How to turn a balcony into a comfortable office: tips for landscaping and design We free up space for an office on the balcony: tips for competent organization and design of space Desk on the balcony design

Decor elements 12.08.2019
Decor elements

In most cases, an unglazed balcony is used as a storage room and a place for drying clothes. Many people keep old things on the balcony, which have no place in the apartment (as well as the use of these things), but they don’t want to throw them away. But the balcony is valuable meters of your living space. If you properly dispose of these meters, you can get almost a separate tiny room, another cozy corner. We used to write about, it's time to talk about how to make an office on the balcony.

Many dream of a separate workplace in the apartment, their own office, which will allow them to concentrate on work even in a nice home interior. Separates them from the dream is just a balcony that is not used to the maximum.

How to make a workplace on the balcony

If you decide to make an office on the balcony, then you need to glaze it and make it. Windows will protect you from dust and dirt, from precipitation and, of course, from temperature changes. However, windows alone are not enough. It is also necessary to carefully insulate the balcony. Penofol is perfect for a small space, which will not “steal” your area, since the thickness of the material is only 4 mm. By their own thermal insulation characteristics this material is comparable to 50mm thick foam. Before proceeding with the installation of penofol, you need to carefully seal all the cracks and corners with airtight tape. You can also use sealant, but working with it is much more difficult.

An additional insulating layer will be required, and only then you can finish the balcony.

Pay attention to the floor. If you have the opportunity to make underfloor heating on the balcony, then this option should definitely be used. The warm floor will create the necessary temperature regime even in the most severe frosts. Suitable for regions with warmer climates conventional laminate. If necessary, you can use a small heater.

Finishing and decorating the office on the balcony

Before proceeding with the cosmetic decoration of the room, carefully consider the design project of your balcony. You need to anticipate everything important little things that will be needed in the future. For example, spare sockets or additional shelf mounts.

To finish the balcony, try to use light colors, they visually enlarge the room. A white ceiling, for example, will give the interior lightness. If you have the opportunity to make glossy ones on the balcony stretch ceiling, use it. Gloss will reflect light, which will also add extra volume to the space.

Try to use natural materials or their analogues: light wood can be replaced with a wood-textured laminate. Thus, you can make your office more comfortable.

We do not advise you to experiment with contrasting and bright colors. AT small room bright colors may look too noisy and even aggressive, and such an interior quickly tires. If you want to add some color to your office, then choose one interesting accessory that will draw attention to yourself. This approach will help you successfully combine the work area with the recreation area. As an accessory, you can use, for example, a fluffy rug or an original painting.

Be sure to consider the fact that a balcony can combine several functions: not only a study, but also a place of rest.

However, the main area should be the work area. You need to place a small but comfortable desktop and an ergonomic chair on the balcony. Because the workplace usually associated with large quantity important papers and documents, then provide a small rack or cabinet for papers. Great solution for a small balcony there will be hanging shelves.

Remember that the furniture on the balcony should be roomy, but shallow. Otherwise, it will absorb all the free space.

You can equip a small library on the other side of the balcony, put a bookcase there and a small comfortable ottoman or a pear chair. Thus, you can not only work in the office, but also fully relax.

To give your balcony freshness and coziness, place a few beautiful plants to the balcony. You can use a small window sill or you can attach the plants to the wall using a planter. Small plants will look great next to books on high shelves or even on open shelves in a closet. Just remember to water them.


Don't forget to choose the right lighting for your office. In the daytime you will come to the rescue sunlight, and on cloudy days and at night, use lamps that mimic natural light.

You can place lights on the ceiling or walls, original solution becomes a "table lamp" built into a shelf above your desk. If you can adjust the brightness of the light, then this will give you both productive work and good rest.

Do not buy large chandeliers and lamps with large shades, on small balcony they will look out of place.

If your balcony faces sunny side, then you also need to think about protection from bright sun rays. It can be special curtains for plastic windows or ordinary translucent curtains made of lightweight material. You can block out the light by using blinds, but this décor item is more suitable for office space. Blinds can deprive your office of coziness and the feeling of home warmth.

Equip Personal Area on the balcony is not easy, but such a change functional purpose balcony will help you make your life better. The balcony should not be a storage of unnecessary things, valuable square meters should not be lost. Moreover, if you have a large balcony, then you can equip as many as two jobs. You will have to sacrifice a closet, but you will have a very comfortable office for two.

Wide enough to fit small table, then it can be completely converted into a comfortable and cozy office. When starting to develop interior design, it is important to determine whether it will be only a workplace or also a small library, a place for relaxation and solitude. Based on this, despite the limited space, it is better to break it into functional zones.

The office on the balcony will be successful and interesting solution which has many advantages.

  • Privacy: a balcony or loggia is the most remote place in the back of an apartment or room. Therefore, even in the case of joining a balcony or loggia to a room, with the subsequent organization of a working area on it / her, a certain isolation remains, again, contributing to fruitful work.
  • Illumination: balcony or loggia have a large number of windows,
    therefore, during daylight hours, sunlight will be the main source of illumination. It should be borne in mind that natural light is good for the eyes and, in general, has a very positive effect on the mental and psychological state of a person, which means that work in such an office will be more pleasant and productive.
  • Ventilation: In a well-ventilated area, the human brain will work at full capacity. And on the balcony or loggia, this is facilitated by a large number of windows (besides, the view from the window will please the eye).

The disadvantages include the complexity and cost of transformation ordinary balcony or a loggia into a full-fledged study.

Stages of repair work on the balcony

Electric installation work

The future working mini-office cannot be fully used without office equipment, that is, lighting, sockets and switches are necessary.


Unfortunately, neither capital insulation nor triple-glazed windows will be able to provide a comfortable temperature on the balcony during winter frosts. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without additional heating of the mini-cabinet. Balcony heating is carried out electric fireplaces or convectors, since heating batteries are not allowed to be taken outside the apartment by law.

The ceiling and walls can be painted in light shades, and the floor furnishings in dark, which will create a contrast in color. Bright hues and Beautiful design eco-style balconies with practical and comfortable .

When decorating a balcony-study, it is important to combine the entire interior with a single design idea so that colors, textures of materials and pieces of furniture combine beautifully and harmoniously.

The material, in fact, can be anything, the main thing is that the color and texture of the finish be in the same style. It is recommended to choose a color that is not bright, monophonic, in order to set it up in a businesslike way.

It is advisable to avoid dark tones, because they visually narrow the already small room. Very large and bright enough elements should also not be chosen, as they will distract from work.

Light, pastel, natural shades visually enlarge the room, soothe and contribute to the working mood. One of best options will use color natural wood or other unobtrusive shades.

Workplace for a student on the balcony

In a small apartment it is quite problematic to install computer desk for a student. And if there are two children in the family, then the problems double. And yet, even having a loggia, you can create a great work area for schoolchildren.

The table can be made along the windowsill, which is quite practical on narrow balcony. Moreover, under the table you can place boxes and shelves for storing school supplies.

And if there are two schoolchildren in the family, then in this way you can create a workplace for two at the same time.

Blinds or curtains on windows that can keep out the heat and make small rooms feel more comfortable, while a splash of color will create a contrast with the white and bring life to the interior.

Study design on the balcony connected to the room

Quite often, a balcony is attached to a room and, having insulated it, creates a small work area with different shelves or cabinets.

Rest zone

The opposite side of the balcony can be turned into reading room by setting bookshelf made to order or handmade. Shelves with books can also look good on the side wall of a mini-office.

In addition, a small seating area can successfully fit into a cozy office, where you can place a small coffee table and an armchair, so that it is pleasant and comfortable to drink a cup of coffee, take a break from business or read your favorite book. But this option, unfortunately, is possible only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony allows.

Garden furniture and decor accessories such as vases, lamps, lanterns, candlesticks, wall decorations and eye-catching plant and flower pots will help add charm and style to your design.

A balcony with access from the nursery is a great opportunity to expand the existing space, and should be used to the maximum. Moreover, modern balcony glazing systems and insulation materials will allow you to create another full-fledged room or zone.

How to insulate a balcony

Whatever design ideas you decide to implement it on the balcony, the first thing to do is to start insulating the space. High-quality work will allow you to use the attached area both in summer and in winter, while maintaining a comfortable temperature in the nursery at any time of the year.

Cozy balcony combined with a children's room

To do this, the internal elements of the balcony are additionally lined with bricks - the thicker the walls are, the less they will freeze through. However, it is better to use lightweight materials, not forgetting about allowable loads on balconies. Proper high-quality glazing is no less important when arranging a balcony.

Insulation of the walls of the balcony with foam

Balcony glazing should be done by professionals. In addition, do not forget to specify when ordering windows that you will turn the balcony into living space. This will allow you to immediately select a double-glazed window with optimal energy-saving and soundproofing performance. You should also provide for high-quality fittings that will work without failure for a long time, and protective structures - fences and mosquito nets.

The floor also needs good thermal insulation.

For the thermal insulation of the balcony, the lightest materials are used - so that no critical loads are created for overlapping. This is especially important for balconies based solely on beams - loggias in this regard are considered more durable structures because they have side walls.

Balcony heating with wall-mounted infrared heater

Inside the balcony, a layer of thermal insulation is necessarily laid. This should be done on all surfaces, including walls, floors and ceilings. Materials are laid without gaps. Optimal in terms of price and performance characteristics insulation is mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and non-flammable, but absorbs moisture. For this reason, work with it is carried out in dry and warm weather, and waterproofing is also required. By the way, among the advantages of mineral wool, good sound-proofing properties can be noted, which will be an important factor for a nursery.

wall heater

And after the issue with the insulation of balcony surfaces is resolved, heating should be arranged. A standard heater is hardly suitable here, since you need to heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony, and the heat should be distributed evenly. Therefore, they often choose warm floor- It is convenient, economical and easy to install. It is also possible to install an air conditioner for heating and cooling, or infrared heater placed under the ceiling.

Options for arranging a balcony for children

Workplace, sports section or a spacious playroom - all this can be arranged on the balcony next to the nursery. The most popular and popular options are:

  1. . It is assumed that the balcony block separating the balcony and the room will be dismantled, and the wall will be partially removed. The playroom is covered with bright carpet, it is provided here - and the personal space for the child is ready. You can even leave the window sill, turning it into a comfortable table for drawing and creativity. And the walls are designed as dynamically and brightly as possible - let your favorite cartoon characters, cars, aliens, funny little animals live on them.
  2. Workplace. If the room is intended for a student, then on the balcony you can equip an excellent work area. Balcony door dismantled, and in place of the window opening, shelving for books is made. With this design of the balcony, warm neutral shades should lead so that you can focus on the classroom. The desktop is installed at the "short" wall or along the balcony. If the room is carefully insulated, then the equipment will be safe here, so feel free to install a computer on your desktop.
  3. Children's workplace on the balcony

  4. Can be taken out to the balcony place for creativity if two children live in the nursery, and there is a certain lack of space. You can even make a room for one of the children on the balcony, but in this case the nursery itself will turn out to be a walk-through.
  5. Library, workshop, scientific laboratory- on the balcony you can allocate a place for a personal corner of the child, where he will be engaged in modeling, embroidery or reading. Such isolation will be extremely beneficial. And the balcony is ideal for such purposes, because in regular room there is almost never a place for all this.

In the balcony space, you can place a computer desk, organize a full-fledged office or workshop. Thus, it will be possible to use usable area apartments to the maximum, as well as retire in the process of work.

How to create an office?

  • First you need to install reliable double-glazed windows. Glazing will protect the room from temperature changes, the influence of precipitation, dust and dirt from the street.
  • Insulate the walls, floor and ceiling surface. Mineral wool or foam boards are suitable as heat insulators;
  • All gaps must be filled with sealant or mounting foam;
  • It is desirable to provide additional sources of heat, for example, a floor heating system. The presence of this device will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in any season;
  • The main heating of the room is best done with an electric heater.

Workplace for a business man with a computer and a comfortable chair.

Mini-office in the loggia space with a computer for work.

Features of lighting in the office

It is necessary to properly organize the system of proper lighting. During the day, it is better to regulate natural light with the help of blinds; at night, use artificial light sources on the balcony.

Choose a small lamp with adjustable wattage. It is desirable that the direction can be corrected. The size of the device should be commensurate with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

A selection of examples in the photo

Work area with printer and computer. Spacious shelves for storing various items.

An example of organizing an office on a balcony.

Palette of light shades in interior decoration. The cabinet is equipped with a computer and a subwoofer.

Natural texture in the interior of the office.

Neoclassical style in the home office.

Working area on small area. Finishing the walls of the loggia - light-colored PVC panels.

Designer's corner in the balcony room.

A place to work behind a sewing machine.

Textile workshop with many storage options for sewing supplies.

Workshop with air conditioning.

Home owner's office.

Carpentry workshop for men.

Artist's room.

Make-up artist's office on the balcony.

Loggia equipped as a beauty salon.


Residents big city living in small apartments, you have to be very resourceful and use every centimeter of living space to the maximum. At the same time, many often forget that they have a balcony, and store all unnecessary things or blanks for the winter there. This approach is very impractical, because in that very place you can arrange an area for recreation, work or creativity.

One of the most practical options for busy people - arrange a study on the balcony. If you study or work, then such a room will help you make your hours spent at the computer more efficient. How to organize the space on the balcony so that it turns into a mini-office, you will learn from our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not every balcony is suitable for converting it into an office. Decide if the balcony space can be used for working area, and only then proceed to its arrangement.

If you have an open and unheated balcony, then it is definitely not suitable for organizing an office there. Also, you should not arrange an office on a very tiny balcony, where you will even have nowhere to turn around.

But, of course, such a design decision has its advantages. A separate office, even the smallest one, is already a great option for a workspace. There you can retire and study or work for your own pleasure, without being distracted by family conversations, extraneous noise and other external factors.

How to prepare a balcony

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still decide to turn your balcony into a small home office, then you need to prepare it first. If you have outdoor balcony, for example, in the bedroom, then it must first be glazed. Thus, you can use your office at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside. You can use both cold and warm glazing methods.

Ideally, the balcony should also be insulated. Having warmed it outside and inside, you will get a cozy space where it will be pleasant to spend time even on winter evenings when it is cold outside. Exist various options insulation. On your balcony, you can use any of them, from dense mineral wool to an airtight foam. All cracks and openings should be treated with foam or sealant at least a day before you turn all your design ideas into reality.

It is also desirable to supplement your room with a floor heating system. Such a system is not so cheap, so if such an addition does not fit into your budget, then you can limit yourself to just laying good laminate or carpet. They are pleasant to the touch, and do not cool down in cold weather as quickly as tiles.

According to the rules, central heating missing on the balcony. Therefore, you will have to warm yourself. To protect against winter frosts, install a small electric heater on your balcony.


When the base of the cabinet is ready, you can start arranging it. First of all, decide on a style. Styles such as classic, English or modern are best suited for a study.

Due to the fact that the balcony is a very small and limited room, you do not need to use too many all kinds of details that will only take up free space. This attitude to decorative details is typical for all the styles listed above.

As is known, light colors help to make the space visually wider. Therefore, for decorating a balcony, it is best to use light colors. Wallpaper in pastel colors, light wood laminate and white ceiling will make your small room more comfortable and spacious. The same result can be achieved by installing large windows. Not suitable for office panoramic glazing, simple wide windows will suffice.

In a small space, just a few color accents will be enough, for example, a bright lamp, a photo frame or a flower in an unusual pot. Such an office will look both creative and formal enough at the same time, so you will feel comfortable working there.

Proper lighting also plays an important role in the office. Since here you will work with books, documents and a computer for a long time, you need the light to be good and not spoil your eyesight. If during the day this problem is perfectly solved due to natural light entering through the windows, then for work at night or in the evening it is worth installing lighting fixtures on the balcony.

For example, you can install a floor lamp in the corner, or place a small table on the table. table lamp. Naturally, there is no place for large chandeliers and volumetric lamps on a tiny balcony. Therefore, limit yourself to small fixtures or lamps. It is also advisable to hang curtains or blinds on the windows in order to feel comfortable in the evenings. Blinds and curtains, like wallpaper, it is better to choose light ones to create the illusion of free space.

Balcony space, with imagination, can be used in different ways. If it seems irrational to you to simply clutter up the space with old things, then try converting it into an office. Having arranged such small space in accordance with your requests, you will enjoy secluded work there. Be inspired by our ideas and design examples of other workspaces and create the creative office of your dreams on your balcony.

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