Northeast Siberia glaciation. Eastern Siberia: Climate, Nature

Decor elements 21.09.2019

1. Geographical location.

2. Geological structure and relief.

3. Climate.

4. Water and long-term permafrost.

5. Soil, vegetable and animal world.

Geographical position

Northeast Siberia is located east of the Lena valley and the lower flow of Aldan to the coast of Bering Sea. In the north, the country is washed by the seas of the North-Ice Ocean. The extreme east is already in the Western hemisphere, the 180th meridian crosses the country from the Island of Wrangel to Anadyr Gulf. The territory of this physico-geographical country is a giant Eurasian Peninsula with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2.5 million km2. Almost in the middle of the country passes the northern polar circle. The study of this territory was engaged by F.P. Wrangel, A.F Middondorf, E.V. Toll, I.D. Chersky, S.V. Obruchev, K.A. Salischev, etc.

Geological structure and relief

In geological respect, the whole country refers to Mesozoic folding. Mesozoic structures were formed in early chalk as a result of a collision of ancient Siberian platform With micro continents of Chukotka and Olon. Here are the Verkhoyan anti-Cyliza, the Yamalo-Krymsky syncline zone, the Chukchi anticlinorium. The surface of these structures is covered with marine sand-clay sediments, there are coal strata in places. Mesozoic granitoids come out with places. Mesozoic folded structures and ancient arrays are bordered from the south and east by the Okhotsksky-Chukotka volcanogenic belt, with which is connected with the tin field, tungsten, molybdenum, gold and other metals. For river valleys of the northeast is characteristic big number (up to 10) river terraces. In the mountains of the northeast, traces of ancient glaciation are known. In the mountains dominate relic cryogenic-glacial deanuding morphoschools. The plains are covered with lake-alluvial sediments and erosion form of relief. In general, the country's relief is characterized by combinations of medium-high-altitude mining systems, flatbed, heat and lowlands. In the West of the country for 1500 thousand km, the Verkhoyanskaya mountain system extends, 100-250 km wide and a height of 500 m in the north to 2400 m in the south. Santar-Hayat is lying to the southeast of the Verkhoyansky ridge. To the east of the Verkhoyansky ridge there is a kilky ridge, between which is the Yansk and Elgin Plateau, and South-Oymyakan Highlands. The kilky ridge is stretched 1800 km and consists of three parts. To the east of it is the Yukagir plateau. Along the coast Sea Okhotsk The Kolyma Highlands and the Gugjur Ridge. In the east of the country, there are Anadyr and Chukotka Highlands, the height of 1500-1800 m. The lowlands occupy a seaside position or narrow "bays" enter the interior spaces to the south. The largest lowlands here is Jan-Indigir and Kolyma.


The climate is sharply continental, in the north of the Arctic, in the extreme south of the country is moderate, and the subarctic belt occupies a large middle part. The structure of the relief contributes to the free penetration of the country deep into the country. The influence of the Pacific Ocean is limited to coastal mountain ranges. Winter is very harsh. The north of the polar circle in winter is a polar night, and its south of his sun at noon stands low above the horizon, the light day is short. Radiation balance from October to March is negative. In winter over the northeast of Siberia, the pressure is raised - the sorry of the Asian maximum. The anticyclonal weather mode is dominant. Characterized temperature inversion. In intergurnye kitdines average temperature In winter, about -45˚C (in the area of \u200b\u200bP. Oymyakon almost -50˚C, and the absolute minimum -71˚C). But with the rise up for every 100 m becomes 2˚C warmer. East of the Valley of the River Owlon, winter temperatures increase, reaching on the Chukotka Peninsula -20˚C. On the coast characteristic strong winds. Snow cover lies up to 8-9 months, its height ranges from 30 cm in the north to 70 cm in the south-east (on the winding slopes of the mountains - up to 1.5 m). Summer is cool, in the mountains above 1000 meters there is no unoraous period. Middle temperatures in summer from + 5˚C on the north coast up to + 15˚C in the continental southern regions. In summer, drought may occur, but there are very wet periods. Annual precipitation varies from 200 mm in intermountable hollows up to 700 mm on the winding slopes of the mountains.

Water and long-term Merzlota.

Northeast Siberia is rich inner waters. The rivers belong to the pools of two oceans. The watershed runs along the ridges of Jugjur, Suuntar Hayat, Kolyma and Chukotka Highlands. Therefore, most of the territory belongs to the Northern Ocean Basin, and not Pacific Ocean.. The largest rivers: Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana. Kolyma River originates from the southern slopes of the Khsky Ridge, its length is 2130 km., Pool area 643 thousand km2. The main influx is the Olon River (1114 km.). Food is mixed, with the lead role of snow. Forewide in early June, when snowing snow. Water rise is very high. The indigirk is emerging on the slopes of the Suntar-Hayat Ridge, proceeds through the Oymyakan Highlands and cuts into the black ridge, takes the influx - the Moma River and goes to Jan-Indigir lowland. The length of the river is 1726 km., The pool area is about 360 thousand km2. Food mixed, prevailing snow, summer rain and glacier. The Yana River begins in the Verkhoyan Mountains, its length is 880 km, the pool area is 238 thousand km2. Nutrition and regime is similar to previous rivers, but the flood is weaker, since there is little in the snow river basin. All three rivers under shift form extensive delta, in which they are somewhat small from the surface of the depth buried ice. In winter, the river places are preserved to the bottom. On rivers are often formed to be formed (Taryn), which fill out the catch of the river and can be maintained all summer. On lowlands there are many lakes and swamps. Most thermocarbon lakes. Lake ice under the ice from October to June, the thickness of the ice comes to 2-3 meters. Mountain glaciation is developed in the mountains (Verkhoyansky Ridge, Church Ridge, Suntar-Hayat Ridge, Chukotka Highlands). The area of \u200b\u200bglaciation and snowfields about 400 km2. The number of glaciers is more than 650. The snow line passes at an altitude of 2200-2500 m. The long-term multi-year permanent is common, its capacity is 300-600 m.

Soil, vegetable and animal world

Soil-forming processes are suppressed by low temperatures, so the soil formation is slow. Soil profile is low-power, only 10-30 cm. In the north, tundrov-gley soils are spread on lowlands. In the valleys of rivers are developed with a permanent taiga soil. In the mountains under forests, mountain subbours and guery-taiga permeans are dominated. On the hunt coast of the soil podzolic.

The vegetation of the Northeast of Siberia consists of representatives of the three flora: the Okhotsk-Kamchatka, East Siberian and Chukotka. On the far North, on the seaside lowlands there is Tundra, with the domination of Mukhov, Fucizians, Camery, as well as lichens and crawling willow. The south is a strip of Fondra from the bushes of alder, willow, birch, and a larger larch. The whole rest territory of the country, with the exception of the top belt of the mountains, is covered with larch forests. In the floodplains of rivers there are poplar, spruce and pine growing on the southern slopes. In the undergrowth of the taiga, cedar stabel, alder, currant, birch skin are common; Ground cover consists of lingonberries, Voroniki and lichen and moss. On the slopes of the southern exposition of the valleys and river terraces, plots of steppe vegetation are preserved from mint, dusty, steppe seedling, Voroniki, Laptop, and others. In the mountains, the forest boundary rises to 600-900 m, above the shrub belt from the cedar squabble. Above 1000-1200 m - Mountain tundra.

The fauna of the country consists of tundra and taiga forms. But there are mountain and steppe species. Chukotka fauna is close to the fauna of Alaska. Mining and tundra species penetrate far south in Taiga, and steppe views north in Tundra. Northern deer, yellow protechy Lemming, Snow Baran, Baiga Skin, Sandscape, Wolf, Celebration, Tundrow Partridge, Pink Seagull, Swans, Gangki, Geese, Ducks, Falcons (Balaban, Greet, Sapsan), etc. in Taiga Typical elk and reindeer, bear, wolf, fox, sable, columns, forest lemming, voles, food, dehumaria, Ryabchik, Shchur, Kushsha, Keedrovka, Hawks, Berkut, etc.

General characteristics of northeastern Siberia

To the east of the lower flow of Lena lies an extensive territory limited in the east mountain arrays of the Pacific Water Separation. This physico-geographical country was named in Northeast Siberia. Including the islands of the Arctic Ocean, Northeast Siberia covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than $ 1.5 $ million square meters. At its borders is the eastern part of Yakutia and the western part of the Magadan region. Northeast Siberia is located in high latitudes and is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean and its seas.

Cape Holy Nose is an extreme northern point. The southern regions are located in the Mai River Basin. The north of the polar circle is almost half of the country, which is characterized by a variety and contrasting relief. There are mountain ranges, plateaus, flat lowlands according to the valleys of large rivers. Northeast Siberia belongs to the Verkhoyansky-Chukota Mesozoic Folding, when the main folding processes passed. The modern relief was formed as a result of the newest tectonic movements.

The climate of the original conditions of northeastern Siberia Sigor, January frost reaches $ 60 $, - $ 68 $ degrees. Summer temperature + $ 30 $, + $ 36 $ degrees. Temperature amplitude B. separate places It is $ 100 $ - $ 105 $ degrees, there is little precipitation, about $ 100 $ - $ 150 $ mm. The eternal Merzlota shines the ground to the depth of several hundred meters. In the flat territories, zonality is well expressed in the distribution of soils - on the islands of the Arctic desert zone, the mainland tundra and monotonous wetlands of larch. High-rise zonality is characteristic of mountain areas.

Note 1.

Earthlocks I. Rebrov, I. Yerastov, M. Stadukhin delivered the first information about the nature of Northeast Siberia. It was the middle of the $ XVII $ century. Northern Islands studied A.A. Bungje and E.V. Toll, but the information was far from all. Only at $ 30 $ -e years of expedition S.V. Obruchev changed ideas about the peculiarities of this physico-geographical country.

Despite the diversity of relief, Northeast Siberia is mostly mountainous country, lowland occupy $ 20 $% area. Here are located mountain systems Painted ridges of Verkhoyansky, Chersky, Kolyma Highlands. In the south of Northeast Siberia there are the highest mountains, the average height of which reaches $ 1500 $ - $ 2000 $ m. Many vertices of the Verkhoyansky ridge and a black ridge rise above $ 2,300 $ - $ $ 2,800 m. The vertex is located in the Range Ulahan-Chistai - this is a mountain of victory, whose height is $ 3147 m.

Geological structure of Northeast Siberia

In the Paleozoic era and at the beginning of the Mesozoic era, the territory of Northeast Siberia belonged to the Verkhoyansky-Chukchi geosynclinal marine pool. The main proof of this is the powerful Paleozoic-Mesozoic sediments, reaching $ 20 $ - $ 22,000 thousand meters and strong tectonic movements, which folded structures have created in the second half of the Mesozoic. The most ancient structural elements include the Middle Arrays Kolyma and Omolone. Younger age - in the west of Verkhneursky, and in the east of the chalk - have other tectonic elements.

These elements include:

  1. Verkhoyansky folded zone and net - Dabansky attino;
  2. Yansk and Indigir-Kolyn Synclinal Zones;
  3. Tas-Hayakhta and Momsky Anticlinorium.

Northeast Siberia, by the end of the Cretaceous period, was a territory, raised over neighboring regions. The warm climate of this time, and the dedudation processes of the mountain ranges leveled the relief and formed flat surfaces of alignment. Modern mountain relief was formed under the influence of tectonic raises in neogen and quaternary period. The amplitude of these raises reached $ 1000 $ - $ 2000 $ m. Especially high ridges rose in those areas where raised were the most intense. The Cenozoic lowering is occupied by lowlands and interguric basins with strata of loose sediments.

Approximately from the middle of the Quaternary period began the glaciation, on the mountain ranges, which continued to rise, large valley glaciers appeared. The embryonic nature of the glaciation had, according to D.M. Kolosov, on the plains, firboards were formed here. The formation of permafrost begins in the second half of the Quaternary period in the archipelago of the Novosibirsk Islands and on seaside lowlands. The power of permafrost and intravenous ice reaches $ 50 $ - $ 60 m in the cliffs of the North Ocean coast.

Note 2.

The olelification of the plains of Northeast Siberia was thus passive. A significant part of the glaciers represented a low-propelled formation, carrying a little loose material. Examing effects of these glaciers on the relief affected weakly.

The mining and valley glaciation is pronounced better, on the outskirts of mountain arrays there are well-preserved forms of the glacial examination - punctures, housing valleys. Valley average hardening glaciers reached a length of $ 200 $ - $ 300 $ km. Mountains of Northeast Siberia, most experts believed, have experienced three independent glaciations in the middle-customer and urgent time.

These include:

  1. Tobichian glaciation;
  2. Elginic glaciation;
  3. Bohapchinsky glaciation.

The first glaciation led to the fact that Siberian appeared coniferous trees, including a Daurgy larch. In the second interglacial era of the predominant was the mountain taiga. It is typical of the southern regions of Yakutia at present. The last glaciation was almost not affected by the species composition of modern vegetation. Northern forest limit at the time, according to A.P. Vaskovsky, was noticeably shifted to the south.

Northeast Relief Siberia

The relief of Northeast Siberia forms several geomorphological tiers, well-pronounced. Each tier is associated with the plaster status, which were determined by the character and intensity of the newest tectonic movements. The position in high latitudes and the sharp continentality of the climate cause other high-altitude limits of the propagation of the corresponding types of mountain relief. In its formation more important Purchase processes of nivation, solifluction, frosty weathera.

Within the limits of northeastern Siberia in accordance with the morphogenetic features, allocate:

  1. Accumulative plains;
  2. Erosion denudation plains;
  3. Plateau;
  4. Lowland;
  5. Mediterranean and low alpine relief.

Separate sections of tectonic lowering occupy Accumulative plainscharacterized by weakly terrain and small oscillations of relative height. Such forms are applied that their formation is obliged to permanent processes, large ice-grained deposits and powerful underground ice.

Among them can be called:

  1. Term Carts Basins;
  2. Permanent bugs;
  3. Frostic cracks and polygons;
  4. High ice cliffs on marine coasts.

The accumulative plains include Jan-Indiigir, Mid-Indigir, Kolyma Lowland.

At the foot of a number of ridges - Anyusky, Momsky, Kharaulakh, Kulara - formed erosion denudation plains. The surface of the plains has a height of no more than $ 200 $ m, but can reach $ 400 $ - $ 500 $ m at the slopes of a number of ridges. Loose deposits here are low-power and they are complicated mainly by indigenous rocks of different ages. As a result, it is possible to meet crub-lousy placers, narrow valleys with rocky slopes, low hills, stains-medallions, solid flow terraces.

Between the Verkhoyansky ridge and the kilky ridge are pronounced pickene relief - Yanskoye, Alginsky, Oymyakonskoye, Nevskoy Plateau. Most of The plane is composed of mesozoic sediments. Modern their height from $ 400 $ to $ 1300 $ m.

Those sites that are at the Quaternary time subjected to raising moderate amplitudes, are busy lowlands, $ 300 $ $ 500 m. They occupy the outskirts and dissected a thick network of deep river valleys. Typical form of relief for them is an abundance of rocky placers and rocky peaks.

Mediterranean relief Mostly characterized for most of the arrays of the Verkhoyansky ridge system. Judo-May Highlands, Church Range, Tas-Hayacht, Momsky. In Kolyma Highlands and Anyusky Range, too, there are medium-sized arrays. The altitude of them from $ 800 $ - $ $ 2,200 m. There are mediteralous arrays of northeastern Siberia in a mountain tundra strip, above the upper border of woody vegetation.

Alpine alpine relief. These are the ridges of the highest mountain ranges - Suntar-Hayat, Ulakhan-Chistai, Tas-Hayacht, etc. They are connected with the areas of the most intense raised quaternary period. The height of more than $ 2000 $ - $ $ 2,000 m. In the formation of the Alpine relief, a significant role is owned by the activities of quaternary and modern glaciers, therefore, high amplitudes of heights, deep dismemberment will be characteristic, narrow rocky robes, punctures, circus and other pretext.

Remember: What rock rocks are waterproof? What are the breeds of trees prevail in a light-king taiga?

Waterproof breeds - rocks practically do not pass through themselves, from adjacent aquifers or surface water. Waterproof rocks are usually waterproof (low-permeable) rocks, as well as the water-permeable, but empties of which are filled with ice, oil, gas or water with other mineralization. The waterproof rocks covering the aquifer forms aquaopory roof, and the underlying aquifer is a waterproof bed.

Pines and larches prevail in the light-killy taiga.

Check knowledge:

1. What is the depth of the freezing of rocks in the north-east of the country?

The drainage depth of rocks reaches 400-600 m.

2. Name the largest rivers of Northeast Siberia?

Indigirika, Yana, Kolyma.

3. What is found?

Finding - a huge ice field at the bottom of the valley, which has arisen when freezing the rivers to the bottom or almost to the bottom.

And now more complex questions:

1. What form of relief are related to multi-member rocks?

Thermal funnels are associated with multi-neur-membered rocks, drum bugs.

2. Snow meals more often leads to spring floors. Rainy - to the summer. Why did the rivers of Northeast Siberia, having raindrops and snowmall, are full on the summer months?

Snow melting occurs at the beginning of summer and rains go mainly in summer period. Therefore, the greatest rise in the water level occurs in the summer.

3. Why does Nortesta are characteristic of Northeast Siberia?

Taste is characteristic of the rivers of northeastern Siberia, since it is possible to freeze rivers in this area to the bottom, which is associated with extremely low winter temperatures.

4. Tell us about Nature-Eastern Siberia's natural resources?

Northeast Siberia has reserves of mineral raw materials - coal, tin, gold, ore various metals. In addition, the river Northeast Siberia is rich in fish, fairly forest resources - wood, commercial animals.

We will work with the map:

Name the ridge, the location of which repeats the outlines of the eastern border of the medium-grained plateau. Is there any lowland within this region? Name them.

The outlines of the eastern border of the medium-grained plateau are repeated by the Verkhoyansky ridge and the black ridge.

Within the Area there are indigra, Kolyma and Middle -olm lowland.

Total tests

According to the themes "Medium Siberia" and "Northeast Siberia"

1. Pole of the Cold of Russia is located within:

D) northeastern Siberia

2. The territory of the Central Siberia is located between the rivers:

C) Yenisei and Lena

3. The middle and northeastern Siberia shares:

B) river Lena

4. Which of the specified natural zones Presented in the north of Central Siberia?

B) Tundra

5. Copper-nickel ores are mined in the area:

B) Norilsk

6. Main wood breed In Svetochkoy Taiga is:

D) larch

7. At the base of Central Siberia, it lies:

C) an ancient platform

8. The climate of Central and Northeast Siberia is distinguished by:

B) large annual temperature amplitude

9. Find a mistake in the list of characteristics of Northeast Siberia:

B) the territory lies between the River Lena and the Pacific Coast

10. Characteristic natural objects Middle Siberia are:

What determined the solely complex relief of the territory. In addition, for a long time geological history Here, the cardinal restructuring of textural and morphogenesis has repeatedly occurred.

If we assume that the territory of Northeast Siberia is consistent with the Latezozoic Upper-Chukotka folding-covered area, then its borders serve: in the West - the valleys of the Lena and the lower flow of Aldan, from where, crossing Jugjur border goes to the Sea Sea; In the south-east, the border passes along the lowland from the mouth of Anadyr to the mouth of the Penzhina; In the north of the Northern Ocean Sea; In the south and east - the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific Ocean. Some geographers are not included in the Northeast Siberia Pacific coast, conducting the border on the watershed river rivers of the Northern Ice and Pacific Oceans.

Most rivers feed on mainly due to the melting of snow cover at the beginning of summer and summer rains. Some role in the nutrition of rivers play groundwater, melting of snow and glaciers in high mountains, as well as forehead. More than 70% annual Stok. Rivers fall on three calendar summer months.

The largest river of Northeast Siberia is Kolyma (the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool - 643 thousand km², length - 2129 km) - begins in Verkhnekolum Highlands. Severally lower than the mouth of the river Corcodon Kolyma enters the limits of the kernel of lowland; The valley here is sharply expanding, the fall and the flow rate decreases, and the river gradually acquires the plain appearance. Near Nizhnekolimsk, the river width reaches 2-3 km, and the average annual flow rate is 3900 m³ / s (stock of about 123 km³ of water).

The origins of the second large river - Indigirki (length - 1980 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool - 360 thousand km²) - located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Oymyakon Plateau. Crossing the chile ridge, it flows into a deep and narrow valley with almost sheer slopes; In line with indigirs, thresholds are often found here. The river then goes to the equal imaging lowland plain, where it is broken on the sleeves separated by the sandy islands. Below the village of Chokurdah begins Delta, an area of \u200b\u200b7700 km². Indigirka has stock for year over 57 km³ (average annual flow rate - 1800 m³ / s).

Western countries of the country are drained to Yana (length - 1490 km, pool area - 238 thousand km²). Her origins - Dulgalah and Sartang rivers flow from the northern slope of the Verkhoyansky ridge. After their merger within the Yansk Plateau River flows in a wide valley with well-developed terraces. In the middle part of the current, where Yana crosses the sangs of the mountain ranges, the valley is narrowed, and the thresholds appear in the direction. The low-level Yana is located on the territory of the seaside lowland; When pushing in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Laptev River forms a large delta (about 5,200 km²).

Yana is distinguished by a long summer flood, which is due to the gradual melting of the snow cover in the mountainous areas of its pool and the abundance of summer rains. The highest levels of water are observed in July and August. The average annual consumption is 1000 m 3 / s, and the stock for the year over 31 km 3.


On the territory of Northeast Siberia, there is: gold, tin, polymetals, tungsten, mercury, molybdenum, antimony, cobalt, arsenic, stone coal.

Unlike other parts of Siberia, the number of high-quality wood here is relatively small.

Located between West Siberian and districts, in the depths of the Russian territory, at a significant distance from developed central areas.

The development of a district rich in a varied spectrum of natural resources (coal, metal ores, and) directly depends on the transport arterial network. The main ways are the Trans-Siberian and Baikal Amur Railways, the waterway. The climatic conditions of the region are severe (1/4 of the territory lies in the plague), so the development requires large investments.

EGP Eastern Siberia Complex. Eastern Siberia is very removed from the main economically developed areas of the country and the oceans, which significantly affects its economy. Natural conditions extreme. 3/4 surfaces occupy mountains and platea; Stern, sharp continental, 25% of the territory is located behind the polar circle. Dominate and. For southern areas characteristic high. Most of the busy and only in the extreme south are the islands and.

Natural resources Eastern Siberia Very rich. In Eastern Siberia, 70% of coal reserves of Russia are concentrated. Available large deposits Rud black and non-ferrous metals (copper, tin, tungsten, etc.). Many non-metallic - asbestos, graphite, mica, salts. Hydrophenergy resources of Yenisei, hangars; 20% World fresh water Contained in unique. The leading place occupies East Siberia and in wood reserves.

Posted extremely unevenly - the main part is concentrated in the south along, in the rest of the territory, the settlement of the focal - in and in the steppe interguric basins. There is a deficit. High -72% degree, large cities - Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita, Norilsk.

Eastern Siberia. The development of rich resources of Eastern Siberia is difficult due to harsh natural conditions, lack of network and deficiency of labor resources. In the economy of the country, the region stands out as a base of production of cheap electricity.

Eastern Siberia specializes in the production of cheap electricity, forest and pulp and paper industry.

Eastern Siberia accounts for 1/4 of the gold mined in Russia.

Based on the use of cheap energy, oil refining products, sawmills, coal, cook and potash salts are developed chemical and. In the area produced: chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, clay, rubber products, chloroproducts. Centers - Achinsk and Angarsk. In Krasnoyarsk. Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Lesosibirsk, Baikalsk, in Selenginsk, built enterprises of woodworking and pulp and paper industry. Forestry is conducted in the pools of the Yenisei and hangars. The forest is also transported by Yenisei, and then on the Northern Sea Route to other areas.

The area produces equipment for mining, black and non-ferrous metallurgy (Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Cheremkhovo), combines, river ships, excavators (Krasnoyarsk), appliances, machines, electrical equipment.

The agro-industrial complex is developed, mainly in the south of the district. Specializes in grain farm and meat and dairy cattle breeding. In the Chita region, Buryatia and Tuva has developed sheep.

The leading place in belongs to grain crops. Spring wheat, oats, barley, feed crops are cultivated, potatoes, vegetables are grown. In the north bred deer. The hunting and fisheries are also developed.

Presented by leather (Chita, Ulan-Ude), shoe (Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kyzyl), fur (Krasnoyarsk, Chita), textile enterprises and wool production.

Transport. The most important ways of the Area are Transsib, Bam, Yenisei, as well as the northern sea route passing from the northern coast.

Specialization industry:

  • Carbonnergetics using brown coal extracted in the Kansky-Achini basin open way. Large TPP - Nazarovskaya, Chita, Irkutskaya.
  • Hydropower. The most powerful HPPs in Russia were built on Yenisei (Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarskaya, on - fraternal, Ust-Ilimskaya).
  • Colored metallurgy is represented by energy-intensive industries. In Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Shelekhovo is paid aluminum, in Norilsk - copper and nickel, in Udokan - copper.
  • Chemical, oil and timber industry produces a variety of water-energy-intensive products - plastics, chemical fibers, polymers. Raw materials are recycling (Angarsk, Usolye Siberian) and wood (Krasnoyarsk).
  • Forest I. cellulosic and paper industry Developed in the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory - here are the largest industrial logging in the country in the country. The largest combines are built in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Yeniseisk, Baikalsk.

On the basis of interrelated industries of coal - and hydropower, non-ferrous metallurgy, forest and, as well as in Eastern Siberia, large TPK-Norilsk, Canco-Achinsky, Bratko-Ust-Ilimsky, Irkutsko-Cheremkhovsky are formed.

The future of Eastern Siberia is associated with the formation transport network, new energy TPK, the development of the manufacturing industry, including modern. Environmental situation in concentration areas causes great alarm industrial industries - Norilsk, Baikal Bowl, along the Bam's highway.

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