How to open a homemade rack lock. Rack locks: how to open a rack lock without a key? Breakage of rack locks

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

« FROM cloud and it will be opened to you,” says a well-known proverb. What happens when there's no one on the other side and the door slams shut? Then you can try to open it yourself. To quickly pick a lock, you need to know its mechanism well.

Kinds door locks:

- crossbar;
- level;
- cylinder locking;
- electronic;
— code;

Opening the bolt lock

Big protection this species does not have a lock, so you can open it even without professional master keys, crowbars, grinders, etc.

What we need:

- fishing line or thin string;
- screwdriver.

The first step is to try to “squeeze” the door as hard as possible. To do this, take a screwdriver and insert it into the gap between the door and the jamb.

Next, you need to make a small loop of fishing line and stick it into the well, grabbing the handle. When it turned out to fix the fishing line well, we begin to pull it towards ourselves with a smooth movement, simulating the movement of the key. All bolt locks have standard design, so no matter how many locking elements there are, the hacking scheme remains the same.

Video: Opening crossbar locks

Opening the lever lock

The lever lock is quite reliable, so it is most often installed on the door. The code part here is levers (flat plates that have different configuration). It is they who block the stand of the bolt shank. It is difficult to open such a lock without a key, but it is possible.

If the time for opening the lock there are quite a lot, you can use the trace method (impression). To do this, you need to take a blank key. We insert it into the lock, turn it and look at the prints that appear. With the help of a file, we gradually adjust the key until it fits. It will be quite difficult for a beginner to cope with such a task, since in addition to good eyesight, patience and a sufficient amount of time, skill is also needed here.

Cylinder lock opening

by the most simple method is "bumping". To open the lock in this way, we need:

- key preparation;
- a small hammer;
- file.

Since cylinder locks are different, you need to determine in advance the type of one that needs to be cracked. In accordance with this, we select the desired workpiece.

We take the workpiece in our hands and with the help of a file we make the same gaps in it. Their depth should correspond to the depth of the largest tooth.

When all the teeth have been sawn out, we take the key and with the help of a hammer we knock it into the lock opening. When the key is completely inside, you can try to unlock the door.

Opening the electromagnetic lock

To open the electromagnetic lock, you need to have a special magnetic master key. This is an ordinary coil, which is wound copper wire. With the help of a core, it must be connected to electricity. To protect ourselves from electric shock, we isolate the core with ordinary electrical tape.

The use of a lockpick.

1. Connect the coil to the network.
2. We bring it to the lock that needs to be opened.
3. We determine the positive and negative poles, after which we begin to drive them in turn around the place where the key is applied.
4. When a characteristic click appears, quickly open the door.

Opening the code lock

As for the combination locks, then any master keys will be powerless. To crack code locks, you need to know mathematics, with which you can calculate possible combinations.

Despite the simplicity of some locks, few people manage to open a locked door the first time without difficulty. To learn how to quickly open locks of any complexity, you need to study in detail all types of locks, understand how they work, and only then start practicing. As the saying goes, repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, than with large quantity mechanisms are lucky enough to work, the easier it will be to quickly open the lock when needed.

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Sometimes strange things happen. you stand in front of closed door, rummage in your pockets and suddenly realize that there are no keys and it is not clear when, and in what place they were lost. Probably, at that moment, every person regretted that he did not know how to open door locks.

Mankind invented the designs of castles great amount. Some turned out to be too complicated and unreliable, some, on the contrary, are too primitive, and both are used extremely rarely or not at all. Next, consider the most common options for the execution of locks and how to break them.

rack locks

This type of locks is quite simple in structure. Bolts protrude from the case, there are mounting holes and a through key hole. Inside the case, built into the door, there are crossbar rails, which are columns that close the lock. These slats are pushed outward by means of a spring.

They contain grooves located at an angle to the bolt motion vector.

Since the design incorporates several crossbars, there are 2 ways to break it:

  1. Between the wings there is a gap through which the crossbars should be shifted in turn.
    Crossbars are allowed to move with an awl through the keyhole.
  2. Do metal loop from a string.
    A tube is inserted into the keyhole, a loop is inserted into it and thrown over the handles of the crossbars, shifting them.

Rack locks with crossbars open well with a universal master key made from the same key.

Cylinder lock with cross plates

The locks are equipped with special keys, which have a cylindrical working part, cut off vertically, and from the transverse side, it looks like a circle cut in half. The design of the locks has low reliability indicators; they are easy to open with a high-strength steel master key.

It breaks down in several ways:

  1. The lock opens in the process of turning a rod made of high-strength material in it.
  2. If you have a drill with drills, it’s really possible to drill a cylinder in a couple of minutes.

Scheme of opening a cylinder lock.

Experts say that if you have a choice, it is better to choose another lock, since experienced burglars break a cylinder lock with cross plates in a few seconds.

Cylinder lock with pins

In addition to the bolt drive and the cylinder, the composition includes a metal or steel case, pins with return springs, a cam that moves the deadbolt. Pins in contact with the key or blocking the lock mechanism relative to the body.

Keys are cylindrical tubes with teeth, holes or cutouts in the same amount as there are pins in the lock body.

In many offices, schools built in Soviet times, there are still such locks that do not differ in high rates of protection and reliability. For the purpose of greater reliability, multi-row keys with perforation at the end are used.

Lock device.

To break the structure you will need special device, resembling a turnkey blank, called a roll:

  1. A blank key is inserted into the keyhole and rotated there by means of a lever.
  2. The roll has greater durability than the pins. The pins will begin to wear away, causing the lock to open.

The lock is inexpensive and is installed on doors that do not store particularly important and valuable things.

Lever locks

The design contains a secret part in the form of curly plates. It will be possible to open it only when all the plates are in a certain position. This is a very common type of locks that are installed on metal doors of garages, offices or industrial buildings.

The suture lock has 3 round crossbars. It has good reliability indicators if it is made from high-quality and high-strength materials.

The same roll known to us will be able to help open the lock. It is inserted almost to the end and rotated until it stops. At the same time, we move the first plate with a knitting needle with a hook. At the same time, you need to try to turn the roll at least a quarter of a turn.

The plate succumbed when it was possible to do this. The same actions should be carried out with other plates.


This type of locks is distinguished by the design of the secrecy mechanism. In other locks, the pins are arranged in one row, and in the barrier they are arranged in a circle. Due to this, secrecy increases, and it is much more difficult to open it.

The key is a tube with holes of different depths, representing an encoding. It is almost impossible to take a cast from such a key.

The barrier lock structure is opened using:

  1. Spin.
    The fastening of the inside of the castle breaks and the steel rods break.
  2. Master key.
    Used when the code pins are worn out.
  3. Selection of keys.
    Very rarely, but there are times when the lock can actually be opened with a key similar to the native one.

However, opening these types of locks is a big problem, as they were designed to be as secure as possible.

We work with the larva of the castle

Often, after breaking the lock, the question arises of restoring the damaged structure. The main element in the castle is the larva, which can be replaced, repaired, and then the castle will work perfectly.

Removing the lock core

Diagram of a cylinder lock.

The algorithm of work is not complicated, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations. The key corresponding to this lock is inserted into the keyhole and rotated in the direction of opening. Without removing the key, you should unscrew the fasteners of the front plate of the lock, located at the end of the door.

Then the screw is removed, located in the center of the tongue and constipation. Next, you should change the position of the key to 40 degrees and make sure that the larva comes out of the locking device easily.

Sometimes a situation happens when there is no key in the design, and it is completely broken. In this case, a drill with a drill with a diameter of about 10 mm will help. A hole is drilled in the core with a drill and after that it is quietly removed.

We repair the cylinder

You should take a good look at the removed cylinder and determine how much it needs to be repaired. On the side of one of the core plates there are tabs holding metal plastic, they should be carefully bent.

Disc lock device.

The plate moves and the pins and springs become clearly visible, they should be carefully cleaned. The springs should stretch well and firmly press the pins, if this is not the case, then stretch the springs manually.

In no case, during assembly, do not confuse the location of the pins. When they are not in their places, the lock will not work.

We replace the larva

There is a situation when it is not possible to repair the cylinder and you need to install a new larva. A new one should be chosen in the same size as the old one, but it is possible to find it more reliable, stronger and with armored linings. The lock will be more difficult to knock out or drill out and this will protect your property from intruders.

First, a key is inserted into the cylinder. Then the part must be rotated so that the larva easily enters the lock, and the flag does not interfere with it. Then screw in the bolt. This process will be easy, provided that everything has been done correctly before. After the larva is fixed, and the end plate is installed in place.

Pulling out the broken key

Drawing of a lever lock.

A broken key in the lock will not be a problem if the following recommendations are correctly followed:

  1. The key is easier to get when WD-40 or any other anti-rust liquid is sprayed into the keyhole.
    This procedure will improve the sliding of the broken rest of the key in the keyhole. We grab the key with pliers and try to turn it. If it does not work, then you should gently tap on the remainder and try to crank again.
  2. Did the first method help? The second will definitely help.
    A brass tube is put on the chip, selected in such a way that an interference fit is obtained. The end of the tube should be heated with a blowtorch, pressed onto the chip and allowed to cool. Spray rust remover into the lock hole. The tube should be bent, try to turn the fixture and pull out the key.
  3. For the third method, you will need a drill and a self-tapping screw.
    We want to warn you right away, this method requires jewelry precision and consists in drilling a hole in the wreckage with a drill and screwing a self-tapping screw into it. Then spray WD-40 into the keyhole and gently swing the key from side to side. This operation must be done for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Another way to pull out the key using superglue is walking around the Internet.
    This method is very doubtful, since the strength of superglue is still not enough to transfer torque to the fragment, the glue can flow and tightly glue the fragment to the lock, or it can flow into the mechanism, completely damaging the structure.
  5. And probably the most reliable and correct option– call a specially trained master who professionally removes broken keys.

Therefore, before starting to solve the problem with a broken or stuck key, you should evaluate your strengths well and understand whether it is realistic to do the work yourself or still call the master to preserve the integrity of the lock.


Time does not stand still, and manufacturers offer new designs, combining the above, adding new protection systems to them. Locks are updated and become more reliable and more resistant to burglary.

I would like to note, no matter how tricky the mechanism is, when it is made of bad metal, it will be easier to break it. Therefore, at the time of purchase, carefully study the box, instructions and look for information about the product's compliance with GOST.

Opening the lock without a key is not difficult, but you always need to be very careful, because it is very easy to damage the lock. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to turn to specialists.

In this material we will talk about the so-called rack locks, about their device and the problems that are associated with them. We emphasize that our company does not sell or service rack locks (we do not make keys either), but comprehensively solves issues related to the replacement of these locks.

Origin of rack locks

To be honest, we have not been able to find information about the origin of the lock with a rack type mechanism. On some sites they write that the origin goes as far as ancient Egypt. We strongly doubt it, but we will not dispute it.

We assume that rack locks could have arisen during the period of industrialization. When people began to work en masse on machine tools and process metal in commercial quantities. But we, alas, do not have a definite answer when the castles appeared and what caused them to appear. Do you have - write in the comments.

So what is a rack lock?

This is a lock that does not have a secrecy mechanism, and locking is provided by spring-loaded rails-bolts of a certain shape. The bolts of such a lock are controlled from the inside with the help of handles. The handle is a screw screwed into each bolt, for which the bolt moves stupidly in the direction of opening, overcoming the force of the spring.

The bolt of the rack lock from the outside is controlled by a rack and pinion key. We call it the helical jagged river. The key of a rack lock is either simply inserted and pressed into the hole of such a lock from the outside. Or it is inserted and removed onto itself if it is a rack-and-pinion reverse lock.

Castle design

The structure of the rack lock in the vast majority of cases is very primitive.

The lock consists of a body, some form, which is mounted on the door. Bolts protrude from the body, it also has holes for fastening the lock, as well as a through key hole.

Inside the case there are crossbars-slats. That is, these are metal sticks, which actually lock the door. The locking rails of the rack-and-pinion lock are spring-loaded and always tend to get out of the case to the maximum distance available by design.

The locking rails of the rack lock have grooves, that is, recesses located at a certain angle relative to the bolt motion vector.

Well, the last component of this type of lock is the key. The key is a stick of a certain shape. It can be round, square, rectangular or hook-shaped if it is a rack-and-pinion reverse lock.

The keys also have grooves parallel to each other at a certain angle. Depending on the specific lock, on the preferences of the master or manufacturer who produced it, the grooves can be located at different distances from each other, have different width and depth, as well as their number may be different, depending on the design.

Principle of operation.

The movement of the rack key in the lock is strictly limited by the through key hole, it can only move forward and backward. Either to yourself or from yourself.

When the key is set, it rests against the locking rails. Now, if we push the key further into the hole, overcoming the force of the bolt springs, the protrusions of the rack key will engage with the grooves of the rails inside the lock. Squeezing the key further, you will move the bolts of the rack lock with it according to the principle of a slope from an ice slide. At the moment of disengagement of some protrusions, others will engage, as in a kind of rectangular gears.

And this will happen until the bolts completely enter the body, opening the door. At the same time, the key will rest and refuse to go further into the well. Removing the key from the well, as you probably guessed, will be accompanied by the release of the bolts from the body.

And finally, the crossbar of the rack lock from the outside into the case can be stupidly crushed with your fingers, and then close the door. As soon as you slam the door so that the holes of the box are under them, the crossbars under the action of the springs will shoot into these holes and close the door. Owners of rack locks often love this feature, calling it automatic closing.

Variety of rack locks.

Rack locks were produced as industrial enterprises, and separately taken locksmiths at these enterprises. And thanks to this, there is just an infinite number of different types of rack locks. With forward and reverse action of crossbars, with a round or rectangular key in cross section, made of brass or stainless steel.

All of them are united general principle work, which we described above, as well as the pros and cons, which we will discuss below. It doesn’t matter if a handy master sawed this lock to you, or not very much, at the factory - or in the school office of labor, from a good alloy or rusty iron.

Advantages of rack locks

Of course, like everything else, rack locks have positive aspects. Let's try to list them.

Low cost. The uncomplicated design of the rack lock, the lack of a secrecy mechanism, and the associated low labor costs make rack locking devices frankly inexpensive.

In addition, earlier on the markets there was a huge mass of rack locks made from unaccounted metal at enterprises. Locksmith Uncle Kolya wanted to drink on Friday evening, he took it and at the workplace behind his turning and milling machine made five locks in half an hour. Then they were on the market.

It is quite obvious that Uncle Kolya did not pay either for the metal or for the depreciation of the equipment. Hence the low cost. And there are literally a million such examples.

Ask your loved ones who are over 50 years old. Each of them will definitely remember a similar uncle Kolya, who made locks for you, ten neighbors and men in the garage. The country was industrialized, there were a huge number of locksmiths and technicians.

The second plus of rack locks is the simplicity and ease of use of the vast majority of them. There is nothing easier than poking a piece of iron into a single hole in the door, after which rack and pinion locks usually open.

And closing the door when leaving with such a lock is also relatively convenient. The key is not needed - they held the bolt of such a lock inside the case with their fingers, and the door closed - the crossbars will jump out and block the door on their own.

The third positive side is long term services. The vast majority of rack locks are three huge iron sticks and two springs, that's the whole structure. Therefore, they serve for 30-50 years, almost as long as the owner of this castle lives.

Cons of rack locks

And the first most important disadvantage is the low security properties. The vast majority of rack and pinion locks are opened by a non-professional cleanly, without damage in a meager amount of time.

Interested - look on the Internet, opening with a carrot, opening with a string - a million examples. And it all works.

Do you understand? That is, for a clean, silent opening of a rack-and-pinion lock, special knowledge is not needed, and a tool can be found under your feet for this. And at the same time, the complexity of the key does not play a role, as some people think. No matter how carved and huge the key is, the information on opening the above will be true for your rack lock.

In addition, we have already mentioned above that rack locks do not have a secrecy mechanism with their usual serial secrecy. The master made 100 locks from iron stolen at the factory in his life, and all 100 locks have the same structure and keys. And if rack locks are released by some factory enterprise, locks with the same keys, he can throw thousands and tens of thousands into the masses.

That is, rack locks are in fact a fiction of locking. It seems to you that it is reliable and difficult for a thief, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite. Look on the Internet how to open the rack lock yourself with a string, a carrot and use it further with pleasure! And be afraid of your neighbors-grandmothers - they can open the rack lock on your door with the keys to their rack locks.

The problem of duplicate rack and pinion keys.

Making a duplicate rack wrench requires separate equipment at the key point, the ability to process steel (in hypermarkets, for example, many do not risk doing this because of the loud sound), as well as a number of specific blanks and skills.

In addition, rack locks were often made by locksmiths in piece copies. Therefore, such keys are often brought from them, for which there are stupidly no blanks.

Therefore, with duplicate rack and pinion keys, everything is very bad. They are made very rarely. And the cost of a duplicate is often equal to a quarter of the cost of a new normal lock.

If you want to replace the rack lock, you will face the third problem, this is the lack of analogues. Under no type of rack lock there is one that would fit under the same holes.

Therefore, if you suddenly want to replace this type of lock, you will need to spend money not only on a new lock, but also on the services of an installation wizard. Fortunately, with such services now in the cities everything is in order.

Breakage of rack locks

Nothing lasts forever, and even locking devices such as rack and pinion locks can expire and break. We encountered two major breakdowns in these castles.

  • The first is a breakdown of the spring that pushes the crossbar.
  • The second is heavy wear key and lock rails.

For example, in Nizhny Novgorod, you can contact the Door Doctor company, which has been providing these services for decades.

What to change rack locks for?

Replacing a rack lock on a metal door is a whole story. Do not expect to pick up another for these holes - you will not find it at all.

And when choosing a lock in place of a rack one, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. The castle this time should have good security properties that are relevant today. I see no reason to change the awl for soap and spend money at the same time.
  2. The lock should be easy to use, close from the inside with a turntable, because the owners are used to it.
  3. The lock should not have an end plate, because rack locks often stand on thin metal doors. And the end plate of the lock somewhat limits its installation.

Based on this, when replacing rack locks, our craftsmen often put different types of locks Barrier. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this or that model of the Barrier is most suitable for the place of the rack and meets the high quality and safety requirements.

Most burglars have long put aside crowbars and jacks gathering dust in the far corner, preferring to use their heads and modern technological advances.

To protect your apartment from thieves and various external factors First of all, you need to choose the right front door. To prevent hacking, a metal sheet is best suited, which can be made from various raw materials.

Steel is an expensive but strong material.

When choosing a lock on the front door, it is absolutely impossible to proceed from such a parameter as cost. The main parameters that you need to pay attention to are reliability, quality, maintainability, no problems during operation and, of course, durability.

Fires cause damage to property acquired over the years, and they also kill thousands of people around the world. And to foresee its occurrence is impossible in the vast majority of cases.

The house in the thoughts and dreams of the consumer is a fortress that will allow you to feel like a real master of your territory.

Home » Articles » How to open bolt lock keyless?

How to open a bolt lock without a key?

If you have lost the key to the crossbar lock, then you should know that there is a way out! To solve this problem, you will need a thick fishing line or string, and a screwdriver. The lock is easily opened even without a master key, because the bolt locks do not have reliable protection from hacking. With a string bent in the form of a loop, or a fishing line, you should try to hook the crossbar and pull it towards you. Then, a screwdriver should be inserted between the jamb and the door and some tension should be created that will prevent the bolts from closing again.

So, you will need:

Fishing line;
a hammer.

Opening a crossbar lock without a key does not belong to the realm of fantasy and is completely real. You will not need a locksmith, and more drastic measures - a grinder or scrap.

The bolt type lock has the simplest locking device, which consists of bolts - several or one. Therefore, all you have to do to open the lock without a key is to try to "grab" the locking bolt. First you need to "press" the door with a screwdriver, which must be inserted into the gap between the jamb and door leaf. Only in this case, the open bolt will take its previous position due to the tension created by the screwdriver.

From a string (for example, violin) or fishing line, you need to make a loop. It is most convenient to engage in opening crossbar locks, the handles of which are attached on both sides. Insert the loop into the hole, wrap it around the handle and carefully pull it towards you, simulating the movement of the bolt key.

Crossbar locks, no matter how many locking elements they have, have a typical design, which makes it possible to easily open them without a key. However, using a string or fishing line, only a reverse-type bolt locking device can be opened. If the bolt lock has a direct design, then here you have to change tactics.

An autopsy can be attempted with a stick or pencil made from soft woods. First, the pencil should be very carefully inserted into the well, by analogy with the key. Then lightly tap the pencil with a hammer to penetrate it deeper into the groove. The best option it will be if the pencil or stick is made of very soft wood - walnut, linden, etc. Thanks to soft wood the teeth of the bolt will be imprinted in the material with a sufficient degree of conformity and the lock will be able to open. The locking device itself will make the necessary grooves in the tree. If the pencil is made of hardwood, it must first be soaked in water.

When opening the crossbar lock, do not make excessive efforts. There will be no benefit from this, but it is very easy to spoil the locking device in this way. If one of the crossbars breaks, the only thing left to do is knock out the lock using a mount or crowbar. And if the bolts with which the bolt lock is attached are located on its outer side, then in general everything is wonderful! You can simply unscrew them and remove the ill-fated lock.

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