Pickled bell peppers fast food. Pickled sweet peppers for the winter

Decor elements 17.10.2019
Decor elements

Step by step preparation:

  1. Vegetables pre-process, clean, wash and dry. Cut the tails from the pepper and remove the seeds, and remove the husk from the onion and cut into slices.
  2. Dip the peppers in a large saucepan, cover with water and boil.
  3. Pour off 1 liter of water in which the pepper was blanched and boil. Add salt, sugar, marinade and bring to a boil again.
  4. Put peppercorns, onion and cloves in sterilized jars. Lay peppercorns in dense rows to the very top of the container.
  5. Pour boiling marinade over vegetables and pour in vinegar.
  6. Roll up the containers with sterilized lids, turn them upside down, wrap warm blanket and leave to cool completely.
  7. Store cooled jars in a cool place.
  • If you stuff peppers, then first soak them from the marinade in chilled boiled water.
  • If you use a triple fill for this recipe, then in winter you can store the workpiece at room temperature. However, then the peppers will be softer and not particularly crispy.

Marinade for sweet bell pepper

Along with pickled eggplant, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers - bell pepper occupies one of the worthy places. This is a very tasty snack, the use of which few people refuse. There are many varieties of marinades for this vegetable, but we share the most famous and in demand among housewives.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g
  • Table vinegar 9% - 100 g
  • Water - 1 l
  • Hot pepper (optional) - 2 pcs.
Step by step preparation:
  1. Wash the pepper, remove the stalks with seeds and cut into 4-6 parts.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Add sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  3. Immediately add half of the prepared pepper. Optionally, you can add 1-2 pods hot pepper. Boil and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  4. From the marinade, shift the pepper in 3 liter jar, and put the remaining pepper in the marinade and also boil for 3-5 minutes. Then add to the same jar.
  5. Pour the vegetables with the remaining marinade, roll up the lids and cool slowly, wrapped in a warm towel. Put the blank in the refrigerator and after a couple of days the peppers will be ready, and they can be served at the table.

Pickled sweet bell pepper with garlic

This recipe is good because peppers can be peeled and cut in advance, for example, a day in advance, and stored in the refrigerator. Also, when preparing this recipe, be prepared for a strong and pungent smell, especially in the first 2 hours of boiling salamur. But when you go through all the stages of cooking, you will have an amazing result of the meal.


  • Red Bell pepper- 10 kg
  • Table vinegar - 0.5 l
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 l
  • Garlic - 250 g
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
Step by step preparation:
  1. In a cauldron or thick-bottomed dish, put peeled garlic, passed through a press, pour in vinegar and oil, add sugar and salt. It is this mass that is called - salamur.
  2. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into 4-6 parts and throw it into salamur with saps. Boil food for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, in clean, sterilized, dry and warm jars, tightly fold the pepper to the very top and pour boiling brine.
  4. Seal the jar with lids and set to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

How to pickle bell peppers for the winter?

This recipe for harvesting pepper requires minimal cost and available products. At the same time, using the workpiece in winter, you can get vitamins that are not enough for the body. For this recipe, it is desirable to use sweet pepper different colors. Since by combining layers of vegetables when laying in jars, the appetizer will look very original.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 kg
  • Hot pepper - 5-7 pcs.
  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Vegetable oil - 200 g
  • Acetic acid 9% - 200 g
  • Garlic - 3 heads
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
Step by step preparation:
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and bring everything to a boil.
  2. Peppers (bitter and sweet) clean from seeds and stalks, wash and dry.
  3. Dip the prepared peppers into the boiling marinade and soak them for 7-8 minutes. Vegetables can be cut into slices if desired.
  4. Put the boiled peppers in sterilized jars, layering with finely chopped garlic and chopped parsley. Roll up the workpiece with lids and leave it under a warm blanket until it cools completely.

A quick pickled sweet bell pepper recipe

Along with quick recipes for pickling cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and other joys of summer, bell pepper will take its place of honor. spicy pepper on hastily, marinated in just a day, with garlic flavor, is no different from prepared for the winter. It is not too soft, but with a slight crunch.


  • Sweet bell pepper - 2 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Hot pepper - 1 pod
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • Water - 1 l
  • Table vinegar 9% - 100 ml
Step by step preparation:
  1. Peel the peppers from the stalks, seeds and excess things. Cut into several not very small pieces, depending on the original size of the fruit.
  2. Boil water to prepare the marinade. Pour sugar and salt, pour in oil and vinegar. Put some hot pepper in there.
  3. Next, put the prepared sweet pepper and bring the food to a boil. Cook no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Pick up a convenient container for marinating and put boiled peppers in it. Pour marinade over them, let cool and refrigerate.
  5. In a day, the pepper will be marinated, and it will be possible to taste it, and in two days it will be absolutely ready.

Among all the summer fruit and vegetable variety, sweet Bulgarian pepper occupies a worthy place. The place is, frankly, honorable. Many vegetable snacks and salads for the winter cannot do without this bright, beautiful, tasty and very healthy vegetable. Bulgarian pepper is good, both as part of numerous dishes, and in splendid isolation. So, many housewives like to pickle sweet peppers for the winter. There are many recipes for pickled bell pepper, it is pickled in tomato juice, with honey, with hot pepper, along with cucumbers, zucchini. We offer a very simple and quick recipe sweet and sour marinated sweet peppers in vinegar marinade.

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Seaming Ingredients

  • sweet bell pepper - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 300 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • vinegar - 200 ml,
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.

How to cook pickled sweet peppers for the winter

You can pickle both Bulgarian peppers of the same variety, and different varieties in one jar. The same can be said about color: you can preserve a vegetable of one color (preferably red), or you can create a whole color palette. I prefer the second option, so for this recipe I collected different peppers.
Let's prepare the peppers.

Remove the core with seeds from the vegetable and cut the fruit into small strips.
As for the size of the strips, we are guided so that the pepper is convenient to eat.

For the marinade we need: sugar, salt, vegetable oil (sunflower), vinegar, black peppercorns. You can add garlic, but this is not a required ingredient.

Pour water into a bowl or pan, add vegetable oil, sugar and other ingredients.

Let's put the pepper in there too. Put on the fire and blanch the pepper for 5-6 minutes in boiling water.

The pepper will wilt and take a more compact position in the bowl.

We will process the jars with steam, boil the lids.

We put the bell pepper in jars, pour the marinade, which remained in the bowl.

We cover the jars with lids and put them to sterilize in a water bath. To do this, you can use a capacious pan, the bottom of which is covered with a linen napkin.

We sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 15 minutes, then roll up the lids with a key. Banks are turned over and left in this form for 2-3 hours.

Here we have such a pickled pepper, this dish is prepared easily and simply, the peppers taste sweet and sour with a pleasant taste.

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Recipe number 2. Pickled sweet pepper for the winter "Traffic light"

This funny name is explained simply: the recipe uses peppers of three “traffic light” colors, that is, red, yellow and green. Thanks to this, jars with ready-made salad look especially elegant. You, of course, can take just plain fruits ... But then this preparation for the winter will turn out to be the most ordinary in appearance. And from different peppers (yes, if you also connect your imagination, and not just throw the pieces of vegetable into jars, but shift them in colored layers), you will get conservation, which it will not be a shame to put on the most luxurious festive table. And besides, this salad for the winter is very tasty. Try it!

For 2 half liter jars:

  • 500-700 g of sweet pepper (about 20 pieces if the vegetables are small),
  • 60 g sugar (a quarter cup or 6 tablespoons without a hill),
  • 60 g vinegar (9%)
  • an incomplete teaspoon of salt,
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 150 ml cold water
  • 1 large bay leaf,
  • 4 peas of allspice.
pickled bell pepper recipe step by step

So, first you need to wash the pepper, divide each vegetable into 4 parts (if the vegetables are large, you can even into 6). Remove the seeds from each quarter.

In a small saucepan, bring the marinade (water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil) to a boil. For two approaches, put pepper in it, let it boil no more
4-5 minutes (so that it does not have time to soften too much and become porridge).

Carefully transfer the pieces of pepper into the prepared sterile jars (at the bottom of each, put half a bay leaf and two peas of allspice at the bottom of each). Pour hot marinade over everything. Roll up the lids, turn over and wrap overnight.

That's all! Personally, according to this recipe, I got exactly 2 jars.

Immediately after I took out the seaming from under the "fur coat", my relatives looked closely, looked at the beautiful salad, and they could not stand it - they opened one jar. What can I say - I immediately regretted that I had not cooked even more, since the pickled peppers turned out to be very tasty.

Be sure to try this little vegetable work of art. You will not remain indifferent, and the family will be delighted!

For pickling, choose fleshy juicy vegetables: this way the preparations will be tastier. And to make them even more beautiful, use peppers of different colors.

After seaming, the jars need to be turned over, wrapped in some thick warm thing and left to cool completely.

Pepper turns out incredibly fragrant, moderately sweet and very tasty.


  • 1½ kg bell pepper (weight of peeled vegetables);
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 65 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1-2 bay leaves.


Such peppers are pickled specifically for stuffing. Just take the vegetables out of the jar, spread them over them and cook the dish as usual.


  • 1½-2 kg bell peppers (about 12-15 medium vegetables);
  • about 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

The ingredients are for a 3 liter jar.


Remove seeds and stems from peppers. Cut off the tops so that it is convenient to stuff the vegetables later.

Put the peppers in a clean jar. To fit more, insert them into each other. Fill the jar with boiling water to the brim, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Pour the infused water into a saucepan and add salt and sugar there. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 more minutes.

Pour vinegar and boiling brine into the peppers and roll up the jar.

Honey makes pepper even sweeter, more aromatic and tastier.


  • 700 ml of water;
  • 120 g;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 9 black peppercorns;
  • 3 buds of dried cloves.

The ingredients are designed for 3 jars with a volume of ½ l.


Remove seeds and stems from peppers and cut lengthwise into long strips.

Pour water into the pan, add honey, oil, vinegar, salt, black pepper and cloves. While stirring, bring the marinade to a boil over high heat.

Put the peppers in a saucepan, stir and bring to a boil again over medium heat. Then reduce it and cook for another 3-4 minutes. The peppers will remain slightly crispy. But if you cook for a couple more minutes, they will become softer.

Arrange vegetables in sterilized jars. If marinade gets inside, return it to the pot. Bring the liquid to a boil, pour over the peppers and cover with lids.

Place a cloth in the bottom of a clean saucepan and place the peppers in it. Pour warm water into the pan so that it covers the jars up to the shoulders. Bring the water to a boil over low heat, sterilize the jars for 15 minutes and roll up.

For the preparation of this delicious snack you don't have to spend a lot of time and effort. Will do the main work for you.


  • 1 kg of bell pepper (weight of peeled vegetables);
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • about ½ liter of water.

Ingredients are designed for 2 jars with a volume of ½ l.


Remove the stems and seeds from the peppers and cut each vegetable in half or quarters lengthwise. Line a baking sheet with foil and spread the oil over it.

Put the peppers on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 30-35 minutes. If the vegetables start to burn, stir gently. Remove the roasted peppers from the oven and leave for a couple of minutes to cool slightly.

At the bottom of each sterilized jar, place 3 black peppercorns, 2 garlic cloves, diced, 1 teaspoon salt, and 2 tablespoons each of sugar and vinegar.

Transfer peppers to jars and fill with boiling water to the brim. Roll up jars and shake lightly to dissolve seasonings.

The highlight of this already original snack that vegetables are marinated in tomato juice.


  • 1½ kg of bell pepper;
  • 1½ kg cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2½ tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 75 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g sugar.

The ingredients are designed for 4 cans of 1 liter.


Cut off the tops of the peppers and remove the seeds. Finely chop the cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix cabbage, carrots and 1 tablespoon salt. Remember with your hands and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then stuff the peppers with the vegetable mixture.

Pour into the pot tomato juice, vinegar and oil and add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Place in another bowl stuffed peppers and pour over the boiling marinade.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Put the peppers in sterilized jars, pour over the marinade and roll up.

If you are going to cook this appetizer, you can not be afraid to lose the list of ingredients on the way to the market or to the supermarket, because they are very easy to remember. The main component of the dish is bell pepper (you certainly won’t forget this). And then - full improvisation! Feel free to put more of your favorite greens, dried or fresh spices in the marinade in quantities that are comfortable for taste buds. Add garlic and a little chili for a spicy taste. You can emphasize and enhance the taste with salt and sugar. And to pickled peppers fast food kept longer, do not forget the acid - vinegar or lemon juice. In a word, no strict restrictions in proportions, no metronomic clarity in implementation. I give an approximate list of products, so I advise you to try everything in the cooking process and adjust if necessary.


Spicy pickled instant peppers are done like this (step-by-step recipe with photo):

To make the appetizer deliver not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure, choose bright and fleshy pods. There are at least two options for processing a vegetable before pickling. First - just wash and dry the pepper. Remove the seeds and cut the flesh into strips, rings or small free-form pieces. Pickled peppers will turn out juicy and crispy. But it will take a little longer to soak with marinade than with the second processing method that I used this time - baking.

Cut clean and dry pods lengthwise into 4-6 parts. Take out the core with seeds. Place on a greased baking sheet vegetable oil. Place in preheated oven. Bake peppers at 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. After baking, the vegetable will become soft, the skin will shrink, and it can be easily removed.

You can bake the pepper and whole. In this case, put it in a special heat-resistant bag or wrap each pod in foil. Increase the baking time by 5-10 minutes.

When the bell pepper has cooled to room temperature, remove transparent film. Cut the edible part into small pieces. Transfer to a deep marinating bowl.

Wash the greens well. Chop with a knife or finely tear with your hands. To prepare snacks, you can use one or more types of greens. I added parsley and cilantro. If you want to give the vegetable a Mediterranean touch, add basil and/or thyme.

Mix salt and sugar. Fill with vinegar. Stir until the crystals dissolve. Instead of table vinegar, if desired, use apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. The concentration of acid in these types of product is usually less (6%). Therefore, it will take a little more - about 75 ml. And any opponents acetic acid can try to replace it lemon juice. But it is better to eat such pickled peppers quickly (in 2-4 days). Although lemon is a natural and practically harmless preservative, it will not allow the dish to be stored for several weeks.

Pour the sweet-sour-salt mixture over the peppers and herbs. Stir.

Peel the hot pepper from the seeds, with them the appetizer will turn out to be excessively spicy. The rest - finely chop. Chop the garlic or push it through a press. Reheat sunflower or olive oil without smell. Put the spices into the pan. Simmer over low heat until the garlic and chili release some of the flavor into the oil. To give an oriental touch, use coriander seeds (even if you put its greens - cilantro). It will also come out very tasty with mustard seeds.

Pour sweet peppers with fragrant marinade. Stir quickly. Cool at room temperature. Seal the snack container tightly. Move to refrigerator. If the pepper is pre-baked, marinate it for 2-3 hours. A raw vegetable for impregnation with spices will take at least 5 hours.

Store aromatic peppers in a tightly closed container in a cool place. Shelf life - several months. But usually it is limited to 2-3 days, because the snack is eaten almost instantly.

Pickled peppers - very delicious preparation for the winter, which miraculously decorate your table. Everyone has their own recipe for pickled peppers. Someone prefers old way his grandmother, someone invents his own. In any case, the preparation of bell pepper is a wonderful occasion to please your family by opening a jar or two of this wonderful preservation. Pickled peppers have their own unique, unique taste. On our website you will find delicious recipes this wonderful appetizer. Enjoy and delight loved ones in winter with this wonderful dish, and simple recipes with step by step photos taken to help you in cooking!

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The last notes

kerescan - Jul 17th, 2015

You have probably harvested or tried these pickled vegetables. But have you tried pickled peppers with honey? BUT cauliflower? I love to make many new homemade preparations every harvesting season. A colleague gave me this delicious, unusual and simple recipe for preservation with honey and vinegar. I suggest that you try to make such a preparation.

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