Cover material for weeds. How to cover the ground so that weeds do not grow

The buildings 03.03.2020
The buildings

Mulching with agrofibre (geotextile from weeds and covering material for beds).

Due to the permeability of the covering material for beds, a component of agrofibre, more favorable conditions are formed for air and water under this material:

  • the soil is not compacted
  • microorganisms are actively developing
  • earthworms
  • the soil is evenly heated.

Black geotextile, rarely referred to as garden black sheeting, is the most common mulching option, sometimes used for construction purposes, such as drainage geotextiles. Buy geotextiles for mulching and beds, use when cultivating both berry and vegetable crops, which are planted in seedlings. Penetration sunlight to the ground surface is excluded, so the weeds in this case have no chance! The covering material is white, sometimes they say " transparencies", is indispensable for growing cucumbers, zucchini, melons, corn and other crops that are sown in open ground seeds.

After sowing, the plots are covered with a film, and after germination, neat cuts are made in it over each plant. An excellent option for growing strawberries is spunbond, in which the “wrong side” is black and the outer side is white, the interaction of both covering materials combines the most best effect. The color of the film must be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the cultivated plants. In general, the use of mulch allows you to more rationally spend energy, time, save on irrigation and prevents contamination of fruit and vegetable products with soil particles. With the site ShchepaKora.rf, it is very easy to buy covering material for beds!

With the advent of spring, the summer season begins and brings with it problems and worries. And the main concern, which takes a lot of effort and time, is weed control. This problem causes a lot of trouble for many generations of gardeners. But today it is partially solved, as a film from weeds has appeared.

It relieves lovers of digging in the ground from hard and tedious work. Covering material is a non-woven fabric that is environmentally friendly, easy to use and gives a tangible effect. Such materials appeared not so long ago, but are becoming increasingly popular, since with their help you can create comfortable conditions for plants and their successful growth. In addition, it is a wonderful protection of cultural plantings from weeds.

Recently, instead of cellophane and other familiar materials that mulch and cover beds, spunbond is increasingly being used. Its second name is agrofibre. The black film provides the earth with protection from the harmful effects of the sun, helps to fight weeds, while creating comfortable conditions for the plants to fully develop.

The beds should be covered until the plant has completely completed the development process. The black mulch will cover the ground until the entire crop is harvested.

Film types

Those who have never encountered covering films are interested in the question: “What to choose? What is the best film to use? And it is not surprising, because the material for covering the soil can be of different thicknesses, non-woven, film, and different colors.


Two-color double-sided film is very popular with summer residents. The top is usually white, yellow or silver, and the bottom is black.

Highly good combination: light colors from above it does not allow the earth to overheat, and the black film from below does not allow moisture to evaporate and inhibits the growth of weeds. This means that the most comfortable conditions are created for the roots and earthworms.

In addition, the fruits and berries do not lie on the ground, and after watering and rain, the strawberries remain absolutely clean, and the berries ripen much faster.

Therefore, to cover the soil with mulching films, strawberries and strawberries are most often pushed by summer residents. After all, this greatly simplifies the cultivation of berries, they can not be transplanted for a longer time, and there are practically no problems with weeds.


Today shops for gardeners offer various varieties mulch sheets. But still, black covering material made on the basis of agrofiber is especially popular among things that help fight weeds.

It must be said right away that the black film is much more durable, therefore, it is better to use it as a covering material.

How to use

The fabric is easy to use. First, we level the ground on the beds, purchase non-woven material, stretch it over the surface of the beds. Then, we will use a small round template and cut out circles in the canvas around the circumference of the template or make cuts in the shape of a cross. The distance between the circles should be at least 40-50 cm. It depends on what kind of crop you will grow here.

Important! Do not plant very densely. The thickened bed is poorly ventilated.

After marking the material, lay it out on the beds and press down on the edges with something heavy. We plant in the cut holes planting material(e.g. strawberries). Water and feed the plants in the same holes where they grow. Incisions can also be made directly in the garden - this is already a matter of taste.

If you want to use black mulch, then when organizing the planting beds, do not do it densely so that the air has free access to the plants. Mulch beds should be handled with care. If you walk on them, the canvas will shift, and on open places weeds will grow.

Making a track

Agrofibre will help get rid of weeds not only in the garden, but also on the paths of the site or in the garden. To begin with, we will prepare all the tools necessary for this. Then, you should purchase any of the inexpensive non-woven materials, but it is desirable that it be black. It passes air and water well, but does not let light through, so when you finish work on your paths, you will not have to see any weeds or puddles. Now let's move on to the tracks. To do this, we prepare a substrate that serves as mulch for the paths: crushed stone, expanded clay, gravel, stones.

Now take off the tracks upper layer soil. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the earth is strictly horizontal.

Then, carefully ram the track. If necessary, we remove excess land, then the path will turn out to be even and neat.

Now we spread the prepared black film along the path. The joints must be overlapped so that the seeds cannot penetrate into the cracks. If your greenhouse, where strawberries and other crops grow, has beds instead of boxes, then you need to leave a little material for allowances on the edges. This is done so that crushed stone or other mulching substrate does not mix with the ground.

After that, crushed stone or any other substrate that you have prepared for mulching, we fall asleep on the path so that it is at ground level, or slightly lower. We level the gravel and remove excess material sticking out from under the substrate.

Everything, the work is over, the track will look clean and tidy for a very long time.

Canvas Advantages

One of the most prominent advantages of black film is its high strength. The black color of the covering material perfectly covers the ground from the hot sun, perfectly passing heat, air and moisture through itself. Covering material covers weed grass, preventing it from rising to sunlight. This contributes to the depletion of the grass, the death of its young shoots. In addition, it is a good protection for strawberries from weeds.

Thanks to this, there is no need for weeding and loosening the earth.

With the help of a film it is convenient to water the covered plants, as well as to apply liquid mineral fertilizers growing under such a cloth under them. You can water and feed on top of the canvas. These canvases are made according to modern technologies, so there is no rot and mold under them. At the same time, comfortable conditions are created for supplying the plant nutrients stimulating their normal growth and development.

The use of covering materials of various colors creates comfortable conditions for the development of plants, provides them with a sufficient amount of moisture, light, and air. Therefore, if you have such material at your disposal, then you will greatly facilitate your work in order to grow a good harvest.

Protect cultivated plants, which are grown in summer cottages and household plots, comes from various misfortunes. It became easier to do this when polyethylene film was invented, but the range of its use is limited, and film does not always solve all problems. Fortunately, the choice of covering material today is huge and varied. You just need to understand the properties in order to understand how and why it is better to use this or that material. We choose the best covering material from frost, pests, weeds.

"Spunbond", "Spantex", "Agrospan", "AgroSUF", "Agrotex", "Lutrasil," Lumiteks "," Agril "- if you have never heard these names, then you do not have a dacha, and to grow plants you are not related. Gardeners know that under all these brands the names of extremely useful and necessary materials in the household are “encrypted”, which are made of propylene fiber and are non-woven covering materials. But for different purposes, materials of different properties and thickness are used.

With the help of non-woven polypropylenes, you can:

  • cover the berries in the spring;
  • build a greenhouse for vegetables;
  • protect roses from frost;
  • to ensure that weeds do not take away moisture and nutrients from plants;
  • save plants from pests.

Regardless of the brand and name, all propylene fiber materials are divided into four groups according to color and density.

  1. Light.
  2. Medium density.
  3. Dense white.
  4. Dense black.

Each group has its own characteristics and purposes of application. But all of them have similar unique qualities that inhibit the growth of weeds and help moisture and air penetrate to the roots of cultivated plants.

Materials and their properties


This is a brand, but among gardeners the name is already a household name. The material is named so because of the technology of the same name. This is a non-woven fabric that is durable and lightweight at the same time. It is environmentally friendly, it is not afraid of temperature changes and deformations. It can be either white or black, and in density - from 17 g / m² to 60 g / m².

"Spunbond" white with a density of up to 30 g / m² protects plants from recurrent frosts in spring and too strong sun in summer. They can cover not only seedlings, but also berry and ornamental shrubs, flowers, young trees, including to protect them from birds and insect pests.

White material of medium density - between 30 and 50 g / m² - suitable for winter shelter of absolutely all crops, both garden and ornamental. It can also be pulled on a greenhouse or greenhouse frame with arcs.

Black "Spunbond" with a density of 50-60 g / m² turns out to be dark in color due to the presence of a UV stabilizer in its composition. It not only imparts black color, but also greatly increases the terms of its use and technical characteristics.

Not a single weed will survive under such shelter, and garden plants get the most heat and sun.


All "agrotexes" and other names with "agro" belong to the category of agrotextiles, which are manufactured using technology that excludes the use of herbicides during their use. This gives eco-friendly farming, which is increasingly sought by amateur gardeners and professional farmers today.

Agro fabrics can be used to limit the growth of weeds and to cover greenhouses / greenhouses. The density is about the same as that of Spunbond. The colors are white, grey, green and black.

Agrofabrics retard moisture evaporation from the soil, allow air to pass through and form a microclimate for the comfortable growth of garden and horticultural crops.


Traditionally used for frost protection, but can perform all other functions of covering materials. Among gardeners, it is considered the best - a little more expensive than Spunbond, but cheaper than Agrotex. By properties, it almost duplicates the first one. According to the density, it is divided into three categories - from 18 g / m² to 60 g / m². Color solutions- black and white.

In the same way as "Spunbond" is applied:

  • for spring shelter of seedlings and seedlings - in a light white version (can withstand temperatures as low as -3 ° C);
  • for the construction of greenhouses and winter protective shelter - white medium and high density(protects against frost at 6-7 ° C);
  • for weed protection and mulching - medium-dense and dense black.

Shading nets

They also belong to the category of covering materials, although the range of their use is rather narrow. They save plants from the burning action of direct sunlight, and they are used both inside greenhouses and outdoors.

Another indispensable property of nets is protection from birds when growing berries and small fruits, which, without such shelter, birds collect much earlier than summer residents.

They are also made from light-stabilized polypropylene film, but, unlike non-woven materials, they have a mesh structure. They can be white or dark green.


Nobody canceled the polyethylene film as a covering material, and today the industry produces many types of it with improved characteristics that help to “compete” with non-woven materials for areas of use.

The only one serious shortcoming film is that it "does not breathe." But the method of production and the raw materials from which it is made make the film wear-resistant, durable and excellent heat-saving.

Light stabilized

As the name implies, the composition of such a film contains a UV light stabilizer, which helps the polymer not to decompose under the rays of the sun. The more stabilizer added, the more stable the material and the longer its service life.

A dye can be added to the polymers, which varies the properties by changing the spectrum of rays that may or may not easily penetrate it.

One of the novelties interesting for gardeners is double-sided black and white film. It is used in greenhouses where the white layer is on the outside to remove excess heat ( White color serves as a reflector). The black side - from below, protects against weeds, blocking their germination.


This type is characterized by increased strength, since according to the manufacturing technology it includes several layers. Two layers - outer and inner - film. Between them is a reinforcing mesh. UV stabilizers are usually present too. The service life of this material is much higher than that of all other types of film and non-woven materials.

It is best used to cover greenhouses. After the reinforced film, not inferior to it in quality and wear resistance, only polycarbonate and glass go. But these are already covering materials from a completely different price category.

About polycarbonate. It is difficult to imagine an effective greenhouse without this material. Although you can’t put it on the ground (which means you won’t protect plants from weeds with it), polycarbonate also belongs to covering materials. It is reliable, transmits light well (up to 92%) and retains heat. A greenhouse made of it is much more durable than a film one.

Non-woven fabric or film - which is better?

There is no single answer to this question, since the scope depends on the goals. Somewhere one material wins, somewhere else.

As for the film, it has its "strengths".

  1. Good light transmission.
  2. Accumulates heat.
  3. Creates a greenhouse effect.
  4. Protects from low temperatures.
  5. It is wear resistant.

If you need to quickly warm the ground in the spring or create a greenhouse for seedlings, use better film. If necessary, protect plants from overheating or slight cooling, to protect against pests, weeds, mulching and creating soft contact shelters better fit nonwoven material.

Pest protection

In order to protect against above-ground pests, for example, insects, it is best to use a white non-woven material of not the highest density (the density will depend on how young and weak the sprouts are - light is used for small ones, denser for grown seedlings).

White nonwoven fabric you can cover a bed of unprotected soil immediately after sowing.

Experienced gardeners advise sewing bags of non-woven material personally for each cabbage head. Thus, they will be reliably protected from all pests that encroach on the integrity of the leaves.

Weed protection

Mulch keeps weeds from growing. The principle of limiting the growth and spread of weeds is simple - a dark shelter that does not let through Sun rays necessary for the growth of weeds. It can be a thick black non-woven material or a black film.

In the summer season, when the active phase of vegetation begins in agricultural plants, weeds also actively grow. As a result, there is a rapid depletion of the soil and a lack of moisture in it, which is why cultivated plants cannot grow and develop normally. Unlike traditional way, which involves only weeding the site, different types covering material from weeds are more effective, the main thing is to know the intricacies of the application.

Application and principle of operation

The use of black covering material against weeds attracts vegetable growers with its ease of use:

  1. The canvas is stretched over the entire surface of the beds with seedlings.
  2. Make cross-shaped incisions in those places where young plants are located.

Alternatively, the covering material can be used in another way:

  1. Cover the area allotted for planting with a cloth.
  2. Make appropriate holes for the seedlings.
  3. Plant seedlings in them or sow seeds.

When using black material for weed control, it is best to organize a plot according to Mitlider, Lyadov. Here it is very important to place the plantings correctly so that the plants do not experience oxygen starvation. You need to carefully move along the mulched beds, otherwise the canvas may shift, which will make it possible for weeds to germinate.

Covering material is made according to the latest technologies and leaves no chance for pathogenic microorganisms to develop putrefactive processes, form mold. The main advantage of such a canvas is the creation favorable conditions for the full growth of crops.

If you use black mulch in regions with a hot climate, then it is recommended to lay mowed grass on top. Otherwise, landings due to overheating may die, and the material itself may lose its performance characteristics. At correct use this high-strength tight makes it possible to increase productivity and reduce the labor intensity of the process of growing vegetable and berry crops.

Due to the color, such canvases effectively protect plantings from sunlight, and at the same time allow moisture, heat and air to pass through. If we cover the weeds with a film, the access of sunlight is blocked to it, which contributes to the death of the grass. In addition, this method of protection allows you to keep moisture in the soil and free gardeners from exhausting activities in the form of weeding, loosening the site. It also becomes more convenient to water and apply liquid mineral mixtures. And what else pleases is an attractive appearance beds and absolute safety for crops, soil.

Types of covering material

On the market, non-woven weed cover sheet is presented under different names: spandbond, agrotextile, agrofibre. The coating differs in color and density.

Black agrofibre

This version of mulch against weeds has a lot of positive qualities:

  1. When using it, the use of herbicides is not required, which saves the site from harmful effects chemical preparations.
  2. Non-woven material effectively passes moisture.
  3. Saves the summer resident from many problems, including manual labor for the removal of weeds.
  4. Keeps the purity of fruits and berries.
  5. Accelerates the ripening period of the crop by maintaining optimal heat, which cannot be said about open beds.

More recently, black film was used in the weed garden, which was popular due to its high dimming qualities; weeds under it did not survive. But its only drawback was the accumulation of condensate in the absence of air and light, creating a favorable environment for the development of fungal infections. Plus, it only lasted one year. A good alternative is reinforced film, which is also ideal for organizing garden paths. Black agrofibre is suitable for covering beds and flower beds.

Bicolor canvas

This type of weed control material has the same performance characteristics as the previous version, but only with more functionality. One side of the canvas is white, and the other is black. dark side the material is laid to the ground, and the white is laid out to reflect the sun's rays. Thanks to the heat and light that come through the canvas to the underground part of the plantings, there is a uniform and rapid ripening of the fruit, since root system does not overheat.

Terms of Use

In order for the mulching material to last longer and more efficiently, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology.

How to lay black fabric from weeds

The principle of laying is quite simple and clear. It is necessary to engage in the arrangement of beds for planting vegetable and berry crops only when the soil warms up - from 10 degrees. You should first remove all weeds, debris, especially paying attention to the presence sharp objects such as dry branches, stones, glass. The task of the gardener is to spread the covering non-woven material as close as possible to the surface of the soil. Otherwise, weeds will grow in places with an air gap.

To cover large area canvas, you will first need to designate the boundaries of the territory allotted for planting agricultural plants, and then deal with its shelter.


The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Mark even rows on the spread covering cloth with a rope.
  2. Make a mark of places for future holes, using ordinary chalk.
  3. If the bed has a meter width, then it is better to use a two-row planting pattern: 60-80 x 25-40 cm.
  4. Using a sharp knife, make small cross cuts. If the holes are too large, then weed grass will grow in this area.
  5. Having dug indentations in the soil, they are watered and seedlings are planted.

Errors in use

When choosing a non-woven covering material for weed control, its physical and mechanical characteristics should be taken into account, which will help to avoid the following mistakes in the future:

  1. Incorrectly chosen density of the canvas can provoke the absence of the desired result. If you use a material with a lower density, then weeds can easily damage it.
  2. Incorrect arrangement of beds. On the surface of the earth, which is planned for planting seedlings, there should be no foreign objects, otherwise the canvas may be damaged. In addition, it is important to ensure that there are no air "bubbles" and that the edges are tightly pressed down with bricks.
  3. Poor fabric care. If the coating is used for several seasons, then it must be disinfected and washed.

Planting strawberries on agrofibre

Basically no special requirements and disembarkation rules berry culture there is no non-woven coating, the principle of planting strawberries on the covering material is the same as on open area. It is effective to bookmark plantations both in the spring, summer season, and in autumn. Beds for strawberries are best done in cloudy weather or in cool evening hours.

For better adaptation young plants with open type the root system is recommended to be kept in a solution of a root formation stimulator (Zircon, Kornevin, humate, Heteroauxin). If the roots are too long, then they are shortened to 5-10 cm. In the process of planting, the edges of the tissue incision are moved apart and the seedlings are placed in the already prepared holes, sprinkled with earth at the end. The main condition is that the heart must be above the ground. Watering after planting should be done directly into the holes. In hot weather, plantings should preferably be darkened with agrofabric.

Weed Cover is a unique non-woven covering that makes it possible to ease the gardener's work and grow a bountiful harvest. White agrofibre is best used to cover small greenhouses and greenhouses, and black - to kill weeds.

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