How to do a front flip with a run. How to do front and back flips

reservoirs 11.10.2019

Without a doubt, the most famous and popular movement is the somersault. Beautiful and spectacular looking from the outside, somersaults (both forward and backward) are also one of the easiest tricks to master. In vain, many people think that learning how to perform such a movement is difficult and time-consuming. In fact, mastering the trick is quite simple, and now we will deal with the sequence and the main nuances of its implementation together.

How to learn to do a front somersault

Compared to the backflip (or backflip as it is more commonly known), performing this trick forward is a much simpler and easier task for a beginner. Basically a question of how to learn to do front somersault, interested in young guys who are fond of parkour. This direction gained quite serious popularity at the beginning of the first decade of this century, and is still very common both in Russia and in other countries.

Now we list the main nuances of studying this movement.


Despite the fact that the front flip is one of the main tricks, it is still not the easiest and most basic. Therefore, before embarking on the practice, it is necessary to properly prepare. If you analyze this movement sequentially, you can easily see that it is a combination of a jump and somersault. Now - sequentially and in detail:

  1. Rope jumping. For starters, jump rope exercises are great - jump often, jump long, jump in a variety of ways. This will strengthen exactly those leg muscles that are involved in the somersault. In addition, you will learn how to jump correctly - which, in fact, is not so easy. Also developing ankle joint, which is at serious risk when performing a trick.
  2. Regular jumps. In addition to the rope, practice jumping in place (in height), from a place and from a run forward. The correctness of the movement at the beginning of the study largely depends on how correctly and naturally you can perform the jump. At the same time, we try not only to jump further and higher, but also to land correctly. This should be done not on the heels (this way you can seriously “beat off” them), but gently and smoothly, on the toes.
  3. Somersaults. Wanting to learn how to learn how to do a front somersault and try to perform this trick, you first need to master its second “component”. By the way, the usual somersault forward for an adult is not an easy task. The movement, which at school seemed natural and simple to us, even after a few years will cause difficulties. Therefore, practice the most common forward somersaults regularly and often. At the same time, pay special attention to grouping: a properly “collected” body will allow you to clearly and beautifully perform somersaults.
  4. Additional muscle training. In the performance of the trick, mainly the muscles of the legs and the press (when grouping the body) take part. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally perform exercises for their development. This can be both work with its own weight (twisting, lifting in the hang, for legs - squats, lunges), and work with "".


Now let's analyze the process of performing the trick itself. First, the main points:

  1. The most important and most important nuance: the trick is quite dangerous, and if performed incorrectly, you risk not only falling painfully, but also breaking your neck. Therefore, you should not start the practice without prior preparation, or if you are not confident in yourself.
  2. Another, no less important and serious nuance: do not be afraid . Performing the trick will not cause difficulties if you overcome your own fear - it is the main problem in mastering the movement.
  3. Use a soft surface for practice. It could be a mat in the gym, a sand pit in school yard or even a mattress (if you decide to practice somersaults at home). This will avoid a painful fall on your back (if you do not “twist” the somersault) or with an incorrect and hard landing on your heels.
  4. Start your attempts either with a running start or from a hill (curb, wheel dug into the ground in the school yard, fence). And the first option is much safer - inertia will make it easier for you to complete the trick and land on your feet, while somersaulting from a hill with inexperience often leads to injury (if you jump not far enough forward and catch on a fence or wheel).

Well, now let's describe correct sequence movements:

  1. Let's take a little run. Of course, you don’t need to run a hundred meters to do somersaults - 5-10 steps will be enough.
  2. We perform the jump from two legs, while the hands either “look” up (an additional swing of the arms down will help to give a little inertia to the movement), or are pressed to the body.
  3. Pushing off the surface as strongly as possible, at the same time we begin to twist the body (group) and perform the somersault itself (i.e., a somersault forward).
  4. We try to land smoothly and softly, on toes, slightly bending our knees. At the same time, beginners often fall forward by inertia - so be prepared for this and put your hands forward.

There is nothing complicated in the movement - the main problem is precisely fear. Having overcome it, you will surely cope with the task - maybe not the first time. Having mastered the somersault with a run and “accustomed” the body to the correct movements, you can begin to complicate the trick: perform from a place forward, in place, include in bundles (if you are fond of parkour).

How to learn to do a back somersault

But this trick is much more difficult to master. If almost every athlete performs a somersault without any problems (with a small number of attempts), then it will not be possible to master the backward movement on the move. If you want to learn how to learn how to do a back somersault, first you need to master the front somersault, and in general - to be in good physical shape.


In fact, the preparation for the movement is only partially different from the sequence described above. The first two points are identical, so we will analyze only the differences:

  1. Somersault back. Everything is the same, only, of course, we train the back somersault.
  2. Additional muscle training. In addition to the muscles of the legs and the press, pay attention also to the extensor muscles of the spine. and - here are the main exercises for this muscle group.


Wanting to figure out how to learn how to do a back somersault, remember the tips above - in this case, they are just as relevant and applicable. The only caveat - to perform a run-up trick, of course, does not work out. Practice should start from a small hill. At the same time, give Special attention to jump not only up, but also back - so as not to catch your feet when landing on a hill.

The sequence, of course, is also almost the same, with the only difference being that you will have to rotate not forward, but backward.

These elements will also come in handy in -e.

Initially, somersaults arose as part of circus performances. In those ancient times, the circus was the only place where you could see acrobatic stunts. The trend towards mass sports in the twentieth century. led to the formation of separate sports disciplines. One of them was sports acrobatics, in which somersaults became one of the main exercises. And finally in early XXI in. elements sports acrobatics went out into the street, taking shape in such a way of extreme pastime as parkour.

It should be understood that any acrobatics - and circus, and sports, and parkour - is a specific skill that requires training and perfect control of one's own body. Acrobatic stunts are potentially traumatic.

Somersaults in parkour: how to learn

Parkour elevated the somersault to the rank of the main trick. A boring gymnastic exercise turned into exciting turns in the air: from a place or from a running start, from a wall, from a railing, pushing off with one or both legs, using or without hands in the push, with or without a tuck, with or without rotation, forward and back and so on - only about 50 options. However, this balancing act is based on the ability to perform a standard circus acrobatic coup in the air.

What is needed for this:

  • Good physical form.

Developed leg muscles are of key importance, since the trick is carried out due to the momentum of the jump.

  • Education and training.

Mastering the coups in the air involves training in the gym on mats, using assistive devices. A good place for training - springboard in the pool.

  • The absence of fear.

Flipping in the air is not the most natural practice for the body. This is especially true for back flips.

Vestibular and visual cues, which the brain receives during a somersault, can lead to loss of balance and failure in any person. However, with the ability to control the body, physical training and working out the technique, it is very easy to perform somersaults.

Where to begin

Prepare the body:

  • go jogging, ride a bike, use jump ropes;
  • push up, pull up;
  • take up swimming.

Exercises for learning somersaults

With the help of the following exercises, you will learn how to learn how to do a back somersault. For a somersault in the air forward, these exercises are also suitable.

1. Jump up

The basic success of somersaults depends on how high you get off the ground. You need to jump, creating momentum not only with your legs, but with your whole body. For this:

  1. Squat halfway, put your hands back.
  2. With effort, push off with your legs, straightening your body and swinging your arms so that at the moment of the highest lift, your arms are directed towards the ceiling.
  3. Stretch your whole body towards the ceiling.
  4. You will notice that at the moment of the jump, your back and body bend back - just what you need to perform a somersault.

2. Raising the legs in a horizontal position

The second important skill is the ability to group:

  1. Lie on your back on the floor, straighten your arms behind your head.
  2. Raise your legs, bending them at the knees and bringing your knees to your chest.
  3. Do not take your hands off the floor while doing this.

Do the exercise at a fast pace.

3. Lifting the legs in a vertical position

In its action, the exercise is similar to the previous one, but requires more effort:

  1. Grab the bar with your hands.
  2. Group up by pulling your legs up and bending them at the knees.
  3. Bringing your knees to your chest, return your legs to the starting position.

4. Back flip jump on a trampoline

This exercise allows you to simulate a flip in the air, accustoming the body, eyes and vestibular system to non-standard rotation.

  1. Standing on a trampoline, make a jump, as described in exercise 1.
  2. In the jump, push back - the trampoline will give additional momentum.
  3. Land on your back, group up as described in exercise 2.
  4. After landing, the trampoline will bounce off your body. Your job is to use that momentum to roll back.
  5. A somersault in the air should end with the entry into the starting position - standing.

5. Jump back with jumping to the dais

In the exercise, the entry into a coup in the air is practiced, that is, the first half of the somersault is done independently.

Your task is to push off the floor, as described in exercise 1, and jump backwards onto a raised platform, grouping at the moment of landing. Elevation can be a trampoline, an artificial floor height difference with safe cover(mattresses, mats, etc.). The elevation should be at chest level.

How to do a back flip

If you have mastered the previous exercises correctly, there will be no problem in how to do a back flip.

  1. Sit down a little, take your hands back.
  2. Push up with your whole body, simultaneously swinging your arms up.
  3. Entering the horizontal plane, group: tighten the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Somersault is carried out around a conditional point solar plexus. The coordinated work of these muscles is the key to the successful completion of somersaults.
  4. Land on your knees bent, on your feet. When landing, the arms are parallel to the floor.

How to do a front flip

Rolling forward in the air is easier to do than backward, simply because moving forward is more natural for us. The jumping and body grouping skills acquired in the previous exercises will come in handy.

The front somersault is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Run, raise your arms up.
  2. Repulsion from the ground with the whole body. If in a back somersault the back bends back, but with a front somersault, the body, as it were, “dives” forward, describing an arc.
  3. Grouping: chin and knees - to the chest, knees are not closed.
  4. Somersault.
  5. Landing on half-bent legs.

Having learned the traditional somersault, you will be able to modify its technique and do purely parkour turns: swinging your arms behind your back, back from a height, pushing off with one foot, a “pistol”, over obstacles and other variations in the urban style.

Excellent sports form is a definite reason for pride. Just imagine how surprised others will be if you manage to do somersaults! And if, after a spectacular jump, you do not slam backwards, but skillfully land, then you will certainly break a flurry of applause.

You will need:

  • Video lesson;
  • Sport suit;
  • Keds.
Show the rest


  • Before moving on to mastering this trick, you must be sure that you can handle it quite well. You should regularly perform a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. Squat, push up and rock the body.
  • In addition, it is necessary to have developed muscles of the legs and arms. Running and pull-ups on the horizontal bar will help with this.
  • It is important to overcome the fear of falling. To do this, we suggest watching a video that shows the sequence of all actions. Based on it, you will understand how to do a somersault forward.
  • Practice the flip on a special mat.
  • Get comfortable loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes with flexible soles.

Important nuances

  • You need to start with somersaults back and forth. Desired element, in essence, is based on the same movements, only they will have to be done in “flight”.
  • Learning somersaults involves the correct grouping. Work out jumps with pulling your knees to your chest.
  • Take a semi-squat position. Push off from it as high as possible, while straightening the body and pulling your arms up.

Let's get down to business

  1. First you need to learn how to do a front somersault. It should be done with a run.
  2. It is necessary to start the exercise with a swoop, wave your arms up and point the body forward.
  3. Then group up, pulling your knees to your shoulders and grabbing them with your hands.
  4. You can learn how to do a somersault only if you have mastered the somersault to perfection.
  5. Make sure your knees are slightly bent, otherwise you will damage your joints.

After you learn how to do a somersault forward, you can proceed to a new acrobatic element - a back flip.

  1. Take your starting position. Feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Hands are lowered and slightly laid back.
  2. Push off the floor with force and at the same time make a powerful swing with your arms up, straightening the body. The knees should be pressed to the chest.
  3. Push your body backwards.
  4. Do not close your eyes, controlling the position of the body. Once the floor is perpendicular to your line of sight, start ungrouping.
  5. Push your legs out and land on your toes, keeping your balance.


Learning somersaults back and forth is possible only if your physical fitness is sufficiently high level. Otherwise, you risk ending up in the emergency room.

It is best to seek advice from experienced master. He will not only explain, but also show how to learn how to do somersaults.

What do you associate the concept of "acrobatics" with? Don't talk about role-playing games, where this skill determines how far you jump and how high you fall. Acrobatics in most people stubbornly correlates with such a concept as somersault, that is, such a dexterous jump with a flip back or forward (here, as you like). Anyone who has watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Hong Kong action movies at least once in childhood will understand us.

Learning this without preparation is dangerous. This is especially dangerous for those who have never worked out at least in a rocking chair in their lives. But if you really want to, then it's worth a try. Be sure to train your legs - start your day with a jump rope: a good "run and jump" is a guarantee that you will not break your neck and jaw, so prepare mentally. Lay down mats or blankets and roll on them - this will help you develop flexibility. The answer to the question of how to learn how to do back flips will help you grouping, which is vital to learn. At first, it is advisable to jump from a hill, just do not forget to lay mats.

You need to start with this type of somersault, it is basic in nature. Only after it can you move on to more difficult elements. Remember that you need to jump not from your heels, but from your toes - as expected, spring with your heels as if you were 15 again, and you are passing the long jump at school in a physical education lesson. In the goal of learning how to do a front somersault, the most basic thing is not to hit the floor with your heels - you need to land softly.

There are common points for back and forth somersaults. Of course, to an unenlightened person, they may seem almost identical, but this is absolutely not the case: they are completely different. Consider the similarities between these two types of somersaults. In both types of somersaults, it is vital to land softly. Torsion is also very important point in our lesson on how to learn how to do somersaults yourself and the reason for this is the simplest - it helps to group and do everything as deftly as possible.

A very important point in doing somersaults is leg training. We wrote about this above. We talked about the usefulness of jumping with a rope - so, you need to try a variety of types of jumps, gradually increasing the height of the jump. Jump, run, pump the press (it helps a lot in taking your legs where you need to), do flexibility exercises - these are our tips for you. Highly good exercise for those who want to know how to learn how to do somersaults themselves - these are jumps with straight outstretched arms. How to do it? We'll tell you. You stand straight, bend your knees - the way you did it at school in physical education classes, when you wanted to pass the long jump, and jump up with straight arms, trying to drag your body along with them. Land on your toes, spring, bounce well and land - this will help you develop leg strength. Pay special attention to the softness and smoothness of the landing, it is advisable to do this under supervision: knowledgeable people should correct the technique.

If suddenly you didn’t find a good training room with mats or a soft Ikea mattress with a blanket at hand, then we recommend that you either give up on this thankless task (it’s very easy to break your neck without protection), or find yourself a hole with sand, for example, in many stadiums there is such joy. Of course, you will have to wash your hair much more often, but do you really need to learn how to learn how to do somersaults yourself without spending money? Remember to jump out and land softly on both feet.

But seriously, man, it's very dangerous, really dangerous! Do all these joys under the supervision of a coach, everyone can watch videos on YouTube, only the trouble is that you don’t see yourself from the outside, and in general you treat yourself very subjectively. If you have never played sports, never done acrobatics and did not know how to walk a wheel as a child, think a few times before you start learning how to learn to do somersaults yourself, because it is best to do somersaults with the guidance of a competent person who will support and understand. So quit this disastrous business and go do something serious under the guidance and supervision of a coach.

Many of us have watched American action movies starring the world famous Jackie Chan. Perhaps everyone admires his most difficult acrobatic stunts. With the help of various gymnastic elements, you can strengthen your health and tone your muscles. Today we reveal the secrets and learn how to learn to do somersaults.

The training process: we study the main aspects

If at first glance it seems that somersault is a simple acrobatic etude, then this is not at all the case. In order to learn how to do it, it takes a grueling physical work and excellent preparation. Beginners who want to learn how to learn how to do somersaults at home need to do any sport in advance to prepare their body and, most importantly, muscle tissue.

Before we start the lesson on studying this acrobatic element, let's study the basic rules that must be strictly observed:

  • You can work out both at home and in the gym. But be sure to use a soft surface, such as a gym mat. At home, this attribute can be replaced with a blanket.
  • It is impossible to master the trick without preliminary preparation. First you need to learn how to do the right somersaults.
  • The main secret of a correct and safe somersault is a timely grouping. First, practice on a horizontal surface.
  • Before starting classes, you should warm up all the articular and muscle tissues. The best way to do this is to do cardio.
  • To perform somersaults, you need good back flexibility. Stretching - The best way improve your body.
  • No need to make sharp jerks, all exercises are performed alternately and smoothly.
  • For the first few sessions, wear protective equipment and be sure to wear knee pads.
  • If the first time you did not manage to land on your feet, do not despair. Over time, you will learn to group and stretch in time.
  • We pay special attention to pumping up the muscle tissues of the legs. Do squats, run, jump rope. Muscles should be strong, hardy and chiseled.
  • The basis of somersault is a high jump in a vertical position. Practice before flipping in the air.
  • It is better for beginner acrobats to play it safe and ask loved ones for help. One person will be insure upon landing, and the second will support under the lumbar spine.

In no case should such acrobatic elements be mastered by people suffering from any diseases of the joints. Sprains and other pathologies in the acute stage of development are also prohibited. To perform somersaults, you need to be in excellent physical shape.

Professional trainers say that in order to master somersaults, you need to tone the muscle tissue of the press. This is a kind of corset that supports not only the internal organs, but also the spinal column. It is recommended to systematically engage in any kind of sport for 3-4 months, and then try your hand at somersaults.

Types of acrobatic elements

In practice, including in gymnastics, athletes initially master the main types of somersaults:

  • front;

  • back.

Once you learn how to do the classic mid-air flip, you can start learning new techniques. There are several more varieties of somersaults:

  • lateral;

  • pirouette;

  • from the wall;

  • repeated.

Mastering the Back Flip Technique

Many people who want to do parkour are interested in how to learn how to do a back flip. By the way, parkour is a sport in which various acrobatic elements are performed. Unfortunately, among Olympic sports The sport of parkour has not yet entered, but it has already managed to win the hearts of millions of people.

Before performing such a trick through the back, you need to take care of protective equipment. You must be able to do a bridge to appreciate the flexibility of the muscles of the spinal corset. As already mentioned, before mastering the flip technique, the muscle tissues of the legs should be toned and considerable flexibility should be developed.

Before starting training, try to jump up as much as possible, and then sit down smoothly. You also need to master the classic somersault over the back on a horizontal surface. Only after you can land evenly and without swaying and move along one trajectory, are you allowed to start doing somersaults.

And now we will tell you how to learn how to do a back flip. The implementation of the described acrobatic element consists of several successive steps:

  1. At the first stage, try to jump as high as possible. In this case, the body is stretched like a string, and the hands tend to point upwards with their fingers.
  2. With a slight tilt back, press your knees to your chest as much as possible. For ease of performing the exercise, we clasp our legs with our hands.
  3. We quickly turn back. To do this, the push from the ground must be maximum and correct.
  4. As you unwind, gradually unbend your legs.
  5. We land smoothly on our toes, the knees should be slightly bent to minimize the load on the joints.

Many people think this trick is easy enough to do. Your job is not to hurt yourself. Insufficient push and minimal bouncing can cause you to injure your back or neck. Professional acrobats choose elevated horizontal surfaces for doing somersaults. In this case, you need to correctly calculate the trajectory of movement with a slight tilt back in order to land directly on the ground and not hit the springboard.

Learning to do somersaults

Young people are interested in how to learn how to do somersaults forward. Before you master the direct air flip technique, you need to study a number of basic exercises. First, learn how to roll properly. The forward roll must be smooth, precise and fast. The trajectory of movement should be straight and without the slightest deviation. As soon as you learn how to roll from a sitting position, move on to mastering the second technique. Do the same, but only from a standing position.

Secondly, you need to learn how to jump up as much as possible. You can help yourself with your arms by bending them at the elbows. Imagine that you are pushing your body up. Then quickly arms should be stretched straight up, aiming for the ceiling. Only after mastering the two basic elements, you can proceed directly to the somersault.

So, the front somersault or air somersault is performed in several stages:

  1. From a vertical standing position, we try to jump as high as possible.
  2. First we help ourselves with our hands, and then we pull them up like strings.
  3. In this case, the body can be slightly tilted forward to make it easier to make a coup.
  4. Next, we group, pulling our knees to our chest. Here it is important to do everything quickly and without confusion.
  5. After the somersault comes the landing. We begin to unwind by about 2/3 of a somersault, gradually straightening our legs.
  6. To land correctly, the body can be moved slightly forward, and the legs bent at the knees.
  7. The arms can also be extended forward at the level of the shoulder joints.

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