Horoscope metal pig love on.

Decor elements 24.09.2019
Decor elements

PIG/BOAR (1959.1971.1983.1995.2007)

Horoscope 2017 for Pig (Boar)

The pigs will be able to adapt to the Master of the Year quite satisfactorily. They will not act on their own, but will allow the Rooster to save them from a problem somewhere, or to help them cope with a misunderstanding that has arisen. That is why from the outside it will often seem that even time works for Pigs, and many misunderstandings “resolve” on their own. Sometimes this will indeed be exactly the case, but, to their credit, they themselves will not sit idly by.


Pigs are not in danger of anything critical to their health in 2017. They will have two main sources of problems with their well-being – teeth and the risk of injury. Accordingly, it is advisable for them not to miss scheduled visits to the dentist and to be more careful on the roads, while playing sports, etc.

In addition, it would be a good idea for Pigs to limit their consumption of sweets. Especially do not try to relieve stress in this way. Don't forget that extra pounds usually creep up unnoticed and stick to your sides quite tenaciously.

The Year of the Rooster favors those Pigs who want to make some adjustments to their appearance. Of course, they should not, hoping for luck, just go to the first salon or clinic they come across. Of course, it is necessary to collect information about the activities of the organization they decide to contact. But if nothing speaks against the competence and responsibility of its specialists, then you can safely go there for cosmetic or other procedures.


Pigs are not expected to have a shortage of money in the year of the Rooster. Some of them will have an increase in income due to a promotion, businessmen will be able to acquire new business partners by concluding new contracts with them, and so on. However, astrologers still recommend not wasting money, but spending it wisely. Otherwise, it wouldn’t turn out like in the story with the irredeemable ruble... Remember? While its owner spent it on useful things, it invariably returned to the wallet, but as soon as out of vanity it was spent on a useless trifle, it immediately disappeared. So it is here: financial luck may turn away if the Rooster sees that his help is not appreciated, but is wasted.


Career prospects for Pigs are also predicted to be impressive. Management will give them their due, valuing their talents and skills quite highly. But this does not mean at all that Pigs can afford to simply go with the flow, folding their arms and hoping that Fortune itself will take them to the shore of success. On the contrary, representatives of this sign are prescribed an attentive attitude to all issues that arise before them in the workplace, careful collection and processing of information, as well as a readiness for innovation and search. non-standard solutions. The point is that in order to be noticed (appreciated, nominated, etc.), they must become noticeable. No one will look for them in the gray crowd of numerous employees or potential partners.


This side of life will require a lot of attention and care from Pigs. First, some of their habits and principles will require revision. Secondly, on the “horizon” there may be new love, confusing all their cards and pushing them to betrayal. You should try to prevent this, because the likelihood that the secret will become apparent is too high. Thirdly, children and relatives will most likely create trouble, and this can also cause discord in the relationship with your partner.

In the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for Pigs to make their relationships with their loved ones more romantic and interesting. To do this, you need to use every opportunity that arises. Those Pigs who do not neglect this advice will make an excellent foundation for the future. The fact is that in the future it will help them worry more easily difficult situations, since in the memory of their loved ones not only scenes of everyday life and prosaic pastime will appear, but also these most vivid and impressive moments.

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The endless race for illusory goals that can be achieved with much less sacrifice has come to an end. According to the horoscope for 2017, the Pig will be able to slow down the crazy pace of life, throwing off the burdensome burden of responsibilities of past years from his shoulders.

Changes for this eastern sign horoscopes will begin at the beginning of the year. There will be a reassessment of values ​​regarding your own health and the well-being of loved ones. It is likely that avid homebodies will suddenly want to go to the pool with the whole family or gather with a large group of friends at the entertainment center.

Mid-2017 may pose some dangers for financial condition Pigs. But such difficulties can be easily avoided by not agreeing to lend large sums of money or spending savings on useless purchases. The Fire Rooster promotes the Pig's luck, especially in the personal lives of single people and business deals of entrepreneurs.

At the end of summer, Pigs will feel an extraordinary surge of energy and inspiration. This is the best time to conclude business contracts and start working in new areas of activity. The habit of weighing the pros and cons for a long time should not hinder quick decision-making, since such promising opportunities appear very rarely.

Autumn will be for this zodiac sign a kind of pause in a series of vivid impressions and tireless work at work. Astrologers recommend spending autumn evenings with your family, sharing your impressions of the day with loved ones and planning your weekend together. New parents need to pay attention to emotional and intellectual development baby, because missed moments in communication cannot be compensated for in the future. Adult children should visit their parents more often and pay attention to their problems. Only mutual understanding with loved ones will help you achieve inner peace and balance, and feel confidence in the future.

Horoscope for 2017 recommends the Pig not to rush headlong into the cycle of adventures and sensations. In winter at this sign eastern horoscope a second wind will open, as he will feel a huge flow of positive attention and admiration. There is a high probability of short-term flirting with an interesting person, who will partially change the Pig’s worldview and increase her self-esteem. In addition, there will be gradual career growth due to the unusual productivity and professionalism of the Pig. But don't be careless about own health, since it is in this part of the year that the likelihood of overworking the body and the appearance of physical and psychological exhaustion increases.

Work, career and money

In the first ten days of 2017, you don’t have to worry about the likelihood of financial losses or problems with work partners. The Fire Rooster comes into its own and gives Pigs the opportunity to prove themselves both as creative workers and rational economists. It is enough to exercise caution when opening new loans or investments. It is also not recommended to take part in shared entrepreneurship.

In the second half of the year, the Pig should keep its eyes open, as it may become a victim of financial fraud. The danger of this period is that even usually prudent people at first find it extremely difficult to recognize deceivers.

Love horoscope

The already loving representatives of the Pig sign will remember 2017 thanks to various manifestations of this wonderful feeling. Given that harmonious combination desires and common sense, you can expect only positive emotions. Men will finally be able to win the object of their affections, and women will have to choose from several persistent admirers.

You need to be extremely careful with fleeting flirting, since a short-term play with feelings can deeply hurt the other party.

Relationships and family

Throughout the year, Pigs may periodically experience a false sense of loneliness and worthlessness. This happens even when they are in a large circle of relatives or devoted friends. Horoscope for 2017 The Pig does not recommend expressing your categorical thoughts out loud, because, most likely, these feelings are purely subjective and unfounded. Most likely, Bad mood and dissatisfaction with the world around us is associated with an urgent need for proper rest.

Years of birth of Pig: 1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007

Lucky numbers: 1,3,4,5,8,16,18,34,41,48

Western Astrology Equivalent: Scorpio

Black color

Celebrities born in the year of the Pig: Bryan Adams, Woody Allen, Fred Astaire, Slenn Close, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Hitchcock, Elton John, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Emma Thompson


Forget about your selfishness, otherwise in the year of the Fire Rooster you can ruin your relationship with your partner for a long time. Yes, he himself may be to blame for many conflicts, but you should not be led by your own pride and defend your point of view at all costs. Do not command your partner, communicate with him as an equal. In the spring, a lonely Pig expects success with the opposite sex and a meeting with a soul mate.


All year long, the Pig will view every minor failure as a tragedy, which can lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. In order not to annoy those around him, turning into an offended hysteric, the Pig should make the words of I Confucius the motto of this year: “There are no problems in the world, there is our attitude towards problems.”


Spring and summer will pass quite calmly, but in the fall you will feel the excitement of work. You will become truly interested in moving up the career ladder. The thing is that it is during this period that your motivation for success will skyrocket. Not only will you try your best to gain professional recognition, but you will also do everything possible to get involved a good relationship with your work colleagues.


This year’s income is unlikely to allow Pig to be luxurious, but he won’t have to starve either. Distribute your spending wisely and take your work more seriously, otherwise by spring carelessness will empty your pockets. The Pig will feel a surge of inspiration, which will be noticed and appreciated by his superiors, so get ready to receive, if in the fall, a salary increase, then a substantial bonus that will allow you to celebrate the holiday joyfully.

FIRE BOAR (1947)

Already at the beginning of the year, the Pig will begin to make a lot of efforts to get the attention of the opposite sex. He will look after you beautifully, show off and spend a lot of money on gifts. Boars will dress up brightly and laugh loudly. All quarrels will end peacefully, and the relationships of already established couples will be quite stable. Spring will bring some tension, because the Pig will plunge into work headlong and deprive his partner of yesterday's attention. But it is during this period (as well as in the fall) that lonely Pigs can meet their soul mate.


Last year was not the most successful for the Earth Pig, now everything will change - the efforts made will pay off handsomely. This does not mean that everything will be easy; pitfalls await you this year too. Take the trials of fate as a challenge and prove, first of all, to yourself that the Pig is a fearless animal that can handle any obstacles.


Difficulties do not frighten Pig, and he is always ready to work hard, which he will have to do throughout 2017, starting right from January. Design carefully detailed strategy development, this will help achieve efficiency in new projects. Summer for Pig will be easy and carefree - no shocks or innovations. Autumn will please you with profits and good mood At work.


The luck horoscope for 2017 does not look towards those who grab any job. Therefore, it would be nice for Pig to start this period by acquiring new knowledge, gradually gain experience in this area, and then the result may exceed all expectations. For those who have their own business, spring will bring a crisis. Don’t rely on your subordinates, check everything yourself, and then your losses will be minimized. In the summer, you will have to persistently defend a point of view that no one around you will like, which can ruin relationships with colleagues.


All problems in a relationship with a partner will be you: Pig’s intemperance. In the spring, everything will return to normal, and the couple will plunge headlong into romantic experiences. For those who are still lonely, a meeting with love awaits. Summer is a time of conflicts and quarrels. The boar needs to stay until autumn - this is a good period for important decisions on a personal level, such as marriage or living together.

In 2017, the Pig will get easy life roles, which she will undertake to play with gusto. Soon he will get bored with those around him, but he will not notice it. You need to learn to combine what you like with the benefit of everyone.

The restoration of justice, so dear to the heart of the honest Pig, is expected in 2017. Pigs are confident in their infallibility and broadcast loudly from the stands. Many connections in society will allow you to give valuable advice and help people in practice.

Friends who are somehow connected abroad will occupy the Pigs' time, which makes the latter grunt happily. The time has come for the dream to come true. Wonderful transformations are ready to appear in your life. Fantasies come true, plans come true, goals are achieved. Don't miss the moment! Partying with friends can be expensive, but it's also more fun than ever. Play, accordion!

The desires and dreams of Pigs are being realized now. The main thing is to do something about it. Luck will burst into life. The smoke will come out like a yoke. It is not necessary to undermine the oak with fangs, but it is advisable to make a fuss.

The Pig's energies are devoted to solving the problems of family and friends. This is not perceived as a cross, but ─ its own burden. Children of Pig will change their image and life. Everything will happen for the better, they will spontaneously gain popularity. They will not remain quiet and obedient, they will go to free swimming where they will gain a new understanding of the world. Pig families will produce active and healthy offspring. Your children will gain strength, feel the muscles and rush into battle. Warn them against foolish play with matches and taking risks of any kind. Direct excess aggression to constructive direction sporting achievements.

Children are Pig’s main hope; he will try to happily arrange their fate with some oligarch. Many people have holidays and events coming up to mark the wedding of their offspring. If they are still small, have a grand birthday party with an invitation large quantity guests. The people who join your circle of new acquaintances will seem simply divine to you.

The Pigs' home is expected to be quiet and peaceful, irritating factors will disappear, and for some, the house itself. Changes are expected. Moving and leaving your home are not excluded. Traveling with friends will result in benefits and replenishment of your wallet.

“If you don’t butter it up, you won’t go” (career horoscope)

For a long time, Pigs have been using their acquired knowledge in completely unexpected creative projects. This trend will continue.

New reliable and generous patrons will appear on whom you can rely in the most difficult vicissitudes. Pigs will also be useful to others. Beware of being eaten, but if you manage to establish informal friendly relations with the powers that be, consider that success is in your pocket.

Large projects that require the creation of a cohesive team will arise in the year of the Fire Rooster. We will see a lot of Boars in public organizations and funds with foreign participation. Pigs rely on connections with representatives of foreign companies.

For those especially gifted, the “third eye” will open, and predictions will flow in full flow.

The boss will think that the Pig’s team is full of holes, and they are chronically lacking something. Although the development of my career has pleased me with its promise recently.

In the year of the Rooster, the opportunity is not missed. Everything will work out with a little effort on your part. A well-wisher from among your friends will appear. With his help, the Pig will become a popular person. Of course, knowledge and skills, as well as a wallet, will come in handy.

Athletes, jocks, those who work hard and invest not only effort, but also money for successful work, will be pleased with the result in the year of the Rooster. The earnings will please you.

“Money is a profitable business” (financial horoscope)

For two years in a row, Pigs consider earning money their main responsibility. This year, newly discovered external favorable circumstances will help the cause.

New projects will require investments. The hobby will allow the lucky ones to earn fabulous sums. Earnings are related to the abilities of the Pigs. Mostly by himself, only with his hump. Call your friends for help, this year they are your sponsors.

New hobbies of a deafening nature are characteristic of 2017. Pigs who earned money by their own business will show a tendency to quickly get rich and turn over capital. Adventurers will delve into speculative games and roulette. The most interesting thing is that you can expect success here too.

Smoke with a rocker (love horoscope)

In the last five-year period, the Pig was in for surprises in love, hobbies, and children. This will continue for several more years. Love will meet on a short trip. And at home - happiness, comfort and understanding. If conflicts occur in the family, then The best decision─ take care of the children.

The Pig in the year of the Rooster communicates a lot and is going to tie the knot. Save some money for such an event. The boar will sweat over the preparation of wedding celebrations, in which the smoke is planned with a rocker. The Pig enjoys family dinners and traditions, but the fun threatens to get out of control. Beware of riotous revelry, which is fraught with encountering troubles of various kinds: the police, the hospital. A fictitious marriage, bribery of superiors form significant article expenses in the budget of some Boars, and although they are terrified of trouble, they squeak and climb.

Pigs are ready to give their last pants to a debt-ridden partner. And they themselves work hard.

The vacation is planned as a short trip. You will like the sea, the sun, the mountains, and what else happens there on vacation. An alliance with a Cat will be successful, but you should not rely on Snakes and Goats. Partners will ask for a loan. Whether you want it or not, you will have to share, you are no stranger to it; the role of the sacrificial Pig has been mastered throughout life.

Pig chronicles (health horoscope)

Pigs will make fun of their hereditary diseases. Self-medication is an important part of life. Although little can be done to improve the body. The pigs have already gotten used to and become familiar with their illnesses.

For improvement appearance go where your friends hang out. You will be surprised to find that your friends suffer from the same diseases as you. Buy the drugs they recommend to you. Pay attention to venous circulation, especially in the legs. Feet may be affected. Cleanse your liver and intestines.

When seeking paid consultation with doctors, choose old and experienced ones. Young surgeons, of course, will cut you open, but the question is whether they will sew you up correctly and in the right places!

“Gentlemen, the bets are done!” (horoscope for men)

The boars have been repairing and improving something in their home for a long time, but now they are ripe for throwing themselves into their favorite business.

Men will need to accomplish a feat in the year of the Rooster. Although in the end you won’t like your own impulses. More precisely, the owner of the year will doubt the value of men's tricks. Relieve energy in sports and extreme sports.

You will want to place bets, show off your muscles, and go all out. The rooster flaps his wings and crows at masquerades.

Speculation and games will bring easy money if you understand this. When placing bets at bookmakers, first study the necessary information. Pig men will give up what they loved before and find themselves in a new playing field, where they will feel much more confident. It will seem to them that it is time to go in search of a new place of residence. How long?

Dirty laundry... (horoscope for women)

Pig women are busy at home, where they feel in great shape. Kind, naive and courteous, they demonstrate their best qualities. The integrity of Pigs is beyond doubt. They unconsciously like themselves.

Children who were completely under their control will want independence and leave home. Those who are still small will stand on their feet, and then on their heads. It's time to release the chicks from the nest!

Women naively believe that everyone around them is as honest as they are. They are not able to offer resistance in case of danger. Cruel life circumstances force us to raise our paws up.

Pig lovers will go to new territories in search of some foreign thing. Whose card will be beaten? In any case, everything will end in an unexpected way.

Make plans, dream, fantasies tend to come true in the year of the Rooster!

Also interesting:

The horoscope for Pig (Boar) for 2017 promises representatives of the sign a stormy life. They will have many plans that they will successfully implement. Life will be in full swing at work and at home. But you should not be overly gullible, because in the coming year everyone strives to grab a bigger piece, and the Pig may come under attack. It is better to surround yourself with trusted people, then you can avoid dangerous adventures.


Despite good health representatives of the horoscope, during seasonal diseases there is a risk of exacerbation. This is due to the habit of Pigs to carry diseases on their legs, which is why the body cannot rest completely and defeat the unfortunate virus. In 2017, give up your usual behavior and lie down at home for a couple of days, this way there will be many fewer health problems. In addition, in the middle of the year, blood pressure may begin to rise. It is worth monitoring this condition and strictly following the doctor’s recommendations. This is especially true for people suffering from excess weight. 2017 – best time to take care of yourself and get in shape.

Love and relationships

In personal matters, not everything is simple for Pigs, because there is a risk of getting into a love triangle. For single representatives of the sign this will not bring much trouble, but married ones may lose loved one. To prevent this from happening, you should spend more time with your significant other, organize romantic evenings and remember the old times. Single Pigs will not be able to change their personal status, although some will undoubtedly try to legitimize the relationship. For the most part, representatives of the horoscope will rush about in relationships, including remembering a past love with whom they will want to resume communication.


For representatives of the sign, the horoscope for 2017 opens all doors. The Pig can reveal his true character traits and act “like a pig” in his work, as a result of which he will receive only incentive bonuses from the patron of the coming year. Right now you can step over other people’s desires and needs on the way to achieving your own goal, because the Fire Rooster will appreciate such impudence. Modest workers are unlikely to receive good dividends from their efforts, but even for them the end of the year can be sweetened with a raise. There is a small chance of starting your own business, but so far it will not bring much income, and you should not expand too much.


The financial sector for Pigs is not characterized by positive dynamics. No matter how hard the representatives of the eastern horoscope work, tangible cash flows there is no need to wait. Of course, you will be able to earn money for basic needs, but don’t even hope to accumulate capital. Fire Rooster gives unique opportunity for those Pigs who have a profitable plan for organizing their own business. In this case, you can borrow money from investors and reap the benefits of your own labor and long-awaited success. But if there is a risk of failure, then you shouldn’t even start, because you will have to pay for the mistake for more than one year.

Horoscope for the Pig man

The 2017 horoscope advises you to develop cunning and prudence. Boar-man is read as open book, so his career growth may slow down somewhat. The Fire Rooster advises to grab the chances that come to representatives of the sign and move forward, not paying attention to the environment. This is the only way to guarantee success in the coming year. In their personal life, Pigs will enjoy every day, because complete mutual understanding reigns in the family, and lonely representatives of the sign are in the abyss of passions. True, bachelors should be careful with the opposite sex, since there is a risk that the girl will only use you, and this will have a negative impact on psychological well-being.

Horoscope for the Pig woman

The Pig horoscope for 2017 brings many positive events. A woman born under this sign will devote herself to her family. Those who have long dreamed of having a child will finally experience the joy of motherhood. Mothers of adult children should slightly moderate their desire to decide everything for them. In the coming year, all plans for their future will turn out successfully, and without your help. Close attention should be paid to work, as envious people do not sleep. You should not enter into an open conflict with them, because the bosses value Pig women, so they will not only help in resolving disagreements, but also provide financial encouragement.

Horoscope according to zodiac signs for Pig

Pig – Aries

The Aries Pig will spend 2017 as the clear favorite of the patron of the horoscope, because representatives of the sign are expected pleasant surprises, useful contacts and capital growth. The most unexpected changes await in relationships, but all of them will turn out in favor of Aries. Those who dream of a wedding will certainly come to a mutual agreement that the coming year is the best time to legitimize the relationship. Those who dream of a baby will definitely be able to conceive a child. Some Aries will experience a break in past relationships and meet a new person, but there is no need to grieve about the past, because with a new partner, representatives of the sign will experience complete mutual understanding and unbridled passion.

Pig – Taurus

The horoscope for 2017 predicts a lot of quarrels with your loved one. Pig-Taurus will resolve conflict after conflict that arises out of nothing, but disrupts the harmony in the relationship. If disagreements continue, then by the middle of the year there will be a major breakup that both partners will regret. The Fire Rooster advises representatives of the sign to take control of the situation, because only they can bring romance back into relationships. Having proven that the other half still occupies the main place in the heart, Taurus will experience peace in their souls, which is why they will be able to devote themselves to work and receive tangible material rewards.

Pig - Gemini

You will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of pride - this is what the horoscope for 2017 says. Gemini Pig will be too arrogant, which is why most important decisions will be made without proper analysis. This approach will bring additional difficulties, so the first half of the coming years will pass in hustle and bustle and working on mistakes. But from mid-2017, Gemini will be able to reconsider their attitude to business and suppress internal impulses. This is the only way to hope that the situation will return to normal, and by the end of the year, the horoscope representatives will feel satisfied with the work done.

Pig – Cancer

The horoscope for 2017 promises a lull in business. Pig-Cancer will finish the affairs of the past period and succumb to laziness. True, this behavior will persist only until spring. As soon as the drops begin to drip, the activity of the representatives of the sign will manifest itself again, which is why they will solve matters as if cracking nuts. In this case, the main criterion when making decisions will be full analysis, which will allow you to succeed. By the middle of the year, so many promising offers will appear in life that Cancers will be confused by such luck. Having gathered their thoughts, they will quickly begin to implement proposals, which will result in tangible profits.

Pig – Leo

The horoscope promises making serious decisions. Pig-Leo should start the year 2017 by dotting all the i's in his personal life. The main thing is to find words for a serious conversation in order to find out from your partner how he sees further development relationships. It is important for representatives of the sign to understand whether they have a common vision with their chosen one, and if not, then it is better to break up and let each other build a strong and harmonious relationship, but with someone else. In addition, the Fire Rooster will provide many opportunities for unusual entertainment, but you should not neglect work for the sake of new sensations.

Pig – Virgo

Pig-Virgo 2017 should begin by choosing a priority project on which to work throughout the entire period. If representatives of the sign rush between several goals, there is a high probability that they will quickly become exhausted and will not be able to complete any of the tasks. Such a failure is fraught with serious difficulties in the financial sector. The Fire Rooster recommends that Virgos find a suitable sport for themselves that will energize them all year and help them move faster towards their goals.

Pig – Libra

The 2017 horoscope advises taking more care of loved ones. The Pig-Libra will achieve success in all areas if peace reigns at home. This can only be achieved if representatives of the sign take control of this issue. In business matters, Virgos should follow exclusively their intuition, because it will tell you how to close a deal profitably and avoid problems. In the middle of the year the Fire Rooster will throw interesting idea for additional income, do not miss this chance.

Pig – Scorpio

The Scorpio Pig will spend 2017 without any problems. All representatives of the sign will have something to brag about, because pleasant changes await them different areas. In the first half, there is a high probability that a person will appear in life who is destined for an important role. Most likely, he will help in business, but he can show his abilities in other areas. The second part of the year is good for moving abroad. If someone dreams of starting life over with a new leaf, then 2017 is more conducive to a successful start.

Pig – Sagittarius

The Sagittarius Pig must spend 2017 carefully in everything, otherwise there is a huge risk of being left with nothing. You can’t trust anyone, so every word you hear will have to be double-checked. Not worth it once again chat, especially about your own achievements. The opposite sex will constantly provoke, but all this is just a game in which the gullible Sagittarius will most likely get confused, which will cause him to fall into a depressive mood. You should also not give in to your own extravagance. The Fire Rooster advises you to plan your purchases wisely so that by the end of the year you can save a significant amount.

Pig – Capricorn

Pig-Capricorn 2017 will reap the fruits of its own labors. In the career, the first half will be unstable, as problems will constantly fall on the heads of the horned representatives of the sign. Planned actions and an analytical mindset will allow you to cope with all troubles, which is why from the middle of the year Capricorns will feel freedom in business, as well as monetary rewards for past achievements. The Fire Rooster promises single representatives of the horoscope an unexpected offer in their personal lives. It is worth considering what such a step will bring in the future, because what life will become depends on the decision.

Pig – Aquarius

Pig-Aquarius 2017 will enjoy fortune, which will walk side by side with representatives of the sign. The main thing is to be grateful to such luck in personal and business matters, otherwise your nose in the air risks being pecked by the fair Rooster. There is a risk of serious health problems in the coming year, especially in the spring. It is worth taking care of the condition of your body in advance and undergoing preventive examinations. In addition, the patron of the horoscope recommends not to throw words to the wind, otherwise you can ruin relationships with loved ones.

Pig – Pisces

The horoscope for 2017 promises pleasant changes in your personal life. Pig-Pisces will prefer to devote themselves to their family, so the most memorable events will be related to relationships. Some will finally have a child, others will decide to get married. In any case, all other areas will fade into the background, because people born under this star will set the right priorities for themselves. Because of this attitude, complete calm is expected in the affairs of workers, which, nevertheless, at the end of 2017 will bring either tangible income or an interesting offer for promotion.

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