Interesting literature for teenagers 14 years old. Books everyone should read

reservoirs 23.09.2019

Here are the most popular modern books for teenagers 16 years old.

Youth is the most demanding audience. In the process of growing up, priorities, views and worldview begin to form very quickly and, at this very time, teenagers are trying to find themselves on the pages of popular and famous books. Modern teenage books no longer contain stories about relationships with parents and first school love. They deal with the adult problems of young young people and girls. These works teach a lot not only to young people, but also to experienced adults.

New book for teenagers 16 years old

16+ New October 2018!"Copy". Series: Fantasy. Lauren Oliver. Genre: Foreign Fantasy. Publisher: Eksmo. ISBN: 978-5-04-097482-5 Number of pages: 416. Binding: Hard. Format: 196x124 mm. Circulation: 4100. Created: 10/11/2018

In October 2018, a new book for teens aged 16 was released: "Copy" - the 2nd book in the "Replica" cycle.

This book is about two girls dreaming of returning to ordinary life. These two stories of their lives are completely different at first glance, but they both have something in common that they still don’t know about. After all, they are united by a shocking past and fear of an unknown future. So, two young girls, two fascinating and mysterious stories, and one ending for two.

beautiful savage

16+. New 2018! Book 1: "Book of Dust - 1. Beautiful savage." Series: Golden Compass. Genre: Foreign fantasy. Publisher: AST Publishing House. ISBN: 978-5-17-982968-3. Page: 578. Cover: Hard. Circulation: 20100 . Created: 04/26/2018

A new book for teenagers of 16 years old has been released: "The Beautiful Savage". The first novel in the "Book of Dust" series of the fantastic epic "The Universe of Dark Materials".

Malcolm Polstead is a simple, friendly boy of eleven. He lives near Oxford, his usual boyish life and does not yet know what difficulties he will have to face. His main occupation is to help his parents, the owners of the tavern and the inhabitants of the convent, which is located on the other side of the Thames. Malcolm's greatest wish is to go to school. One day, the boy learns that an unusual girl named Lyra Belakva has appeared in the convent.


The long-awaited sequel to Cecilia Ahern's The Brand, the 2016 youth bestseller.

April new! 16+. Modern foreign novel: "Ideal". Publisher: "Foreigner". List: Best modern novelties 2017 for teenagers aged 16” ISBN: 978-5-389-09534-2 Circulation: 25100 copies. Page: 463 Created: 04/11/2017

Abstract: "Ideal". In pursuit of Celestina North, who risked going against the law and daring to resist the system, guards were sent. Suddenly, the girl gets the opportunity to return to her former life and forget about the last trials and dangers, like a nightmare. She, feeling outcast, has to make a difficult choice between the voice of reason and the dictates of her heart. Which way will Branded go - simple or right?

Most Popular Girls Book Series

geek girl

"Geek girl". - the most popular series of books for girls 16 years old - a hit of 2016 - 2018.

The famous English novelist Holly Smale presented another literary work. It is called "Upside Down" and is part of the book series "Geek Girl" created by the writer. In the center of the work, yesterday's schoolgirl Harriet Manners again turned out to be a geek girl who suddenly changed her image of a "nerd" and a quiet girl to catwalks and spotlights.
In the new novel, the heroine continues to conquer the world of fashion and glamour. This time she needs to be ideal model. But not for myself, but to help a close friend. The girl, as always, makes a great plan. However, it is very difficult to implement it. An unexpected salvation is an invitation to shoot in the Vogue magazine. The only problem is that Harriet is given a very difficult condition...

Popular modern Runet book among teenagers!

The heroine of the novel, Gina, is a smart, beautiful, cheerful and sociable graduate of the school, through her own fault, gets into a car accident and becomes disabled. Just yesterday, she was making plans and thinking about the future, and today she finds herself in a rehabilitation center. The tragedy almost broke the spirit of a girl who had lost interest in life. However, she is given a chance to take a fresh look at herself and the whole world, find hope again, and also find true friends and true love.

List of modern books for teenagers.

Below is a list of modern books for teenagers aged 16, which will help absolutely every reader find their favorite book in the genre of modern prose.

  • "The Sixth Life of Daisy West". Kat Patrick.
  • "The Fault in the Stars" Green John.
  • "Many Katherines". Green John.
  • "Looking for Alaska". Green John.
  • "Angel for Sister" Jodi Lynn Picoult.
  • Book of 13 Reasons Why. Jay Asher
  • "Before I fall." Oliver Lauren.
  • "The perks of Being a Wallflower". Stephen Chbosky.
  • "As long as I'm alive." Jenny Downham.
  • "Hello Nobody." Burley Dougherty.
  • "My sister lives on the mantelpiece." Annabelle Pitcher.
  • "Extremely loud and extremely close." Foer Jonathan Safran.

Modern books for teenagers about love.

Time to run

Favorite modern books, for teenagers about love, among 16-year-old readers are very diverse in genre. Everyone, a young guy or girl, has their favorite works in prose, science fiction, fantasy, mysticism. They often advise them to read to their friends and acquaintances.

"Time to Run" is one of the books that is loved by all readers. It should be noted that almost every teenager knows about its existence. After the release of the work, several major film studios fought for the film adaptation of the book. It is about a girl who had an unusual gift. After the death of her mother, young Jem began to see, in the eyes of all people, the date of their death. It didn't make sense for her to make friends because she couldn't look them in the eye. The teenage girl was not able to settle down in any foster family, and was a stranger in any company. One day, she met a Beetle who could become her friend, but what's the point in communicating if Jem knew that he had two weeks to live...

List of modern books for teenagers about love.

Love-fantastic novel - "Time to Run", must be included in the list of modern books for teenagers about love. This amazing literary work will not leave any reader indifferent, because it has a wonderful idea and plot.
The most popular modern books about teen love:

  • "Ten tiny breaths." Tucker K.
  • "If I stay." Gale Foreman.

Modern fantasy and mysticism


Many, young girls and boys, love modern mystical books for teenagers. The list of works that everyone should read includes an interesting mystical story: "Shelter".
Sixteen-year-old Dan Crawford went to New Hampshire Preparatory College. For him, this trip was a lifeline, because at school the teenager was an outcast, he hoped that he would make friends. Soon, the teenager found out that his hostel used to be a refuge for the mentally ill criminals. No one understood what was happening in this building and why some doors, corridors and the basement were walled up. Schoolchildren found very strange photographs that caused reflection and fear. Soon something will happen that will plunge into shock and horror not only students, but also teachers. Crawford must solve the mystery of the former sanatorium, because he himself may be in danger.

The sharp storyline keeps the reader on their toes and absolutely doesn't let them relax throughout the book. Every teenager should read "Shelter", because this masterpiece of literature will not leave anyone indifferent.

An interesting mystical story about a teenager.

Modern foreign book for teenagers Lauren Oliver "Before I fall". An unusual work allows readers to go through difficult life moments together with the characters and understand very important things. This is an interesting mystical story about a teenager of 16 years old - a girl, serious problems are raised in it.
Samantha Emily Kingston is one of the most popular students in the school. She has everything that a teenager at her age can dream of: the perfect boyfriend, with whom many girls are in love, friends and an attractive appearance. But she never could have thought that February 12 could be the last day of her life. After all, he was like everyone else: the girl went to school with her friends, and then went to a party. After celebrating Valentine's Day, they drive home together, but they get into an accident on the way.
However, Samantha still remains in the world of the living and, as usual, wakes up in her bed the next morning. There is some interesting mystical story going on. The girl is trying to figure out what's wrong, and comes to the conclusion that she needs to change something in her last day. But what exactly is wrong? Samantha will have to find the answer to this question, as well as understand something else very important in her life...


deep impression on young

mind, constitutes an era in life


Smiles S.

English philosopher

The problem of choosing books at this age is related to two things. Firstly, with the internal state and reading needs of an individual child. Secondly, for parents of a fourteen-fifteen-year-old child, the task is still relevant not to scare them away from reading, but, on the contrary, in every possible way to make them want to do this activity. The recommended list includes books really loved by children. S. Averintsev noted that if a person knows only his time, his narrowly modern circle of concepts, he is a chronic provincial. In order not to be a chronic provincial, you need to read a lot of all sorts of books by the age of seventeen - just about life, about life and customs different peoples and epochs.

The books in this list are grouped rather conditionally, and the groups are arranged according to increasing "adulthood". In the course of the presentation of the texts to some of them, we offer comments.

More children's books

A. Lindgren. Supersleuth Kalle Blomkvist. Roni is the daughter of a robber. Brothers Lion Heart. We are on the island of Saltkroka.

The last book - the most “adult” on the list, but, strictly speaking, all this should have been read by the age of 12-13. As, however, and other books in this section. They are for teenagers.

V. Krapivin. Knee-deep in the grass. Shadow of a caravel. Armsman Kashka. Sailor Wilson's White Ball. Portfolio of Captain Rumbo.

Perhaps someone will prefer V. Krapivin's "mystical-fantastic" cycles. These books contain childhood memories. The story about Captain Rumba is funny and cheerful.

R. Bradbury. Dandelion wine.

A story about how difficult it is to get out of childhood.

A. Marshall. I can jump over puddles.

R. Kipling. Pack from the hills. Awards and fairies.

Lloyd Alexander. A cycle of novels about Taren (Book of three. Black cauldron. Taran the Wanderer).

History, geography, zoology and more

D. London. Northern stories. Smoke Bellew. Smoke and baby.

D. Curwood. Rogues of the North.

Jules Verne. Anything that hasn't been read yet.

A. Conan Doyle. Lost World. Brigadier Girard.

W. Scott. Ivanhoe. Quenin Dorward.

G. Haggard. Daughter of Montezuma. Mines of King Solomon.

R. Stevenson. Stolen. Catriona.

R. Kipling. Kim.

BUT. Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo.

FROM. Forester. The Saga of Captain Hornblower.

The book was written in the 20th century: the history of an English sailor from midshipman to admiral during the Napoleonic wars. The story is adventurous, authentic, charming. The hero causes great sympathy, remaining an ordinary, but very worthy person.

I. Efremov. Journey of Bourjed. On the edge of the ecumene. Andromeda's nebula. stories.

These books are a great help in history. ancient world(Egypt, Greece), and geography (Africa, Mediterranean). Efremov is good as a popularizer of science. He has a documentary story about paleontological excavations in Mongolia "Road of the winds' is very curious.

M. Zagoskin. Yuri Miloslavsky.

A.K. Tolstoy. Prince Silver.

What girls love

Sh. Bronte. Jane Eyre.

E. Porter. Pollyanna.

D. Webster. Long-legged uncle. Dear enemy.

A. Egorushkina. The real princess and the vagrant bridge.

M. Stuart. Nine carriages. moon spinners.

This is a reading for girls aged 14-16. English life after the war, Europe (Greece, France), marvelous landscapes, love…

Some of the Soviet Literature

I. Ilf, E. Petrov. The twelve Chairs. Golden calf.

L. Solovyov. The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin.

The text is charming and mischievous. Perhaps the most suitable for getting used to adult conversations “about life”.

V. Astafiev. Theft. Last bow.

"Theft" - very scary tale about an orphanage beyond the Arctic Circle, where the children of exiled and dead parents survive.

V. Bykov. The dead don't hurt. Obelisk. His battalion.

E. Kazakevich. Star.

N. Dumbadze.Me, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion. White flags.

Ch. Aitmatov.White ship.

Memories of upbringing

A. Herzen. Past and thoughts.

To. Paustovsky.Tale of life.

BUT. Kuprin.Juncker. Cadets.

BUT. Makarenko. pedagogical poem.

F. Vigdorov.Road to life. This is my home. Chernigovka.

trilogy written about orphanage, created by a student of Makarenko back in the 30s. A lot of interesting details about life, schools and problems of that time.

D. Darell. My family and other animals.


A. Belyaev. Amphibian Man. Professor Dowell's Head.

BUT. Tolstoy. Hyperboloid engineer Garin. Aelita.

G. wells. War of the Worlds. Green door.

FROM. Lem.Stories about pilot Pirx. (The Magellanic Cloud. Return from the Stars. The Star Diaries of John the Quiet.)

Smart stories with good humor .

R. Bradbury. 451 ° Fahrenheit. The Martian Chronicles and Other Stories.

A. B. Strugatsky. Way to Almateya. NoonXXIIcentury. It's hard to be a god. Escape attempt. Inhabited island. Monday starts on Saturday.

G. Harrison.Invincible planet.

An ecological novel, wise in its main idea and charming thanks to its rogue hero.


A. Green. Gold chain. Running on the waves. Shiny world. Road to nowhere.

D.R.R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings. Silmarillion.

TO. Simak. Goblin sanctuary.

Ursula Le Guin. Wizard of Earthsea.

Diana W. Jones. Haul's walking castle. Air castle. Worlds of Crestomancy. Merlin's conspiracy.

M. and S. Dyachenko. Mage of the road. Oberon's word. Evil has no power.

S. Lukyanenko. Knights of the Forty Islands.

A book about growing up and moral problems that have to be solved in artificially constructed conditions.

M. Semyonova. Wolfhound.

D. Rowling. Harry Potter.


A. Conan Doyle. Tales of Sherlock Holmes.

E. By. Stories.

W. Collins. Moonstone.

A. Christie. Death on the Orient Express.

G.K. Chesterstone. Stories about Father Brown.

M. Cheval and P. Vale. The death of the 31st department.

Dick Francis. Favorite. Driving force.

Francis' novels are an encyclopedia of reality. For the formation of horizons and attitudes, the author is amazing.

A. Hailey. The airport. Wheels. Hotel. final diagnosis.

Great novels and serious stories

V. Hugo. Outcasts. Cathedral of Notre Dame.

Ch. Dickens. Oliver Twist. David Copperfield. Cold house. Martin Chuzzlewit. Our mutual friend. Dombey and son.

D. Austin. Pride and Prejudice.

G. Senkevich. Flood. Fire and sword. Crusaders.

D. Galsworthy. The Forsyte Saga.

T. Mann. Buddenbrooks.

R. Pilcher. Shell seekers. Homecoming. September. Christmas Eve.

Charming life-writing books about England from World War II to the 1980s.

E. Remarque. Three comrades. No change on the western front.

E. Hemingway. Bye weapons! stories.

G. Böll. House without an owner. Billiards at half past nine.

M. Mitchell. Gone With the Wind.

T. Wilder. Theophilus North. Day eight. Ides of March.

I. Vo. Return to Brideshead.

Student life is described in detail and nostalgically. Where does hypocrisy and rebellion against it lead to - the question that the author is trying to answer.

M. Stuart. Crystal grotto. Hollow hills. Last magic.

G.L. oldie. Odysseus, son of Laertes. The author is not English. These are two Russian-speaking writers from Kharkov. They write fantasy and such novels are the reconstruction of myths. Very high quality writing and very unusual, unexpected.

R. Zelazny. The Chronicles of Ember.

AT. Kamsha. Red on red. This is the most sober and adequate understanding of our current troubled life. The book is smart and tough.

Here we offer such a large and rather incomplete list of literature for children 14-15 years old. We hope that many of these books will be read by your children. These books will open them wonderful world fiction, will teach you how to solve the problem of choice correctly and help your children gain social experience.

The material was provided by N.S. Venglinskaya, methodologist of MOUDO "IMC".

Adolescence is the most difficult and unpredictable. and readership school age- the most attentive, demanding and emotional. What books to choose for your teenage child? First of all, fascinating (books should teach something). And, of course, fascinating (a child will close a boring book after the very first pages).

To your attention - a list of the most useful and interesting books for schoolchildren of different ages.

Author of the work: Richard Bach

Jonathan, like other seagulls, also had two wings, a beak and white plumage. But his soul was torn from a rigid framework, it was not clear who established it. Jonathan did not understand - how can you only live for food if you want to fly?

What is it like to go against the current, contrary to the opinion of the majority?

The answer is in one of the most popular works from a descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Author of the work: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A story about loneliness, realistic and magical, which the author has been creating for more than 18 months.

Everything in this world ends one day: even the most seemingly indestructible and unshakable things and events eventually disappear, are erased from reality, history, memory. And they can't be returned.

How impossible it is to escape from your fate ...

Author of the work: Paulo Coelho

The book about the search for the meaning of life is multi-layered, makes you think and feel, stimulates new the right steps on the way to your dream. A bestseller from a brilliant Brazilian writer, which has become a reference book for millions of readers on earth.

When you are young, everything seems possible. In youth, we are not afraid to dream and are full of confidence that our dreams are destined to come true. But one day, when we cross the line of growing up, someone from the outside inspires us that nothing depends on us ...

Roman Coelho is a tailwind in the back of everyone who has begun to doubt.

Author of the work: John Kehoe

To move forward, first of all, you need to completely change the way you think. The impossible is possible.

But one desire is not enough!

A special book that will show desired door and even give her a key. Step-by-step instruction, an inspiring program of successful development from a Canadian author, captivating from the first pages.

Author of the work: Andrey Kurpatov

A guide book tested by thousands of readers.

Getting what you want is not so difficult, the main thing is to properly manage your life.

An easy, fascinating, competent book, surprising with the simplicity of solutions, changing views, helping to find answers.

Author of the work: Dale Carnegie

This book was published back in 1939, but to this day it does not lose its relevance and offers opportunities for those who are able to start with themselves.

Stay a consumer or develop? How to ride the wave of success? Where to look for that potential?

Look for answers in a simple and accessible "instruction" from Carnegie.

Author of the work:
Markus Zuzak

A girl who has lost her family cannot imagine her life without books. She is even ready to steal them. Liesel reads voraciously, again and again plunging into the fictional worlds of writers, while death follows her.

The book is about the power of the word, about the ability of this word to fill the heart with light. The work, in which the angel of Death himself becomes the narrator, is multifaceted, pulling the strings of the soul, making you think.

The book was filmed in 2013 (note - "The Book Thief").

Author of the work: Ray Bradbury

Rereading old science fiction, you often come to the conclusion that this or that writer was able to predict the future. But it’s one thing to see the materialization of communication devices once invented by science fiction writers (for example, Skype), and it’s quite another to watch how our life gradually begins to resemble a terrible dystopian world in which they live according to a pattern, they don’t know how to feel, in which it’s forbidden think and read books.

The novel is a warning that mistakes need to be corrected in time.

Author of the work: Mariam Petrosyan

Disabled children live (or live?) in this house. Children who have become unnecessary to their parents. Children whose psychological age is higher than that of any adult.

There are no names here, only nicknames.

The underside of reality, which everyone should look into at least once in a lifetime. At least out of the corner of my eye.

Author of the work: Matvey Bronstein

The book from a talented physicist is a real masterpiece in the field of popular science literature. Simple and fascinating, understandable even to a schoolboy.

A book that a child will definitely read "from cover to cover."

Author of the work: Valery Voskoboynikov

This series of books is a unique collection of accurate biographical information about famous people written plain language understandable to any teenager.

What kind of child was Mozart? What about Catherine the Great and Peter the Great? And Columbus and Pushkin?

Author of the work: Lev Gendenstein

Does your child not understand math? This problem is easily solved!

The author invites you to take a walk through the country of mathematics, from ancient times to the present day, together with your favorite characters from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale. Fascinating reading, interesting tasks, vivid illustrations - the basics of mathematics in the form of a fairy tale!

A book that can captivate a child with logic and prepare for more serious books.

Author of the work: Victor Zaparenko

The book, which has no analogues in our country (and abroad, too). An exciting journey into the world of creativity!

How to animate characters, how to create special effects, how to draw movement? All questions that parents cannot answer can be answered by this instruction for beginner animators.

Here you will find detailed description the most important topics are facial expressions and perspective, gestures, etc. But the most important advantage of the book is that the author is accessible and simply teaches how to draw movement. This guide is not from an "art teacher" who will help you train a child, but from a practitioner who created a book to develop creativity.

Great gift option for a child!

Author of the work: Alexander Dmitriev

Does your child like to "chem"? Interested in doing experiments at home? This book is what you need!

100 simple, interesting and fun experiments that you can do with or without parents. The author simply, fascinatingly and intelligibly explains to the child how the world around him works, and how familiar things behave according to the laws of physics.

Without tricky explanations and complex formulas - simple and clear about physics!

Author of the work: Austin Kleon

How many talents have been ruined because of one painful phrase thrown by someone in the heat of the moment - “it already happened!”. Or “it has already been drawn before you!”. The idea that everything has already been invented before us, and you cannot create anything new, is disastrous - it leads to a creative dead end and cuts off the wings of inspiration.

Austin Kleon explains to everyone creative people that any work (be it a painting or a novel) arises on the basis of plots (phrases, heroes, thoughts thrown aloud) that came from outside. There is nothing original in the world. But this is not a reason to abandon your creative realization.

Are you inspired by other people's ideas? Take them boldly and do not be tormented by remorse, but do something of your own based on them!

Stealing an entire idea and passing it off as your own is plagiarism. To create something of your own based on someone else's idea is the author's work.

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Teenagers are often not confident in their abilities, they cannot understand what they like. Many of them get lost among more successful peers and doubt their abilities.

To help your child survive such a difficult period, give him a book by Thomas Armstrong, a teacher with 40 years of experience. It will be the first manual on self-development and will help to understand that each of us is smart in our own way. And also the book will teach you to accept yourself as you are, better understand others and explain why IQ tests and fives at school are not always an indicator of a brilliant mind.

Be the best version of yourself

This book will teach a teenager about the true ingredients of success and help them understand that it's not about diligence at all, but about who you are.

Under the cover - stories of real people who survived severe illness who won the Olympics, who managed to open their own business from scratch. All these are stories about overcoming oneself, courage and determination.

Traps of thinking

This book is simply indispensable for both adults and teens. It teaches us to make the right decisions and avoid the traps that lie in wait for us at every turn.

The book not only teaches right choice but also promotes determination and self-confidence.

Transitional age

The best book on how to understand teenagers. The world's leading expert on adolescence Lawrence Steinberg uses the latest data and Scientific research about the teenage brain - including his own - to show in his book how resilience, self-control, and other good habits can be nurtured in a child. His discoveries about how to educate, teach and treat teenagers will be useful to both teachers and parents.

Why me?

A kind and practical guide to dealing with bullying, written for children by a child who coped with it.

Thousands of children and teenagers suffer silently because they are being bullied by their classmates. Often even parents and school psychologists cannot help. But this book was not written by an expert, it was written by a simple girl who went through school bullying and managed to do against all odds. good career and achieve success doing what you love.

Flexible mind

This book is for parents who want to raise successful and happy children. It is based on a revolutionary concept, discovered by the famous psychologist Carol Dweck as a result of 20 years of her own research. From it you will learn:

  • why intelligence and talent do not yet guarantee success,
  • how, on the contrary, they can stand in his way,
  • why rewarding intelligence and talent often jeopardizes achievement,
  • and how to improve a child's academic performance.

I refuse to choose

It is often difficult for a teenager to understand what he wants from life and what he wants to do. It's even harder to figure out who he really is. In this amazing book, Barbara Sher shows you how to adapt your wonderfully multifaceted mind to a world that has never really understood who you really are.

1 page per day

This creative notebook will help spark creativity in a teenager. It contains interesting ideas to help you create all year round. Each new page is a chance to create something new.

Fill out a notebook every day, page by page, draw, sketch, write, take notes, create and complete lists, set goals, reflect, share ideas with friends.

"Write here, write now" is a creative notebook for kids aged 8-12. It helps teenagers to better understand themselves, think about important things in a playful way and write down interesting thoughts on paper. The book inspires young writers, artists, collectors, inventors and explorers to discover and develop their talents.


Each blot is an inspiration. Every line is free. Give this book to a child. Open his imagination.

"Hirameki" in Japanese means "peculiar style", "special imprint", "a place where doodle and imagination meet". Simply put, it's the art of turning a random blob into something amazing with just a few dots and lines.

This is not only a fun activity that will completely captivate the child, but also very useful for developing creativity, for relaxation after a hard day.

Habit change

We all often operate on autopilot and do not want to change our habits. This also applies to teenagers, who, like adults, can make the same mistakes every day.

Read this book with your child and you will teach him from his youth to work on himself and improve his life every day.

Simple Questions

How do bees find honey? Why is sleep needed? And money? How does an airplane fly? BUT Balloon? How were they built Pyramids of Egypt? Why is the world colorful? Is the sky blue? Why do we have five fingers? What is a blood group?

Most simple and naive questions don't have easy answers. Moreover, mankind did not know the answer to many of them for a very long time, and only the painstaking work of scientists made it possible to find them.

Vladimir Antonets, Professor and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, in his book answers dozens of questions in an accessible and popular way. simple questions with no easy answers.

An excellent informative book for a teenager, fascinating and not at all like an encyclopedia.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

A book that will help you and your child build relationships in any area of ​​life. It is about an important component of life - emotional intelligence.

In essence, emotional intelligence is the helmsman that controls our decisions, actions and deeds and helps to better use our mental potential. It affects the formation of personality, the development of empathy, the ability to communicate, create strong marital relationships and raise children properly.

Geniuses and outsiders

Book for parents. It will help you understand what success depends on and how to help your child achieve it. Why do some people get everything and others nothing? Is it right to reduce the reasons for success only to personal qualities bestowed by nature?

The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. "Geniuses and Outsiders" is not a "how to become successful" manual. This is an exciting journey into the world of the laws of life, which you can use to your advantage.

Where is Warhol

The book, which unusual shape introduce the child to art.

If Andy Warhol were to travel back in time, where would they go? "Where's Warhol?" provides him with his own time machine, and what do we see ... The book depicts interesting events in the life of Andy and himself, and the reader needs to find him in the crowd. Each turn is incredibly interesting to consider. So many details that correspond to some event, era and setting. And if you don’t understand something, there is a description of each spread at the end of the book.

Andy has marked 12 significant moments in art history and invites readers to find him in each of them. From Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel to Jean-Michel Basquiat painting the streets of New York. Each scene is meticulously recreated by art historian Katherine Ingram and illustrated by Andrew Ray.

From here to there

Under the cover of this book are 48 labyrinthine worlds that you can walk around.

Bright, detailed labyrinths reflect the beauty of nature, works of art and architecture. They give space to the imagination and let the mind fly freely while you take a leisurely walk through the village streets and park alleys, through the castle grounds, picturesque towns and even through futuristic landscapes. Let your thoughts wander, and let your hand follow the turns of the path.

Great book for kids and adults who love mazes and puzzles.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Top 10 most interesting books for teenagers:

1. "" Harper Lee. This novel was published back in 1960 and almost immediately became a bestseller, and the author received the Pulitzer Prize for his creation, which is one of the most prestigious. In addition, the book remains popular and in demand to this day. The narration is conducted on behalf of the child, which makes the view of what is happening direct and objective.

The novel describes the events that unfolded in the 30s of the last century. This time was a period of great depressions that hit the state of Alabama. The whole novel is literally saturated with childish maximalism, warmth and humor.

The main character Jean Louise Finch, who lives with her father and older brother, talks about the life of her family and neighbors. But the book touches on the topic of violence, xenophobia and interracial conflicts. The girl expresses her opinion about the imperfections of the world. And Louise's father, who was a lawyer, became an example of honesty for many.

2. The book "" by John Green came out relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of millions of teenagers around the world. This is a stunningly sentimental, sad and romantic story about the life of teenagers who are faced with a huge problem along the way.

A guy and a girl with cancer meet in a support group and start talking. They are aware of the seriousness of the situation, but they continue to fight and still remain teenagers: active, creative, purposeful. Augustus and Hazel fall in love and try to defy fate.

They understand that their love can end at any moment, and therefore they are ready to do anything to live and be together. Forgetting about death, teenagers learn all the secrets of feelings, face misunderstanding, jealousy and condemnation. But now they are together, and what will happen later is not so important.

3. It is impossible not to mention perhaps the most popular series of books about the wizard boy. The first book came out in 1997, and the last one 10 years later. Author JK Rowling has become Britain's richest woman. All books were filmed, because each story excites the minds of not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

It all started with a boy who was raised by his uncle and aunt. He dreamed of running away from home, but ended up in a real school of magic. Harry was about to learn the secret of his family and face difficulties that would break any adult. But Potter endured everything, not for nothing that he was nicknamed "the boy who survived."

The characters grew up before the eyes of readers, acquired new qualities and skills, changed. The plot contains evil conspiracies of Harry Potter's enemies, and romantic stories, and jokes. In general, books are read literally in one breath.

4. Trilogy "", "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay" by Susan Collins. All three parts were filmed and became real bestsellers. According to the plot, the action takes place on the territory of the former America, which has turned into the totalitarian state of Panem, consisting of 12 districts, called districts. Despotic ruler Snow hosts the Hunger Games every year, in which only one in 24 people must survive.

Two teenagers are selected from each district to participate in the games: a girl and a guy. But in the games, in which the simple but brave girl Katniss took part, everything did not go as planned. No one could have imagined that these games would be the beginning of dramatic changes.

5. The book "" - a novel by Jerome Sellinger written by him in 1951. And although the work was originally intended for adults, it became popular among young people and even had a tremendous impact on the culture of the last century. Some phrases are still quoted, and the book itself has become a kind of code of laws for many generations of rebellious youth and representatives of various radical movements.

The story is extremely simple and tells about a simple teenager Holden Caulfield, who was expelled from school for poor performance. The protagonist considers himself a little stupid, and many who know him agree with this. But some of Holden's views on life are noteworthy. He talks about his perception of morality and social laws, expresses his disagreement and dreams of simple and banal things that can make him happy.

6. "" - a book by Stephen Chbosky, which many have called a modern interpretation of the novel "The Catcher in the Rye". A novel about the life, thoughts, love of a simple teenager who is trying to understand himself and start living a normal and interesting life.

The main character Charlie goes to high school, but he is afraid that no one will understand him there. The boy begins to write letters to someone he does not know and has never seen, but who should understand him. On the advice of literature teacher Bill, Charlie begins to read books, and literally each of them becomes his favorite.

The boy, listening to Bill's advice, tries not to absorb everything into himself like a sponge, but to let it through like a filter. Charlie is also trying to return to childhood again and remember long-forgotten and experienced traumas, as well as sort out feelings for a high school student who is the sister of his friend.

7. " "- book written James Buen. This is a simple, but at the same time amazing story about the friendship of a man and a cat and about their small joint success. According to the plot main character(he is also the author of the book) James, who is a street musician, and a simple red cat named Bob were lonely, unhappy and homeless.

Bob was looking for food and surviving on the city streets, while James was dying from drugs and hopelessness. Probably, Bowen would have disappeared in the interweaving of London streets if he had not once met the ginger cat Bob, who became a real talisman for him, a true friend and guardian angel. Today, everyone knows this amazing couple. AT in social networks You can find many photos and videos. And so, in 2014, a whole book was published that tells about the history of a simple musician and a street cat.

8. "" Alice Sebold- not quite an ordinary, but very heartfelt story about a girl whose life was cut short so suddenly and ridiculously. The story is told by Susie Salmon herself, who was raped and killed by a man who lives next door. The story begins with the moment of the murder, then the girl finds herself in her own paradise, from which she can observe the life of her loved ones.

She follows everyone, discusses their actions and lives, and even gets the opportunity to be around a couple of times. The entire work is built on these considerations. The story, which began with the death of the main character, ends with the collapse of the girl's family and the birth of her younger sister firstborn.

9. "" Markus Zuzak. The story takes place in pre-war Germany. At that time, death literally hovered in the air and permeated the entire existence of people. The main character is a little girl who lost her family and loves books very much. She picks them up on the streets and just steals them.

For her, each book is a separate story, some kind of life event. As a result, Liesel begins to write herself. The story about her is told by an angel who, after death, takes the souls of people. Death is on the heels of Liesel, but she continues her work. The quivering story about the need to remain human in any situation won the hearts of millions.

10. "" Rhea Bradbury is a story about a twelve-year-old boy who enthusiastically lives one summer filled with events, emotions, experiences. But the most important thing is that he is alive, feels and breathes.

These were the most interesting books for teenagers.

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