How to memorize English words? How to quickly learn English words? We learn English words. English words to learn every day: useful vocabulary and tips for memorization

The buildings 11.10.2019
The buildings

Decided to learn a language? What prevents you from just opening a dictionary and learning all the words in a row? That's right, without associations and repetition, you won't learn anything - there will be a hodgepodge of words in your head, and there won't be a trace of some of them.

There is one simple technique associated with the use of cards, associations and the right choice words, which allows you to learn 100 or more words a day, quickly learn the basics of the language and increase vocabulary. This technique is presented in the free application for iOS and Android "Clean".

In it, you can easily learn words according to the proposed memorization method, and track your progress, and set reminders to repeat the material already studied. But first things first.

Paper card technique

With the help of paper cards, more than one generation of translators has been increasing their vocabulary in record time. This seemingly simple technique is based on the memorization mechanism itself, the use of short-term and long-term memory.

The student has a deck of cards, on one side of each of which a foreign word is written, and on the second - a translation. He leafs through these cards, pronouncing foreign words and remembering the translation. If the word is remembered - puts the card aside, if not - removes the decks down to repeat again later.

After memorizing all the words, the cards are put aside, and after a certain period of time (a week or a month) they are repeated again.

Initially, the learned word enters short-term memory, and after the cards are put aside, it is quickly forgotten. However, later it turns out that the erased information came in handy and instead of short-term memory, the learned words fall into long-term memory. In other words, they are strongly remembered.

Like paper cards, only better

In the application "Uchisto" this technique of cards is fully implemented. You can turn them over, read a new word in English and its transcription, and on the back there is a translation.

You can put learned cards aside by pressing "Learned", or leave them for repetition by simply swiping. In addition, you can change the settings and learn words by translating from Russian to English.

After studying each dictionary, the “Check in 30 days” timer is automatically set so that you periodically take tests and do not forget the material you have covered.

As you can see, the technique of cards is fully implemented in the application, however, unlike real cardboard cards, learning words in “Clean” is much more convenient for several reasons.

Firstly, on each card there is not only a transcription, but also an audio icon, by clicking on which you listen correct pronunciation words in English. Thus, the application partially replaces your teacher.

Secondly, you can edit the translation of words by adding notes about your associations with the word. The association technique helps to memorize words even better and transfer them to long-term memory from the first time.

Associations and the complete methodology "Clean"

A word that is not associated with images familiar to you is quite easy to forget. The brain simply did not build a neural connection for this word, it is not associated with anything and instantly disappears from your memory.

To remember a word, you need to associate it with already familiar objects and concepts. For example, you come across the word challenge which means "problem".

you imagine spaceship NASA "Challenger" and the disaster that led to the death of the entire crew of the shuttle. It was swipe on the reputation of the United States, a colossal monetary loss and a real PROBLEM.

So, an unfamiliar word binds in your brain: challenge= shuttle Challenger disaster → serious problem. You have built an association for yourself, new neural connections have appeared in your brain, and now you can easily remember what this word means.

When you have come up with a vivid association by linking a word with a translation, do not rush to press the “Learned” button. First, repeat the word out loud five times while imagining your picture. By the way, for associations, it is advised to present something funny and ridiculous - it is remembered more vividly.

So, the complete “Clean” learning methodology, with which you will memorize the words in the application, is as follows:

Read an unfamiliar word → check your pronunciation → look at the translation of the word on the second side of the card → imagine an association with the word and its translation → repeat the word out loud five times and at the same time scroll through your association in your head → click “Learned” → fix the result by translating from Russian to English → set a reminder to repeat the words in 30 days.

If you do not remember the technique, you can always look at it again in the application itself. On the "Settings" tab, in addition to switching from Russian to English and sounds, there are step by step description methods.

And now one more important point: which words you will learn. After all, all the words in the "Clean" dictionaries were not chosen by chance.

We remember only the necessary words

There are more than a million words in the English language, but in everyday speech, at best, several thousand are used. So if you need basic language skills to speak fluently with foreigners, read online publications in English, watch news and TV shows, then a few thousand are enough to start with.

In the "Uchisto" application, frequency dictionaries are presented - a selection of 100 words most often used in everyday life and literature.

Why exactly 100 words? It is known that taking small steps towards a goal is much easier than trying to learn a lot at once. A clear distribution into portions of 100 words helps to systematize your learning, start it with pleasure and monitor your progress with the same pleasure.

To get started, you are given three free dictionaries with which you can evaluate how much you like learning with the "Clean" method. And then you can buy separately for one dictionary or buy all at once with a 20% discount.

Follow the progress and do not forget to repeat

On the last tab of the “Clean” application, you can track your progress by day: how much you managed to learn on which day of the week, how many words your vocabulary has increased in general.

Of course, one application is not enough to learn English and speak it fluently. For example, to improve your spoken English, you can try lessons with native speakers via Skype, and to replenish your vocabulary, you can watch movies and TV shows in English.

However, the Uchisto application will provide you with a platform for a great start, help you believe in your abilities and strengths, even if you are starting from scratch.

You learn words in any convenient place and at any time: in traffic jams, transport, queues or in the evening, before going to bed, which is especially effective for long-term memory. The main thing is not to lower the bar.

100 words a day, 700 a week, 3,000 a month - and you will already be able to explain yourself in English quite tolerably and understand what they are talking about.

Well, then - there are no limits to improvement. New dictionaries are added to Clean with every update, so you'll always have a reason for a new workout.

Thanks to the popularity of Internet correspondence, it is safe to call our time the "era of spelling discoveries." We are in such a hurry to convey our thoughts to the interlocutor that we completely forget about spelling and sometimes come up with a new spelling of words. This approach can play a cruel joke on you, especially if you write business letters. As they say, rely on Word, but don't make a mistake yourself. In this article, we will tell you how to learn spelling English words and start writing correctly.

Is it important to write correctly in the age of computer technology? Of course, we understand perfectly well what a person means when he writes something like “Hello! How are you?". But what do we think of it? It seems that a frivolous person is sitting on the other side of the screen. Agree, I would not want to make such an impression on a foreign colleague or friend. And sometimes errors make a real sensation on the network, you can read about this in the article "". Therefore, if you do not want to see your own pearls in such a selection, heed our advice.

We would like to note that spelling causes difficulties even for native speakers. That is why in America there are various competitions that are designed to test the literacy of people, such as Spelling bee. This is a competition in which people are called various words and they have to spell them. Whoever made a mistake is out. At each stage of the competition, more and more Difficult words until one winner remains. The competition was first held back in 1925 and has not lost popularity ever since. Now Spelling bee is taking place at different countries peace.

And now let's find out what errors we have to deal with. According to research conducted in the UK, most spelling errors can be classified into the following 4 groups:

  • 6% - errors in the suffixes -ful and -ly, for example: beautifull instead of beautiful, successfuly instead of successfully;
  • 20% - omission of a letter, for example: restarant instead of restaurant, goverment instead of government;
  • 28% - errors in homophones, that is, words that sound the same but are spelled differently, for example: no instead of know, to instead of two;
  • 42% - other mistakes, mostly people swap letters (beleive instead of believe) and forget to double the consonant (corect instead of correct).

These statistics are the most popular mistakes of native speakers, but, according to our teachers, the statistics for Russian-speaking students will be about the same. Therefore, we decided to present a few practical advice, as well as talk about helper sites that will help you deal with the spelling of English words.

4 important rules for English grammar nazi

12. Work with Microsoft Word

Good program Microsoft Word fixes almost all our mistakes. Use automatic spell checking not only for its intended purpose, but also for learning. As soon as you see that the program has corrected any word, erase it and write it manually correct option. This will slightly increase the time of working with the document, but will be a useful exercise for improving English spelling.

13. Use a reception from school

Remember, when we made a mistake in dictation, the teacher made us write the word 5-10 times. He did this not out of harm, as we always thought, but in order to firmly fix the correct spelling of the word in our memory. Try to do the same with English words: as soon as you make a mistake, take a notebook and write the concept correctly several times. Performing such an exercise, you turn on the mechanical memory, and this greatly facilitates the memorization of the word.

little trick: Many linguists advise to abandon capital letters. They recommend typing the word on the keyboard or capitalizing it. During the experiments, it turned out that printed letters have a clear shape, so it is easier for the brain to remember the spelling. As for capital letters, handwriting is different, and in fact every time we write a letter a little differently. This complicates the perception of information.

14. Engage eideticism

Eidetism - photographic memory, which is responsible for remembering visual images. Use it when learning a new word. Look at it carefully, try to remember its shape, the order of the letters, then close your eyes and try to imagine it. You will have a visual image of a new concept in your memory. Simultaneously with viewing, say a word so that you associate these sounds with a specific correct spelling. Perform these actions with each repetition, then the exercise will quickly bear fruit.

15. Use the Restorff Effect

The effect is as follows: we best remember information that stands out from the crowd. How to make a word memorable? Highlight it from other words in the literal sense - using a bright pen or a colored font on a computer. The brain will extract this information from the rest of the words and remember it. Remember, because at school we were forced to do the same in Russian lessons: dictionary words we highlighted with multi-colored pens. Maybe our teachers did not hear about this effect, but they intuitively understood that the eyes would “cling” to bright words and memorize them.

little trick: Foreign psychologists advise not only to highlight the word, but also to write each letter different color. It will take more time to write, you will work with the concept longer, and therefore it will be remembered faster. Be sure to try this simple exercise.

As you can see, being literate is easy: it takes a little effort and you can consider yourself a spelling fighter. We have given a lot of tips, so we suggest choosing the simplest and most convenient for you, try to use them daily, then spelling English words will no longer seem difficult to you. And remember that being literate is fashionable!

Do you want to learn how to learn English words quickly and easily? We will tell you how many words you need to know, where to get them from, what tools to use and how to learn all this in general. Use at least a few tips and you can expand your vocabulary.

All students are interested in the question: "How to learn English words?" The more vocabulary we know, the better we understand what the heroes of our favorite English films are talking about, what is written on the Tate Modern museum plates and how much profitable terms deals are offered by our partners from the USA. Today we will give some recommendations that will help you learn new vocabulary effectively.

How many English words do you need to know

We recommend that you take the Online English Vocabulary Size Test (immediately click on the Start button) or Test Your Vocab to test your vocabulary. It will show your approximate vocabulary which you can compare with the average scores of native speakers and English learners. On average 3,000 - 4,000 words will be enough to communicate on most topics.

However, we want to warn you: do not rely entirely on the results of the test. It can only give a rough estimate of your vocabulary.

2. Special textbooks

Textbooks to increase vocabulary will help you learn new words and set expressions in which they are used. The benefits of manuals are that they provide lists of words along with examples of their use, so words are learned in context. We have presented a detailed one, be guided by it to choose the best manual.

3. Lists or dictionaries of high-frequency words

How to understand whether it is worth memorizing the next new English word that you met? It may have fallen into disuse or is rarely used. You can refer to lists of words that are most commonly used by native speakers. We recommend you lists from the Oxford Dictionary - The Oxford 3000 British Dictionary and The Oxford 3000 American Dictionary. These are the 3,000 most important words any English learner should know. They have been carefully selected by linguists and experienced teachers. You can recognize these words in the Oxford dictionary itself by the key icon.

Tools for learning new words

1. Cards with words

This technique may seem old-fashioned, but it is still effective. All students at least once in their lives started cards and tried to learn new vocabulary from them. It is convenient and affordable: no need to spend money, because you write them yourself, and you can take the cards with you anywhere.

Before compiling cards, you need to help:

  • choose a translation;
  • get acquainted with typical phrases in which the word is used;
  • study examples.

Then you should decide whether you will make paper vocabulary cards or electronic ones.

  • On one side of the piece of paper we write the word in English, on the other - in Russian. We test our knowledge: we translate a word from Russian into English and vice versa.

  • On the one hand, we write a word in English and paste a picture, on the other hand, a translation into Russian. This method is well suited for people with associative thinking. In your mind, you associate a new English concept with the subject it denotes.

  • On the one hand, we write a word in English with a Russian context, on the other hand, a word in Russian without a context. When repeating vocabulary, try to translate the concept from Russian into English. And with the translation in the opposite direction, the second side of the card with the Russian context will help you.

  • More experienced students are advised to use English-English dictionaries, such as Macmillan Dictionary. On one side we write the word in English, on the other - its definition in English. You can also write synonyms and antonyms of the concept under study.

  • How to learn vocabulary? Remembering English words is best in context. Therefore, you can write on the card not just a word, but a sentence in which it is used. Example sentences can be found in electronic dictionaries, such as ABBYY Lingvo.

Electronic cards

If it's hard to tear you away from the computer, use your affection for good: create virtual stickers with words on your desktop and in a few days you will remember them well.

To create electronic vocabulary cards, we recommend the Quizlet service, which allows you to memorize words different ways: choose the correct translation from four offered, fill in gaps in sentences and play games with words. Here you can also track your progress: which words are harder for you than others, how quickly you learn new vocabulary. There is an app for iOS as well. An alternative resource is Memrise. Its free version has limited functionality, but it will be enough for compiling flashcards.

You need to constantly work with cards: review and repeat the learned vocabulary. Periodically change the cards to new ones, and after 1-2 weeks return the old ones again to repeat the words.

2. Dictionary notebook

This method is good for those who constantly lose something: your cards are unlikely to last long :-)

You can structure your notebook however you like. We present our version. Each page must correspond to a specific day. At the top, write the dates of the repetition of the words. In order for the studied vocabulary to be well fixed in memory, do not forget to train it. To do this, use the techniques described by us in the article "".

3. Mindmap

You can easily learn English words of the same subject if you draw a mind map. Such a scheme clearly shows which topic the words belong to. In the meantime, you draw it, the vocabulary will be deposited in memory. A mind map might look like this:

4. Learning websites and apps

On the way to work in the subway or in line at the clinic, use any free minute to learn new words. Useful programs for your gadget you will find in the article "".

It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes daily to feel the progress.

1. Combine words by topic

How easy is it to remember English words? Groups of words related to the same topic are usually well remembered. Therefore, try to break the words into groups of 5-10 pieces and learn them.

There is a so-called Restorff effect, according to which the human brain best remembers the most prominent from a group of objects. Use this effect to your advantage: in a group of words on one topic, “introduce a stranger” - enter a word from a completely different topic. For example, when studying words on the topic “Fruits”, add one word from the topic “Transport” to them, in this way your studies will become even more effective.

2. Use associations and personalization

Many students love this method: to learn a word, you need to come up with an association in Russian. For example, you need to remember the word obstinacy (stubbornness). Break it down into three syllables: ob-stin-acy, you get "stubborn as a donkey against a wall." The word shoot (to shoot) can be remembered as "the jester shoots." You can make convenient associations yourself, the main thing is that they are clear to you and easy to remember. This will make it easier for you to increase your English vocabulary.

Training will be effective if you not only make a verbal association, but also visualize it: when pronouncing the word shoot, imagine this shooting jester, let the image turn out to be as funny and memorable as possible. Even better, a dynamic picture with your personal presence: you imagine how the jester next to you shoots someone (with a water pistol to make the spectacle comedic, not tragic). The more alive the picture, the easier it will be to remember the word.

3. Use the learned vocabulary in speech

How to learn English words and not forget them? Are you familiar with the use it or lose it principle? In order for knowledge to remain in memory, you need to actively “use” it. Good practice is to compose short stories using new words. The best remembered vocabulary is set out in a short funny text, which is written about oneself, beloved or dear to the heart of things.

If you take courses or study with an English teacher, try to insert new words into the conversation as often as possible: the more times you say the word, the better you will remember it. Do not forget about spelling: try to use new words in writing.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Make me do it and I'll learn.

Learn new words and put them into practice right away with .

4. Regularly test your knowledge

It is useful from time to time to take various tests to determine the level of vocabulary. For example, great picture tests (a joy for visuals and kids) are provided on the Vocabulary for learners of English page. After passing such a test, you will immediately see what is deposited in your memory, and which topics or words need to be repeated.

5. Follow your daily plan

7. Improve your memory

It is impossible to remember anything if you do not have a good memory. Learning a language in itself is a good exercise for our brain and improves memory. But to make it easier to remember, you can use the tips from our article "".

8. Consider your type of perception of information

Not all methods are equally good for you. Don't try to apply everything at once. Try text, video, or audio formats and choose the ones that help you pick up new words faster. So you will come to your author's mix of techniques.

The main thing - do not forget to move from theory to practice. Don't just read helpful tips about how to memorize English words quickly and easily, but also actively use them in Everyday life, then you do not have to puzzle over how to increase your level of knowledge.

Do you count cards and notebooks with the words "yesterday"? Then try to learn words according to the current British textbooks in the online English courses at our school. Our students learn words and phrases in context, use them in a lively dialogue with the teacher, memorize new vocabulary easily and quickly. !

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

If you want to learn a language in a short time, but do not know how, this article is for you. Here we will pay attention to unusual way remembering the first phrases, which are attractive in that when they are memorized, 2-3 words are stored in memory at once instead of one. This is very convenient, and English, with this approach, begins to seem like an interesting and quite logical language.

How to quickly learn a lot of English words with minimal effort

Let's move on to a list of words that will show you how can quickly learn a lot of English words within a fairly short period of time. I draw your attention to the fact that this is not the whole list of such words. There are more than a hundred of them in in social networks our online school, but I will give the most interesting and easy-to-remember instances.

1) cup(cup) + cake(cake) = cup cake(cake)

2) master(master) + piece(piece) = masterpiece(masterpiece)

3) tea(tea) + spoon(spoon) = teaspoon(tea spoon)

4)lip(lip) + stick(stick) = lipstick(lipstick)

5) sun(sun) + glasses(points) = sunglasses(sunglasses)

6) traffic(movement) + jam(jam) = traffic jam(traffic jam)

7) fire(fire) + place(place) = fireplace(fireplace)

8) honey(honey) + moon(moon) = honeymoon(Honeymoon)

9) book(book) + case(suitcase) = book case(bookcase)

10) super(super) + market(market) = supermarket(supermarket)

11) pan(pan) + cake(cake) = pan cake(pancake)

12) key(key) + board(board) = keyboard(keyboard)

13) cottage (Vacation home) +cheese(cheese) = cottage cheese(cottage cheese)

14)head(head) + phone(phone) = headphones(headphones)

15) head(head) + master(master) = head master(head teacher)

16) ear(ear) + ring(ring) = ear ring(earring)

17) bell(bell) + tower(tower) = belltower(Bell tower)

18) water(water) + melon(melon) = watermelon(watermelon)

19) arm(hand) + chair(chair) = arm-chair(armchair)

20) pig(pig) + tails(tails) = pigtails(pigtails)

How can quickly learn a lot of English words using a similar list? Just try not to memorize the lexical unit, but pay attention to the composition of the word. Very soon, this practice will grow into a habit, and learning a foreign language will turn into a pleasant pastime, and not a boring process.

How to learn English words in 15 minutes?

If you want to know how to learn english words in 15 minutes, then you should remember about periodicity and repetition. You can really remember a lot in 15 minutes, but there is no point in trying if you do not plan to do it every day. Repetition plays a key role in remembering words and rules. Therefore, do not forget about it.

How to learn English words in 1 hour?

For those who are serious, I can give a few recommendations, how to learn english words in 1 hour.

1) Repeat a new word or list of words out loud several times

2) Check if it is a compound word that can be divided into 2 parts. If yes, then find out the translation of all components.

3) Make sure the word doesn't play multiple roles in the sentence. For instance: paint can be translated and "dye", and "paint".

4) Try to come up with an association for a new word you want to remember. For instance: "clever" very similar to the name of the tree - "Clover", but actually translates "clever".

5) Make up your own sentences with new words that you want to remember. This will help at the right time to quickly reproduce the right phrase.

Need lessons to practice? Contact our skype fluentenglish24

We will not only tell you how to quickly learn a lot of English words, but also help you speak a foreign language!

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In this article, we will talk about how to memorize English words and make new vocabulary easy to learn. When our brain receives new information, it perceives and then stores it. We may refer to the stored information in the future. If we can't recover anything, then something from the previous phases went wrong. There are several types of memory - short-term, long-term, perceptual memory, etc. The latter receives information through the work of the senses - when we see something, touch it, smell it. Short-term, also called working, stores small pieces of information for short periods of time. When we need to remember a word, we must use the long-term. How to do it most effectively?

Memory is like a muscle, it can atrophy if it doesn't work. Every ability that is neglected weakens. And then it disappears altogether. Memory training is very important in how to learn English words quickly. Most The best way to do this is constant repetition. If you want your memory to work well, then make it work a little every day. the main objective repetition is to make new information stick in our head for a long time without the application of incredible effort.

Please note: one of the most important rules on how to turn a passive vocabulary into an active one is to introduce new words into your colloquial speech and use them as often as possible.

Method 1. Constantly repeat

From the foregoing, it follows that constant repetition is the key to effective vocabulary acquisition. This does not mean that you have to re-read your dictionary all day long. Give time to new vocabulary every day, you will always have 15 minutes to look into the dictionary and make sentences with the vocabulary you need. If you have the opportunity to communicate in English, then the question "how to learn English words" should not be a problem - immediately introduce new words (of course, when it is relevant) into your speech.

Method 2: Turn on your emotions

Emotional attachment and imagination are very important in memorizing new words. Emotions can even double the amount of information we remember. Be interested in what you are learning. Choose interesting and exciting films and books in English for you, read jokes and short funny stories. Look up translations of your favorite songs, and then try to distinguish the words in the flow of speech. Learning doesn't have to be boring - develop your own path, following which you will first of all be interested in learning a language.

If you are only on initial stage learning a language, then pick up films in Russian with English subtitles, instead of books, try to pick up short stories which you can easily read.

Method 3. Speak the words

Here is another example of how to learn English words. It is no secret that it is easier for each person to memorize, guided by different senses. For example, for some it is better to see the word and remember it visually, while for others it is very important to know its sound form. Pronounce the words, try to imitate the sound form that you hear in the speech of an English-speaking person. If you are watching a movie or listening to a song, do not be too lazy to repeat the words or phrases you like.

Method 4. Learn words in context

Remembering English words will become much easier if you "select" them from the text. Teach a large number of words without reference to the context is meaningless, because they will not be remembered well, and you will not be able to use them effectively in speech. Try to learn the thematic vocabulary you need in groups from the relevant texts.

Why is context still so important when learning words? The meaning of a word can change depending on the context. For example, when studying the verb get, you will come across the fact that this verb has a very large number of meanings. Which one should be remembered first? When you meet a word in a text, you memorize those meanings that are more popular and most used. Let's look at examples of sentences with the same verbs.

verb to get

I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street. I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street.

I don't get what you mean. “I don't understand what you mean.

I got the parcel yesterday, but forgot to unpack it. I received the parcel yesterday, but I forgot to unpack it.

I got in the bed and started reading the book. I climbed into bed and started reading a book.

Get ready - we will arrive in 5 minutes. Get ready - we'll arrive in 5 minutes.

As you can see, the same verb surrounded by different text has different meanings.

Get up - get up

Method 5. Read, read and read again

This good way how to quickly memorize English words. Select literature according to your level of knowledge of the language. If you are learning English to communicate on a specific topic, then choose the appropriate texts. For example, people who learn English for business communication should definitely read newspapers. The more texts you master, the better repeated words will be remembered, which then you can freely use in your speech, because. you have already seen their use in various texts.

Do not write out all the words in a row, achieve understanding of the text. Keep a dictionary, however, "do not overload" it with a huge mass of words that you will not only remember, but will be quite difficult to reread.

Method 6. Connect intuition and knowledge of grammar

Often in different languages There are words that are very similar in both sound and spelling. If, for example, you are reading a book, then do not pay attention to them, because. your intuition will tell you their meaning. Let's look at examples of such words:

  • Computer - computer.
  • Organization - organization.
  • Number - number.
  • Identical - identical.
  • Minute - minute.
  • Second - second.
  • Motorcycle - a motorcycle.
  • Program - program.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Grammar - grammar.
  • Nose - nose.

Knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes will also help you determine the meaning of a word if you understand the meaning of the root.


For example, the prefix dis means separation, the negative meaning of the word.

  • Disconnect - disconnect (connect - connect).
  • Divide - to divide.
  • Distant - remote.
  • Distribute - distribute.
  • Divorce - divorce.
  • Dishonest - dishonest (honest - honest).
  • Disrespect - disrespect (respect - respect).
  • Disbelief - disbelief (belief - faith).
  • Disgrace - shame (grace - grace, decency).

In denotes movement towards the object, inside.

  • Inside - inside.
  • Income - arrival.
  • Inflow - inflow.
  • Inbound - arriving.
  • Internal - internal.
  • Inward - internal.
  • Intake - reception.
  • Inland is the inner part of the country.

The re prefix often carries the connotation of repetitive action.

  • Repeat - repeat.
  • Renew - update.
  • Retell - retell.
  • Review - review.
  • Revolve - rotate.
  • Rename - rename.
  • Remind - remind.
  • Remember - remember.
  • Replace - replace.

The un prefix denotes the opposite meaning.

  • Undo - redo (do - do).
  • Unhappy - unhappy (happy - happy).
  • Unsatisfied - dissatisfied (satisfied - satisfied).
  • Unlock - unlock (lock - lock).
  • Unpack - unpack (pack - pack).
  • Unemployed - unemployed (employed - hired).


The suffix -er is often used in comparisons.

  • Big - bigger (big - more).
  • Small - smaller (small - smaller).
  • Kind - kinder (kind - kinder).
  • Bright - brighter (bright - brighter).
  • Funny - funnier (funny - funnier).
  • Red - redder (red - redder).
  • Clean - cleaner (clean - cleaner).

The suffix less has the meaning "without" or "not under the influence".

  • Friendly - not having friends.
  • Tireless - tireless.
  • Clueless - no idea.
  • Priceless - priceless.

We often use the suffix -est to show the superlative degree of an adjective, to denote the meaning of "most".

  • The coldest - the coldest.
  • The hottest - the hottest.
  • The greatest - the greatest, greatest.
  • The busiest - the busiest.
  • The longest - the longest.

Method 7. Make Mind Maps

Mind map is a scheme in which we associate certain vocabulary with some concept or event. In this case, new words may belong to different parts speech. Words will be remembered more easily thanks to associations, as well as division into groups.

Let's look at an example of a small similar scheme that will demonstrate how to quickly memorize English words. For example, you want to learn vocabulary related to the office. The main word in this scheme will be office. Another word will depart from this word, let's call it a word of the second rank, it will include all the actions that people usually perform from day to day while in the office. This word work - to work. We will refer to it the following lexical group:

  • To call - call.
  • To wait - wait.
  • To argue - to argue.
  • To discuss - discuss.
  • To write - write.
  • To type - print.
  • To sign - to sign.

Mind map - associative map

We can also make a group of words that describe all the main objects that can be seen in the office. This group can be called furniture and equipment (furniture and equipment).

  • Desk - a table.
  • Task chair - office chair.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Computer - computer.
  • keyboard - keyboard.
  • Monitor - monitor.
  • Printer - printer.
  • Calendar - calendar.
  • Noticeboard - notice board.
  • Pen - pen.
  • Pencil - a pencil.
  • Marker - marker.
  • Scissors - scissors.
  • Paper clips - paper clips.
  • Stapler - stapler.
  • Paper - paper.

Office supplies - office supplies

Repeat the basic principles for memorizing words:

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