Beet salads with garlic - the best recipes. Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise: a delicious dish for every day

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems

It is hardly possible to come up with a simpler recipe than beet salad with garlic. There is no difficulty in preparing this dish. It is possible that it was precisely this fact that allowed the recipe to “grow” a huge amount variations. There is a basic composition of ingredients, which we will get acquainted with further.

Beets are the basis and main component of the salad. Most often it goes into a dish in boiled form. Boil it, washing it well, without peeling it or cutting off the tail, for 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the variety and size. When ready, it will be soft; if you pierce it with a knife or fork, the skin will come off very well.

You can bake the product in the oven. This method is good because the root crop will not lose much juice and useful substances, and the salad will give off a pleasant aroma of baked vegetables. There are also recipes that use raw vegetables, but they are less popular.

How to choose beets

To make a boiled beet salad tasty, you need full responsibility approach the purchase of the main ingredient. A low-quality root crop will show several signs.

  1. Cracks and stains. Such a vegetable was grown and stored incorrectly, and will not have excellent taste.
  2. Lethargy. It is not a fresh root vegetable and no longer contains the nutrients it should contain.
  3. Lighter color. Most likely this is a fodder variety that is used to feed animals. Such a beauty will taste dry and tougher than the table variety and may cause your salad to not be what you intended.
  4. Size too big. The giant root vegetable is not a miracle of nature, but the result of treatment with chemicals. It may contain harmful substances.

A suitable vegetable has a round shape and a bright, even skin color. On the cut it is just as bright, without dark spots. A delicious salad from a bright vegetable beauty will be obtained during the root crop harvest months, when the freshest vegetables appear on store shelves.

Popular Ingredients

Beetroot salads, recipes for which can be found in large quantities online, are supplemented with several ingredients. Housewives combine them in their dishes in different proportions and options. Let's look at all the main components in order.

  • Garlic. It is overwhelmingly often included in vegetable dishes, sometimes only it is added to the base. This mono-dish can be prepared even every day, without much hassle. Garlic gives the salad a spicy kick. Its quantity can be varied according to the personal preferences of the cook.
  • Hard cheese. Gives the dish a pleasant creamy hue.
  • Carrot. It often dilutes the main component in a salad without compromising its taste at all. Before getting into a common bowl, the carrots also need to be boiled until tender.
  • Walnuts. They must first be crushed into small pieces. To do this, you can carefully cut the kernels with a knife. It is not recommended to use devices such as coffee grinders and similar choppers, because the nuts are too small and do not perform the necessary taste functions in the salad. By the way, the type of nuts can be changed depending on taste preferences. Try adding cashews or pine nuts.
  • Mayonnaise. Housewives add it to make the dish more satisfying. In this case, it is not necessary to add salt to the salad. The ingredient can be easily and without consequences replaced with sour cream.
  • Vegetable oil. With this dressing beet salad becomes an excellent lean dish, a little salt and pepper will enrich the flavor.
  • Fresh greens. There will never be too much in this dish. Dill and green onions.

Knowing the most suitable products for the main component, you can combine them the way you like. Often on various Internet sites you can find recipes with photos of beetroot snacks, the authors of which combine, for example, beets, carrots and walnuts. It turns out simple and very tasty.

An important feature is that the vegetable is only grated for eating. They usually use a grater with large holes, and crush the garlic with a garlic clove or grate it with a fine grater.

A selection of recipes

The recipe for boiled beet salad will not cause any difficulties in preparation even for a teenager. But as soon as you type this name into the search bar, it turns out that there are so many options and types of dishes made from this root vegetable that your eyes widen. There are so many beets and garlic alone that you don’t know exactly how you want to cook them. We present to your attention several simple instructions on preparation.

With walnuts

Like many others, this dish is simple. At the same time, it is really tasty. Boiled beets and carrots are an excellent gastronomic duo. And they are often found, including in vinaigrette, and Herring under a fur coat.


  • beets – 200 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • walnuts – 5 pcs.;
  • dill and green onions - a small bunch;
  • sunflower oil - for dressing.

Wash the carrots and beets well and boil until tender. Let cool. Peel and grind on a coarse grater. Finely grate the garlic too.

Peel the walnuts and cut them with a knife.

Combine all ingredients in one bowl, add oil and mix well.

With green peas

This option is somewhat reminiscent of a vinaigrette. But it is more filling thanks to meat and mayonnaise. Due to the large number of ingredients, it is not similar to other beetroot-based dishes.


  • beets - 2 medium-sized root vegetables;
  • chicken fillet – 200-300 g;
  • green peas - 1 small jar;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing.

Boil the fillet and red vegetable in the skin until tender, and hard-boil the eggs. Cut the chicken, cucumbers and eggs into small cubes, and rub the beets through a coarse grater and the garlic through a fine grater. Combine all ingredients, add peas, season the salad with mayonnaise and mix.

With cheese

A salad with boiled beets and cheese will please everyone in the household. It is as easy to prepare as the others.


  • beets – 300 g;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing.

Boil the beets and peel them. Grate the root vegetable and cheese on a coarse grater, and the garlic on a fine grater.

Combine everything, season with mayonnaise. To present the salad beautifully, place it in a ceramic bowl with high, smooth walls up to the very edges. Seal with a spoon, cover with a flat plate, and turn over with a quick and careful movement. Decorate as you wish.

With prunes

A special dish with an intriguing taste. For those who love pleasant sweet notes in salads.

  • beets – 2-3 pcs.;
  • prunes – 50 g;
  • hard cheese – 70 g;
  • walnuts – 4-5 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing.

Boil, cool and peel the root vegetable. Grate it using a coarse grater. The cheese needs to be grated finely. Wash the prunes, soak in hot water for a few minutes, wipe with a napkin, cut into strips or cubes. Chop the nuts not very finely.

Combine all ingredients together, season with mayonnaise and mix. You can leave a little grated cheese for later decoration of the salad.

If you are looking for a basic recipe for beets with garlic and mayonnaise, boil the beets, grate them, add chopped garlic, mayonnaise and enjoy.

The benefits and harms of beet salads

The big advantage of such salads is their low cost. This beetroot and garlic appetizer is easy to make without breaking your wallet. And how many benefits there are in such a salad!

The main component of our dish is a real cleanser for the body. Beets cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and destroy bacteria that cause rotting in the intestines. It also contains magnesium, which is necessary for the heart, and helps improve the functioning of the hematopoietic system.

Boiled beet salad – good help for those who are on a diet. It, if you use low-fat sour cream instead of mayonnaise or use it as a dressing soy sauce, turns out to be low-calorie. And beets also “spur” our body to burn fat more intensely.

However, you need to remember that the bright beauty has a high glycemic index, that is, it contributes to a rapid rise in blood sugar, so it should not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. Problems may also arise for those who suffer from urolithiasis. When adding garlic to a dish, remember that gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases are not compatible with this vegetable.

Today, in almost any supermarket you can buy a wide variety of salads. However, a dish prepared by yourself will always be much tastier. We will not consider those recipes that take a lot of time. The topic of our conversation is beets with garlic and mayonnaise.

It only takes a few minutes to prepare this well-known salad. The main thing is to always have boiled beets on hand. We will look at several options for this dish. And let's start our conversation with basic recipe.

And mayonnaise is very easy to prepare. And you don’t need any special ingredients for this. Perhaps any housewife will always have two small beets and a few cloves of garlic. The most common mayonnaise is ideal for dressing this salad. That, in principle, is all that is needed to prepare this dish.

I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded that beets should be pre-cooked. And in order to cool down as quickly as possible, place it in cold water for half an hour. During this time, you can prepare the appropriate dishes for the future salad, as well as peel the garlic.

So, to your attention beets with garlic and mayonnaise. We grate the peeled beets on a coarse or medium grater - depending on how you like it. We pass the garlic through a press or finely chop it. All that remains is to combine these two ingredients together and season our salad. You can add a little salt if necessary. Beets with garlic and mayonnaise are ready to eat.

For those who do not like the classics, we offer to diversify the recipe for this dish. So, for example, finely chopped walnuts will add some piquancy to this salad. Moreover, now we will consider another option.

Beetroot with walnuts goes perfectly with apple and raisins. However, the technology for preparing such a dish is slightly different. IN in this case and cut fresh apples into cubes and chop walnuts. As for raisins, they must first be soaked. At the final stage of preparing this salad, combine all the available ingredients, season with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs on top.

The salad, as you can see for yourself, is extremely simple. However, thanks to this combination of products, it evokes bright taste sensations. You will spend little time preparing it, but you will delight yourself and your loved ones with a rather unusual dish.

The fantasies on the theme of beets do not end there. Believe me, there are still many different variations of preparing this vegetable. We bring to your attention beets with cheese. We will offer you several recipes for this; you will choose the most suitable option for yourself. Let's start with the simplest thing.

Peel the boiled beets, cut into strips and season with sour cream. Before serving, sprinkle our salad with grated cheese.

Now let's complicate the recipe a little. As always, we start with beets. We clean it and grate it on a coarse grater. Chop the garlic and add to the beets. We take cheese (it is better if it is hard) and also grate it on a coarse grater, and then combine it with the above products.

The peculiarity of this salad is that prunes are added here, which must first be kept in hot water for about ten minutes. After that, cut it into strips and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

The final touch remains, namely chopped walnuts. Now that all the components of this salad are put together, season it with mayonnaise and serve. If desired, decorate with parsley sprigs.

In conclusion, there is only one thing left to add: the dressing for this dish can also be slightly changed. Take sour cream and mayonnaise in a one to one ratio, mix and season our salad. Its taste will become a little softer. Enjoy your meal!

It’s already difficult to surprise anyone. At least occasionally, they are prepared in every home, but often only in the very minimum composition– simply mix chopped root vegetables with garlic and pour over mayonnaise. In fact, there is an incredible a large number of other, more original dishes that are worthy even on the holiday table. They can contain other vegetables, grains, meat, fruits (both ordinary apples and exotic avocados or pineapples). There are so many variations that you can pamper yourself daily with salads from incredibly healthy root vegetable your loved ones and they will never become ordinary. You simply can’t get tired of a salad with beets, garlic and mayonnaise.

And you can rarely find garlic with mayonnaise. In most cases, these dishes are exclusively vegetable, but in this one the main products include not only meat, but also eggs. Naturally, thanks to these components, the dish turns out to be self-sufficient, perfect, capable of satisfying hunger even in the absence of a side dish as such. A pleasant spicy shade only improves and makes the salad multifaceted and rich.

Required components:

  • 250 gr. beets;
  • 200 gr. meat;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 150 gr. carrots;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise.

Beet salad with mayonnaise and garlic:

  1. The meat is washed under the tap and then placed in a saucepan already filled with water, salt is added and boiled. Then it is cooled in the broth and cut into small pieces on a board with a knife.
  2. In the second pan, boil the eggs for about twelve minutes. At the end of cooking, drain the boiling water, pour in cold water, cool the eggs in it, then just peel them and cut them in the same way as meat on a board.
  3. Beets and carrots are washed with a brush and boiled in separate saucepans, cooled and peeled, the root vegetables are cut into small cubes with a knife.
  4. Pour all the products prepared for this moment into the salad bowl.
  5. The garlic is peeled, crushed in a garlic grinder and poured into a salad bowl.
  6. Pour mayonnaise over all products and mix with a spoon.

Tip: beets acquire an extraordinary taste and aroma if they are not just boiled, but baked in the oven. To do this, you just need to rinse it and wrap it in foil. Thus, the root vegetable remains juicy, and, accordingly, the salad with beets, cheese, garlic, and mayonnaise turns out more rich.

Salad with beets and garlic and mayonnaise

It is surprising that to this day it is believed that only banal food can be prepared from herring and beets. In fact, from these two components you can create more than one dish. At the same time, such salads turn out to be much more original, satisfying and unusual. This recipe can be said to be unique, because in addition to herring, many other products are used here, due to which success is achieved.

Required components:

  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 250 gr. potatoes;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 300 gr. herrings;
  • 100 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 30 gr. parsley

Beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise recipe:

  1. Potatoes, carrots and beets are first washed with a brush and then boiled in separate saucepans, cooled and grated on a medium-sized grater.
  2. Place the potatoes in a bowl and pour mayonnaise over them and mix.
  3. Place the beets in another bowl.
  4. Peel the garlic cloves, chop them with a garlic clove and pour them into a bowl with the beets. Pour in mayonnaise and add salt, mix with a spoon.
  5. The herring is washed and cut, all the bones are removed and the skin is removed. The resulting fillet is then cut finely with a knife.
  6. To grind cheese, take a large grater and simply rub it on it.
  7. The salad is laid out in layers, coating each with mayonnaise and adding a little salt.
  8. Potatoes are placed on the bottom, and beets are placed on top of them.
  9. Next place the herring.
  10. The onion is freed from the husk and chopped with a knife into thin halves of rings and placed on the herring.
  11. Next is cheese and last layer carrot. We leave the last one without mayonnaise.
  12. Be sure to cool for at least an hour.
  13. Decorate the beet salad with carrots and garlic with parsley, which is washed, dried and chopped in advance.

Tip: to give an already perfect dish a special flavor, you can add not ordinary carrots, but cooked Korean ones.

Beetroot salad with garlic and mayonnaise

In this case, it is possible to create a surprisingly light, but rich in taste and aromas dish. This salad with garlic and beets will easily improve any side dish, give it a special, unusual taste and add a touch of piquancy. At the same time, it can be considered budget-friendly, all the products are available, and often you even already have them in the kitchen, which means you can prepare a salad as soon as the desire arises.

Required components:

  • 250 gr. beets;
  • 80 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 2 gr. salt.

How to make beet salad with garlic:

  1. The cheese is grated.
  2. The raw beets are washed and the skin is peeled off, using the same grater.
  3. The garlic is peeled and also grated.
  4. Pour all the products prepared at this moment into a salad bowl and pour mayonnaise over them, salt to taste and mix.

Important! Beets must be added raw. Root crop that failed heat treatment Although it has an unusual taste, it goes perfectly with all products. In addition, this salad will bring significantly more benefits to the body.

Beetroot salad, garlic, mayonnaise

Raisins are used extremely rarely in salads. For some reason housewives are afraid to use this useful product V savory dishes and quite in vain. The taste contrast is simply amazing; the finished product acquires a pleasant sweetness, which contrasts provocatively with the sharpness and tenderness. It’s incredible that you can create something in your own kitchen without spending a lot of time and effort on cooking.

Required components:

  • 300 gr. beets;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 80 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 20 gr. greenery

Beet salad with garlic recipe:

  1. Wash the beets with a regular brush and place them in a saucepan, then boil them and cool them, peel them and chop them using a grater.
  2. The next step is to grind the cheese.
  3. First of all, the raisins are washed and then poured into a bowl, poured with boiling water and left in it for about ten minutes, drained of all the water and dried on a napkin.
  4. The garlic is simply peeled and chopped on a board as finely as possible with a knife.
  5. All products are poured into a salad bowl and poured with mayonnaise, beet salad, mayonnaise, garlic and cheese are mixed.
  6. The greens are washed and dried, finely chopped and sprinkled on the salad. They also decorate with raisins.

Beet salad with mayonnaise and garlic

Prunes can transform any dish literally beyond recognition. If you also include nuts in the composition, you get an amazing gastronomic creation. The salad acquires a refined, incredibly rich aroma, and the resulting taste is multifaceted and very unusual. Whether for dinner or an important celebration, there is sure to be a place for this dish.

Required components:

  • 800 gr. beets;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 250 gr. prunes;
  • 3 gr. salt;
  • 200 gr. kernels of nuts;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. parsley

Preparation step by step:

  1. Wash the beets with a brush and then put them in a saucepan, fill them with plain water and boil them. Depending on the size of the root crops, this process can take at least forty-five minutes, and at most one and a half hours.
  2. The nuts are placed on a towel and wrapped in it, after which they are beaten with a hammer or rolling pin.
  3. First of all, the prunes are washed, and then put in a bowl and boiling water is poured into it, left for about thirty minutes so that it is softer, then dried on a napkin and cut into thin strips with a knife.
  4. The beets are taken out of the saucepan, cooled and then peeled using a fine grater.
  5. The beets are poured into a bowl, nuts and prunes are added there.
  6. Now peel the garlic cloves and chop them with a garlic clove, pour them into a bowl with other products.
  7. Add salt, pour mayonnaise over everything and mix with a spoon.
  8. Place the salad in portioned plates and garnish with parsley sprigs and nuts.

They are loved by many, especially those that also use garlic and mayonnaise. It is these products that transform an ordinary root vegetable and make it more refined. Another feature of these dishes is the cheapness of all products; salads from them can be prepared very often. In addition, this particular root vegetable has many useful properties, it is recommended to eat it even when following a diet. When creating a beet salad with egg and garlic, you can constantly improvise and add something of your own. Beets go well with a huge number of foods, and accordingly, there are an insane number of recipes for such salads and each of them is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Naturally, there is a frantic desire to try everything without exception, to diversify your diet to the maximum and enrich the body with vitamins, which it most often lacks. Moreover, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on cooking; there are even salads in which beets are used raw; you just need to chop all the ingredients and season with sauce.

How to deliciously and correctly prepare beet salad with garlic (ingredients)

Let's start with the most sacred thing, with the ingredients for the salad, because the right ingredients are the key to a tasty dish.

The main component of the salad. A little about how to choose beets. If you have your own, grown in your garden, that's great! And if you need to buy it, then first of all focus on its appearance. Don't take limp beets. You should not buy beets with white veins inside; to do this, you should ask the seller to cut the root crop. Also pay attention to the beet fibers; if the fibers inside are hard, you should not take such a root vegetable.

If possible, it would be ideal to try the vegetable before purchasing; take only sweet varieties. This vegetable in salads is much tastier than the herbal one. The dark red color of beets also indicates their good quality.


It is impossible to imagine this salad without adding garlic. Garlic adds sharpness and a certain piquant note to the dish. If you like it spicier, then add more garlic to the salad; if not, then limit yourself to 1-2 cloves, depending on the portion of the dish.

It’s better to buy garlic from grandmothers (homemade), as a rule, it’s not so much in the supermarket. good quality Garlic, most of it imported, at least we came across it like that. The quality is not the best.


Salads with beets often contain mayonnaise as a dressing. I always talk a lot about mayonnaise, in, etc., but today I’ll note that choose the fat content of store-bought mayonnaise according to your preferences.

If you make homemade mayonnaise, then choose any recipe you like, since now there are recipes for every taste: low-fat, with yolks, with quail eggs, with milk, etc.

Additional Ingredients

These are hard cheese, nuts, herbs, cucumbers, meat, etc. It all depends on the recipe you choose.

Beetroot salad with garlic and nuts - recipe with photo

One of the simple, affordable and tasty salads. This classic version salad, and you don’t have to add nuts to the salad itself, limiting yourself to just decorating the dish on top.


  • 2-3 - medium-sized beets
  • 1-2 — cloves of garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • nuts - walnuts, pine nuts, pecans (optional)
  • salt to taste

Beets should be boiled or baked in the oven. If you boil beets, so that the vegetable cooks faster after boiling, drain the water and pour cold water, put the vegetables back on the fire. You can cook beets in a multicooker.

The boiled vegetable must be cooled and peeled, grated on a medium or coarse grater, as you wish.

Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Add to beets.

Chop the nuts and add to the salad. For taste, nuts can be dried in a frying pan or fried. You need to grind the nuts so that they are large or medium-sized pieces; you should not grind the nuts into dust. Alternatively, you can decorate the salad with nuts on top.

Mix beets, garlic, nuts and mayonnaise. The salad should be decorated according to your wishes. You can serve it in a salad bowl or serve it in portions using a split ring. Quite a decent salad for both an everyday dish and a festive one.


  • 2-3 medium sized beets
  • 6-8 pcs. prunes
  • 5 pieces. walnuts
  • 50-70 grams of hard cheese
  • sour cream (mayonnaise)
  • salt to taste
  • garlic optional

We prepared this salad; the recipe for beet salad with cheese and prunes is very tasty. If you need step by step recipe With detailed photos then take a look. True, we cooked without garlic.

From the specified amount of ingredients you get 4 servings of salad.

The beets must be boiled, cooled, peeled and grated.

Cheese (I have Russian), this is the kind of cheese I like best, I grate the cheese.

The nuts should be chopped into medium and small pieces with a knife.

I prefer dried prunes, not smoked. I washed the prunes, dried them on a paper towel and cut them into long strips.

Mix the ingredients and season with mayonnaise or sour cream. Salt to taste.

The salad turned out to be very original. I served it in ice cream bowls. Topped with hard cheese and half a nut. The combination of beets and prunes, in my opinion, is ideal.

Beet salad with garlic, pickled cucumber and green peas

I suggest you diversify the taste of the salad pickled cucumber And green peas. This salad should be seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil.


  • 2-3 beets
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of green peas
  • vegetable oil

The salad has an interesting and rich taste due to the addition of pickled cucumber, and garlic will add piquancy. Refueling consists of vegetable oil, you can use unrefined fried oil.

Beets should be baked or boiled. Cut into cubes.

Cut pickled cucumbers in the same way as all other vegetables.

Add canned green peas to the salad.

Squeeze a clove or two (to taste) of garlic through a press.

Mix the salad and season with vegetable oil.

This is actually my dad's favorite salad. It turns out something a la vinaigrette, only without cabbage, potatoes and beans. Only dad loves garlic much more than what is indicated in the recipe, so that the salad is spicier. But you add as much as you think is necessary. Because if you add a lot of garlic it will be spicy and bitter.

If anyone wants a more serious and quite satisfying recipe using meat, then you can add boiled meat to a salad of beets, garlic and mayonnaise.


  • 2 beets
  • 150 grams of meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 pickled cucumber
  • mayonnaise

You can use any meat, chicken, beef, pork. In my opinion, more gentle and tastier salad turns out with .

We cut the beets into small cubes, as for Olivier.

The meat must be chopped into cubes.

We cut the pickled cucumber in the same way as vegetables and meat.

Boil the eggs hard and cut them.

Grind the garlic through a press.

Combine the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste. This salad turns out to be quite tasty and unusual. My grandmother often prepared this salad; she then said that it was “rosy cheeks,” and she also added a jar of green peas to the salad. I remember this salad was always very popular during the holidays.

Beet salad with spicy dressing

Salads with mayonnaise are not always appropriate, and in some cases they are even heavy and quite filling. If you want something lighter, there is a simple salad option with a very tasty dressing.


  • 2-3 beets
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable (olive) oil
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • pine nuts or sesame seeds for garnish

The essence of this salad is that we do not add any ingredients to the beets. Beets need to be baked or boiled. Grate for Korean carrots and top with dressing.

For the dressing, mix oil, honey, lemon juice, combine with grated beets, salt and pepper the salad to your taste. Lemon juice Can be replaced with apple cider vinegar.

For decoration we use greens, nuts, sesame seeds.

Beetroot is a unique vegetable, affordable, bright, tasty; its use in cooking provides a flight of imagination and room for our creativity. You can decorate and serve salads different ways. Add or remove various ingredients, in a word - experiment.

Not a single holiday is complete without a standard menu: “Herring under a fur coat”, “Olivier”, salad from crab sticks. We offer to treat our guests to another very simple, but at the same time healthy and incredibly appetizing dish - they will definitely love beets with garlic, seasoned with mayonnaise. It is suitable for both a regular family lunch or dinner, and for a more special occasion.

A simple recipe for beets with garlic

As you know, boiled beets are a healthy and useful product. It improves digestion and never lingers on the body in the form of extra pounds. If you combine it with garlic and season with mayonnaise, you get a juicy and bright salad. Try it yourself!


  • one medium beet
  • three tablespoons of any mayonnaise
  • salt - to your taste
  • one garlic clove

Cooking method:

You can make this salad in two ways: boil the beets or use them raw. However, not everyone loves the “earthy” taste of this vegetable, despite the fact that it contains a lot of vitamins, the amount of which naturally decreases during processing. Therefore, if you are afraid of ruining the dish, bake or boil the beets. Otherwise, we recommend choosing cylindrical varieties, as well as those whose root vegetables are intensely colored inside - such a vegetable is always very sweet and not at all “earthy” in taste.

So, let's focus on the first option: boil the beets in slightly salted water, then cut off the peel and grate them on a medium grater. Then remove the peel from the garlic and crush it using a special press; if you don't have one, use a regular knife. Now place both ingredients in a deep salad bowl and fill with mayonnaise, adding to your taste table salt. If you have favorite spices or like the flavor of ground black pepper, add a small amount of these seasonings to the dish. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a spoon and you can set the table.

This salad can be prepared in about five minutes, and to save time altogether, you can buy already boiled beets at the supermarket. To prevent the dish from getting boring, complement it with a variety of products to suit your taste: nuts, peanuts, cheese, prunes and others. This dish, full of vitamins and health, will appeal to everyone, young and old!

Beetroot and prunes with mayonnaise

Since we mentioned that you can add walnuts to beet salad, it would be unforgivable not to tell you this recipe. So write it down or remember it!


  • one kilogram of sweet beets
  • garlic - two cloves
  • 300 grams of prunes
  • salt
  • 200 grams of walnuts
  • gourmet mayonnaise - to your taste

Cooking method:

Place the washed beets in a deep saucepan, add water and cook until tender. This will take from forty minutes to one hour - it all depends on the size of the vegetable. Now you need to grind the walnuts. To do this, wrap them in clean kitchen towel and beat it with a special hammer or use a rolling pin. Some housewives like the dish to be smooth, so they grind the nuts into flour. As for prunes, they should be cut into small cubes. If it is very hard, fill it with warm water and leave for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, get rid of excess liquid and dry the prunes well by placing them on paper towels.

The beets should be ready by this time, so cool them, remove the skin and grate them on a medium-sized grater. Then transfer to a deep bowl, add nuts, prunes, chopped garlic and, sprinkling everything with a small amount of salt, season with delicious mayonnaise. Mix all the ingredients well and place the salad on serving plates. If you have greens, you can chop them and decorate the dish.

If you are preparing food for festive table, it is necessary that it not only be appetizing, but also look beautiful. To do this, we recommend distributing the beets with mayonnaise into elegant glass bowls, and topping them with nuts or decorating with parsley leaves.

Salad “Beet Miracle” with mayonnaise, cheese and garlic

IN winter time it is extremely important to saturate the body with much-needed vitamins, which, firstly, will help fight common acute respiratory infections viral infections, flu, and secondly, they will give you strength to cope with the blues. After all, when it’s frosty outside, it’s still dark in the morning, and you have to go to work, your mood naturally disappears somewhere. Therefore, we suggest mastering a recipe for a healthy beet salad with aromatic garlic. Thanks to the cheese that is added to the dish, it turns out original and different from the rest.


  • two small beets
  • two medium cloves of garlic
  • 100 grams of hard cheese (use any you like)
  • light mayonnaise - three large spoons
  • golden raisins - optional

Cooking method:

Many housewives prepare this salad from boiled beets, but let's break the usual tradition. We suggest making it in the oven: to do this, wash the vegetables well and wrap each one in foil, then place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Depending on the size, the beets are baked for 60 to 80 minutes.

In the meantime, start preparing the remaining ingredients: peel the garlic and pass it through a special press, and grate the hard cheese on a fine grater. When the beets become soft and begin to exude a characteristic aroma, remove them from the oven, cool, remove the skins using a knife and grate into thin strips. Fill the raisins with warm water in advance, and after fifteen minutes drain it, rinse the product under the tap and dry well.

You have very little left: combine all the above ingredients in one bowl, add a little salt to taste and pour over mayonnaise. Now stir the dish and transfer it to a beautiful bowl.

If your oven is broken or simply doesn’t exist, boil the beets, and then do everything according to the recipe. You can also use a raw vegetable: grate it on a coarse grater and combine with the rest of the ingredients. In addition, instead of raisins, some people put walnuts or steamed prunes, and replace mayonnaise with sour cream - this way the food will be less high in calories and more healthy.

Unusual beets with mayonnaise

A standard salad with beets and garlic, dressed with gourmet mayonnaise, can be original and unusual. Don't believe me? Then try making a dish using this recipe. For this you will need special clay pots.


  • one clove of garlic
  • beets - 100 grams
  • 25 grams of kvass
  • 50 grams of light gourmet mayonnaise
  • any greens - to taste
  • 20 grams of walnuts

Cooking method:

Peel the washed beets from the roots and cook over low heat. If you wish, you can bake it in the oven, first wrapping it in foil. When the vegetable is ready, peel it, cut it into thin strips and place it in a clay pot. Now chop the peeled garlic using a press or finely chop it with a knife. Then mix it with kvass and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, strain the resulting mixture and pour it over the beets. You are moving to the last stage of preparing this original dish: Crush the nuts with a mortar, and finely chop the fresh herbs. Pour all the above products into the pot and pour mayonnaise over them.

Toast with beets and mayonnaise

Let's take a little break from salads. We suggest making toast with boiled beets, garlic and mayonnaise. This dish will be a wonderful appetizer for a birthday party, New Year or Christmas.


  • 200 grams of bread (we recommend using rye)
  • one large beet
  • eight cloves of garlic
  • salt - at your discretion
  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of mayonnaise
  • refined olive oil- for frying

Cooking method:

Cut the rye bread into thin slices of equal size and moisten with a little water. Then heat the olive oil in a frying pan and place the future toasts in it, fry them on each side. Now boil the beets in a deep saucepan in slightly salted water. When ready, remove the peel and grate the vegetable into thin strips using a grater. Chop the peeled garlic using a special press and mix it with mayonnaise. That's it, you have come to the final stage of preparing the dish: place the beets on golden toast and pour garlic sauce over everything. Eat with pleasure! You can decorate the snacks with fresh herb leaves.

Apples with beets, raisins and mayonnaise

You can make this sweet salad full of vitamins for your child. It is tasty, healthy and very easy to prepare.


  • 100 grams of mayonnaise
  • 50 grams of golden raisins
  • one boiled beet
  • one large sweet and sour apple
  • bunch of fresh parsley
  • four grams of garlic

Cooking method:

The first thing you should do is boil the beets by placing them in a saucepan with lightly salted water. Now take out the middle of the apple and cut it into small cubes and the garlic into small pieces. You can crush it using a press. Chop fresh parsley with a knife. By this point, the beets should be ready, so cool them, remove the peels and grate them on a medium grater. We do not recommend using small ones, as the salad will look like porridge. Combine all the ingredients in one bowl and pour the sauce over them. To prepare it, mix mayonnaise with garlic and season the dish with it, mixing it thoroughly. At the very end, add the raisins, which should first be soaked in warm water for fifteen minutes.

As you can see, you can prepare anything from beets and mayonnaise, from appetizers to delicious salads. Add raisins, nuts to the dish, use a variety of spices and fresh herbs. In general, don’t limit your imagination and cook like a real chef! We wish you success!

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