Delicate jelly-biscuit cake. Jelly cake with biscuit and fruit: recipe

Encyclopedia of Plants 18.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Homemade cakes are an invariable attribute of any family holiday. True, in last years the domestic confectionery industry has spoiled us so much that many housewives do not bother making homemade cakes, but prefer to buy ready-made ones. And the reason for this is not only the availability of these delicacies, but also the chic look of store-bought cakes.

Meanwhile, if you are not friends with confectionery decorations, but want to serve an exquisite cake with your own hands, then a jelly cake is your option. The recipe for such a cake is not available in a single copy. They prepare similar desserts with butter and curd cream, with a biscuit or sand base, combine jelly and soufflé. And there is a recipe (and more than one) for such a cake without baking! But most importantly - this cake will look incomparable without additional decorations. And, of course, it will definitely turn out delicious. And you just have to choose a recipe and cook such a cake for the occasion or just like that, for a good mood.

German jellied cake

This is perhaps the classic of jelly cakes. Its recipe became known in the Soviet Union thanks to the stupid culinary creativity of housewives, whose husbands served in the GDR. So, the recipe for a German jellied cake has successfully migrated to the notebooks of Soviet citizens and has become one of the most “imported” options among all homemade cake recipes.


  • 2 cups flour (approx)
  • Half a glass of sugar
  • A pack of butter or margarine for baking
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder for dough
  • handful of almonds

For cream:

  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • Half glass of sugar
  • A teaspoon of vanilla sugar
  • 2 sachets of gelatin.

For jelly:

  • 2 packages fruit jelly powder
  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • Fresh or canned fruit


For this cake, we need a detachable form. In it we will bake a sand base, in it we will also collect a cake. Let the butter melt a little, and then put it in a bowl and lightly beat with a mixer. Then add sugar to the butter and now beat everything together until it becomes a cream. By the way, if you do not have a mixer, then you can thoroughly grind the butter with sugar with an ordinary tablespoon.

Now put the nuts chopped with a knife into the oil and mix well again. Next, sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder. We introduce the flour into the butter gradually, first stirring it with a spoon, and then kneading the dough with our hands. We cover the form with baking paper and put the dough into it. Having leveled the cake, we send the form to the preheated oven for about half an hour. The baked cake is carefully removed from the mold and left to cool.

While the cake is cooling, let's make the curd cream. Beat the eggs with sugar, and then introduce them into the cottage cheese. Add sour cream there and grind everything properly or beat with a mixer. Dilute gelatin with water (as indicated on the package) and heat in a water bath. Let the gelatin cool down and add it to the cream.

Now we take the form again (previously washed and dried) and place the cake in it, on which we put the curd cream. Level the cream layer and send everything to the freezer. While the layer is drying curd cream, prepare fruit and jelly. Dilute the jelly with water according to the instructions and mix with gelatin, prepared as for curd cream. We take out the form from the freezer, spread the fruits on top of the curd layer and carefully fill them with liquid jelly. Again we remove the cake in the freezer for fifteen minutes, and then move it refrigerator compartment. The cake is ready when upper layer the jelly is completely frozen. To transfer the cake to a dish (cake maker), with a sharp and thin knife, draw several times along the edge of the mold between the sides and the cake. We remove the sides, and gently move the cake to the dish. Gorgeous handsome man! Striped flaky edge and fruity frenzy under clear jelly.


Ideally, the fruit should match the jelly with which the cake is made. And pay attention: green fruits under red or pink jelly look unappetizing. But orange jelly is perfect for fruits and berries of any color. And further. The chic look of the cake depends a lot on how you arrange the fruit.

Cake "Swan Lake"

The cake recipe under this name exists in many interpretations. The whole point of this cake is in the swans. They are molded from mastic, cut from apples or prepared from choux pastry. The water surface is imitated with the help of tinted cream or colored coconut flakes. But the recipe for a real Swan Lake cake is a recipe for a cake with jelly and eclair swans. Here we are with you and try to cook it.


  • 6 eggs
  • A glass of flour
  • glass of sugar

For cream:

  • Bank of condensed milk
  • Tablespoon of flour
  • Glass of water
  • Tablespoon of butter

For jelly:

  • 4 sachets of gelatin
  • 2 cups tarragon lemonade
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 bags of dry blue or green jelly
  • 1 sachet of gelatin

For swans:

  • Half a stick of butter
  • 150 g flour
  • Glass of water
  • 5 eggs
  • A pinch of salt


Let's bake a biscuit first. Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, put the whites in the refrigerator, and beat the yolks with sugar. The more thoroughly the yolks are beaten, the more magnificent the biscuit will turn out. Add the sifted flour to the yolk-sugar mixture and mix well. Then beat the whites into a strong foam. It should turn out thick and fluffy, and when turning the dishes upside down, the foam should not slide along the walls and fall out of the dishes. Whipped egg whites carefully, one tablespoon at a time, enter into the dough, mixing it very gently. We bake a biscuit in a form with split edges, which we cover with baking paper or grease with oil and sprinkle with flour.

While the biscuit is being prepared, we make custard dough for the swans. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil and salt and let the water boil. Then pour the flour into the water, mix thoroughly and continue to cook (stirring!), Until the dough begins to gather into a lump and, leaving no traces, easily separates from the walls and bottom of the pan. Remove from fire and cool slightly. One by one, beat the eggs into the dough. Important! In no case should you put all the eggs in the dough at once.

Transfer the dough to pastry bag or into an ordinary cornet and onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper, squeeze out oblong strips that will become the body of the swans. On the other baking sheet we draw thin “twos” in the form of swan necks. During this time, the biscuit is already baked. We take out the form from the oven and send the baking sheets with choux pastry to the oven. It will take us a little more than half an hour to bake blanks for swans.

While the swans are cooking, let's make the custard. Pour condensed milk, water and flour diluted to a liquid slurry into a saucepan. We put it all on a slow fire and cook, stirring, until the first bubbles appear on the surface of the cream. Cool the cream and beat it with butter, just put the butter in the cream and use a mixer. We divide the biscuit into two cakes and coat with custard.

Cooking jelly. We soak the gelatin, let it swell, and then heat it in a water bath. Pour gelatin into lemonade or into a pre-prepared solution of powdered jelly. We put the cake in the mold, snap the sides and carefully pour the jelly. We put the form in the freezer.

We fill the baked blanks for swans with the remaining custard, insert the “necks” into the “torso” and sprinkle the swans with powdered sugar. When the jelly on the cake hardens, we put our birds on it, if desired, we decorate the “lake” with mint leaves or buttercream flowers.

grape cake

One more recipe gorgeous cake with jelly and fresh fruit. Best of all, this recipe does not require baking! And the result will exceed your wildest expectations. Are we trying?


  • Sweet crackers - 300 g
  • Sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 700 g
  • Sugar - glass
  • Seedless raisins - 100 g
  • Grapes fresh white or green - 1 large brush
  • Chocolate - 2 bars
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Fruit jelly (powder) green - 1 package
  • Gelatin - 3 sachets (30 g)


First, soak the gelatin and leave it to swell, and then heat it in a water bath and leave to cool. Pour raisins with boiling water, soak in it for about ten minutes, and then rinse and dry, throwing it on a sieve. Jelly from a bag is also diluted with water, focusing on the instructions on the package. Grind the crackers, breaking them into small pieces with your hands. Put sour cream in a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla to it and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Then add gelatin to sour cream and whisk again.

Chop the chocolate into crumbs and put in a saucepan with sour cream. We also add raisins and crackers. Pour the mixture into a mold with removable sides and send it to the freezer. After half an hour, we take out the form and spread the top of the sour cream jelly with grapes. Pour the prepared jelly and put it in the refrigerator again. When the top layer of jelly hardens, the cake can be removed from the mold and served.

Corn flakes jelly cake

This recipe is also attractive in the "cold" way of making the cake. As a matter of fact, this is one of the variants of the German jellied cake without baking. And how much this recipe will suit your taste, judge for yourself.


  • Corn flakes - 200 g
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g)
  • Fruit yogurt - 500 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Citric acid - a third of a teaspoon
  • Instant gelatin - 3 sachets (30 g)
  • Fruit jelly (in powder) - 2 packs
  • Fresh fruits - any


First, prepare the base for the cake - a cake of corn flakes. To do this, put softened butter in a bowl and add flakes to it. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for half an hour or an hour. After that, we cover the mold with removable sides with cling film and put the corn-butter mixture into it. We level the “dough” and put the form in the refrigerator so that the cake freezes. Soak gelatin, heat it in a water bath and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the yogurt cream. Beat the yogurt with a mixer, gradually adding sugar and lemon to it. Lastly, pour in the cooled gelatin and put this mixture on the cornflake cake. We put the form in the refrigerator again and wait until the yogurt layer “grabs”. At this time, we breed jelly powder and prepare fruits for the cake. When the top layer of the cake hardens enough, put the fruit on it and fill it with liquid jelly. The cake is ready when the top layer of jelly is completely dry.

Cake "Sandwich with red caviar"

Yes, imagine, such a cake can also be prepared. The whole feature of this cake is in red caviar, which we will make from gelatin. But you can bake biscuit or sand cakes for this cake - that's how you like it. The main thing is that they are soft. By the way, chocolate dough can also be used for cakes. Then you get a black bread sandwich. Cream for such a cake - any oil. Well, for this we need the following ingredients:

  • 6 eggs
  • glass of sugar
  • A glass of flour
  • Butter pack
  • Can of condensed milk
  • Orange jelly powder


First, we prepare a classic biscuit. Beat the egg yolks with sugar and mix with the sifted flour. We also beat the proteins with a mixer until a lush and stable foam. Then, one tablespoon at a time, introduce the proteins into the dough, put the dough into a mold and send it to the oven. Thirty minutes later we take out the biscuit and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Place softened butter in a bowl and beat lightly. Continuing to beat, in small portions add condensed milk to it. The cream is considered ready when it begins to easily and without traces lag behind the walls of the bowl. But in our case, this is not necessary - we will not make cream decorations, so he does not need to keep the shape. Dividing the biscuit into two cakes, we give it the shape of a sandwich, cutting off the excess parts along the edges. We send the cut biscuit to the oven to dry and make crumbs out of it for sprinkling the sides of the cake. We coat the middle, sides and top of the cake with cream. Sprinkle the sides with biscuit crumbs.

And now the most important thing - caviar! We dilute jelly with half the norm of water indicated on the package. Heated jelly in accordance with the instructions, we begin to drip it into ice water using a pipette, syringe or medical syringe without a needle. We throw the "eggs" on a sieve, and then lay them on top of the cake. That's all.

Choose a recipe, cook jelly and make wonderful cakes with them - tasty and beautiful. If you wish, you will certainly succeed. Don't be afraid to experiment and learn something new. Cook with pleasure, and enjoy your meal!

Layered cakes with a gelatin layer on top always attract attention more than their relatives with cream or other types of decoration. It seems to many that such desserts are very difficult to prepare and have a rather laborious preparation process. It's actually very easy to make jelly on top of the cake. How to do it at home from available products, this article will tell.

Types of cakes

There are several options for cakes with jelly on top:

  1. The base is made of dough, then a layer of cream or soufflé, and on top it is directly the minus of such a cake is that it is quite high-calorie and takes a long time to cook (considering all the layers). A big plus is amazing appearance and taste qualities.
  2. A no-bake cake based on a layer of crushed biscuits mixed with butter or condensed milk or dried fruit. Such a dessert can also have a layer of cottage cheese, yogurt or cream, which is crowned with a layer of jelly.
  3. Fruit cake or, as restaurant workers call it, “seasonal cake”. The basis of such a dessert is often from shortcrust pastry, and rather thin, and the entire space inside is occupied by whole fruits and berries or their pieces, which are filled with a gelling mass from above. Sometimes it is a thick layer (at least 4 cm), and sometimes fruits are simply covered with thick jelly with a brush so that they have an attractive appearance and are easier to transport.

Biscuit based

The basic jelly cake recipe looks like this:

  • To begin with, a biscuit base of six eggs is baked. To do this, beat the eggs with 1 cup of sugar until they increase in volume by at least 3 times.
  • The mass should become almost white, lush and thick.
  • At this point, the oven should already be preheated to 200 ° C, and the baking dish is lined with parchment, lightly oiled.
  • Next, add 1 cup of flour to the egg mass with a spoon, moving the spoon in one direction from the bottom up (this is very important if you do not want the biscuit to turn into a lifeless cake).

  • Pour the dough into the prepared form and send it to the oven.
  • Bake for at least 40 minutes, without opening the oven door for the first half hour, so that the dough does not settle.
  • When the biscuit is ready, let it cool in the mold, then remove it and cut the base into 2 layers lengthwise using a sharp knife.
  • Next, soak the layers with cream, fold one on top of the other, and cover the top with a small layer of cream (no more than 1 cm) to level the surface, bringing it to perfection. In the future, jelly on it will look perfect.
  • Chill the cake in the refrigerator to thicken the cream.

Several Important Aspects

Many uninformed people who have tried with jelly on top have failed only because they did not know some of the nuances of preparation. The most common situation: jelly dripped from the cake along with the cream, and if there was no cream at all (there were such attempts), then the top layer was simply absorbed into the biscuit, turning it into something unintelligible.

Also, many fruit jelly did not freeze at all, although the proportions of cooking were maintained correctly. What are the mistakes?

  1. Most importantly, the jelly at the time of pouring must be absolutely chilled to such a state that the first signs of thickening, that is, gelling, appear.
  2. It is also important to use thick cream, preferably on an oil or cream base. Custard, as well as from whipped cream, are completely incompatible with jelly, as they have a too watery structure, which, in combination with the jelly mass that has not yet solidified, becomes more liquid and flows off the cake.
  3. And one more thing: if fruits are planned in the jelly on top of the cake, then these should not be pineapples and kiwi - they are incompatible with gelatin, since they neutralize their properties with their enzymes. Therefore, if you want to make jelly with fruits inside, you need to opt for other options, or use canned ones. Fruits that have undergone heat treatment are deprived of enzymes.

Cream preparation

It is for this reason that those who have never prepared such desserts should start with more simple option, for example, from a cake with cherry jelly. From above it will be possible to decorate it with whole berries, if desired, covering them with a thin layer of sweet mass.

So, for a biscuit of six eggs, you can make a cream of whipped sour cream with sugar, in a ratio of 3: 1, adding a little vanillin to them for a better flavor. The mass is whipped to a lush, stable foam, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the sour cream may turn into butter. When the cream begins to thicken, you need to watch carefully and slow down the mixer.

Next, the layers of biscuit are smeared with the resulting cream, as well as upper part which should be smoothed out with a knife. Place the cake in the cold for at least an hour so that the cream becomes more solid, then the jelly on it will be more stable and harden faster.

Pouring jelly

To prepare you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. cherry juice;
  • 4-6 art. l. sugar (depending on taste preferences);
  • 25 g gelatin and 150 g cold water to dilute it.

Let the gelatin swell, and then dilute it in cherry juice, add sugar and heat until completely dissolved. In no case do not let the liquid boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. After that, it should be cooled to a state, and when signs of thickening appear, pour the jelly on top of the biscuit cake.

How to pour jelly on a cake?

Probably, every novice confectioner had such an oversight: jelly, when trying to pour it into a detachable form (for further convenient extraction of the cake), poured out through the connection of the walls or did not find a suitable shape at all. How to avoid it?

  1. If there is no suitable size mold for pouring jelly, then you can use an ordinary wide bowl, which is slightly larger in diameter than the biscuit base. Line it with cling film, pour over the jelly, let it harden completely, and then take it out, place the biscuit base on top, and cut off the excess edges with a knife slightly warmed over the fire.
  2. If a suitable detachable form is available, but it is not high enough to fill the jelly, then its height can always be increased with the help of foil or oiled baking paper, which must be folded several times to give greater density (after all, they must withstand the pressure of the gelatinous mass).
  3. How to make a cake with jelly on top if the connector in the mold allows liquid to pass through? The output is still the same: a thick ring of oiled paper that will wrap around the biscuit layer and rise above the edge of the mold. It is the dense structure of the paper form that is important, so you should be scrupulous about the process of preparing this ring. And do not forget that jelly is poured already at the first stage of solidification.

Cake without baking

For those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, and even bake something, the cake recipe (with photo) with jelly on top, but without baking and with a minimal dough base will be to your liking. It is especially pleasant that such desserts are lower in calories than their biscuit counterparts, and they are also easier to digest.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 g simple cookies;
  • 150 g butter and the same amount of cottage cheese;
  • 700 g sour cream or heavy cream;
  • 180 g of granulated sugar;
  • two bags of jelly;
  • 55 g gelatin;
  • vanilla;

Fruits are added based on the color of the jelly: lime - if the jelly is green or yellow, orange - if orange, strawberry - if red.


  1. Grind cookies into crumbs and mix with butter. If the mass is not plastic enough, then you can add a couple of tablespoons of condensed milk or cream.
  2. At the bottom of the detachable form, lay out the resulting mass in the form of an even layer, pressing firmly with your hands, and then send it to the refrigerator.
  3. Dilute the gelatin in a glass of cold water, and when it swells, heat it on a steam bath until dissolved.
  4. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla with a blender until creamy. It is important that there are absolutely no small curd grains (therefore, some cooks recommend wiping the cottage cheese through a sieve).
  5. Add sour cream and beat a little more and, stirring constantly, pour in gelatin. Quickly grind and pour over the biscuit base.
  6. The mass will harden quickly, so you need to act quickly to make the top layer even.

Since the cake was planned with jelly on top, it means that you need to prepare the top layer:

  • In a small saucepan, dilute the contents of the jelly sachets in 600 grams of water and heat a little so that everything dissolves well.
  • Place the mass in a cool place and, stirring occasionally, check its condition: when the mass begins to thicken slightly, it's time to pour the top.

Fruits in jelly on the cake

The most crucial moment remains: how to pour jelly on top of the cake so that fruits are beautifully laid out inside?

One of the main rules: do not make too thick a layer of the jelly itself, then when pouring, the fruits will not pop up in random order, which sometimes happens when large volume top layer.

So, the chilled jelly for the top layer has already begun to show signs of gelling, which means it's time to cut the fruit:

  • If the cake is with an orange or lime layer, cut them into circles 5 mm thick along with the skin. It is important to use a really sharp knife so that the cut is nice and even.
  • We spread them with a picturesque pattern on the curd layer of the cake, which is already well frozen (it is better to make sure and try with your finger for elasticity).
  • Then carefully pour the jelly on top in small portions so that the fruit pattern is not disturbed. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the level of the orange layer is not much higher than the fruit itself.
  • We immediately return it back to the refrigerator until the top layer has completely solidified, and when serving, decorate with a few mint leaves or large chocolate chips.

If strawberries are used for the cake

When half a serving of cooked jelly is poured onto the cake, lay out the whole berries, with the sharp part up, placing them tightly to each other. It is worth noting that the berries should be picked up in advance so that they are intact and of the same size.

When all the berries are laid out in a row, put the cake in the cold for 10-15 minutes so that this layer becomes more elastic and fixes them. It is important not to let it harden completely, otherwise the uniformity of the top layer will be lost. This does not affect the taste in any way, but aesthetics are also important.

There are plenty of reasons to cook. delicious cake. Only in the summer, in the heat, you don’t want to stand at the stove at all. In this case, no-bake cakes may be appropriate. Recipes (photos of such desserts are presented below) are sure to be found in any culinary notebook. But a special place among them is occupied by jelly cakes with fruit. And it's all about their lightness and freshness. This is what you need on a hot summer day.

Cake "Broken glass"

This easy-to-make no-bake recipe could well lay claim to being a culinary masterpiece. And all thanks to its stunning appearance, reminiscent of either marble or glass. To prepare it you will need:

6 bags of different colored jelly (the more contrast the colors are, the more beautiful the cake will be);

Ready biscuit (it can be baked in advance or replaced with soft cookies);

1 liter sour cream (if you want more) light cake, you can take natural or fruit yogurt instead);

2 cups sugar (for fruit yogurt, you can take only one and a half);

50 grams of gelatin (soak in advance in a small amount of water, let it swell and dissolve in a water bath).

How to cook jelly cake "Broken glass"?

Prepare the finished jelly from the bags as directed on the package. It is very important that it freezes well. Therefore, if the prescription suggests 200 ml of water, it is better to take 150-180 ml. Dilute in different molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Meanwhile, cut the biscuit into small cubes. After the jelly has frozen, cut it into cubes too.

Now you can make sour cream. To do this, beat sour cream or yogurt with sugar into a fluffy mass. At the very end, add dissolved gelatin and beat again. It is very important that it is well dispersed, and there are no lumps. Now you can start assembling the cake. The silicone mold works best. If metal is used, it must be lined with cling film.

Pour a little sour cream on the bottom, then lay out part of the biscuit and colored jelly. Then again there are layers of cream, biscuit and jelly. Repeat this until all products are finished. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. After that, carefully turn over and put on a plate. Garnish with fruits and berries if desired. Although the cake Broken glass"And it looks amazing.

Jelly cake with kiwi

When they talk about making jelly, they recommend using everything except kiwi. The fact is that they break down gelatin. And no jelly just won't work. But in this cake, kiwi is the main ingredient, and this does not bother him at all. Just need to know one little secret, which will allow you to prepare such a dessert.

What will be required?

You don't need a lot of ingredients to make a cake. For the base cake, you need to take 400 grams of shortbread "To coffee", etc.) and 150 grams of butter. For the main layer with kiwi: 4 fruits, 2 bags of ready-made jelly with kiwi flavor and 25 grams of gelatin. For the second jelly: 750 grams of sour cream, 500 ml of milk, 35 grams of gelatin, 200 grams of sugar and vanillin to taste.

You can also take another kiwi, chocolate and coconut flakes for decoration. All this will make fruit- jelly cake even more interesting. Although, first of all, guests will be surprised and delighted by its stunning cut. It is worth noting that in this recipe you can always replace kiwi with any fruits and berries according to the season.

Cooking process

Prepare a detachable form with a diameter of 28 cm and cover it with cling film so that the edges hang down. This will make it easy to get the cake out of it. Melt butter and mix with crushed biscuits. You should get a crumbly, but rather wet mass. Pour into the bottom of the mold and smooth out. Place in refrigerator while other layers are being prepared.

Now it's time to start the main component of kiwi. In order for the fruits not to split the jelly, they must pass heat treatment. To do this, kiwi must be peeled, cut into thin circles and put in a saucepan. Add to them 100-150 ml of water, a little sugar to taste and a pinch citric acid. Boil over low heat until the kiwi changes color. Take a container smaller than the main form, and dilute the finished jelly in it according to the instructions. Add kiwi with sugar syrup and already swollen and dissolved gelatin to it. Mix well and refrigerate for 4 hours. If possible, then it is possible for more long time. Put on a sand base in the center.

And the last thing you need to do to make such a jelly fruit cake is the milk layer. Pour gelatin into any container and pour almost boiling milk. Mix well so that there are no lumps, and cool at room temperature. Separately, beat sour cream with sugar until you get a dense and fluffy mass. At the end, add vanilla or to taste. The cream should turn out cloyingly sweet, as it will still be diluted with milk. In a thin stream, without stopping beating, pour the milk with gelatin into the sour cream mass. Beat everything well again and pour the resulting mixture around the kiwi jelly. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

After that, carefully remove the sides and film and transfer to a cutting plate. Be sure to decorate to your liking. Perhaps the most important thing about this dessert is that by making a different central jelly, you can serve different fruit cakes each time. In any case, the cut photo will impress your friends.

Diet soufflé cake with fruit

Perhaps another amazing feature that only fruit jelly cake can have is diet. So, the calorie content of this dessert is only 800 kcal for the whole cake or 100 kcal per serving. Quite a bit, isn't it? Especially when you consider that it turns out a full-fledged and tasty cake without baking.

Required products

We will need:

A pound of fat-free cottage cheese (any one will do, but not grains);

400-500 ml of any compote along with fruits (these can be peaches, pears, strawberries and blueberries);

4 grams of stevia (this is a natural sweetener, you can use honey or instead;

100-150 grams of fresh berries or fruits (take those that suit canned taste);

9 sheets of gelatin;

9 grams (1 sachet) gelatin powder.

How to cook?

Line an 18 cm springform pan with cling film. Instead, you can take any container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, and then you can make a jelly cake with fruits by changing the order of the layers. Remove fruits from compote, add stevia and 2 tablespoons of compote to them. Grind in a blender. Soak separately in water for 10 minutes. Squeeze well and dissolve over low heat in 50 ml of liquid. Add still hot to the fruit mass and beat until it increases in volume and brightens. Then add curd paste and mix well. Pour into a mold and wait until it cools down. It usually takes about 2-3 hours.

Just like other fruit jelly cakes (photo above), it is multi-layered. For the second layer, wash fruits and berries well, sort and put on top of the curd soufflé. It is advisable to do this carefully and as beautifully as possible, because they will be perfectly visible in a transparent mass. From the remaining compote and powdered gelatin, prepare jelly according to the instructions on the package. You can also use semi-finished products. Pour the fruit and put it back in the refrigerator, until completely solidified.

Of course, it takes time to make no-bake jelly cakes. The recipes (photos of desserts are always amazing) will require some skill, but you don't need to turn on the oven on a hot day. Yes, and eating them in the heat is much more pleasant.

Fruit jelly cake good way to feast on during the hot season, because treats, as a rule, are prepared without baking. Some recipes can be adapted for a vegetarian or any other dietary menu by eliminating the milk base and replacing the sugar with another sweetener.

How to make fruit jelly cake?

Every culinary specialist will be able to prepare a fruit jelly cake without baking if he applies good recipe and will not forget about some basic rules for making such desserts.

  1. To make fruit jelly cake at home, you will need suitable utensils: a detachable baking dish or a deep bowl, it needs to be covered with cling film, so the cake can be easily removed from the container.
  2. As a base cake, crushed biscuits mixed with butter, shortbread cake, which you can bake yourself in advance or biscuit, are used, they are also prepared with their own hands or a purchased biscuit is used.
  3. Jelly mass is prepared on the basis of sour cream, whipped cream, yogurt.
  4. A simple cake with jelly and fruit does not involve the use of dairy products. Pieces of fruit are poured with a jelly mass, decorating the delicacy in layers. Each layer should set in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
  5. Any fruit jelly cake should be refrigerated for 4-8 hours.

Jelly cake with fruits and sour cream

Cake with jelly and fruits basic recipe, very easy to assemble. It is important to use fat sour cream, which can be whipped, gelatin is also suitable for instant granular. Fruits use any that are at hand: citrus fruits, pineapple, strawberries or bananas and other soft fruits.


  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • gelatin - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Dissolve gelatin in water, leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar until fluffy cream.
  3. Gelatin put on a minimum fire, stirring until it dissolves, do not boil!
  4. While stirring the sour cream, add gelatin in a thin stream.
  5. Add chopped fruit, mix.
  6. Cover the form with a film, pour the sour cream base.
  7. Refrigerate fruit jelly cake for 4 hours.

sponge cake with jelly and fruits can be prepared in two ways: the first is to use the cake as a base on which the jelly will be located, the second is to break the biscuit and introduce it into the gelatinous mass. This recipe uses kiwi, it must be boiled in syrup for 5 minutes.


  • biscuit - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 500 ml;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - ½ tbsp. + 1 tbsp. for syrup;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. + ½ st. for syrup;
  • vanillin;
  • lemon curd - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 4 pcs.;
  • jelly with kiwi flavor - 40 g.


  1. Boil water with sugar, put kiwi mugs. Darken for 5 minutes, remove the fruits from the syrup, cool.
  2. Pour gelatin with water, warm up after 30 minutes.
  3. Dissolve Kiwi jelly in 100 ml of warm water.
  4. Cut the biscuit into 2 cakes, put one in a detachable form.
  5. Soak the cake with lemon curd.
  6. Whisk sour cream with sugar and vanilla.
  7. Introduce gelatin in a thin stream, stirring the mass.
  8. Pour the sour cream base over the biscuit, cool for 30 minutes.
  9. Put the mugs of bananas and kiwi, pour over the jelly.
  10. Refrigerate the cake for 4-6 hours.

With fruit, cheesecake lovers will appreciate it. Cream cheese is added to the curd, for smoothness and dense consistency: Philadelphia, mascarpone. Fruits in this embodiment act as a decoration so that the cake does not seem cloying, you can use sour fruits, or dilute the composition with berries.


  • shortbread cookies - 400 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • curd mass - 400 g;
  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanillin;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - ½ tbsp. + 300 ml for jelly;
  • strawberries, raspberries - 200 g;
  • canned pineapple - 2 rings;
  • jelly "Cherry" - 90 g.


  1. Grind the cookies into crumbs, add melted butter, distribute in a form, tamp. Put in the refrigerator.
  2. Soak gelatin in ½ tbsp. water.
  3. Beat cottage cheese with sugar and add mascarpone.
  4. Warm gelatin, pour into cottage cheese.
  5. Put the curd layer on top of the cake, cool for 1 hour.
  6. Pour hot water cherry jelly.
  7. Introduce chopped fruits and berries in jelly, mix.
  8. Put the fruit layer on top of the curd, smooth.
  9. Refrigerate jelly cake with berries and fruits for 4 hours.

Sand cake with jelly and fruits

Fruit and jelly cake according to this recipe also comes out very beautiful. You can use canned slices or fresh apricots, or peaches, make a thick jelly from syrup and pulp, which will cover the finished dessert with a dense layer. Part of the sour cream and jelly cream and fruits are used to decorate the cake.


  • savoiardi - 25-30 pieces;
  • sand cake - 22 cm diameter;
  • sour cream 25% - 500 ml;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • canned apricots - 200 g + 6-7 pcs. for decoration;
  • apricot syrup - 200 ml;
  • jelly "Peach" - 90 g.


  1. Soak gelatin in ½ tbsp. water, after half an hour, warm until dissolved.
  2. Jelly pour 200 ml of hot water.
  3. Beat sour cream with sugar, stir gelatin in a thin stream.
  4. Add 2/3 prepared and chopped apricots, mix.
  5. Put the cake in a detachable form, spread the savoiardi around the circumference, pour 2/3 of the sour cream, cool for 40 minutes.
  6. In the cooled jelly, pour the syrup and mashed apricot pulp. Mix.
  7. Spread the jelly over the cake and chill for 1 hour.
  8. Decorate with cream and slices, refrigerate for another 3 hours.

To prepare a delicious jelly and fruits, you need to choose fruits and a milk base that suit your taste, which means that with cherry yogurt and, for example, an orange, a not very tasty dessert will come out. As a base, crumbled cookies are used, as for a cheesecake or a ready-made cake: biscuit or shortbread.


  • cherry yogurt - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • chocolate biscuits - 300 g;
  • melted butter - 50 g;
  • strawberries, cherries, raspberries - 200 g.


  1. Soak gelatin, after 30 minutes, warm until the granules dissolve.
  2. Beat yogurt with sugar, introduce gelatin gradually, add 2/3 of the prepared berries.
  3. Grind cookies, combine with butter, put in a mold, tamp.
  4. Pour the yogurt mass over the cake, cool for 30 minutes, garnish with the remaining berries, refrigerate for 4 hours.

Jelly cake with fruits and biscuits

This recipe for jelly cake with fruits and cookies is sold in no time. From fruits you will need dried apricots (fresh apricots can be used in summer), banana, strawberries and tangerines. For the base, you can use fat sour cream or yogurt, all components are laid out in layers. For decoration you will need a bowl and cling film.


  • sour cream - 600 ml;
  • cookies - 400 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • tangerines - 3 pcs.;
  • dried apricots - 50 g.


  1. Soak gelatin, after 20 minutes warm up (do not boil!).
  2. Beat sour cream with sugar, add gelatin.
  3. Cover the bowl with cling film, pour 1/3 of sour cream, put a layer of broken cookies, chopped fruit, repeat 1 more layer, pour the rest of the cream.
  4. Put a whole cookie on top of the cake, put in the cold for 4 hours.
  5. Turn the jelly and fruit on a dish, remove the film.

Such a cake can be made without baking, using a purchased cake. To make the dessert look spectacular in a section, a detachable form is taken with a larger diameter than the cake. To use these ingredients, you will need a 30 cm container, the cake is baked in a 22 cm mold. Jelly filling for a fruit cake is prepared from ready-made orange jelly.


  • biscuit - 1 cake;
  • cream 33% - 600 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • orange jam - 100 g;
  • jelly "Orange" - 90 g;
  • water - 300 ml + 100 ml for gelatin;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.


  1. Soak gelatin in cold water, as it swells, boil until the granules bloom.
  2. Pour hot water over jelly, mix, set aside.
  3. Whip cream with powder, add gelatin in a thin stream.
  4. Biscuit cut into 2 cakes, put one in a mold, soak with jam.
  5. Spread 2/3 of the cream, refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. Lay out the second cake, soak with jam and distribute another 2/3 of the cream, cool for 30 minutes.
  7. Peel oranges, wash and dry. Cut, put on top of the cake, pour jelly.
  8. Refrigerate for 2 hours, remove from the mold, decorate with cream, put in the cold for another 3 hours.

Cake "Exotica" with jelly and fruits

Unusual with fruits was called "Exotica", thanks to original design. You can use available oranges, bananas, berries or use mangoes, peaches. AT this case it is better not to use ready-made flavored jelly, but to make it yourself from gelatin and orange juice.

There is one on the site, this cake is somewhat similar to it, but instead of fruit jelly, fresh fruit is added here. Delicate sour cream jelly, light biscuit, juicy berries - the cake turns out to be light, with a delicious taste. Almost everything can be used for a cake, only apples, probably, are not very suitable here - they are hard. in summer very beautiful cake obtained with raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, honeysuckle. Very tasty cherry cake. In winter I do it with persimmons. I usually use two or three types of fruit. It turns out beautifully if you lay out the top of the cake beautifully with pieces of fruit in contrasting colors, for example, red and green (strawberries and kiwi, raspberries and kiwi), or yellow and green (apricots and grapes). It is good to put bananas inside the jelly cake, but do not put bananas on top, otherwise they will oxidize in the air and darken. This summer fruit cake you can make one big cake or portions for each guest in bowls, in any case, the success of this delicious dessert is guaranteed.


for the biscuit:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • (ordinary glasses)

for sour cream jelly:

  • 3 art. l. gelatin
  • 200 ml cold boiled water
  • 800 g sour cream 20-25% fat
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • vanillin optional
  • any fruit (or berries) - 500-700 g (I have 2 bananas, 2 nectarines, 2 kiwis)

Fruit jelly cake recipe:

For a biscuit: beat the eggs with sugar until foamy for 7-10 minutes, then add the flour, mix with a spoon, pour into a greased multicooker bowl, bake for 60 minutes on the “baking” mode. Remove the finished biscuit from the bowl, cool completely, cut into cubes. Step by step photo instruction you can see the preparation of a classic biscuit we do almost everything the same, only instead of 5 eggs, we take 3.

When I cook this cake for the holidays, I bake a biscuit a day or two before the celebration, the biscuit will lie down, nothing will happen to it, and then I cook sour cream jelly, fruits and finish the cake. It turns out not so tiring.

For sour cream jelly: soak gelatin in a glass of cold boiled water for 40-60 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat sour cream with sugar until sugar dissolves. Tastier, of course, with sour cream 25% fat. Somehow I did it with 15% sour cream, the cake did not keep its shape well, swayed)) With low-fat sour cream it is better to do it in bowls or add a little more gelatin to make the jelly stronger.

Bring the soaked gelatin to a boil, but do not boil, pour hot into sour cream with sugar, mix.

Wash and cut fruits.

We begin to collect jelly cake with sour cream. It will take big shape. I made it in a three-liter saucepan with displacement marks, the cake turned out to be 2.5 liters in volume. I am writing this so that you can imagine the size of the required form.

At the bottom, if possible, beautifully lay pieces of fruit, this will then be the top of the cake.

We put half of the biscuit cubes and half of the fruit on them. Fill with sour cream jelly carefully so that the pattern at the bottom does not go astray. We put in the refrigerator until it hardens (half an hour to an hour).

Then we put the remaining biscuit cubes, alternating them with fruits, and pour the remaining sour cream.

If the cream (jelly) has already begun to solidify during this time, warm it up a little, I do it in the microwave. When everything is laid, with your hand or a spoon, slightly press it on top so that all the biscuit cubes are in the cream, make a flat surface, this will be the bottom of the cake, so that it then stands evenly.

Someone will ask: why do it in two stages, why not put the whole biscuit at once and pour out the whole cream at once? You can do it this way, but then all the sour cream will immediately spill down, and the top pieces of the biscuit may not be in the cream and be dry. And by the way, for whom it is tedious, you can immediately put all the fruits, without laying out any of them, the whole biscuit and pour all the cream, it will also be delicious.

I collect jelly cake with sour cream in the evening, put it in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, lower the form with the cake for a few minutes in hot water, attach a flat bowl to the form, turn the cake over, it will be on the plate with fruit up.

If someone is afraid of these manipulations, you can cover the bottom and walls of the form with cling film, then you can not lower it into the water, but simply turn it over onto a plate and remove the film.

A little fiddling, and our handsome fruit jelly cake is ready!

Bon appetit!!!

Thanks to Oksana Baybakova for the recipe with a photo!

Sincerely, Natalia.

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