Belotsvetnik cultivation and care. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Decor elements 14.05.2019
Decor elements

First spring flowers - snowdrops herald the arrival of spring. The pure beauty of spring flowers and emerald green leaves no one indifferent, and the first leaves and buds that have made their way in the clearings through the last snow, blooming, look like small crystal bells.

Snowdrop or scientifically galanthus has very similar related flowers - white flowers. Plants from the genus Snowdrop and the genus Whiteflower belong to the same family - Amaryllisaceae.

Rod Belotsvetnik (Leucojum) includes about 10 species of bulbous plants, mostly heat-loving species native to Europe. We mainly grow in our gardens spring white flower (L.vernum), which blooms at the same time as the snowdrop.

The flowers of white flowers and snowdrops are very similar, they bloom at the same time as the beginning of spring, appearing from under the snow, and the rules for planting and caring for these flowers are the same. It is easy to confuse the bulbs of snowdrops and white flowers, since on appearance they are the same. But you can still distinguish these two plants by their flowers. Both plants at first glance have similar white small flowers, take a closer look at them, and you will find differences in their structure. White flowers have regular bell-shaped flowers with six identical petals with pointed tips with a yellow or green speck.

The flowering time of the white flower depends on the beginning of spring, if the spring is early, then in the southern places warmed by the sun, the first flowers will appear on the thawed patches in March, but usually the white flowers, like snowdrops, bloom in April or May. The flowering of white flowers lasts two weeks, in early summer after the seeds ripen, the leaves of the plant die off and the bulb goes into a dormant state.

less common summer whiteflower (L.aestivum). This species blooms a month later than the spring white flower, closer to summer, when the snow melts and warm weather sets in. The summer white flower is larger than the spring one, its peduncles and leaves grow 30-45 cm long, while the spring peduncles and leaves rarely rise above 25 cm, usually 12-15 cm.

In nature, the summer white flower grows along the banks of rivers, therefore, in gardens, it prefers shady, damp places near a reservoir, which is not typical for bulbous plants, as they are prone to putrefactive diseases.

Spring flowers white flowers are very elegant, therefore they require skillful design and a competent selection of neighboring plants. A clearing of white flowers or small curtains of these flowers will look great against the backdrop of a lawn. White flowers can be planted under trees and tall shrubs until their crowns have acquired foliage, there will be enough flowers sunlight, and after summer and autumn, the shade from the trees and fallen leaves will retain moisture and increase soil fertility.

White flowers will be good neighbors for other early spring flowers; they can be planted next to muscars, primrose, hellebore, lungwort, etc. Since these flowers disappear in the flower bed by summer, it is advantageous to place them in a group next to perennial summer flowers and ornamental plants, for example, next to hydrangea, astilbe, hosta. Then your flower bed will be decorated with white flowers from early spring, and by summer it will grow summer plants and close the bald spots from dried spring flowers.

For sale white flower bulbs, as well as snowdrops, arrive at the end of summer. Bulbs of spring flowers are planted in autumn, no later than a month before the onset of stable cold weather. Do not buy bulbs of these flowers in the spring or dig and replant flowering plants, as in subsequent years they will bloom poorly, get sick and reproduce poorly.

White flowers grow well in fertile, loose soil. For planting the first spring flowers, it is better to choose southern sunny places where snow melts first and melt water does not stagnate. In such areas, snowdrops will bloom earlier.

Bulb planting depth in loose soil should be equal to twice the height of the bulb, and in dense soil, the bulbs are planted at the same height of the bulb.

White flowers reproduce by daughter bulbs, after 4-5 years one bulb forms a nest. Bulbs are planted only after the ground part of the plants dries. From July to October, you can dig out bulbs, store them for no longer than two months, as small bulbs can dry out.

White flower care minimal, they do not need watering in the summer, and in the spring there is still enough moisture in the soil. Feed the flowers fertile soil it should not be, since an excess of nitrogen causes the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering, but on poor land, you can additionally apply complex mineral fertilizer in the spring so that the bulbs gain strength for the next year.

whiteflower, or leucoyum- a bulbous early spring plant from the Amaryllis family. In nature, common in Central and Southern Europe.

Interestingly, the white flower is a symbol of the German city of Ettenstat and is even depicted on its coat of arms. In the surrounding forests, this plant is found in large quantities, thousands of tourists come here during the period spring flowering white flowers.

The bulbs of the white flower are quite large, they can reach 4 cm in diameter and 5 cm in height. The leaves are linear. Flowers broadly bell-shaped, 3 cm long, drooping, white, solitary or collected in small umbels. Stems are leafless. The fruits are boxes. Seeds may be round or oblong, light brown or black.

There are only 2 species in the genus: spring white flower and summer white flower, so named only because it blooms not in April, but in May.

In the white flower of the spring peduncle, the height reaches a maximum of 30 cm. The flowers can be single, as well as paired white, with yellow-green tips of the petals. They have a pleasant smell. The leaves have a bright green color, they can reach a length of 30 cm. Flowering occurs in May for 20-30 days.

The stem of the summer white flower reaches a maximum height of 40 cm. The flowers are smaller, white, drooping, collected in several umbrellas. The leaves are bluish-green in color, a maximum of 30 cm long. Flowering occurs at the end of July and lasts about 20 days.

Leukoyums grow best in a semi-shaded place. The soil for them is suitable rich in humus, sufficiently drained, moist, near shrubs or ponds. When preparing a place for a plant, gravel or coarse river sand must be added to the soil. If the soil on the site is poor, then it is improved with rotted manure, leafy soil and sand. If peat is used as an additive, then it must necessarily be rotted, it would be nice to add dolomite flour.

Plants need a transplant every 5 years. With active growth, it is necessary to apply liquid inorganic fertilizers. If necessary, additional watering is necessary. Transplantation and division of "nests" are carried out during the dormant period of plants from July to September.

White flowers reproduce by seeds or vegetatively. They reproduce very well with "kids", which appear up to two pieces per season. Acceleration of reproduction can be achieved by planting the mother bulb almost on the surface. "Nests" are seated after about 6 years.

When propagated by seeds, sowing is done immediately after harvest, in buried boxes or pots. Covered for the winter. Flowering begins 6 years after sowing.

Gardeners with special love and diligence choose flowers that bloom as early as possible. If you are also close to such aspirations, you should pay attention to the spring white flower. Its delicate flowers will start decorating your garden in April.

Belotsvetnik will organically fit into almost any flower arrangement. Planting rows of spring, summer and autumn (for those who are not afraid of difficulties) varieties is considered especially successful by gardeners. Then the flowering of the white flower is ensured throughout the season. White flowers are good in a group with other plants of an early flowering period, framed by tall flowers and shrubs, in the design of various kinds of reservoirs - both natural and artificial. They will not be superfluous in discounts and are very beautiful around gazebos, entwined with flowering ivy.

planting in open ground

If you decide to refresh your flower garden and plant a white flower garden, planting and care will be much easier if right approach to buy bulbs. To the touch, they should be weighty and dense, not spread under the fingers. Donets - whole; if there are small scratches on the onion - it's not scary, as long as they are dried and not moldy. Germination of a stalk or roots is noticed - it is necessary to plant immediately; if this is not included in your plans - choose another copy. Dried bulbs will not germinate. If it is necessary to store them, be sure to pour them with sawdust or pack them in perforated plastic.

You should not buy a blooming spring white flower for planting - it takes root poorly, the flowers fall off, and the leaves wither, die off, the bulb weakens greatly, and the next flowering will not be earlier than in a year. Better to be patient and grow it from scratch.

These small flowers are planted in the same way as other bulbs. The soil is loosened; the depth of lowering is about three diameters of the bulb (naturally, no one measures the depth to a millimeter). If the earth is clay, you need to mix river coarse sand into it (fine gravel is possible). It is necessary to plant a spring white flower in wet places, dry soils will destroy it. Desirable and normal nutritional value of the soil.

If you are unlucky in this regard, you will have to enrich the land with compost. In case of acidification of the soil, it is necessary to neutralize the excess with lime. The place is chosen shady, but with sufficient diffused or evening lighting. The time allotted for planting bulbs is from July to September. If the autumn turned out to be warm, it can last until November. Transplants are required every five to seven years.

Belotsvetnik outdoor care

These beautiful spring flowers require attention only during the growing season. When they grow intensively, you will have to feed them with liquid inorganic matter with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. By doing this, you will provide more lush bloom. In addition, these top dressings will help the plant form strong bulbs that can overwinter without harming themselves.

You will also have to take care of the white flower in the event of a dry spring - regular watering will help it maintain an aesthetic appearance. However, even in the absence of watering, the spring white flower will survive, it is drought-resistant. Only the bushes will be very undersized, and flowering will be weak (or completely absent).

In June, when the plant fades, you can completely forget about it - it will accumulate “winter reserves” itself, without requiring extraneous attention.

Whiteflower reproduction

By the end of July, these small flowers enter dormancy. Now it's time to take care of increasing their plantation. During the turbulent life before "hibernation", each plant manages to form a pair of daughter bulbs. If you want to have more of them, the mother white flower spring initially sits very small, near the very surface. Then his bulb will remain small, but it will form a lot of children. Planting material is dug out extremely carefully so that the bulbous scales are not damaged, it is slightly dried to avoid the formation of rot. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid damage, they should be sprinkled with ashes.

The second option for propagating white flowers is by seeds. They must be used immediately after collection. Maximum term storage - until autumn. After germination disappears. It is better to sow in boxes or pots: the seedlings are so small that they are easily lost in the flower bed. Watering and weeding is all that is needed for their survival. Such seedlings will bloom at best in the sixth year of life, so most gardeners prefer bulbous propagation.

Belotsvetnik species and varieties

There are such varieties of this plant:

spring whiteflower

Perennial bulbous, growing up to a third of a meter. Its flowers are drooping, very fragrant, kept on stems from three weeks to a month.

Summer white flower

His bulbs are larger, "growth" is higher - up to half a meter, the leaves are greenish-gray and long - a third of a meter, and sometimes more. Flowers are collected in charming umbrellas, also drooping. This variety pleases with flowering closer to summer, starting from the end of May. Highly beautiful plant, but for some reason it is less popular than the spring white flower, maybe because it blooms later.

Autumn white flower

Gardeners are very pleased at the time of general wilting. In addition, from plants of this flowering period, there are varieties with a pink color. However, they are much more capricious than their counterparts: they are not resistant to cold and do not tolerate moisture at rest, so they will have to be covered during heavy autumn rains. Therefore, they did not win much popularity among Russian flower growers.

Separately, one can single out " Whiteflower Gravetye Giant"- a variety artificially bred by English breeders. Its representatives stretch up to 60 centimeters, and each flower petal is decorated with a greenish-lemon spot.

Where to buy white flower bulbs

Scientific and production association "Gardens of Russia" has been implementing the latest achievements selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening. The association uses the most modern technologies, a unique laboratory of plant micropropagation has been created. The main tasks of the NGO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery planting material(seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. Looking forward to shopping:

Homeland is the Mediterranean, Central Turkey, Europe, Iran. The genus includes approximately 10 species of bulbous plants, flowering in early spring, summer and autumn. The foliage of the white flower is linear, appearing at the same time as the snow-white flowers.

Flowers solitary bell-shaped, drooping, 3 cm long, pink or white with a yellow or green spot at the very top of the petals. The fruit is a box. Seeds are round or oblong, sometimes with a fleshy appendage, brown or black.

White flower bulbs are ovoid, 4-5 cm tall, covered with greenish or brown scales.

Types and varieties of white flowers

AT garden culture there are only two types of white flowers:

spring whiteflower

Found in natural conditions along the edges of mountain forests Central Europe.

Spring belotsvetnik is a bulbous plant. The bulb is ovoid. Foliage broadly lanceolate 25 cm long. Peduncles 25 cm long. The flowers are paired or solitary, on tall stalks, drooping, white, with a charming aroma. Petals with yellow or green tips. Blooms in April for about 25 days. There are varieties, such as Carpathicum, larger than the original form, with yellow spots on the petals.

Summer white flower

It grows in the Mediterranean, Western Europe, Western Transcaucasia, Asia Minor. Likes damp habitats: river banks, flood fields.

Bulbous perennial 40 cm tall. The foliage of the summer belotsvetnik is 30 cm long, bluish-green. Peduncle 40 cm high. The flowers are collected in a drooping, umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Flowering occurs at the end of May, 20 days.

The summer white flower has a variety "Gravetye Giant" - it has six flowers on shoots 60 cm high. At the tips of the perianth are located one greenish spot. This variety is very tall.

Mediterranean species of white flowers, for example, hairy, long-leaved, Tingitan, are rare and most beautiful. And autumn-flowering: pink white flower and autumn white flower, known in Western Europe, are not cultivated in Russia.

Location of the white flower

Prefers partial shade.

Soil for white flowers

Likes humus-rich, well-drained, moist soil near ponds and shrubs. To grow small bulbous plants for drainage, gravel or river sand is added. In poor soil, rotted manure is added, but not sand and fresh, leafy soil.

Planting white flowers: The best time to plant the bulbs is July and September when the bulbs are dormant.

On the market, white flowers are often sold in a flowering state, this is not good: immediately after planting, the foliage withers, turns yellow, then completely dies off. However, the bulb remains alive. The following year, the plant blooms weakly or may not bloom at all.

When buying dormant bulbs, you need to check their condition. Bulbs should be dense, without regrown stems and roots. However, the roots and stems are acceptable, only the bulb will need to be planted urgently.

You should not buy crushed bulbs. Decayed white flower bulbs are almost impossible to cure.

White flower bulbs do not tolerate prolonged drying. It is better not to keep them in the air for more than a month, if this is not possible, then pour them with sawdust and put them in a bag.

In this form, white flower bulbs go to stores and are stored for about 3 months. Bulbs are planted according to the basic rule: to a depth of not less than 6 cm.

White flower care

Bulb transplantation is required every 5 years. In the active growth phase, inorganic fertilizers are applied. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are undesirable.

It is better if there are more phosphates and potassium in fertilizers. The high nitrogen content causes excessive foliage formation, which in wet weather can cause fungal diseases. Potassium contributes to the formation of well-wintering white flower bulbs, and phosphorus is useful for lush flowering.

In the active growth phase, small bulbous plants consume a lot of water. Watering small bulbous plants is not a burdensome task, they are resistant to drought. They just won't grow as tall.

All operations with bulbous plants - selling, transplanting, dividing - are carried out when the bulbs are at rest. Dug out bulbs must be dried, cleaned of old roots.

Reproduction of the white flower

Seeds and also vegetatively. White flowers reproduce perfectly by daughter bulbs that form from buds. During the season, several bulbs are formed.

The white flower can also be propagated by seeds. Sow the seeds of the white flower immediately after harvest, as they die during long storage. It is better to sow white flower seeds in boxes or pots so that seedlings are not lost. White flower seedlings bloom in the 7th-8th year.


It is combined with blueberries, primroses, peonies, and is also suitable for forcing.

White flower (Leucojum) is a member of the Amaryllis family. There are about 10 species in this genus. In nature, such plants are found in Turkey, Central Europe, Mediterranean, Iran and North Africa. The name of this genus in Greek means "white violet". There is a legend associated with the origin given flower. Once a village shepherdess fell in love with God, but she repeatedly rejected his courtship. However, he conceived, by cunning, to lure her to the cloud and achieve reciprocity in any way. God believed that the beloved, seeing the whole world at her feet, would certainly want to live with him.

During the night, he stole and hid a cow that belonged to this girl. Appearing to her in the morning, he offered his help. God raised his beloved to a cloud, since from there she could quickly find her cow. The girl was struck by the beauty that opened her eyes. She, imagining herself a goddess, took the caskets that God needed to control the weather, and began to shake out what was in them on the ground. So, fog fell out of the first casket, a summer downpour from the next. On the third day, there was snow and, laughing, the girl shook it out onto the ground. The time of winter has already passed, and therefore the god was angry with the girl! God made it so that when it touched the ground, the snow turned into white flowers - beautiful white flowers. And God sent the frivolous girl back, where she continued to graze the cows. Since then, at the end of May, the snow-white flowers of the white flower have opened. Gardeners cultivate only 2 species of this plant.

Features of growing white flowers

Location: white flowers prefer partial shade.

The soil: for white flowers, humus-rich, well-drained, moist soils near shrubs and ponds are suitable. When preparing a place for growing small-bulbous for drainage, coarse river sand or gravel is added to the soil. Poor soil is improved by adding rotted manure, but not fresh, leafy soil and sand. If peat is used as an organic additive, then it should also be rotted, preferably with lime, since white flowers do not like acidic soils.

Landing: best time for the purchase and planting of white flower bulbs - July-September, when the plants are at rest. With a long and warm autumn, the time allowed for planting a white flower stretches until the beginning of November. In the amateur market, white flowers are often sold in bloom, this is not very good for them: immediately after planting, the leaves wither, turn yellow, then die off completely. But the white flower bulb, although weakened, remains alive. True, the following year, such plants bloom weakly or may not bloom at all, but still do not die.

When buying resting white flower bulbs, it is imperative to check their condition. They should be dense and heavy, with intact shells, without regrown roots and stems. However, regrown roots and stems are still acceptable, only such a bulb must be planted urgently. Cuts on the bulb are also acceptable, but only on the scales. The bottom must not be damaged, and it must be ensured that the wounds are dry and not affected by mold.

Even bulbs with a cut top ( upper parts scales), but intact donets and kidneys remain viable. You should not buy only broken and crumpled white flower bulbs. Soft areas on the bottom or on the sides, especially with a peeled shell, indicate decay. Decayed bulbs are almost impossible to cure.

White flower bulbs cannot stand prolonged drying. It is better not to keep them in the air for more than a month, and if it is not possible to plant them, then sprinkle them with sawdust, shavings, etc. and put them in a perforated plastic bag. In this form, they usually go on sale and are stored for 2-3 months. Planting white flower bulbs general rule: in loose soil to a depth equal to two bulbs, in heavy soil to a depth of one. But in any case, no smaller than 5 cm. In general, strict observance planting depth for small bulbs is optional. It’s just that with a shallow position in the ground, the bulbs become smaller, but children actively form, and with a deep position they become larger.

White flower care

Watering in early spring is not required - the soil is sufficiently saturated with moisture after the snow melts. If the white flower does not receive enough natural moisture when it blooms, then it must be watered, otherwise the flowering will not be long, and the plant will complete the growing season earlier, without gaining strength for the next flowering.

Reproduction of the white flower

Vegetatively propagated during dormancy. blooming in spring species are transplanted in spring - summer after the complete death of the leaves. Autumn - late autumn or early spring. The division is convenient to produce during transplantation, which must be done every 5-6 years. They dig a ‘nest’, divide it into separate onions, removing damaged and diseased ones.

The planting of the white flower is carried out immediately after digging out - small bulbs do not tolerate long-term storage, they quickly dry out. I dig up the soil on a shovel bayonet, add humus or compost (6-10 liters per 1 sq. M).

A recess is made, on the bottom of which expanded clay or pebbles are laid for drainage. The bulbs are laid out in circles, creating a curtain, after 15 - 20 cm from each other and fall asleep. Planting depth is chosen depending on the desired outcome: placement deeper than 5 cm stimulates lush and abundant flowering if the planting height is less than 5 cm, many daughter bulbs develop.

seeds. Seeds are harvested after ripening and immediately sown.

  • Sow in the open ground on a school bed or in a box.
  • Close up shallow and spill with soft water.
  • Seeds purchased at the store are treated with growth stimulants (aloe juice, hydrogen peroxide solution or industrial preparations) before sowing. Plantings are closed with a film or spunbod until sprouts appear.
  • White flowers sprout unevenly, some may appear next spring, having undergone natural stratification.
  • They are cared for like ordinary seedlings, after the foliage dies off, they are carefully selected from the box and placed in a permanent place. These plants will bloom in 3-4 years.

Pests and diseases of the white flower

It cannot be said that the white flower is a painful plant, but it does have problems. And about the same as that of other primroses - snowdrops. Of the pests, the plant can be annoyed by slugs, bulbous nematodes, scoops and their caterpillars, as well as rodents - moles and mice. Thick scoop caterpillars can be collected by hand in the fall, when they are preparing to pupate, or you can destroy them by treating the flower garden with an insecticide. The bulbous nematode is a small worm that forms yellowish tumors on the leaves of the white flower. If nematodes have settled on the plant, it must be destroyed, and the rest of the specimens should be dug up, their bulbs soaked for several hours in water at a temperature of 40-45 ºC and planted in another area.

It is impossible to plant bulbous plants in the soil in which nematodes are found for 4-5 years. Underground slugs settle on heavy clay or rich soils. To get rid of them, when planting, the bulb in the hole is surrounded by a layer of coarse sand. Rodents not only damage the bulbs with their teeth, but also carry them into their burrows. From the bites of mice or moles, the bulbs can rot, but the problem can only be detected by the oppressed appearance of the plant. The bulbs need to be dug up, rotten areas cut out from them, the wounds sprinkled with ash and allowed to dry in the air for several hours, after which they can again be planted in the ground.

Mice can settle in sods with grass or in perennial curtains, so try to keep them at least three meters from the planting of the white flower garden: mice do not move further from the hole. And just in case, lay out bait with poison on the site. Of the diseases that can affect the white flower, the most terrible are incurable viral diseases. If light yellow or pale green markings appear on the leaves of the plant, and the surface of the plate is covered with bumps and begins to curl, immediately remove the plant and burn it before it infects neighboring specimens. Brown or black marks on the leaves of the white flower, a gray fluffy coating that appears on the stem near the soil surface and gradually moves higher indicates that the plant is affected by fungal diseases - gray mold or rust. Sick areas must be cut and burned, after which all plants and the soil under them should be treated with a fungicide solution.

Belotsvetnik, types and varieties

Leukoyum in horticulture is represented by two species - summer (Leucojum aestivum) and spring (Leucojum vernum). Due to its exquisite natural beauty, the breeders did not have to make much effort, so there are not so many varieties of this plant.

The spring white flower prefers the mountain slopes of the countries of Central Europe. He is different early flowering: in the first days of April, the white flower produces flower stalks that grow up to 25 cm in height. Flowers mostly grow in pairs, but may be solitary. They are milky in color with bright green marks on the petals. Flowering lasts 25 days.

A well-known variety of spring leukoyum is Karpatikum. This white flower has much larger buds than its wild relative, a more fragrant aroma, and the spots on the petals are bright yellow. In the cut, the culture remains fresh for up to 10 days.

The summer belotsvetnik is widespread in the countries of Western Europe, Asia Minor, and in the Mediterranean. This species prefers moist soil, therefore it grows along rivers and in flood fields. It produces a tall peduncle (more than 40 cm in height), on which umbellate inflorescences consist of 3-8 flowers. Flowering begins in the second decade of May and lasts 20-25 days.

A beautiful summer white flower variety - Gravetye Giant. This is a tall white flower, the stems of which stretch up to 60 cm in height. The flowers are white with a lemon spot on the petals.

Previously, several more varieties belonged to the White-flowered genus, which today have been bred into the independent genus Acis. But some gardeners still call them white flowers. These include:

  • Acis (Belotsvetnik) hairy;
  • Acis (Belotsvetnik) Tingitansky;
  • Acis (Belotsvetnik) long-leaved.

In addition, autumn and pink white flowers were included in the genus Acis. In horticulture, they are grown in Western countries Europe, and on the territory Central Russia practically not cultivated.

The use of white flowers in design

The white flower is used for early spring flower decoration along with primroses, blueberries, peonies, for cutting and forcing. White flowers, especially summer white flowers, are a wonderful decoration for the banks of streams and small ponds.

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