Can a blood relative be a godfather. To be a godfather is dangerous and why sometimes it is better not to be

The buildings 15.10.2019
The buildings

Believers Orthodox people know about seven Christian sacraments, one of which is baptism. The doctrine suggests that each Orthodox needs to be baptized to save his soul and gain after the physical death of the kingdom of heaven. God's grace lies down on those who barely, but there are difficulties - everyone who adopted a rite becomes the warrior of God's troops, the forces of evil fell upon him. To avoid plenty, you need to wear a native cross.

The day of baptism is very important for the believer - it is like a day of his second birth. To this event you need to approach with full responsibility. Let's talk about what is needed by the baby to accomplish the sacrament, what to buy and take with you that the godp should be made, how to celebrate this holiday at home.If part of the concerns on the organization of the ceremony will take perceptions (godfather), it will be correct. Preparation for the holiday is carried out all its participants, especially native baby.

It is believed that wearing a native cross protects a person from the forces of evil, and also strengthens his spirit and sends to the true path. The appearance or value of the crossed material does not matter - if only the cross was exactly Orthodox, not the pagan

When is it better to baptize the baby?

According to the custom of the baby in the 8th or 40th day after birth. There are circumstances that may affect the baptism of the breast child: if the kid is sick, the disease creates a threat to life, you can dub it before. Orthodoxy suggests that after the christening, a gueance Angel appears, who is always behind his right shoulder. He will defend the baby and can save him. It is believed that the more prayers drawn to the angel, the more will be stronger.

Some prefer to wait until the little man is growing and becomes stronger. The reverse side of the medal is that while the child is chest, he sleeps on his hands at the godmother and calmly transfers the sacrament. The older it becomes, the harder it is to sleep peacefully. In 2 years, the baby is spinning, wants to run, go outside. This creates difficulties to the priest and the godfather, because the act can last more than an hour. Speak in the font, too, more easier than the baby.

The first thing is to make mom and dad to the sacrament - choose the child the spiritual name. In our country, the tradition of calling a baby in the world was not the name that he was given when baptized in the church - this is justified in Orthodoxy custom, because it is believed that only a mother, a priest and perceptions can know that the church name can know.

Then the little man will be more protected from vitality. In the church, you can agree that the kid is called the name of the saint, the date of the birth of the baby fell on the day.

Recommendations for preparing for the baptism of a small child

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How to organize christening of a child? We must visit the temple in which the procedure will undergo. In the church shop you can ask questions you are interested in. The minister of the church in the shop will suggest you to read the brochure about baptism, where all the rules are described. The date of birth of your baby will be recorded, the desired church name of the baby will also ask, the names of his godfather. The ceremony is made voluntary fee in the form of a donation that goes to the needs of the temple. How much should you pay? Donation size can be different in different churches.

Before the sacrament of the baptism, the gods are necessarily directed to the interview with the father. If a mother and dad will come together with them and take part in the conversation, it will be only a plus. The priest will tell you how the baptism of a young child is performed, which is necessary to take with me. He will definitely ask on a conversation whether mother is baptized with their father and toddler perceptions. If not, then unresolved should be painted until the sacrament over the infant. The priest during the conversation will give recommendations to the native baby, will appoint a day and time when the baptism of the child is. On this day, you should come in advance in order to have time to navigate in the setting, prepare. Many parents are invited to the christenings of their child of the photographer, we have photo and video. You need to know that for recording video and photographs it is necessary to ask the permission and blessings from the priest.

To tell more about the sacrament and instruct the godfather, the father will be able to be a preliminary conversation. Parents of the baby can come to her

Who to choose as a godfather?

Usually, the godfather becomes the people of one sex with a baby: girls - a woman, the boys - a man. You can invite two crisses of different floors. Then the kid will have a spiritual father and mother.

The question of who is worth becoming a godfather of your baby is very important. The godfall becomes the second parents of the kid. Think who better applies to a small little man who is ready to bear responsibility for him, give him a spiritual example, pray for him? Most often, close and friends of the family become percepts.

Best of all, if the godfather becomes a deeply believer, who knows and coming down church traditions and laws. This person should often have at home, because he is responsible for the upbringing of a little man, first of all - spiritual. He will be next to your baby all my life.

You can choose as a godfather sister or brother moms and dads, a close friend or friend of the family, a grandmother or grandfather kid.

Perceivers must be baptized themselves - it needs to be done in advance. Parents need to understand that the issue of the choice of the godfather must be approached very seriously.

Who can't become a godfather?

The laws of baptism in the Orthodox Church are such that the godfather cannot become:

  1. atheists or inners;
  2. monks and nuns;
  3. patients mentally people;
  4. children under 15 years old;
  5. drug addicts and alcoholics;
  6. insome women and men in sexual relations;
  7. spouses or loved ones in the sex sense;
  8. parents kid.

Brother and sister can not be godparents to each other. If you are baptized twins, you need to do it not on the same day. The godfall in the twins may well be the same.

If twins grow up in the family, they need to be baptized in different days, but another pair of the godfather for this will not need - it's enough to find two reliable and pious people

Memo for the Cross

  • Appearance. Toddler's perceivers must come to the church with their own baptists on the neck. If it is a woman, she puts in the temple skirt below the knee and sweatshirt with sleeves. Mandatory for the godmother headdress. To the clothes of men also apply the rules for finding in the church: it is impossible to baffles and shoulders, that is, even in hot time will have to abandon shorts with T-shirt. A man is in the temple with a uncoated head.
  • Shopping and payment. Often ask who should buy a baptism for the baptism of the child? Who pays the procedure? There is a certain procedure for the baptism of a newborn baby and prepare for it.
    1. He suggests that the godpie buys a kiss, and also pays for baptism. The godfall buys a crusty girl. It is best to choose a cross from ordinary metal or from silver. Golden cross applied at the ceremony is not accepted. When choosing a cross, pay attention to the fact that he could not hit the baby, let the crossed the oval edges.
    2. In addition to the cross of the godfather, you need to buy a towel in advance, a baptismal shirt and sheets. She buys a hryon. - matter in which the baby is conceding. Thoughtful mother's matter is stored for many years, because it contributes to the cure of the child from the disease. The patient of the little man wrapped in the hryon, and he will start recovering. It should be stored in hidden from strange eyes, because it is believed that it is possible to damage the infant.
  • Preparation. People appointed by spiritual parents are obliged to prepare for the rite of baptism of a small child and themselves. The preparation includes a strict post, starting a few days before the event, rejection of entertainment and joy. On the eve, it is not bad to take the Communion in the Temple, before the confession. The church needs to take with me the birth certificate. You can see a video from baptism in advance to roughly understand the sequence of events.
  • Prayer. Perceptmen are required to learn the prayer "Symbol of Faith." This prayer reads a priest three times during the sacrament of the baptism of the child, she may be asked to read by heart and the godfather.

Nuances of Crestin

  • The little man can be chopped on any day of the week - on holidays and weekdays, in the post and on the usual day, but most often the christening are on Saturday.
  • Percepton should be taken in advance to take a child from parents and go with him to church on the appointed day and time. Parents are suitable for them. There is a sign that the godfall must desemble garlic tooth and breathe in the face of the baby. In this way, angry forces are distilled off from the baby.
  • At the ceremony in the temple there are only the closest people - the parents of a boy or the girls taking the sacrament, maybe grandparents. The rest can come to the house of baptized after the rite and mark this event at the festive table.
  • The baptism of the breast child does not always occur in the church itself. Sometimes the priest holds a rite in the premises specially designated for this.
  • If necessary, parents can arrange a rite at home or in the hospital. For this you need to negotiate with the father and pay all its expenses on the organization of the sacrament.
  • The priest reads prayers and makes a minor formation of a newborn. Then he cuts a strand of hair from his head, as if bringing God the sacrifice. Then the baby gives the kid three times in the font, the father says: "Here is the cross, my daughter (my son), carry it." Together with the father of the godfather (Aya) says: "Amen."
  • Child parents also come to church, observing Orthodox customs. They dress up as accepted in the temple. During the rite, the mother can pray for her child. Such prayers will certainly be heard.
  • In the evening, relatives and friends come to the holiday with gifts. Their choice depends on the wealth and imagination: toys or clothes, care objects or saint icon - the patron of the baby.

Traditionally, baptism occurs in the place of the temple, however, in some circumstances, parents may ask for an exit ceremony - for example, at home or in the maternity ward

Features of christening boys and girls

The bars of the girls and the boy differ little. During the rite, the godfather wears the male kid for the altar, and the female krestler is not wearing there. The christenings of the newborn girl suggest the presence of a head-up, that is, they put on her golk. When the baptists of a little boy are made, he is in the temple without a headdress.

If both godparents are involved in the rite, first the child's child holds the mother's mother, and after swimming in the font it takes his godfather and carries the altar. The girl holds only the godmother in his hands. This is the main difference in the rite over the children of the opposite sex.

If the order of the baptism of a small child will be observed, the blood and spiritual parents of the child will prepare for the christening, the child will grow healthy and cheerful. When he grows up, he will be a highly computer, seeking to righteous life.

Christening is a fateful event for every child, parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace of mind, the integrity of the Spirit, reliable God's defense of man. In addition, the baby appears second parents, ready to always assist and assistance. Especially valuable in the future life of the responsibility of the godfather.


Before giving agreement to baptize the child, a woman should take a big responsibility entrusted to her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. Choose a suitable candidate necessarily with faith in the heart and full responsibility. It may be a relative or girlfriend, not necessarily married, but believing and exemplary. If it is not baptized, it is important to be baptized to be baptized for the kid in the afternoon, be sure to go.

Duties of the godfather

It is not necessary to interview and casting for the role of second parents. It is necessary to simply conclude, what is the attitude of the applicants for God to surrounding people and everything alive. If the mother's mom thinks that the godfall should only buy a cross and a hryon, and then participate in the church sacrament, and on this participation in the fate of a new person ends, it is very mistaken. The spiritual education and development of the child - this is what the godmother should be done throughout life. In this case, we are talking about such responsibilities of godparents:

  1. All the time to be close to the child, help in difficult situations.
  2. Learn prayers and just talk about God, his role in the life of every person, together to attend the church.
  3. Every year congratulate on your birthday, make gifts for an angel day.
  4. Coming regularly, attracting a garde to the garde / skeleton.

How many times can you be a godfather

Each Orthodox person can participate in this church rite, and an unlimited number of times, if the parents of the baby ask for this. The truthful and conscious decision is only welcome. Another important question is disturbing to the sacrament, who can be a godfather, according to church Scripture? All believers, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandparents, and grandparents can be assigned to themselves. Cannot be a godfather:

  • non-believers;
  • servants of the church;
  • people of another faith;
  • unreleased;
  • mentally unbalanced people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of the child - Rules for the Great Mom

The baptismal towel and clothes do or buy a future godfather, and this is a mandatory stage of preparation for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a pre-woman need to come and confess, in the day of the christening, be sure to have a cross on his chest. There are other rules for the baptism of the child in the Orthodox Church, which is important to include in the rite.

Girls Girls - Rules for the Cross

For the girl, it is important for the presence of a spiritual mother, since it is the first after mom and the child's dad is responsible for him. It's one thing to baptize the baby, and completely different - to become an adheating man with a support, support, spiritual mentor in life. The duties of the godfather with baptism of the girl are as follows:

  1. Before the start of the sacrament, read by heart of prayers about the child, among them the "symbol of faith".
  2. Dress on the christening modest long dress, tie my head with a scarf.
  3. Take on the hands of the kiss after diving in the font, dress in white clothes.
  4. Help on the hands of a kiss during the passage around the font for the priests, when reading the prayer, the procession of the minoromania.

Boy's christenings - Rules for the godmother

During the bars of the boy, not only the godfather is played, but also a father who will provide him with spiritual support in everything in the future. The main responsibilities of the godfather with the baptism of the boy are identical, as in carrying out the church rold of the girl. The only difference is as follows: after diving in the kid, the kid takes the godfather's hand; Also baptized boys, the priest bears for the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of the child for the godfather

During the procession, the father leaves a memo that the godp should do: Three times to pronounce the prayer "Symbol of Faith", "Our Father", "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice", "King Heaven", answer honestly into several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for the godfather with baptism gives a powerful energy charge, contributes to the receipt by a child of grace.

What gives the christening girl

What should the godfather do after the end of the sacrament? Buy and present a commemorative gift to your gadget or skeleton. This is where the problem arises with the choice of a suitable present. So what gives the godfather to the baptism of the girl?

  • silver or Golden Cross;
  • god's samples;
  • personal icon of the guardian angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does the godfather buy on the bars

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. It is necessary to know what is needed on the bars christening, so that when the sacrament does not be caught off by surprise. This is what the second mom should do:

  • buy a white sputum, a blanket, towel;
  • present to the gift of the Bible, nominal icon;
  • make another commemorative gift.

What should the godfather do

If a woman has his children, nephews, younger brothers and sisters, she should not forget about their own gods. There are a number of believes and will accept what the godparents are needed. This is what is obliged to make the godfather until the last day of life:

  1. For the gosson daily pray, ask God for him a light path.
  2. To visit the church with him, coming, confess.
  3. Participate in spiritual formation, growth and development.
  4. Become in his mind a role model.
  5. Take on all responsibility for the crumb if the blood parents die.

Video: What you need to know the godfare parents before baptism

The godfather in relation to gods have 3 main responsibilities:

1. Prayer. The Godfather is obliged to pray for his godfather, as well as as he increases it to teach prayer to ensure that the sickness could already communicate with God and ask him for help in all his life circumstances.

2. Moral. In my own example, you should show the baby human virtues - love, kindness, mercy, etc., so that the baby increases the real good Christian.

3. Verrigant. Teach the scene the basics of Christian religion, and if you ourselves are not enough enough, you first reop out the gaps yourself.

The godfare promises to God that will lead to him the kid - his kid. Remember this.

priest Mikhail Zazvonov

Who can be a godfather?

- The godfather (perception) should be an Orthodox Christian. The godfather cannot be discharged from the church (not regularly communion), a representative of another religion or an atheist. From the perception, it is required not only to know the Symbol of Faith and read it when baptism, but also spiritual education of the godfish in the future, daily prayer for him.

"The Godfather must be a sorry man, ready to regularly drive a kid in the temple and raise it in the Christian faith.

- After the sacrament is made baptism, the godfather cannot be changed, even if he disappeared or disappeared from faith.

- Pregnant and unmarried women can be godparents and boys and girls.

- The godfather cannot be a father and mother of a child, as well as her husband and wife cannot be the godfather of one child, the rest of the relatives - grandmothers, aunt and even the older brothers and sisters can be the godf.

- A person must have only one godfather. Upon cookies, only one perception is necessary - a man for the baptized person of a male or woman for female face. The presence of the second godfather is unwritten, although the ancient, the custom of the church.

- Not allowed to perception of the monks and nuns.

- the foundation of the sacrament of baptism is assumed to be a full-time presence of perceivers in its commission. In extreme cases, baptism of babies and without perceivers are allowed, then the priest itself is considered a godfather.

- Marriages between the Khfestable and perception of one sex with him are forbidden: a perception cannot take his spiritual daughter to his wife, and Kum cannot marry a widowed mother of his spiritual daughter (VI Ecumenical Cathedral, Rule 53).

Recklessly inviting the crotch man of non-church: what can you teach the one who does not know the subject? This is how to choose a conductor in a dangerous journey, where the price of the question is - life (in our case - eternal), a passingman that does not know the route.
Also, an uncommon to take the church to herself in front of God to educate in the Christian faith of the baby, whose parents are not only outside the church, but they are not going to choke, instill their Chado to Christ the Savior.
If you are invited to be a perception of parents who are not only not against the baptizing of the child, but they themselves are ready to become members of the church community, it is reasonable, before the adoption of your own vows, to take both parents to fulfill the commandments, to pray for their children every day. Coming with them into the temple, try to get them weekly. Ideally, it would be nice to advise parents to resemble the Sunday school or on Catechization classes: after a couple of classes it will be clear whether they are serious about spiritual life, or consider baptism as a magic rite.

On the ancient church rule, with baptism of infants, only one perception was required - a man for a boy or a woman for a girl (a big church, 5 ch., Zri). The rule about "being with the baptism of one perception" belonged to the first centuries of Christianity and strictly observed in the Church of Eastern and Western to the IX century. Nowadays, widespread the custom of being a wide distribution to be when baptized by two percepts: the crossed father and the godfather.

Only Orthodox perceivers or perceptions are of church significance. Their names are memorized in prayers and are entered into the evidence of baptism. Perception " it seems his face of the Khfefected and for him the vows of God, creates, the symbol confesses and owe a perceived son to instruct the faith and the law of God, which can not be learned neither Nevezh in faith, nor in-law"(Book on the posts of presbyters parish, 80).
According to the practice of an ancient church, both innerians are never allowed to perception, and the Orthodox is indecent to be a perception of children from innocent parents, excluding those cases when children are baptized into the Orthodox faith. The canons of the church of such a case, as participation in baptism as a perception of a not cultivative Christ, or a person being confessing, also do not provide.

Can't be perceptuals insane, completely unreleased in faith, as well as criminals, obvious sinners and who come to the temple in a drunk. For example, not for unlaunting in the confession and the Holy Communion for a long time can not give leadership and edifying in the life of their gods. There may not be admirers of juvenile (up to 14 years), as they are still incapable of a teacher and non-solid in the intelligence of the faith and the forces of the sacrament (except for those cases when it is absolutely impossible to have an adult perception).

The ancient Russian church did not know such a rule that would eliminate monks from perception. It is known that the critic fathers of our Russian grand-road and royal children were mostly the monks. Only subsequently, the monks were prohibited by perception because it involves a monk into communication with the world (Nomocanon with a large church). Parents cannot be perceptuals from the farthing of the baptism of their own children. A woman in ordinary cleansing is inconvenient to be a perception. In such cases, you can postpone the baptism or invite another perception.

Church rules do not prohibit be perceptuals of the same baby with their own brother and sister, as well as his father with her daughter or mother with her son. Currently, priests do not allow her husband and wife to jointly perception of the same baby. In order to prevent violations of the existing rules regarding the perceivers, the priest usually recognizes in advance from parents whom they wish to have sex for their children.

Is the church really teaches about the inadmissibility of marriage between the godfather?

... Currently, the 211th article of Nomocanon [where it is indicated for the inadmissibility of marriage between perceivers] does not have any practical value and must be honored ... because when baptized it is enough to be one perception or one perception, depending on the floor of the baptized, then there is no reason to consider perceptions Consisting in any spiritual kinship and therefore to prevent them from marrying themselves. "

From the document: "obstacles to the wedding and perception when baptism. Grigorovsky S. P. Publishing Council of the Russian ROC. 2007. For the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. P. 49-51. "

According to the site:

Often, from the "church" grandmothers, and in general, you can hear the phrase from the people of elderly: "From the Cross, they do not repent!". The meaning of this phrase is that if you were asked to become a godfather, but you do not have the right to refuse. What is the current statement? And is it true? In this article we will understand everything in order.

Why can not be refused to be the godfather? What carries baptism

The rite of baptism itself is just one of the 7 sacraments existing in the Orthodox Church. The essence of this rite is as follows: the believer is immersed three times into the water. It is believed that at this moment a person ceases to exist for life in sin and is reborn for eternal life. Of all the above, it can be concluded that the rite of baptism needs a believer man in order to gain salvation. After all, during this ritual, a birth is occurring for absolutely new, spiritual life.

What is required from the godpieces

One of the most important requirements is the true Orthodox faith of future godparents. These should be people who live according to church laws, because their main goal is to teach him the basic laws of Orthodoxy trusted by the basic laws, give a little spiritual and life instructions.

If it happened so that the godfather themselves do not understand anything in the matters of faith, the fact that they will be able to give their kid? What will they teach him? Agreeing to become a godfather, it is very important to realize what a huge share of responsibility for spiritual education falls on the shoulders. After all, the godparents on a par with blood parents are responsible for the child before God.

If a person who has decided to undergo the rite of baptism is an adult and can say the words of renunciation, then his godfall, which is present at the same time, advocate the guarantors in the face of the Church, carrying responsibility for the loyalty and sincerity of his words.

Responsibilities of the godf

  • As it can be prayed for your scene.
  • Perform all church sacraments, the main of which are confession and communion.
  • Talk about worship, church calendar, as well as about the holiness and importance of icons.
  • To talk in detail about the church services, the rules for compliance with the post and strength of prayers.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the godfather cannot become a stranger person.

Who should not choose in the godfather

You can not trust such an important and responsible mission with a good-natured grandmother celebrated in the temple or near him, which is ready to "hold" your child during baptism. In addition, it is not recommended to choose into the godfall friends or relatives who will not be able to fulfill their spiritual duties described above. The child's godfather in no case cannot be chosen from personal gain for parents or kid. It is important to remember about the initial goal of this sacrament, in order to not deprive the child of a true spiritual mentor and not impose someone who will absolutely not worry about the spiritual side of the child's upbringing, for which he himself will lead to a response before God. The godfather cannot be chosen by sinners who did not repent, as well as people who behave an immoral lifestyle.

Taking into account all the above facts summarize: why is it still impossible to refuse to become a godfather. And is it really impossible?

Is it possible to refuse to offer a godfather and whether it will be sin

If the person who was offered to become a godfather, for some reason he feels his inner moral and spiritual unaware of or has reasonable concerns for the fact that he will not be able to fulfill the duties of the godpiece to him with a complete share of responsibility, then this man may well answer by refusal The blood parents of this child (or the most baptized, if he is an adult person) to perform the role of the godfather with their sibling. There is no one terrible sin that there is talking about there.

Think ourselves: after all, it will be so more honest to the baby, his parents and, which is important, to himself, rather than taking the most significant responsibility for the spiritual education of the child will not fulfill their obligations, the data before God.

When the baby appears on the light, the first cry and sigh testify to his physical birth. In the spiritual terms, this moment comes on the day of baptism. The ritual of the adoption of faith is accompanied by many generations. The right to be a godfather is considered honorable, it indicates special, warm and trusting relationships between parents and percepts. Their debt is to take the spiritual birth of a person and be responsible for the faith of his godlock.

The answer to the question about who can be the godfather parents of a boy or a girl is obvious from the point of view of the church. This title is worthy of people supporting the Orthodox faith and reached the age of majority. They are entrusted with obligations for the acquisition of a child to spiritual values.

Which carries the sacrament of baptism

Baptism is an ancient rite carried out in the conditions of the Orthodox Church. The main purpose is to purify a person from misconduct, committed in the past life so that he can start his new path from the "pure sheet".

When the baby is for the first time in his life bring to the church, in order to observe him, only the closest people remain in the holy place and from here and the name "The Sacrament of Baptism" remains.

After the priest pronounces all the prayers and three times the baby with water from the font, the rite is considered completed.

Most of us baptized in the first months of their lives, and therefore in memory of a person there is no information about everything that happens. People live, develop, build families. In some period of time, the moment comes when the proposal is to become a godfather. Or, moreover, a child is born in the family and it needs to be chopped.

In such a situation, a natural question arises: "Who can take a perception and can it be refused to be a godfather?" It is not necessary to look for an answer in faith or church, it is within us. It is very important to reflect the possibilities of future godfares: whether they can give the child what is unable to give you whether they will love him as a native and do not get away from the true path.

It is also necessary to understand that life is very unpredictable, and if the procession of the godfather or mom will call with the parents of the kid, this should in no way affect their personal relationships and disrupt the spiritual relationship.

Spiritual relationship

The godfall is experiencing no less than parents before the baptism of the child. This is mostly related to the progression of church illiteracy among the modern population. This is often and leads to failure to be a perception. Here the main thing is to understand that being the godfather is not scary if you make this step consciously. And corresponding to church canons is not necessary. It is possible that this event will turn your inner world and perception, and you will pull out to self-education in this regard.

For the church, it is important that the chosen godparents will clearly understand: from now on, they are responsible for the child exactly the same way as it is entrusted with biological parents.

Choosing perceptions for your child, parents must take into account that the church is not favorable for the admission of the spiritual birth of a child if he is taken by a marriage. But at the same time, the husband or wife can be the godfather of several children of some parents.

Great baby close relatives - Is it possible?

Every conscious parent before the baptism of the child arises a difficult question as to how to choose the godfather and the gentle for the baby. However, in most cases, the answer to it is on the surface, it is worth only a little to deepen into the rules of the church.

In the old days, the range of relatives tried to expand so as much as possible. This was done to increase the number of people who will take care of the child in the future and help him in difficult situations. That is why the invitation to be perceptuals to close relatives was received only in the form of an exception. This is due to the fact that in one family, everyone cares about each other. Again, to increase the family circle, they tried to do so that the brother and sisters had different godfather and mom. But here the restriction is not from the church, but under the influence of human concepts.

The main thing is that the perception does not forget about his duties, and he did not have a question as to whether it is possible to refuse to be a godfather. Passing with the child, the parent must feel a spiritual connection with him.

How many children can baptize one person

If a person from nature is kind, sociable and loves children, then he can have repeatedly different families to offer to become a perception. Involuntarily pops up the question of how dad and mom?

There are no quantitative restrictions on the part of the Church, and you can be the spiritual parents of several children at your own accord. However, it is very important that the godp is aware of the importance of this ritual and understood all the responsibility that is assigned to it. The spiritual parent is a holy example for a god. Not fulfilling their duties, he will not answer the child's parents, but before God. Throughout life, the perception must take care and protect his gods, no matter how much of them.

The people vitates the rumor that a woman who cross one child and won becoming a perception for one more, removes the cross from the firstborn. Fortunately, this is only myth and the church has its own look.

Re-baptism is like second genera for a biological mother who will never throw his first baby if she has another or more children. The godfather is equal responsibility for his gods, and, having breeded in the church with several children even from different parents, she will not be able to forget any of them.

Parents should think well over those who can cope with this role, because among young people often have questions about whether it is possible to refuse to be a godfather, while having already passed the rite.

How to choose godpieces for daughter

Choose a godmother for the girl has always been problematic than for a boy. Often, the mother's girlfriends are thinking about, and is it possible to refuse to be a godfather, if before that the girl did not baptize the boy. This is another people's myth, who says that the godfather of the girl who took over these obligations for the first time and previously not the king boy, will definitely remain a single, and the kleyman "takes her beauty and good luck."

This error does not have any Christian justifications, but is exclusively a superstition, which is sinful. The godfather for the girl should be a convinced Orthodox Christian. Another interesting point, about which not many parents know, the girl must have a perception, and a rite without a godfather is allowed.

Selection of suspension for son

It is also worth understanding who can be the godfathers of the boy. Here, as well as in the case of a girl, there are no rules and restrictions. The godfall should understand what responsibility he carries for a child and what he will need all his life to support spiritual communication with him.

What is the responsibility of perceptions

It is hard to realize that not every person understands what the godfather mother and dad need, and why this is the name of their new and such a responsible life role. Maximum than the restrictive to the participation of the godfather in the child's life is visits to the name day and angel day and gifts. This, of course, is wonderful, but from the spiritual side everything is much deeper.

The duties of the godfather are prayer for the Son. At least once a day, the perception must contact God with the last skeleton. Nothing special, even what you need to do for your children: ask for health and well-being, salvation and help. Asking the question of who can be the godfathers of a boy and a girl, answer whether any of your close friends love the child as you do it. And only if you can decide.

The godfather of the duties in the baptism of the child places the same as the father. It should help the biological mother, pronounce prayers for the gossip, walk with him to church on holidays and develop in the spiritual plan.

Preparation for the baptism of the child

The main point is that the chosen godparents should come to the church for the baptism of the child with consecrated baptists. The godfather mandatory should be in the temple only with a head covered. Clothes with trousers should be avoided. The dress or skirt should be lower than the knee, and the shoulders closed.

The sacrament of baptism is a long rite that can last up to two hours, so the shoes are needed steady, low and without heels. Throughout the time, the perception will have to keep the baby in his arms.

A man is enough to wear a rigorous suit or pants with a shirt.

All that will be required for rite: towels, candles, icon - can be purchased in the church. With you for a child it is worth prepare only cross and clothing.

The church is a place in which to refrain from attracting attention, so be modest in clothing and behavior.

Generally accepted gifts to gods

Modern traditions regarding the baptism are not much different from the ancients. Just as before, it is customary to give a child a native cross - this is part of the duties of the godfather dad, and the clothing gives the godmother. It concerns the baptism of the boy.

If the girl is sacred, the rules are the same, only on the contrary. Now the gifts are acquired by the parents of the child, but it is desirable that the godded parents will prevent any memorable present.

Very long ago, it was customary to give a child a silver spoon. Her perceivers was presented as a gift where to the child appeared the first tooth.

It is believed that it is from this spoon that you should begin to introduce lures. This tradition has been preserved to this day.

Is it possible to become a pregnant woman's perception

There are no prohibitions to make a pregnant godfather to take part in the rite. The church cannot prevent the baby to baptize a woman in a position. The only thing that can prevent this is a physical condition of pregnant women, but if she is sure that he will withstand 2 hours with a child in his arms in the standing position, then you can. The main thing is to realize that soon mom will not only have a born baby, but also a spiritual sense.

Who is forbidden to become a perception of the church

According to the laws there are a number of restrictions, falling under which, a person has no right to participate in the sacrament of baptism:

  • the godfare parents of another, not Christian faith - Buddhists, Atheists, Catholics, Muslims, etc., even whether they are the closest friends of the family;
  • if the child wants to baptize parents related to marriage or family relationships;
  • not allowed to rit;
  • if parents were not baptized;
  • if there is no desire to become a perception;
  • biological parents can not be baptized by his own child;
  • juvenile people;
  • it is forbidden to baptize the stepmothers and stepmakes of their stepdaughter and stepsins;
  • if a woman has critical days, the entrance to the church is prohibited;
  • monks and priests.

In the latter case, the situation is the situation if the priest is a cross father of a monk or a person belonging to the church.

Is there any need to be married to become a godfather

Another people's myth says that at least one of the glory parents should be married. This belief is rooted wrong. But at the same time, parents should understand that a married man or married woman is more responsible and experienced people, respectively, they clearly understand what responsibilities are assigned to them.

Being perceptuals are very responsible and honorable. The godfather is responsibilities when imposing similar to the fact that he took upon himself the father who crossbars.

What to do if the godfather has forgotten about his destination

Unfortunately, it happens that the perceivers forget about the responsibility that they took upon themselves at the time of the baptism of the child. The duties of the godfather enters the upbringing, care and spiritual development of the kid.

If the parents made the wrong choice and Cum turned out to be an careless man, then wines for it lies only on them. In such a situation, they should do what perception should have done, and to attach a child to the Church.

Is it possible to refuse or change the godfather parents

The sacrament of baptism is a rite that is performed once in life, and no one can cross the child. It doesn't matter how much the biological or godfall parents of a child sinned or he himself. What has been done before Borom is impossible to change in holy place.

Depending on the life situation, the already matured child can make a choice itself, communicate with the godfall parents who have sinned, changed faith, or not. If the perceptuals assumed this responsibility, but did not cope with their obligations, the gymnasts betrayed, to answer for it before God.

In this case, we can say that the spiritual union, concluded between parents and child in infancy, is destroyed.

The parents of the child must clearly understand and be confident in the choice of godfather parents just like in themselves, because it is not a tribute to fashion, but a great sacrament that makes a person in the temple only once.

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