Tectonic structure of the Ural mountains. Tectonics and geological structure of the Urals

reservoirs 22.09.2019

In the Paleozoic, a geosyncline was located in the Ural territories; it took the place of the folded mountains that formed in ancient times and exist today. In its range were seas with changing boundaries and depths.

In the history of the region there were several eras of mountain building:

  • In the early Paleozoic, the Caledonian folding formed. Its component, the Salair folding, appeared in the Cambrian period. The Caledonian folding is not the basis of the modern Ural Mountains, despite the fact that it occupied a vast territory.
  • The role of the basis of modern mountains is played by the Hercynian folding, which began to develop in the middle of the Carboniferous period. Its initial location was the east of the Urals - it was here that it was most intense, but in the Permian period it spread to the west. During the formation of this folding, strongly compressed, recumbent and overturned folds were formed, complicated by large thrusts. This led to the formation of scaly structures. Folding took place simultaneously with the introduction of granite intrusions and with deep splits. Some intrusions located in the north and south of the Urals are of considerable size: up to 60 km wide, up to 120 km long. The western slopes of the Ural Mountains have less intense folding, as a result of which there are no intrusions, thrusts are rare, and simple folds are the most common. The formation of folds caused the tectonic pressure of the plates moving from east to west. In this direction, the Russian platform, which has a rigid foundation, prevented the spread of folding. In the location of the Ufa plateau, there are highly compressed folds that are very complex. Such folds are also found on the western slopes.
  • At the end of the Hercynian orogeny, folded mountains appeared instead of the geosyncline. Tectonics in subsequent periods was characterized by blocky subsidence and uplift. In places they were accompanied by active folding and faulting.
  • In the Mesozoic most of The Urals remained dry land. At that time, the erosional processing of the relief of the mountains took place, and coal-bearing strata accumulated on the eastern slopes.
  • Various tectonic movements took place during the Cenozoic era. The Urals is a large tectonic meganticlinorium, having a system of synclinoria and anticlinoria, which were demarcated by deep faults. Anticlinoria are associated with the most ancient rocks - quartzites, granites and crystalline schists. Significant strata of volcanic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks characteristic of synclinories. A change in structural-tectonic zones is noticeable; it is traced in the direction from west to east.

Among these structural-tectonic zones:

  • Shale synclinoria;
  • marginal and periclinal troughs;
  • East Ural synclinorium;
  • Central Ural Anticlinorium
  • Regional anticlinoria.

The East Ural and Central Ural zones to the north of the 59th parallel are submerged and overlain by Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits distributed on the territory of the West Siberian Plain. Between the eastern edges of the Russian plate and the folding of the Urals is the Cis-Ural marginal foredeep.

It contains several cavities:

  • Belskaya depression;
  • Karatakhskaya depression;
  • Vorkuta depression;
  • Pechora depression;
  • Ufa-Solikamsk depression

The lower layers of the trough have predominantly Permian marine deposits, while the upper layers are continental. The deposits of the early Permian period are associated with salt-bearing layers, the size of which reaches 1 km in thickness. They are observed in the Ufimsko-Solikamsk and Balsk depressions. The structure of the trough is asymmetrical - the eastern part is deeper and has coarse deposits. Deposits of many minerals, including salt, coal and oil, are associated with a deflection.


The tectonics of the Urals is connected with its orography. The Ural Mountains are a system of mountain ranges elongated in a north-south direction and located in parallel. There are 2-3 such ridges in the narrowing of the mountains, and 4 or more in the widest part. The southern part of the Urals is orographically very complex, with at least 6 ridges. They are intersected by large depressions in which river valleys are located. Ridges and ridges, as a rule, arose in anticlines, while depressions mainly correspond to synclines.

Reversed relief is less common. It has a connection with rocks that are resistant to destruction and located in synclinal zones. The South Ural plateau and the Zilair plateau within the boundaries of the Zilair synclinorium have a corresponding character. Elevated areas replace the lower ones, being "nodes" with maximum height and the widest mountains.

The asymmetry between the western and eastern slopes of the Urals is a unifying feature of the mountain topography. The western slopes are more gentle and smoothly turn into a plain. The eastern slopes have a greater gradient and steeply descend towards the West Siberian Plain. The tectonics and history of the development of the Urals explain this pattern. The main watershed ridge of the mountains has a shift towards the West Siberian Plain. In the north of the Urals, it is called the Belt Stone, and in the south - Uraltau. The low height of the mountains determines the geomorphological landscapes - low-mountain and mid-mountain.

Almost no alpine landforms are found. You can see them in the elevated areas of the Subpolar and Polar Urals. The glaciers of the Ural Mountains, which currently exist, are associated with them. The size of these glaciers is small compared to the Caucasian or Alpine ones. There are 122 glaciers in the Urals, with a total glaciation area of ​​about 25 sq. km. They are accumulated where the polar watershed part of the mountains is located. These cirque glaciers are up to 2 km long. The glaciation of the Quaternary period in the Urals was not intense, and the glacier did not move south of the 61st parallel. He created various forms relief: kars, hanging valleys, cirques, but there are no ram foreheads and glacial-accumulative landforms, such as eskers, terminal moraine ridges, drumlins. Based on this, it is customary to consider the historical volumes of the Ural ice sheet to be insignificant.

One of the features of the mountain topography is the presence of ancient leveling surfaces. In some locations in the Urals, researchers have counted up to 7 such surfaces. The explanation for such features is the fact that the Urals rose unevenly during the formation of the mountain system. The alignment surfaces differ markedly in age. I.P. disagrees with this explanation. Gerasimov. He believes that there are no several leveling surfaces in the Urals, and the only such landform was formed in the period from the Jurassic to the Paleogene period, undergoing deformation later, as a result of tectonic changes and erosional erosion. On the this moment neotectonic movements play an important role in the relief formation of the Urals, which was also noted by I.P. Gerasimov. In the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods, the Urals was a heavily peneplanated country with shallow seas on the outskirts. In the process of tectonic Neogene-Quaternary changes, it acquired a modern mountain profile.

Karst landforms are typical of the western slope and Cis-Urals. In the Perm region alone, on the surveyed area of ​​1000 sq. km there are about 15 thousand sinkholes. The caves of the region are of karst origin, including the largest - Sumgan (8 km long). The Kungur ice cave is widely known because of the large number of underground lakes and grottoes.

Minerals of the Urals

The location of the Ural minerals depends on the meridional zonality. The Urals is one of the first regions of the country in terms of the richness and diversity of minerals. Several thousand minerals are found in the bowels of the Urals. Thousands of mineral deposits have been taken into account. In terms of total reserves of precious stones, platinum and asbestos, the Ural region occupies one of the highest places in the world.

Complex ores with impurities of titanium, nickel and chromium are the main wealth of the Ural Mountains. Copper ores contain impurities of gold, zinc and silver. Deposits of igneous origin are concentrated mainly on the eastern slopes. Iron ore deposits are Vysokogorskoye, Bakalskoye, Magnitogorskoye, Khalilovskoye, Kachkanarskoye deposits.

There are deposits of precious stones and indigenous gold. worldwide fame has a Ural emerald.

The bowels of the Urals contain a large number of non-ferrous metals. Copper ore mined at the Krasnouralskoye field.

There is a lot of manganese and bauxite in the north of the mountains.

In the Northern Urals and partly in the Middle Urals, there is a platinum belt containing placer and bedrock deposits of platinum. Gold has been found in quartz veins in the east of the Urals. It is mined near Yekaterinburg, at the Berezovsky deposit, the oldest gold mining site in Russia.

Non-metallic minerals of the Urals is asbestos, which has refractory qualities. Bazhenovskoye is the largest asbestos deposit in the world. The Shabrovskoye deposit contains the largest talc reserves in Russia. There are many reserves of corundum and graphite in the Urals.

Ural ornamental and gems are widely known. Among the Ural gems there are green emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, rock crystal, demantoid, alexandrites mined on the eastern slopes. High quality diamonds were found in the Vishera basin. Ornamental stones have a variety of bright colors. Jasper, marble, motley serpentine and especially pink eagle and patterned malachite are considered the main stones of the Urals.

The foredeep of the Cis-Urals contains large reserves of gypsum, potash and rock salts.

Among the building materials mined in the Urals, it is worth noting the reserves of granite and limestone. Deposits of quartzites, kaolin and refractory clays are being developed. There are reserves in the Urals hard coal and oil.

The Urals on Earth is a unique phenomenon.

  • And in its role as a planetary seam that once held two great continents together.
  • And the abundance of natural landscapes here, generously scattered throughout its space.
  • And climatic diversity.

Indeed, where else can you find such a region, at which the headboard would cool down age-old ice northern ocean, and the foot was burned by the calcined sands of the desert? A land where, on the same June day, the never-setting sun shines over the blooming polar tundra and the forbs of alpine meadows spread luxuriously. Where you can relish hunting in cedar forests or, after admiring the slender choirs of elegant birch pegs, stop at the Bashkir nomad camp, drink plenty of chilled koumiss, while watching how everything around vibrates in the sultry haze of the steppe ...

And now, from these poetic pictures of the Ural Territory, we will have to move on to more prosaic ones, but quite for our story. necessary things. It is interesting, I think, to understand for yourself how such an unusual natural creation appeared on the body of the planet, what forces erected it. Therefore, a small digression into the science that studies the Earth is inevitable - into geology.

What does modern geology define by the term "Ural"?

Strictly speaking, the Urals is a mountainous country with areas of two great plains adjacent to it from the west and east. Why geologists think so, we will discuss later. As mentioned earlier, the Ural mountainous country lies on the planet in a rather narrow strip, the width of which rarely exceeds one hundred and fifty kilometers, but it stretches from the Aral deserts to the Arctic Ocean for more than two and a half thousand kilometers. In this way, it is similar to many mountain ranges known on Earth - the Andes, for example. Only the mountains in the Urals, although often rocky, are much lower, less steep, more ordinary, or something, than their illustrious counterparts somewhere in the Alps or the Himalayas.

But if the Ural Mountains outwardly do not strike anything, then the content of their bowels is completely unique.

Geology of the Ural Mountains

The Urals is world famous for the richness and diversity of its geological structure. This is an irrefutable truth. But it is necessary to realize the significance of this fact to the most subtle shade - the Urals may be the only place on Earth where specialists have found rocks formed in almost all periods of the planet's existence. And minerals, the appearance of which could be due to the existence here (of course, at different times) of all conceivable physical and chemical regimes both in the bowels of the Earth and on its surface. Some kind of utter mess of uneven-aged and diverse geological formations!

But that's not all.

To the bountiful list geological formations The Urals naturally fit into a uniquely extensive range of the richest deposits of almost all minerals known on our planet. Oil and diamonds. Iron and jasper with marble. Gas and malachite. bauxite and corundum. And ... and ... and ... The list is endless - after all, not everything is still open, and we still do not know all types of minerals.

Topic: "Geological structure, relief and minerals of the Urals"

Grade: 8



L. Ya. Yakubovich
Writer Bazhov P.P. was from this area. Perhaps he knew everything about his native places. Loved the local legends. Here is one of them (Bashkir fairy tale ) about a giant who wore a belt with deep pockets. The giant hid his wealth in them. His belt was huge. Once the giant took it off, stretched it, and the belt lay across the whole earth, from the cold Kara Sea in the North to the sandy shores of the southern Caspian Sea. This is how the Ural Range was formed. "Ural" in Bashkir - belt. Its length is 2500 km. It is difficult to point out such a stone that would not be found in the Ural Mountains.

  • In the central and eastern part of the Ural Mountains there are deposits of the famous Ural gems (precious and ornamental stones). in the Southern Urals in 1920. The world's first mineralogical reserve was created - Ilmensky.

  • Here are:

  • Malachite

  • Jasper

  • Chrysolite

  • Emerald

  • Rock Crystal and many, many other precious and ornamental stones.

Summary of the lesson, reflection: Recall the main points of the lesson

Ural is...

  1. These are low mountains

  2. Mountains stretched from north to south

  3. This is a folded area

  4. Ural - in translation means "Stone"

  5. Ural used to be called "belt"

  6. This is a treasure trove of minerals.

Homework: Write in a notebook Ural is ...

1. Geographic location.

2. Geological structure and relief.

3. Climate and surface waters.

4. Soils, flora and fauna.

Geographical position

The Ural Mountains stretch along the eastern outskirts of the Russian Plain, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the southern borders of Russia. "Ural" in translation from Turkic means "belt". From north to south, the Ural mountainous country stretches for more than 2000 km, crossing five natural areas- tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. The width of the mountain belt is from 50 km in the north to 150 km in the south. Together with the foothill plains, the width of the country increases to 200-400 km. In the north, the continuation of the Urals is Vaygach Island and the islands New Earth, and in the south of the Mugodzhary Mountains (in Kazakhstan). In the west, the border of the Urals with the Russian Plain does not have a clear outline. Usually, the boundary is drawn along the Cis-Ural foredeep, along the valley of the Korotaikha river and along the Use river, then along the Pechera valley, then a little east of the Kama valley, along the Ufa and Belaya rivers. In the east, the Ural Mountains drop steeply to low foothills, so the border Western Siberia more contrast. It starts from Baydaratskaya Bay, further south to the Trans-Ural Plateau. The Urals have long been considered the border between Europe and Asia. The border is drawn along the entire part of the mountains and further along the Ural River. Naturally, the Urals are closer to Europe than to Asia.

Geological structure and relief

The geological structure of the Urals is quite complex. Two structural tiers (complexes) can be traced in its structure. The lower tier is represented by pre-Ordovician strata (gneisses, schists, quartzites, marble). These rocks are exposed in the cores of large anticlinoria. From above, these strata are covered with Upper Proterozoic deposits up to 10-14 km thick. Here there are quartz sandstones, passing higher into siltstones, clay shales, dolomites and limestones. Probably, this lower tier formed into the Baikal folding, while the territory of the Urals sank and rose repeatedly, becoming dry land. The upper stage is formed by deposits from the Ordovician to the Lower Triassic. The tectonic structures of the modern Urals are associated with the formation of this structural stage. The Ural is an example of one of the large linear folded structures stretching for thousands of kilometers. It is a meganticlinorium consisting of alternating anticlinoria and synclinoria, elongated in the meridional direction. The modern structural plan of the Urals was laid down already in the early Paleozoic. At the same time, differences in the development of tectonic zones of the western and eastern slopes, which form two independent megazones, are clearly traced in the geological structure. The eastern megazone is most concave and is characterized by the development of basic volcanism and intrusive magmatism. It accumulated strata (over 15 km) of sedimentary-magmatic deposits. The western one is devoid of igneous rocks and consists of marine terrigenous deposits. To the west, it passes into the Cis-Ural marginal foredeep. Thus, the formation of the Urals began in the Caledonian folding during the interaction of the lithospheric oceanic plate in the east and the continental East European plate in the west. But the main orogeny of the Urals continued into the Hercynian folding. In the Mesozoic, mountain-building processes of denudation were actively proceeding, and by the beginning of the Cenozoic, extensive peneplains and weathering crusts were formed, with which alluvial deposits of minerals are associated. In the Neogene-Quaternary time, differentiated tectonic movements were observed in the Urals, fragmentation and movement of individual blocks occurred, which led to the revival of the mountains. In the Urals, the correspondence of the geological structure of the modern surface is well traced. From west to east, 6 morphotectonic zones replace each other here. 1) The Cis-Ural foredeep separates the folded structures of the Urals from the eastern edge of the Russian Plate. Transverse horst-forming uplifts (Karatau, Polyudov Kamen, etc.) divide the trough into separate depressions: Belskaya, Ufimsko-Solikamskaya, Pecherskaya, Vorkuta (Usinskaya). The thickness of the deposit in the troughs is from 3 to 9 km. Salt deposits lie here, and to the north coal strata, there is oil. 2) The synclinorium zone on the western slope (Zilairsky, Lemvilsky, etc.) adjoins the Cis-Ural trough. It is composed of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. This zone also includes the Bashkir anticlinorium. There are few minerals here, only Construction Materials. In the relief, this zone is expressed by short marginal ridges and massifs, for example, the Zilair Plateau, High Parma. 3) The Ural anticlinorium forms the axial, highest part of the Urals. It is composed of older rocks (of the lower tier): gneisses, amphibolites, quartzites, and shales. Along the eastern slope of the anticlinorium runs the main Ural deep fault, where nickel, cobalt, chromium, iron, platinum, and Ural gems occur. In the relief, the anticlinorium is represented by a narrow linearly elongated ridge, in the north it is called the Belt Stone, then the Ural Range, in the south of the Uraltau. 4) Magnitogorsk-Tagil (Zelenokamenny) synclinorium stretches from Baydaratskaya Bay to the south to the state border. It is composed of sedimentary-volcanic rocks: diabases, tuffs, jaspers, there are liparites, marbles; there is a copper pyrite, iron ore, alluvial gold, precious stones. In the relief, the zone is represented by short ridges up to 1000 m high. 5) The East Ural (Ural-Tobolsk) anticlinorium can be traced along the entire fold structure, but only it southern part(south of Nizhny Tagil). It is composed of shale and volcanogenic rocks. There is gold, iron, precious stones. In relief, this is a strip of eastern foothills and the Trans-Ural peneplain. 6) The Ayat synclinorium is part of the Urals only with its western wing in the south of the country. There is coal. In relief, this is the Trans-Ural Plateau.

In the relief of the Urals, two bands of foothills (western and eastern) are distinguished, between which there is a system of mountain ranges elongated in the submerideonal direction parallel to each other. There can be from 2-3 to 6-8 such ridges. The ridges are separated from each other by depressions along which rivers flow. The Ural Mountains are low. The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya (1895 m). In the Urals, several orographic regions are distinguished from north to south: Pai-Khoi from the Yugorsky Shar Strait to the Kara River, the height of the mountains is 400-450 m; The Polar Urals from Mount Konstantinov Kamen to the upper reaches of the Khulga River, the height of the ridges is 600-900 m. The highest point is Mount Payer (almost 1500 m). Subpolar Urals from the Khulga River to the Shchugor River. This is the highest part of the Urals - a mountain junction. Here, several peaks exceed 1500 m: Narodnaya, Neuroka, Karpinskogo, etc. The Northern Ural begins with Mount Telpoziz and ends with Konzhakovsky Stone (1570 m); Middle Ural - up to Mount Yurma, this is the lowest part of the mountains, the height is 500-600 m; Southern Ural from Mount Yurma to the southern borders of Russia. This is the widest part of the Urals, the heights of the mountains are from 1200 m to 1600 m, the highest point is Mount Iremel (1582 m). The main type of morphostructures of the Urals are regenerated folded-block mountains. There are morphostructures that are transitional from folded to platform areas: the plateau of the South Ural peneplain, the socle ridge elevations (Pai-Khoi) and the socle plain - the Trans-Ural peneplain. These structures are stratified plains. On morphostructures created endogenous processes superimposed smaller morphostructures of exogenous origin. In the Urals, erosional relief prevails, among which river valleys predominate. In the highest parts of the mountains, bald processes (frosty weathering, solifluction) are active, leading to stone placers (stone seas and rivers). The cloak of clastic material reaches up to 5 m in thickness. The western slope and Cis-Urals are characterized by karst landforms (caves - Kungurskaya, Divya, Kapova, etc., funnels, etc.). Glacial forms in the Urals are very rare, they are only in the most elevated areas of the Polar and Subpolar Urals, where there is modern glaciation.

climate and surface waters.

The climate of the Urals, in comparison with the climate of the Russian Plain, is more continental. At the same time, due to the significant length of the Urals in the meridional direction, there are large climatic differences between the north and south of this mountainous country. In the north, the climate is subarctic (up to the Arctic Circle), and temperate in the rest of the territory. Due to the insignificant height of the mountains, its own special mountain climate is not formed in the Urals. But the Ural plays the role of a barrier to the movement of westerly winds. Climatic differences between north and south are especially pronounced in summer, the July temperature varies from +6˚C to +22˚C respectively. In winter, the temperature varies less. The north of the Urals in winter falls under the influence of cyclonic activity. Cyclones bring warmer and wet air. Pai-Khoi is at the junction of the influence of the cold Kara Sea and the relatively warm Barents Sea. Lowest average temperature January in the Polar Urals -22˚C. South of the Urals in winter, it is under the influence of the continental air masses of the Asian maximum, so the January temperatures are also low here, down to -18˚C. The western slope and Cis-Urals are more humid than the eastern slope. The western slope receives 200 m more precipitation than the eastern one. The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the western slopes of the Polar - Northern Urals, over 1000 mm. To the south, their number decreases to 600-800 mm. In the Trans-Urals, the amount of precipitation decreases to 450-500 mm. In winter, snow cover sets in, in the Cis-Urals its thickness is up to 90 cm, in the mountains of the western slope up to 2 meters. At the same time, in the south of the Trans-Urals, the snow depth is only 30-40 cm. In winter, temperature inversions are observed in the intermountain basins.

The rivers of the Urals belong to the basins of the Pechora, Volga, Ural and Ob, respectively, the Barents, Caspian and Kara seas. The amount of river runoff in the Urals is greater than in the adjacent plains. The rivers of the western slope are more abundant than the eastern ones. They account for up to 75% of the total annual runoff Ural. Snow nutrition prevails (up to 70%), rain is almost 25%, the rest is The groundwater. Lakes in the Urals are distributed unevenly. Their greatest number is in the eastern foothills of the Northern and Southern Urals, where tectonic lakes predominate. In the Cis-Urals, karst lakes are characteristic, on the Trans-Ural plateau - suffusion ones. There are few large lakes, the deepest lake in the Polar Urals is Big Shchuchye (depth up to 136 m), it is glacial-tectonic. There are many reservoirs and ponds in the Urals. Modern glaciation is developed in the Polar and Subpolar Urals, where the snow limit lies at an altitude of about 1000 m.

Soils, flora and fauna.

The soils of the foothills are similar to the zonal soils of the adjacent plains. Tundra-gley soils predominate in the north, podzolic soils are common to the south, and sod-podzolic soils are common even further south. In the Cis-Urals south of Perm, gray forest soils, which to the south turn into chernozems. Chestnut soils appear in the southeast of the Trans-Urals. In the mountains, mountain types of soils are developed, all of which are saturated with clastic material. These are mountain-tundra, mountain forest (podzolic, etc.), mountain chernozems.

The vegetation of the Urals is quite diverse. In the flora of the Urals, there are up to 1600 plant species. But endemics make up only 5%. Poverty endemic due to the median position of the mountains on the mainland. So many Siberian species crossed the Urals, and the western border of their range runs along the Russian Plain. In the extreme north of the Urals, tundras are widespread from the foothills to the peaks. Near the Arctic Circle, the tundra turns into an altitudinal belt, and at the foot, sparse forests develop, which rise up to 300 m. The most common type of vegetation in the Urals are forests, they stretch from the Arctic Circle south to the city of Yekaterinburg. Coniferous forests of spruce, fir, and cedar predominate, but on the eastern slopes there is a large proportion of pine. Sometimes there is larch. South of 58˚N to conifers broad-leaved species are added: linden, elm, maple. On the western slopes of the Southern Urals, the forests become broad-leaved, with a predominance of linden. But these forests occupy no more than 5% of the forested area in the Urals. Small-leaved birch and aspen forests are much more widely represented. They are distributed throughout the Urals. The upper border of the forest in the Northern Urals reaches 500-600 m, and in the Southern Urals - up to 1200 m. Above the forests lie mountain tundra, mountain meadows and the bald belt. The forest-steppe appears fragmentarily in the foothills of the Middle Urals (Krasnoufimsk). In the Southern Urals, the forest-steppe approaches the foot of the mountains. The extreme south of the country is occupied by steppes, with thickets of shrubs from caragana, spirea, cherries, etc.

The animal world is composed of tundra, forest and steppe species, common on neighboring plains. There are no real mountain species within the Ural country. Lemming, arctic fox, polar owl, peregrine falcon, buzzard, ptarmigan, snow bunting, Lapland plantain, golden plover, etc. are typical in the north. Elk, brown bear, wolverine, lynx, sable, marten, wolf, chipmunk, squirrel, hare live in the forests hare, hazel grouse, capercaillie, black grouse, nutcracker, woodpeckers, tits, nuthatch, various owls (eagle owl, etc.), whitethroats, redstarts, cuckoos, thrushes, etc. arrive in summer. hamster, hamster, ferret. Of the birds - the steppe eagle, golden eagle, steppe harrier, long-legged buzzard, kite, kestrel, larks, chased-heathen, etc.

The Ural Mountains are located between various tectonic structures (the Russian Platform and the West Siberian Plate), which explains their formation. The Urals are separated from the Russian platform by the Cis-Ural trough, which consists of sedimentary rocks (clay, sand, gypsum, limestone). The Ural Mountains were formed back in the Paleozoic, but in the Mesozoic they were almost completely destroyed. Separate parts of the Urals rose during the Neogene. But these folded-block Ural Mountains were destroyed as a result of the impact external forces(weathering and erosion).

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Mountains of Russia

"Mountains of the North Caucasus" - Terek. The nature of mountainous Dagestan is characterized by a continental climate. The Caucasus includes: Ciscaucasia, Greater Caucasus, Transcaucasia. In Ciscaucasia - oil, gas, mineral springs. Kuban Plain. North Caucasus. Relief, geological structure and minerals. Rivers. The city is closely connected with the name of M.Yu. Lermontov.

"Rocks" - Clastic Sand, pumice, clay. The whole thickness earth's crust consists of various rocks. Rocks. Clay. Granite. igneous rocks. Gabbro. Chemical Gypsum salt. Basalt, andesite, liparite, pumice. Limestone. Marble. Clastic. Coal, limestone, chalk, shell rock. The use of rocks and minerals.

"Crimean Mountains" - There are about 120 nature protection objects in the Crimean mountains. Forest-steppe landscapes predominate - oak forests alternate with meadow steppes. The average temperatures in July are +15...+16 °С, in January -4 °С (at an altitude of 1000 m). On condition water resources karst influences. There is a developed underground runoff. Climatic conditions favorable.

"Ural Mountains" - Ural Mountains. They were proud of the Ural Mountains in the old days. mountain ranges, stretching for more than 2000 kilometers, end on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. European part from Asian.

"Mountains in the Caucasus" - Local Lezgins call the mountain "Kichendag", which means "mountain of fear." Dykhtau. And at an altitude of about 3900 m there is a modern small church. mountain system between the Black and Caspian Seas. Elbrus. Bazardyuz. the top of the Dividing Range of the Greater Caucasus on the border of Azerbaijan and Russia (Dagestan).

"Mountains and People" - Washed Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Reserve. Within the Urals - Pechoro-Ilychsky, Visimsky, Ilmensky, Bashkirsky reserves. Ural. Mountains of the Far East KAMCHATKA. It has more than 3500 lakes (the largest is Teletskoye). Larch sparse forests, elfin cedar and mountain tundra. Deposits of gold, tin, coal.

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