Metro The Last Light is a good ending. How to get a good ending in Metro Last Light: Description of the game and recommendations

Reservoirs 23.09.2019

Station "Sparta" at the very beginning of the game when the main character Wakes up, and the control is transmitted to you, play a guitar that stands in the room. As we mentioned, a flash with sound will appear when performing this action. After that, overhear the conversation of two fighters, one of them will sit in a wheelchair. Then go to when open door on the opposite side. A flash will also happen. Next to the command item, find the Balayku and Play on it. If you want in reality, on own experience learn how to get good ending in Metro Last. Light, remember: in total in the game tools seventeen pieces, try to find them all. For example, the harmonica can be found in the hall where evil rauchs will humiliate their own beginner. You will find the same balalaik in the place where Paul leaves you, there will be two guards there. You can find the guitar next to the bar, next to the juggler. Another balalaika will lie on the counter with different fabrics. And the latter is opposite that the table, for which you will be offered to sit down Paul.

In the barracks of fighters you can find a piano. The harmonica is hidden in the cabinet at the exit from the most recent hall in the chapter. In the chapter "Regina" you will find another harmonica, immediately on the first branching of the paths, next to the folded bed. In the task "Infection", all three guitars are standing next to each other, look for them, when everything is stopped into the flame. The first one is in a narrow comor. The second is under the counter in the following room. And the third is in the chair, standing on the second floor. Prison When you are in prison, then in the place where hostages are sitting in the cells, there is a room with a lever. Dry it and release everyone to freedom. At the same time remember that you can not kill anyone, otherwise good metro ending Last Light will not open.

Camp in the corridor, where the cabinets are located on the left, quietly sneak to the soldiers sitting there, and overheam what they say about. One of them will talk about the cache. When the conversation is over, go for him. As soon as the soldier opens a locker with a weapon, disconnect it and take all the contents. After that, when you pass in large room, then notice the soldier who will stand, raising his hands, next to the freezer. Do not kill it, but just go on. Having done such a humane act, you still have one step closer to solving the issue of how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light. Red Station at the Red Station will sit beggar. Give him a cartridge, listen to his story and give the second cartridge. After that, listen, about what two men sitting at the table say. Go on. You will see two men and a woman next to them. Listen to their conversation until there is an outbreak. Go further until you see how a man shows shadow to children. Watch him until he tells what is tired. Opposite this company there is a juggler, and next to it girls sit on a bench, listen carefully, what we are talking about. The developer in the cinema cost two men, one smokes and offers a second to buy a fool. Come to them and wait for the end of the conversation. When the jambor trader goes back to the juggler, go after him, and as soon as he says that it can make a discount, you will see a flash. See the performance to the end. Before sit down to drink with Paul, look at two girls behind the glass and listen to what they are talking about.

The scene with the customer when you climb along the ventilation miner, then listen through the grille, what the Moskvin is talking about and Corbut to the end. In no case do not go until the end of the conversation. After the mission with the Corbut, go around the metal detector to the right and cut down two soldiers. And for the third soldier just go until it says that group 8 left the object. After that, you can disable it. After you go through the valve, go down and listen to two soldiers.

If all this time you performed all the tips here, how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light, then you are already halfway. When you go to the "Regina", then on the very first forced the arrow and tarante the wooden barrage. There will be a flash. Near the second fork, roll to the left, where the wagons are. Go to the end of the tunnel. There will find the corpse, inspect it. In a place where you need to push the car, you will see the beds on the left, take the knife lying on them and go back. Go to the room with green izhen, there will be a note. And as soon as you find in this room also the corpse, it will happen a flash.

Bandits as soon as they get to the camp, then listen to the conversation of my daughter with my mother who are sitting next to the merchant ammunition. During the driving on the tunnel, you will hear a female cry. Fold in the first door, located on the right, and go to the car. Go to the right and disperse three scumbags who want to kill the girl. Find a corridor with rooms where the gangsters are sitting and go to the latest. Observe with everyone who is there to save the hostages. In Tunnel B. opposite side From the base of the gangsters there is a car, there are body in it, inspect them. Venice in Venice has two beggars who need to give cartridges. One - in a lane with fish merchants, the second - next to the guitarist. Go to the shooting range, there will be a child who will say that he lost a bear. Go to the shooting range and win the three rounds, get cartridges and toy as a reward. And so how to get a good ending in the Metro Last Light game - your main task, to give it to the baby. You also need to get drunk in the bar until it is completely shutdown. Then, when the character comes to himself, you will see that the entire bar is spaced, and the bartender in the mountain. Give the last hundred cartridges to reimburse the damage, and then you will see the flash. Infection when you crawl around the ventilation mine, you will see two soldiers who want to shoot people at the wall. Use the ventilation right and stun quickly both, then listen to the speech of one of the survivors. At the very end of this head, Lesnitsky will order to remove the mask. Remove it before it starts the count to five. The epidemic in this chapter is nothing like that, you only need to collect all the caches for a quarantine zone. Just go along the wall and press "E" when the icon appears. The first is in iron door. All others - in the windows. Han when you and Khan sail on the river of the fate, the phone call will be heard. Remove the phone and talk to the Mom Artem. There will be a flash. Depot Go to the building on an external territory from the left side to the farthest end and go to the door. The trap is put on the door. In the room where the wagons with the enemies are full, just go down under the floor and pass by all this way. When at the end of the chapter, meet with Lesnitsky, do not kill it. Red Square in this chapter Do not touch the guardians, always just pass by. Also do not kill a single soldier, even when you will be in an ambush with Paul. Just wait until they themselves come down to you, and then cut them away. The very same Paul needs to be saved when they grab it dead.

Garden go to a large building and use the boards to go through the water, then go to the flooded store and go to the back of it. There will be a flash. When you go ahead, meet a big creature, which is called a bear. Start to fight with her, and when it turns to you sideways, then kill the mutants on her back to save. Then she will run away, and you get an outbreak. These are the main answers to the question of how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light. Performing all the steps described above, you will easily open a safe final level in Metro LL.

Do not think that computer games Thrust bad and have a single plot. Not at all. In many of them, a rather deep meaning is laid, in addition, the developers even in famous shooters are trying to do everything possible so that the gamer not only shot enemies, but also learned mercy. And a vivid example of this is the game "Metro Last Light".

Project description

Events in the game Metro LL occur in 2034, in the destroyed capital of Russia, during the Apocalypse. There were terrible times when Moscow residents are forced to hide from radiation and protect against mutants, which all the time attack them in the underground subway. But even now, when it seems that everyone needs to be united and fighting with creatures together, there were those who shared in the metro on the grouping, each of which is now leading war for control over all metro stations. And only at the main character, whose name is Artem, there is a chance to save the subway and all people in it.

The game is made in the jog genre and is considered to be a continuation of the "Metro 2033", which was warmly accepted as critics and players.

During the battle, you will have the opportunity to use a different weapon, even self-made, both against mutants and against people. The entire process of passing will be literally permeated by the atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world of the metropolitan underground station.

Many players who have passed the whole game completely, did not even hear that there are two finals in it. There is a good ending in Metro Last Light, and there is an Iploha, which we also consider at the very end of Hyda.

Metro Last Light game: how to get a good ending. Key points

In order not to bend in the final, you need to follow some important moments During passage, such as flashes on the screen, similar to those in old cameras, and the corresponding sound to them. They will appear during the choice of the right action both in cat-scenes and in the game itself, as well as when finding important key items. And further. You need to very try and not a single soldier. And since getting a good ending in Metro Last Light - your main goal is to pay attention to these base moments.

Station "Sparta"

At the very beginning of the game, when the main character wakes up, and the control is transmitted to you, play a guitar that stands in the room. As we mentioned, a flash with sound will appear when performing this action. After that, overhear the conversation of two fighters, one of them will sit in a wheelchair. Then go to the axle door on the opposite side. A flash will also happen. Next to the command item, find the Balayku and Play on it. If you really want, on your own experience, how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light, then remember: all in the game of tools seventeen pieces, try to find them all. For example, the harmonica can be found in the hall where evil rauchs will humiliate their own beginner. You will find the same balalaik in the place where Paul leaves you, there will be two guards there. You can find the guitar next to the bar, next to the juggler. Another balalaika will lie on the counter with different fabrics. And the latter is opposite that the table, for which you will be offered to sit down Paul.

In the barracks of fighters you can find a piano. The harmonica is hidden in the cabinet at the exit from the most recent hall in the chapter. In the chapter "Regina" you will find another harmonica, immediately on the first branching of the paths, next to the folded bed. In the task "Infection", all three guitars are standing next to each other, look for them, when everything is stopped into the flame. The first one is in a narrow comor. The second is under the counter in the following room. And the third is in the chair, standing on the second floor.


When you are in prison, in a place where hostages are sitting in the cells, there is a room with a lever. Dry it and release everyone to freedom. At the same time, remember that you can not kill anyone, otherwise the good ending Metro Last Light will not open.


In the corridor, where cabinets are located on the left, quietly sneak to the soldiers sitting there, and overheam what they say about. One of them will talk about the cache. When the conversation is over, go for him. As soon as the soldier opens a locker with a weapon, disconnect it and take all the contents. After that, when you pass into a large room, you will notice the soldier who will stand, raising his hands, next to the freezer. Do not kill it, but just go on. Having done such a humane act, you still have one step closer to solving the issue of how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light.

Red Station

At the red station will sit beggar. Give him a cartridge, listen to his story and give the second cartridge. After that, listen, about what two men sitting at the table say. Go on. You will see two men and a woman next to them. Listen to their conversation until there is an outbreak. Go further until you see how a man shows shadow to children. Watch him until he tells what is tired. Opposite this company there is a juggler, and next to it girls sit on a bench, listen carefully, what we are talking about. The developer in the cinema cost two men, one smokes and offers a second to buy a fool. Come to them and wait for the end of the conversation. When the jambor trader goes back to the juggler, go after him, and as soon as he says that it can make a discount, you will see a flash. See the performance to the end. Before sit down to drink with Paul, look at two girls behind the glass and listen to what they are talking about.

Scene with Corbuta

When you climb on the ventilation miner, then listen through the lattice, as they say Moskvin and Corbut to the end. In no case do not go until the end of the conversation.

After the mission with Corbut

Hold the metal detector to the right and cut down two soldiers. And for the third soldier just go until it says that group 8 left the object. After that, you can disable it. After you go through the valve, go down and listen to two soldiers.


If all this time you performed all the tips here, how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light, then you are already halfway. When you go to the "Regina", then on the very first forced the arrow and tarante the wooden barrage. There will be a flash. Near the second fork, roll to the left, where the wagons are. Go to the end of the tunnel. There will find the corpse, inspect it. In a place where you need to push the car, you will see the beds on the left, take the knife lying on them and go back. Go to the room with green izhen, there will be a note. And as soon as you find in this room also the corpse, it will happen a flash.


As soon as you get to the camp, listen to the conversation of my daughter with my mother who sit next to the merchant ammunition. During the driving on the tunnel, you will hear a female cry. Fold in the first door, located on the right, and go to the car. Go to the right and disperse three scumbags who want to kill the girl. Find a corridor with rooms where the gangsters are sitting and go to the latest. Observe with everyone who is there to save the hostages. In the tunnel, in the opposite side of the bandits, there is a car, in it lie body, inspect them.


In Venice there are two beggars who need to give cartridges. One - in a lane with fish merchants, the second - next to the guitarist. Go to the shooting range, there will be a child who will say that he lost a bear. Go to the shooting range and win the three rounds, get cartridges and toy as a reward. And so how to get a good ending in the Metro Last Light game - your main task, to give it to the baby. You also need to get drunk in the bar until it is completely shutdown. Then, when the character comes to himself, you will see that the entire bar is spaced, and the bartender in the mountain. Give the last hundred cartridges to reimburse the damage, and then you will see the flash.


When you crawled along the ventilation miner, you will see two soldiers who want to shoot people at the wall. Use the ventilation right and stun quickly both, then listen to the speech of one of the survivors. At the very end of this head, Lesnitsky will order to remove the mask. Remove it before it starts the count to five.


In this chapter, there is nothing like that, you only need to collect all the caches for the quarantine zone. Just go along the wall and press "E" when the icon appears. The first is behind the iron door. All others - in the windows.


When you and Khan sail on the river of Fate, the phone call will be heard. Remove the phone and talk to the Mom Artem. There will be a flash.


Go to the building on the external territory from the left side to the farthest end and go to the door. The trap is put on the door. In the room where the wagons with the enemies are full, just go down under the floor and pass by all this way. When at the end of the chapter, meet with Lesnitsky, do not kill it.

Red Square

In this chapter do not touch the guardians, always just pass by. Also do not kill a single soldier, even when you will be in an ambush with Paul. Just wait until they themselves come down to you, and then cut them away. The very same Paul needs to be saved when they grab it dead.


Go to the big building and use the boards to go through the water, then go to the flooded store and go to the back of it. There will be a flash.

When you go ahead, meet a big creature, which is called a bear. Start to fight with her, and when it turns to you sideways, then kill the mutants on her back to save. Then she will run away, and you get an outbreak. These are the main answers to the question of how to get a good ending in Metro Last Light. Performing all the steps described above, you will easily open a safe final level in Metro LL.

If you briefly generalize, then in order to open a good finale, you need:

  • Shatting all the surrendered soldiers.
  • Save women and children.
  • Listen to stories that tell the characters of the game.
  • Play musical instruments.
  • Give the bullet.
  • Perform what you will be asked for characters in the game.
  • Find all the caches in the quarantine zone.
  • Do not kill people in general.
  • Save the level of "gangsters" of children and women.
  • Return a baby to a child who will say that he lost it.
  • See all visions (required!) In the Dead city.

Bad ending

As you remember, we said that there is a bad and good ending in Metro Last Light. So, in order to get the first, you need:

  • Kill everyone you see.
  • Kill soldiers who surrendered.
  • Steal in settlements.

We hope that now you can adequately pass the gameMetro Last Light. How to get a good ending, we told in detail in detail, it only remains to follow the above algorithm of actions.

She passed the game on Hardcore Ranger, thought to open a good Ranger shadow and had a good ending, in this topic the passage of the passage looked around the edge of his eyes!

- Schedule surrendered soldiers
I remember only one naturally spared

- Swear women and children
At the level of the bandits saved a woman from rape, man and a woman with a child

Listen to the stories that NPC tell (dialogs and monologues)
Patiently listened to the whole track of nonseps!

Listen to myself ...

Play musical instruments (especially at the beginning of the game, on the basis of Sparta)
He played ... In Sparta only on the guitar, the truth, but then the guitars, balalaiki, Boyang, Piano came across ...

Let's be a pool
No one refused, some even gave once.

Do something you ask for NPC
Well, I do not remember to be especially asked to do something except how to save people at the level of bandits

Look for caches with ammunition at the level of quarantine
I think I needed all the corners there, I did not give a fortune, then I didn't find my caches ((((

Complete the level of separation (parting) without killing people
Passed quiet, imperceptibly and insaneness! Achiva is open

Pass the level of Facility (camp) without killing people
Here I looked around, it seems to me and began my first killings when the soldier began to shoot everything including gas masks ((((

Pass the level of revolution without killing people

Pass the line bridge without killing
Passed quiet, imperceptibly and insaneness! Achiva is open!

Save children and women at the level of bandits
Saved everyone! Achiva is open!

Return to the crying child Teddy's bear at the level of Venice
Possed the truth about it, no one asked!

Look all visions in the Dead City (Dead City)
Everything looked! Achiva is open!

I have never taken someone else's Locations of the type of Venice (where there is no effect, etc.) in short, I did not break! Found the lists of the diary is not all true. Also, I saved a bear. ... I generally tried not to kill monsters until they were attacked. If the black asked not to kill, I did not do this more. Also, I spared Pavlik and * Lesnitsky's luck ... Why, what is there to speak to the level of the pursuit, I generally did not kill anyone! For the whole game, I did not throw a single knife, the same applies to the grenade, min ....
Outcome Bad ending !!!

What are my mistakes?
The level of "chase" (where they are going on the trolleys, and then you have a black cell from the cell) without killing it was unrealistic to go anywhere on the Hardcore Reinnder .... I tried this not to do but poured on Ukhnar! The camp level is also a jamb - removed from cut (unbounded) people all including gas masks ((((fighting with Pavlik on Red Square, had to be all soles because it was unrealistic to survive, although I honestly tried ((((
Then during the walk with black when he found me useful items For some reason I did not always have worked to take them - perhaps it really is a serious jamb, because He tried to me for me And I scored "scored" on his efforts (((and I walked in Venice and naturally walked there on the local striptease (I think this also does not attract positive karma), on some levels I have in front of my eyes They killed allegedly infected (I could not save them because in that situation it was possible only to shoot and I was like a patribist) so that like this ((((
I noticed here the guys discussed some dark glows and I noticed that closer to the end I got them more and more ... It is not clear why ((((

Threat shorter questions really remain, so far to the end and it is unclear what exactly needs to be done for a good ending? I'm in general disappointed, the second time there is no desire for the second time. I agree with _Slashuur_ The developments posted))))

Hi friends. Here I will try to give answers to the most fAQ On the game Metro Last Light that many of you ask. If you do not find an answer to your question, ask it in the comments and try to give you an answer for them.

How many endouts in the game?

In the game two endings. In both endings, black leaves. But in a bad artem and the entire Order of Sparta die exploding themselves to not give red D6. In a good (good ending), the black stops Artem and does not give him to press the switches for the explosion. Black help to fight back from red and practically everyone remains alive. .

How to reach another, good ending?

In the game, unlike the first part of the game Metro 2033 more good deeds more than 100 pieces. It all makes no sense to describe them, but I will give obvious examples.

  • Do not kill Lesnitsky
  • Save Paul and give him a gas mask
  • do not kill animals when it asks a little black
  • Find at the station Venice of a teddy bear for a boy (a bear is given after consecutive three victories in a dash on the same station)
  • give money by poor for example on the same station Venice
  • at the end of the battle with the bear, do not give the beasts to finish it and kill everyone from her back giving her to leave her.

But there are moments in which you just need to listen to talk in the game. For example, when Artema is produced from Quarantine listen to the conversations of all patients. But? And so we do good deeds and get a good ending.

Where to find a PNV?

The night vision device can be found immediately at the beginning of the mission of the Church. As soon as the ferry approaches the shore, we go directly see the broken grader behind him climb the building and hearing the voice of Anna. We remove the stretch and in the distant left corner on the table will lie, what we need.

How to destroy, pass the tank?

In the last mission, with the protection of D6 after the influx of the red, a huge armored tank will appear to be destroyed. Destroy literally per minute. Take a sniper and shoot on wheels they are highlighted in red. After the wheels are destroyed by shooting the tower slot, it will also be highlighted in red. If you do not wear sniper, you can take it right there - look at it! You can read more detail

Bug with Paul.

In the oneness of the moments of the game, Paul gets up and in no way runs up to the hole to suck us. Friends, it remains to put a couple of bullets into it, which is very rarely helped to correct the bug. Go mission from the last checkpoint. If this does not help buy a license or download another broken game. Sorry to understand that it may not help you in solving the clutch, but the only thing you can do.

Kill or stun Lesnitsky?

You decide to do it or not. But this action affects the ending of the game. If you kill it, you get a bad ending with the death of the main character, if you just stun, then the chances of getting a good ending are increasing.

Where to find Lenin's lying grandfather?

At the level of Red Square. Jump in the ditch and go right moving on. View how to get there and on Lenin itself you can in this post in the video of Easter.

How to enter codes?

The game creators did not provide for entering the codes in the game. Therefore, in order to get immortality or a lot of cartridges and so on, you must first download third-party programs to install them in the folder and watch the instructions where you swing what you need to do to activate codes.

If you can not pass the level?

If you can't get any level, you can quite see how others do it, for example, I have a blog

Where are the preservation of the game?

Play saving are located in the game folder itself (enter in the search Metro Last Light) further look for a folder called saves

Will there be a continuation?

While the game developers are defined whether the game will continue. But hinted that the project is going to continue to develop.

metro Last Light Price?

Now the price of the game is about 490 rubles to 800 rubles. Depending whether you buy a simple key to the game or a stone disc with checkbox

Many people who do not like computer games think they have the same plot, and they poorly affect the psyche not only children, but adults. But it's far wrong. Some games have so deep plot and meaning who captures the spirit.

Developers who create modern games try to teach gamers not only to fight opponents, but also apply mercy to them. One of these games is the Metro Last Light.

Project description

All actions in the game occur in 2034 in Russia, after the apocalypse. Many residents in these difficult times, which remained alive after destruction, have to hide from monsters, which appeared after a huge emission of radiation. Mutants attack people and kill them, so you have to fight for your life. Animals that mutated from radiation inhabit the underground metro station. Despite the fact that many people, uniting, try to destroy mutants and to protect their lives in such a way, there were those who separated from the masses and created their own groups. They divided the subway to several zones and fight among themselves. Single hero Artem, who did not enter into any grouping, tries to independently kill monsters and release the subway. This game has a genre of jerk. She is also a certain continuation of the main game "Metro2033". At one time, she once caused a lot of positive emotions not only at players, and the critics.
Players fighting with mutants can apply any weapon with which it is convenient for him. He can even make him independently. It can use weapons, not only against monsters, but against people in case of danger. The entire atmosphere of the game is impregnated by the post of the apocalyptic situation. Most of Players who have completely passed this game, do not know that it can end in two options. The game "Metro Last Light" can, end with a good finale for a player, and maybe it all depends on what it will make decisions. Highlights that need to be observed to end well:

Key points

To the player does not die at the end, he needs to track a few moments. First of all, it is when an outbreak appears on the screen, like older cameras and sound. They appear when choosing correct action. This can occur not only in the game, but also in the cat-scene. In addition, it may be when the player finds some important item. Also that the finals of the game end well, during the game you need to try not to kill other soldiers. In addition, for the positive end of the game Metro Last Light, the player needs to adhere to some rules: Sparta Station

At the very beginning, the character wakes up, but the game control is automatically transmitted to the gamer, he must play the guitar. She is located next to the place where he lay a hero. During this action, a flash takes place, so it is not necessary to scare. Then the character should listen to the conversation of men who will sit near. One of the fighters will not have legs, so it will be on the stroller. Then the character needs to be approached by the open door, which is on the other side. The character has a flash again. Not far from the point where all the soldiers are going, Balalaika will stand, the character will need to play on it. In order for the game to end in a different way, you need to find everything musical instruments And play them. All of them will be seventeen pieces. Harmoshka is located in the hall with evil rauchs. It can be found when they will offend a novice who joined them, it will be possible to spawn imperceptibly until everyone is busy. Balalaika lies where Paul leaves you. There will be two security guards nearby. The guitar will be not far from the bar, near which the juggler stands. Balalaika is located in the store on the counter, and the last tool will be near the table, followed by Pavla at the request. In the barracks where fighters are located, there will be a piano. The harmonica lies in the closet in the room of the main soldier. In addition, the same harmonica will lie in the "Regina" near the clamshells, which is standing near the first branching. Three guitars are in one place in the building "Infection". You need to go on their search when the whole building envelops the fire. Near the room is the first guitar, the second under the counter, and the third lies near the chair, which stands on the second floor.


When a character goes to prison, he will see prisoners behind bars. Not far from it is a room in which there is a special lever. You need to pull for it, all the doors of the cameras will open, and the hostages will be released. If Gamer wants to finish the game and that his character remains alive, you need to help many.


There is a building long corridorin which the cabinets are. It is necessary to sneak and listen to the conversation of other soldiers who are there. One of them will begin to tell about the cache. As soon as they finish talking, you need to go behind him and, disabling it to pick up everything there is. Having passed into the next room, you will meet another soldier on the way, it will just stand, climbing the fridge. No need to kill him, pass by. A similar act, gradually brings the gamer to a good completion of the game.

Red Station

Having come here, the character will see a beggar that sits on Earth. He needs to give a cartridge and listen to his story, and then give a few more. You also need to listen to the conversation of the soldiers that they sit at the table, and go further. Ahead the character will meet two more men and a woman who will talk, you also need to listen to what they say. You need to listen long until another flash appears. Then take a little more. Do not meet a person who will show pictures on the shade. Watch a little while it does not admit that very tired. A juggler will be across the road from them, and several girls will sit near him. You also need to overhear their conversation.

There are two people not far from the cinema. The one that smokes will begin to offer another person to acquire a fool. It is necessary to approach them and wait until they are treaty. After the dope's merchant goes in the direction of Jonglera, you need to trace him. After he shares what makes a discount on the goods, an outbreak will appear. The character needs to see the performance until the end. Before you get to Paul and drink alcohol, you need to pay attention to girls who are sitting behind the glass. You need to listen to what they are talking about.

Scene with Corbuta

As soon as the character climbs into a ventilation mine, he will hear the conversation of Moskvin and Corbut. You need to fully listen to everything. It is impossible to leave without hearing.

After the mission with Corbut

The character needs to get around the metal detector and turn off the two fighters that will sit near it. Tritium fighter, which will appear on the horizon, as soon as somewhere will be gathered to go, you need to go behind, until it admits that the 8th group threw the post. Then you can also cut it out. As soon as the character climbs through the valve, you need a conversation of two soldiers from below to listen.


When the character goes to "Regina", he needs to hit the arrow on the fork. Then it is necessary to crash into a wooden barrier, after that there will be a flash. When he gets to the second market, you need to turn left to standing cars. After that, go through the tunnel to the end. Here he will stumble upon a lying corpse of a person. It needs to be inspected and pick up all valuable things. Not far from the place where the wagons are pushing, there will be a bed with knives need to pick them up. Then go to the room in which the green liquid is spilled, and pick up the note. Here, besides her, the corpse of a man will lie. As soon as you find it, a flash will occur.


After the hero gets instead of collecting, he needs to listen to the conversation mom and daughter. They will sit near the ammunition, which is traded by a man. Walking around the tunnel, the scream of a woman will be heard. After that, you need to immediately turn the right door to the right and go to the trailer. Here will sit three people who mock the girl. They need to kill and save her. After that, you need to go further into another room, there are also squeezed, they also need to be removed and save all hostages. Near the tunnel, on the contrary there will be a trailer, there will be many corpses in it, they also need to explore and pick up all valuable things.


In this place there will be two homeless people, which are always chosen by cartridges. They need them for defense. One will be near the alley, and the second is not far from the guitarist. After that, you need to go to the tire. Not far from him will be a child. He will say that somewhere put a bear and cannot find him. The character will go to the shooting gallery and won three rounds. For this he will receive cartridges and soft toy. If Gamer wants Metro Last Light to end for his character well, he must give the baby won toy. After that, the hero should go to the bar, get drunk and disconnect. In the morning, when he wakes up and comes to himself, he will find that the bar in which he drank is completely destroyed, and the bartender is out of herself from grief. To somehow smooth your guilt, the character must give the bartender a full pack of cartridges. After that, the flash will appear again.


Moving at the mine, the character will see two soldiers. They set people near the wall, and they want to shoot them. He must turn to the right and cut them out to save the prisoners. One of them will still mumble in the mind, you need to listen to what exactly he says. At the end of this chapter, Lesnitsky will say to remove the mask, and the countdown from five in the reverse order will begin, you need to have time until one will sound.


In this chapter, the character needs to simply go around all the caches that are outside the zone of infection, and take the contents. He needs to go near the wall and when the icon appears, you need to press the letter "E". The first will be for entrance door. The rest will be on the windows.

Floating around the river, ring the call. You need to take and chat with a character's mom. After that, there is a flash again.


Having passed on the territory, on the left side of the building there is a door, you need to go into it. There is a trap on the door. He just needs to go down under the basement, because at the top all the trailers are clogged with enemies. At the end of this chapter, the character appears again with Lesnitsky, it does not need to be killed.

Red Square

It also does not need to touch the guards who will be on the way. When Paul gets into a trap to the dead, and they will want to pick him up, he needs to be saved.

Bad ending

The game has two endings. To the game end bad, you need to kill all the characters that appear on the way. You can even fight with soldiers that surrendered and do not want to fight. You also need to steal all valuable things.
Having learned the details, every gamer may, with dignity to finish the game, but how to solve him.

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