What can replace the scaffolding. Features of the device and operation of the frontones of wooden houses How to paint the fronton at home without forests

The buildings 15.06.2019
The buildings

Do you like artificial flowers? They are beautiful, multicolored, are stored for a long time and you may be glad, but they are ineffating. For some reason, such associations cause me siding: yes it is elegant, yes practical, yes for a long time. But the soul is not lying, even though you are crazy ... I also drew attention to the fact that siding still "burns out" in the sun, and you can not paint it as a tree. Here in Finland, the main mass of houses is finished with wood, and stand, and very cute. What are we worse? After talking to friends and acquaintances, they found out that people whose houses painted Finnish paint (ticcurila) for years 8-9 years ago, still delighted and urged not to reinvent the bike. As a result, weighing everything "for" and "against", we decided that the fronton of our house would be from the tree and painted with Ticcurila. Walking around the store and comparing colors and varieties, stopped on a series of dark brown (2665). She is on water basedIt smells pleasant, and if I did not have time to dry, it is washed off with water without problems. Tassel after work, it is also easy to launder simply, under the jet of running water.

Of all sorts of varieties of the bodies decided to use the imitation of the bar. Fucked on the self-tapping screw in top Bruus, so that the screws in the eyes did not throw. In principle, the technology is simple: it is necessary to first make a crate, and then upward upwards, to screw the imitation journey with a screwdriver.

At first, the longest 6-thyme boards were used, screwing them in the middle of the front (in the photo it can be seen), and then he was cut off from 6 meters as needed. It is difficult to cope with this work, so I asked Denis's friend to set.

At the very top, they feel quite uncomfortable, so it is better to use insurance. It is not on the photo, but I used it at all)))) it's especially scary when you screw the last plan and stay no longer for that, so that everyone neatly !!!

Thus, both fronton were closed, and it turned out that this matter is not a couple of days, and even in the pictures it can be seen that the central part has already managed to darken in the sun compared to side.

At some point, the material was not enough. Initially, however, it was so conceived, so as not to buy extra, and as needed, bought, reaching the store by car. In principle, calculate the frontoth is not difficult. It is necessary to find its area in multiplying the base of the triangle at its height and do not forget to lay standard extra 10%.

I really like it when the end of the roof skate looks massively. I thought for a long time how to do it, eventually came to such a design. As a basis, he took two such a bar with a cross section of 5x10. They mounted them alone, so that such clamps came to help me.

One bar attached straight to the frontoth, healthy self-drawing (about 80 mm long), the second at a distance of 2.5 cm from the roof edge. Why 2.5? It is simply an approximate thickness of the timing of a bar, which subsequently closed all this economy. Imitation, I removed the Electrolake "Schip" (the one that is inserted into the grooves) and it turned out a flatteful pretty plank. And you need to act neatly so as not to reflect with the corners. I acted as follows: first put this imitation with a pushed spike at the place, then attached building level, in that place where I need to unlock the corner and, already across the fact, stolen and scheduling. That is, all the corners were sawned in place. Pill specifically purchased for all these goals in shallow wood-hacksaw.

So I did all the frontones at home.

After that we processed special OilAs the paint manufacturer recommends.

And painted, not neglecting child labor)))

He studied like this. And everything with your own hands))

About how to choose bitumen tiles ...

We want to paint the fronttones country house. What kind of paint is best used for this: oil or acrylic?

That the frontones would hold out in good condition as long as possible,

Before painting, to start using the base. This is such a primer that penetrates deeply, has antibacterial effects.

And then use paint. We used Belink. It lasted for more than three years. Maybe still standing, but decided to sew the house siding. By the way, also a good option. And absolutely does not cause care for care. Yes recommendations refer to Wooden Frontones.

Chose the paint according to the instructions in the store) they also learned about the base.

Good luck in repair!

You did not indicate the material from which the frontones are made. So if you have aerated concrete frontones, it is strictly forbidden to paint them with oil, since this type of LKM form a hermetic film that does not allow the wall to breathe. This lack most builders consider decisive and precisely on this more and less often use this type of coating.

Acrylic paints today (if you certainly choose solid producers) This is an environmentally friendly, easy-to-use product that does not cause harm treated surface.

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Hello, seed! On the front, 5 years ago, a black board and twice with pinotex, it appeared black - not throughout the length, but only at the bottom, above the first floor. How can I remove it or at least stop the process of blameing (rotting?) Thank you.

Larisa, Voronezh.

Hi, Larisa from Voronezh!

One of the disadvantages of wood is that under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, its surface in the open air begins to darken. If you look old log housesAll logs have a grayish-dark color. Yes, then it was not customary to cover the logs by any paints. Coating various straight-colorful compositions is only temporary protection and over time it requires its update.

The appearance is not yours pine boards The black fronton is at the bottom of the lower part indicates that oblique rain on top to the frontton can not get on, since it is in top of it to some extent protects the fRONTON. And the bottom is already in such an extent being protected, therefore it will black. Despite the coating double pinotex.

Owners wooden houses Trying to leave this situation in different ways.

Firstly, increasing the mentioned sink sometimes to the meter, that however, it does not save the position, the rain will still get the lower surfaces of the boards.

Secondly, using the darker coloring of coatings, then the black is not as noticeable as it happens with brighter tonalities.

Third coatings are carried out with a periodicity of 3 to 4 years, then their protective layer More effectively opposes rain moisture.

And finally, the fourth uses more shelled and durable coatings. In the past three or four years, we use the Belink of several colors, mostly dark, naturally, that it hides the structure of the wood, but it does not have to choose. It's one thing when it is covered in fresh wood with nothing painted. Then you can take bright hues Do not hide wood structure. And completely different when already on the blackened.

By the way the overwhelming majority of various wood coatings on the Spirit do not tolerate the preliminary coating by their various antiseptics. If such is happening, then after a couple of years, these coatings begin as a result of heighters (appearance on the surface of wood crystals of various salts) to contact them and subsequent coatings are peeling and peeling, they require immediate painting.

Belinka is like matte and glossy, choose the one that impresses you.

Coatings are carried out along a dry purified surface of the wood. The more layers, the better. Optimal is considered when you paint for yourself - three-layer coating. Eight years should be enough for years. Next will not make it up.

True, Belinka is expensive. In this 2014, the price of its ten-tesl tillers raises for 5,000 rubles. But it is worth it. If only it would not run into the stacked Kulibins, and the farther, the more likely it. Although we have not yet been running out.

That is, in your position, the option is a good cleaning of old surfaces, both blackened and not very. Drying and three-layer coating, better brush, it rubs the coating much more efficient than splashing by the compressor.

Everything. Good luck!

Ask a question Seeds (author's author)

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Painting wooden house - Interesting and at the same time a rather complicated event that includes the phased a complex approach. If you plan to fulfill all the work with your own hands, it is important to study theoretical component here and already in practice it is intended.

Professional painting of wooden houses is carried out by experts who have a rich practical experience of holding such events. It should be noted that the painting of the facade is carried out using scaffolding In case of a small home.

And if we are talking about a big building, specialized technique comes to the rescue lifting deviceBy which you can perform work on finishing the facade even at high altitude.

But the principle of performing work on painting the facade, as a small wooden houseand a serious high structure distinctive features has no.

Immediately we note that the cost of painting 1 sq. M of the wooden house can reach up to 500 p. Only for finishing services, not counting the costs of materials. Therefore, it is advisable to perform work with your own hands, as well as get some practical experience from the events.

Stroke work

Preparation of the work surface of the facade of a wooden house

Before starting work on painting, you should pre-build scaffolding Or take them on time for rent in a specialized firm.

Clean the space near the house at a distance of at least two meters, then prepare the surface.

Preparation of the surface of the walls of the house includes:

  • Dismantling window shutter;
  • Dismantling electrical devices (lights, plaffones, video surveillance systems, television antennas, cable, etc.);
  • Stringing windows polyethylene film or newspaper;
  • Cleaning the walls of the facade from old paint. or varnish (if any) with metal scrapers or grinding machines;
  • Pre-primer of walls (it is recommended to primitive the base twice by drying the first layer) with special soil-solutions with improved clutch and reducing the total consumption of paints and varnishes.

Primer working base

The prerequisite for the preparation of the work surface is the primer of the walls of the house. Without this procedure, all your work will be performed in vain, as the paint will quickly sweep as time and start peeling. Without performing this procedure, somewhere in a year or two you will have to update your facade again.

Any acrylic primer from russian manufacturers Not necessarily expensive, the main thing is that it goes to perform external work.

It is desirable to acquire the composition already ready for use without a dilution with water or other liquids.

Grounding the walls need carefully and necessarily for two navigation, having previously dried the first main layer.

After the primer dries, you can start directly to the painting itself.

Try to prepare the walls of the facade as much as possible, because how qualitatively the preparation of the walls of a wooden house will be performed - in the future the entire end result of these measures will depend on.

Choose a suitable paint for the facade

After carrying out preparatory events It should be declared which paint is better for painting a wooden house fit precisely in your version. The choice of specialized trading points offer a mass of finishing materials.

Note that there is no need to acquire too expensive materials, overpaying, mainly for the promoted brand.

ON A NOTE! Domestic manufacturers in some cases are not inferior in quality and assortment to foreign brands, and in most cases, domestic paint for painting a wooden house is better in many parameters. , pay attention to the Russian manufacturers, and also compare the price category of certain materials.

But it is important to choose the paint for the facade, i.e., for external work. It is more resistant to aggressive atmospheric natisas and UV radiation.

We list some Russian manufacturers of paint materials, which can be preferred when choosing:

  • "Tikkurila";
  • Paints of the brand "Tex";
  • "Russian paints";
  • "Empils";
  • "Lakokraska";
  • Paints of the Zagorsk paint plant;
  • Circassian in him. Z. S. Tsakhilova, etc.

"Tikkurila" - the perfect choice

Production products producers are most popular in our country, and, given the volumes of their production and implementation finished products, It is possible to judge primarily about the quality, demand and accessibility of paint products.

Regarding how much paints need paint for painting a wooden house - to say unequivocally difficult, it all depends on the working basis.

It is necessary to take into account how correctly it is prepared, as well as how rationally, the application itself will be carried out with their own hands. One master can paint a certain amount of 5 square meter. m, walls, and the other paint volume is only 3 square meters. m.!

Approximate consumption of material for painting a wooden facade of the house can be calculated based on the instructions of the manufacturer of paintwork materials provided on the tare itself.

Tip! Do not buy a lot consumables Immediately. It is better to purchase a small part first, and then in the course of work to calculate the rest of the amount of the desired material. Thus, you definitely do not lose and, perhaps save a decent amount of money, given the fact that quite expensive.

Methods of painting at home

Possible various options Painting a wooden house with your own hands, it all depends on your taste and skill. If there is an opportunity and desire, you can create a suitable design project, clearly demonstrating the possible combination of colors when painting a wooden house, as well as the use of different geometric combination when finishing the facade.

The photo below shows examples of painting wooden houses.

Prayes of the facade of a wooden house independently

So, the walls of the facade of the house prepared forests, stepladers and stairs are installed, the material, and the tools are purchased can safely begin work.

The following attributes will be needed for work:

  • Gloves and protective rob;
  • Safety glasses and respirator;
  • Kuvette ( special bath for paint and primer);
  • Paint brushes and rollers with different widths;
  • Telescopic tube for roller;

Paint the bottom back and left to right (it is recommended if the master is not left-hand). Do not rush on different sites Walls, it is better to gradually move from one unpainted section of the wall to another, not giving in this way to grab paint, and thereby thoroughly roll the started site.

By completing the work from the bottom, you should climb the forest or the stepladder and repeat the procedure on the top of the walls of the facade. Painting the front of the wooden house and window platbands (if any) will be the final stage in the wooden house.


So, summarize what needs to be done for the transformation of your facade:

  • Decide on design project;
  • Purchase everything necessary materials and tools;
  • Thoroughly prepare a working surface;
  • Clear about the facade space;
  • If necessary, establish scaffolding, stepladers or stairs;
  • When performing work, follow safety.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the finishing of facades of houses from wood. If you have some basic theoretical skills and attach a little effort in practice, it is quite possible to paint at home with your own hands. And our article-instruction will certainly help you in this.

In addition, it is pretty to save on attracting specialists from various firms and finishing facades, the price for the services of which can reach round sums. And considering the fact that employees of firms and the more private brigades may not justify your expectations, independent painting at home - optimal option in this situation.

For a complete picture of perception, we suggest you watch the video in this article.

The frontton is called the upper final part of the building of the building that may have various shapes Depending on the roof design. The main purpose of the front is the defense attic room From atmospheric precipitation and wind. Also, such a design plays a role in the decoration of the facade and the creation of a presentable type of building. To perform these tasks, the Painting of the Fronton is regularly performed. Make an order in our company to perform high-altitude painting works electronic address.

Fronttones are located at high altitude. Together with the coloring of this part of the construction, you can make staining of the facade and roof. Industrial climbers perform the paintery of the front of the front and promptly.

Topberry malaries choose paintwork compositions with a type of material from which the frontton is built. The design of the top of the facade is often made of the same material as the entire facade. Applying paintwork materials on the surface of the front is preceded by the removal of the old layer of paint and various kinds of contaminants. In addition, when working with wooden fronton Specialists handle the purified surface with antiseptics that prevent rotting and mold.

Photos of work

Prices for Painting Fronton

Features of the color of the fronton

The composition to be stained with the frontton should effectively resist the wind and moisture. Experts use alkyd, silicone, latex and oil paints. Alkyd and latex compositions are distinguished by the greatest versatility. They protect the surface from atmospheric phenomena, and also have a wide color palette.

Painting Fronton is performed in the following order:

  • choice suitable paint;
  • purification of the surface of the front;
  • an increase in the adhesion properties of the surface;
  • applying new layers of painting.

Layers paintwork Applied with help wide brushes or roller. For quick color of the fronton big Square It is possible to use special devices that feed the paint with a mechanized manner.

The company's specialists produce both primary (in building a building) and re-painting of frontones (with the wear of the old finish).

In painting the fronton, it is possible to increase its functionality, as well as provide a presentable view of the house.


15/05/2016 Natalia Kolesnikova

The company "Alptechnology" performs all types of high-altitude, assembly, electrical, repair and construction work. Our specialists will advise you on all issues related to the implementation of the service will develop technical solution, will pick up the necessary materials.

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  • We carry out work with the forms of full-time certified promalpinters with construction skills and admission to work.
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