Stages of organizing a system of corporate personnel training. Organization of corporate training

The buildings 26.09.2019
The buildings

Corporate training involves the study by the company's personnel of programs specially developed taking into account its specifics. And although many companies in a crisis seek to reduce the cost of staff training, with the right organization, it can be cost-effective and pay off quickly enough.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • What is the essence of corporate training;
  • What is an effective corporate training system;
  • Which Russian enterprises do not make sense to save on employee training;
  • How to organize corporate staff training.

What is corporate training

Corporate training is also a purposeful process that takes into account both the specifics of the market and the specifics of the enterprise itself, aimed at improving the qualifications and professionalism of the company's personnel. It brings together a large market, seminars, consulting, coaching and the like on various topics, both general and highly specialized. Corporate training of employees is carried out by corporate universities at large companies and external providers: specialized independent companies, higher education institutions that develop training programs for business.

The main goal of corporate training is to increase the capitalization of employees by acquiring new knowledge and skills that contribute to increasing labor productivity. In fact, the goal is to increase the profit that an employee is able to bring to the company. The effectiveness of such training is achieved not only due to the correctly selected type and program, but also due to the fact that it coincides with both the goals of the employer who wants to increase profits and the goals of employees for whom it is intangible.

Many employers are wary of the introduction of a corporate training system, citing its high cost and self-learning opportunities provided by the Internet. With the fact that today you can find any information on the Internet, no one will argue. But for this, the employee must have a high degree of self-organization and a clear idea of ​​what exactly he needs to find. Corporate training in this case allows the employee to save time and form specific requests, receiving answers from business coaches that take into account the specifics and needs of the company and its workplace.

Corporate training of personnel in Russian realities

Despite the crisis, many Russian companies, having in practice assessed the need for corporate training, continue to finance development programs. This justifies itself, especially in enterprises with a significant number of operating personnel engaged in retail, distribution, mass assembly production. The main factors determining the need for corporate training as a condition for ensuring a continuous production cycle are:

  • A large number of employees;
  • Staff turnover at the level of 20-50% per year;
  • High requirements for reproducibility.

The system of corporate personnel training will quickly pay for itself in those enterprises where the success of the activity directly depends on how much the employees have new information, methods, and technologies. For large and geographically distributed companies, this is a great opportunity to provide the same high level product quality and service delivery.

An effective corporate training system is taking into account the interests of the employer and employees

Regardless of whether corporate training is carried out within the walls of the company or under an agreement with external providers, this "pleasure" is not cheap. Therefore, the employer is directly interested in the fact that the funds spent are not only paid off. From the point of view of the enterprise administration, effective corporate training must meet the following requirements:

  • Employees should not be distracted from daily operational tasks;
  • Learning outcomes should show up as quickly as possible.

As practice shows, this can be achieved when the opinion and interests of employees who are directly involved in trainings and programs organized by the employer are taken into account. When the staff understands the purpose of the training and its necessity, the employer's money will not be wasted. The main requirements for corporate training for employees:

  • Trainings and seminars should take place within two to three days, a maximum of a week, their duration should not exceed two hours at the end of the day in order to be able to meet working hours;
  • The information received during training should be interesting and varied, its benefits should be obvious;
  • Corporate training should include the possibility of career growth, salary increases.

In addition, effective corporate learning strategies must take into account not only the realities and needs of today, but also the upcoming changes in methods and technologies that allow the company to maintain and increase competitiveness, develop and achieve long-term goals. The corporate training program should be developed individually, taking into account the identified requests and problems of the management and employees of the company.

The corporate training system should cover not only employees, but also managers at all levels. With its help, corporate governance is taught, which determines the methods and style of interaction with individuals and organizations related to various aspects of the company's activities.

How to organize corporate training

What should be included in the corporate training program, in what form it should be carried out - main question which worries the management of the company. The advantages of internal training include the fact that experienced coaches-managers working in the company know the specifics of its business very well. On the other hand, an invited trainer-consultant, who has the necessary experience and an analytical mindset, is able to assess the company's activities from the outside, identify errors in the management and actions of personnel that elude managers working in its staff.

Regardless of the chosen form of training, the process will consist of several stages. At the first stage, it will be necessary to determine and evaluate the existing gap between the desired and required competencies of employees, the desired and actual performance of the company. At this stage, it is already possible to calculate the required training costs and make a choice of its form, depending on the financial capabilities of the enterprise.

At the second stage, it is necessary to formulate the goals and objectives of training, to determine the ways to achieve the set effective mark. Then you should decide on a corporate training program, choose its form and methods, draw up a plan, form groups taking into account the scope of their participants, their wishes, goals and objectives of training.

After that, it is necessary to select the coaching staff who will conduct the training. It is important to conduct a motivational interview with the participants of the trainings, instruct them, set them up to participate in the training in order to acquire new professional knowledge and skills. At this stage, the time, place and duration of the training are specified.

At the stage of training, the study of the issues of the program, selected individually for each group of trainees, takes place. It is desirable that feedback be provided at this stage, which makes it possible to quickly adjust the program in order to increase the interest of trainees. At the end of the training, its effectiveness is assessed by comparing the competencies of staff before and after it, as well as through surveys and feedback from participants. To consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills and to quickly implement them in, post-training activities are held with the participation of trainers.

Rodin Alexander Ilyich, Ph.D.,
leading specialist RSMC NO
"Sparrow Hills"

Coming together is a start.

Sticking together is progress.

Working together is success

Henry Ford

The concept of continuous education, currently dominant in the domestic theory of education, makes various forms of education and socialization throughout a person's life one of the priorities of state policy in this area.
Corporate education as one of the most important subsystems of lifelong adult education, which is closely related to changes in the real sector of the economy, with production. Current state The country's economy is characterized by a mismatch between the labor market and the educational services market. This discrepancy is exacerbated by the fact that there are significant discrepancies between educational and professional standards. The process of convergence of educational and professional standards is possible with the development of corporate education.
Corporate training in the format of additional vocational education is a set of formal and non-formal vocational training processes that are initiated, systematized, managed and controlled by the educational organization itself.
Corporate learning is a dynamic process of disseminating knowledge and information on solving production problems, during which employees of the organization receive and apply the acquired knowledge and practical skills in their work, allowing them to more successfully and effectively adapt to changes in the external environment, while developing new models. professional activity that create a competitive advantage for an educational organization.
The conditions for the development of a modern educational organization are such that the main competitive advantage and the main strategic resource are people. Therefore, corporate training of the entire team is necessary to solve the set strategic tasks. Based on expert assessments and research results, it can be argued that investments in the development of the team are the most useful among other investments and can significantly increase the efficiency, and most importantly, the effectiveness of educational activities.
What should be an effective system of corporate training? How to turn training into a real tool for increasing the professional competence of the team? Perhaps, these are the first questions that arise from the management of an educational organization in connection with the organization of corporate training. The need and possibility of creating a corporate training system arise when:
 there are long-term, unchanging goals for the development of an educational organization. To date, such a task is to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and professional standards;
 Developed development strategy. This is the current system of educational programs;
 description of the necessary professional competencies of employees;
 the need for training has been identified;
 employees are recognized as a strategic resource for the development of an educational organization.
The essence of corporate training is not just to improve the skills of employees, but to increase the potential for flexibility, variability, and adaptability.

Before considering the essence of corporate education, it is necessary to define the concept of "corporation". The term comes from the Latin word corporatio, which means association, union, or community. Today, however, the concept has a much deeper meaning. Michael Hemmer sees the term "corporation" as something more than a system of technological processes and groups of people doing some work. He means by this concept the human community, which creates a special kind of culture - corporate culture.
Today, a corporation is not just an association of people in some legal forms. This is a kind of economic association that has a common goal, and, as a rule, a single management system. This also implies their common tasks of managing various processes and resources: administrative, economic, HR resources, financial, industrial, educational, security system, resources for interaction with external environment and others. At the same time, the task of creating a corporate culture is only their external visible part. Based on this understanding of the term "corporation", let's define the concept of "corporate entity", which is new for us.
So, "corporate education" is a system of training the corporation's personnel: from an ordinary employee to top management, which allows for effective training of personnel with a specific goal that contributes to the achievement of the corporation's mission. "Corporate education" is a system of accumulation and transmission (transfer) of various kinds of knowledge: economic, technological, industrial, organizational, knowledge in the field of corporate culture, professional, ethical, managerial and others to effectively achieve the goals set for the corporation. Since the goals and missions of corporations differ in content, degree of ambition and aggressiveness, the educational objectives, and hence the methods for achieving them, can also vary significantly.
Corporate training has the following theoretical foundations. Thus, in line with the androgogical concept of adult education, it is precisely the forms of collective and group cooperative activity that are considered as the most effective for the development of individuality. The theory and practice of psychology claims that the development personal qualities, the most effective changes in the human psyche occur not in individual activity, but in group interaction. Consequently, the task of developing the individuality of employees, their professional growth requires organizing group forms training, providing joint-separated activity of participants.
Another basis for corporate training can be the concept of models of a person's attitude to work, proposed by D. McGregor in the 60s and developed in the works of A. Maslow. D. McGregor talks about two approaches to assessing a person's attitude to work - model X (which affirms the general laziness of a person and the compulsion of his labor activity to meet basic needs) and model Y (the basis of this model is the idea of ​​self-realization of a person in labor activity).
A. Maslow, in the development of the theory of D. McGregor, asserts the manifestation in modern society model Z - the attitude of a person to work within the framework of this model is characterized by creativity, the desire for self-realization, self-organization, self-learning, responsibility for a common cause, the need for partnership.
Human capital is a certain stock of health, knowledge, skills, abilities and motivations accumulated by a person. The most successful definition of the essence of corporate education follows from the concept of "human capital" Human capital can be considered in relation to an individual, state and organization. In the latter case, human capital is usually considered as an element of a more general concept - intellectual capital. Today there are no unambiguous definitions and models of the economic evaluation of intellectual capital. As part of the intellectual capital of an organization, three components are usually distinguished: Human capital; Structural capital; market capital. Taking into account these basic concepts of the theory of human capital, the main content of corporate education is the development of the organization's human capital, associated with the improvement of its knowledge, skills and the formation of a system of motivations.
The transition to continuous, lifelong education, dictated by the pace of development of the modern economy, education, science, information technology, puts forward the problem of developing corporate education among the top priorities.
Essential features of corporate education:
focus on continuous development of human resources;
the relationship between learning and self-education;
training with life and professional experience of students;
interdisciplinary nature of the content of training;
The construction of corporate training is based on the study and consideration of the professional needs of the organization and the cognitive interests of specialists, their job functions, official status and professionally significant personality traits. Corporate training as part of the adult education system is characterized by multifunctionality, dynamism, and the outstripping nature of development in relation to the objects of professional activity of students.
It should be noted the openness of corporate education, its focus on the end result associated with solving urgent professional problems; flexibility, determined by the possibility of taking into account the objective needs of production and specialists in their professional and personal development. A feature of corporate education is also the participation in it of a specific category of adult students with basic professional education and professional experience.
The implementation of corporate training programs for employees and personnel allows maintaining the level of competencies of employees necessary to ensure the competitiveness of an educational organization in the market of goods and services, and training ahead of schedule, focusing on changes in the external environment.
Corporate training is conducted by the forces of the educational organization itself and according to its plan, which means that it will correspond to its mission, vision and strategic development goals.
Our mission:
Creation of an effective system of additional corporate education at the level of the best domestic practices based on a value-oriented approach to form a new level of knowledge, competencies and culture among employees necessary for the implementation of the Vorobyovy Gory strategy. Contribute to the disclosure of the internal potential of each individual employee, the search for new opportunities on the way to achieving their goals.
Our values:
 PROFESSIONALISM - We believe that professionalism allows you to successfully achieve your goals and get the necessary results.
 QUALITY AND RESPONSIBILITY - We are responsible for the quality of our work and the fulfillment of our obligations.
 OPENNESS AND ACCESSIBILITY - We believe that openness and accessibility build trust and promote long-term relationships and collaboration.
 PARTNERSHIPS AND LONG-TERM COOPERATION - We value partnerships based on trust, respect and responsibility and are aimed at long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.
The main goal of corporate training at Vorobyovy Gory is to create a permanent mechanism in the educational complex to support the innovative environment and develop human capital, the formation of the educational complex as a self-learning ambitious corporation.
The goals of creating a corporate training system are: ensuring the competitiveness of the educational complex; development of managerial potential of managers; creation of a personnel reserve; formation of modern business skills of employees; improving the efficiency of the educational complex; development of corporate culture.
Goals define tasks innovation activities and corporate training priorities:
development of managerial thinking;
formation of professional competencies;
generating new knowledge;
correction organizational culture educational complex in accordance with the new strategy;
flexibility and constructive role behavior.
The task of corporate training is to support those who share corporate values ​​and are ready to develop, guided by the basic principles:
Training is subordinated to the goals of the organization.
A holistic and consistent approach to learning instead of irregular and unrelated learning events.
Responsibility for the effectiveness of training lies not only with specialists in it, but also with the students themselves, their leaders, and management.
Evaluation of training is carried out constantly using all the necessary technologies for this.
The delivery of training is organized so that it is targeted, timely and accessible to all who need it.
There is a unified training system, which at the same time encourages employees to work together.
The value of training is demonstrated on the basis of a comprehensive methodology for evaluating its effectiveness.
Principles of building an effective system of corporate training:
The principle of continuous development of employees.
The principle of focusing on advancing, proactive development of the educational complex.
The principle of sufficient motivation.
The principle of practical necessity and relevance.
The principle of system.
The principle of the prevalence of learning in the process of work, in the workplace.
Leadership principles.
The principle of subjective assessment of the quality of education.
The principle of an objective assessment of the quality of education.

The main stages of building an effective system of corporate training:
1. Development of a list of competencies and success profiles for specific positions or groups of positions of the educational complex by departments.
2. Diagnostics of employees' motivation for training.
3. Diagnosing the needs for training employees by departments, taking into account the goals, plans for the development of the educational complex.
4. Formation of a corporate order for staff training.
5. Definition of internal and external provider.
6. Coordination of specific personnel training programs in accordance with the training plan.
7. Organization of staff training
8. Development and approval of procedures, methods and control points for assessing the effectiveness of training.
9. Development and implementation of a system for assessing (attestation) the effectiveness of personnel activities.
10. Making changes (if necessary) to the corporate culture and the system of motivation (as part of it) of the personnel.
The content of corporate training is revealed through its main functions, which, on the basis of generalization, can be formulated as follows:
identification and analysis of the needs for certain knowledge and skills for certain employees of the organization, depending on the strategy and current tasks solved by the complex;
analysis of opportunities and determination of the most appropriate forms and methods of organizational learning;
organizing and conducting in-house training for the target group of employees of the organization, its personnel, material and technical support;
creating conditions for training employees and motivating the implementation of learning outcomes in the process of professional activities of trained employees;
assessment of learning outcomes.

From a functional point of view, the use of forms and methods of corporate education in the educational complex is of particular relevance.
Training of newcomers to the educational complex of employees, which includes the professional and socio-psychological adaptation of the employee to new conditions, the development of his own line of organizational behavior. In this case, it is extremely important to inform new employees about organizational structure educational complex, its mission and the main aspects of corporate culture.
Training to increase the level of competence. It is necessary in two cases:
1) when the competence of an employee does not allow him to effectively and fully implement his competences;
2) when the competencies themselves partially change due to career development, the transition to a new step in the hierarchical ladder.
Retraining for the purpose of rotation or development of new activities. Retraining mainly implies mastering the basic and professional knowledge and skills necessary for mastering another type of activity.
Within the framework of the listed types of corporate training, three areas are distinguished, each of which is correlated with the policy of developing the human resources of the educational complex.
The first direction is the so-called necessary training and contains the minimum that is necessary for effective professional activity within the framework of the competencies being implemented.
The second direction - focused education - is of a strategic nature and is designed for a certain contingent, with the creative potential of which the educational complex links its plans for future development.
The third direction is development programs designed for those who want to develop their potential, gain additional, non-professional knowledge, develop communication and management skills that are not mandatory for professional activities in the current period. These programs are of a reserve nature, forming and improving the general educational level of the employees of the educational complex, in parallel they also play a social role, creating conditions for development and self-expression.
The ever-increasing flow of information in our time requires the use of new forms and methods of corporate training, which would allow a rather large amount of knowledge to be transferred to students in a fairly short time, would make it possible to ensure a high level of appropriation by students of the studied material and consolidate it in practice.
The general trend that should be noted today, speaking about staff training, is an increasing emphasis on the use of active learning methods and on the development of teamwork skills in trainees during training. This provides a range of benefits:
- facilitates the perception of new material;
- the experience of listeners is more widely used;
– by proving or substantiating certain approaches to solving the tasks set, students acquire new knowledge and new approaches to solving these problems;
– students get the opportunity to more clearly see the patterns of effective and ineffective behavior and correlate them with those patterns of behavior that they are used to demonstrating in their work.
Learning is a two-way process and the learner is an active participant in this process. When we talk about learning, we are primarily interested in the following types of activities:
- physical - students move in the classroom, write, draw, perform psychotechnical exercises, etc.
- communicative - listeners ask questions, answer questions, exchange opinions, participate in group discussions, participate in role-playing games, etc.
- cognitive - participants listen, analyze what they see or hear, make (formulate) proposals, look for solutions to problems, etc.
On-the-job training. A form of training that provides a close connection directly with the process of the employee's activity. This form is aimed at increasing the level of competence of an employee without interrupting his professional activities through continuous practice and interaction with a more experienced employee. This form is based on the presentation of increasingly complex tasks, directed acquisition of experience, production briefing, rotation, use of an employee as an assistant, delegation of authority - functions and responsibilities.
Off the job training. This form is implemented as follows:
training on the territory of the educational complex, carried out by internal specialists;
training on the territory of the educational complex, carried out by external, invited experts (specialists);
There are various methods of training employees in the workplace:
the inclusion of the student in the process of the activity of another person - budding (from buddying - "partner");
monitoring the work process - shading (from shadowing - "being a shadow");
internships, rotations - secondment (from secondment - "business trip");
purposeful transfer of experience - mentoring;
revealing the potential of the student's personality - coaching;
support of the learning process, discussion of the experience of transferring acquired knowledge into real practice - tutoring;
modular training;
distance learning;
programmed / computer training;
group discussions (discussions);
business and role-playing games;
role modeling;
analysis of practical situations;
Shadowing training. An employee of the educational complex is given the opportunity for about two days (at least) to be the "shadow" of a leader or an experienced worker. In the role of a “shadow”, such an employee observes and captures moments throughout the entire time of work. Thus, the employee becomes a witness of “two days in the life of a manager”, receives information about what features the career he has chosen has, what knowledge and skills he lacks, what tasks he has to solve. After that, an additional interview is conducted with the employee about the conclusions that he made for himself.
Training according to the "secondment" method is a kind of staff rotation, in which an employee is "seconded" to another place of work (to another department) for a while, and then returns to his previous duties. Temporary relocation of employees can be either short-term (about 100 hours of working time) or longer (up to a year). Secondment is a method of personnel development, as a result of which employees learn new skills and acquire new knowledge.
Training in the "buddying" method. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a “buddy” is assigned to a specialist - a partner. His task is to organize constant feedback, collecting information about the actions and decisions of the employee to whom he is assigned. The buddying method is based on providing information or objective and honest feedback when performing tasks related, firstly, to the development of new skills, and secondly, to the performance of current professional duties. Information can be provided after meetings, planning meetings, discussions, etc.
What distinguishes the “buddying” method from mentoring or coaching is that its participants are absolutely equal. In this form of work, there is no "senior" and "junior", mentor and ward, coach and "coached", student and student.
Refresher courses (internal training courses) are a special form of training that provides an integrated approach to specialized training and maintaining the required level of specialist training.
Mentoring - individual or collective patronage of experienced employees over individual young workers or their groups. Mentorship is a form of education (patronage), vocational training and adaptation of young employees at the university, which involves the transfer of experience of a mentor and instilling a culture of work and corporate values newbie.
As a rule, one or two wards are assigned to a mentor. Tasks for the mentor:
to teach students the basic methods of work;
assist in the development of production procedures;
control the current result of work;
help solve pressing issues.
There are five main stages of training in the mentoring process, which can be described as follows:
“I will tell, and you listen”;
"I'll show, and you look";
"let's do it together";
"do it yourself, and I'll tell you";
"do it yourself and tell me what you did."
Coaching is a method of joint development aimed at increasing the effectiveness of a person's joint activities in three main areas of life - personal (family), social (including career, business, etc.) and creative through the realization of his potential. Coaching is not advice and guidance, not counseling and not teaching. Coaching is, first of all, questions with the help of which a person reveals his potential, his internal resources.
Mentoring is one of the methods of training and development of employees, in which a mentor (volunteer), who is not an employee of the complex, shares his knowledge with his wards for a certain time as a mentor in order to improve his practical and psychological skills necessary to perform professional tasks. Mentoring is a process during which a more experienced member of the team (mentor) shares his knowledge and skills to identify problems, describing models for their solution, reveals his approach to analyzing the situation that has arisen, offers countermeasures that have given real results (learning from his cases, how he acted in such situations).
Tutoring is the practice of individual educational support, focused on the construction and implementation of a personal educational strategy that takes into account the personal potential of a person, the available educational and social infrastructure and the tasks of the main activity. During such meetings, the experience of transferring the acquired knowledge into the real practice of the student is discussed, the difficulties that arise in transferring the model, and new effective ways of behavior are developed.
Supervision is an included analysis of the actions of two professionals (more experienced and less experienced or equal in experience). This is a collaboration in which a specialist can describe and analyze his work in confidentiality.
All these methods are aimed at the interaction of a more experienced employee with a less experienced employee and differ in the emphasis in training.
Seminars: express seminars, project seminars.
Express Seminar - presentation of trainers, experts, consultants, speakers at corporate conferences or special meetings. The express seminar solves several problems:
inspiration and motivation of a group of employees;
concise informing by an expert of a group of specialists about a certain technology or field of knowledge;
"reconnaissance in force" - an assessment of the reaction of the corporate audience to a specific expert topic, idea or trainer.
A project seminar is a form of team work aimed at analyzing existing problems, developing new ideas and projects. The seminar works in several modes:
group work to develop new project ideas;
master classes on the use of information technology, conducted by leading experts;
lectures and expert reports on current trends and existing world experience in solving similar problems;
expert advice;
general plenums, where the reports of the groups are discussed and the “defense” of collective and individual projects prepared by the participants takes place.
Unlike express seminars, at a project seminar there is no traditional division into mentors and listeners. There are four professional positions:
the participant is a carrier of practical knowledge and skills in a wide subject area;
expert - a carrier of theoretical and practical knowledge in a narrow subject area;
a coordinator who organizes communication during group work;
workshop leader who organizes communication during the plenary session.
The main task of the project seminar is to put forward new ideas and bring them to the stage of projects.
Business training is a socio-psychological training, the direct or indirect purpose of which is to improve the business performance of the complex. The greatest attention in business training is given to the development of behavioral skills in a particular situation. For example: developing effective sales skills, conducting business negotiations, preventing conflict situations in the workplace, time management, etc. Up to 10-14 people can participate in business training; its minimum duration is from 8 hours ( standard version– 2 days / 16 hours).
Case study (case-study) is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific practical problems - situations (case solving). This method assumes the maximum approximation to reality and the possibility of repeated skill training. The method is based on the approach developed at Harvard Business School. It lies in the fact that training is based on the analysis of specific working situations and problems of the organization, and the content of training tasks is the development of proposals for a significant change in the current situation.
Business simulation is a thematic business game that simulates a business environment that is as close as possible to the realities of a specific problem of the complex. The conditions of the game are developed by the facilitator (leader), taking into account the fact that, through trial and error, the participants will find the optimal solution to the problem, acquire skills and experience that they can apply in the future in practical activities. There are two types of business simulation. The first of them helps to understand the overall picture of the work of an educational organization and its divisions, where and how they come into contact in the process of activity and how they influence each other. As a result of this, the participants of the game form a clear understanding of the development prospects. The second type of business simulation models individual business processes that take place in an organization (for example, the development and design of educational programs, etc.).
Sometimes elements of distance courses, videos, webinars can be used as part of organizational learning.
A webinar is a type of online training in which the presenter and the audience communicate in text, audio or video chats. The topic of the conversation is illustrated by slides or inscriptions on the electronic board. Typically, webinars are archived and made available on demand.
Action learning. Its main goal is to bridge the gap between what the organization "says" and what it "does".
The duration of one cycle is from 3 to 12 months. The number of participants in one group, as a rule, does not exceed 6 employees. The frequency of meetings can vary from 3 times a week for 2 hours to two-day seminars on weekends. This approach uses a combination of regular analysis of the situation and setting goals, thinking through steps to achieve them with periods of real action, implementation of planned steps. Participants work on real problems, not exercises or artificial situations.
Training in working groups. The maximum composition of the working group should be ten people. Placed in front of employees specific task, which they need to solve for a specific period of time. In the working troupe, a responsible person is chosen who determines the number of participants, organizes meetings, draws up minutes and fixes the final decisions of the group. The group, in turn, develops an algorithm of actions for effective solution task, and also determines the timing of its implementation.
The difference from the "learning by doing" method is that the working group makes only its decisions in the form of steps to achieve the goal. The proposal formulated by the participants is submitted to the management for consideration. Management may take the group's decision into account or reject the proposal.
One of the ways of organizational learning is quality circles.
The quality circle is a group of people functioning directly at the workplace, whose main task is to find, study and solve practical improvement problems, as well as continuous learning.
The main idea of ​​the work of quality circles can be expressed as follows:
1) quality circles contribute to a significant improvement and development of the work of the complex;
2) quality circles improve the psychological climate among the members of the working group, contribute to the development of self-esteem for everyone;
3) quality circles create conditions for daily growth, broadening of horizons, development creativity complex employees.
The ultimate goal of quality circles should be the full participation of all employees of the organization in quality management.
There are several key requirements that any employee training program must comply with.
1. The program must obey a specific goal (goals) of the educational complex, that is, work for specific positive changes in processes, practices, interactions, etc.
2. The program must have clear learning objectives that flow from the learning objectives, are clearly and unambiguously described, and have measurable results.
3. The program is built in such a way that the above goals can be achieved with minimal effort and in the shortest possible time.
4. The training program should be created in accordance with the principles of pedagogical design, take into account the peculiarities of adult learning.
5. Training should be aimed at new professional models of activity.
6. Finally, the program must provide a mechanism by which its results can be measured and objectively assessed.
For effective program staff training is recommended to use a modular approach. A module is a separate, independent part of any system. The module clearly defines the learning objectives, tasks and levels of study of the material, as well as skills, abilities, competencies. The modules have a variety of teaching aids. They ensure the active participation of students who learn information in action and actively work with educational material. The training course usually includes about three modules. At the same time, a separate module can be a theoretical block, and practical work, and final projects. There can be any number of thematic modules. It all depends on how much time is needed to master a skill, gain knowledge on a given material, or to form a competence. The sequence of modules can be changed, which provides flexibility and selectivity in the development of corporate training programs.
Implementation of a system for assessing the effectiveness of corporate training - improving the quality of the corporate training system to achieve the strategic and operational goals of the organization, increase its flexibility, success and increase the return on investment in personnel development.
Multi-criteria approach to assessing the effectiveness of training and development
proposed by a number of authors. Thus, the paper proposes a multidimensional model for evaluating the effectiveness of corporate training, which involves considering the process of evaluating the effectiveness of training in three projections:
1. Evaluation of the educational process itself and others accompanying it, their input and output parameters, as well as current monitoring.
2. Connection of the training system and other levels of organization management through the training effectiveness assessment system.
3. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of training.
The introduction of this system will ensure:
Increasing the return on investment in the education system;
Evaluation of training programs in terms of achieving strategic goals and key performance indicators;
Determination of the long-term economic effect of training;
Optimization of the training system;
Increasing the transparency of the corporate training system;
Reducing the costs of personnel development through targeted and advanced training;
Identification and use of the technological and intellectual potential of the training system;
Evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate knowledge management;
Implementation of innovative developments/projects obtained in the learning process into practice;
Transfer of developed technologies to the organization.
The cost-effectiveness assessment process begins with the classification of training programs according to effectiveness assessment methods, and then the assessment methods themselves are developed. Consider some methods for evaluating the effectiveness of corporate training, taking into account the classification of programs:
First, programs with a clear financial impact, to which the Net Present Value (NPV) valuation method is applicable. V this case it is necessary to develop a methodology for assessing economic efficiency using the methodology for assessing the discounted cash flow NPV and the profitability index using the concept of "opportunity costs". The NPV indicator allows you to calculate the long-term effect of training only if you can calculate the clear "benefits" of training: increased sales; cost savings; cheaper business process, technological process; productivity increase; etc. However, in practice, the traditional calculation of NPV through cash flow is not always applicable due to the uncertainty of the cash flow generated by the educational program.
Secondly, programs with an implicit financial effect, to which the Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) method can be applied. At the same time, a methodology is being developed for assessing the economic efficiency of training programs using the Cost-benefit analysis method and its varieties. However, this method of economic efficiency analysis can not be applied in practice to all educational programs.
Thirdly, training programs with the objectives of "strategic fit" to which the assessment method "Implementation of BSC indicators" is applied. A methodology for assessing the cost-effectiveness of training programs should be developed according to the method “Implementation of BSC indicators, the strategic perspective of the goals and indicators “Training and Development” through training programs”. In this case, the most effective and priority training programs are those that provide the skills necessary for the employees of the organization to overcome the "strategic gaps" that are reflected in the strategic maps of the organization's goals as a whole and its directions. The implementation of strategic maps of goals and indicators makes it possible to achieve the target strategic indicators formulated in the organization's strategy.
Educational programs are really relevant and effective only if they form the skills and abilities necessary to solve the problems facing the students, and the presence of internal motivation of employees is necessary to make the learning process meaningful. Of the directions for assessing students, you should use:
Formation of criteria for selecting students for training;
Evaluation and selection of students (initial knowledge, competencies, formal characteristics are assessed);
Implementation of regular monitoring and final measurements of knowledge, competencies, team building processes, assimilation of corporate culture, project work;
Building a feedback system from listeners to training organizers;
Development of criteria for evaluating final projects of students, organization of project evaluation;
Comparison of learning outcomes with stated standards and initial learning objectives.
Assessment of the degree of application of the acquired knowledge and competencies in professional activities.
The model of multidimensional assessment of the effectiveness of corporate training allows you to evaluate:
firstly, both the learning process itself and a number of end-to-end processes accompanying it, their input and output parameters, build a detailed feedback system, take into account the strategic goals of the organization;
secondly, the connection between the training system and other levels of organization management;
thirdly, the economic efficiency of long-term corporate training.
The corporate training system is the main element of the system of professional development of employees of an educational organization at the corporate level and contributes to the implementation of its goals. The main stages of the system of professional development of employees of an educational organization include the following areas of action:
Establishing the goals of the educational organization and setting priorities. The main condition for the effectiveness of the system for the development of employees of an educational organization is its relationship with the strategic goals of the organization. After the long-term, strategic goals of the organization's development are determined, it is possible to determine priorities in corporate training, which is aimed at developing the staff competencies necessary for the successful implementation of the strategy. Based on this information, the standards of the organization's personnel policy are formed or adjusted.
The employee training program should consist of the following blocks: compulsory training; adaptation and training of young specialists; advanced training of specialists; training of managers included in the personnel reserve; sale of educational services; selfeducation.
Quality control of training and the formation of a knowledge base. Constant quality control of corporate training is necessary not only to assess the effectiveness of investments in the development of employees, but also to identify problems and inconsistencies in the course of the training process in order to make prompt decisions to make training as effective as possible.
When training managers included in the reserve, issues are considered only in terms of the employee development program, while the issues of analyzing the need for a reserve, selecting candidates and evaluating performance are not addressed.
The sale of educational services to third parties allows not only to compensate for part of the costs, but also contributes to the acquisition of new employees.
Self-training allows employees to study in a more flexible mode, at a convenient time for them, and independently choose the direction of training. Using electronic, distance, on-line training for advanced training of employees, it is possible to train in a short time with financial costs mostly at the implementation stage.
The modern development of corporate training is characterized by the integration of external and internal training resources. Due to the variety of forms of organization of modern corporate training, its key feature should be emphasized - a unified knowledge management system that integrates internal and external resources for organizing corporate training.
In conclusion, let us say that the creation of an effective system of corporate training should be considered as one of the elements of corporate sustainability, which is designed to ensure not only the constant reproduction of key and unique corporate competencies, the transmission of corporate culture, but also be an incubator of the innovative potential of an educational organization (corporation).

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Corporate personnel training system - this is a set of measures aimed at developing the professional competencies of employees of all levels and positions. Target corporate system training - providing highly qualified personnel whose professional competencies allow achieving the strategic goals of the company. At the same time, for the most positive effect, the corporate system should be interconnected with such basic elements of the personnel management system as selection, motivation, certification and rotation.

Creation of a corporate personnel training system – perceived need, allowing the company not only to create a highly qualified personnel reserve, but also to use the received potential for the development of production, increasing competitiveness and productivity. The effectiveness of training is determined by the correct choice of the content of training programs, methods and forms of training.

The functioning of the corporate training system implies the following tasks:

    Identification of training needs;

    Combining learning goals with business goals;

    Development and implementation of an appropriate training strategy;

    Planning and standardization of training;

    Formation of the budget for training, reporting, evaluation of the effectiveness of learning outcomes;

    Selection of appropriate technologies, tools, methods and forms of education and their use;

    Continuous improvement of the organization of training based on the results of the assessment and the feedback collected.

Performing all these tasks, the corporate training system pursues a number of different goals, the main of which are:

Achievement by the organization of a sustainable competitive advantage;

Improving customer service, meeting their needs and expectations;

Increasing the overall organizational performance and individual efficiency of employees;

Formation of a culture of learning, innovative potential of the company;

Identification of promising employees, their development and retention;

Development of effective leadership and management;

Increment, preservation and maximum effective use of the intellectual capital of the company;

Preservation and systematization of all knowledge available to the organization, knowledge management;

Comprehensive and organically flowing organizational development;

Easier implementation of change, less resistance to change;

Formation of a personnel reserve, ensuring continuity, career growth of employees through internal recruiting;

Accelerating the adaptation of new employees, minimizing the time for them to reach full productivity;

Improvement of management methods;

Strengthening the loyalty of staff, consumers, partners;

Growth of employee engagement;

Strengthening and development of corporate culture;

Realization of the mission and vision.

To achieve all these goals, the corporate training system must be based on a deep, comprehensive and regular analysis of training needs. It is he who will help to identify what exactly the organization needs today, and what it is necessary to strive for in the strategic development perspective. By setting reasonable and realistic goals, the corporate training system will be able to select the appropriate methods, technologies, forms of training, and determine its specific content.

The main areas of corporate training that are most relevant in modern conditions are the development of leadership and managerial competencies, professional and specialized training, training in knowledge about the company's products and services, training in effective sales and customer service, training in IT skills and the use of various business systems, and also training designed for partners and consumers. Separately, it should be noted the construction of competency models and the development of competencies necessary for employees to perform certain specific roles.

Disciplines and processes that support learning include performance management consulting for employees and managers, coaching and mentoring for leaders, knowledge management and change management, instructional design, learning content development, measurement and evaluation of learning effectiveness.

Today, education cannot be imagined without the use of many specialized tools and technologies. These include LMS - learning management systems, LCMS - learning content management systems, tools for developing electronic learning content (authoringtools), collaboration tools, social networks, tools for conducting webinars and online conferences, virtual classrooms, mobile technologies, search engines. tools and tools for working with meta-data, technologies for analytics, reporting, measuring learning outcomes and evaluating its effectiveness.

Effective corporate personnel training system:

Increases the ability of staff to adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements, which means it helps the company to solve strategic business problems (to develop, capture the market, increase profits, etc.);

Allows you to solve problems associated with new areas of activity, and maintain the required level of competitiveness;

Increases staff commitment to their organization and reduces staff turnover;

Helps to disseminate and maintain among employees the core values ​​and priorities of the organizational culture, promote new approaches and norms of behavior designed to support the organizational strategy.

Staff training is not only about benefits. It also entails certain costs, both direct (expenses for the payment of trainers, training materials, rental of premises, etc.) and indirect (expenses associated with the need to release employees from work for the period of their participation in the training program, as a rule, with pay). It is in connection with the presence, along with the benefits, of the costs of training that the system of corporate training and personnel development should be developed in accordance with the strategic goals of the company, formalized, structured, covering all levels of management and have a clear relationship and continuity of all internal processes.

A staff training strategy is necessary for this very reason: in order to lead to the achievement of specific goals, training must be organized in a very specific way, corresponding to these goals. . A personnel training strategy is a long-term direction of training conducted in an organization, aimed at achieving competitive advantage, meeting the expectations of all parties involved in training and organizational development.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the training strategy is an integral part of the overall personnel management strategy, since training is only one of the areas of work with personnel.

Creating a learning strategy is a multi-step, sequential process. It should always begin with a comprehensive analysis: the business goals of the organization and the dependence of their achievement on the preparedness of the staff; the needs of all stakeholders – these include but are not limited to customers and partners who may also need training; the place of learning in a holistic strategy of personnel management; analysis of the current and predicted state of the external environment.

Based on the data obtained, you can get the first general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat your learning strategy should be. One way or another, training will perform a number of basic functions in the organization:

Management of the structure of the training system;

Planning training initiatives and developing curricula;

Contacts with external providers of products and services related to training;

Training budget planning and management;

Selection and implementation of certain teaching methods;

Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel training system operating in the organization;

Marketing and logistics training;

Learning management, collection and analysis of statistics;

Evaluation and improvement of the learning strategy itself.

For all these points, it is necessary to develop and fix the most detailed picture: who is specifically responsible for what, how and how often certain procedures are carried out, according to what criteria methods and technologies will be selected, how the budget will be distributed, how interaction with external specialists will be built , which categories of personnel and to what extent the training will cover, and whether it will also be offered to consumers and partners, and so on.

All this will form a staff training strategy. However, having completed all this work, it is important to once again make sure that the result really corresponds to the organization's business strategy - it is quite important here that both it and the personnel training strategy are developed with the expectation of the same time frame. It is equally important to ensure that the learning strategy does not conflict with other functional strategies implemented in the company.

It is necessary that the developed strategy be able to meet the needs of all stakeholders: the organization has a greater chance of successfully implementing its strategic goals, employees can develop in accordance with their learning needs, partners and consumers have access to all the necessary information about the company's products and services, and specialists in training get their hands on a realistic and reasonable guide to action.

Thus, the corporate training system is a set of measures aimed at developing the professional competencies of employees of all levels and positions. Corporate training must comply with the approved development strategy of the organization, only then it can become the most effective both for the employee and for the organization as a whole.

"HR officer. Personnel management (personnel management)", 2012, N 1


Show me the company's curriculum and I'll tell you everything

about her strategy and even the identity of the first person.

Klaus Valentiner

The article shows that corporate staff training is the most important factor in the competitiveness of a credit institution in the labor market. The features of the work of bank personnel, which determine the specifics of their training, are concretized. The organization of personnel training in a bank is considered on the example of such forms as a regional training center, a training and development portal, a corporate university.

Dictionary of personnel management. Corporate training is a set of measures to develop the skills, abilities and knowledge of personnel aimed at the most optimal use of the organization's human resources in terms of the strategy adopted in it.

The growing modernization of the economy requires a change in the strategies of companies. Their adaptation to new conditions requires a significant restructuring of the system personnel management, and staff training in these conditions becomes a key element of the personnel management process. This issue is very relevant in commercial banks, since the efficiency of the economy of the whole country depends on their work. Leading and successful banks in the modern competition for resources make a choice in favor of preserving and accumulating human capital.

The introduction of a corporate training system can contribute to the adaptability of the bank's staff to changing conditions and will provide a strategic competitive advantage financial organization for many years.

The concept of corporate training was born in the early 60s. 20th century in the USA together with the concept of corporate universities. The most common term is Training & Development (T & D) - "training and development." In the mid 1970s. The Association for Training and Development Professionals (ASTD) was formed, now with over 100 national members ( In September 2005, ASTD opened a representative office in Russia. In Russia, the profession of a specialist in personnel training and development was formed in the mid-1990s. last century.

Tasks and main directions of corporate training

bank staff

The corporate training system is a tool for implementing the bank's strategy.

The purpose of corporate training is to provide the systemic knowledge and skills of the personnel necessary to achieve effective results and quality indicators of the bank's activities.

Tasks of corporate training:

Systematic training of all target groups of bank personnel;

Ensuring the required level of managerial knowledge and skills;

Preparation of personnel reserve;

Adaptation of new specialists;

Formation of corporate standards for doing business, including standards for quality customer service.

The work of a bank employee as a specific type of work has significant features that have a significant impact on the system of corporate training of bank personnel. To ensure the successful formation of a training system for personnel of a credit institution, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of work in the field of credit and financial operations:

1. High qualification requirements, caused by the need for constant self-education, associated with frequent changes in regulatory documents, which is confirmed by the high industry average indicator of the proportion of employees with higher professional education. Reducing the life cycles of banking products, frequent innovations in the environment lead to a sharp increase in requirements for the educational and qualification level of personnel. The requirements for the qualifications of contractors in Russian banks are high and exceed the requirements for contractors in other non-production industries (for example, according to the Social Report of VTB Bank for 2009, the share of employees with higher education was 84.6% ). It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of qualification in order to identify gaps in knowledge, taking into account the development of technologies, changes in the regulatory framework.

2. Increased requirements for information support of labor activity. The results of labor are directly related to the quality of the information received by the employee. The result of these increased requirements for information support is an increase in the complexity of the work of performers, an increase in the intensity of their work.

3. High technical equipment and mass automation of workplaces. Automation, leading to the complication of the content of the activity, seriously changes the attitude towards the work of the individual.

The identified specifics of the work of bank employees determines the direction of corporate training in a credit institution.

The main areas of corporate training in the bank are:

Functional training aimed at effective performance by employees official duties, development of business processes, products and technologies of the bank;

Development of business efficiency skills aimed at achieving corporate standards for the quality of doing business;

Development of managerial competencies aimed at the formation of a unified corporate management system.

The main forms of training in the bank are:

1. Internal seminars:

Information and consulting. They are aimed at conveying to employees the information necessary to perform business tasks and direct job responsibilities, for example, they are devoted to topics such as: " Topical issues operating activities", "Credit operations of the bank", "Current issues and practice of settlements in the form of letters of credit in rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation", "Current issues of work with personnel", etc.;

Practical. Aimed at developing practical knowledge and functional skills, for example, skills in using new operating systems ("Service packages. My personal bank", "Filling in client data in software", etc.);

Problem-project. Aimed at solving specific business tasks under the guidance of an internal or external expert, for example, on the topics: "Promoting the work of department employees", "Implementation of international settlements in the form of an import letter of credit", etc.

2. Internal internships aimed at practical development professional technologies under the guidance of experienced employees, for example, "Technology for conducting business training on the topic "Effective sales", etc.

3. Internal trainings aimed at developing business efficiency skills in working with clients and management skills: "Sales Management", "Service Management", "Effective Sales", etc.

4. Distance learning. It is usually considered in the bank as independent species training, although its use is possible only in the form of an additional form of training, which should either consolidate the material covered (for example, after training) or prepare for subsequent training (studying the information necessary for future training). Distance learning, in turn, is divided into:

Electronic courses that provide the transfer and control of the assimilation of information and are used mainly for the functional training of personnel. As a rule, these include programs for the adaptation of employees, various areas of activity, introductory briefing on AML / CFT (countering the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism), etc.;

Video seminars, which are aimed at concretizing and controlling the assimilation of information obtained during the passage of electronic courses and self-study, increasing the effectiveness of these forms of learning by actively involving participants in the learning process and receiving feedback from them on the issues discussed in real time.

5. External seminars (in Russia and abroad) aimed at obtaining information necessary for individual specialists in their areas of activity in the interests of the bank, in order to solve specific problems or actively represent in a certain professional field, as an example, training on such topics can be called as: "Business Object Training", "Strategic Business Vision", "Project Management", "Change Management", etc.;

6. Certification programs aimed at obtaining the right to conduct professional activities in the interests of the bank, established by law or in accordance with internal regulations: "Financial Market Specialist", "Appraisal Activities", specialized courses for cashiers, etc.

7. Self-training aimed at mastering new knowledge and skills in the areas of employees' activities, continuous professional development in order to meet the requirements for the position held and professional development.

8. Mentoring is the main method of training a newly hired employee. After a new employee has been accepted for a vacant position, a curator is assigned to him, the goals of supervision are to streamline the process of developing professional competencies, develop the ability to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to the employee for the position held; adaptation to the corporate culture of the bank, the formation of loyalty to the brand and image of the bank. The tasks of the curator include: acquaintance of a new employee with the bank, its history of development, structure, corporate culture, accepted norms and rules of conduct in the organization; implementation of theoretical training of an employee in accordance with the plan for training specialists. The curator carries out practical training of the employee to work in specialized software.

Quoting legislation. Personnel of organizations that carry out transactions with money or other property must undergo mandatory training and education in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Training is carried out in the following forms: a) introductory briefing; b) additional briefing; c) targeted instruction. Introductory briefing in the organization is carried out by a special official when applying for a job at the bank.

From Order No. 203 of Rosfinmonitoring dated 03.08.2010 "On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the training and education of personnel of organizations engaged in operations with money or other property in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" (ed. dated 01.11.2010).

The most used methods of staff training in banks are: trainings, seminars, lectures, distance learning, mentoring, video courses, practical internships. Practice shows that the number of lectures is gradually decreasing, while distance learning, on the contrary, is gaining momentum, this trend manifested itself especially strongly during the financial crisis of 2008-2009, when many banks switched to distance learning in order to optimize staff training costs.

Organization of corporate staff training in the bank

Corporate Training Plan

Training of personnel in the bank must be carried out in accordance with the Corporate Training Plan, approved, as a rule, for a period of 1 year.

The corporate training plan is formed:

In the direction of functional training - on the basis of applications from the heads of departments, taking into account the specifics of the activities and production tasks of the departments, including the results of professional testing;

In the areas of development of business efficiency and managerial skills - based on the results of an analysis of the needs of personnel in development, including the results of evaluation procedures;

In all areas of corporate training - based on decisions made by the bank's management in order to develop business.

The corporate training plan for the next year is formed in accordance with the established planning periods (September - December) of the current year. The training plan is agreed in in due course and after approval is brought to the attention of the staff by means of internal communications. Changes may be made to the plan during the year to reflect business development priorities. The work plans of departments are constantly being adjusted, business tasks, market conditions, and the financial situation of a credit institution may change - all this requires a corresponding change in the training plan for employees. For example, recently many banks have set the task for their selling divisions to increase commission income, at the same time, many commissions are abolished by law, new products appear, without appropriate training of employees, all these innovations will remain unaccounted for, which may negatively affect the work of the entire credit organization.

The corporate plan consists of individual training events and corporate programs.

As a rule, employees engaged in servicing retail and corporate clients, as well as employees engaged in supporting banking operations, are most often trained in separate training events. This ratio can be considered normal, since the work of service specialists is more subject to changes, and employees, in turn, must quickly respond to them, therefore, new training events are being developed and conducted for these categories of bank personnel.

The most relevant training events for bank personnel include: "The tasks of credit institutions in terms of implementing the requirements of Russian legislation in the field of AML / CFT", "Actual problems of internal control for AML / CFT purposes and ways to solve them", "The procedure for foreign exchange control with side of the bank for the identification and prevention of foreign exchange transactions on behalf of clients", "Issues accounting and reporting", training seminars with a presentation of various banking products, etc.

Corporate programs are of the greatest importance for the development of the banking business. The main corporate programs include:

Corporate university as a form of personnel reserve training and development of the bank's managerial potential;

Program on effective sales techniques (client manager school);

Onboarding program for new employees;

Program "Corporate standards of customer service".

School time

Based on the principle of joint and several liability of the bank and the employee for the learning process, the time of training events should be scheduled in such a way that the training is carried out partly during the employee’s work, partly during the employee’s personal time.

When holding corporate events on the basis of the bank, training events can be held according to the following schedule:

14.00 - 20.00:

16.00 - 20.00.

The participation of employees in external training events should be carried out according to the schedule of the training organization.

Seminars for employees of branches and additional offices on the basis of the central office can be held during the working day from 9.00 to 18.00.

Other formats of corporate training, including weekend training, may be used by decision of the heads of departments and in agreement with the bank's management.

Training budget

The training budget is formed: by the HR department - to provide corporate training programs (general bank expenses); bank divisions - to ensure the functional training of employees (budgets of divisions). Training budgets are controlled by the Human Resources Department. Optimal size the cost of corporate training is 0.5% of the wage fund.

Learning and Development Portal

The banking system of the Russian Federation is characterized by a significant branching, a wide network of branches throughout the country (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB, etc.). With this in mind, as one of the most effective forms of staff training, it is necessary to consider a distance learning form, namely, the use of a learning and development portal.

The learning and development portal (hereinafter referred to as the learning portal) is a tool for organizing distance learning in a bank. The educational portal contains up-to-date information about educational events, a library of electronic courses and tests for distance learning, etc. The rules for using the educational portal should be set out in guidelines and user instructions that precede sections of the portal. The information on the learning portal must be open and designated. TO open information all bank employees should have access at any time they choose. The assigned courses and tests must be personally available to the employee at the time specially allotted for training. The results of training and testing are available personally to each employee.

Branch managers and HR specialists should have access to employee training and testing reports.

The adaptation program is a program for new employees of the bank, designed for a trial period, which is carried out through the training portal. The adaptation program is controlled by the bank's HR responsible for AML / CFT, the immediate supervisor of the new employee.

The course for a new employee, as a rule, consists of several modules (general information about the bank, personnel policy, corporate business communication standards, labor protection requirements, AML / CFT introductory briefing). Appointment to the course is made automatically after the authorization of the order to hire an employee and the reflection of information about the employee in the personnel database.

For bank employees, a remote course should be mandatory.

Regional Training Centers

An alternative to learning via the Internet is the use of so-called RTCs - regional training centers.

The main functions of the RTC:

Interaction with the Human Resources Department in organizing corporate training events at the RTC for employees of the regional branches;

Provision of premises from the training or meeting rooms at the disposal of the branch, equipped with the necessary equipment for face-to-face (seminars, trainings, etc.) and remote (video seminars and conferences) training events;

Allocation of employees to organize and support training events;

Providing organizational support for training events - meeting and accommodating non-resident participants, purchasing consumable stationery, organizing coffee breaks during training sessions.

The following training events are held at the RTC:

Seminars and trainings within corporate programs ("Effective Management", "Effective Sales", "Effective Service");

Practical and consulting seminars in the areas of banking activities with the participation of specialists from the head office and the best specialists branches;

Video seminars for target groups of personnel of branches with the participation of representatives of the head office and involved external specialists;

Various training and production activities that require specific discussion and elaboration with the active participation of target groups of branch personnel;

Business games and professional testing (if these events are held in person).

Training activities based on the RTC are planned in the annual corporate training plan for the bank's personnel.

It is necessary to dwell on the "Effective sales" program in more detail, since a commercial bank receives most of its income from interest on the loan portfolio, which means that the larger the loan portfolio and the better it is, the higher the bank's income, and this can be achieved, in particular, through effective sales.

The program includes 3 stages.

1st stage: "Sales Technique" trainings for senior client managers (SCM) of bank branches (350 people, ~ 60 branches); allocation of key SCMs (as a rule, heads of customer service departments).

Stage 2: "Training of trainers" program for key SCMs (20 people); product preparation (trade finance, liabilities); skills training (method of conducting sales training).

Stage 3: "Sales Technique" trainings for junior client managers and product specialists by key SCMs (more than 300 people).

Efficiency evaluation: duel of client teams of branches (business simulation); results of business plans for the current year.

The conditional return from this program is 2.06 rubles. for 1 rub. costs.

Corporate University

For the successful development of the banking business, it is necessary to match the goals of the employee with the general goals of the credit institution. The main tool in solving this problem is the corporate university. The university is a key stage in the process of establishing a system of corporate personnel training.

Dictionary of personnel management. A corporate university is a well-thought-out system for training company personnel, within which all traditional forms of business education are used to achieve the goals of the company.

In addition to direct training of employees, one of the main tasks of the corporate university is the generalization of experience and knowledge accumulated by the bank, the creation of a unified organizational culture. For example, under the auspices of the corporate university, VTB implemented the following programs, summarizing the best practices of branches: "Commercial launch of a regional structural unit", "Program for the development of corporate culture in a branch", "Motivation of employees of the large client support department", "Key performance indicators of branches to determine the bonus fund" and many others.

The corporate university of the bank, first of all, is a program for the development of the bank's management potential.

Goals of the corporate university: strengthening of competitive advantages, formation of a single management team of the bank.

Its tasks are: to identify and develop the most capable middle managers; implement current projects of the bank, including by university students; apply and translate effective management technologies throughout the territory of the bank's presence.

Let us give examples of some corporate university programs.

"Energy of Leadership" - a program for the development of the bank's managerial reserve. Recruitment is made on a competitive basis once a year (May - August). Duration of training - 1 year (4 field sessions for 5 days, defense of diploma projects).

"Effective Management" - an open program for the heads of the structural divisions of the bank. The program is conducted at the head office and in regional training centers based on authorized branches within the framework of operational management tasks - business process management and people management. Groups are recruited throughout the year, participation is agreed with the heads of independent divisions/blocks/departments/branches.

The nomination of candidates for participation in the competitive recruitment to the corporate university is carried out by the heads of functional units / departments, heads of departments, independent structural units, managers of bank branches, taking into account the general requirements presented in Table.

General requirements for candidates for participation

in the competitive recruitment to the corporate university

As part of the evaluation of candidates for participation in the training program, the key selection criteria are:

The results of the employee's activities;

The level of professionalism in the profile area;

Leadership skills;

Ability to think at a strategic level;

Focus on results, striving for new achievements;

Ability to communicate effectively with people;

Customer focus;

Innovation and creative approach to problem solving;

Ability to work effectively under conditions of uncertainty;

Learnability, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

High motivation to participate in the bank's corporate university training program.

In conclusion, it should be noted that staff training cannot be considered as an activity that is only auxiliary to the effective operation of the bank, since the determining condition for the economic health of a financial organization is its ability to quickly adapt to external and internal changes, and the corporate training system serves precisely these purposes.

Bibliographic list

1. Labor motivation of personnel of financial and credit organizations / Ed. Yu. G. Odegova. M.: Exam, 2002.

2. Social report of VTB Bank for 2009 [ Electronic resource]. URL: vtb. en/upload/iblock/3de/VTB_SR_2009-e. pdf.

R. Dolzhenko

departments of economics,

sociology of labor

and personnel management

Altai State


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According to experts - in the reluctance of most representatives of this direction to experience the products that they offer to others.

It is unlikely that any of us would dare to go to a restaurant, knowing that its chef never tastes his food. Because then almost certainly we will get something that does not meet expectations in any way. During one of his speeches, the famous restaurateur Bobby Flay said that for him the recipe is just a list of basic recommendations; and to achieve exceptional taste, you need to taste the dish during the entire cooking process.

Why then do corporate training specialists not want to attend courses that are held for company personnel? Without this, how can one be convinced of the exclusivity of the “taste” of corporate training programs?

Here are three questions that were posed to a group of experts in the field of organizational learning:

— Do you regularly take courses provided in electronic format?

Do you regularly participate in traditional training programs?

Are you currently working with a mentor to improve your professional level?

Interestingly, only a few answered “yes”. And if offered to attend a 24-hour classroom program, most asked if there was something shorter (although this is a typical duration of an internal training course).

But why shouldn't organizational learning professionals become tasters of their programs?

By taking one of the courses, its developer/manager can experience the methodology that is used. And this is always an opportunity to better understand the experience of people who are studying - to realize the essence of their needs and feel on their own skin the pressures and problems they face.

After completing the development of the course, be sure to check whether the course will work.

Do you need to answer a few questions to do this?

Does the stated learning objective match the learning objective identified in the needs analysis phase?
Does the training course reflect the real situation?
Are the levels of knowledge and skills required to achieve the learning objective taken into account?
Will the chosen methodology for assessing knowledge show the real achievement of goals?
Will the chosen metrics show the achievement of the goals of a motivated and unmotivated listener?

As a rule, while doing this, learning managers make “discoveries” for themselves that relate to the following aspects of e-learning:

1. The sequence of presentation of the material.

It is not uncommon for the sequence of course content to look very good in the presentation the course developer makes.

However, if you look at it from the point of view of program participants, it becomes clear that the order of placement of individual elements of content almost always needs to be adjusted. There is no elaborate "learning trajectory" in the course.

2. The level of knowledge of students.

In general, the content of training programs is designed for a lower level of knowledge than that which its participants actually have (for example, this may concern courses on the study of regulatory requirements, product lines). But if the training manager takes the course, he will understand how to effectively use the knowledge that his participants already possess.

3. Duration of the training course.

In many cases, when setting the time frame for a course, we are guided by certain "sacred" (though not necessarily realistic) assumptions. For some reason, it is believed that classroom programs should last from one to five days; webinars - 60 or 90 minutes, e-learning course module - from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

It has been practically proven that 4 courses of 15 minutes are more effective than one course lasting an hour. Imagine that you need to watch a 1-2 hour presentation, a video lecture from start to finish. Is it easy to do?

Unfortunately, very often the time frame of the course is planned before its content is fully defined, not to mention the fact that sometimes the specific situation in which the participants find themselves is not taken into account at all.
Don't start doing a course until we have everything educational material and course programs.

4. Variety of course elements.

Learning is a laborious and lengthy process. In order to facilitate the process and increase the effectiveness of training, a combination of various tools is needed:

- combine different types mental activity: watch, listen, read, write, answer, decide;

- combine simple and complex tasks or cases for optimal learning load;

- combine self-study, classes with a teacher, collective projects (cases), communication with other students;

- combine push and pull materials, when part of the information is given by the course, and the listener must find and learn the other part on his own.

Books, blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics, third-party courses all create a varied, interesting and effective learning experience that a person can immerse themselves in.

5. Practice is the most important part of learning.

One of the most important components of the learning process is practice.

If there are no practical tasks, cases, simulators in the course, then ask yourself the question: what is its purpose, is such a course necessary?

E-learning makes it possible to develop and use all kinds of simulators: in various formats, at various paces, with many attempts.

Workshops and simulators are the most rational and effective investment in training.

6. Motivation for learning.

Training managers very often do not take into account the motivation of staff for training. The training schedule is dominant. This has a very negative effect on the effectiveness of training.

Methods that work in corporate training:

- the most important motivational measure: the student must understand why he needs to study the course (goal, knowledge, skills, effect);
- KPI includes an additional coefficient for successful training;
— student ratings (by course, overall), visible to all employees or only in the training group;
— elements of gamification (badges/badges/achievements) visible to all users (puzomerki);
- an electronic portfolio of an employee, in which achievements and results are noted;
— virtual bonus points for completing courses and tests convertible into real prizes or bonuses;
- prizes for those who complete the course first / best of all (often done in retail where vendors sponsor product training for sellers);
— regular mailings to managers/trainees about the success of training (with highlighting the best and worst);
- competition between divisions.

7. Technological factor of education.

It is also extremely important to determine whether course participants can use the technology tools that are part of its structure easily, without spending extra time and effort on it. Otherwise, people simply will not be able to fully focus on the content of the program. A new trend in learning: mobile learning.

From the foregoing, three main elements of organizing effective e-learning can be formulated:

Elements of organizing effective e-learning:

1. Staff readiness:

declaration of goals and training tools;
diagnostic surveys;
motivational materials;

2. Research activation:

Scenarios, storytelling;
Additional materials;
blended learning;
social activities;
group work.
video instructions "How to do ...";

3. Fixing material:

Step by step instructions;
electronic simulators;
visualization of goals;
best practices and cases.

And one more very important thing: representatives of the corporate training direction should be in the mode of continuous beta testing - actively experimenting with new technologies, training formats and approaches to module design.

Here are some ideas to try:

Augmented reality. Mobile game Pokemon Go, which combines real and virtual worlds, quickly captured tens of millions of people. Test as many augmented and virtual reality programs as possible and consider which of them can be used in the context of organizational learning in due course.

Video 360. Using simple apps or inexpensive cameras, take a panoramic video; let users experiment with it.

Microlearning. Short training courses serve to achieve specific production goals or to increase the productivity of a company. One module is aimed at introducing one skill, changing one technological model, or solving one production problem.

Daily coaching. Identify some habit that needs to be changed first. Find someone among your colleagues who would agree to work on this with you daily for two to five minutes. For example, change the way you handle email and ask your colleague to certain time(say at 4:00 pm) observe how consistently you apply the new approach.

Internal e-library, media library, knowledge base.
The internal electronic "knowledge base" in the company provides a lot of opportunities for staff development.

Firstly, each employee will definitely look into the "knowledge base" by analogy with colleagues.

Secondly, reading or watching videos, courses, e-books immerses you in the learning environment.

Third, the company can realize the concept of a learning organization. Apply technology to manage employee learning.

Fourth, the company can implement continuous staff training. With a little effort and resources, create a corporate culture that supports continuous learning.

Infographics: elearninginfographics

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