What to do if a mirror breaks on the street. Signs about a broken mirror: what to expect, what to do

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In every home, a mirror is a necessary household item. After all, you must definitely look into it before you leave the house - is everything in order with your appearance whether you forgot to take something with you or to wear something. Suddenly your belt fell, but you didn’t notice it, suddenly you forgot the package? They looked in the mirror and saw that something was missing. So there is no way to do without it. But if you break a mirror - this is a bad omen, and here's why.

We have already written about the fact that you can’t be photographed in a mirror, you can’t give a mirror as a gift and you shouldn’t look into it at night. The mirror is a fragile item, and it is quite easy to break it. A broken mirror has always been considered a very bad omen. After all, it has long been considered a reflection of the ton world, which is located on the other side of the door - the mirror. And a broken mirror opened these doors, and otherworldly entities through it could penetrate the world of people and harm them.

Breaking a mirror - what's the sign?

This also applies to a cracked mirror, because a crack, similarly to a broken mirror, opens the door to the other world. And even though this is just a small crack, however, a dark entity can crawl through it and open the door to the rest from our side. Therefore, a cracked mirror should be removed immediately.

If you accidentally break a mirror, misfortune awaits you. It is generally believed that the unlucky period will last seven years. During all this time, you will not know peace, happiness, or prosperity, your loved ones will get sick, there will be discord in the house. Even seeing a broken mirror in a dream is not good.

A broken mirror, or rather, a sign associated with this, promises you the loss of a friend. If a mirror suddenly breaks in the house, this portends not just a loss, but the death of a relative.

In no case should a broken mirror be left in the house - the fragments will pull the life force out of you. You will always experience a feeling of fatigue, irritation, you will not want to do anything. Even communicate with family. Therefore, no matter how dear a broken mirror is to you, get rid of it immediately and without regret. And if you broke a mirror while divining for a betrothed, you will never find him ...

A cracked mirror is no better than a broken one. Cracks also negatively affect the energy of those living in the house. It is also better to throw it away. If the crack is small and inconspicuous, the mirror can be cut so that the canvas remains completely intact.

What to do? Of course, stock up on a talisman. For example, jasper stone helps to eliminate misfortunes after such situations.

In order not to accidentally hit and break the mirror at home (a sign, if you did this in your house, does not bode well), it must be placed so as not to accidentally hit. And the kids can't get to them. And in general, monitor their safety so that the mirror reflects only the good that is in your life. And in no case do not hang a mirror in the bedroom, since you can’t sleep in front of the mirror either. And even more so, do not cry, looking in the mirror, especially the broken one!

What to do to avoid consequences?

In order to avoid the negative consequences of a broken mirror, you must do simple manipulations:

  • Carefully collect all the fragments, and preferably without touching them with your hands.
  • Before this, the broom must be moistened with water and sprinkled on the fragments with it. This is not only because you can get negative energy through them, but also because you can simply cut yourself. If very small fragments cannot be collected with a broom, use a wet rag, which then in no case should be washed, but thrown away immediately, or with a vacuum cleaner.
  • They sweep the fragments not into a scoop, but onto a sheet of paper, preferably clean, but if this is not at hand, just use something paper - a newspaper, advertising booklet or leaflet.
  • Put all the fragments in a dark and tight bag - paper or plastic. This is done in order to prevent the mirror from reflecting the negative energy and split images of what it has seen during its existence, and also so that sharp fragments do not cut the garbage bag.
  • You can fill the fragments with something dark, for example, paint, or paint over with a marker. But this makes sense only when there are few broken pieces and they are large.
  • You can rinse the collected fragments with a stream of water, put them in a bag and throw them away. Just do not look at these fragments - they can take your energy. And it is better not to leave the fragments in the house at night - take out such garbage immediately.

And don't be afraid!

A mirror, from a practical point of view, is a functional item that is present in every home in all sorts of design incarnations and modifications. But as soon as it breaks, people immediately begin to panic in search of good and bad meanings associated with mirrors, trying to unravel the sign of what the mirror is breaking for.

Despite the everyday life situation, internal anxiety arises for a reason, if you believe the sign, then the released magical power can both harm and help a person. Unfortunately, in most cases these are unfavorable forecasts, however, over the centuries, wise people have developed effective techniques and methods of protection, so do not be discouraged when mirrors are broken by negligence, by a child or a cat - you just need to correctly decipher the sign sent from above and act according to the situation .

Under any circumstances, one should not lose self-control and common sense; special conspiracies and a positive attitude will help solve the problem.

So what does a broken mirror mean?

The logic of the ancestors, explaining the reasons for the appearance of bad omens about a broken mirror, is understandable. At the dawn of civilization, the ancients could not explain why the silhouettes of living beings are reflected in the polished surface. People believed that this was the gate to the other world, where access was denied to mere mortals.

For many centuries, there was confirmation that beyond the conditional line there is a space where non-material entities live. Evil spirits and deities can predict the fate or teach a lesson to a careless person who tries to violate the boundaries between reality and the looking glass filled with mysticism.

According to signs, a broken mirror can mean that the spirits are angry and want to punish a person by sending him trials in the form of:

  1. seven years of bad luck and failures;
  2. material losses;
  3. quarrels with a person from a close environment;
  4. break with a partner (betrayal, divorce, sometimes the beginning of a new relationship);
  5. illness of relatives, loss of a family member or just a familiar person;
  6. trouble at work.

In fairness, it must be said that there are examples of not only negative consequences. Many women noticed that mirrors were broken in their house before joyful events - a wedding or shortly before pregnancy. People who trust signs know that not all dreams are prophetic and not all bad events inevitably lead to tragic consequences. Each specific case can be both a harbinger of a life drama and an insignificant episode that deserves no more attention than daily cleaning.

Why can't you look in a broken mirror

The first rule says that you can’t look into a broken mirror, the consequences can be tragic: parting, illness, sometimes even a threat to life. It is believed that the energy specific person can evaporate, breaking up into fragments, in which the body is reflected in parts.

The next sign, why you can’t look into the fragments of a mirror, also promises little pleasant - seven years of failures and misfortunes. Agree, the period is really considerable, especially on the eve of fateful changes, for example, travel, choice of profession or change of residence.

Caution won't hurt unmarried girls for marriage, who will have to postpone marriage for the same long seven years. It makes sense to take care to overcome curiosity, concentrate and organize cleaning without the risk of seeing your reflection.

What to do if you look in a broken mirror

Anything happens in life, so you should not make a tragedy out of the fact that for some reason you had to look into a broken mirror. Wise people have developed protection - you need to wash immediately running water, saying special words: "What is broken, then broke, but it did not affect me."

Here, psychologists come in to support the esotericists, who strongly advise them to laugh at the situation, replace the negative with a positive, correctly form and use attitudes for success. After an unpleasant incident, regardless of under what circumstances and by whom the mirrors were broken, there is a risk that the person himself will program himself to fail in any business, turning everything into bad omens about mirrors.

With this way of thinking, it is impossible to tune in to effective solution obstacles and obstacles, on the contrary, troubles will “stick” to the superstitious client throughout the entire period.

Broken mirror: what to do

Non-superstitious people or those whose professional activity involves working with the production and processing of functional accessories, do not bother about this. The rest should remember the algorithm of actions in case a mirror breaks at home or in the office:

  1. Douse the fragments with ordinary tap water if there is no supply of holy water in the room. A very bad omen, when the mirror shattered into fragments in all corners of the room, not everyone remembers what words to say to avert trouble from their loved ones. In this case, just read to yourself "Our Father" and a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.
  2. Cover the fragments with an opaque material. Not only should you not skip this step for safety and cut protection reasons, but it is also a way to avoid accidentally reflecting your face in the fragments.
  3. You can’t clean with your bare hands, you need to wear gloves or wrap your hands with a cloth so as not to interact with fragments that contain negative energy.
  4. Use a broom and a dustpan, put all the parts in an opaque bag. Garbage is subject to immediate disposal, after cleaning the attributes are washed, having previously thrown a broom three times so that it hits the ground.

Note: the fewer witnesses will be present during the cleaning, the better.

How to throw away a broken mirror?

An important point in the procedure for disposing of a damaged item is to correctly throw away a broken mirror without harm to yourself and others. According to the belief, everything down to the smallest particle must be buried in the ground or thrown into the river. It is obvious that each reasonable person take care of safety for people who may accidentally stumble upon such a dangerous "surprise" in all respects.

  • When a suitable place is chosen, on the way to it, a conspiracy should be pronounced 9 times: "The mirror broke, the trouble of the servant (slaves) of God (name) did not touch."
  • Throwing out the package, they say: “Into themselves, and not from themselves. So be it" or "I broke my misfortune. I'm not throwing away the fragments, but my grief.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to wash yourself, read prayers.

What to do if the mirror is cracked?

Fragile items are broken by negligence, in case of non-compliance with production or repair and construction technologies, improper fastening. But what to do if the surface involuntarily burst on its own. Let's not hide - this is definitely a bad omen. A cracked mirror means that there are streams in the house negative energy perhaps someone is causing damage or this is a sign of impending trouble. In any case, you can’t look into it, you urgently need to throw it away.

Magicians and sorcerers, who often use mirrors in their rituals and fortune-telling, warn careless people against the temptation to keep the intact part (with the prospect of cutting the canvas and further exploitation). No matter how big or beautiful it is, it's a bad idea. All debris and fragments must be disposed of immediately and without a trace!

The child broke the mirror

Even cold-blooded women who are difficult to unsettle can find it difficult to remain calm and composure when they hear the news that her child has broken a mirror at home, at school or in kindergarten. Every mother is ready to take responsibility for an unfortunate incident, to protect her beloved child from all the troubles and troubles associated with popular belief.

For those who want to act according to the rules, you need to remember: if a child accidentally breaks a mirror, the family or godmother. The procedure for disposal is the same in each case. The main thing is not to scream and swear, not to frighten the baby, not to set him up for negativity.

Children need to be distracted, made to leave the scene immediately, without looking at the reflection in the fragments.

The sages advise smiling and joking, and if a mother believes in omens, she should wash the child, read conspiracies and prayers.

If the cat broke the mirror

Pets are also the cause of an unfortunate incident when kittens or a restless cat broke a mirror, throwing it off the table. The situation is abnormal, not everyone knows what to do if the cat broke the mirror. First of all, calm down, isolate children and animals from the scene of the incident and start cleaning, using the above recommendations for the disposal of fragments.

Fundamental moment popular belief, which should be taken into account - the traces of the defeat should be eliminated by the mistress of the house or an older woman. There will be a task for the representatives of the stronger sex, who must take care of reliable fastening all elements, as well as systematically check the strength of hooks and dowels, the serviceability of movable and suspended structures.

A mirror fell, but did not break: a sign

The overwhelming majority of the citizens of the planet are sure that if a mirror breaks, expect trouble. But what does the sign mean if the mirror fell, but did not break at all, only the baguette was damaged or chips appeared? The answer is unambiguous - throw it away, since it fulfilled its mission by warning the owners of upcoming problems.

In the end, we saved up optimistic information, focusing on positive interpretations of signs that happen to cardinal changes in life. it good sign in the event that the object, as a talisman, takes on the negative directed at one of the household members.

Some magicians also strongly advise amalgams, in which a seriously ill person constantly looked, especially if he was on the mend. There is a kind of fortune-telling belief: if a girl breaks a mirror, it is necessary to count the number of fragments. An unpaired number promises the bride a quick wedding, and married woman pregnancy.

The question is why the mirror in the house is beating, especially if it happened by accident, almost every person asked himself at least once in his life. Let's try to answer it in detail and from different points of view.

Why it breaks: the main signs

  1. Seven years of failure. This is the most common sign of what the mirror in the house is beating towards. In any case, in Western world. This superstition came to us from the Romans.
  2. According to a belief that exists mainly on the shores of Foggy Albion, the mirror breaks to the loss of a friend. True, it is not known exactly what kind of loss. Whether he dies, leaves, or just the end of the friendship.
  3. In our country, perhaps the most terrible sign is also very common. It is said that this fragile item is destroyed by the death of one of the family members. Not necessarily the one who broke it.
  4. Another explanation for what it means if a mirror is broken is "paranormal" or "witchcraft". And it says that from a destroyed object, especially if it was old, various inhabitants of the other world can crawl out and attack the person who broke this piece of furniture.

At the same time, the most dangerous is the mirror, which cracked in the house by accident without visible reasons, and was not frankly broken. They say that in this case so much negative energy accumulated in him that she was no longer able to stay inside and broke out. And if so, it may well damage the aura of people.

However, these days this sign is not very popular. Few from modern people ready to believe that someone will jump out of the looking glass on him now. But the idea that a loved one will die because of a damaged glass seems to many less absurd.

Why did such terrible beliefs arise?

In ancient times, people believed that the reflection of a person in water is his soul. Therefore, if this image is somehow damaged, then the soul will also be affected.

When people learned to make objects that could reflect them, they began to endow the creations of their hands divine characteristics. It was believed that through the mirror the gods themselves spoke to people. And damage to such a powerful object, directly related to the gods, also did not bode well for a person. At the very least, the gods could take offense at him. And lose your luck.

True, some historians tend to interpret the Roman omen more pragmatically. In their opinion, mirrors at that time were expensive even for very wealthy people. Therefore, they had to be handled with extreme caution. And, of course, the loss of such an expensive item was a setback. It is very likely that it was impossible to restore the loss even after 7 years.

What to do to avert misfortune?

So, what to do if a mirror in the house is broken, how to protect yourself and loved ones from impending disaster.

The same ancient Romans, who predicted seven years of bad luck for the one who broke the "eye of the gods", offered to deal with a possible misfortune as follows:

  • collect all the pieces and bury them in the ground in moonlit night;
  • or throw into running water (also at night under the moon);
  • or break the fragments into even smaller pieces (practically into dust).

Nowadays, people have become too lazy to go out at night and dig holes, and many simply do not have such an opportunity. Therefore, as civilization developed, other ways of dealing with possible misfortunes arose.

  1. The simplest modern method protecting yourself from troubles is to leave a broken mirror in the place where it fell for 7 hours. And then collecting the pieces exactly at the moment when these 7 hours expire, and taking them out into the street.
  2. One more is enough new way is to burn the seven whites wax candles immediately after what happened. Candles should burn until midnight. Upon the onset of which they should be extinguished in one breath.
  3. You can also go to the cemetery and touch the fragments to the gravestone.
Precautionary measures:
  • when collecting fragments, in no case look at them;
  • it is better to use a sheet of white paper as a scoop;
  • while sweeping, you can not talk to anyone.

In principle, all these security measures are very reasonable and correct. Not only from the point of view of superstition, but from the point of view of the rules for working with sharp small objects.

Modern scientific view of the problem

Strange as it may seem, but modern science, mainly psychology, to be attentive to signs that a mirror has broken in the house. And it also agrees that such a neutral event can eventually lead to misfortunes.

It's all about the human psyche and its ability to self-programming.

The superstition about accidentally broken mirrors is one of the strongest. In fact, most people believe in it to one degree or another. Therefore, as soon as such an event occurs, a person begins to expect the worst.

At the same time, any turmoil in life "injured by the magic of the looking glass" immediately attributes to what happened.

Argued with someone at work? Before, I wouldn't have noticed it. And now not only noticed, but once again said it was because of what had happened. And this is just the beginning of the trouble. Further it will be even worse.

And it really does get worse. Since a person focuses only on the negative. He is in a depressed state and notices only the bad things that happen in his life. Good things are usually overlooked.

What to do?

It is necessary at the time of the elimination of the fragments (no matter how you do it) to read the plot:

The mirror was broken, the trouble of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) did not concern.

“How is that?”, you might ask. “What does conspiracy and science have to do with it?”

And everything is very simple. From an esoteric point of view, this is a conspiracy. But, from the point of view of psychology, it is a common affirmation for good luck. And if it helps to distract your mind from negative thoughts, then that's great. And this opportunity should definitely be used.

But, of course, the most reasonable method of dealing with broken mirrors is a complete lack of attention to this problem. Crashed and crashed. They removed the fragments and forgot about what happened.

The mirror is perhaps the most mystical and mysterious object of our everyday life. Since ancient times, it has been used by sorcerers in their magical rituals, and soothsayers predicted the future from it. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are so afraid of signs about a broken mirror.

Mirror Magic

For an average person, a mirror is a beautiful piece of furniture, with the presence of which he has become accustomed and without which he simply cannot imagine his life. But for people who “know” a mirror is not just a decoration, but an ancient magical object with great power. It is believed that the mirror surface serves as a conductor between two worlds: ours, in which we exist, and the other, hidden from the human eye. In addition, this magical item is able to accumulate both good and bad energy and share it with a person.

The mirror, like an encrypted notebook, stores information about everything that happened in front of it. It remembers all the joys and sorrows of a person, all his good and bad deeds, his thoughts and desires, therefore, if there are mirror surfaces in your house, it is very important to follow some rules of behavior with them:

But the main signs and warnings relate to broken and damaged mirror surfaces. People are terribly afraid of doing any harm to the mirror, and in its fragments they see broken destinies and terrible disasters. It is considered a bad omen even if a mirror accidentally falls, but does not break. Let's figure out which of the signs about the broken mirror are true, and which are far-fetched under the influence of panic.

The mirror fell but didn't break

It happens that for no reason a mirror falls, but does not break. It seems to some people that this is definitely a bad omen, while the latter tend to attribute what happened to poor fastening, carelessness of the cat or games that the child arranged. What does the fall of the mirror surface really mean and is it worth attaching importance to it? There are several opinions on this matter.

The spontaneous fall of a mirror from the wall can be regarded as a warning to people living in the house about difficult times. It is believed that the reflective surface accumulates bad and good energy, so its fall indicates a difficult psychological situation in the family. If the mirror falls to the floor from the hands and does not break, then in this case, folk superstitions prophesy to a person good health and long life.

Mirror cracked

If you have a crack on the mirror at home for no apparent reason, this means that in the future someone from your family will be in trouble. People who are fond of esotericism believe that evil forces rule in the room where such things happen. In the interpretation will take great importance there is a place where a cracked mirror hung. If the mirror surface that was in the bedroom of the spouses burst, this means that the husband and wife will have to go through difficult times. Between them, quarrels, misunderstandings, betrayals, even divorce are possible.

If a crack appears on a reflective surface that hangs in a child's room, then you should carefully monitor his health and take a closer look at his surroundings. There is a sign that a damaged mirror in the kitchen "prophesies" financial difficulties for the family. It can also portend problems at work or in business. In case of damage to a small toilet mirror, its owner is threatened with health problems. the only good omen- this is the appearance of cracks on the reflective surface, which was a witness to illness or misfortune: this means that it has fulfilled its mission, having absorbed all the negativity.

The mirror has broken

The most terrible consequences are a broken accessory. It does not matter when this unpleasant event occurred: in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. It does not matter who is to blame and whether he did it intentionally or by accident. It is only important what size the broken mirror is, because a large reflective surface threatens the person who broke it with more trouble, even if it happened by accident. If you break the mirror small size, then there will be less trouble, but they will also cause a lot of trouble.

There is a sign that a mirror broken at home will bring misfortune to the family, which will haunt it for seven years. Over the years, a lot of trouble can happen in various fields the lives of family members. In this regard, natural questions arise: “What should I do if the mirror breaks?” and “Is it possible to prevent impending disasters by making sure that the prophecy does not come true?”. Let's try to figure this out.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been the strongest magical artifact. The older it is, the large quantity energy can be concentrated in it. The Swedish alchemist Paracelsus argued that a mirror is a kind of space of transition to the other world. Specialists of the modern esoteric field argue that the reflective surface is the door to that same afterlife, and if it is slightly opened, then unpredictable consequences can be brought on. A broken or cracked mirror is a kind of key to open this secret magical door.

What can you expect from a broken mirror

It happens that antique mirrors in a beautiful frame are passed down from generation to generation. Some people specifically buy such interior items without thinking about the consequences. If the reflective surface itself accumulates the energy of its owner, then the sharp edges of a broken mirror can practically suck out vital energy. Hence the warning of esoteric experts that one should not look into a broken mirror.

A broken mirror carries not only negative, but also positive aspects. Even the negative consequences of such a nuisance can range from minor quarrels to serious tragic consequences. Therefore, before getting scared, it is worth considering what happened from all sides, not everything will necessarily be extremely bad.

Breaking a mirror is bad

  • About death blood relative heralds the broken large mirror in the house.
  • If the mirror (regardless of size) suddenly breaks, you need to prepare for separation from a friend. It could be a fight or a departure. In the event that it cracked right in the hands, to the disappointment of close person. A mirror broken in half indicates separation. There may be a quarrel, a move, or death.
  • Seven years will be haunted by failures of a family in which a large mirror spontaneously broke.
  • To look into fragments from a broken mirror means to incur trouble. It all depends on the level negative energy concentrated on the other side of the silver coating.
  • A crack in the mirror of a car portends either an accident or simply a change of car.
  • Break a reflective object at work ( common use), speaks of possible unpleasant incidents with management or colleagues. It is possible to change jobs in connection with the conflict. A darkened mirror surface can also lead to these consequences.
  • Tragic consequences await the one who crushed the mirror with his weight.
  • Trouble awaits the house if the child managed to break the product. The child himself will not suffer due to age. Children are under the energy protection of the mother, so the mother who gave birth, or the godmother, should clean up the fragments.
  • For unmarried girls, a broken product predicts seven years without marriage.

Break for happiness

  1. A broken mirror does not always bring only negativity. There are positive aspects of this household trouble.
  2. If this magical piece of furniture fell, without any mechanical impact, this means that the energy accumulated in it is trying to be released by any means. The entire flow of accumulated negative energy is dissipated in space without harming others. Here you need to consider that you can’t see yourself in fragments. In some cases, this can be qualified as an omen of illness or a quarrel, but you should not be afraid of anything serious.
  3. A joyful event, as the wedding foreshadows an odd number of shards from a broken mirror.
  4. With the help of the ceremony of breaking the mirror, in some countries, people are treated. To begin with, the sick person should look at this object for a long time. He accumulates in himself all the pain, torment and suffering experienced by the patient. The mirror is then deliberately broken. All negative aura comes out. In place of the old copy, a new one is hung up and they already look into it only with positive thoughts. Thus, the disease recedes and recovery occurs.
  5. Animals are especially sensitive to the supernatural, so by dropping and breaking the mirror, the pet saves the owners from something bad.
  6. Sudden changes await the one who accidentally broke the mirror into small pieces. But these changes can be both positive and unpleasant.

Broken mirror in legends and other cultures

The idea that broken mirrors bring bad luck most likely comes from the ancient Greeks, who believed that spirits lived in the reflections of the water surface.

Ivan the Terrible, believing that with the help of a mirror it is possible to induce damage and, in general, this is a gift from the devil, he ordered blind craftsmen to make this piece of furniture.

The roots of superstition lie in the centuries, according to which the mirror is inextricably linked with the soul, therefore breaking or looking into a broken mirror leads to negative consequences. The connection between the reflective surface and the soul is present in the Orthodox religion, according to which the presence of mirrors is unacceptable in a house where there is a dead person. It is believed that the soul will be locked up and will not find peace.

The British believe in loss best friend if you harm the mirror. You can prevent trouble by throwing fragments into a fast river.

Americans have a magic antidote for a broken mirror - a five dollar bill. She inherited her supernatural powers from the gold coin. If it happened in one way or another to damage the mirror, then you need to pull out the bill and cross yourself.

What will cracks and chips lead to?

It happens that cracks or chips spontaneously form on the surface. They mean the release of accumulated negative energy, which overflows through the looking glass and is ready to break out, which will bring a lot of problems to the beholder. Therefore, if a crack or chip appears on a reflective product, then you need to get rid of it without regret and purchase a new one in its place.

Any damage to this item is a reason to check the home and the premises itself for the evil eye or damage. Energy protection will not be superfluous.

Break when divination

Like any magical artifact, a mirror is used in divination. If this trouble happens to an ordinary person in living conditions, then during the ritual, violation of the integrity of the reflective surface certainly does not bode well.

  • If a young girl was guessing fate, then seven years of loneliness is expected here.
  • When divining for a betrothed (if he appeared in the reflection), it means a threat to life or a serious, sometimes fatal, illness.
  • The room itself becomes a carrier of negative energy, which will bring trouble to its inhabitants.

In black magic, there is a ritual with which you can harm a person. Because of the mirror space, demons are summoned, the mirror breaks, which releases evil spirit. A person does not have to be the owner of the thing, he could just hold it.

How to destroy shards

It is necessary to get rid of the object that has become unusable immediately, but carefully. Hurrying and fussing is not recommended. To enter into the rights of the dark forces, a day must pass. Therefore, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Holy water is called "living" for a reason. She needs to sprinkle the broken object and read any prayer aimed at protection.
  2. Hold a burning candle bought exclusively in the church over the fragments. At the same time read a prayer and cross yourself three times.
  3. Spit three times over your left shoulder and turn around yourself three times as well. You need to turn counterclockwise.
  4. The conspiracy is said "The mirror breaks, the trouble of the servant of God (the name of the potential carrier of negative energy from the mirror) does not concern." Words are spoken from 3 to 9 times.
  5. You will need a fabric into which the fragments will then collect. She must be strong. Under no circumstances should you touch the debris with your hands. You need to collect them either with gloves or with a piece of cloth, trying not to look into the reflection. If small particles remain, it is advisable to sweep them with a broom dipped in holy water.
  6. Take leftovers to a place where they can be rinsed under running water. Keep under running water for up to half an hour, but not less than five minutes. Mentally set yourself the installation to get rid of the negative.
  7. Pieces of glass are placed in a metal bucket and crushed to a state of powder. Next, take all the contents to the trash and leave there along with the container.

There are other ways to get rid of the remnants of a broken mirror.

  • In no case, with your bare hands, leave the fragments on the windowsill for a couple of days, so that they fall on them and sunlight by day and moonlight by night. This is how cleaning takes place, after which the remaining glass can be disposed of in the usual way.
  • Bury parts of the mirror in the ground in a deserted area.
  • Paint over the reflective plane with black paint. Throw away after that.

In any case, if such a nuisance happened, it is worth thinking about its consequences and about measures to protect yourself and your home from dark forces.

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