is to dissuade a man to commit suicide by hanging. Naturally, everything should occur without words. All guests are notified in advance about the separation of roles, and in the end it turns out a rather funny stage.

Merry musical contests and games

Adults will gladly play the game "Music Control". Participants transmit an empty box in a circle. Unexpectedly the lead stops music, and the one who stayed with the box in his hands takes off one thing and puts her inside. It can be decoration, clothing or accessory.

Next, music and the box are transmitted again in a circle. The funniest starts when players do not want to part with their clothes. They alternately drop out of the game and the most risky winds reach the finish. At the request of the company, you can run a reverse game mechanism.

Now, after stopping the music, who in his hands remained the box pulls the thing from it and puts on himself.

Play B. musical competition "Guess the song." Separate guests into two teams, which will alternately guess the song performed by opponents. The difficulty lies in the fact that the executing command chooses the phrase from the hite song and divides it to words.

Then, on the team, all members of the group simultaneously sing their word or phrase. The second team should fold the phrase from the general choir and guess the song. The main thing in such a competition is not to break the voice from laughter and the execution of solo.

Add the holiday of mystery and pleasant excitement

To give a mysterious party, "Bake Pie" with predictions. On the one side of the cardboard, draw a pie, and then traditionally "cut" with its scissors on the part. From the back, write mysterious predictions for friends and offer them to "taste" on a piece of cake.

Examples of predictions:

  • "It's time to declare yourself and take everything in your hands."
  • "Do not miss your chance at this party";
  • "Love is a sure way to avoid loneliness";
  • "Follow your intuition, and success is guaranteed";
  • "Fireworks of bright events awaits you ahead";
  • "Your smile will open you all the doors this year."

Predictions can be made in the form of pictures: Envelope - "Wait for Izvestia", Heart - "To Love", a bright box - "Gift", a suitcase - "Travel" and so on.

Contests and games from the birthday agent for adults

You can give an unusual tone to celebrate your birthday, inventuring the role of fabulous characters in advance, films heroes or famous people. After all, the birthday boy can afford it!

Tell guests at the entrance that today he will spend the evening with a new name and attach a mysterious sign to the back: "Einstein", "Harry Fair", "The Lord of the Rings", "Cinderella" or something like that.

Each guest can read the names of others, but his own riddle remains for him. The task of everyone is to find out your real name, setting questions at the party to other guests. Answer such questions is allowed only by the words "yes" or "no". The one who first rents his new name is defeated. Next, the feast participants continue to guess their names and play their new role.

Device "Labyrinth" the most desperate friend. Take the rope or red fur coat and assure the apartment. Put the player at the entrance to the labyrinth, and the prize is placed in the other end of the room.

Explain the bolt that he must remember the location of the "infrared rays", and then with the blindfolded eyes to go along the room to the desired prize, never touched to the thread. Allow the player's ability to tune in, look at and only then tie my eyes.

At that moment, when the eyes are closed with a black bandage, quickly cut all the threads and shoot an unforgettable video for the chief hero of the competition.

Funny contests and games on the birthday of a child

A good way to entertain children and reveal their stage talents - play with them in the game "Crocodile". Adult divides the guys for two teams. The first is guessing, and the second is performing.

The second team of children is given to the word that needs to be portrayed, and the guys from the first team must guess him in a few minutes. If children play younger age, You can give a prompt in advance, what does the word refer to: nature, animals, fabulous characters.

Sometimes players have to be pretty sweat to convey the meaning of the planned word. The participant of the first team guessing the word becomes the leading and together with adults it will make a new word.

Offer children to compose a joint story. Name the first phrase and let every child will write in addition to one sentence. Transferring paper and handle the next, the child wraps his phrase and voiced only the last word.

When everyone is finished to write, read the story out loud, most likely, it will be quite funny and funny.

How to have fun with friends on New Year's Eve?

To funny feast new Year's game It is necessary to prepare in advance. Write on sheets of paper the names of institutions or institutions that the player "plans to visit" in the first days of the new year. For example, "maternity hospital", "hustle", "toilet", "Restaurant", "Detox", " Kindergarten"," Senov "," Kabak "or something else.

The presenter becomes behind the back of the guest, holding a sheet of his head with the inscription, and sitting at the table in turn ask him questions. Questions can be different: "How often do you happen there?", "For what purpose attend?", "When you plan to visit the next time?" etc. The participant of the Nefple is responsible for questions, resulting in a rather funny dialogue.

Planning contests and games on new Year's celebration For a funny company, do not forget about the classic phantas. This old game will give a variety of any party. Collect the tasks on the tree in closed converters, and let them be unusual and interesting.

Here are some options for creative tasks:

  • portray a new year cracker or melting snowman;
  • crop to knees and repent in last year's sins;
  • enter the role of Baba Yagi and for a minute to continuously talk about their lives;
  • pronounce New Year's toast by voice of television speaker;
  • organize a photo session, placing guests around the room in unusual poses.


Whatever contests and games for a funny company you choose, remember the main thing: adults are just big children! Help them relax and liberate. Believe me, if you succeed, they will have fun at least children and will never forget your party.

In the evening, when friends come to the house, we want to spend more fun. But it happens that the guests were founded, got drunk, argued and it seems that there is nothing more to do. Good hosts are in the bins the best petitions and contests for adults birthday who will allow dispel boredom, shovel the company, give all pleasant emotions. Adult birthday competitions are the most diverse:

  • Dance;
  • Pictures;
  • Vocal;
  • With the props and without it.

You can continue this list for a long time, but it is best to try contests for a funny company once than to read a hundred times. But before starting the game on the birthday, you should familiarize yourself with its rules. This opportunity will be right now!

The article contains drinking games and contests that are very popular among any generations. For workout on the birthday at the table, you can start with simple games with words.

Games for heating

Game - "Alphabet around"

The first player sitting at the table should choose the letter from the alphabet you like (the exception can be the letters "th", "s", "b", "b" and "ё"). Further, the players observing the queue pronounce the names of the items that begin on the chosen letter. The main condition is to call such items that are in the room where the game passes. The winner is the one who last calls the word.

Competition - "Ordered Burim"

This competition begins with the first letter of the alphabet (the letters "A") the first person must come up with a congratulation or toast starting to this letter, then everything in a circle give the same very beginning with the following letters of the alphabet, that is, the second player begins with the letter " B ", the third -" B "and so on.

The letters "s", "b", "ъ" should be skipped. In order for the competition to be more fun, you can set a rule that you need to tell a joke, funny story Or just jokes. The winner can be determined by group voting. During most contests for the birthday of adults, funny situations occur, so the drinking entertainment is so loved by many.

Games after heating

No anniversary, birthday and any other holiday can not do without jokes, quizzes, draws, patter, funny competitions, mysteries and other entertainment.


A funny game for the birthday celebration is a "Nausea", because it is capable of revealing all the most secret. The most intimate secrets will be open for everyone to review. The meaning of the game is that the cards are formed in two bugs, one-question, the second - answer.

Players take turns take the question and choose to whom it will be addressed, the answer to another participant is also chosen from the bunch. So the game passes in a circle between all participants, during the game everything will be very surprised to find out what your comrades do what their favorite hobby and a funny company will become even more friendly.


Major the game-Quiz "History" game will make it comes from the soul, before the start of the game you need to cook cards with the letters of the alphabet, players are divided into teams, and every team takes one letter and invents the story so that all the words began to begin on the chosen letter. This game will become great way Entertain if players have a good fantasy.

Repeat after me

The game is designed for large and small companies for both youth and adults, it makes sense that the participants simultaneously uttered any word, due to small tips, it is necessary to build an association that is understandable to everyone, and come to one word in subsequent circles. In addition to pronunciation of words, you can use other comic tasks for guests at the table.

Disappeared words

Before the start of the game, one person - the master composes the story in which all those present participating, while some words tale lost, before the participants there is a task to supplement the fairy tale with words using the maximum flight of fantasy.

The word must be made by specifying the male or female, it is sex, the subsequent participants come up with words relying on what sex was marked by the first participant. When the word called each present game comes to an end and folds into a single integer forcing a full-fledged fairy tale.

Developing contests

Contests at the table, developing confidence, artistry and skill of improvisation will be a good entertainment and educational component of the celebration.

Nothing is not funny

Before starting, two teams should form, in one team participants should try not to laugh at the same time as the second team has main goal - Mix. If everything in the first team will laugh, the second team wins.

Polon Rot.

For the game you will need small caramels. The participant puts one caramel in his mouth and say congratulations on the holiday, and so in a circle, with each new caramel circle is added. The winner is the participant who most clearly utters congratulations with the maximum amount of candy in the mouth.


Long known and many favorite games will always be a generator have a good mood on the holiday. Her meaning is that not using words to show other participants that the word who gave you the lead. You can play both between the teams and one by one. The game is suitable for any age, adults can add a reward to the game for a guessed word in the form of alcoholic beverages.

Games with requisite

An interesting option to diversify leisure at the table with pieces.


Almost every festival, people say to each other wishes so that they become memorable before each present folded by the leaflets on which it is necessary to write the topic of congratulations in advance, for example, "the wish associated with food" - "Let life be sweet." The subjects of wishes can be thought of the most diverse, thereby force those present to have fun from the soul.


The game is perfect for the company of old friends. The organization takes this way: Participants must be divided into two teams, to the leg of each participant on the long thread is tied balloon Such a color, like the rest of the team members (so that it was easier to understand who "his").

According to the "Start" team, players begin to step on the balls lying on the floor, the winner is the team that faster all the balls of the opponent's team. At the same time, that person whose ball has already burst, comes out of the overall game area.

Game for thirsty

Will be an excellent addition to the nature of nature in a large company. For holding the number of plastic cups is a little more than the number of participants.

Each cup is filled with various liquids, some can be mixed with other drinks or even add something to spoil the taste. The cups are set in a row, the participants are needed by a ping-pong ball get into the cup. If you get the contents drinking.


excellent game for youth and jetty company. For holding you need to stock clothespins. For each participant, any number of clothespins hangs on each participant, and the purpose of another participant with closed eyes to find them all by the method of tackling the body of the first player.

The game can be carried out on several pairs and the winner is the one that for the maximum a short time will find all clothespins.

Unusual entertainment

Food lawlessness

Pay your attention to festive table If at home it became boring. For fun competitions, you can use interesting food. For example, you can distribute potatoes and knives to each guest. Thus, today's bored guest can turn into an inspired creator.

The task for sculptors will cut a portrait of a birthday party. Another option is to divide those present for two teams and distribute large vases with sweets with each team. Both teams must build the highest tower by using a maximum of candies from a vase. The team wins the team that built the highest tower.

Mysterious messages

An example of a detective game - "Mysterious messages". Without leaving the table, each member of the company will be able to participate in the game. The meaning is that the lead pronounces loud SMS, and those present in turn should guess who sent this message. But the most interesting is that the senders are feelings, not spiritualized objects.

Adult fairy tale

This competition is an excellent simulator for the speed of thinking and imagination. The main task is to retell a scenario of a well-known fairy tale, such as Cinderella, Thumbelina, translate to a new "adult" way, applying as many professional terminology from the field of medicine, jurisprudence, politicians and other modern formulation as possible.

As a simulator, you can use the game "Help Maiden", the lead is asking a wide variety of questions, while the person who ask must be silent, instead of him the answer is expected from the player to the right of him. Who does not have time to navigate what the question is to him - leaves the game.

For compliance with silence

Sometimes quiet birthday games are the need to leisure or just time to relax from noise. One of these "quiet" games is the "king".


The meaning is that among all those present the king is chosen and the scene is played: it takes place away from the other members of the company, which are combined into a small circle.

The king's task is to choose a minister who has to approach the king as silent as possible, even the rustling of clothes is not allowed. The minister who could not quietly get to the king returns to his place. The king of the violating silence also overthrows, and the minister who could no noise to get to the king takes his place.


An excellent solution to preserve silence will be all the well-known and long-habitual "silence". Conservation of silence is observed to the command of the lead "stop". In order for the holiday to go to "Hurray" to its preparation, it is necessary to take much carefully, putting it into this soul. You can also connect to this guests, before starting the event, informing the necessary props, but not knowing why.

Casting contests in video format

In addition to contests, you can also prepare in advance board games. Now this field of entertainment is so developed that many of them can be held for several hours and not noticing how the time of gaming entertainment flew.

Any feast is a reason to collect close and relatives. And so that there are fun, you need to diversify it with feasting contests. Options are described in the article.

Festings for a fun company

Funny drinking games and contests

Pitting games for the elderly

  • Force Majeure - Each player is issued a card with a description unforeseen situation. By virtue of their vital wisdom, the participant must allocate maximum amount The advantages of this situation. The participant wins with the greatest amount of benefits found. Options of situations: Forgot the wallet on the bus, they got into the storm during the sea walk, you were locked in the museum at night, all residents suddenly disappeared in the city.
  • Portrait - It is necessary to draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left with the help of a marker. Win the one who draws the most accurate portrait.
  • What to do with him? - From the box, each participant takes out one thing and tells about the options for its use. It is better to put "youth" items: spiners, headset, smart watches, and so on.

Games and competitions at birthday

Wedding Games

Pitting games on corporate

New drinking games

Pitting games for teachers

  • Recall alphabet - The lead calls the letter of the alphabet (th, b, b, s - do not touch!). The participant must find in a plate any ingredient starting on this letter (herring, carrot, spoon). The first, found ingredient, makes the following letter.
  • Count - A small bank is filled with cash bills. It is necessary to try to calculate the amount without opening the bank. Calling the most approximate to the correct answer the amount wins.
  • Newspaper greeting - It takes a newspaper and scissors. The task is to compose congratulations from the words that participants must cut out of the newspaper. The missing words can be addicted with a handle, but there must be a minimum amount.

New Year's Games

Tasty role-playing games

  • The presenter reads the text, and characters Pronounce your replicas.

  • Each pair of players man + woman is heated cards with kid parameters. And now we present that the wife through the maternity hospital with gestures is trying to tell her husband as a child looks like. Options: Black, weight 4 kg, ears large; Eyes blue, growth - 45cm, your smile to ears; The eyes are sly, shouts worse than the director, weight - 3 kg.
  • Guests know how to behave with standard situations. Now it is worth introducing that acquaintance was acquainted: aliens and cosmonaut, home owner with a ghost, Yeti and Hunter, a man from the future with his relative from the last century. A couple of guests must be born into the role and stage an unusual acquaintance.

Pencing game for pensioners

Pouring game why came

The lead alternately asks each guest "why came to the holiday?". The guest takes out the card and reads the answer.

Pouring game Well damn

Roles are distributed, and they must repeat their phrases at the right moment.

Pitting games for a small company

  • A wish - Every guest writes his desire and puts a sheet into a jar. The presenter takes out all the desire and reads out loud. Guests must guess the desires of others and choose the most intimate.
  • Chamomile - A chamomile is made from a cardboard circle and ordinary paper. On the petals write tasks (depicting a butterfly, tell us a funny case from life, kiss your hand to all those present). All wishes should be easily performed at the table.
  • Fork - The participant tie his eyes, hand two forks. Next to the plate should be put any item (pencil, folder, flower). By touching the subject of only forks, the player must guess it.

When choosing games, consider the number of people and age of the guests. Prepare props in advance and think over the order of contests.

Games and fun. True, with age, our games are changing, entertainment and toys become different and in all - different. Here are games for festive programs Everyone chooses to their taste.

Here games are collected, which are especially good in the friendly drunk company. These are games for those who love on holidays to think, run in huge shorts or flops who love to laugh at themselves and over others.

Offered Funny contests for a close company- And to play them or not, you decide.

1. Cool contest "Captains".

Competition is funny for viewers, but somewhat is traumatic for participants. We need two men. They are dressing up in everything related to the maritime subject: Cooks, swimming glasses, inflatable children's circles, flippers, life jackets, binoculars and so on - this will be captains of long-range sailing.

Then we plant "captains" in plastic tases and give two vents in hand - they will be oars. The task of "sailing" from the start to the finish, as quickly as possible. To straight from the place, the players are allowed to repel and their hands, and the legs are literally from all that they will fall on the way.

Or an option without basins - then the task in the flippers and with binoculars to go through the barrier of obstacles.

2. Competition - drawing "River or Parent".

it . On the wallpaper strip, we draw a stream, that is, many, many winding blue lines and different fish. We call 3 participants and suggest it to move the streams with tied eyes, but so that no fish is crushed. The presenter constantly reminds girls about the fish, asks to be careful and widerly spread his feet - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass "Rouhs", leading is not in a hurry to unleash their eyes, distracting them with comments on how they were "distance", at this time the man is stacked by the man face up or at all a video operator with a camera.

When the girls take off the bandage, and they look at the "streams" - the first reaction, at the sight of a lying man - embarrassment and shock, the leading should be explained after a while. Sometimes girls do not wait for clarifications, and just try to break the camera or the nose of the lead, be alert.

3. "Dedka for Rack" for a friendly company.

For a diversity, a cool game on a garden theme. The presenter invites couples that have a garden, cottage, etc.

From men we make a "bed": we offer them to sit on the floor, folding the legs in Turkish, and hiding the hands behind the back. Ladies will be "repanks". They sit down in the space between male legs and pull hands up like tails at repka. The role of grandfather - Michurinz, first plays a leading.

To sleep vigilance "Michurinets", passing through an improvised garden, begins to "rub" about the timely watering of the turnips and suddenly it is unexpectedly enough of one of the closest "repro" for the "tail" and pulls it on himself. If a man - "Grokeka" did not keep his "repankment", then the man becomes "grandfather", and the woman returns to the hall. Now this "grandfather" must improve the moment and pull out the "repankment" from someone else's "Circling".

Couple wins: "Girling" and "Rack", which will not be able to separate Michurinets.

4. "Recall the gold childhood"

it cheerful entertainment From the series - on an amateur. For him, you need to prepare a few "family" cowards of a huge size, pots, for the completeness of the picture you can and children's capes.

You put on this "beauty" on players who still sounds music - just dance. As soon as the melody silences, players must quickly sit on the pots in advance over the entire hall and screaming very loudly: "Mom, I'm all!".

Then award is awarded the audience of visual sympathies for the best reaction.

Sometimes from this idea arrange the team relay, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in large panties) runs in opposite side Hall, where pots are standing. Runs up, removes the panties, sits on a pot and shouts: "Mom, I'm all!". Then quickly puts on panties and runs to his team. There she takes off the panties and transmits the second player, that they put on and quickly do the same as the first player. Wins the most agile and fast team.

5. "Eastern Martial Arts".

Competition from the same series as the previous one, only in the style of the struggle of SUMO, and for him will need diapers for adults (more size) and balloons.

We invite two men, ready to undress to the belt. We eat them in diapers, and on the stomach with the help of bilateral Scotch Krepim one large or two small balls. In the process of struggle, they must burst these balls, pressing her belly to each other. Naturally - without hands. It is possible and limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called doha), over the border of which they will try to squeeze each other.

To improve interest, you can arrange several rounds and even take bets from the guests - fans. Of course, he wins, of course, one who will give up his balls faster or pouches the opponent with Doha.

6. "Running in shorts".

For this competition, except for two - three teams, you will need huge family panties. Each member of the team puts them on the start, comes to the finish line, it removes the panties and returns to the start line with the cowards in the hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay wand.

The fastest team wins, whose participants will overtake rivals.

You can complicate the game and add the second round to it: first we do everything, as described above, and the second race occurs together in some shorts. Ran back and forth together? Add the third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but the panties will have to sew more.

The game on the "amateur": on the one hand, it is more fun of all to spend on the audured public, on the other - it may be unsafe for them.

7. "Sorry his teeth!"

A couple participate in the game, to begin with, they need to make the neck scarves to each other. Then we put the pair to each other face and offer with the help of the teeth alone to unleash these handkerchiefs. Who is faster, he won!

8. "Karapubuz"

This cheerful relay for men. Three - four volunteers are called from the hall. They are dressed in cape, breastphings, hang on the neck of the pacifiers and give a bottle with juice. Task: While the music sounds, they can drink juice through the nipple, as soon as the music is silent, "Karapubuza" should take a pawrant in the mouth and say loudly: "Nam-Yam!" repeatedly. The most important thing is that music and pauses alternate very quickly and were different in duration.

The winner is announced by one who will quickly drink juice. He is the main prize - a bottle of beer, the rest of the comforting prizes of rattles.

For greater comic and in his company, you can arrange this contest, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If there is a desire to shout loudly, then the presenter can spend such a funny game. The first pronounces very quietly word "g ...". The next should say a little louder, and so - on the increasing, while the last in the chain of participants does not have to yell from all over the power.

For more fun, you can have each incoming to meet the phrase; "Hello, and we waited for you" and again choir your favorite word. However, this game can be held with any sophisticated word, the main thing is that emotions grow with each pronouncing.

10. "Cheerful Football".

For this cool team competition, stock plastic bottles The volume of the liter is one and a half and fill them with two quarters. We really do not recommend using glass dishes, so it can hurt the player and seriously injure.

So, you dial two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the above-mentioned bottles to the belts of the participants so that the centimeters remained twenty - twenty-five to the floor. We give a soccer ball and denote the chairs of the gate on both sides of the room or hall. What do you need to do players? With the help of bottles, score the goal of the opponent's team. Moreover, strictly-setting is prohibited to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles go to the move (they need to use almost like a stick).

Arrange two half minutes of three - four. Be sure to appoint penalties - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is supplied as in ordinary football.

11. "Fighting in the chicken coop."

These funny games And contests are suitable not only for birthdays. They can be used on any fun holiday - from a family celebration to corporate party.

To spend great time, you need only a few components: a good company and a rich fantasy. You will have to decide with the company yourself, and we will help with fantasy. Before you the top of the most fun contests, most of which do not require props, you can play anywhere.

1. "An unexpected find"

Highly funny competitionbecause you can enjoy laugh at the participants!

Description of the competition: You need to wrap in foil large pieces of different products and put them all into a paper bag. Lead calls a product. Players take turns get from the package wrapped in foil "Delicates" and are superior, no matter what. Then put back into the package and transmit further. If the player does not want to bite, he drops out. Wins the one who got the named product, he receives him as a gift \u003d).

Raisin Games in "Delicatesa". The more original to taste they will, the more interesting to observe the response of the participants. Here are examples: bulbs, garlic, lemon, bitter pepper, liven sausage, slice of sala, pie.

Number of players: 5-10, depending on the number of products.

2. "Magic Package"

The essence of the competition:hold out to the last.

Description of the competition:participants are in a circle. Package package is made in his middle. Everyone in turns should go to the package and raise it without using hands and standing on one leg. The highlight of the competition is that the leading with each circle scissors cuts off 5 cm package. The one who will not lose balance will be defeated, dropping everything lower.

Number of players: 4-6 people.

3. "Tough Tango"

The essence of the competition:strengthen on the smallest piece of fabric, continuing to dance tango.

Description of the competition:we choose 2-3 pairs, can one sex. For each pair on Earth, we settle a large fabric - it can be an old sheet. Participants must dance to this tissue to the music. For laughter, give every man a flower in your teeth and ask to make a serious look.

Every 20-30 seconds, the fabric fold halfway. Players continue to dance.

So lasts until the fabric space remains at all. A couple will win, which will continue the dance without touching the foot of the floor.

Number of players:2-3 pairs.

4. "Delicious relay"

The essence of the competition: To come to the finish line first.

Description of the competition: It is necessary to divide guests for 2 teams of 3-5 people. The first participants put a slice of cucumber, chocolate or cookies on the forehead. It must be moved to the chin, not using hands. If he fell - the player begins again. The relay is then transmitted to another team member. The team will win that the first finishes.

Number of players:6-10 people.

5. "King of Elephant"

The essence of the competition: Do not get confused and become an elephant king.

Description of the competition: Players sit in a circle. The king of an elephant is chosen, which is the "head" of the circle. Each participating chooses the animal that will portray, and special sign. For example, the worm can smooth big finger right hand. The king of the elephant pulls one hand up.

The first shows your signal king elephant. The next player should show its signal, and then his own. The other repeats the signal of the previous one and shows its. And so in turn. At the end of the circle, the king of the elephant must repeat all signals. If anyone is confused, he sits in the "end" of the circle. The one who will win on the site of the king of an elephant and is not confused during three circles.

Number of players:up to 11 people.

6. "Classic Sharads"

The essence of the competition: Collect the greatest number Points, guessing idioms in drawings.

Description of the competition: The judge comes up with a well-known expression, and the participant of the first team should draw it so that others guess. For each guess drawing, the team is obtained by 1 point. The team will win, which will drop more points.

If the opponent is guessing, then their participant draws. If a team of one who draws is guessing, they receive 2 points, and another participant comes to draw. If no one is guessing, the same player draws the following expression.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 3-5 people and judges.

7. "Unseen History"

The essence of the competition: Common efforts to come up with a cool story.

Description of the competition: This competition will give the opportunity to relax at the table, but continue to have fun. Players sit in a circle and in turn, a few sentences, tell a funny story. In meaning, each proposal must match, forming one text. The one who laughs or smile - drops out. And so to the very end, until the winner remains.

Number of players: not limited.

8. "Dynamic Racing"

The essence of the competition: Find an item, ahead of rivals.

Description of the competition: Players are divided into pairs. One of the partners tighten the eyes tightly. We put the subject (anything) away from the participants, and in space between them and the subject we create minor barricades. You can use bottles, for example.

The same, who in a pair stayed with open eyes, should suggest a partner where the subject is. The latter should still guess the voice of his partner, among the votes of rivals partners.

Number of players: Any pair.

9. "Kozaki-robbers for a new way"

The essence of the competition: At the prompts to find a treasure, ahead of the opponents team.

Description of the competition: Leading hide treasure and create tips different colorsso that the players find it. Each command chooses its color and should find only your tips. We will win those who are the first to find treasure. They may have toys, souvenirs, food, and so on.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 3-6 people and several leading.

10. "Bright garland"

The essence of the competition:the first to create a garland from the balls.

Description of the competition:each team gives 10-15 balls and threads. All balls need to inflate and create garland of them.

The team will win, which will qualitatively fulfill the task of the first. The quality is checked by the public, using applause.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 4-5 people.

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