What to do with magnetic storms older people. How to protect yourself and how to help yourself survive a magnetic storm? Man and magnetic storms

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Bad influence magnetic storms It affects almost 50-70% of the population of our planet. At the same time, the beginning of a similar stressful reaction of the body in each person can be shifted over time at different storms.

In some, the reaction is developing 1-2 days before the geomagnetic storm, when flashes occur in the sun, others feel bad in the peak of magnetic excitement, while third-party malaise is manifested only after magnetic perturbation.

If you listen to your own body and observe the changes in your own state, to analyze the situation, you can identify the connection between the forecast of the geomagnetic situation and deterioration own health and well-being.

What is magnetic storms?

Magnetic storms most often occur in medium and low planet latitudes and can last from several hours to several days. This is due to the shock wave of high-frequency sunshine. Outbreaks in the sun provoke emissions into open space large number Protons and electrons that are directed at huge speed to the Earth and within 1-2 days reach its atmosphere. Charged particles change the magnetic field of the Earth. Thus, the phenomenon is developing in the period of increased solar activity And ends indignation magnetic field Earth.

Fortunately, such outbreaks are possible no more than 2-3 times a month, so they can be predicted by experts who fix outbreaks, track the movement of the solar wind. Geomagnetic storms can have different intensity, from invisible to significant. With the development of powerful perturbations, which, for example, were observed on September 11, 2005, then there were violations of satellite navigation functions, and in some areas North America even disconnected communication. In the middle of the last century, about 100,000 car accidents were analyzed, and during the study it was found that the number of accidents on the roads increased on the second day after outbreaks in the sun.

Magnetic storms are most dangerous for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension or hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia and mental disorders. Healthy young people practically do not feel the effects of magnetic oscillations.

How does the effect of the magnetic storm in health appear?

Geomagnetic storms can seriously affect the human activity - an increase in the number of cars and a plane crash, trauma in production, malfunctions in the navigation system, degradation, destruction energy SystemsAlso, there is also a significant impact on the body, and human health. Doctors were calculated, it was during the period of the sun activity the number of suicides increases 5 times. Especially from geomagnetic oscillations are affected by residents northern Regions, Finns, Norwegians, Swedes, in our country are residents of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Syktyvkar.

Therefore, a few days after outbreaks, the number of hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks, suicides increases in the sun. According to various sources, during magnetic storms, their number increases by 15%. The negative impact on the human body is manifested by such symptoms:

    aggravation of chronic diseases in people of old age;

    decay of forces, weakness, poor well-being;

    blood pressure jumps;


    irritability, emotional instability;

    drowsiness, or vice versa, insomnia;

    reaction to sharp sounds, light;

    pain in the joints, headaches;

Scientists suggest that the deterioration of the health of the meteo-dependent people is associated with changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, the body has a slowdown in the body, the blood cell aggregates are formed, the blood becomes thick, the cholesterol levels may increase, the oxygen starvation of tissues and organs is observed, the first lack of oxygen is experiencing a brain. and nervous endings. If the development of geomagnetic storms is observed in a row with a break per week, the majority of the population begins to adapt to manifestations, and the reaction to repeated unrest is practically absent.

What to make meteo-sensitive people to reduce manifestations?

Meteo-dependent persons and people with the presence of chronic pathologies should track the forecast approximation of magnetic storms and exclude any actions for this period, events that can provoke stress, better in this time To secure peace to rest more relax, reduce emotional and physical overload. Also eliminate or avoid:

    Overbinding, exercise, stress - increase the load on the cardiovascular system.

    Limit food raising cholesterol (fat), eliminate alcohol consumption.

    Do not stick to bed sharply, as it can increase dizziness and headache.

    Especially strongly manifestations of magnetic storms are felt in the plane, subway - it is better to try not to use the metro in these days. It is noted that the metro machinists often suffer from ischemic Disease Hearts, heart attacks are possible among passengers.

    On the first and on the second day after the magnetic storm, drivers have a slower reaction (4 times), so, sitting behind the wheel on such days, you need to be extremely concentrated and careful, if possible, it is worth excluding trips on personal transport.

What can be done to soften negative influence:

    people who suffer from vegetary dystonia, hypertension and cardiac pathologies vascular system must take care of themselves in advance and prepare medicinal drugs;

    in the absence of contraindications, it is possible to take the "Aspirin" halfway, which contributes to the discharge of blood and reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies;

    perfectly stops the manifestations of magnetic storms. Ordinary water - receiving a contrasting soul and even simple washing will help relieve the condition;

    in the presence of a person in such periods of irritability, insomnia, anxiety should be resorted to vegetable soothing means - peony, mother-in-law, Valerian;

    also good helps tea with strawberry leaves, raspberries, mint, brazers Melissa, Hyperica, Rosehip;

    among the fruits are especially suitable raisins, bananas, lemon, currant, cranberries, blueberries, apricot.

As in any other question, any point of view finds both supporters and opponents, not an exception is the theory of influence of magnetic storms. Opponents of such an assumption claim that the gravitational excitement that the sun, the moon and other planets on humans, is not so significant to influence the body, much greater harm is caused daily stresses, lack of sleep, lack of full rest, overwork, emotional overvoltage, strong noise , shaking and sharp braking of transport, sharp descents and lifts (air flights, attractions).

What are the dangerous changes in space weather? And is it possible to reduce the negative effect of magnetic storms per person? The correspondent of "RG" talks with the head of the laboratory of the meteopathology and magnetobiology of the Scientific Clinical Center by Dr. Medical Sciences Yuri Gurfinkel. Yuri Ilyich, magnetic storms scare us with enviable regularity. Are they really dangerous for health? Yuri Gurfinkel: Absolutely all react on the disturbance of the geomagnetic field. Another thing is like. If a person is young and healthy, then in the days of magnetic storms he can feel only light drowsiness. Much worse than the elderly and chronicles. In the risk group, first of all, patients with cardiac pathology and undergoing brain circulation disorders. Mechanisms of the influence of space weather per person have not yet been studied. However, there is data from France, Germany, China, Israel, Lithuania, Georgia, a number of Russian clinics - wherever patients with heart ischemia have been observed, during magnetic storms increased by about two times not only the number of infarction, but also mortality from them. What happens to man? Yuri Gurfinkel: Our body is a kind of biocomputer, the sensitivity of which is highest in the range of the Earth's magnetic field (up to 50 microtels). Joseph Kirshvink and his colleagues from the California Institute of Technology established the presence of magnetite crystals in the tissues of the brain of primates and in the adrenalities of a person. The number of these nanoparticles susceptible to the magnetic field ranges from one to 10 million per gram of tissue. They "catch" the oscillations in the Earth's magnetosphere. And this leads, for example, to the emission of adrenaline and glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones). Adrenaline, in turn, increase blood clotting. During magnetic storms, it increases. Slows down the flow of blood in capillaries. And erythrocytes, expressing scientific language, aggregate, that is, glue. This increases the risk of thrombus. Worsen general stateThe work of the cardiovascular system and blood flow in the brain is disturbed. Our studies have shown: Blood vessels in itself can be a sensor of magnetic fields, since red blood cells contain hemoglobin and, by virtue of this, have a magnetic moment. Therefore, during storms, a dream is disturbed and the number of mental violations increases? Yuri Gurfinkel: Geomagnetic perturbations The human body perceives as stress. The hormonal background in the body is changing, the work of the vascular system, including in the brain vessels, is disturbed. At the same time, melatonin production is sharply reduced, which produces pineal iron, located in the center of the brain and controlling waking and sleep processes. At this time, even healthy person It can survive the mood drops, and some of these are accompanied by splashes of aggression. Who is particularly affected by magnetic storms? Yuri Gurfinkel: from 10 to 20 percent of young people have increased sensitivity to geomagnetic perturbations. But the older man, the painful body responds to poor space weather. Approximately 40 percent of 60-year-olds feel bad due to the excitement of the magnetic field of the Earth. And among 70-year-olds, more than half of the half. And how can I understand that the source of my illness is increased solar activity? Yuri Gurfinkel: If the "earthly" cause of the deterioration of the state is excluded, specialists are advised to post for the forecast of space weather. For example, there is a portal of the institute of earthly magnetism, ionosphere and distribution of radio waves. If you have noticed that the heart grabbed the heart in the evening, it is worth checking: there was no magnetic storm at that time. When there are 8 out of ten such coincidences, we can say that you have increased susceptibility. However, you should not focus on long-term forecasts that are printed by some media. A fairly reliable picture can be made only a week ahead. Is it possible to avoid the effect of magnetic storms on the body? Yuri Gurfinkel: No. However, you can comply with simple rules to minimize the negative effect. For example, in heavy days It is better to limit physical exertion, avoid disorders of sleep mode, business trips with long flights. It is advisable to be on fresh air, consume a sufficient amount of liquid, vegetables and fruits. It is important to measure arterial pressure, Take medicine on time. Elderly strong people alcoholic beverages It is better to exclude at all. But if health allows, you can drink a glass of natural red wine. Due to the intensive generation of adrenaline magnetic storms can cause an increased appetite. In this case, it is not necessary to get involved in meat food, it is better to pay attention to vegetables, fruits, fish. And what to do, if during the magnetic storm "grabbed" right at work? Yuri Gurfinkel: The simplest means is to take the usual aspirin. During the magnetic storm, 150-200 mg of this drug is most effective. Or a combination of aspirin and platform (75 mg). But only if this patient is not contraindicated, since the uncontrolled reception of these drugs can provoke erosion and even a stomach ulcer. Can be recommended glycine. This indispensable amino acid is favorable on the brain, reduces increased excitability. Scientists called a means from magnetic storms than dangerous changes in space weather? And is it possible to reduce the negative effect of magnetic storms per person? The correspondent of "RG" talks with the head of the laboratory of the meteopathology and magnetobiology of the Scientific Clinical Center by Dr. Medical Sciences Yuri Gurfinkel. Yuri Ilyich, magnetic storms scare us with enviable regularity. Are they really dangerous for health? Yuri Gurfinkel: Absolutely all react on the disturbance of the geomagnetic field. Another thing is like. If a person is young and healthy, then in the days of magnetic storms he can feel only light drowsiness. Much worse than the elderly and chronicles. In the risk group, first of all, patients with cardiac pathology and undergoing brain circulation disorders. Mechanisms of the influence of space weather per person have not yet been studied. However, there is data from France, Germany, China, Israel, Lithuania, Georgia, a number of Russian clinics - wherever patients with heart ischemia have been observed, during magnetic storms increased by about two times not only the number of infarction, but also mortality from them. What happens to man? Yuri Gurfinkel: Our body is a kind of biocomputer, the sensitivity of which is highest in the range of the Earth's magnetic field (up to 50 microtels). Joseph Kirshvink and his colleagues from the California Institute of Technology established the presence of magnetite crystals in the tissues of the brain of primates and in the adrenalities of a person. The number of these nanoparticles susceptible to the magnetic field ranges from one to 10 million per gram of tissue. They "catch" the oscillations in the Earth's magnetosphere. And this leads, for example, to the emission of adrenaline and glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones). Adrenaline, in turn, increase blood clotting. During magnetic storms, it increases. Slows down the flow of blood in capillaries. And erythrocytes, expressing scientific language, aggregate, that is, glue. This increases the risk of thrombus. The general condition deteriorates, the work of the cardiovascular system and blood flow in the brain is disturbed. Our studies have shown: Blood vessels in itself can be a sensor of magnetic fields, since red blood cells contain hemoglobin and, by virtue of this, have a magnetic moment. Therefore, during storms, a dream is disturbed and the number of mental violations increases? Yuri Gurfinkel: Geomagnetic perturbations The human body perceives as stress. The hormonal background in the body is changing, the work of the vascular system, including in the brain vessels, is disturbed. At the same time, melatonin production is sharply reduced, which produces pineal iron, located in the center of the brain and controlling waking and sleep processes. At this time, even a healthy person can survive the swelling of the mood, and some it is accompanied by splashes of aggression. Who is particularly affected by magnetic storms? Yuri Gurfinkel: from 10 to 20 percent of young people have increased sensitivity to geomagnetic perturbations. But the older man, the painful body responds to poor space weather. Approximately 40 percent of 60-year-olds feel bad due to the excitement of the magnetic field of the Earth. And among 70-year-olds, more than half of the half. And how can I understand that the source of my illness is increased solar activity? Yuri Gurfinkel: If the "earthly" cause of the deterioration of the state is excluded, specialists are advised to post for the forecast of space weather. For example, there is a portal of the institute of earthly magnetism, ionosphere and distribution of radio waves. If you have noticed that the heart grabbed the heart in the evening, it is worth checking: there was no magnetic storm at that time. When there are 8 out of ten such coincidences, we can say that you have increased susceptibility. However, you should not focus on long-term forecasts that are printed by some media. A fairly reliable picture can be made only a week ahead. Is it possible to avoid the effect of magnetic storms on the body? Yuri Gurfinkel: No. However, you can comply with simple rules to minimize the negative effect. For example, in difficult days it is better to limit physical activity, avoid disorders of sleep mode, business trips with long flights. It is advisable to be more likely to be in the fresh air, to use a sufficient amount of liquid, vegetables and fruits. It is important to measure blood pressure, take medicine on time. Elderly, strong alcoholic beverages are desirable to be more likely to be in the fresh air, to use a sufficient amount of liquid, vegetables and fruits. It is important to measure blood pressure, take medicine on time. Elderly, strong alcoholic beverages are better excluded at all. But if health allows, you can drink a glass of natural red wine. Due to the intensive generation of adrenaline magnetic storms can cause an increased appetite. In this case, it is not necessary to get involved in meat food, it is better to pay attention to vegetables, fruits, fish. And what to do, if during the magnetic storm "grabbed" right at work? Yuri Gurfinkel: The simplest means is to take the usual aspirin. During the magnetic storm, 150-200 mg of this drug is most effective. Or a combination of aspirin and platform (75 mg). But only if this patient is not contraindicated, since the uncontrolled reception of these drugs can provoke erosion and even a stomach ulcer. Can be recommended glycine. This indispensable amino acid is favorable on the brain, reduces increased excitability.

Foot scrub with marine Solu The most popular recipe for leg scrub is made on the basis of sea salt. Sea salt is very useful, because it contains natural microells that are so necessary for our skin. You will need: 100g. Creamy soap base 50g. shallow salt 50g. Large salt (sea) 5 drops of rosemary essential oil 5 drops of mint essential oil method: mix the salt with a creamy base (you can heat a little), then add essential oils. Method of application: Place the legs, then scroll through them with a finished scrub. Good (within a few minutes) Pass the heels, the base of the fingers, as well as the feet. Rock warm water.

Everyone knows that magnetic storms are periods of strong and rapid changes in the magnetic field of our planet.

To date, it is proved that a rather impressive percentage of people (from 50% to 75%) reacts negatively to geomagnetic perturbations. Men and women suffering from various chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as overwhelmed and weakened people susceptible to frequent nervous disorders are especially sensitive to magnetic storms.

Symptoms of meteo-dependence

The beginning of the reaction to geomagnetic storms for each concrete person may differ. Some begin to respond not during the activity of the storm, and 2-3 days before it starts. On the eve of the magnetic storms, people with weak health are tested with heart pains, joints, headache, can not sleep. The activity of the meteo-dependent person will slow down, attention is dulled, the pressure jumps, the condition of the whole organism is worse.

Dizziness, joint pain, headaches arise due to the fact that during the storms the blood of a man is thick, and as a result, oxygen exchange is worse. And the first on such a lack of oxygen react the brain and various nerve endings.

How to help yourself in a magnetic storm?

It is necessary to constantly increase the resistance of your body, to strengthen health, sleeping the number of hours per day, eat it right, walk more. It is desirable (especially in "magnetic" days) to completely eliminate alcohol, smoking, heavy physical exertion, not there is high-calorie food.

Helping heavy days can aromatherapy, for example, a bath with aromatic oils in front of the night bed will help remove the tension and gain peace of mind. Very effective in this respect pine bath (take it no more than 15 minutes).

It can be done on the sore joint compress from eucalyptus oil. Or destroyed in powder 2 tbsp. Dry herbs (Dormon, Hypericum and Hop), mix with Vaseline (50g), rub and make compress with this ointment.

To become more elastic vessels will help nine: you can take 1.5 tbsp. His ribbed root, pour a bottle of vodka, let it stand for a week, then strain and take on a dessert spoon three times a day before meals.

Also from meteo-dependence will be saved aloe juice, strawberry tea, eucalyptus tincture, black currant, lemons, cranberries or cherries.

People suffering from nervousness, anxiety, insomnia will come to the profits known to all soothing means - Valerian, mother-in-law or a tincture of peony.

It is useful to apply both soil preparations: vitamins C and E, rosehip, mint.

It is necessary to make a light charge and more often take a contrast shower. People who have chronic diseases are always at hand to be familiar medications. With a strong deterioration of the state, you need to consult a doctor.

2011 - 2014 ,. All rights reserved.

Who are affected by magnetic storms and how to defend them

"Something my head hurts today. Probably magnetic storm. " Such a phrase can often be heard from an elderly woman on the street, and from a young colleague, and even from a doctor in a clinic. If earlier scientists were still arguing about whether a man's well-being influenced or not, now the question is almost closed, doctors and physics in one voice recognize: affect. True, each is different.

"Booleaniness" depends primarily on the health of health (healthy storms, and even ... from year of birth. More about what a magnetic storm is and how it affects us, "Wests" told the doctor of geological sciences, the geomagnetism of the Geo Physics Institute Nanu Mikhail Orlyuk, and how to protect against geomagnetic perturbations, the director of the Alternative Medicine clinic said, d. M . n. Vladimir Vasilevich.

In resonance

Inside our planet - liquid core. It rotates, creates currents that generate the magnetic field of the Earth and the magnetosphere - an invisible protective shell of the planet (see graphics). "If the sun is released and the magnetized plasma (solar wind) flies towards the earth, then the magnetosphere protects against these charged particles," says the scientist Mikhail Orlyuk. - The particles are encountered on the protective shell of the Earth, causing magnetic perturbations - storms. "

Each of our organ also has its low-frequency magnetic field. For example, at the heart of its amplitude of about 1 sec., The brain has 7 seconds. And it is worth a magnetic storm to enter the resonance with one of the organs, his work is violated. This explains why the head can hurt during one magnetic storm, and with the other - the heart is disturbed. By the way, still the ancient Egyptians found that, by affecting a person with certain pulses of the magnetic field, you can cause unless fear. "Such oscillations often arise during a thunderstorm," explains Mikhail Orlyuk. - No wonder, many of her fear. I once also experienced an awesome horror in a thunderstorm. Soothed only one thing: my wife had the same feelings, but they are collectively crazy. "

Man-made storms

Other reasons can violate the magnetic balance of a person. For example, an accelerating train creates a magnetic field exceeding natural two or more times. It is for this reason that many people become bad in the subway. More distorted natural magnetic background Iron objects: beds, heating batteries (minimize the amount of iron in the house), metal jewelry (do not leave them for the night). Also avoid setting next to high-voltage power lines and mobile communication repeaters.

Magnetic storms - Tesis

Current solar activity. Radio flow (10.7 cm) \u003d 129.
Averaged planetary A-index \u003d 21. Averaged planetary ...

On the other hand, the iron "shell" can serve as a protective screen for a person. "If you have a personal iron bunker without windows and doors and are able to sit in it for several days, then the magnetic outrage does not disturb your body, - Juths Mikhail Ivanovich. - But it is impossible to stay in such a stay for a long time. The fact is that the rhythm of the work of man organs has developed under the influence of the natural magnetic field of the Earth, it supports it. Without this support, the work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed, blood slows down, weakness arise, apathy - the internal "battery" of a person sits down. So that it does not happen, you need to more often walk barefoot on the ground, walk in the parks and leave for the city, where minimum technological impact on a person. "

Solar cycles

The intensity of solar emissions is repeated in about 11 years, and recently we have passed one of the peaks of solar activity (see graphics). It is estimated only 62 units on the Wolf scale. This is one of the smallest lifts for 100 years. There is a version that these solar decals and lifts are controlled by civilization. When the sun is as active as much as possible, then people grow intellect, society makes a jump in scientific achievements, Development industry and improving the quality of life. But, alas, at the same time increases the incidence of mental, oncological, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the thyroid occur. As soon as the activity of the Sun decreases, the birth rate increases, the disease retreats, but humanity is "stupid". More precisely, people decreases business activity. But during the minimum of solar activity, there is growing glow of emotions, and this ensures the flowering of culture and art. By the way, according to some studies, those who have appeared in the period of the active Sun, less susceptible to the effects of magnetic storms.

It is impossible to completely protect against the magnetic storm (if only you do not have an iron bunker), but it is possible to facilitate my condition in an unfavorable period. To do this, you need to follow the forecasts of geozymoms (for example, on ukrmagnet.com or on Wednesdays in the newspaper "Vesti" and on Vesti.UA), which create employees of the oldest geomagnetic Observatory "Kiev". And follow the unaccompanious rules, which is based on the protection of the cardiovascular system, because it is most of all suffers from magnetic storms.

Medica Tips: How to help yourself during a storm

Tablets and tincture

"Hypertensions on the eve of the magnetic storm need to take a prolonged action to prevent blood pressure (Concorcor, Hemopamide Retard, Nicarity Retard). Herbs and herbs will be helped: the tinctures of the mother-in-law, Valerians, mint, lubricants, - advises the director of the Alternative Medicine clinic, d. N. Vladimir Vasilevich. - hypotonikists show exciting means: tincture of ginseng, lemongrass, rhodium rose or drugs: Palkinrin, Aveol, Avioplan, Alphagin. People with impaired heart rhythm - anaprilin and potassium preparations (Asparkama, Panangin). If the migraine is picked up, sprouts spasmolitics: but-shpa, spasmalgon, barallgyne. "

Water treatments

On the tolerability of magnetic perturbations affects the state of the vessels. With a decrease in the elasticity of their walls, blood slowly moves and worse with oxygen. Therefore, the vessels must be trained. This will help: a contrasting shower (twice a day), swimming in the pool (two or three times a week), visiting the sauna (once a month). "It is useful on the eve of the magnetic storm to take a soothing bath with sea salt, needle extract, essential oil Valerians, mint, orange, mandarin, roses, ylang-yulang, rosemary, anise, - advises Vladimir Vasilevich. - And do not forget about exercise and respiratory gym. "

Antistress menu

On the eve and during the magnetic storm, give up the exciting food and beverages: power engineers, strong tea, coffee, spices, onions, garlic, pepper, smoked, alcohol. "In addition, it is important to avoid overeating these days," Vladimir Vasilevich draws attention. - The fact is that blood is thickened by the influence of the magnetic storm, and if the stomach is overloaded with food, he "pulls out" a lot of blood on himself, which is so with difficulty moving. Then the brain and the heart will test the oxygen deficit - and the mechanism of developing a heart attack or stroke can be launched. Although at other times it could not happen. "

Hold the nerves

A couple of days before the storm, try to "hold" the nerves - avoid quarrels and disputes. Find a way on magnetic perturbations to maximize yourself from psychological problems and do not take important decisions, Switch from internal experiences to positive emotions (go to the theater or just stroll in the park and eat ice cream). By the way, doctors argue that many people have poor well-being during a magnetic storm provokes their mood. "We have 30% of people with highlightedness," said Vladimir Vasilevich. - Such, having learned about the upcoming bora, they will configure that they will be bad. And be sure to feel bad. It is important to think positively. "


During storms, a headache often occurs due to the narrowing of vessels supplying oxygen cells of the brain. Balance can be restored by a point massage. First affect the "He-Gu" point - between big and index fingers (two minutes on each hand). A massage of acupressure points, located in a circle at a distance of about 7.5 cm from the navel. Just imagine a watch, let each point correspond to a certain hour, and follow the direction of the shooter. You can still affect the point "Feng Fu" - it is located above the spine in the recess under the base of the skull.

Save the magnet

Physics are recommended: if you feel bad during magnetic perturbations, take by the body and head by the usual magnet from the refrigerator. The mechanism of action is simply explained: blood erythrocytes have an electric pressure, and under the action of a magnet, they take an oval form, it facilitates their task "slip" by vessels and automatically improves the condition of the person. In addition, the effect of the magnet changes the polarity of the walls of the vessels and cholesterol deposits are different from them. Just remember that the magnet should not be an annular (bracelet or hoop), otherwise there will be other currents, harmful. Also impossible to wear a magnet constantly.

Mint and lemons will help with magnetic storms. But not only / 1zoom.ru

On April 26, Ukrainians are waiting for another light magnetic outrage, and on April 27 - already. On the other days this week is predicted a calm geomagnetic environment.

For meteo-dependent people, these days will become a period when it is worth aware of themselves.

Symptoms for magnetic storms

The magnetic storm affects a person is not the best. In this case, the strongests of all they affect people with cardiovascular pathologies, mental disorders, an increased or reduced level of blood pressure, as well as vegetaryous dystonia.

Meetable people often suffer from:

  • dizziness
  • headaches - up to migraine,
  • pressure jumps
  • development of tachycardia,
  • pain in the joints of the joints,
  • weakness, worsening general well-being,
  • drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia,
  • irritability or complete apathy.

Chronic pathologies are exacerbated by the elderly.

How to help yourself with magnetic storms

Weather-dependent people during this period should reduce loads - both emotional and physical.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to food. On the days of magnetic storms, it is necessary to avoid overeating - it increases the load on the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, it is necessary to abandon exciting food and beverages: coffee, power engineers, strong tea, spices, garlic, bow, smoked, pepper, alcohol. It is better to eat more fruit: blueberries, bananas, apricots, raisins, as well as lemons and currants with cranberries.

  • do not rise sharply from bed - because of this, dizziness with a headache is enhanced;
  • if possible, refuse to travel in airplanes and the subway (here the negative effect of storms is particularly strong);
  • be extremely attentive driving or abandon driving altogether;
  • take a shower - better contrast.

In addition, people with hypertension, heart and other pathologies need to constantly keep the necessary medicines with them.

What to take during magnetic storms

From methods folk Medicine Recommended tea with mint. This grass helps to relieve headache and dizziness. Mint also contains substances that normalize blood pressure and blood circulation.

Mint tea or water with the addition of mint oil (3 drops on a glass of water) need to drink three times a day.

Concerning drugs T. hypertensive On the eve of the magnetic storm, they are advised to take a drug to prevent blood pressure lifting:

  • concor
  • nitarendia Retard,
  • hemopamide retard.

They improve the adaptive abilities of the body, and also normalize pressure and help get rid of poor well-being.

From drugs:

  • aveol,
  • avioplan,
  • alphagin
  • palekrin.

People with violation of the heart rhythm doctors advise to drink anaprilin and potassium preparations (Asparkamka, Panangin).

In migranes, spasmolytics will be helped: spasmalgon, but-shpa, barallgan.

Previously, "Glavred" wrote about. The main causes of this spread of allergies are bad ecology and poor-quality food.

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