Primorsky Krai. Reference information about Primorsky Krai. Primorye: where is it? Population, geography of Primorsky Krai

Site arrangement 22.09.2019
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within the Russian Federation. Formed in 1938 G. by extracting from ex. Far East region. Name by location in Primorye.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .

Primorsky Krai

in the south of the mainland Far East , incl. also a number of islands in the hall. Peter the Great Sea of ​​Japan. Pl. 165.9 thousand km². occupied by medium highlands Sikhote-Alin (up to 1855 m) with a characteristic hilly relief, swampy lowlands. only to the west (Prikhankayskaya and Ussuriyskaya). The climate is temperate monsoonal: cold winter (average January temperatures from -10 °С on the coast to -27 °С in the hinterland) with little snow, with strong winds; summer is warm (the warmest month is August, the average temperature is 21 ° C, the maximum is up to 40 ° C) and humid; showers are frequent, especially during the passage of typhoons. Precipitation from 600 to 900 mm or more per year. The river network is dense, the slope of the Sikhote-Alin is being drained Ussuri and its tributaries (bass. Amur). Rivers east. the slopes are short and rapids, flowing into the Sea of ​​Japan. There are few lakes, they stand out in size Khanka and Hassan. Forests cover more than 2/3 of the territory, coniferous-broad-leaved forests predominate (the so-called Ussuri taiga) with a rich species composition of trees, herbs and shrubs (Korean pine, Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, magnolia vine, actinidia, eleutherococcus, etc.). Representatives of the south coexist. and sowing fauna, many endemics (Ussuri tiger, leatherback turtle, goral, etc.). They are protected in the Sikhote-Alin, Lazovsky, Far Eastern Marine Reserves and in the Kedrovaya Pad Reserve. Of the minerals, the most important are polymetallic ores (tin, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc.) and coal deposits.
Europeans received the first information about Primorye after the voyage of La Perouse (end of the 18th century). Russian sea expeditions explored the coast in the first half of the 19th century. By that time, approx. 20 thousand indigenous people. The development of the region began after the foundation Vladivostok(1860, now the administrative center), in the main. settlers from the European part of Russia. Peasant villages were created and Cossack villages, some subsequently grew into cities ( Ussuriysk , Spassk-Dalniy ). Population 2068 thousand people (2002), density 12.5 people. per 1 km², 78% live in cities; Russians 87%; Ukrainians 8%, Belarusians 1%. The most densely populated: nizm. West and coast - port (bays Nakhodka, Olga, Rudnaya pier) and mining. ( Arseniev , Partizansk , Rudny, Dalnegorsk) districts.
The industry is focused on fish processing, mining and machinery. Sat. The farm gravitates toward the plains in the west, where grain and fodder crops and soybeans are grown. App. vegetable-in, birds-in and live-in are concentrated around prom. centers. There are fur-breeding and reindeer-breeding (harvesting of antlers) farms. In recent years, Primorsky Krai has been holding the 1st place in the collection of honey (5294 tons in 1997). Ports of Vladivostok and finds, which are east. destinations Trans-Siberian Railway , serve as transshipment points for transit cargo, incl. sent to the north of the Far East and Far North. Highway network. roads connects major us. edge points.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Primorsky Krai of Russia (cm. Russia) located in the south of the Russian Far East. The area of ​​the region is 165.9 thousand square meters. km, the population is 2157.7 thousand people, 78% of the population lives in cities (2001). The region includes 24 districts, 12 cities, 46 urban-type settlements (2001). The administrative center is the city of Vladivostok; large cities: Nakhodka, Arseniev, Artem, Dalnegorsk, Ussuriysk. The region was formed on October 20, 1938 and is part of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Leading branches of the regional industry: mechanical engineering, mining, woodworking, shipbuilding and ship repair ("Dalzavod"), production of building materials, fishing industry ("Dalmoreprodukt", "Primorrybprom", "Vladivostok base of trawl and refrigerated fleet", "Base of active sea fishing") . Rice, buckwheat, oats, wheat, fodder crops, soybeans, potatoes are grown in Primorye, and they are engaged in vegetable and fruit growing. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming, fur farming (mink), deer antler breeding are developed here.

natural conditions
Primorsky Krai is located on the southeastern outskirts of Russia, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. To the north it is bordered by Khabarovsk Territory (cm. Khabarovsk region), to the west with China (cm. China), in the southwest with Korea (cm. Democratic People's Republic of Korea), in the east and south, for a distance of one and a half thousand km, it is washed by the Sea of ​​​​Japan. The central and eastern parts of the Primorsky Territory are occupied by the Sikhote-Alin mountains (up to 1855 m high), in the west - the Ussuri and Khanka lowlands. The main river is the Ussuri with tributaries; there are many small, mostly mountainous rivers in the Sea of ​​Japan basin on the territory of the region. In the southwest there is a large lake Khanka. The rivers of Primorye are used as rafting routes.
The climate is moderately monsoonal. average temperature January from -12 °C on the coast to -27 °C in mainland areas. Summer is warm and rainy. The average temperature in July is from +14 °C to +21 °C. Precipitation falls 600-900 mm per year. The snow cover melts very quickly, almost without forming melt water. Summer in Primorye is damp, but warm, in areas remote from the sea it is even hot. Typhoons are not uncommon in late summer and autumn. On the coast, intense fogs turning into drizzle. Autumn in Primorye is the best time of the year - warm, dry and clear. The air temperature drops slowly and the heat is retained for a long time. In early October, leaf fall begins in the autumn forests. In late October - early November, a sharp cold snap sets in and a long winter comes with low air temperatures. It lasts 3-3.5 months in the southwest, and 4-5 months in the central and northern regions. In mountainous areas, the greatest thickness of snow cover is 85-100 centimeters. In the south, the snow cover is unstable. Primorsky Krai is located in the zone of deciduous forests. Forests occupy 90% of its territory. Main species: Ayan spruce, Korean cedar, Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut.
In the north of the region - fir-spruce and larch forests. In the south - Manchurian forests (among the vines - Amur grapes, magnolia vine, actinidia). Diverse animal world: goral, spotted deer, red deer, roe deer, musk deer, elk, raccoon dog, Ussuri cat, wolverine, sable, Siberian weasel, fox, otter, over a hundred species of fish: salmon, herring, sea bass, flounder, halibut, greenling, pollock, tuna, saury, mackerel, sardine. In coastal waters, trepangs, mollusks, mussels, scallops, sea urchins, and algae are fished. In the Primorsky Territory there are reserves: the Far East Marine, Kedrovaya Pad, Lazovsky, Sikhote-Alinsky, Ussuriysky, Khankaysky; resorts Sadgorod, Shmakovka.

The most ancient settlements in Primorye were discovered on the territory of the present Nakhodka region. They belong to the Paleolithic era. Ancient settlements (there are more than 50 of them) cover the period from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages in the south of the Russian Far East (the chronological stage between the 4th and 16th centuries) coincided with the periods of the emergence, prosperity and death of the states of Bohai (698-926), Jin (115-1234), Eastern Xia (1215-1233). During this period, agriculture, crafts began to develop in Primorye, trade arose, cities appeared, there was a mixture of pastoral and agricultural cultures of the Far East with the developed agricultural and urban economy of the Chinese.
The territory of the South Ussuri Territory was included in the Russian state according to the Aigun (1858) and Beijing (1860) treaties with China. Administratively, the region became part of the Primorskaya Oblast, which was formed in 1856. The Ussuri region was very sparsely populated: in 1861 there were less than 20 thousand people in it. Governor General Eastern Siberia N. N. Muravyov (for the conclusion of the Aigun Treaty he was awarded the title of Count of Amur) was the leader of the expedition, which in 1859 explored the northwestern coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and determined the place for a military post, the future capital of Primorye - Vladivostok. Then military posts were founded on Lake Khanka, in Olga's Bay. In 1865-1869, Cossack settlements were built on the Ussuri River, later the Ussuri Cossack Army arose, whose task was to protect the borders.
The Russian government encouraged immigrants to the Ussuri region, which was declared free for settlement by peasants who did not have land, and people of all classes who wanted to move at their own expense. Each family of settlers was given a plot of land up to 100 acres (109 hectares) for free use, the settlers were forever exempted from the poll tax and for 10 years from recruitment duty. The influx of peasants to the South Ussuri Territory increased markedly: in 1861-1881, three thousand people arrived, and in 1883-1899 - about 50 thousand people, and in 1897 the region had about 150 thousand people.
An important role in the development of Primorye and all of Siberia was played by construction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Trans-Siberian Railway, which connected the Far East with Central Russia. The economic development of Primorye took place on the basis of market relations, although private right to land was limited. Agriculture was the leading branch of agriculture; winter and spring wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, potatoes, legumes, sunflower, corn, sugar beets, hemp, flax, and tobacco were grown here. Since the end of the 19th century, gardening, horticulture, melon growing developed, cattle, horses, pigs were bred, antler reindeer breeding was born.
The industrial development of Primorye was carried out primarily through the development of natural resources: coal deposits (near the bay of Posyet, Suchana), gold (on Askold Island), polymetallic ores. By the end of the 19th century, the extraction of fish and seafood (seaweed, trepangs, crabs) acquired industrial importance. In the 1890s, on the basis of the timber industry, the woodworking industry began to develop: five steam sawmills, a match and plywood factories were built, printing production arose, and the first power plants appeared. Based on the ship repair workshops built in 1864, a ship repair plant (now Dalzavod) was established in Vladivostok. Vladivostok by 1914 entered the top five largest ports in Russia. More than a dozen consulates and a large number of foreign trade missions were opened in the city.
In 1922, the region was transformed into the Primorsky province, which was part of the Far Eastern Region (FER). In 1926, the Far Eastern District was transformed into the Far Eastern Territory (DVK), and the Primorsky Governorate, first into the Vladivostok District, then (since 1932) into the Primorsky and Ussuri Regions. In 1938, Primorsky Krai was formed with the administrative center of Vladivostok.
In the 1920s, the private sector played a dominant role in the economy of Primorye. The New Economic Policy here has put down strong roots and lasted longer than in Central Russia. Two-thirds of the economy was in the hands of foreign capital. Among the large foreign firms, such as Kunst and Albers and Brynner stood out. The largest foreign concession was the English mining "Tetyukhe Mining Corporation" (1925-1931), engaged in the search, exploration, development and processing of silver-lead-zinc ores of the Tetyukhe deposit in the north of Primorye. But since the late 1920s, the city has become closed to foreigners, all foreign enterprises were closed.
In the early 1930s, forced industrialization began in Primorye, and then collectivization. The construction of roads began, new industrial enterprises(mountain, forest, fish, ship repair). Coal mines were reconstructed. The fishing industry remained one of the leading industries of the region. Also developed different kinds transport - rail, air, significantly increased the capabilities of the Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO). In agriculture, collective farms were created, wealthy peasants were dispossessed and repressed.
Stormy economic development required an influx of new work force. The resettlement to the Far East of workers and peasant families from the central regions of Russia, as well as demobilized Red Army soldiers, was organized. Prison labor began to be widely used. At the end of 1929, departments of the Far East camp (Dallag, later Vladlag) and the Second River transit camp (Vladivostok) were organized in Primorye, from where the prisoners were delivered to Kolyma to the North-Eastern camps by steamboats. Prisoners in Vladivostok worked on construction and loading operations, in Nikolsk-Ussuriysky and Spassk-Dalny they mined gold on Askold Island, in Suchan and Artyom - coal, harvested timber in the taiga and fish along the entire coast of Primorye.
In the years Stalinist repressions(especially in 1937-1938), tens of thousands of people were arrested, sent to camps and shot, and all residents of the Korean (to Kazakhstan and Central Asia) and Chinese (mainly to China) nationalities, in total - about 200 thousand people. Despite forced evictions, deportations, executions, and return migration, the population of Primorye grew rapidly in the 1930s. By 1940, its number reached 939 thousand people. During the Second World War, Primorye was in the rear, although the danger of a Japanese attack persisted for a long time. The production of military equipment and shells was established here, the extraction of timber, coal, rare and non-ferrous metals continued.
After the end of the war, Primorsky Krai continued to develop as an industrial and agricultural region of the Far East. More and more deposits of coal and ores were being developed, mining and processing plants and new power plants were being built. The fishing industry was replenished with trawlers, seiners, refrigerators. A large flow of transportation was carried out by the Far Eastern Railway, the port of Vladivostok. A new large port of Nakhodka was built, which in the 1970-1980s became one of the largest in the Russian Federation. Since the 1980s, another new seaside port, Vostochny, began to operate near Nakhodka. By the mid-1960s, new industries were created for the region: chemical, electrical, instrument-making, instrumental, porcelain, and furniture.
The population of the region by 1979 reached 1 million 381 thousand people. Along with Vladivostok and Ussuriysk, the cities of Nakhodka, Spassk, Lesozavodsk, Arsenyev, the settlements of Dalnegorsk and Kavalerovo, which became industrial centers, rapidly developed. But the costly economy of "developed socialism" could not ensure the efficiency of the economy. After the collapse Soviet Union Primorye experienced the difficulties of the transition period. In 1992 Vladivostok was opened for foreign citizens: tourists, businessmen, small entrepreneurs.

The mud and seaside resort Sadgorod is located 26 km from Vladivostok. The sanatorium, located in a forested area, has a beach with a silt bottom on the shore of the Corner Bay. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, female infertility are treated here. In Shmakovka (335 km from Vladivostok) there are several sanatoriums. The oldest of them - the military. It is located in a park on the banks of the Ussuri River, surrounded by spurs of the Sikhote-Alin ridge. Height above sea level - 90 m. Sharply continental climate, warm summers, subtropical vegetation and main factor- carbonic mineral water with a wide range of microelements create conditions here for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract.
Sanatorium "Izumrudny" is located in the village of Gornye Klyuchi on the banks of the Ussuri. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated here. For a more active holiday in the region there are several recreation centers. Among them: "Gold Coast" (25 km from Vladivostok, in Shamora), "Eagle" (in Kuchelinskaya Pad). Fans of water trips can make a trip on kayaks, catamarans along the rivers Bolshaya Ussurka, Bikin, Armu, Zeva, Kema (drag between them).
The Far East Marine Reserve is located in Peter the Great Bay. It was founded in 1978 to preserve valuable species - inhabitants of the shelf of the Sea of ​​Japan. The area of ​​the reserve is 64 thousand hectares (of which 63 thousand hectares are water area), the reserve includes nine islands. The territory consists of three sections: eastern, western and southern. The eastern section includes the islands of the Rimsky-Korsakov archipelago. The western section is located in Posyet Bay on the southern coast of the Krabe Peninsula, the southern section is off the western coast of Posyet Bay and includes the islands of Furugelm, Vera and Falshivy.
Marine flora in the reserve includes about 800 species of algae, marine fauna - about 250 species of fish, numerous species of invertebrates. The main goal of creating the reserve is to preserve the gene pool of marine organisms, commercial, as well as rare and endangered species. The Rimsky-Korsakov Archipelago - a zone of complete conservation, Posyet Bay and Furugelm Island - a site for the reproduction of trepang, scallop, giant oyster; Popov Island - a museum of the nature of the sea and its protection. The Khanka Reserve was founded in 1990 on the territory of the Khanka Lowland, near Lake Khanka. Its area is 38 thousand hectares. The main wealth of the reserve is semiaquatic and waterfowl. Among them are Japanese and white-naped cranes, red-footed ibis, spoonbill.
The population of the city of Spassk-Dalniy is 55.4 thousand people (2001). It was founded by settlers around 1886 as the village of Spasskoye, near which in 1906 the Evgenievka station of the Ussuri railroad was built. In 1917 the village was transformed into the city of Spassk. During the years of the Civil War, the Spassk operation (“Storm Nights of Spassk”) was carried out in the area of ​​Spassk-Dalny. In 1926, the station settlement of Evgenievka became part of the city. Since 1929 - Spassk-Dalniy. Back in 1908, on the basis of limestone and clay deposits near Evgenievka, the first was built, in 1932-1934 - the second, and in 1976 - the Novospassky cement plant. Architecture and sights: the building of the railway station, the men's gymnasium. On the territory of Spassk-Dalny - a protected natural monument (since 1981) Spasskaya Cave.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .


The day of formation of Primorsky Krai is celebrated today, October 20.

On October 20, 1938, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Far Eastern Territory was divided into the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions. On this day, 78 years ago, Primorsky Krai received its modern name and acquired its current administrative-territorial status.

Initially, the Primorsky Territory included the Primorsky and Ussuri Regions. Today, Primorye consists of 12 urban districts and 22 municipal districts, totaling 659 settlements.

The year of foundation of Primorsky Krai left a mark in its history with the famous Khasan events - an armed border conflict in the area of ​​​​Lake Khasan and the Tumannaya River. The newly minted region passed the first test successfully.

In the modern history of Russia, the Primorsky Territory, due to its geopolitical position, has a special role to play - to become a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. The federal law about the Free Port of Vladivostok marked the beginning of a new era, and in part the return of the old, when the port of Vladivostok had the status of a free port and was the largest sea harbor in the region

In 1940, the population of Primorsky Krai already reached 939 thousand people.

In 1941, Primorsky Krai, together with the whole country, rose to fight Nazi Germany, becoming a closed fortified base. naval forces Pacific Fleet. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Primorye has played a huge role in providing Soviet troops, transporting the lion's share of Lend-Lease cargo.

On September 2, 1945, it was here, in Primorye, that the Second World War ended.

In the postwar years, the region became the most industrially developed region of the Far East, a major industrial and agricultural center with a predominantly raw material specialization.

In the 50s of the 20th century, rapid housing construction began in Primorye. Visiting the region in 1953, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev ordered to make Vladivostok "a better city than San Francisco."

Industries such as fishing, timber, non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, chemical and mechanical engineering were given national importance. The electric power industry, as well as the construction, fuel, light and food industries, developed.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, new industries began to be created for the region: chemical, electrical, instrumental, and instrument making. Enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry were built. By the beginning of the 70s in Primorye there were more than 300 industrial productions. The share of Primorye in the export deliveries of products of the Far Eastern enterprises, which were in demand in more than 50 countries of the world, was up to 50%.

By the end of the 70s, the population of Primorsky Krai reached almost 2 million people.

In 1992, a significant event for the history of the region took place - Vladivostok again became open to foreign citizens.

In the modern history of Russia, the Primorsky Territory, due to its geopolitical position, has a special role to play - to become a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. The Federal Law on the Free Port of Vladivostok marked the beginning of a new era, and in part the return of the old one, when the port of Vladivostok had the status of a free port and was the largest sea harbor in the region.

The eastern vector of Russia's development, designated by the country's leadership, is being embodied in large-scale and significant projects implemented in the Primorsky Territory.

Primorsky Krai is an amazingly picturesque and simply unique place in the Russian Far East. Nature lovers will find here beautiful hills, the coast of the non-freezing Sea of ​​Japan, the bewitching underwater world, the unique Ussuri taiga, the mountain slopes of the Sikhote-Alin, nature reserves. And fans of extreme sports will surely like river rafting and comfortable ski slopes, sailing and windsurfing.

Primorye occupies the most extreme part of the south-east of Russia. It borders on land with the Khabarovsk Territory, China and North Korea, and in the east and south it is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. The composition of Primorsky Krai, in addition to the mainland, includes numerous islands.

Among the diversity of ecotourism in Primorye, the sea is the most developed. These are sea cruises, active holidays on the coast and islands, and, of course, diving. In addition, here you can do adventure, sports and hunting, fishing (amateur underwater fishing, fishing and photography), health, as well as extreme (equestrian sports, caving, surfing, parachuting, paragliding, kiting, skiing, snowboard) tourism.

The major cities of the region are Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Artem, Arseniev, Spassk-Dalniy, Partizansk, Dalnegorsk, Lesozavodsk, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnerechensk, Fokino.

The population is about 2.1 million people. Difference with Moscow in time: ahead of Moscow by 7 hours.

Weather in Primorsky Krai

Winter in Primorsky Krai is long, with low temperatures. In the central and northern regions of the region it lasts 4-5 months, in the south-west 3-3.5 months. The weather in winter is mostly clear and sunny. The first snow appears on the peaks of the Sikhote-Alin already in early October. The average temperature in January is from +12.5 °С to -23.9 °С.

Spring in Primorye is cold, lasting 2-3 months. The average April temperature is +3...+5 °C. Frosts in the foothills and mountains of the Sikhote-Alin can be until mid-June, and on the Khanka Plain - until the first half of May.

Summers are warm, and in areas far from the sea, even hot, but damp. The warmest month in the continental regions is July, on the coast - August. Autumn is warm and dry. The air temperature drops slowly. Warmth lasts especially long in coastal areas, where autumn is the best time of the year.

Primorsky Krai has a number of specific climate features: monsoon character associated with frequent typhoons; high air humidity; a large number of days with strong winds, fogs; short duration of stable snow cover in the southern and foothill areas.

Tourist safety

In Primorye, blood-sucking insects are widespread, as well as carriers of a number of dangerous natural focal diseases.

In the bays and bays of the Sea of ​​Japan during the swimming season, a poisonous jellyfish (cross) often appears in large numbers.

The main resorts of Primorsky Krai

The best resort region of Primorye is the southern coast and the islands of Peter the Great Bay. This area has the best natural characteristics and picturesque landscapes. The shores are heavily indented, but there are many wide sandy beaches and forest areas on the adjacent terraces and slopes.

Excellent places for tourism and recreation are located in the foothill areas of the right-bank tributaries of the Ussuri, the central and northern parts of the Sikhote-Alin. Ancient extinct volcanoes are also of constant interest, especially the Baranovsky volcano (Razdolnaya river) and the volcanoes located on Cape Povorotny and Cape Olimpiada.

Primorsky Krai also has unique opportunities on the organization of medical and health-improving types of tourism.

Primorsky Krai also has unique opportunities for organizing medical and recreational tourism. There is not just an impressive supply of natural healing and health resources, rich deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, but also unique springs, which have no analogues anywhere else in the world.

There are more than 3 thousand lakes in the Primorsky Territory. Khanka is the largest. Also, several small lakes ranging from 0.2 to 3.3 square meters. km are located in the south of the region, in the Khasan district. The salt lake Talmi is also located here.

Entertainment and attractions

On the territory of Primorye there are more than 2 thousand archaeological and historical monuments, which have a large cultural significance. About 900 of them belong to the era of the primitive communal system (paleolithic, mesolithic and neolithic settlements) and to the middle ages (the first public entities- states of Bohai, Jurchen).

There are more than 2 thousand archaeological and historical monuments on the territory of Primorye.

Of interest are the areas of the Posyet Bay basin (about 120 monuments), the surroundings of the village. Chernigovka (about 180 monuments), as well as the valley of the Razdolnaya River, the upper reaches of the Ussuri River, the basin of the Ilista River, and certain sections of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Hunting in Primorsky Krai

Here they hunt elk, red deer, wild boar, roe deer, spotted deer, brown bear; from small animals - a brown hare, a white hare, a Manchurian hare, a badger, a fox; from field game - pheasant; from waterfowl - geese, ducks and sandpipers. In addition, there is commercial hunting for fur-bearing animals - wolf, sable, squirrel, mink, otter, raccoon dog and muskrat.

Of greatest interest is hunting for male deer during the roar and on salt licks. The most productive lands are located in the Chuguevsky, Olginsky, Krasnoarmeisky, Terneysky and Pozharsky districts. Roe deer hunting opens only in autumn winter period.

Of greatest interest is hunting for male deer during the roar and on salt licks.

In addition, the largest subspecies of the wild boar lives in the Primorsky Territory. Hunting is often done from the approach in places of feeding, as well as very reckless hunting with dogs. Wild boar habitats: Anuchinsky, Partizansky, Lazovsky, Olginsky, Chuguevsky, Krasnoarmeisky and Pozharsky districts.

Spotted deer are sought in Khasansky, Nadezhdinsky, Ussuriysky and Shkotovsky regions. The elk lives only in the deaf and hard-to-reach places of the Krasnoarmeisky, Pozharsky and Terney regions.

The brown bear habitat includes the territories of Anuchinsky, Chuguevsky, Olginsky, Dalnerechensky, Krasnoarmeisky, Terneisky and Pozharsky districts. From traditional types bear hunting is considered the most successful hunting from the approach and in dens.

Waterfowl hunting is open for only 10 days in spring and for 2 months in autumn. Pheasant hunting - in autumn for 20 days.

Fishing in Primorsky Krai

According to the species diversity of fish, the Sea of ​​​​Japan ranks first among all Russian seas: there are about 900 species here, of which 179 are commercial. There are up to 100 species of fish in lakes and rivers.

Traditionally they catch sea: smelt, rudd, cod, navaga, brown greenling, flounder, Pacific herring. In the Khasan region, in the shallow sea, rudd, greenling, flounder are well caught, and in small mountain streams and streams - lenok, Dolly Varden, Kunja, pied, minnow, crucian carp, snakehead.

A good catch is also in the Kavalerovsky and Olginsky districts: flounder, nelma, cod, greenling, herring, smelt, grayling, lenok, pilengas, taimen, sim, pink salmon, chum salmon, lemming, Dolly Varden, kunja, saffron cod, char, rudd, crucian carp, pike , som. And in the Shkotovsky district: Dolly Varden, lemming, lenok, minnow, gudgeon.

In the Lesozavodsky and Kirovsky districts, crucian carp, pike, grayling, carp, lenok, and taimen are common. In the rivers and lakes of the Pozharsky, Krasnoarmeisky and Dalnerechensky regions, grayling, lenok, taimen, carp, pike, catfish, burbot, gubar, and crucian peck well. In the Khanka basin, there are pike perch, yellow-cheeked, Chinese perch, crucian carp, skygazer, catfish, killer whale, carp, pike, grayling, lenok, taimen, Dolly Varden.

The most widespread, especially in southern Primorye, and the longest in time is ice fishing. It runs from late November to early April. On the first ice, fish are caught in the mouths of rivers and in shallow waters in sea bays.

The most popular fishing spots in the Peter the Great Bay are the Posyet, Slavyansky, Amursky, Sukhodol bays and the bays of the Russky and Popov Islands, as well as the Muravyinaya Bay of the Ussuri Bay.

FAR EASTERN Federal District. Primorsky Krai. The area is 164.7 thousand square kilometers. Formed on October 20, 1938.
The administrative center of Primorsky Krai - Vladivostok

Primorsky Krai- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District, located in the Far East. The region includes numerous islands: Russky, Popov, Reineke, Rikorda, Putyatin, Askold, etc. It is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan from the south and east.
Primorsky Krai part of the Far Eastern Economic Region. A number of large and unique deposits of various minerals have been discovered in Primorye, on the basis of which the most powerful mining industry in the Far East has been created and operates. Main industries - Fishing industry: fish, seafood, canned fish; Mechanical engineering and metalworking: aircraft building, shipbuilding and ship repair; Forestry and woodworking industry: commercial timber, lumber, plywood, furniture; Non-ferrous metallurgy: lead, concentrates (lead, zinc, tin, tungsten, copper) fluorspar, gold, silver; Chemistry: boron products, sulfuric acid; Building materials industry, coal, light industry, food industry. Crops of cereals (rice, buckwheat, oats, wheat) and fodder crops, soybeans, potatoes. Vegetable growing, fruit growing. Meat and dairy farming, pig breeding, poultry farming, fur farming (mink), deer antler farming. Developed maritime transport. Major ports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny.

On April 6, 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was created.
On November 15, 1922, the Far Eastern Republic was transformed into the Far Eastern Region of the RSFSR (later - the region).
Primorsky Krai It was formed on October 20, 1938 by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the division of the Far Eastern Territory into Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories" (the Primorsky Territory included the Primorsky and Ussuri Regions of the Far Eastern Territory, abolished in 1939 and 1943, respectively).
The region was awarded the Order of Lenin (1965).

Cities, urban districts and municipal districts of Primorsky Krai.

Cities of Primorsky Krai: Vladivostok, Arsenyev, Artyom, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Lesozavodsk, Nakhodka, Partizansk, Spassk-Dalniy, Ussuriysk, Fokino.

Urban districts of Primorsky Krai:
City district "Vladivostok"
City district "Arsenyevsky"
City district "Artemovsky"
City district "Dalnegorsky"
City district "Dalnerechensky"
City district "ZATO Bolshoi Kamen"
City district "ZATO Fokino"
City district "Lesozavodsky"
City district "Nakhodkinsky"
City district "Partizansky"
Spassk-Dalniy urban district
City district "Ussuriysky"

Municipal districts of Primorsky Krai, Administrative center:
Anuchinsky District, Dalnerechensky District, Kavalerovsky District, Kirovsky District, Krasnoarmeysky District, Lazovsky District, Mikhailovsky District, Nadezhdinsky District, Oktyabrsky District, Olginsky District, Partizansky District, Border District, Pozharsky District, Spassky District, Terneisky District, Khankaysky District, Khasansky District , Khorolsky district, Chernigovsky district, Chuguevsky district, Shkotovsky district, Yakovlevsky district.

Natural and climatic conditions of Primorsky Krai

Relief. Primorsky Krai is located in the southern part of the Russian Far East. Most of the eastern part of the region is occupied by the Sikhote-Alin mountains, in the west is the Khanka lowland.

Primorsky Krai borders Khabarovsk Krai in the north, China and North Korea in the west and southwest, and is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan in the east and south.

The main factors that determine the climate in the design area, as well as for the entire Primorye, are: the geographical location of the area at the junction of the mainland of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, the complex structure of its surface and the monsoonal nature of the atmospheric circulation.

Primorye is periodically exposed to air masses that are heterogeneous in their properties and form outside of it.

In winter, the northwest wind prevails over the territory of Primorye - the continental winter monsoon.

AT summer time the movement of prevailing air currents near the earth becomes opposite to that in winter: they are directed from the ocean to the continent and have a general southeasterly direction. This is the East Asian summer Pacific monsoon.

The route area is completely under the influence of the monsoon climate. In addition, the climate of the region under consideration is greatly influenced by its geographical position in the territory of Primorye, since it is located in the south of the region near the Sea of ​​Japan.

This factor determines the mildest climate in comparison with other areas of Primorye. Despite this, in some years in winter, cold air masses penetrate here, and then the temperature can drop to minus 38C. The absolute maximum air temperature is plus 37C. April 1st is the date of transition of long-term temperature through 0С. The duration of the frost-free period is 184 days. The maximum depth of soil freezing is 150 cm.

Atmospheric precipitation in the area under consideration falls unevenly. Most of them 50-70% are in July-August. With the release of tropical cyclones, the daily maximum precipitation can reach 178mm. Precipitation in solid form falls no more than 6% of the annual amount. The number of days with stable snow cover is 80. Max Height snow cover does not exceed 29cm.

The monsoon climate of the area determines the seasonal direction of the winds. In winter, northern ones prevail, in summer - southwestern ones. The highest average monthly wind speeds are in January-February 34-33m/s.

The highest wind speed once every 20 years is 35m/s

In the annual course, the wind speed of 10m/s or more is 7.9%. The average number of days with fogs is 38, the maximum is 61.

General information about the economic activity of Primorsky Krai

The rivers of the region are of economic importance as sources of water supply and hydropower, spawning grounds for fish. Lake Khanka is located in the southwestern part of the region.

Primorsky Krai is one of the most developed territories of the Far Eastern Federal District. The share of Primorsky Krai in the gross regional product of the Far Eastern Federal District in 2007 was 21.3% (208.9 billion rubles), and the value of fixed assets was 19.3%.

According to the results of 2007, Primorsky Krai occupies a leading position in the Far East region in terms of output of manufacturing industries (27.8%), production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (24.0%), agricultural production (20.3%) .

Primorsky Krai is rich natural resources. On the basis of open deposits in Primorye, the most powerful mining industry in the Far East has been created and is functioning. Hard and brown coal, metal ores (lead-zinc ore, metal concentrates: tungsten, copper, lead, zinc) are mined in the region.

Coastal waters are rich in fish and other seafood; pollock, flounder, greenling, cod, salmon, herring, halibut are of commercial importance; crab, shrimp, mussels, and scallop are harvested from non-fish objects. The production of mariculture is successfully developing: trepang, sea urchin, kelp, etc.

The forest fund of Primorsky Krai covers an area of ​​13,142.1 thousand hectares, and the total timber reserve is estimated at 1,935.3 million m3. However, against the backdrop of a significant volume of logging (in 2007, 4,739 thousand m3 was exported), wood processing is poorly developed, and 3,958 thousand m3 of commercial timber was produced.

The most valuable are cedar-broad-leaved forests, consisting of cedar, oak, linden, ash. Moreover, half of the forest area is occupied by mature forest stands, i.e. suitable for cutting.

An important place in forest resources is occupied by non-timber raw materials: about a thousand species of plants are medicinal, over 350 are food, 240 are melliferous, more than 400 species of mushrooms are edible. The hunting grounds are inhabited by 9 species of fur-bearing animals, 6 species of ungulates, dozens of species of hunting birds.

At the beginning of 2008, 1,995.8 thousand permanent residents lived in the Primorsky Territory, which is 30.8% of the total population of the Far East Region. In recent years, there has been a decrease in the demographic potential. By the level of 1999, the population of the region decreased by 260.3 thousand people.

The distribution of the population of Primorsky Krai is characterized by spatial heterogeneity. The average population density in the region is 12.1 people/km2 (according to Far East- 1.05 people per 1 km2), and varies significantly in individual regions, and the deviations are so large that the total average density along the region is not able to express the actual nature of the distribution of the population. This indicator varies in the range from 0.5 to 24.3 people per km2, which is due to the influence of local natural conditions and differences in the economic development of the regions.

Most of the region's population is concentrated in urban areas (71.4% of the total), as well as mainly in the southern and border regions of the region. This is due to the existing structure of the distribution of productive forces near major transport routes and in areas favorable for the life of the population.

53.3% of the population of Primorsky Krai (1064.1 thousand people) live in the gravity area under consideration, most of them are residents of the cities of Vladivostok, Artem, Nakhodka. The largest cities in the area of ​​the route are Vladivostok, Artyom, Bolshoi Kamen, Partizansk, Fokino, Nakhodka.

The economy of Primorsky Krai is a diversified economy and has shown positive development dynamics in recent years. The gross regional product, which characterizes the value of goods and services produced in all sectors of the economy, increases annually by several percent (Table 1).

Table 1

Gross regional product

In the structure of GRP by types economic activity the contribution of economic sectors is represented by the following figures (Table 2, as a percentage of the total):

table 2

The ratio of economic sectors by types of economic activity


Gross value added at basic prices:

Agriculture, hunting and forestry


Fishing, fish farming


Manufacturing industries


wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items

Hotels and restaurants

Transport and communications

Financial activities

Operations with real estate, rent

and provision of services

State administration and ensuring military security; compulsory social security


Health and Social Service Delivery

Provision of other communal, social and personal services

Industrial enterprises of Primorsky Krai are engaged in the extraction and processing of minerals, the production of agricultural and fish products, ship repair, instrument making, the production of consumer goods and have recently shown a positive development trend (Table 3 and Figure 1).

Table 3

The volume of shipped products (works, services) by enterprises of the Primorsky Territory by type of economic activity (million rubles)



extraction of fuel and energy minerals

extraction of minerals, except for fuel and energy

Manufacturing industries

production food products including drinks

textile and clothing production

manufacture of leather, leather goods and footwear

wood processing and production of wood products

pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities

production of coke and petroleum products

chemical production

production of rubber and plastic products

production of other non-metallic mineral products

metallurgical production and production of finished metal products

production of machinery and equipment

production of electrical, electronic and optical equipment

production of vehicles and equipment

other productions

continuation of Table 3


Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water

production, transmission and distribution of electricity

production and distribution of gaseous fuels

production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water

collection, purification and distribution of water

Figure 1 Dynamics of the industrial production index.

Figure 2 Monetary income of the population of Primorsky Krai

The growth of the economy leads to an improvement in the living conditions of the population of the Primorsky Territory, wages and social benefits increase, purchasing power grows, and the natural decline and migration of the population decreases (although remains quite high).

In the structure of consumer expenditures of households, the share of expenditures for the purchase of non-food products is increasing: clothing and footwear, household and electronic equipment, and vehicles. Figure 2 shows the growth in the well-being of the inhabitants of the region on the example of an increase in the main types of cash income of the population in real terms (as a percentage of 2000).

Agriculture makes up a small share of the total output. Agricultural production is developing in complex climatic conditions and is aimed mainly at providing the population with vegetables, poultry and dairy products. At the same time, Primorsky Krai has favorable conditions for rice cultivation. It should be noted that beekeeping, fur fur farming, deer antler breeding are developed in the region.

The fuel and energy resources of Primorye are represented by hard and brown coal, peat, wind and ocean energy. The main type of fuel and energy resources used is coal. Primorsky Krai has significant resources of black and brown coal, which can potentially meet the region's demand for solid fuel.

More than 20 types of mineral raw materials have been identified in the region, among which there are ores of non-ferrous and precious metals, raw materials for chemical industry, building materials industry, mineral water. The main Russian reserves of lead, tin, boron, fluorspar, and zinc are concentrated here, as well as significant reserves of tungsten, bismuth, lithium, beryllium, tantalum, niobium, gold, silver, etc.

Recreational resources. Of no small importance for the development of the economy of Primorye are recreational resources. sandy beaches and coastal waters provide opportunities for bathing, swimming, sunbathing, boating and yachting.

The unique nature allows the development of sports and fishing activities: fishing, sport hunting, amateur picking of mushrooms and berries.

Mountainous terrain, snowy winters, warm sunny weather in winter and in early spring contribute to the development of winter sports and tourism.

Mineral springs, therapeutic mud, microclimate create an opportunity for the development of therapeutic recreation.

Foreign economic activity. The geographical proximity of Primorye from a number of leading economic powers of the world favors the development of foreign trade in the region.

Primorsky Krai carries out foreign economic activity with countries near and far abroad. Figure 3 shows the main foreign trade partners and trade volume in 2007.

Figure 3 Foreign trade turnover of Primorsky Krai in 2007, mln. US dollars

The Republic of Korea, China, Japan, the USA, Germany, and Singapore account for the largest volume of foreign trade in Primorsky Krai (about 90%). The raw material orientation of exports remains: fish and seafood, food products and agricultural raw materials (32.3%), commercial timber and pulp and paper products (25.2%), metals, mineral products. In imports of products in 2007, the main share is made up of machinery and vehicles (51.8%) and food products (17.3%).

Primorsky Krai is one of the largest exporters of timber, fish products and raw materials for its production (fish and seafood) and transport services in the Asia-Pacific region. Additional sources of export can be products of the mining and chemical industry, engineering and forestry complex, science-intensive biotechnological industries, international tourism.

Investments. According to the independent national rating agency "Expert RA", Primorsky Krai has been assigned an investment rating of the region - 3C1 (low potential - high risk).

For 2008 for the development of the economy and social sphere 58,000 million rubles of investments in fixed capital or 112% of the 2007 level were used from all sources of financing.

By type of economic activity, the largest specific gravity in the total volume of investments in the region are investments in transport (over 40%); communications (over 9%); production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (10%); financial activities (over 7%); transactions with real estate (7%); Agriculture, hunting and forestry (over 6%); manufacturing industries (over 6%).

Compared to the previous year, housing commissioning from all sources of financing increased by 4.6% (3453 apartments with a total area of ​​344.8 thousand m2). The construction enterprises of the Primorsky Territory completed the scope of work, which is 123.1% of the level of 2007 (33,534 million rubles).

In 2007, the volume of foreign investment was estimated at 31.3 million US dollars, or 4.9% of the total investment. The most attractive for foreign capital were: agriculture and forestry, food production, trade, real estate transactions, wood processing and production of wood products. The most important investor countries in Primorsky Krai are Cyprus, China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, and Norway.

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