Three great construction projects of the era of the USSR. Magnitogorsk, Belomorkanal and other global construction projects of communism

Engineering systems 23.09.2019

The title of the largest state on the planet obliged the Soviet authorities to comply with it literally in everything, and real estate objects were no exception to this rule. Some Interesting Facts The Free Press has collected about the most grandiose of them in its material.

The largest water mirror of the era

This is exactly what the capital's guides said, receiving guests from all over the world, about the outdoor swimming pool "Moscow", erected almost on the same place where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which was under construction for 44 years and blown up in 1931, stood for 48 years. It is noteworthy that at first, for 10 years, they unsuccessfully tried to build the tallest building in the world at that time on this site. But the construction of the 415-meter Palace of Soviets was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War, and an open public bath designed by architect Dmitry Chechulin with a diameter of about 130 meters, accommodating up to 2000 people at a time, was opened only in 1960.

It was originally planned that the pool would be filled with salt water from an underground sea located at a depth of about one and a half kilometers. However, the drilling work started in 1958 was curtailed, mainly due to their high cost. But even without that unique features enough on site. Yes, you can swim in it. all year round(True, according to contemporaries, we often had to dive in the cold, because the head was covered with ice). To visit Moscow, a doctor's certificate was not required, while the system of sanitary control, purification and disinfection of water was so well organized that for all 33 years not a single complaint from visitors was recorded.

Popularity outdoor pool among the population was very high. There was even a joke that only in “Moscow” did the famous law of Archimedes act in a special way: a body immersed in it is pushed out by another body. True, it is worth noting that this popular love was periodically overshadowed by rumors that in the pool (especially in winter time) there is a group of "drowners" who take revenge on the townsfolk for desecrating a holy place.

The final reason for the closure of the Moskva pool in 1993 was just its gigantic size. Firstly, due to the fact that in the cold season the water temperature in some sectors reached +34 degrees, and the water surface area was 13000 square meters, in winter there was a dense wall of steam around it, which caused severe corrosion nearby buildings. Employees of the nearby Pushkin Museum have repeatedly complained that due to high humidity exhibits are seriously affected.

Secondly, by that time, due to the difficult economic situation, the city authorities simply did not have enough funds to pay for the resources necessary for its functioning. Three recent years it stood without water, which led to severe deformation of the expansion joints of the bowl and corrosion of pipelines.


Erected in the period from 1953 to 1961 at the suggestion of Joseph Stalin, the submarine base in the then Soviet Balaklava, perhaps, had every chance of being called the largest military engineering structure of the twentieth century. Builders of the highest qualification, including the capital's metro builders, who worked around the clock in four shifts, had a hand in its creation.

According to some sources, about 67 million Soviet rubles were spent on the construction of the base (or facility 825GTS), and in the course of work at sea on barges, about 120 thousand tons of rock were secretly taken out and flooded. But all the efforts were worth it: the structure, hidden under Mount Tavros, could easily withstand a direct hit atomic bomb with a capacity of 100 to 150 kilotons (for reference, the capacity of the "Kid" dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was from 13 to 18 kilotons in TNT equivalent). Inside, several nuclear submarines were freely placed (according to various sources, from 7 to 14), personnel in the amount of up to 1.5 thousand people, as well as ammunition depots and all the necessary infrastructure for the maintenance and repair of submarines.

Some enthusiasts are still convinced that in the event of a nuclear bombing, the base could be used as a bomb shelter for local population, and the period of its autonomous existence could reach three years.

Shortly after construction was completed, in 1961, Nikita Khrushchev ordered the base to be converted into a wine cellar, but the initiative was never implemented. After the collapse of the USSR in 1993, the protection of the object ceased and over the next 7 years it was simply plundered, absolutely all structures containing at least the slightest hint of the content of non-ferrous metals were removed. In 2000, Vladimir Stefanovsky, who headed the Sevastopol "Naval Assembly", took the initiative to turn the base into a "Museum" cold war". As a result, three years later, the official opening ceremony of the naval museum complex as a branch of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held in Balaklava.

By the way, back in 2010, when the peninsula was part of the "independent", some Russian media, citing the leadership of the Black Sea Fleet, reported that the military was seriously considering the possibility of restoring the combat potential of the museum and the possibility of using it for its intended purpose. However, Konstantin Grishchenko, who at that time held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, resolutely denied such a scenario of events as contrary to the Constitution of the country. It is likely that now, after the fateful decisions of the population of Crimea, representatives of the Russian Navy will return to this project.

Volga-Don Canal

VDSK (Volga-Don Shipping Canal) was officially opened on July 27, 1952. It is noteworthy that the four-year construction works, which were crowned with success, were not the only attempt in history to connect the waters of the two great rivers at the point of their closest approach. At first, according to the chronicles of the 16th century, the Turkish Sultan Selim II thought about this. However, the army of 22,000 Turkish soldiers sent by him in 1569 stopped all work within a month. According to the Turks, even the entire population of Turkey could not have coped with this task at that time, even in 100 years. The second was Peter I, in 1697, inviting a foreigner, Johann Brekkel, as a construction manager. However, he soon banally fled, realizing the futility of his efforts. Perhaps the Englishman Perry, who replaced him, would have been able to complete the undertaking, but the Northern War that broke out in 1701 put an end to the project.

Only in the XX century, as a result of the titanic efforts of over 700 thousand civilian workers, 100 thousand prisoners of war german army and 120 thousand prisoners of the Gulag, the project of the 101-kilometer canal was implemented under the leadership of academician Sergei Zhuk. Over the entire period of construction of the VDSK, over 150 million cubic meters of earth were excavated and more than 3 million cubic meters of concrete were poured, walking excavators and other advanced special equipment in the amount of 8,000 units were widely used at that time.

Many interesting facts are associated with VDS national history. So, for example, 15,000 prisoners were immediately released “for shock work,” and another 35,000 had their sentences reduced. This, in particular, is mentioned by Professor Nikolai Buslenko, referring to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces found in the archive (with the stamp “Without publication in the press”) “On benefits to prisoners who distinguished themselves in the construction of the Volga-Don shipping canal named after V.I. Lenin. An interesting detail - 3000 prisoners received various awards, 15 of them - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. By the way, it was at the VDSK that the abbreviation “zek” (“zk” - “prisoned canal soldier”), which has firmly entered our lexicon as an independent word, was born.

Also, immediately after the opening and naming of the object after Lenin, a giant monument to Stalin was erected on the bank of the first lock. Nine years later, in 1961, in just one night, it was dismantled. For a long time, the 30-meter pedestal was empty, and only in 1973 a 27-meter monument to Lenin was erected on it, which entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest monument in honor of real people.

Unfortunately, in the last decade, the depth of the canal has noticeably decreased (according to the project - 3.5 meters), cases of ships landing aground have become more frequent. In this regard, the traffic flow has been reduced by half, and draft restrictions do not allow ships to be fully loaded. Two years ago, representatives of Rosmorport announced the allocation of 400 million rubles to deepen the canal to 4.5 meters. Since April 2007, at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin, the option of building a second branch of the Volga-Don Canal (the so-called Volgodon-2) has been considered in order to increase the facility's cargo flow to 35 million tons per year. True, some experts argue that these works will cause irreparable damage to the Russian fish industry. In particular, the construction of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex planned under the project, the spawning run of fish in the Don will be completely blocked. In addition, the population of some species of fish in the Northern Caspian can be catastrophically reduced.

Snapshot at the opening of the article: view of the Moskva swimming pool under open sky, 1977 / Photo: Ivan Denisenko / RIA Novosti

On December 30, 1922, the creation of the USSR was proclaimed at the first Congress of Soviets. Then S.M. Kirov put forward an ambitious idea - to build the Palace of Soviets, which would become a symbol of the country. However, the implementation of the idea began only in 1931. At every stage - from the project to preparation for implementation and the start of a grandiose construction - the Palace of Soviets was a building the like of which did not exist in the world.

Fight architectural styles

In June 1931, a design competition was announced. A few months later, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was destroyed. "Obsolete", according to the plans of the authorities, had to give way to a new one. Both professional architects and ordinary citizens of the Union applied for the competition. Among the participants in the competition was also the great French architect Le Corbusier. The works of B. Iofan, I. Zholtovsky and G. Hamilton entered the second round. All three projects were designed in a monumental style. Later, this style will be called "Stalin's Empire". The choice of these projects marked the end of the era of Soviet constructivism - lightness and delicacy gave way to pomp and massiveness. Offended by the neglect of his thoughtful project, Le Corbusier wrote: “The people love royal palaces". In 1933, the winner was determined - the construction was to be carried out according to the project of B. Iofan. But the winning sketch was very different from the final version.

Idea transformation

famous tower there was no figure of Lenin in the first sketch: the Palace of Soviets looked like a complex of buildings, and the figure of the Liberated Proletarian was located on the tower. Gradually, the tower acquired a level structure, the accompanying buildings were removed. The height of the building was to be 420 meters, of which 100 is the height of the statue. A grandiose statue of Lenin (one finger of the leader was the size of two-storey house) appeared at the top only in 1939. The idea to make the building a pedestal did not belong to Iofan, but to the Italian Brasini. Iofan himself wanted to place a monument in front of the Palace, but the authorities liked Brasini's proposal. In the central part of the Palace it was envisaged Big hall for 22 thousand people. The stage was in the middle, the audience rows were an amphitheatre. Next to it were the foyer, utility rooms, Small Hall. In the high-rise part were the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Presidium, offices.

grand construction

According to the project, for the construction of the Palace and the entire infrastructure, it would be necessary to demolish almost all the historical buildings of Volkhonka. It was supposed to make a grandiose parking lot, a square filled with concrete, to push the Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin. At the construction site, for the first time in the USSR, a preliminary analysis of the soil was performed using core drilling - a number of wells were drilled up to 60 meters deep and the composition of the soil was analyzed. The place turned out to be successful - dense limestones and a rocky "island" were located on this territory. To ground water the foundation was not undermined, bituminization was used for the first time: almost 2000 wells were drilled around the pit, bitumen was poured into them. Additionally, water pumps were installed and an insulating coating was added. For the final cladding of the grandiose structure, a stone-working plant was built, which later “helped” make Moscow granite: it processed stone panels for the metro, bridges and houses. For the production of concrete for the Palace, a factory was founded near it. The construction of the foundation (also designed in a special way - in the form of rings) required 550 thousand cubic meters of concrete. The diameter of each ring was about one and a half hundred meters. 34 columns were installed on them. The area of ​​one column in cross section was 6 square meters. m. A car could fit on such a column. The frame of the building was created from a special steel grade, created specifically for construction - "DS". The auxiliary frame, which directed the load to the main one, is made of corrosion-resistant steel, simpler. A plant was founded near the Lenin Hills, where the elements were prepared for installation. It was decided to mount the main frame on concrete rings. To lift the beams, cranes were supposed to be assembled on these rings. The higher, the fewer cranes: the installation of the statue had to be carried out by only one crane.

Construction final

The project was supposed to be completed by 1942. In 1940, the frame reached seven floors, but the war began. High-quality steel was required for the production of anti-tank hedgehogs, and the frame had to be dismantled. After the war, the country did not have the resources for such facilities. The project was transferred to Sparrow Hills, where the building of Moscow State University gradually grew instead of the Palace. The skyscrapers were based on the project of Iofan, and common features well visible. Another trace of the project is the Kropotkinskaya metro station - it was conceived as an underground lobby of the Palace and was built on a grand scale.


1) one of the ways to organize construction and redistribution work force in the national economy.

2) National economic facilities, the responsibility for the construction of which was assumed by the Komsomol. They also had an ideological significance: they were supposed to serve as an example of a communist attitude to work. The status of a Komsomol construction site was given construction sites to ensure timely and high-quality completion of their construction at the lowest cost. The most significant national economic objects received the status of All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects. They were mainly located in remote and sparsely populated areas. The list of Komsomol construction projects was approved by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on the basis of proposals from party, trade union and Komsomol bodies, ministries and departments and in agreement with the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Komsomol construction projects were completed labor force through the so-called public appeals of young people and military personnel transferred to the reserve, carried out by the Central Committee of the Komsomol, as well as through temporary voluntary Komsomol youth construction teams. Komsomol construction sites practiced their own methods of labor organization. There were Komsomol headquarters (they worked under the leadership of the Komsomol construction committee), which included young workers, foremen and specialists, representatives of economic and trade union bodies, Komsomol activists of assembly and specialized organizations, subcontracting units. Headquarters together with trade union organizations held a competition among the Komsomol youth teams. In brigades, at construction sites, posts of the "Komsomol searchlight" were created to fight for the strengthening labor discipline, saving building materials effective use of technology. The "Chronicle of shock construction" was conducted, in which the names of young workers and specialists, Komsomol and youth groups who made a significant contribution to the implementation of construction plans were entered.

The first Komsomol construction project was the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station. In the 1920s and 30s, Selmashstroy (Rostov-on-Don), Traktorostroy (Stalingrad), Uralmashstroy, the construction of the Ural-Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the first stage of the Moscow Metro, the Akmolinsk-Kartala railway line were declared Komsomol construction projects. , development oil fields Volga-Ural oil and gas province, etc. In the 1950-70s, the All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects included the construction of the Bratsk, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, the Ufa-Omsk, Omsk-Irkutsk oil pipeline, the Bukhara-Ural, Saratov-Gorky gas pipelines, the Abakan-Taishet railway line, the Baikal-Amur railway line, the first stages of a number of plants (Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Pavlodar aluminum, Angarsk and Omsk oil refineries, Zapadno - Siberian and Karaganda metallurgical) and others. All-Union shock Komsomol construction in 1959 was the construction of 114 industrial and transport enterprises (154 in 1962, 135 in 1982, 63 in 1987). The principles of labor organization adopted at Komsomol construction sites were also applied in the development of virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, Novosibirsk region. In connection with the dissolution of the Komsomol in September 1991, the organization of Komsomol construction projects ceased.

V. K. Krivoruchenko.


1) One of the ways of or-ga-ni-za-tsii build-tel-st-va and re-re-ras-pre-de-le-niya ra-bo-whose si-ly in folk ho -zyay-st-ve.

2) Na-rod-but-ho-zyay-st-ven-ny objects-ek-you, from-vet-st-ven-ness for the builder-tel-st-in someone took on himselfKomsomol .

Did it also have an ideological meaning: should we serve as a measure of someone’s mu-ni-istic relationship to work.

Status of Komsomol construction projects attached to construction facilities to provide their -the completion of their build-tel-st-va at the lowest cost. The most-more-significant-of-our-native-but-ho-zyay-st-vein-objects-you-on-lu-cha-whether the status of All-so-uz-ny shock Komsomol construction. On-ho-di-lissed mainly in labor-but-access-stupid and small-lo-about-zhi-ty districts.

The list of Komsomol construction projects was approved by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on the basis of the proposals of the party, trade-union unions and Kom-so-mol-or -g-nov, ministries and departments and in accordance with the State Plan of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Komsoml construction projects were a set of ra-bo-whose forces in the middle of the production of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the so-called public prizes of mo-lo-de -zhi and dismissed in the reserve of the military, as well as at the expense of temporary good-ro-free com-so-mol-sko-mo-lo-dezh- nyh construction teams.

At the Komsomol construction sites, they practiced their own methods of organizing labor. The de-st-in-va-whether com-so-mol-sky headquarters (ra-bo-ta-li under the leadership of the Komsomol construction committee), as part of someone ryh enter-di-whether mo-lo-dye ra-bo-chie, b-ga-di-ry and spets-sia-lists, pre-hundred-vi-te-whether the hosts-st-ven-nyh and trade-union organizations, kom-so-mol-skie ak-ti-vi-stas of installation and special-cion-ized organizations, sub-sub-row-nyh sub-times-de-le-ny. Headquarters would be joint with prof-so-yuz-ny-mi or-ga-ni-for-tion-mi pro-vo-di-whether so-rev-but-va-nie among-di com-so-mol- sko-mo-lo-dezhny-nyh-lek-ti-vov. In the brigades, at the construction sites, they created-yes-va-lied-stay "Kom-so-mol-sko-go pro-jek-to-ra" to fight for uk -re-p-le-ne labor-do-howl dis-qi-p-li-na, eco-no-miya building materials, effective use zo-va-nie tech-no-ki. “Le-the-piss of a shock-stroy-ki” was conducted, in some way for-but-si-li-li-for-the-yo-lo-dykh of the ra-bo-chihs and sp-tsia-li- stov, com-so-mol-sko-mo-lo-dean-ny collectives-lek-ti-vov, made a significant contribution to the fulfillment of plans for construction-tel-st-va .

The first construction site of the Komsomol was the construction of the Vol-khov hydroelectric power station. In the 1920s and 1930s, Komsomol construction projects were announced Sel-mash-stroy (Ros-tov-na-Do-nu), Trak-to-ro-stroy (Sta-lin- hail), Ural-mash-st-roy, builder-tel-st-vo Ura-lo-Kuz-nets-ko-go metal-lurgy-com-bi-na-ta, Kom-so-mol- ska-on-Amu-re, first eye-re-di of the Moscow metro-ro-po-li-te-na, railway ma-gi-st-ra-li Ak-mo-linsk - Kar-ta-ly .

In the 1950s-1970s, to the All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects from-no-si-moose build-tel-st-vo Bratskaya, Dnep-ro-Dzerzhin-skaya, Kras- no-yar hydroelectric power station, nuclear power plants, oil-te-pro-vo-da Ufa - Omsk, Omsk - Irkutsk, gas ma-gi-st-ra- lei Bu-kha-ra - Ural, Sa-ra-tov - Gor-kiy, Aba-kan railway line - Tai-shet, Bai-ka-lo-Amur railway ma-gi-st-ra-li , the first eye-re-day of a series of za-vo-dov (Kras-no-yar-sko-go, Ir-kut-sko-go and Pav-lo-dar-sko-go alu-mi-nie -out, An-gar-sko-go and Om-sko-go nave-te-pe-re-ra-ba-you-vayu-shchih, Western-but-Si-bir-sko-go and Ka- ra-gan-din-sko-go metal-lur-gi-che-sky), etc. number of 114 industrial and transport enterprises (154 in 1962, 135 in 1982, 63 in 1987). The principles of organization of labor, adopted at Komsomol construction sites, were also applied during the development of virgin lands Ka -zah-sta-na, Al-tai, But-in-si-bir-sky region. In connection with the start-up of com-so-mo-la in September 1991, the organization of Komsomol construction projects pre-kra-ti-las.

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