The Grand Canyon of Crimea: where is it located and how to get there by car. Passing through the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Crimean peninsula- at these words, many travelers' hearts begin to beat rapidly. And the reason for this is the many beauties of natural and man-made, with which the area is generous and rich.

Mountain peaks are interspersed with flat plateaus, cave cities are monasteries, but everything pales in front of the majestic canyon! grand canyon in the Crimea (BBK) - truly, a spectacle that must be seen at least once in a lifetime. And do not think that this is a small crevice, exaggerated by impressionable tourists - this is a place of power, incredible emotions, beauty and joy.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea?

Between the Boyka mountain range and the Ai-Petrinsky highlands, on the southeastern side of the village of Sokolinoe, lies the most beautiful Grand Canyon of Crimea. The natural attraction is the deepest on the territory of the peninsula and reaches 320 meters, while the narrowest part is only 2 meters, while the length of the crevice is 3.5 km. The large Crimean canyon is rich in water flows, there are countless streams, and the Azu-Uzen River runs along the bottom - incessant and stormy, originating from the very upper reaches and “seeing off” travelers throughout the route.

Grand Canyon trails

Travelers are always offered a route starting from the Three Minnows cafe - it is believed that even a novice tourist will go from here to the Youth Bath. The entrance fee is still charged (about 100 rubles each), but you can also go for free if the collectors have already collected revenue and left. So, from the post of foresters, which is next to the cafe, the path leads to Sary-Uzen.

The river fills up only during heavy rains, so in summer you can literally cross without getting your feet wet. Stone boulders are smooth, safe, only need nice shoes to make walking easy and comfortable. Following the first there will be a second crossing - this is the Kokozka River, which is formed at the confluence of a pair of other rivers. It is not difficult to cross Kokozka, at the same time admire the local beauties, bushes and go on a well-marked path leading up.

There, where oak and hornbeam forests spread freely. For “wild” travelers, there is an opportunity to turn along the river and move along with the channel, but this path is a little more difficult.

And along the path, which is well trodden by hundreds of tourists' feet, it is easy, free and simple to walk. Having risen, the travelers will find themselves at a crossroads: the roads separate, you choose, but going to the left, you will definitely go to the village of Sokolinoye, and to the right there will be the Grand Crimean Canyon - we go there. From the fork in the road becomes more difficult, so calculate your strength.

A little ahead and you can already see the attraction itself, you can hear the sound of water and you can take a picture of a huge gorge with steep slopes covered with trees and shrubs. On the left, the watchtower cliff rises, it is the first to meet all travelers and escort them to the Second, Third and Fourth (Cave) cliffs. But this is all on the left “side”, on the right, the Pine Cliff is freely spread, hiding the Almanchuk tract with the playful river Yabloneva (Almanchuk) behind it. The name of the tract Almanchuk comes from a grove of wild apple trees that grow here to this day. After walking a little, you can stand on the observation deck and enjoy the stunning panoramic views.

And now further! The water is no longer just heard, but also seen - soon the entire expanse of the Blue Lake will open, so named because of the bluish reflection of the water playing in the rays of the sun. In general, this is not a lake, but just a backwater, but if the Bolshoi canyon, then let everything be called “big”. Through the Apple ford to the confluence with Kokozka, the path is fast, and there is already a floodplain with dogwood bushes, hazel, wild apple trees - a little further the channel will lead to the Ai-Petri plateau, but it’s better to first have a good rest in a small grotto under an overhanging stone. This is where the parking of all tourists who do not violate the rules of travel happens. Rest is a must as the trail becomes more difficult and narrower, with steep descents, ascents and zigzag turns.

If the journey is in summer heat, you can walk along the river bed, the stones are covered with a thick soft layer of moss, which pleasantly springs under your feet. Well, in spring or autumn, the stream is always full-flowing, so you have to follow the path. Going on a hike along the Crimean canyon, grab a fishing rod - a little further the river becomes full-flowing and brook trout frolic superbly in it. It is not difficult to agree with the foresters to catch a couple of pieces, and you will be pleased to bake the catch, of course with the permission of the guide. If you didn’t take an umbrella from the heat, pluck a huge leaf of butterbur - there are plenty of them here. The protection is short-lived, but replaceable, and it saves perfectly from the sun.

A short path to the ford with a turn of the river over the rock will fly by quickly, but further, a little to the right, a real miracle awaits - the source of "Paniya". The fullness of the source is amazing, as always cold water in him. Get your cameras ready, we're going to shoot the most beautiful places kingdoms of stone pits and baths, including the famous bath of Youth. This is where the usual route to the Grand Canyon of Crimea ends.

But there are many others. For example, to go further, because all the most interesting opens just behind these cliffs. The path will be difficult, not every traveler will be able to pass. But if you have endurance and endurance, then go ahead! There, where the sheer walls almost close, muffling sunlight and settling in the gorge gloom and twilight.

It is quiet here, there is no sound of water, only pebbles rustle, gradually crumbling under the careless steps of travelers, and invisible trees rustle somewhere above. Even now, the dry bottom is lined with pebbles of limestone rock, often come across ledges of many meters in height and blockages rolled with stones. Sometimes you need to go through them, and this is where the minimum climbing skills and helping each other are required. There are rare paths that go around the rubble, but you will have to jump enough. By the way, you should not rush especially, the condensate settling on the stones is dangerous for fast movements - you can slip and fall.

Rockfalls also pose a danger to travel - at the bottom there are often huge pieces of limestone rock, crushed by falling. So far, no one has been hurt, but it's good to be careful. In addition, traces of destruction from water jets are everywhere visible on the walls: grottoes, niches, ledges. Because of this, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot boast of even plumb lines, but all the depressions are convenient for travelers, you can lean on them, and it’s also interesting to look at the temporary layers of the “pie” of plumb lines.

In general, there will be enough interesting things on the way for a lifetime of memories, the harsh beauty of the canyon is amazing, behind every turn opens the new kind, panorama and it seems that he got into some other world, broke away from reality and now there will be an entrance to the kingdom of the gnomes. But the two-kilometer difficult path ends, the walls move apart, become lower, and soon a magnificent basin with an anhydrous channel of the Kuru-Uzen (Dry River) and incredibly beautiful glades lined with soft grass opens before your eyes.

Now it remains to go to inspect Cape Trapis, go down to the Johan-Su valley with its springs and carefully look down from the huge Fifth Cape! The spectacle is definitely not for the faint of heart - a view of the entire gorge from a great height leaves such a storm of emotions in the memory that it is impossible to cope with them right away. Then a quiet passage along the path, at first gentle, and then steeply running down, and finally, again the murmur of water, the trunks of ancient beeches and the spring of Dzhevizlyk, where you can rest before leaving the canyon.

There are plenty of routes along the Great Crimean Canyon, they differ in different lengths and complexity. And there is always the option to choose a lighter version, for example, to go on an adventure with the kids.

Crimean canyon map

Looking at the map, you should pay attention to a large number of rivers, springs and other sources. Formed as a result of a break earth's crust, The Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map is indicated as a deep crevice with a length of 3.5 km. The difficulties of crossing the gorge force the agencies to offer routes along the upper edge, but if you want, it's worth looking at the map and taking the risk of laying your own routes. Moreover, there are plenty of turns that allow you to shorten the path and go back to the confluence and exit to the cafe.

However, if tourists are not afraid of difficulties, they will open new world- these places are not accessible to many travelers and have retained almost the original freshness of natural beauties. It is impossible to see all the beauty of the gorge from above, ledges, dense vegetation interfere, but from below the view enchants and does not let go, the secluded corners of the Grand Crimean Canyon are so beautiful.

The tectonic fault has a lot of sights, both encountered on the way, and requiring a separate inspection.

Waterfall Silver Jets

It is only 4.5 kilometers to the south from the village of Sokolinoe to the waterfall, which is an hour's journey, but the time spent on the road will more than pay off! The luxurious waterfall is located at the entrance to the Small Canyon and is a "creation" of the Sary-Uzen River. But, contrary to the name (Yellow River), the waterfall is Silver, not yellow, and pleases travelers with its mellifluous tints.

Visually, the entire flow of water resembles strings that the wind “plays”. In winter, the jets freeze and the waterfall turns into "Crystal" - icicles hang in the most bizarre way, forming an intricate pattern and slowly ringing from the wind. The form itself is very unusual: countless streams of water escape from under the cap of moss, and behind the stream a back entrance to the grotto opens. Add to this a hornbeam forest interspersed with beech, mountain ash, ancient oaks and you get a complete feeling of a fabulous place, which is what this waterfall is!

bath of youth

The Grand Canyon of Crimea gives youth not only to the soul, but also to the body. The famous bath of Youth is believed to return the joy of life even to the older generation. It is this legend that attracts many travelers to bathing in the font, who want to plunge into the water, the temperature of which rarely exceeds 9-10 degrees. A pleasure that makes you think. The depth of the bath is 5 meters, so you can even dive, but few people dare such an enterprise, but you can always try!

post oak

The postal oak is another attraction that pleases the Grand Crimean Canyon. Once upon a time, partisans used the opportunity to put a letter in the hollow of an oak for transmission. And for a long time the tree of travelers was pleased with beautiful letters, where people wrote about their dreams and achievements, shared their joyful emotions. In fact, writing a letter and leaving it at the Postal Oak was the same as sending a message to Santa Claus. But in 1982, the tree was burned, and today only the skeleton of a mighty oak remains at the fork.

But this should not upset travelers, the Grand Canyon of Crimea is replete with miracles and remarkable places:

1. Blue Lake is a place where love confessions gain indestructible power;

2. On the Apple Ford, look who will give a hand - this often turns out to be the very person you have been waiting for all your life;

3. Source Pania always fulfills the most secret desires.

As you can see, here in the canyon nature takes on the fulfillment of the most secret dreams, and therefore you should thoroughly prepare for the excursion.

Excursion to the Grand Canyon

A trip to the Grand Canyon of Crimea is an excursion that gives an opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most remarkable places of the peninsula. As a rule, the route includes: an overview of the South Coast, a trip to the Bakhchisarai region, a walk along the canyon and lunch in a cafe. The duration of the adventure depends on the length of the route and takes from 8 hours. You will have to walk 2-3.5 km of the way through different terrain, so you should take care of comfortable shoes, clothes, changeable socks and a swimsuit. At the end of the trip, tourists will have barbecue, wine, juices, pilaf, Tatar manti in the Three Minnows cafe.

How to get there?

Going to the Grand Canyon of Crimea, think about how to get there:

1. By public transport from Yalta, Sevastopol or Simferopol, regular buses run from bus stations along the route to Bakhchisaray. Walk and fixed-route taxis. You need to go to the village of Sokolinoye, then walk three kilometers to southbound and you will see the entrance to the gorge.

Bus schedule Simferopol-Bakhchisarai

Bus schedule Sevastopol-Bakhchisaray

Bus schedule Yalta-Bakhchisaray

2. From Sokolinoye you can also walk along the Yusupov trail, it will just lead you to the beginning of the route into the canyon.

If you go by car to the Grand Canyon of Crimea, then here's how to get there by car:

1. Drive along the Yalta highway to Bakhchisarai;

2. Turn to the Ai-Petri pass;

3. Before reaching the pass, there will be the village of Sokolinoe, where you can leave the transport in the parking lot.

How to get from Simferopol to the Grand Canyon

From Sevastopol

From Yalta

Attraction coordinates: N 44.3140 E 34.10. And remember that the Grand Canyon in Crimea is a territory where not all areas are open to the public, it is forbidden to pick flowers, eat fruits and cut down trees. For making a fire, you can get a fine, as well as for an unauthorized overnight stay. It is best to travel during the dry season and in no case should you bathe in stone "baths" with black water. It's really black, besides, and contagious due to rotting algae, don't risk it!

The Crimean theme never leaves my thoughts. I was sitting here reviewing photos from a hike in 2010, when we walked through the Grand Canyon of Crimea, and realized that not all of them were posted, the report on the hike is long, it was necessary to write about many places and show them in photographs. But in fact, this attraction is worthy of a separate article. Moreover, to see it, it is not necessary to be a hiker and go on a hiking trip. It is enough to take public transport and take the usual asphalt road from Simferopol (from Yalta is more difficult) to get to the canyon. Of course, you will not go through it all, but this is not necessary :)

I remember when we walked with backpacks along the top of the canyon and somewhere in the middle of it went down to wander along the bizarre stone recesses formed by water, we met a group of ordinary tourists in flip flops and swimsuits that came from the very bottom. True, they were already decently tired and obviously it was time for them to go back. I'm sure they were just as impressed as we are. So this is the natural attraction in the Crimea, which must be seen in the first place.

Description of ours at this link, and here are only photos of the canyon itself. By the way, its length is more than 3 kilometers, the depth is about 300 meters, the width in some places is only 3 meters, and its age is approaching two million years. Of course, in order to see all its beauty, you need to go along the riverbed to the end, that is, beyond the Blue Lake and the Youth Bath. But even on this popular route there is something to see. Only it is best to go not after the rain and towards the end of summer, when the water is blue and clear and there is not much of it.

How to get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea

First you need to, so let's assume that you are already here and it remains only to find the canyon. The easiest way, of course, is to go to him by car (). But if you are not a driver at all, then it does not matter, I will tell you how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea in other ways. If you don’t want to think about the problems of transporting yourself to the place at all, then in any resort town you will be offered an excursion to the Grand Canyon, but this option is not for independent travelers.

From Simferopol along the Sevastopol highway through Bakhchisaray and to the village of Sokolinoe, you can take a regular bus. There are also buses from Bakhchisarai itself to Sokolinoye. The entrance to the canyon is located three kilometers from the village of Sokolinoye (further along the highway), they will need to be walked. There are many cafes and shops, you can't miss it. But you can take a taxi in Sokolinoye (this is not a problem) if you don’t feel like going.

There is no public transport from Yalta. But you can climb the Ai-Petrinsky pass by minibus that goes to the ski lift. You need to get off on the highway near the turn to Ai-Petri to the lift. And then catch the car in the direction of the Grand Canyon. Here you can try, but you can also for money. The second, of course, is faster and easier. Stop willingly.

Cost of visiting the Canyon— 40 UAH for adults, 20 UAH for children. This also includes a visit to the Silver Streams waterfall, located on the other side of the road.

Map of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon of Crimea itself is located along the Auzun-Uzen and Kuru-Uzen rivers.

Grand Canyon of Crimea how to get there (clickable)

Today, the Grand Canyon of Crimea has become one of the main attractions of the peninsula. 300-meter sheer cliffs, formed under the influence of erosion over 2 million years, hang over the channel, the width of which in some places narrows to three meters.

The length of the canyon is about 3.5 km, the most popular among tourists is its first half upstream to the "Bath of Youth". Most of the sights are concentrated on this segment of the route, the inspection of which takes no more than two hours.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the canyon itself in the usual sense begins a little further and it is more difficult to get there. The paths traveled by tourists end, and on the way there are often obstacles from fallen trees, stones and dams, which in spring and early summer can only be overcome by swimming.

This, however, does not stop fans of outdoor activities, for them there is a special route, which includes a passage through the entire canyon and the way back along the capes hanging over the abyss.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - Postal Oak stop

The first point of the route is Post Oak. This tree is known, perhaps, to every visitor to the canyon since the middle of the 20th century. Travelers have long left wishes and messages for other tourists in the hollow of a huge old oak tree. The good tradition continued until the 1980s, when lightning struck the tree. Although some argue that the tree caught fire due to arson.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - Blue Lake stop

Further on, a trodden path leads to the Blue Lake - the largest body of water filled with transparent, mirror-clear water. Its depth does not exceed one and a half meters, but on hot summer days there are many who want to swim.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Source Pania"

The next stop is one of the largest karst springs in the Crimea, Paniya. Every second, 370 liters of water escapes from the rocks. This source has been known since the Middle Ages. There used to be a chapel dedicated to the Mother of God nearby. It was called "Panagia", which in Greek means "All Saints".

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Bath of Youth"

Upstream from the source, the most picturesque section of the route begins, running along the stone bottom of the Auzun-Uzen stream, which cuts through the canyon. The trail ends at the final point of the route - "Bath of Youth" - a reservoir created by nature in the channel of the canyon and remarkable for a constant water temperature of 9-11 degrees even on the hottest days.

You can get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by regular buses or minibuses, which regularly run from the railway station of Bakhchisarai to the village of Sokolinoe. By car, you can get much closer, almost to the entrance to the mouth of the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Another road to the Grand Canyon of Crimea goes from Yalta through the Ai-Petri plateau.

Crimea, one of the stunning corners of our wonderful planet. The Crimean peninsula is simply a storehouse of sights created both by man and by mother herself - nature. Among the most famous sights of Crimea, known throughout the world, are: Livadia Palace, Swallow's Nest, Artek, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Kerch Bridge and so on. But among the attractions that nature has created, the most popular are the Crimean mountains, waterfalls, caves and canyons. In this article I want to talk in detail about the best and most famous canyons of the Crimean peninsula.

In total, there are about 17 canyons on the Crimean peninsula, practically, all were formed several tens of thousands of years ago, under the influence of mountain rivers. Today, most of canyons, continues its formation and development. Almost all canyons have mountain rivers, water cascades and waterfalls, but most of the mountain rivers have a pronounced seasonal character. Peaks of activity of mountain rivers fall on March - April. V summer time, in places where spring rivers flow, tourists walk. The beds of many rivers are turning into tourist routes. The activity of the rivers is associated with the melting of snow on the peaks of the Crimean mountains. It is in the springtime that the architects of the Crimean canyons - the rivers - do their routine work on the construction and erection - new cascades, baths of youth and grinding of mountain stones. Of course, among all the canyons of the Crimean peninsula, the most recognizable and most visited is Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Grand Canyon of Crimea

Grand Canyon of Crimea, as the name emphasizes, is, indeed, the largest in the entire Crimean peninsula. The canyon is located on Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the Bakhchisarai region. You can get to it through Mount Ai-Petri, along the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. 5-6 km before the end of the descent, the entrance to the Grand Canyon begins. In fact, there are several entrances. The most famous two: at the bridge over the mountain river Kokozka and 2 km higher, near a small market. There are no big differences between the inputs. A walk along the canyon, on average, lasts 2-3 hours and, practically all the time, passes along the bottom of the canyon, neatly squeezed by rocks, with a height of 100 to 350 meters.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Chernorechensky Canyon located near Balaklava, near the village of Chernorechenskoye and ends in the Baidarskaya Valley, practically, near the village of Shirokoye or Ozernoye. A walk through the canyon is designed for 3-4 hours, but taking into account the measured pace and small breaks, on average, it can take about 4-5 hours. The route usually starts from the side of Balaklava, but, in principle, you can start from the side of the village of Ozernoye. If you start the hike from the side of Balaklava, then after a walk through the canyon, you will still admire

Arpat Canyon

Arpat Canyon is located in one of the most picturesque corners of the Crimea - the Panagia tract, not far from the village New World and Malorechenskoye. The length of the canyon is about 7 km, the average walking time is 2-3 hours. The canyon is known for the Arpatsik waterfall, the Bath of Love - a stone bowl in the shape of a heart, and a large number large and small cascades, with overflows of water. The tourist route is marked, practically at any time of the year, you will meet tourists. Most beautiful time to visit the canyon - March - April.

Canyon Uzundzha

Canyon Uzundzha, by the standards of the Crimea, is quite small, but the walk will be very entertaining, because. at the entrance to the canyon is one of the oldest artifacts of the Crimea - Skelsky menhirs, whose age is about 4-6 thousand years. They were erected, most likely, for pagan cults. An analogue of such a place can be called the English Stonehenge. Skelsky menhirs are located in the village of Rodnikovoe. From Rodnikovo we head to the canyon itself and find ourselves in front of the entrance to one of the most amazing caves in Crimea - the Skelskaya cave. Unlike most caves, it does not lead down the mountain and not along the mountain, but up, to the height of a 4-story building.

Canyon Kok-Asan

Canyon Kok-Asan, one of the most hidden corners Crimean peninsula. This happened due to its remoteness from the sea coast and major attractions of the Crimea. The canyon originates in the Belogorsky district, in the village of Povorotnoye. From the village we head towards the New World. There are no roads here. Due to the greater remoteness from civilization, this canyon retained its pristine nature and was not so strongly influenced by man. Like most of the canons in the Crimea, it has a bath of Love, a bath of Youth and Health, several waterfalls and a mountain river. Only all this is in its original state, combined with magnificent air and wild forest.

Belbek Canyon

For lovers of mountain holidays or hiking trails, the canyons of Crimea one of my favorite places. You choose routes according to the level of difficulty and physical capabilities and combine mountain walks with visits to castles, palaces, waterfalls, fortresses and caves lost in the mountains, overcoming mountain rivers and impenetrable thickets. The Crimean peninsula is rich in history and over the thousands of years of human presence in these places, it has accumulated a huge baggage for study, research and new discoveries.

Canyons of Crimea on the map

Hello friends!

The Grand Canyon of Crimea, the photo of which is decorated with tourist sites, souvenirs and printed editions peninsula, is a very impressive attraction. A kind of aesthetic picturesque crevice with ice water- a crack on the body of the Crimean mountains.

And the tourists who exclaim "Are you seriously! A collapsed waterfall, underwater caves and holy springs - what is going on there in Crimea?!” I answer - you just start your journey along the Crimean trails, and already six months before your vacation you will start packing your backpack and waiting for a meeting with them!

If you are interested, join and let's go!

On the time scale, the Grand Crimean Canyon is still young. He is only about 2 million years old. After formation rocks, which was preceded by a long period- the struggle of the ocean and land, complete submersion under water, geological and other natural processes, rising above the deep sea, a tectonic fault occurred in this part of the peninsula.

After that, the waters of the mountain river and time worked on creating the image of the Grand Crimean Canyon, creating a kind of nature reserve with a unique microclimate, flora and fauna.

Short story

The first researcher of the amazing crevice, who gave the official name "Grand Canyon", was Professor I.I. Puzanov in 1925, to whom local peasants proved that this place was not good, strange sounds were heard from there at night, nothing more than "shaitans celebrate their weddings ..." .

But botanists, local historians, geographers and other interested societies studied the canyon even before the revolution, they say topographic maps of that time, with the applied coordinates of the gorge.

Since the 1930s, the canyon has been part of the tourist routes, and in 1947 it received the status of a natural monument. Since 1974, the Grand Canyon has been a nature reserve and has been protected and monitored by forestry officers.

What is the uniqueness of the canyon: description

The Grand Canyon stretches for 3500 m. Winding and winding, its path runs between the Ai-Petri massifs and the Boyka Mountains at a depth of 320 meters. The width of the gorge in some places is only from 2 to 3.5 m.

For many centuries, its own microclimate has been established in the crevice. It is always cool and humid here, thanks not only to the high "walls", but also to the plants growing on the slopes and in the gorge itself and the reservoirs located at the bottom.

Here you will find a rich collection of Crimean trees - pine, oak, linden, hornbeam, beech, ash, maple, mountain ash, berry yew and many others. In addition, unique shrubs and flowers "live" in the canyon, such as rare species of ferns and orchids.

In addition to the inhabitants of the Crimean fauna familiar to us - hedgehogs, lizards, rodents , here you can meet roe deer and badgers, and brook trout are splashing in cold and clear water!

Where is the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is located in the Bakhchisaray district, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoe. Our natural attraction perfectly complements the landscape of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains. And to be more precise, it is the property of the northeastern part of the Ai-Petri massif.

What awaits us on the way

Tourist routes have been laid along the Grand Canyon for a long time. Where necessary, bridges or handrails are installed, steps are decorated and paths are laid out, signs, information boards and warning signs are placed.

But, despite this, the path will still not be easy, and in the rainy season it will be completely dangerous, as the rivers fill with water and even huge and heavy boulders are demolished by a stormy stream, and stone avalanches can break off the slopes of the canyon.

It is good to go with a guide for the first time, get acquainted with the route, do not miss important points and hear a detailed and fascinating story.

To understand what the Grand Canyon of Crimea is, it is not necessary to go along its bottom. There are also a calmer and safer excursion - on the right side. In this case, you will admire the surrounding beauties from the observation platforms and continue your journey along convenient and wide paths.

Big excursion under the majestic walls of the Crimean gorge

So, you have decided that you need to explore the bottom of the canyon. what surprises and amazing moments meet on your way, what to see and where to look without fail.

Start of the tour

The path through the beech forest will lead you to the first and famous sight - the Postal Oak, or rather, what is left of it. Unfortunately, the age-old oak, which became the place of secret correspondence of the partisans (the notes were hidden in the hollow), burned down for some unknown reason. But the scorched snag that remained from him still serves as a warehouse for letters, now tourist ones.

You can also scribble a couple of lines with wishes or parting words for travelers following you.

Waterfalls, ice baths and ... bungee

Please note that the hiking trail you need will be accompanied by marks on the trees so that you do not get lost.

A little higher is waterfall "Silver streams". They lead to him wooden walkways, there is an observation deck and tourist parking (glade with benches). This waterfall is beautiful and gentle against the background of gray giant stones and emerald foliage.

Along the way, on the cliffs (if you get here in season), surprises await you - rides. And what about without them in the Crimea - pay the money!

  • Rush from one ridge to another at a height of 70 m at a speed of 10 m / s - please! You will be put on a bungee or, as they say now, a zipline.
  • Walking 100 m along a staggering and absolutely “alive” suspension bridge is not a problem! You are fastened to a cable and pushed in the back.
  • Dreaming of feeling like a cool climber - dreams come true! You will be given equipment and launched down the slope on a string!

If you haven't been impressed yet, let's move on.

Holy spring, bath of youth and search for apples

On the log bridge across the Apple Ford, all travelers turn their heads, trying to find miracle apples in the variegated foliage. But there are no apples over the ford of the same name. Fruit trees grow up the river, and the stream brings fruit and leaves to that place. It will be possible to see wild apples in the water only in autumn.

After the Apple Ford, the path will lead you to the holy spring of Pania (Panagia). This is a rather full-flowing and turbulent spring on the site of an ancient chapel.

And finally, the final point on the map of the Grand Canyon will be. A deep pit with ice water and a waterfall at the base attracts the bulk of tourists. After all, you can guess that this icy natural reservoir is called the “Bath of Youth” for a reason?

If there are no contraindications, feel free to plunge, where else will you have the opportunity to experience the power of a life-giving mountain spring.

What's next?

At this point, the Grand Canyon does not end with a blank wall or an abyss, just further the route becomes very difficult and unsafe. And ordinary tourists without training or an experienced guide should not go there. The main route will take you from 2 to 4 hours, depending on what walking pace you choose.

Impressions and reviews of visitors

Surely lovers of a sofa-beach vacation are unlikely to dare such a forced march through the rocky and river gorge on their only weekly vacation. But connoisseurs of hiking and Crimean natural beauties are happy to share their emotions regarding the tour of the Grand Canyon. Here's what they say:

  • amazing place, the purest air and breathtaking landscapes;
  • good physical activity, new sensations, strong natural energy;
  • the best photographs, excellent health and the desire to return again.

The list of reviews can be continued, but there are also negative points. They are associated with some difficulties encountered on the way. Firstly, it takes a long time to get there on your own, secondly, after the rains, a rockfall is possible, and thirdly, there will be no infrastructure along the way, for example, the same shops with snacks or water.

Information for visitors

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is a natural protected reserve. There is a fee for visiting and excursions:

  • adult ticket - 100 rubles;
  • children's ticket - 50 rubles.

Extreme entertainment:

  • zipline - 500 rubles;
  • suspension bridge - 500 rubles;
  • descent down the slope with climbing equipment - 500 rubles.

V summer period sightseeing from 9.00 to 19.00.

Forbidden! Put up tents, burn bonfires, tear flowers, plants, litter, drink alcoholic beverages.

How to get there

It is easier to get from Simferopol through Bakhchisarai. On your own from the Bakhchisaray bus station to the village of Sokolinoye (minibuses run regularly), then either stomp 5 km on foot or order a taxi (in summer taxi drivers can be on duty on this route waiting for tourists).

By car along the old highway Bakhchisarai-Yalta up to 6 km from. Falcon. There is paid parking.

Sports tourists can go to the Yusupov trail near the village of Sokolinoye and walk 5 km to the canyon along the slope of the Boyka mountain range.

Similarly, from Yalta you need to keep the course up to 6 km of the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. Buses depart from Sevastopol to Sokolinoe daily, but there are only three flights, so it is more convenient to take a ticket to Bakhchisaray, from where flights to Sokolinoe run every 20 minutes.

Good to know

Must have comfortable shoes and warm clothes, at least a light sports jacket, depending on the season. Even in the heat, the temperature at the bottom of the canyon is about 18-20 degrees.

Do not tempt fate and do not visit the canyon after heavy rains You never know where a stone will break over your head. And also, if you are not prepared - do not “reckless” and do not climb where paths are not laid, do not go down and do not climb dangerous slopes.

In general, follow the safety rules and enjoy Crimean miracle nature.

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