Preparations for the winter with beets. Beets for the winter - recipes in jars are very tasty - pickled, canned, beetroot salad and dressing

Landscaping and planning 17.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Beets for the winter, harvested in jars, are tasty in almost any version. From it you can cook awesomely fragrant dressings for borscht with cabbage and carrots, Korean-style spicy appetizers, delicate caviar, vitamin salads, or simply roll it up whole, pouring it with spicy marinades. We have collected for you the most best recipes beet winter preparations and we hope that among them you will definitely find your perfect option. All methods are clearly described, provided step by step instructions and photos of finished dishes. It remains only to choose the best recipe, cook, roll up and send the jars to storage in a cool room. And in winter, open your preservation and enjoy the pleasant, natural taste of juicy vegetables from the heart.

Korean beets for the winter - recipes with photos step by step in jars without sterilization

This recipe, provided step by step photos, tells how to make Korean-style beets for the winter in jars without sterilization. The finished dish turns out to be quite spicy and slightly burns due to the red ground pepper included in the composition. If there is a desire to soften the taste and give it delicacy, you can replace this component with a more pleasant and tender paprika.

Necessary ingredients for Korean-style beets in jars for the winter

  • beets - 2 kg
  • vinegar - 200 ml
  • garlic - 15 cloves
  • ground pepper (red and black) - 1 tsp each
  • ground coriander - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • sunflower oil - 8 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for cooking for the winter in jars of Korean-style beets without sterilization

Beets for the winter - a recipe for a delicious salad with garlic

This delicious recipe suggests storing beets for the winter in the form of a salad with garlic. Such seaming is convenient because it does not require sterilization and is perfectly stored in a cool place. The main thing is that banks do not get direct Sun rays, otherwise the beets will burn out and lose their spectacular and rich juicy scarlet color.

Ingredients for a delicious beet salad with garlic for the winter

  • beets - 2 kg
  • garlic - 300 g
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • white onion - 1 kg
  • bell pepper- 1 kg
  • salt - 150 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • table vinegar - 300 ml
  • vegetable oil - 300 ml
  • water - 1 l

Step-by-step instructions for a very tasty recipe for harvesting beetroot salad with garlic for the winter

  1. Wash the beets, peel and cut into rings.
  2. Rinse the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Release the pepper from the stalks and seeds, and finely chop the pulp.
  4. Peel the onion from the husk and chop into half rings.
  5. Divide the garlic into cloves and chop very finely with a knife.
  6. In a deep thick-walled saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and simmer the onion on it until golden color. Then add carrots, beets and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Then add pepper and garlic, mix gently and cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. In parallel, boil the marinade. To do this, dissolve sugar, salt in water and bring to a boil. Keep on fire until all the crystals are dissolved. Then pour in the vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes.
  8. Pack hot vegetables in sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade over and quickly roll up. Turn upside down and cool under a tight warm blanket. Store in the basement.

Beets for the winter in jars for borscht without vinegar in jars - a recipe for harvesting with a photo

According to this recipe, it is convenient and easy to harvest beets for borscht without vinegar for the winter. The dressing turns out to be rich, juicy, fragrant and helps a lot at the moment when you want to quickly cook a delicious hot dish for your family on a cold, snowy day.

Ingredients for the recipe for harvesting beets for the winter in jars for borscht without vinegar

  • beets - 2 kg
  • onion - 750 g
  • tomatoes - 750 g
  • sweet pepper - 250 g
  • pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 heads
  • vegetable oil - 6 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for cooking for the winter in jars of beets for borscht without vinegar

  1. Chop the onion into half rings, bell pepper - into strips. Saute together in a skillet until the onion is soft.
  2. Disassemble the garlic into cloves and grate on a fine grater. Cut the stalk from the chili pepper, remove the seeds and chop finely.
  3. Blanch tomatoes in boiling water, then dip in ice water, remove the skin, and scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.
  4. Wash the beets, peel, grate on a coarse grater, place in a saucepan, pour over the rolled tomatoes, cover with a lid and simmer for an hour over low heat. Then add garlic, onion, peppers and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Salt at the end and mix well.
  5. Place hot in sterilized jars, seal with lids, turn over and cool to room temperature. For storage, put in the pantry or take out to the balcony.

Pickled beets for the winter - a recipe without sterilization

Pickle beets for the winter, this recipe offers without sterilization. The filling is subjected to double boiling, due to which it perfectly preserves the fruits for a very long time. long time. The only thing that is very important for this method of preservation is approximately the same size of the beets used. Then the pulp will be saturated evenly and all root crops will have a pleasant and slightly spicy taste.

Ingredients for the recipe for harvesting pickled beets without sterilization

  • beets - 2 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • vinegar - ½ l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • cinnamon - ½ stick

Step-by-step instructions for pickling beets for the winter without sterilization

  1. Wash medium-sized beets of the same size, dry them well, boil until tender and put them in a colander to drain excess liquid. When the root vegetables are completely cool, put them tightly in sterilized jars.
  2. For marinade, dissolve salt and sugar in water, add peppercorns and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 10 minutes, pour in vinegar, put cinnamon and bay leaf and cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour vegetables with boiling marinade, cover with lids and leave for 15-20 minutes on the kitchen table.
  4. Then pour the marinade back into the pan, boil again, fill the jars up to the neck with it again and quickly roll up with iron lids. Turn the preservation upside down, wrap it in a warm cloth and cool. Store in the cellar.

Beets for the winter in jars for vinaigrette - a recipe for harvesting with a photo

For the winter, it is very convenient to harvest beets in jars for vinaigrette. The process does not take much time, the finished product does not need sterilization and is perfectly stored until the cold weather. During this time, the beet pulp practically does not change its dense texture, it is well saturated with marinade and acquires a brighter taste, which is provided by the spices and spices included in the composition.

Ingredients for the recipe for harvesting beets for vinaigrette in jars for the winter

  • beets - 2 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs
  • allspice - 5 pcs
  • mustard seeds - 5 pcs
  • cloves - 5 buds
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare beets for vinaigrette in jars for the winter

  1. Wash the beets, boil until tender, and then cool very well.
  2. When the roots are completely cold, cut into small cubes or sticks and put in dry, sterilized jars.
  3. For the marinade, boil water over high heat. When it begins to actively boil, add salt, sugar and cook until they dissolve completely. Then add both types of pepper, mustard seeds, cloves and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Pour jars of beets with boiling marinade, add vinegar on top and quickly roll up under iron lids. Turn upside down and cool under a warm blanket. Take out for storage in the pantry or cellar.

Refueling for the winter in jars with beets, carrots, cabbage and tomato paste without vinegar - a recipe for harvesting

This fragrant dressing with beets, carrots, cabbage and tomato paste is prepared for the winter without vinegar. On cold days, it is very convenient to use it as a base for borscht. To do this, the workpiece already contains all necessary components, and the hostess only needs to dilute the concentrate the right amount water, put potato slices, boil, cover with herbs, season homemade sour cream and serve a hot dish directly to the table.

Ingredients for Beetroot, Vegetable and Vinegar-Free Tomato Paste Dressing Recipe for Winter

  • beets - 2 kg
  • carrots - 750 g
  • cabbage - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 750 g
  • sweet pepper - 400 g
  • parsley root - 150 g
  • tomato paste - 250 g
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • sunflower oil - 250 ml
  • water - 1 tbsp
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • allspice - 10 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs

Instructions for preparing dressing for the winter without vinegar with beets, carrots, cabbage and tomato paste in jars

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep, thick-bottomed skillet.
  2. Wash the beets, chop them into strips, lightly fry, and then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and stew for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, finely chop the pepper and cabbage, cut the carrots and parsley root into the smallest cubes.
  4. Add all remaining vegetables to the beets and mix gently. Salt, sprinkle with sugar and spices, pour in tomato paste diluted with water, cover and simmer over low heat for at least 40 minutes. Stir from time to time so that the workpiece does not stick to the bottom.
  5. Pack hot in dry, sterilized jars and seal with lids. Turn over, wrap in a blanket and leave for 1.5-2 days until completely cooled. Then put away in a cool place.

Beetroot salad for the winter in jars - a recipe for harvesting with a photo

Following the tips of this recipe with a photo, you can easily and quickly prepare a very rich and juicy beetroot salad for the winter. The finished dish will delight you with satiety, a pleasant, slightly spicy sweet and sour taste and a pronounced memorable aroma.

Ingredients for Winter Beetroot Salad Recipe

  • beets - 1.5 kg
  • carrots - ½ kg
  • onion - ½ kg
  • red beans - ½ kg
  • tomato paste - 250 ml
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml
  • salt - 50 g
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe with a photo of a salad for the winter from beets in jars

  1. Rinse the beans and soak for 12-14 hours, then boil until tender in lightly salted water and cool.
  2. Wash, peel and finely chop all vegetables. Combine in an enameled container with beans, vegetable oil and tomato paste, mix well and place on the stove.
  3. Bring to a boil over low heat, salt and simmer covered for about 70-80 minutes. At the end, add vinegar, stir well and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  4. Pack in dry, sterilized jars, quickly roll up, turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool completely. Then put away for storage in the cellar.

Canned beets for the winter - a video recipe for beetroot caviar in jars

The video recipe tells how to preserve beets for the winter in the form of juicy fragrant caviar. The cooking process itself is not too time-consuming, but in order for the jars to “live” until the very cold weather, they will have to be sterilized. But. The effort expended is worth it, because the finished dish turns out to be very peculiar and rich in taste due to the celery root that is part of it.

Beetroot blanks for the winter - golden recipes

The author of this video suggests harvesting beets for the winter along with carrots and parsley. Of the related ingredients, only salt and vinegar are included in the recipe. They give the vegetables a delicate, slightly pickled flavor and enhance the natural flavor. The finished dish resembles a salad or dressing in consistency and can be used for borscht and soup or serve as a bright addition to Korean stew, potatoes and cereal side dishes.

The main advantage of this preparation option is considered to be a fairly free recipe. There are no clear proportions and ratios. You can take as many vegetables as you have in this moment at hand and, if desired, expand the list of ingredients to include onion or white cabbage. Then the workpiece will become more juicy and will approach caviar in saturation. It is also convenient that it is not necessary to store jars in the refrigerator. They will stand perfectly until the very cold weather in the cellar, basement, pantry or even on the balcony.

Did you like the recipe for the preparation "Beets for the winter in jars"?

Recipes for homemade blanks without sterilization for the winter - good way restock delicious compotes, jams, pickles and other snacks, ready meals. Don't forget to follow the advice experienced craftsmen, which will help you prepare quality canned food, as well as share your secrets to keep them at home.

It is important to take precautions to preserve conservation. Every housewife knows perfectly well that because of the heat treatment, you can get rid of germs and infections, so home cooking is always very carefully sterilized. If the lids are swollen, the contents of such blanks can no longer be eaten.

Despite this, you can prepare homemade preparations for the winter without sterilization - this method is much easier. Thus, you can save a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins in products. When using this method, you must also follow certain rules otherwise all the work will be wasted.

Do you think it's possible to pickle without sterilizing the jars?

Yes, you canNo, everything will explode

How to Prepare Banks

Everything is pretty simple. Banks should be washed, checked for chips, cracks. They must be just perfect! It is also necessary to check the covers: if they are twisted, it is desirable that they are new.

This preparation has a slightly spicy aftertaste.

Products for canned beets are taken as follows:

  • Kilogram of beets.
  • 200 ml of water.
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • Half 1 tsp. salt.
  • A few black peppercorns and one bay leaf to the bank.
  • Half a cinnamon stick.

Preservation sequence:

  1. The beets are cleaned of dirt and washed well, then poured with water and put to boil.
  2. After that, the water is drained, and the beets cool.
  3. Cold vegetables are peeled and cut into arbitrary cubes.
  4. Sterilize the containers and, until they have cooled down, put pieces of beets in them.
  5. At this time, boil a glass of water with vinegar, bay leaves (2 pcs), black pepper (4 peas), cinnamon, sugar and salt.
  6. Containers with beets are poured with marinade, twisted with lids and left upside down for 12 hours. After that, the blanks are transferred to a dark and cool place.

Such a beetroot is prepared quickly. The recipe is for 4 liter jars.

First of all, prepare the following products:

  • Beets - 2 kg.
  • 9% vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • 4 cups of water or beetroot broth.
  • Up to 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Carnation - 8 pcs.
  • Several bay leaves.

Cooking process:

  1. Beetroot fruits are well cleaned. Everything is washed thoroughly.
  2. Now the beets need to be boiled until cooked, which is checked with a knife. It must freely pierce the product.
  3. The broth is poured into a separate cup and cooled.
  4. After cooling, the tubers are peeled and cut into strips.
  5. Beet billets are placed in jars. 1-2 bay leaves and 2 cloves are placed on top.
  6. 4 cups of broth is again placed on the stove, where you need to add salt, sugar and vinegar. After boiling, the mixture is poured into jars.
  7. Banks twist and turn upside down. Leave for 10 minutes. And after cooling, turn over and put in a dark and cool place.

A vegetable prepared in this way prevents the development of atherosclerosis, as it cleans the vessels.

Required Ingredients:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Salt - 100 g.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Beets - 1 kg.

Beets are prepared like this:

  1. Water is boiled in a pot and then cooled. After that, salt and sugar are added to the liquid.
  2. The beets are boiled in another pan, after which the water is drained and only vegetables remain.
  3. After that, they are peeled and cut into slices in any form.
  4. Everything is placed in containers and poured with marinade, after which the jars are twisted.

For borscht

V summer time you can prepare dressing for borscht.

For this you will need the following products:

  • Beets - 3 kg.
  • 2 onions of medium size.
  • Half a kilo of tomatoes.
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Other spices to taste.

The preparation procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Containers and lids are prepared in advance. Then they are kept warm.
  2. Tomatoes are crushed to the state of gruel. To do this, take a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Beets are peeled and cut into strips.
  4. Peeled carrots are rubbed on a grater.
  5. Onion heads are peeled and cut into cubes.
  6. Bulgarian pepper is cut in the same way.
  7. Tomato gruel is boiled over a fire for 15 minutes, spices, salt and sugar are added to it.
  8. After that, beets are added to the tomato mass, and after 20 minutes, the rest of the vegetables.
  9. After that, another 30 minutes you need to boil the dressing.
  10. Then the mass is poured into jars, which are well twisted. After the dressing has cooled down, it can be cleaned in a specially designated place - dark and cool.

Prepare these foods:

  • Beets - 1 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • 3 art. l. Sahara.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • 9% vinegar - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 tsp.
  • cilantro seeds - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 large head.
  • Walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • Ground red pepper.

Work sequence:

  1. garlic and walnuts crushed, and cilantro is ground with a mortar.
  2. All products intended for the marinade are combined.
  3. Beets cut into large strips are poured with marinade and put under oppression for a day.
  4. After that, the beets are laid out in jars, they are closed with a nylon lid and placed in the refrigerator.

Beets boiled for the winter without sterilization

Such beets are usually harvested for vinaigrette.

Required products:

  • 2 kg of beets.
  • 2 liters of brine water.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • 5 peas of black and allspice.
  • Mustard beans - 5 pcs.
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Rinse the root crop well and boil until soft, cool.
  2. Cut the beets into cubes, the size is selected as desired.
  3. Arrange the blanks in clean, previously well-washed jars.
  4. Now the marinade is being prepared: water is brought to a boil, salt, sugar and other spices are added to it.
  5. Boil the brine for another 10 minutes, so some of the water will evaporate and the liquid will become more saturated.
  6. Hot brine is poured into jars, after which you need to add a spoonful of vinegar to each of them and immediately roll up the container. Now you can leave the workpieces to cool, and then transfer them to the marinade storage room.

Tips: 9% vinegar can replace 5%, but then take three glasses instead of two. You can sterilize jars in a water bath, in microwave oven or in the oven. Lids should be sterilized in boiling water. It is important that the marinade itself is poured into warm jars. This will ensure a good twist and you can not be afraid that the jar will burst due to temperature changes.

How and how much to store

Keep jars of canned beets best in the basement, cellar, refrigerator. It is important to determine a place for each jar, create suitable climate, and then until the spring you can enjoy delicious snacks. Can also be stored on the balcony (the most important thing is to avoid frost!). Usually blanks are stored for no more than 2 years.

Let's prepare a salad of beets for the winter today.

In everyday life, the beet is divided into ordinary, fodder and sugar. The spread of beets began from time immemorial.

In Babylon, the leaves were used as food, and the roots were used as medicine. After all, beets contain folic acid, with the help of which young cells are created, which leads to the rejuvenation of the body, it is rich in potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, iodine, and antioxidants. Regular consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of oncology, heart disease.

This low-calorie product- 100 grams only 40 kcal.

Beetroot is consumed raw, thermally processed, its leaves, rich in vitamin A, are used for salads and soups. Very good for health beetroot juice, but even in canned form, it retains a lot useful substances for health.

Detailed recipes for making salads for the winter


  • 2 kg beets
  • 250 gr. carrots
  • 250 gr. Luke
  • 750 gr. tomato
  • 350 gr. sweet pepper
  • 75 gr. garlic
  • 1/2 hot pepper
  • 150 gr. vegetable oil
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt
  • 100 ml vinegar 9%


  1. My tomatoes, grind in a blender to a puree

2. Add butter, salt, sugar to the tomato puree, put on fire and bring to a boil

3. We clean the beets and rub them on a coarse grater

4. Peel the carrots, grate for Korean carrots, but you can also on a coarse grater

5. Cut the onion into small cubes

6. Pepper clean from seeds and cut into thin strips

7. Add onions, carrots, beets, peppers to the puree and simmer over low heat for 1 hour, stirring

8. Grind in a blender hot peppers without seeds and garlic, add to salad

9. Pour in the vinegar

10. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer for another 10-15 minutes

11. Immediately put the finished salad in sterile jars and roll up with sterile lids

Beet Salad Classic


  • 1 kg boiled beets
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 heaping teaspoon of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil


  1. Pre-cooked until cooked, rub the beets on a coarse grater

2. Add salt, sugar, butter

3. Squeeze out the lemon juice

4. Put on fire and simmer from the moment of boiling for 15 minutes, stirring

5. We put it in sterilized jars and roll it up with sterilized lids

6. We turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm cloth and leave to cool completely

Korean beetroot salad



  1. We rub the beetroot with a grater for carrots in Korean

2. Add oils, salts, mix thoroughly

3. Stew the beets over low heat, stirring for 1 hour

4. Cool the beets in cold water, pour water into the basin and lower the pan there

5. Rub the garlic on a fine grater

6. Add sugar, hot pepper, vinegar, mix

7. Put the finished salad into sterilized jars and tightly twist with sterilized lids



  1. Wash and clean all vegetables
  2. Grate beets on a coarse grater
  3. Grate carrots on a coarse grater
  4. Tomatoes cut into slices
  5. Onion cut into half rings
  6. Pepper cut into strips
  7. chop the garlic
  8. Mix everything in a large saucepan
  9. Add salt, sugar, butter and put on fire
  10. After boiling on low heat, simmer for 30 minutes
  11. After 20 minutes, add garlic and vinegar, mix
  12. Add spices and hot peppers to taste
  13. Arrange the finished salad in sterile jars and roll up with sterile lids.
  14. Wrap in warm cloth and leave to cool

Beet salad for the winter with beans


  • 4 kg boiled beets
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 500 gr. Luke
  • 1 l boiled beans
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup vinegar 9%


  1. Remove seeds from peppers and cut into strips
  2. Grate the beets on a coarse grater
  3. Onion cut into strips
  4. Mix all vegetables together with beans.
  5. Add sugar, salt, butter
  6. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid.
  7. We put on a slow fire and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring
  8. 5 minutes before cooking, add vinegar, mix
  9. We lay out the finished salad in sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids
  10. In a large dish, laying the bottom with a towel, expose the jars and fill with water
  11. Sterilize jars 500 ml - 20 minutes and roll up the lids
  12. Turn over and let cool

Czech beetroot salad with cabbage

You will need:

  • 1 kg beets
  • 1 kg cabbage
  • 200 gr. Luke
  • For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
  • 200 gr. vinegar
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 120 gr. salt


  1. Boil the beets until tender, peel and cut into strips
  2. chop the cabbage
  3. Onion cut into rings
  4. Put the vegetables on the fire and cook for 10 minutes
  5. Bring water to a boil, add salt, sugar, vinegar
  6. Expand more hot salad in sterilized jars and pour marinade
  7. In a large container, laying the bottom with a cloth, put the jars and pour water
  8. Sterilize in boiling water 1 liter cans for 15 minutes

Beet salad for the winter Alenka



  1. Dip the tomatoes for 2 minutes in boiling water and remove the skin
  2. Peppers clean from seeds
  3. Grind peppers, tomatoes and garlic in a blender
  4. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan heated with oil
  5. Add vegetables, salt, sugar, vinegar to the onion
  6. Boil vegetables for 3 minutes
  7. We clean the beets and grate them for Korean carrots
  8. Add to the rest of the vegetables and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  9. Finely chop the parsley and add to the salad, mix
  10. Lettuce simmer for another 10 minutes and remove from heat.
  11. We lay out the finished salad in sterilized jars and roll up with sterilized lids, let cool

Beet Salad Winter Pleasure


  • 1 kg beets
  • 125 gr. carrots
  • 125 gr. sweet pepper
  • 125 gr. Luke
  • 125 gr. tomato
  • 0.5 st. vegetable oil
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 heaping teaspoon of salt
  • 50 ml vinegar 9%
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon red hot pepper


  1. Grate the beets on a Korean grater

2. Rub the carrots with a Korean grater

3. We clean the pepper from seeds and cut into strips

4. Cut the onion into half rings

5. Finely chop the garlic

6. Rub the tomatoes on a coarse grater

7. Put all vegetables, except peppers, in a saucepan

8. Add sugar, salt, butter and mix thoroughly

9. Put the pan on a slow fire, simmer for 1 hour from the moment of boiling

10. 5 minutes before readiness, add peppers and vinegar, mix

11. We lay out the finished salad in sterilized jars, roll up with sterilized lids

Preparation for the winter for borscht in a slow cooker video recipe

If you liked the proposed recipes and you used them for your preparations, write reviews in the comments, share them with your friends.

Beets are a very useful and affordable root crop for everyone. But since there is a great abundance of more popular vegetables and fruits on the shelves of our stores, we often forget about it and completely in vain. After all, so delicious and varied salads are prepared from beets that you can constantly feast on them. This vegetable is good for our health. We present to your attention some delicious and interesting recipes summer preparations from beets.

What is useful beets

These root crops contain a lot of vitamins of group B, PP, as well as betaine and other substances. Beets are used to improve digestion, as a tonic. This root crop has the ability to remove toxins and is a source of vitamin C. And young beet tops are rich in vitamin A, so in the spring it should be eaten as a salad, by the way, it has a sweetish taste.

Tip: “The introduction of this root vegetable into the diet reduces the risk of developing cancer and heart disease. In addition, beets contribute to the rejuvenation of the body due to folic acid, which helps in creating young cells."

Beets are useful for liver diseases, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has an anti-sclerotic effect on the body.

Beetroot recipes for the winter

This vegetable has good quality- after heat treatment he doesn't lose useful properties, so you can safely make beetroot salad for the winter without fear that all vitamins will die after cooking. There are a lot of recipes for salads from it, it is prepared as an independent dish or preparation, and in the company of other vegetables, which favorably emphasize the delicate taste of this root crop.

Salad "Alenka"

For this southern recipe, we need the following products:

  • beets - 4 kg;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.7 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • Bulgarian sweet - 0.7 kg;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • salt - 60 gr;
  • hot red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • sugar - 250 gr;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 l.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater, grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder to a puree consistency, cut the pepper into small cubes, cut the onion into cubes, crush the garlic in a mortar, finely chop the greens. In order to quickly deal with large quantity beets - use a food processor, you can also chop tomatoes, onions and garlic there, but it’s better to carefully chop the pepper with your hands.

Dip the onion into the heated oil and let it simmer for 10 minutes, then pour the grated tomatoes, add garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, sugar, mix everything thoroughly, add beets and vinegar, mix again and cook for 45 minutes over low heat sometimes stirring. Sterilize jars over steam or in the oven and fill with the resulting salad. Immediately roll up and wrap with a towel until the jars are completely cool. From these ingredients, 9 cans of 0.7 liters of delicious salad are obtained.

Salad with tomatoes and bell pepper

Tomato and pepper lovers will love this salad and it will remind you of summer days.

  • beets - 2.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 300 gr;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • garlic - (2-3 heads);
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • sugar - 130 gr;
  • vinegar 9% - 75 ml.

For this salad, you will have to work a little: cut the beets into strips, and the tomatoes into squares, we also cut the pepper into strips. We put all the chopped vegetables in a container, where, in addition to them, we add garlic, previously pounded in a garlic press, salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly and set to boil. Vegetables will be stewed for 40 minutes under the lid. A few minutes before the end of the quenching, pour in the vinegar and mix the mass again. After 40 minutes, transfer the hot salad into sterilized jars, roll up and wrap until cool. The number of products is designed for 9 cans of 350 gr.

Beet salad with horseradish

What happens after cooking can hardly be called a salad, it’s more like caviar, since all the ingredients will be ground in a meat grinder, so preparing this salad will be much easier than the previous one.
We need:

  • beets - 3.5 kg;
  • tomatoes, onions, carrots, sweet peppers - only 0.5 kg each;
  • horseradish root - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 20 gr.;
  • sugar - 10 gr.;
  • vinegar - 2 gr.;
  • oil - 250 ml.

Place all vegetables in a meat grinder or blender and grind thoroughly. Pour the oil into a saucepan and add salt and sugar to it, heat it up and place the ground vegetables in it. Fry them over low heat until completely softened. Put the finished mass into jars that have been sterilized in advance and pour an equal amount of vinegar into each, immediately roll up.

Tip: "Vinegar is already added to the finished salad, so it does not evaporate, and the salad is better stored and has a more interesting taste."

Preparation for Ukrainian borscht with beans

Traditional Ukrainian or red borscht is prepared without fail with beans. Beans add velvety, softness and richness to the first dish.

With the help of such a dressing, it is very easy to quickly cook red borscht, you just need to boil the broth with potatoes and add a portion of the dressing - that's all, the dish is ready!

We will select the necessary products:

  • beets - 3.5 kg;
  • carrots, onions - 500 gr each;
  • beans - 500 gr;
  • tomato sauce - 450 gr.;
  • oil - 500 ml.

To begin with, boil the beets and carrots directly in the peel, and also cook the beans until tender. Grind the vegetables with a coarse grater, cut the onion into rings. We place all these ingredients in a wide container, preferably with a thick bottom. Add boiled beans and tomato paste to vegetables and onions, pour sunflower oil. Salt and pepper and simmer over low heat for about an hour. When the salad is boiled, we transfer it to jars and roll it up. This dressing is good not only to put in borscht, but also to use as a salad.

beet caviar

Beet caviar is hearty, tender and very tasty.

  • carrots - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 3 tsp;
  • onions, beets - 500 gr each;
  • garlic - 100 gr (2-3 heads);
  • sugar, salt - 30 gr each;
  • sunflower oil - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 250 gr;
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;


Grind all the vegetables in a meat grinder and cook for about two hours, then slowly pour semolina, stirring constantly, cook with semolina for 30 minutes. Transfer the finished caviar to jars.

Assorted tomato and beetroot

In this salad, vegetables will be cut into large pieces.

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • beets - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar, salt - 30 gr. for 1 liter of water;
  • vinegar - 3 tsp;
  • dill, pepper, allspice.

Let's start cooking

Make a brine: add 30 gr. to 1 liter of unboiled water. sugar with salt and 3 tsp. vinegar, put herbs. Place seasonings and chopped beets into jars up to 1/3 of the jar. Then add the tomatoes and pour in the hot marinade. Put on sterilization for 3-5 minutes, roll up.

Pickled beets

This beet looks very appetizing, it can be decorated various dishes, and can be used as a separate salad.
Boil the root crop in the peel until tender. When it cools down, grate for Korean carrots - it will be more aesthetically pleasing.

Preparing the marinade: vinegar -250 ml, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt, and 250 ml. water, 3 cloves. Boil this marinade for 5 minutes and let cool. Pour the jars with beets with the finished marinade and roll them up. You don't need to sterilize.

Beets for borscht

For pickling, you need to select 2.5 kg of beets and cook them until half cooked for 20-30 minutes. Rub on a fine grater with straws. Put a few peppercorns, 2 cloves, and a couple of bay leaves into the prepared jars, and add the grated beets.

Marinade: based on 1 liter. water, pour 40 grams of sugar and salt, boil for 15 minutes, then add 3 tbsp. l. vinegar. Pour the jars with beets with brine and sterilize them for 10-15 minutes.

Beets marinated with plums

This savory beetroot is good as a side dish for meat dishes and as an independent dish, it has an unusual taste thanks to the addition of plums and apple juice filling.

  • beets - 1.5 kg;
  • blue Hungarian plums - 0.8 kg;
  • Apple juice(preferably freshly squeezed) - 1.3 l;
  • sugar - 250 ml;
  • salt - 10 gr;
  • cloves - a few pieces.

Wash the unpeeled beets well and boil until half cooked. Pour over hot root crops cold water and clear. It is better to cut into circles, so it will be more convenient to put it in jars. Put the circles in jars in layers mixed with plums, removing the seeds from them in advance. Spread 1 clove on each layer.

Marinade: heat apple juice, add seasonings. Pour filled jars with this juice and sterilize for 20 minutes - for 0.5 liter jars, and 25-30 minutes - 1 liter jar. Roll up.

Tip: “In order for your preparations to be always successful, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, as well as know a few tricks.”

So that the beets during heat treatment do not lose their bright color, it is better not to completely remove the tops and root before this, and you should immediately add a little lemon juice or vinegar to the water or brine, you can citric acid so the color is completely preserved.

To quickly and easily peel this vegetable from the skin, freshly cooked root crops must be doused with cold tap water, then the skin itself will slightly move away from the beets.

Tip: “There is a way to boil beets much faster: put the unpeeled root vegetables in a plastic bag, add some water and tie the bag tightly. You put it in a bowl (not metal) and put it in the microwave for 20 minutes.

In order to lose weight, beets can also be consumed raw as a salad for the main course, it is enough to grate it thinly, season with salt, vinegar, sugar and oil, and that's it - the dietary salad is ready! In addition, in winter, such a dish will be a source of valuable vitamins and minerals.

As you can see, many preparations for the winter can be prepared from beets, the recipes are simple, they will not take much time, and the ingredients for salads are very budgetary, so choose salads to your taste, experiment with your recipes and delight your family with them on long winter evenings.

Beetroot was born to fame! There are a lot of vegetables, large, juicy. This is undoubtedly very good, but what to do with such a crop? There is no cellar, so most of the beetroot will be lost. In this case, homework always comes to the rescue. We invite you to consider the best recipes with beetroot for the winter, which will allow you to preserve the royal harvest and provide variety on the table in the cold season.

There are an infinite number of beetroot recipes - they are all original and useful.

How to prepare beets?

Beets are a product that is often undeservedly bypassed. But in fact, this simple, cheap and affordable vegetable bypasses many of its “closest relatives” in terms of nutritional value and healing qualities. Beets - this is the prevention of cancer, intestinal problems, as well as an additional "motor" for the brain, which increases the activity of its cells. If you use this root crop daily, you can significantly improve your health, while saving a significant amount of money. And the conservation of beetroot for the winter will allow you to get vitamins all year round. So let's go to the kitchen.

Pickled beets

Marinated beetroot for the winter is not only an excellent snack, it can be added to salads or served as a side dish for meat or fish.

Prepare ingredients:

  • beetroot - 900 g;
  • horseradish root - 20 g;
  • sugar - 55 g;
  • citric acid - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - half a glass;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process.

  1. We wash the beets, fill them with water and boil until tender.
  2. We clean our main ingredient from the peel and rub it on a beetroot grater.
  3. Grind horseradish root.
  4. We turn to the preparation of the marinade - add salt, citric acid and sugar to the water, mix until the bulk components are completely dissolved.
  5. We combine the beets with horseradish and lay them out in sterilized jars.
  6. Pour marinade over vegetables.
  7. Boil water in a large container, set jars of beets and sterilize for several minutes.
  8. We roll up the jars with lids and transfer them to a storage place.

beet caviar

Buryak caviar is not only tasty, but also very original. Such a preparation will not become expensive and will certainly bring variety to the winter table. We assure you, this recipe deserves your attention.

Prepare ingredients:

  • beet - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 700 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 330 g;
  • onion - 200 g;
  • garlic - 80 g;
  • salt - 2-2.5 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • 9% table vinegar - 80 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. My beets, rub on a beetroot grater.
  2. We also thoroughly wash the tomatoes under running water and cut into circles.
  3. Bulgarian pepper and onion chop in half rings.
  4. We release the garlic from the husk and pass through the press.
  5. Bring the oil to a boil and add the onion to it.
  6. When the onion becomes transparent, add tomatoes to it, cover the container with a lid and simmer the contents for 5 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, we send Bulgarian pepper to the vegetables, wait until everything boils and pour in the vinegar.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly, add beets, sugar and salt.
  9. Cover the container with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.
  10. We put the garlic, mix the caviar and pour it into hot clean jars.
  11. We roll up the lids, turn the necks down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

beetroot salad

The following beetroot salad recipe for the winter is very popular with housewives. It is healthy and very tasty. Let's cook.
Prepare ingredients:

  • beet - 1-1.2 kg;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 75-80 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • 9% table vinegar - 50 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. First of all, we pay attention to the main ingredient - we clean the beets and rub them on a beetroot grater.
  2. Next, we free the onion from the husk and cut it into half rings.
  3. We combine vegetables in one container, pour in oil and vinegar, add salt and sugar.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 12 hours.
  5. When the mixture is infused, it must be transferred to the stove and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes.
  6. We quickly transfer the still hot salad into clean jars and roll up the lids.

Dressing for borscht

Prepare borscht dressing with a beetroot for the winter is a matter of honor for every housewife. After all, you must admit, what could be more pleasant than enjoying a rich summer borscht in a cold winter? Moreover, preparing this dish with the help of dressing is an activity that will not take more than half an hour.

The beauty of such a gas station is that you can put in it most borscht ingredients. In other words, everything that is currently at hand.

Prepare ingredients:

  • beet - 3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • white cabbage - a large fork;
  • onion - 5 heads;
  • bell pepper - half a kilo;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • 9% table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. Wash vegetables thoroughly in running water.
  2. Finely chop the onion, tomatoes and bell pepper.
  3. We free the beetroot and carrots from the peel and cut them on a coarse grater.
  4. Finely chop the cabbage.
  5. Fill a saucepan with a capacity of at least 8 liters with vegetables.
  6. Pour in oil and vinegar, add sugar and salt.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  8. We lay out the hot dressing in clean jars and roll up the lids.

Borscht dressing without cabbage

Buryak for the winter for borscht can be prepared according to another recipe.
Prepare ingredients:

  • beets - 1.4-1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • celery root - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.4-1.5 kg;
  • parsley - a large bunch;
  • dill - a large bunch;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking process.

  1. To begin with, thoroughly wash and clean the vegetables.
  2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  3. Chop bell pepper into small strips.
  4. We rub carrots, beets and celery on a beetroot grater.
  5. Wash greens in in large numbers running water and finely chop.
  6. Put the tomatoes in a large saucepan and set it on fire.
  7. Stew the tomatoes with a minimum gas supply for 10 minutes.
  8. Then add beets, carrots, celery, herbs, salt and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  9. Ready dressing is quickly poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

As you can see, canning beetroot for the winter is not at all troublesome and even more so not expensive. Make homemade preparations with pleasure, and they will definitely give you a delicious taste and diversify the menu in winter.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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