Presentation on the theme "Christmas toys". Presentation for a lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic: presentation for older preschoolers "History of Christmas tree decorations"

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Performed by a student of the 11th grade of the secondary school No. 2 of the city of Pechora Kaneva Maria
The history of Soviet New Year's toys.

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A bit from the history of the New Year in the USSR ...
At the dawn of formation Soviet Union(in 1927) as part of an anti-religious company, the Bolsheviks banned the Christmas tree and Christmas decorations. "Only the one who is a friend of the priests is ready to celebrate the Christmas tree." (Agitation slogan of the 1920s) “The guys are deceived that Santa Claus brought them gifts. The religiosity of the guys begins with the Christmas tree. The ruling exploiting classes also use the “nice” Christmas tree and the “kind” Santa Claus also in order to turn the working people into obedient and patient servants of capital.” (“Materials for Anti-Religious Propaganda on Christmas Days”, 1927)

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New Year traditions returned only in 1935. From a letter from Pavel Postyshev, a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, published by the Pravda newspaper on December 28, 1935: “In pre-revolutionary times, the bourgeoisie and bourgeois officials always arranged a Christmas tree for their children on New Year's Eve. The workers' children looked enviously through the window at the Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights and the rich children having fun around it. Why do our schools, orphanages, nurseries, children's clubs, palaces of pioneers deprive the children of working people of this wonderful pleasure Soviet country? Some, none other than "left" benders, slandered this children's entertainment as a bourgeois idea. This wrong condemnation of the Christmas tree, which is a wonderful entertainment for children, should be put to an end. Let's organize a fun New Year's Eve for children, arrange a good Soviet Christmas tree in all cities and collective farms.

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In the same year, in November, at the first congress of the Stakhanovists, Stalin said his famous phrase: "Life has become better, life has become more fun, comrades!" In general, the Christmas tree, which was so unexpectedly allowed, became a confirmation happy life of the proletariat, a joyful childhood, as well as school uniforms (girls began to wear white aprons and brown dresses to school, and boys - blue suits) and many other seemingly insignificant details.

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Soviet christmas toys.
In the 1930s and 1940s, Christmas trees were decorated with homemade or handicraft toys bought from the market. In schools and kindergartens, children learned how to make New Year's decorations from cotton wool, cardboard, papier-mâché, cut paper garlands, assemble structures from tubes and glass beads on wire.

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Factory jewelry at that time was a luxury item and a great rarity, but their mass production was gradually being established. One of the first to establish serial production of New Year's wire toys was the Moskabel plant.

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According to the New Year's toys from the times of the USSR, you can literally study the history of our country. Figurines of children, fairy-tale characters, clowns, ballerinas, outlandish birds and animals, fruits and vegetables, of course, remained from pre-revolutionary times.
But the angels were replaced by bright symbols of the Soviet era: balls with a sickle and a hammer, "ruby" stars, athletes and pioneers with red flags, Budenovites, Red Army soldiers, women in padded jackets and scarlet scarves.

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In addition to patriotic agitation symbols, “classic plots” from school curriculum: Ivan Tsarevich, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Ruslan and Lyudmila, brother Rabbit and brother Fox, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Crocodile with Totosha and Kokosha, doctor Aibolit.

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With the release of the film "Circus" (in 1936), figurines on circus themes became popular: clowns, tigers, trained dogs, other animals, illusionists, fakirs and entertainers.

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The development of the North was marked by the appearance of figurines of polar explorers.
A separate theme in the history of the Soviet New Year's toy is the theme of the war in Spain. In 1938, a glass ball was released with two aircraft, one of which dives the other.

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The era of aeronautics also found its worthy reflection in Christmas decorations in the form of airships, airplanes, parachutes and skydivers with the inscription "USSR".

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V Soviet time the "image" of the Soviet Santa Claus was also developed. Our Father Frost began to resemble the bourgeois Santa Claus only with a gray beard, fur clothes and a red bag with gifts. Otherwise, the Soviet Santa Claus does not look like a plump dwarf, he is a tall, mature hero. The fur coat of Santa Claus, unlike Santa Claus, goes down to the heels, is girdled not with a belt, but with a sash. On the head of Santa Claus is a hat with an even edge without any tassels and pompons. Hands - in huge mittens, and on the feet - either red boots or "patriotic" boots.
Yes, and Santa Claus comes to Santa Claus not on deer, but on a Russian troika ... And not only one, but with a charming young lady - the Snow Maiden, who has no analogues in any country.

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During the Great Patriotic War (in 1941-1945), the decoration of the New Year tree was obligatory - it reminded the soldiers of a peaceful life, gave strength and hope for an early victory. At the same time, on the fronts, Christmas trees were decorated with figurines, which were made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Factories also continued to produce Christmas toys, albeit in limited series. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "Stalinist armored cars", "pistols", "medical dogs", and on New Year's greeting cards during the Second World War, Santa Claus beat the Nazis ...

In the 1960s, "cobs of corn" and "sheaves of wheat" were hung on Christmas trees.

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Since nothing “monumental” has happened in the history of the Soviet Union since the Brezhnev era, there are significantly fewer themed toys. New Year decoration gradually became more abstract. In addition, with the advent of fashion for minimalism and avant-garde, Christmas tree decorations have become simpler. The figurines became more and more rounded, and the paintings became simpler.

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The first decorated Christmas trees appeared a very long time ago - about 400 years ago in Germany. At first, Christmas decorations were only edible, but starting from the 17th century, more durable decorations began to be made: fir cones were gilded, empty eggshells were covered with a thin layer of chased brass. There were also paper flowers and skillful crafts made of cotton, Christmas-tree fairies, graceful stars, butterflies and funny figurines of animals appeared from silver foil, and tinsel was made from twisted tin wires. At that time, lit candles were also considered fashionable decorations for the forest beauty, which were attached to the branches with a thin wire - alas, wax Christmas decorations, so beloved in those days, quickly melted from their heat.

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When did they start decorating the Christmas tree with Christmas balls? According to legend, one day there was a crop failure of apples, which were one of the main decorations on the Christmas tree. Then believers came to the glassblowers with a request to make glass apples for the holiday. Since then, balls have been considered a classic of Christmas tree decorations. It is authentically known that the first Christmas balls were made in 1848 in the town of Lauscha in Thuringia (Germany). They were made of transparent or colored glass, coated on the inside with a layer of lead, and on the outside they were decorated with sparkles.

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Gradually, the sale of Christmas decorations became a profitable business, and in 1867 a gas factory was opened here, the artisans of which, using easily tuned gas burners with a flame of very high temperature, already blew large thin-walled balls. Soon they began to make glass figurines - birds, bunches of grapes in ceramic forms, jugs, even pipes that you could even blow! Women and children painted the products of the masters with gold and silver dust. But after a while, glass was replaced by figures made of cardboard; toys with gold and silver embossing and hand-painted were especially popular. Even later, wooden decorations found their place on the Christmas tree.

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In Russia, as you know, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Tsar Peter the Great, and he also ordered that the spruce should become the main New Year tree. But only in 1817 did the custom come to dress her up, when for the royal feast of the Nativity of Christ in the hall royal palace brought a real green forest beauty, on which gifts for the whole royal family and children. Gradually, the custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the winter holidays took root in the homes of rich people and those who are poorer. Over time, public Christmas trees began to be organized. The first public Christmas tree was arranged in 1852 in St. Petersburg. Almost all toys were imported to Russia from Germany. But there were also many handmade toys.

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Glass toys were the most expensive. In addition to glass, toys were made from cardboard. The "Dresden cardboard" was very popular - toys glued together from two halves of a convex painted cardboard. Beautiful dolls with paper faces glued to the “body” made of fabric, lace, beads, paper were also hung on Christmas trees. By the 20th century, faces began to be made convex, made of cardboard, and later porcelain. There were also toys made of cotton wool wound on a wire frame: this is how the figures of children, angels, clowns, and sailors were decorated. Fake fruits made of papier-mâché and velvet were hung on the Christmas trees.

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Christmas toys made of pressed cardboard.

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Then Russian handicraftsmen in small artels began to produce toys from cotton wool, fabric, papier-mâché, glass ...

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At the beginning of the 20th century, toys appeared on various topics. Soldiers, astronauts, heroes of cartoons and fairy tales, vegetables and fruits, and much more were produced.

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From glass tubes, craftsmen collected beads, stars on Christmas tree tops and other toys.

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Christmas decorations for a long time continued to be made from cotton wool, paper and fabric.

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Toys were hung by a thread, on a clothespin ...

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Sold in sets and retail.

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Ded Moroz and Snegurochka were placed under the Christmas tree

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    Everywhere and always, for every nation and nationality, the New Year's garland is associated with the anticipation of the holiday. …New Year's garland makes the holiday bright! Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, these Christmas decorations create a unique romantic atmosphere on a dark New Year's Eve or, on the contrary, become part of a noisy festive feast, giving joy to both children and adults.

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    Electric garlands became one of the main Christmas novelties (by the way, the first garlands appeared in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century and were so expensive that they were more often rented than bought. At first, such decoration was not at all harmless: garlands often caused a fire - lamp the glass became hot and the needles flared.Over time, they began to be made of durable glass using persistent dyes).

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    electric garlands, previously a simple chain of light bulbs, today look much more aesthetically pleasing and more diverse. original form light bulbs, "dressed" in snowflakes, flowers, berries, make electric garlands one of the most sought-after attributes New Year's holiday, creating a festive mood in an instant.

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    Presentation work prepared by the teacher primary school according to the results of the tour at the factory for the production of Christmas decorations. Illustrating his story with photographs from the scene, the teacher talks about the production and history of Christmas decorations.


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      Abarkina E. V.

      Lecture hall

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      • For the teacher to teach

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    Christmas decorations at the Frost factory are made by hand. This is a very time-consuming and hard work, but at the same time extremely exciting. Even in the creation of a simple Christmas ball or figurines need to invest a lot of effort. But first things first.

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    Let's walk through the shops of the Christmas tree decorations factory and observe how ordinary glass tubes ...

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    ... turns into colorful toys - indispensable attribute new year holiday.

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    Glass blowers have the hardest job. They spend all day sitting near the burner, melting glass tubes, and blowing balls out of them. The workshop is very hot and there is unbearable noise from the working hood.

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    The glass tube must be melted as best as possible on the flame of the burner. It's strange, but for some reason glassblowers don't use gloves. Although the glass gets very hot

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    Then you need to quickly blow the ball.

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    Then, by eye, evaluate the resulting copy. If it turned out crooked - again into the fire, and blow again. If everything is fine, put the ball back in the box.

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    To make a figurine, a hot balloon is placed in tongs and inflated directly into them.

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    As a result of the work of glassblowers, transparent Christmas tree figurines are obtained, which are funny called - naked.

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    And we move on to the next workshop, where the toys acquire a metallic sheen.

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    Glass blanks are inserted with “tails” into special tubes.

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    Then these tubes are placed in a metallization machine.

    Why do you think there are cups in the car?

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    These cups are needed so that the Christmas tree balls acquire a metallic sheen only half, and on the other hand remain transparent. From such blanks, for example, you can make an aquarium ball: inside the ball are green rain algae and shiny fish.

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    The machine for metallization is very ancient, but it is protected in every possible way, since it was left alone at the enterprise. The second one broke.

    And new equipment is very expensive.

    How does it work?

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    Aluminum springs are attached to the top of the car. Inside the temperature reaches 700 degrees. Steam is generated. Aluminum springs melt and aluminum vapors settle on Christmas tree decorations. The machine closes for an hour and a half and the drum rotates for an hour and a half so that the toys are evenly covered with a mirror-like metallic sheen.

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    In this workshop, workers dip already metallized Christmas decorations into buckets of paints. And here's what happens:

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    If the ball on one side must remain transparent, then it is not completely dipped into a bucket of paint, but only from the opaque side.

    Then for some time the balls dry.

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    Then a stencil with a pattern is taken.

    A ball is laid there and with the help of a can of paint, the stencil is transferred to a Christmas tree toy. On the ball, not a finished drawing is obtained, but only a layout, which the artists then paint.

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    That is why, after walking around the factory in the toy store, customers took so long and meticulously choosing their balls and figures. And one kid shouted: “Mom, I chose, I want this Santa Claus.” “What is there to choose, they are all the same,” mother was angry. "No, look, he winks at me, but the others don't."

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    The artists' hall is somewhat similar to modern office. But instead of computers - boxes with toys, and instead of stationery - paints with brushes.

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    On the tables - gouache, acrylic paints, small beads, silver and golden powder.

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    The end result is this beauty.

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    Toys from the 60s - 70s

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    70s toys

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    80s toys

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    modern toy

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    Modern toy with a rural landscape

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    Secrets of the production of Christmas decorations

    Every year the assortment is updated by 80%. And at number 5 there is always a toy with the symbol of the year. All this year, a ball was produced with the symbol of the next year 2009 - the bull. Despite the fact that the year of the bull is just beginning, its kingdom ends at the factory of Christmas decorations. Immediately after the New Year - in January - a ball with a tiger will be launched into production, since 2010 is the year of the tiger. And the factory for the production of Christmas decorations works all year long only for the sake of one holiday.

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    GLASS - Handmade

    Such an inscription with a hologram is on every toy that is produced at the Pavlo-Posad factory of Christmas decorations "Hoarfrost". But even without an inscription, any toy made here can be easily distinguished from plastic Chinese balls, with which all our stores are littered. It's strange, judging by how people are sweeping Chinese consumer goods off the shelves with excitement, there is still a demand for New Year's toys. The only pity is that the big stores offer us what costs them less and has little interest in quality.

    A glass toy made by hand is different. She is very beautiful and original.

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    "New Year's toy"

    A story about how the Christmas tree toy appeared.

    An ancient production - a Christmas tree decorations factory is located in the village of Danilovo, south of Pavlovsky Posad on the road to Kurovskoye. Once the village belonged to the Novaya Zagar landowners Samarins, who, however, came here only in the summer. All affairs were managed by the manager. The peasants lived on their own farms, and also collected cranberries in the surrounding swamps, in the forests - mushrooms in huge baskets. On carts they took all this to sell to the bazaars in Pavlovo and Zagarye.

    Artistic Skills local population contributed to the fact that from the middle of the 19th century, craft began to develop in the village - the manufacture and painting of Christmas tree toys. The Christmas tree was put up at Christmas, which preceded the New Year. For the majority of the Russian population New Year was a time of merry winter Christmas time and children's holidays, so the Christmas tree toy was of a "Christmas" character. Christmas decorations were decorated picturesquely, brightly and decoratively. The very decoration of the Christmas tree became a family tradition, in which both children and adults participated. Gifts were collected on the Christmas tree, Christmas decorations were a welcome gift. Glass Christmas decorations have come into fashion since the middle of the 19th century. The peasants worked at home and used simple burners for blowing, into which the wick was tightly stuffed. Kerosene was supplied through it from the lower tank. To create a high-temperature flame from home-made leather furs, pumped up with the help of legs compressed air. Toys blown from glass tubes different lengths and diameter. Before work, the dart was sorted and cut by hand using a knife or stone by the glassblower himself.

    Often the whole family was engaged in the manufacture of glass Christmas decorations, the art of glassblower and painter was inherited. Growing demand increased the number of single handicraftsmen who made glass Christmas decorations. Owners appeared who in their homes established small productions, where hired workers worked, who blew and painted glass Christmas decorations.

    Glassblowers and painters began to unite in artels and small factories. Artel workers copied pre-revolutionary toys, created new ones. In the 60s - 70s, in addition to the usual plots, the toys depicted the Moscow Kremlin, spaceships, Kremlin stars.

    The current enterprise "Hoarfrost" is a specialized production for the production of Christmas tree decorations. The enterprise preserves and develops the unique traditions of craftsmanship, established in pre-revolutionary times; tradition is kept here hand made Christmas decorations blown and hand-painted.

    The profession of a glassblower is original, training takes place only at the enterprise, mastering this work takes time and certain abilities. The work of a glassblower behind a burner is the miraculous transformation of a glass tube into a ball, figures, top, bell, etc. Currently, the plant employs more than a dozen glassblowers. Over the years, entire dynasties have developed in this profession: the Knyazevs, the Buzins, the Zhuravlevs, the Frolovs and others.

    About thirty painters are engaged in artistic painting of toys. The Kuzmins, Rumyantsevs, Demidkins and others have been working for generations. When painting glass Christmas balls, various figures, multi-color brush stroke painting is used, with decorative trim various materials. On the balls, snowflakes, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are now depicted as before; rural landscapes are very popular - trees, a church, houses, smoke over a chimney. Many toys with symbols of the year are also produced. eastern horoscope: depending on the year, funny goat, rooster, monkey, piglet, bull are depicted on the balls.

    The enterprise retains samples of products manufactured in previous years, these samples serve methodological guide for young painters. Ancient plots, traditional ornaments, sculptures of figurines are used by the plant's craftsmen to create new products. Master artists pay great attention to the natural possibilities of glass, various ways of decorating it. Reflections play brightly on the smooth shiny surface of glass products, with the help of toys a fabulous, mysterious New Year's holiday is created.

    The message was prepared based on the materials of E.V. Zhukova

    "New Year's toy"

    . (folk craft Danilovo village)

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    Slides captions:

    story of christmas toys

    How Christmas decorations appeared In the distant past, all Christmas tree decorations were edible - waffle and sugar figurines, nuts, fruits and vegetables, sweets.

    How Christmas decorations appeared Toys were also made from rags, straw and colored ribbons.

    How Christmas decorations appeared In the 18th century, colorful paper flowers, angels, appeared. They gilded nuts and cones, painted eggshell, weaving chains.

    How Christmas decorations appeared At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys and paper garlands. Cotton toys were made from twisted pressed cotton, which was wound on skeleton frames in the form of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with a starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny.

    How Christmas decorations appeared By the middle of the 20th century, the assortment of Christmas decorations became very rich, although they were made from less effective materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

    How Christmas decorations appeared In the second half of the 20th century, the first Christmas balls were made in Russia from transparent or colored glass. Silver and gold dust was used to paint Christmas decorations. Each toy is handmade.

    How Christmas decorations arose The glass blowers' fantasy knew no bounds: they made birds, Santa Clauses, bunches of grapes, as well as all sorts of things - whoever comes to mind: jugs, pipes, in which you could even blow. Christmas decorations changed depending on the fashion.

    How Christmas decorations appeared We produced toys depicting technology

    How Christmas decorations appeared in the form of vegetables and fruits

    How Christmas decorations appeared In the form of space satellites and astronauts

    How Christmas decorations appeared in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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    New Year's toy "Ball" (step by step drawing)

    Step-by-step drawing of a New Year's toy "Ball". A resource for art lessons and extracurricular activities. This resource can be used for individual, group and collective work....

    During Patriotic War on the fronts, Christmas trees were decorated with figurines, which were made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Toys were also produced, in limited quantities, of course. Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year was obligatory; this ritual reminded of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for an early victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs"; even Santa Claus beat the Nazis on New Year's cards ...

    By the age of 30, glass toys had occupied the main niche in the production of festive products. The glassblower was blowing the workpiece through a glass tube, red-hot on gas burner. When she reached right size, soldered one end. Then it was cooled, dipped in colored varnish or silver nitrite, painted by hand, rhinestones and sparkles were glued to it, and a so-called “hat” with a loop was attached to it.

    In the 1980s, the production of serial toys that did not differ in original design ideas continued. Balls of the most diverse colors, with silver and gold plating, with pasted flowers and stars. "Cones", as if sprinkled with sugar.

    Jewelers have created a New Year's toy to decorate the Christmas tree. The price of this jewelry exceeded all expectations. This Christmas tree toy is recognized as the most expensive in the world. Christmas decoration, encrusted with rubies and diamonds. The price of this item is USD.

    On September 18, 2008, a unique, the only Christmas tree decoration Museum in Russia - "Klinskoye Compound" was opened! "Klinskoye Compound" is a museum of Christmas decorations in the city of Klin near Moscow. This museum is young and so far the only one in Russia. The museum is located in a nice modern tower.

    The largest collection of Christmas decorations belongs to the American Kim Balashak, who has been living in Moscow for more than ten years. Her collection includes a little over 2,500 Soviet Christmas decorations. It is Balashak who represents Russia in the international organization of collectors of Christmas decorations "Golden Glow".

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