Are mosquito spirals harmful? How the mosquito coil works

Plant encyclopedia 12.06.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Spring has come and the first mosquitoes have appeared in most regions. Unfortunately, the heat is always accompanied by the attacks of blood-sucking insects. But this does not mean that you need to deprive yourself of the joys of walking in the fresh air, hiking and visiting a summer cottage. There are many mosquito repellents available, such as coils specifically designed for outdoor use.

Features of mosquito coils

The tool got its name from its form. Spirals consist of:

  • bases (most often it is wood flour);
  • fragrance (not always);
  • technical additives;
  • insecticide - a substance that kills mosquitoes.

Almost all manufacturers use d-allethrin, a synthetic pesticide belonging to the pyrethroid group. When this substance is exposed to mosquitoes, flies and other insects, their nervous system is affected, which leads to paralysis, and with prolonged exposure and death. Together with the smoke, which acts as a repellant on mosquitoes, it gives good effect... We can say that the spirals have a double effect on mosquitoes - repellent and insecticidal

Alletrin (aka d-allethrin) is commonly used with synergists - inactive substances that enhance its action. Most likely, it is precisely different synergists that explain the differences in the effectiveness of spirals from different manufacturers.

Unfortunately, d-allethrin is a rather dangerous compound. According to some scientists, it belongs to the second class of hazard in terms of inhalation toxicity - that is, if particles of a substance enter the lungs, significant harm is caused to health. However, if a small amount is swallowed or in contact with the skin, allethrin is of low toxicity.
The harm of spirals when used as directed:

  • scientists have proven that a spiral burning for 8 hours emits solid particles along with the smoke as from 80-130 smoked cigarettes;
  • allethrin, accumulating in the human body, acts as a carcinogen - it can cause cancer.

The specified harm of the active substance to human health is the main disadvantage of mosquito coils. There are other disadvantages as well:

  • not only mosquitoes can get poisoned, but also beneficial insects, for example, butterflies;
  • the smell of spirals is often unpleasant.

But spirals also have many advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • convenient to take on a hike and to the country;
  • spirals are the most inexpensive of means for the street;
  • easy to find on sale.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to recommend the use of spirals exclusively in the fresh air, where their negative effect on respiratory system minimal. On a picnic, summer cottage or on a hike, they will be great helpers in the fight against mosquitoes.
If you use designer coils for coils, then they will become not only a means of protection against mosquitoes, but also decorate the summer cottage.

Instructions for use

Carefully read the instructions for use on the packaging, because correct use funds are the guarantor of security. In general, all spirals have approximately the same order of use, but there may be some differences.

  1. Open the packaging.
  2. Usually two spirals are connected together, you should separate them.
  3. As a rule, a metal holder is included in the kit. Bend back its pointed tip.
  4. Attach the spiral to the end of the holder - for this there must be a special slot in it.
  5. Place the product on a flat, non-flammable surface. There should be no flammable materials nearby.
  6. Light the outer end of the spiral.
  7. When it ignites, carefully blow out the fire so that a smoldering ember remains.
  8. After combustion, ash remains, which is disposed of like any other household waste.

The effect on mosquitoes begins in 10-15 minutes. If necessary, you can extinguish an incompletely burnt coil for use next time. This can be done by leaning the smoldering tip against metal or by placing it in sand (earth).
As a rule, one spiral is designed for 20 m 2, but there are other options, so be sure to read the directions on the package.

The supplied stand may not be enough if you need to use several spirals at once. You can hang it on a branch or other ledge. On our hikes, we also used stones in the forest, on which we simply put spirals. But this happened in Leningrad region- there is high humidity here most of the summer and there is practically no risk of forest fires. In fire-hazardous regions, you should be careful when choosing a place for spirals, make sure that there are no dry grass and dead wood nearby.
With your imagination, you can always find a suitable spiral stand

Video: holder for a spiral from a clothespin

Precautionary measures

Remember: using mosquito coils is undesirable in the presence of pregnant and lactating women, children under three years, allergy sufferers, asthmatics and persons with other diseases of the respiratory system.

Also to avoid negative consequences using the product, observe the safety measures:

  • spirals are intended for outdoor use;
  • can be used on a veranda or in other similar, well-ventilated places;
  • place the spirals at a distance of at least a meter from the person;
  • avoid inhaling smoke;
  • extinguish the spirals after use, do not leave unattended;
  • the remains of the product must not get into the environment;
  • after working with the product, wash your hands with soap and water;
  • keep out of reach of children and pets.

To increase the safety of using the coil, it is good to place it in a metal stand.

In case of deterioration of health in the process of using the spiral, it is necessary to stop using the product. If there is no improvement, see a doctor immediately. Any Chemical substance can provoke a reaction of individual sensitivity, and spirals are no exception.
You also need to urgently seek medical help when you swallow the drug. Poisoning symptoms can be as follows:

  • profuse salivation;
  • change in breathing;
  • trembling limbs;
  • violation or decrease in motor activity.

Even if there are no symptoms, if the agent enters the body, a doctor's consultation is needed. If the pieces of the spiral get into the eyes or come into contact with the skin, rinse the contaminated area abundantly.

For warm-blooded animals, allethrin does not pose a great danger, but it is very toxic for cold-blooded animals, for example, fish. Never burn spirals in a room with aquariums and terrariums, do not throw the remains of the product into ponds.

Video: a house burned down in a village due to a spiral from mosquitoes

Table: Overview of mosquito coils of different brands

NameActive ingredientsAmount in a packageTime of action of one spiraladditional informationPrice (according to Yandex.Market data)
Refamided-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces8 ocloc'kacts against:
  • midges;
  • biting midges;
  • mosquitoes.
from 60 rubles
Raptord-allethrin (0.25%)10 pieces7 o'clockthere are options with a smell and withoutfrom 84 rubles
Komaroffd-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces10 hoursthere are options "Siberia" and "Family", according to the composition they
the same, but the first according to the manufacturer
has enhanced effects
acts against:
  • mosquitoes,
  • midges,
  • mosquitoes,
  • biting midges.
from 79 rubles
d-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces3.5 hoursacts against:
  • ticks
  • mosquitoes,
  • midges,
  • mosquitoes.
from 65 rubles
Detad-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces8 ocloc'kacts against:
  • mosquitoes,
  • midges,
from 90 rubles
Clean house d-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces8-10 hoursspirals smokeless, odorlessfrom 48 rubles
d-allethrin (0.20%)10 jokes8 ocloc'kodorlessfrom 70 rubles
ARGUSd-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces7 o'clocklow-smoke spirals
acts against:
  • mosquitoes,
  • midges,
  • biting midges,
  • mosquitoes.
from 67 rubles
Fumitoxd-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces7-8 hourscan be sold in packs of 15from 69 rubles
Mosquitalld-allethrin (0.20%)10 pieces7-9 hourswithout smell; there are options for the whole family and only for adults
acts against:
  • mosquitoes,
  • midges,
  • mosquitoes.
from 68 rubles
Picnic familyd-allethrin, also contains natural extracts of chamomile, citronella and tea tree10 pieces8 ocloc'kacts against:
  • mosquitoes,
  • biting midges,
  • mosquitoes.
from 62 rubles
Force guardd-allethrin (0.25%)10 pieces10 hoursproduced in three options: "Standard", "Bio" (low-smoke spirals) and " Double effect"(Also protects against flies)from 50 rubles

Photo gallery: mosquito coils from different manufacturers

The blue Reid spiral packaging may vary slightly depending on the batch.

Sometimes you really want to take a break from everyday work, the bustle of the city, to get out into nature - into the forest, to the beach. The rest can be spoiled by annoying bloodsucking mosquitoes and midges. Various insect repellents can be purchased to protect yourself. One of the most effective is the mosquito coil. It is convenient to use it in open space, as it covers a large radius of action and protects well from insects. We will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this product in the article.

Why mosquitoes are dangerous

Many people believe that mosquitoes pose no danger to humans, except for an unpleasant, annoying buzz. This is not true. They are carriers of serious diseases.

Among other things, there have been cases of severe allergic reactions, itching, redness, asthma attacks, manifested in response to the bites of these insects. Pregnant women and children are especially susceptible to them. To prevent this from happening, you must use special sprays, fumigators, spirals.

What remedies exist

Considering the means of protection against mosquitoes, one can distinguish:

  • repellents;
  • fumigators.

Among the repellents are creams, sprays, lotions that are applied to human skin. Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of the substance contained in them.

The principle of operation of fumigators is completely different. They not only scare away insects, but also paralyze the latter, because of which they die.

Many people wonder how the mosquito coil works. The answer is pretty simple. Smoldering smoke contains a synthetic substance called allethrin, which is deadly to insects.

Maybe let's try a spiral?

The spiral belongs to fumigatory means of protection, that is, those that immediately kill, and do not repel insects. To use it, no electrical wiring is required, an open fire will be enough.

When purchasing a similar insect repellent, many ask the question: "How to use a mosquito coil?" This is easy enough to do.

  1. First of all, you need to remove the spiral from the package.
  2. Then it needs to be installed on a special stand that comes with the kit.
  3. Next, you should carefully set fire to the plate and extinguish it so that there is a light smoke and the process of decay begins.
  4. Then you need to place the structure in a deep plate or bowl so that the ash does not scatter.
  5. After all this, be sure to wash your hands.

After a few minutes, substances that will be lethal to insects will begin to be released into the air.

Considering the mosquito spiral, the instructions for the use of which are quite simple, you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. It will not work in strong, gusty winds. The smoke will be carried away to the side, and you will not feel the desired effect.
  2. It is forbidden to use it in the rain: the wick will quickly go out.
  3. The spiral can only be used when you are in one place, such as a picnic. For an active trip to the forest, it is not applicable.

Before using the spiral, you must carefully read the instructions and the composition of the product.

Which company should you prefer?

Choosing a mosquito spiral, it is worth highlighting several manufacturers, which have mostly excellent reviews from buyers.

  1. Spiral "Raptor". The composition is quite simple: allerin and perfume, so that there is no foreign smell. The product is sold in a box, there are 10 spirals in it, the kit comes with a special metal stand... Manufacturers claim that one plate is enough for 7-8 hours, in fact this is not the case. Duration of smoldering is maximum 4 hours. average cost is 80-90 rubles.
  2. Spiral "Raid". It has positive reviews, it is even considered that she is one of the best. The composition is the same as that of the previous product, but many note the presence of an unpleasant odor. The package contains 10 plates. The cost is 80 rubles.
  3. Spiral "Fumitox". The package includes 15 pieces, the cost is relatively low - 60 rubles. Manufacturers assure that during combustion the smoke does not have an unpleasant odor, therefore they propose to use the spiral both in nature and at home, but with open window to ventilate the room.
  4. Spiral "Reftamid". The average cost is 50 rubles. In spite of low price, has pretty good reviews. The only caveat is to use in closed spaces it is impossible, it has an additional smell that causes a headache.

All of the above-described spirals have almost identical composition, differ only in the manufacturer and packaging.

New from Mosquitall

Recently, a novelty has appeared on the insect repellent market - the Moskitol spiral. Its highlight is that it is kept in a special metal box. This allows you to take it for fishing, outdoor activities, hunting, while not being afraid of the wind. It is also very convenient when transporting the spiral. There is no direct contact with synthetic substances with which the product is impregnated.

On the lid there are special holes through which smoke comes out, destroying mosquitoes and midges.

Mosquito Spiral: Harm or Benefit for Pregnant Women?

Pregnancy is a wonderful moment in a woman's life. But at the same time, this period is quite responsible. The expectant mother should take care not only of her health, but also of the baby that is in her womb. There are quite a few contraindications for her, so is it possible to use a mosquito spiral during pregnancy? Experts disagree and still cannot give an exact answer.

The fact is that the active substance that paralyzes insects is allethrin. It is not natural, but synthetic. If the spiral is used incorrectly, allergic reactions may occur in the form of rashes on the skin, irritation of the mucous membranes, eyes. If the poisoning is serious, convulsions, vomiting, nausea are observed. Therefore, you need to use the spiral correctly and accurately, observing the required distance (not less than a meter from the place where people are).

If the first signs of poisoning were noticed, it is necessary to extinguish the mosquito coil.

Folk remedies will help pregnant women

  • In the gazebo around the entire perimeter, you can lay out chopped fresh mint and basil, mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of these plants, so you will be provided with a quiet evening without annoying bloodsuckers.
  • Cedar oil can be poured into an aromatic lamp, its smell will scare away not only mosquitoes, but also flies.
  • You can brew wormwood and wash your body and face with it.
  • If you have a samovar, make tea from fir cones. A pleasant scent for humans will repel insects.
  • Spending time around the fire? It is enough to throw juniper needles into it and enjoy a romantic evening.

All these methods are good only in cases where there are no allergic reactions to the ingredients and herbs used.

The mosquito coil is an excellent insect repellent. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions before using it.

Summertime not only pampers with bright and hot sun, but also brings discomfort in the evening with the appearance of mosquitoes. Insects appear in the country, outdoors in the forest, near the river. With their buzzing, they lead to psychological stress, and bites deliver physical itching and subsequently painful sensations. The most common fumigator for mosquito control is pyrotechnic spiral from mosquitoes... It is easy to use, everyone can use it, since no special skills are required. A big plus is that the fumigator is compact and does not take up much space and is light in weight. Being on the sea coast or in a forest glade, you can comfortably relax with it, because the fight against insects is effective.

Disadvantages of a pyrotechnic fumigator

Among other types of fumigator, the spiral has many disadvantages.

1. It is not recommended to use a spiral fumigator in an apartment, because it leads to smoke. Breathing such air is harmful for both children and adults. It is strictly forbidden to inhale vapors for children and adults with cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and those who are prone to allergies.
2. If you place the fumigator on the veranda of the cottage, then its effect is significantly reduced. V in this case tobacco smoke will be more effective.
3. A lighted spiral tends to flare up, which, if used carelessly, can lead to a fire.

It follows from this that the use of a fumigator in the form of a pyrotechnic spiral from mosquitoes is possible exclusively in the fresh air, taking special care. In the United States and Malaysia, after a study, scientists have shown that staying in a room with a burning fumigator for 8 hours emits an amount of particulate matter equal to about 100-120 cigarettes smoked. For human body this is a lethal dose. Harmful substances, which are released from the smoke of a burning spiral, accumulate in the human body and lead to poisoning, and the consequence may even be the development of oncological diseases.

Safety rules when using a burning spiral

It is impossible to protect the body as much as possible from the burning spiral, but following the precautionary rules, there is a possibility of reducing the harmfulness of poisonous smoke:

1.Use a spiral fumigator rarely and only in open areas;
2. do not set fire to the spiral in closed rooms, if such a need is unavoidable, open the vents and doors for ventilation;
3. Do not be closer than one meter near the burning spiral, then the harm from the smoke will be small;
4. When there is wind outside, the fumigator works 50% lower.

As well as the cons, the spiral fumigator has its pros. The advantage of the spiral is its affordable purchase and ease of use. Now, at any time of the year, stores offer this product for sale, but during the season the price becomes higher. You should not buy a fumigator in winter, keeping it until summer, because an expired fumigator is ineffective and more harmful to the human body. When buying a fumigator, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and the manufacturer, not only the result of the destruction of pests depends on this, but also the state of health and well-being.

Instructions for using the spiral fumigator

Even a child is not required to carry out special training or individual training for use: they opened the package, removed the fumigator, put it on a special stand in a safe place and set fire to the tip. As soon as the spiral fumigator lights up, carefully blow out and leave to smolder.

If, using a mosquito fumigator, follow all the advice and recommendations, then the harm human health it will bring the minimum.

In order not to poison every time with a spiral, you can simply use the Aero trap

Spirals from the blood-sucking gnat: how to destroy insects and not harm yourself?

Flying blood-eating arthropods: mosquitoes, biting flies and midges can easily ruin any celebration. In the warm season, many Russians are happy to go on vacation to nature, where these malevolent flyers are waiting for them. Pyrotechnic spirals are a very popular means of destroying them. What kind of insecticide is it, what are its features and rules of use: the reader will learn about all this by reading this article.

The principle of action and composition of the insecticide

The term "gnat" refers to insect pests that feed on human blood for reproduction. Almost every person living in temperate climates Russia is familiar with small squeaky mosquitoes, flies, biting midges and the discomfort that they bring with their annoying activity. They can bite as in conditions open area and at home.

The range of remedies for these arthropods is now very wide: there are repellents (repellents) and fumigators (exterminators) on sale. More detailed information about them can be found in the material:.

It is a coiled material soaked through with insecticide. Most often, the base is created from wood flour (fine-grained paste), which retains the chemical solution well. In addition, the wood burns and smolders beautifully - this is what the action of the product is based on.

When ignited, the fumigator begins to smolder and emit toxic smoke that spreads in the air, reaches the pests and quickly kills them. Most often it is used to clean open spaces in the country, fishing, on a hike and on a picnic.

Attention! It is known that the vile tries to stay close to places high humidity(rivers, lakes, etc.), that is, potential resting places in summer time: under these conditions, pyrotechnic fumigators are the best remedy to solve the problem.

It is not recommended to use these preparations in closed rooms, including tents, primarily because of the possibility of a fire.

The second reason why the insecticide is best used outdoors: a high concentration of harmful chemical compounds, with the help of which the effect is achieved. The composition may contain various chemical components:

  • allethrin. Most often, it is this basis that is used, the formula of the substance is constantly being improved: for example, esbitrione or d-trans-allethrin are distinguished by low toxicity in relation to humans and other warm-blooded animals;
  • pyrethrin. This name unites a group of natural poisons that are contained in various plants... These compounds are considered the safest for humans and animals.

Butylhydroxytoluene and bicycloteptene dicarboximide are used as additional substances.

Attention! In any case, these insecticides are toxins that negatively affect human health.

For example, allethrin and its derivatives are highly toxic to fish and other inhabitants of aquariums and open water. It is not recommended to light the preparation in the immediate vicinity of a river or pond, while the aquarium must be insulated during combustion, tightly closed with a lid and turn off the air (oxygen) supply compressor.

The pyrotechnic agent possesses important pluses and cons to touch upon.


  1. Efficiency. First of all, the spirals are appreciated for this, they help very quickly get rid of annoying buzzing arthropods.
  2. Affordable price. A set of several fumigators can be easily taken with you on vacation, since you don't need to pay a lot of money for this.
  3. Small size. Insecticides do not take up much space in your luggage.
  4. Ease of operation. Unlike many other products, these chemicals do not need to be prepared for use, are simple to install and operate without human intervention.
  5. Non-toxic to the skin. In the vast majority of cases, toxic smoke does not harm the skin, does not cause rash, itching or numbness.

The combination of all these advantages makes spirals a very popular drug for bloodsuckers. There are also disadvantages, they must be taken into account:

  1. Unpleasant, pungent odor. The smoke that spreads during smoldering gives off "chemistry" and brings discomfort to people nearby.
  2. Liquidation beneficial insects... All those living creatures of this class that fall under the influence of toxins die. We are talking about bees, butterflies, dragonflies, which play an important role in the life of the biosphere.
  3. Harm to health. Each person is different and can react differently to poisonous smoke. In a special risk group are:

    1. young children;
    2. pregnant women and nursing mothers;
    3. older people;
    4. people with weakened immunity;
    5. persons who are allergic to the substances used in the composition.

Typically, the operating instructions for the pyrotechnic device indicate precautions that must be taken into account. There is no way to completely protect yourself from inhaling the toxin, but it is forbidden to breathe in concentrated smoke: you cannot be near a smoldering fumigator.

The appearance of a headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of orientation indicates poisoning: the victim must be immediately taken to Fresh air, and refuse to use an insecticide. If symptoms persist or worsen, the person should be taken to an emergency room or an ambulance should be called.

Even if there is no deterioration in well-being, it should be remembered that during smoldering, carcinogens are released that accumulate in the body. It was found that after 7-8 hours of operation of the chemical, small solid particles of difficult-to-remove compounds dissolve in the air, the amount of which is similar to smoking over a hundred cigarettes. And naturally, people in this cloud receive a large dose of carcinogens during this time, which will affect health for many years. It has been established that the frequent use of these pyrotechnic agents contributes to the formation of malignant tumors in the body.

Insecticide operating rules

As indicated above, the spiral does not require constant human attention, it is enough to simply light it with a lighter or matches.

Attention! This is a fire hazardous agent, its use requires compliance with fire safety techniques.

  1. Unpack the packaging, remove the fumigator. Usually the set contains 10 pieces.
  2. Install the insecticide on a refractory base, which can be a ceramic or glass plate, a metal or stone support (brick).

    Usually the package contains a metal stand. If it is present, the chemical must be fixed on it by first bending the stand. It should be remembered that there is usually only one such stand, and it is not very reliable. In this case, you can make the stand yourself from a metal wire or hang the preparation vertically, fixing it on a nail.

  3. Set fire to the free edge of the mold. When a flame appears, it must be blown out so that the base begins to smolder, exude smoke. Due to this, it will be consumed gradually, constantly releasing toxins into the air.
  4. For the greatest efficiency, several drugs should be ignited at a short distance from people around the perimeter so that the smoke creates a barrier from bloodsuckers. In the presence of wind, set so that chemicals do not fly towards the tourists.

    If the insecticide is used indoors, then before turning on, you need to make sure that there are no other people, open the window, and after the start of the smoldering process, leave the room for 15-20 minutes. Upon returning, you need to extinguish the chemical, ventilate the living space well for 25-30 minutes to eliminate all toxins. To prevent the gnat from flying in, it is recommended to close the windows, or at least with tulle.

  5. The extinguished leftovers are suitable for repeated use - the effective poison will remain in them.

In order not to harm health or property, you need to consider the following information:

  • fix on a stable base in the absence of flammable materials nearby;
  • install 40-50 cm above ground level and at a distance of at least 1-1.5 meters from a person or animal;
  • during smoldering, the drug should not be covered;
  • when in a cloud of insecticidal smoke, regularly go out into the fresh air;
  • if you feel unwell, drink a large number of fresh water;
  • when disinfesting a room, there should be no people or animals in it
  • when entering the room to ventilate and extinguish the product, do not inhale toxins, it is recommended to wear a respirator.
  1. The greatest efficiency is achieved in calm weather. How stronger wind, the further it will blow off the protective cloud from people.
  2. Burned pieces are constantly breaking off from the smoldering base, which can provoke a fire. This medication should not be used in tents or other places where the risk of fire is increased.
  3. After each contact with a base soaked in toxin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Otherwise, the poison can enter the body and cause poisoning.
  4. Periodically, you need to check the operation of the pyrotechnic means: it can go out, if necessary, ignite it again.
  5. When extinguishing the smoldering edge, it is enough to immerse it in water or simply tear it off.
  6. Store the product at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 30 degrees Celsius out of the reach of children and animals. Do not keep together with food.

Review of popular insecticides

Such an excellent thing as a mosquito coil will become an indispensable protection against the bites of blood-sucking insects in an open space, when it is quite difficult to escape from a swarm of gnats. Its significant advantage is its autonomy - no batteries, no socket, or any other power source are needed. He got it out, fixed it, set it on fire - and for several hours the mosquitoes are guaranteed to fly around the place where the smoke spreads.

Do not forget that the product is impregnated with an insecticide, which not only braves incoming mosquitoes, but has a destructive effect on them. Many do not think if the spiral is harmful and how much. In the meantime, it is necessary to use anti-mosquito protection with caution, otherwise damage to health is possible.

What is a mosquito coil

The spiral against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking flying insects is made of a paste based on wood flour impregnated with an insecticide. When ignited and then smoldering, smoke with a poisonous poison for insects prevents flying over and prevents bites for several hours. The smoke from the smoldering strip will drive away annoying midges on fishing, on a hike, on a picnic, in the garden at the dacha, on terraces and verandas country house, as well as on the loggias and balconies of an apartment building.

The use of mosquito coils allows you to keep insects away from the street and destroy them indoors.

Despite the fact that the name and price of the assortment of spirals differ, the basis for most products is the same - it is the substance allethrin, in modern means- d-trans-allethrin or esbiothrin, with an improved formula. The insecticide belongs to the first generation of pyrethroids with relatively low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and high toxicity for aquatic life, including fish, and insects (over 80%).

Composition by chemical components, which are impregnated with classic mosquito spirals:

  • allethrin (esbiothrin, d-trans allethrin);
  • pyrethrin (pyrethrum);
  • butylhydroxytoluene (optional);
  • N-octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide (optional).

Note! The risk of harming fish in a pond or aquarium is enormous, so the strip should not be allowed to smolder near the pond, as well as in a room with an aquarium, without additional measures to protect aquatic life.

Alletrin, upon contact with an insect, causes a malfunction in nervous system, which leads first to hyperactivity and loss of orientation, then to convulsions, spasm and paralysis, and eventually to the death of the bloodsucker. Therefore, mosquitoes, when smoldering and spreading smoke, do not have time to reach the victim, dying in flight, which reduces the need to apply all kinds of repellents to the body.

The instructions for use also allow fumigation with an anti-mosquito coil in a closed room where many mosquitoes have accumulated, but the features of such use must be carried out in compliance with safety measures.

How to use a mosquito coil

As a rule, a set of anti-mosquito coils contains 10 pieces, which are 5 discs of 2 intertwined plates, and a metal base, where the head of the twisted tape is strung. You need to open the package, pick up the disc and carefully disconnect the spirals from each other, trying not to break.

Since the mosquito coil works only in a smoldering form, you need to provide it with a fireproof support. It can be a brick, a china plate, a glass dish, an ashtray, or a flat metal base - that is, everything that is not afraid of fire.

Now there are a few things to do. simple steps in order for the protection to start working:

  • bend the tip of the metal stand;
  • string a slot on it in the head of the spiral;
  • set fire to the outer tip from the fire of a match or lighter;
  • wait for the flame to ignite and immediately blow it out so that the tape smolders and emits smoke;
  • place the stand with the steaming spiral on the fireproof base.

Note! The set includes only one plate for fastening the spiral, which quickly burns or breaks off the tip. Therefore, the problem of fasteners can be solved with the help of improvised means - a nail, wire, metal cylinder, and the tape itself can be kept not only in a horizontal position, but also suspended. The main thing is that it does not come into contact with flammable surfaces.

A question of effectiveness against mosquitoes is how to choose the location of the coil. In the open air, for one person, it is enough to place the smoking protection on the windward side at a distance of 1 meter from yourself so that the smoke fumigates and protects the space around a potential mosquito victim. For a large company, it is advisable to set fire to several spirals at once, installing them around the perimeter.

The room is allowed to be fumigated with a product only with the windows open, but no longer than half an hour. The smoke from one solid tape is enough to fumigate an area of ​​20 square meters. meters.

Indoor use of the mosquito coil is limited for safety reasons:

  • set fire to the strip and leave the room;
  • leave the spiral to smolder for 15 minutes;
  • go in and extinguish the strip.

Set fire to the mosquito coil and leave the room for 15 minutes - during this time the insects will be destroyed

After returning, it is imperative to ventilate the room for half an hour, protecting window hole net or tulle.

Tips to help you use the mosquito coil:

Precautions for using the mosquito coil

Due to the relative toxicity of the mosquito coil smoke, the precautions described in the instructions are an important issue, which should not be neglected. The volatile components of allethrin, when inhaled for a long time, lead to symptoms of poisoning - nausea, dizziness, vomiting, migraines, disorientation and increased excitability. Therefore, in enclosed areas, smoke protection against mosquitoes is used with reservations.

On contact with the skin, anti-mosquito coils are practically non-toxic - at most they threaten persons with hypersensitivity with short-term itching, tingling or numbness. There are no data on dermatitis after skin contact. When ingested through the esophagus, allethrin compounds are similarly slightly toxic, but in large doses they are moderately dangerous.

To completely neutralize harm to health, you must take into account the safety rules:

  • install a smoking spiral no closer than 1 meter from a person;
  • do not be directly in the smoky area;
  • there should be no people in a locked room when mosquitoes are destroyed;
  • do not inhale the smoke coming from the spiral;
  • keep children and pregnant women away from smoke;
  • do not light the product near a pond or in a room with an aquarium.

If it becomes necessary to fumigate a room with an aquarium, then it should be tightly covered, and for the time that the spiral smolders, turn off the aeration mode.

Fuming coils are also subject to fire handling precautions:

  • they can be installed half a meter above the ground or floor on a stable base;
  • do not cover during decay;
  • Do not install or hang on wood, paper, plastic, polyethylene or other flammable surfaces.

Keep the anti-mosquito coils away from children's eyes, the ash is usually disposed of, and unused spirals or pieces from it should not be sent down the drain.

How to choose an effective mosquito coil

There is a wide selection of anti-mosquito spirals in the retail network, so buyers are mainly guided by the manufacturer's name, cost and reviews. Traditionally popular are "Raid" and "Raptor", but other manufacturers of insecticides successfully compete with them, offering more attractive prices for mosquito repellents. Consider how the anti-mosquito products on offer differ.

The annotation indicates the decay time of a single spiral, but it must be borne in mind that this is - maximum term, the plate will burn out much faster in the wind. On average, one piece in the air lasts up to 3-5 hours, and outdoors, on a loggia or veranda, up to 6-8 hours.

  • Funds from the "Raptor" company "Gardeks" are good because they include a perfume that makes the smoke less caustic. The cost of a set of 10 plates is around 60 rubles.
  • Spirals "Raid" from mosquitoes possesses opposite too unpleasant odor smoke, but efficiency is high. The cost of 10 pieces is about 65 rubles.
  • Among the leaders are "Moskitol" products, their smoke is odorless, and a set of 10 pieces includes 2 coasters. Cost - from 65 rubles.

  • The brand "Clean House" declares that its smokeless spiral will smolder not 7 - 8, but 10 hours, barely fumigating fragrant smoke. The cost of 10 pieces is about 100 rubles.
  • "Argus" is another smokeless product in this price range, its cost is 100 rubles, but the resource does not exceed 7 hours.
  • "Neotox" are sold in 15 pieces and cost from 150 rubles, their analogue "Fumitox", where 15 pieces are also packaged in a set, costs from 50 rubles.

Domestic products are not inferior to world leaders - "Taiga", "Komaroff", "Komarikoff", "Destructive Force", "DEET".

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