Qiny (anti-fascist organization). Anti-Fascist Organization "White Rose

Gardening 22.09.2019

An important subject of the Russian and global political field today is anti-fascists. The birth and active development of the anti-fascist movement in the context of capitalist society and the growth of xenophobia, nationalism, developing in frank nazism and fascism - a natural phenomenon.

Russia with its strong anti-fascist traditions, which are rooted in the victory over fascism in the 1940s, is no exception. Russian anti-fascists declare themselves louder and louder.

With a request to tell about the modern anti-fascist movement, its features, purposes and prospects. The editors of the "Communists of the capital" appealed to the activist of the party of the mouth of the front, Anti-Fascist Sergey Miroshnichenko.

Comstol: What, in a nutshell, the ideology of modern anti-fascists?

S. Miroshnichenko: In my opinion, it is impossible to allocate any single ideology of the antifa, except for anti-fascism. Among the Antifa in Russia, as in the world, there are people with a variety of political views. There are communists, socialists, anarchists, liberals and even apolitical people.

Comstol: What is the anti-culture?

S. Miroshnichenko: It is very diverse. If we talk about subcultures, then skinheads, punks, executions, rappers and a bunch of other youth subcultures are present in this environment. The anti-fascist idea remains uniform for these people.

Comstol: What organizations are positioning themselves as anti-fascist? What is the number of anti-fascist movement?

S. Miroshnichenko: Basically, the anti-fascist movement in Russia is represented by autonomous groups, but there are organizations positioning themselves as anti-fascist: youth human rights movement, network against racism and intolerance, the international society Memorial. Youth human rights movement is international. I am extremely little familiar with them and, honestly, I can hardly say what they do. About the affinity groups I speak easier. They are engaged in all: from work on the Internet and drawing graffiti to the shares of direct action. In general, who has enough strength and fantasy, the one is doing.

The number of anti-fascist movement is very difficult to evaluate because it is not political Party And not a social movement. My opinion is that in Moscow these are several thousand people. It used to be much smaller, but now this indicator is growing.

Comstol: Where did the anti-fascist movement originate?

S. Miroshnichenko:AFA is the receivers of anti-fascist times of World War II. Even the symbol of movement, black and red flags are taken from the movement of the anti-fascist action (part of the front of the front in Germany).

Comstol: How do anti-fascists relate to the Communists?

S. Miroshnichenko: In general, anti-fascists positively belong to the Communists. However, as I said, anti-fascists have different political views. The left part of the movement, anarchists and socialists positively belong to the Communists. The liberal part considers the Communists the same fascists. It is connected with their anti-Staliny moods.

Comstol: Are there any sites, anti-fascist newspapers?

S. Miroshnichenko: Yes, exist. There are such sites like http://www.antifa.fm/ And many others. Widely AFA is presented in social networks. Also, many anarchic sites consecrate their topic. A lot of samizdatov magazines and newspapers are produced. There is probably not listed here.

In general, we, the Communists, you need to work closer with this youth. After all, in essence, there are people already presented with ready-made political views. It is only necessary to help them, send them to the right direction, explain that with small autonomous groups such a problem as the growth of nationalism and xenophobia is not solved. A political organization is needed to fight in the political sphere, and not just on the streets. Such an organization may well be the mouth front. By the way, in the autonomous action a bunch of activists entering them through AFA.

Taking this opportunity, I will remind you that on May 18 in Moscow will host a concert of Nucleo Terco. This is a group of Spanish Communists, play Oi!, Participants of Rash Madrid. In Russia, they are for the first time. Maintain them will be such teams as klowns (Kirov), twentieth (Kirov) and the Red Office (Moscow). For information about the concert, follow in the group in VKontakte: https://vk.com/nucleo_terco

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Aster 06.05.2013 20:46

I wonder how Skinheads were in anti-fascists?

Oleg 06.05.2013 21:30

Astra, Skinhada is a subculture. Among them are often nationalists, so we are accustomed to customize them from the Nazis and the Fascists. However, among them there are different ideologies, incl. And left. Example - Red Skinhada.

Evil "ych 07.05.2013 02:04

The best way the skins were anti-fascists) smoke the history of subculture)

cat Leopold 07.05.2013 16:26

Antiphashism today is a cunning, the hypocritical course of the terry nationalism of the Zionists, i.e. The global financial Jewish oligarchy! Her affairs are bad - the whole world rises against this spruit. And she sees its salvation in the blending of all the peoples among themselves on the basis of nationalism. This world sect of the richest geeks of human race with non-rebound times, settling the cash economy of all the peoples of our planet, seeing his approaching historical collapse, is started in everything
Grave in your barren, this time, try again to deceive the whole world !!! I am rather shying to your proven anger and hide it in the please of the people of the people!

Alesya Yasnogortseva 07.05.2013 22:07

Kotu Leopold. Well, so you fell to the bait of the Zionists. It is they bringing all the fascism to anti-Semitism to be more convenient to those who are against the Zionists, to sculpt the label of anti-Semites. In fact, the Jews have not been subjected to any discrimination anywhere since 45. Even in such fascist states as South Africa and Chile.
Fascism is liberalism, brought to extremes. Liberals believe that "defective" people must die - the fascists believe that they should be destroyed. Liberals are defective - those who do not know how to steal and live on tricky money - in the fascists in different conditions differently. Very often, the fascists are declared in defective representatives of any nation (not necessarily Jewish!), Sometimes there are followers of any creed.
And the Russian fascists from the polar - most likely, Naimites of the West. Their activities are aimed at discrediting Russia in the eyes of the peoples of the former colonies. So that Russia will not soon become their leader, when communists will come to power in the country.

cat Leopold 07.05.2013 23:33

Anti-Semitism \u003d Fascism \u003d Neofashism \u003d Anti-Fascism and Other - these are intentionally throwing and cultivated by Zionism in the communities of Lokhov and Goev, how they all do not want us!

cat Leopold 08.05.2013 06:00

Zionism is the most vibrant adherent and capital keeper. It is the flesh and blood of capital and the fight against capital inevitably eat the fight against Zionism! Russian! Do not be naive children. Do not hide your heads at the sight of the danger in the sand. Not to face!

Valery 08.05.2013 12:56

"Divide and conquer" - which is the slogan of those who want to refuel the world.

Aster 09.05.2013 20:03

As far as I know, the custom shave heads from skinheads occurred from the desire to hide the real color of his hair. Their ideology is based on racism. And one of the signs of race (for them) is the color of the hair. They believe that blond hair is a sign of the highest race. And since such hair among the Russians are not often found, they took such a rule - shave the heads of rally.
Maybe then it became a youth subculture, like hippie or metallers. But initially it was a political course of a certain sense.

Evil "ych 12.05.2013 12:01

Astra, I will tell you the mystery. The custom shave the heads from the skins appeared in connection with the cheapness and simplicity of this haircut. Indeed, in the 60s of the 20th century in England, working young people did not particularly have a lot of money on fashionable haircuts. Regarding racism skins. Real skinHords are not racists, smoke the history of the movement at least here http://tr.rkrp-rpk.ru/get.php?4381 briefly and meaningfully.

Alexander 12.05.2013 13:18

As it became known (to me) in Germany, they pursue neo-Nazis for the fact that they are against NATO, against the dominance of the US Division, their puppets Merchel and for the partnership with strong Russia (not Putin's, of course). Not so simple. Anti-fascists can be puppets in the hands of real Zionist Nazi. Kotyaar rights!

Anti-fascism: to the history of the concept

Illustration from the anti-fascist comic book "Cur-Fascist". Artist Erdil Yasarogla

Author- Anson Rabinbach, Professor of contemporary European history in Princeton University, one of the founders and authors of the magazine NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE., as well as the author of numerous publications, including books In the shadow of the catastrophe. German intellectuals between apocalypse and enlightenment (1996, in English) and Motor man. Energy, fatigue and origin of modernity (2001, on it.)


Epochs in the development of one point of view

The sharpness with which the discussion is currently being conducted on the testament of anti-fascism, is largely due to the absence of consent on its historical role as a political and cultural movement. In contrast to the Italian fascism and the German national nationalism, which was considered after 1945, defeated in militarily and politically discredited, the reputation of anti-fascism has grown tremendously, because he was surrounded by the distances of the victorious resistance movement and Soviet triumph. Communist parties and post-war times, and in a completely special extent in the GDR, they saw their legitimation by the victims brought by heroes and martyrs - those whose names stood until 1989 in the center of the myths and rituals sanctioned by the state. While some historians identified anti-fascism with the protection of Western culture and democracy and gave him a positive connotation, others - in view of the association with communism - considered it a manifestation of extreme corruption.

An example of this contradictions give the position of two prominent historians. Both are veterans of the anti-fascist movement. British historian Eric Hobsbaum Hobsbaum E. Epoch of extremes: Short twentieth century (1914-1991). M., 2004. Speaks about the triumph of anti-fascism in the 30s: The Left said to their utopians, came to themselves after severe defeats, opposed the unimustal and dishonest politics of "peacekeeping" and in many places created a wide coalition against fascism in which There were conservatives, liberals, socialists and communists. On the contrary, French historian Francois Fuure Führe F. The story of one illusion. M., 1998. Not seeing anything else in Anti-Fascism, as soon as the new face of Stalinism - a mask, with the help of which European Communists, what is called, for the night were able to turn out of zealous Bolsheviks in the most respect for freedom fighters, filled with Hitler's hate and united under banner of humanism and democracy.

Neither of these approaches will not be able to realize the concept of anti-fascism in the entire latitude of its spectrum, nor be at the height of the diversity of the ability to interpret this phenomenon. The collective concept of anti-fascism should have included both the official statements by the Communist International (Comintern), explaining the fascism of "exit from the shores" of monopolistic capital and the publicistic activity of the prominent representatives of the intelligentsia, for example, Romen Rollan or Henrich Mann, motivated by moral considerations. At the highest point of its popularity, in the 30s, anti-fascism It was a slogan left. He was a compromise formula and the overall denominator of the joint struggle against National Socialism. On the one hand, the anti-fascist movement in many places has reached considerable support among the population. On the other hand, it, however, formed the fatal power of blinding, the overshadic ability of many Western intellectuals to decision making. Ultimately, a lot of these active participants of the anti-fascist struggle committed a drift in the "double life", determined by the secret service of the Stalinist regime.

Consequently, it is necessary to involve non-communist anti-infhensive anti-infhensive drugs in consideration, and go beyond the limits of parties and organizations in order to equally look at a variety of ideas, the activities of various intellectuals, multi-voiced journalism, activity, motivated by religious considerations and everyday life. At the same time, such a wide approach in no way eliminates the understanding of anti-fascism as a picture of the world-oriented in the inclusion, which, despite all different forms and motivation, found its minimum common denominator in a fundamentally hostile position in relation to the fascist ideology. It is why it is advisable so to distinguish between the official antifascia of the Comintern, anti-infirmism of local initiatives, intellectual immigrants and groups of non-communist resistance. After all, the concept of "anti-infhensituism" is hidden, undoubtedly, a diverse phenomenon that covered a wide range of beliefs, hopes and emotions. The story of this moral and political point of view, which characterized by the extreme degree of variability, can be discussed in the form of three phases.

Anti-Fascism before the "capture of power" Hitler (1920-1933)

Cruel violence against the Italian Socialists and the Communists, to whom the fascists resorted before the capture of the power of Benito Mussolini in October 1922, initially did not cause great concern in the ranks of the Communist Party of Italy (KPI). The founder and leader of the game Amadeo Bordiga could not recognize the fundamental difference between the bourgeois democracy and fascist dictature. Convinced in the upcoming collapse of capitalism, he considered a greater danger of establishing a social democratic government after the overthrow of the dictatorship. In 1922 in the form of Alleanza. del. Lavoro. ("Union of Labor".- IT., Approx. Per. ) It was probably based on the first anti-fascist organization that relying on a more or less spontaneous coalition of socialists, Republicans, trade union members and communists.

This early antifascia was obviously diverse both from the point of view of its ideological motives and for political goals. At the head of the parliamentary opposition stood, up to death in 1926, which followed the beating, Giovanni Amendol, a brilliant journalist who protested against the prohibition of opposition parties and formed the concept of "totalitarian" to describe the Mussolini system. Catholic, socialist and communist opponents of dictatorships, which in 1924 after the murder of the Socialist reformist Jacomo Matteat came out of parliament, founded Aventine Session. Named in memory of the protest of Guy Grakhha in ancient Rome. ("Aventinian block".- IT., Approx. Per. ).

In the following years, anti-fascists were blackwiddled, they were arrested, forced to emigration and killed. The Philosopher Benedetto Croce, who represented the voice of Italian liberalism, refused to initially support Mussolini and published on May 1925, his significant "Liberal Intelligentsian Manifesto", demanding a "deeper and clear understanding of virtues of the liberal position and law" originally reached "Il Mondo" , 1.5.1925. . After 1926, the KPI, headed by Antonio Gramshi, who, according to Mussolini, was arrested in 1926, and the leader of the party in Emigration Palmyir Togliatti, took a more critical position against Italian dictatorship. Both leaders, however, adhered to positions according to which fascism, at least in the first years of its existence, was genuinely revolutionary movement.

No other Italian resistance movement has had such tributaries and support as an underground communist organization. At the same time, the Communists in exile weakened Italian resistance, as they did not participate in it. Under the leadership of the Socialist Pietro Nenny in 1927, a union was created in Paris « Concentrazione Antifascista.» ("Anti-fascist concentration".- IT., Approx. per.). The largest anti-fascist organization in emigration was Jiustizia. e. Liberta.("Justice and freedom".- IT., Approx. per.). Her founder Carlo Rosseli acted in favor of liberal socialism as an alternative to the pile of fragments, which was left behind the differences among European left. Many of the prominent anti-fascist writers of Italy, for example, Carlo Levi, Cesare Paveza and Ignatio Silon played an outstanding role in the Parisian Executive Community. But after the murder in 1932, the Carlo brothers and Roberto Rosseli, the Italian anti-fascist emigrants increasingly lost their influence on the situation in their homeland.

At the same time, the Soviet foreign policy of the 20th Gg. It was not more controversial. The USSR supported friendly relations with Musolili and sought by all the forces, especially after the conclusion in the 1922 Rapalle Treaty, the favor of nationalist right forces in Germany. In 1924, Stalin proclaimed new politician Comintern: "Social democracy is an objectively moderate wing of fascism ... these organizations are not denying, but complement each other. This is not antipodes, but the twins "Stalin I.V. Works. T. 6, M., 1947, p. 282. According to tactical considerations, the Communists and National Socialists in 1931 and 1932. Even real unions, such as, for example, in accordance with this, the International Congress against Fascism and War, held by several months earlier, could not achieve the principled condemnation of fascist movements in Germany and Italy.

Antiphashism in the era of Hitler and Stalin

Until 1934, the Italian socialists in emigration formed together with the Austrian and German Social Democrats the edges of the opposition movement directed against Mussolini and Hitler. After a pitch of the Reichstag on February 28, 1933, about 5 thousand communists were arrested. Several later followed the ban and defeat of the German Communist Party with its 100 million members and almost 6 million voters. Nevertheless, even before January 1934, the Red Army supported friendly relations with the German Reichser. In addition, the USSR concluded a trade agreement with Germany. Leading Soviet politicians began, however, thinking at the same time that the Union was not more expedient to preserve the worsening German-Russian relations to preserve the worsening German-Russian relations. Finally, in May 1935, the Soviet Union signed secret mutual assistance treaties with France and Czechoslovakia, signage of a foreign policy turn.

Meanwhile, events in France have highlighted that the anti-fascist movement has gained growing support among the population. The rebellion of the nationalist "leagues" on February 6, 1934 led to powerful counterfeit protection of the left forces on February 12, on the same day, when a social democratic uprising against the government led by the Chancellor of Dolphus broke out in Vienna. In addition, the joint anti-fascist statement was signed by representatives of the intelligentsia, who adhered to different political views, including the surrealists Andre Breton, Rene Crevel and Paul Elur, writer Andre Malro and the radical philosopher Emil Shartier.

At Congress in June 1934, Communist Maurice Torez told his supporters that it was about choosing not between communism and fascism, but between fascism and democracy of the WI. Denis Peschanski. ET POURTANT ILS TourNent. Vocabulaire Et Strategie du PCF, 1934-1936, Paris, 1988. In 1930, in the Department of Loire, there were only about two hundred active communists; In 1935, their number increased to 5 thousand in 77 local anti-fascist committees. The communist idea reached not only the working quarters of Orleans, but also rural areaswhere the left traditionally hardly possessed at least some influence. It remains unclear to what extent this pressure has prompted French Parti. Communiste. (Communist Party. - Fr., Approx. Per.) To turn, committed on July 27, 1934 - On the day when she signed a statement about unity with socialists.

This pact pregraded, beyond doubt, the strategy of the "Wide Anti-Fascist People's Front", proclaimed on July 25, 1935 at the VII Congress Comintern. The head of the Comintern was Georgy Dimitrov, from the time of the charges nominated against him during the Leipzig (1933) process on the arson of the Reichstag possessed the status of the hero. The Comincan formula of Dimitrov called him named by him, determined by the fascism as "the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements financial Capital»Resolutions of the VII World Congress Communist International, [M.], 1935, p. 10. .

This union of leftists turned out to be selected as a result of creating a parliamentary election in May 1936 by the Government of the People's Front, headed by Prime Minister Socialist Leon Blum. The number of deputies-Communists increased seven times, and the socialists received 146 mandates (instead of the previous 97). During the strike wave of 1936, it arose, however, tension in the Blum's government. The predominance of communists in France's anti-fascist organizations, in turn, was given them from anti-fascists at the local level and was expressed in rapid loss of votes in Nizakh.

The German Social Democrats and the Communists who were in emigration could not organize joint resistance, even if there were personalities like Communist Willy Munzenberg or Social Democrat Rudolf Breitishda, who were trying to establish such a connection between the two parties. Munitsberg and his "Lieutenant" Otto Katz conducted campaigns, congressions and committees for the liberation of Ernst Telman, who attracted general attention. But the anti-fascist activity was not at all under the dominant influence of the Communists. If you compare the number of publications of German communist and non-communist emigrants, it turns out that the bourgeois-liberal authors have been published three times more communist. Thus, the anti-fascist culture of the 30s. It was characterized by social openness, political flexibility and not least a lack of ideological accuracy, which was traced with special clarity on the example of the concepts of "fascism" or "fascists".

The organization of the People's Front was supported by anti-fascists in what is possible, from the help of representatives of the intelligentsia, for example, Romena Rollan, Andre Zhid and Henry Manna, before the preparation of speeches of Soviet artists, readings with the participation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Tea'tei in support of Spanish Republicans. This activity that impressed the impression of something harmless, often hidden the deprived of criticism of the admiration of the events in the Soviet Union, and its subjects partly even often closed their eyes on crimes committed in this country. At the highest point Civil War In Spain and "Big Terror" in the Soviet Union, the prosecutor of the position did not mean, however, nor the support of communism, nor the deviation of liberalism. "The anti-fascist movement - recalled, for example, the historian George L. Moss - had for us in the 30s. independent political and cultural value; He could be attributed to the admiration of the lonely resistance of the Soviet Union to the politics of pacification, as well as the materialistic perception of history, but at the same time and the rejection of communism and the Bolshevism as a system "George L. Mosse. Aus Großem Hause. Erinnerungen Eines Deutsch-Jüdischen Historikers. München, 2003, S. 176.

Consequently, anti-fascism was a complex mixing of ideas, images and symbols, which ultimately shared the world into two hostile camps, and each political assessment was submitted by Manichaean logic. In the whirlwind between the "fascism" and its enemies, in the world, divided between the forces of progress and reaction, friends and enemies of culture and civilization there was no place for the middle position or a neutral point of view of a person who did not participate in the fight. Historian Richard Cobb, who lived in the 30s. In Paris, describes in his memoirs, as France experienced a kind of mental, moral war, during which it was necessary to decide in favor of fascism or communism of the CP. Richard Cobb. A Second Identity. Essays on France and FRENCH HISTORY. London, 1969.

According to this "logic of the enemy and friend", the anti-fascist myth of courageous innocence was designed in particular on male characters. "It is better to be a width of the hero than the wife of a coward" - the frequently quoted saying of the time. The core of this myth about heroic innocence formed released in 1933 in Paris "Brown book about arson of Reichstag and Hitler Terror", one of the bestsellers of international communism and equally "Bible of the Anti-Fascist Cross Walk" Arthur Koestler. Autobiogographische Schriften. BD. I: Frühe Empörung. Frankfurt am Main, 1993, S. 416. She drew the image of National Socialism, which at the time of his triumph not only disguised the defeat of communism, but also quite accurately illustrated the essence of National Socialism: the image of the regime that has no support for the population, which relied on terror, conspiracy and extortion and managed "feminized »Homosexual degenerates, drug addicts, sadists and sales officials.

Numerous volunteers out different countries, at the highest point of the anti-fascist movement during the Civil War in Spain (1936-1939), who went to this country, really felt the feeling that they belong not to any nation or class, parties or movement, represent the doctrine or metaphysics, and protect The combined humanity, all supporters of which spoke the same Spartan language, brought equal victims and together fought for the combination of the world. The writer Milton Wolf entered in 1937 in the so-called "Lincoln Brigades" (in reality the battalion. Lincoln. - Approx. Per.), consisting of 3 thousand American volunteers. Later, he wrote so much in the third face about his experiences in the Spanish lesson: "In 1936 he went to Spain, because he was an anti-fascist. He thought, although he was not quite sure that fascism was overwhelmed the whole world if he was not stopped in Spain. Arriving to Spain, he at first did not know what should be done. He, of course, knew nothing about the struggle, murder or death. But he was a volunteer. In Spain, he met people for whom Anti-Fascism was life, sleep and food, who worked tirelessly for this purpose "Milton Wolff. Spanish Lesson. - Alvah Cecil Bessie (HRSG.) Heart of Spain. Anthology of Fiction, Non-Fiction, and poetry. NEW YORK, 1952, S. 451-453. . This rhetoric of innocence and the innocence of anti-fascist rhetoric could explain why Anti-Fascism appeared in the eyes of his veterans so "clean". In its classic work "My Catalonia"(1938) George Orwell claims that this illusion and was actually the right "anti-fascist position", spreading systematically and carefully to disguise the true nature of the civil war in the Civil War of George Orwell. MEIN KATALONIEN. Bericht über Den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Zürich, 1975.

A real patcher for opponents of Hitler was the nonsense, signed on August 23, 1939 by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop. Although Stalin has already started moving away from the Spanish conflict, although information about a possible rapprochement with Hitler has circulated from 1937 and although the Anglo-French Alliance never became a fact, no one considered it possible that it seemed impossible. While most of the Communists quickly capitulated and abandoned the anti-fascist position in favor of the Provika, the minority of intellectual dissidents - Willie Munzenberg, Manes Shverber, Arthur Köstler, Gustav Regger, Ignatio Silon and Hans Zale - broke with the Stalinist System of beliefs to remain antiphistas so as they are understood this position. Forced to make a choice between loyalty to communism and opposition against Hitler, these writers understood that the forces of Machiavelism, "according to the characteristic of Manesa Schönebe, united in the Totalitarian Union of Mannès Sperber. BIS MAN MIR SCHERBEN AUF DIE AUGEN LEGT. ERINNERUNGEN. Wien, 1977, S. 224 FF. . Then, during the actions of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the word "fascism" completely disappeared from the communist lexicon.

If the Pact of Hitler-Stalin and destroyed the hope of European anti-fascists for the imminent end of fascism, then the attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, partly strengthened it. Nevertheless, it would be mistaken to believe that the policy of the Comintern during the war, which was again discontinued in May 1943, would have been able to revive the wide anti-fascist consensus of the era of the folk front. Stalin made up the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting the war between National Socialism and the Soviet Union as a fundamentally "anti-fascist war" and demanded instead of creating a wide "national front" of all patriotic forces, intending to fight against the Germans. The "Great Patriotic War" became a national symbol in the Soviet Union and the national myth that continues to live and after the collapse of communism.

Antiphashism after fascism

After the second Mirrie war, anti-infirmism turned into a myth associated with the creation of new " people's Republics" in all Eastern Europe. The expansion of the Soviet domination sphere was glorified as victory over fascism, the elimination of private ownership was justified as a "precautions" against the revival of "imperialism" and "militarism". During cold War Western Germany and the United States were considered symbols of this imaginary revival. GDR, anti-fascist and postfascist in accordance with the relevant statements, was based on a complex "alloy" myths legitimizing themselves, but first of all, according to the statement that the CPA was headed by a significant movement of the National Socialism resistance, and it was the victorious story of this movement in the end the creation "First Socialist State" in German Earth. The anti-fascist myth lived primarily due to its stereotypical exaggeration of the heroes of resistance, the solemn elevation of the victims who brought the Soviet Union and the "Saints Lives" serving the basis for textbooks, monuments and rituals. The former leader of the KPG Ernst Telman, arrested in 1933 and killed at the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944, was turned into a central figure in this official worship of the saints - he was devoted to countless poems, books and songs.

This allegedly anti-fascist German state has provided significant amnesty to the mass of former members and supporters of NSDAP. The anti-fascist narration made it possible to hide wide support for NSDAP and Hitler with the population and climbing it out of any association with only the recently defeated national socialist regime. Collective memory in the GDR to such an extent was subjected to manipulating, ritualization and censorship, which existed and had the right to exist only one An authorized version of the history of anti-fascism. Especially in the 50s. CSG was presented as the only guidance and effective force of anti-fascist resistance in Germany. In eight large volumes official from the point of view of the party "History of the German labor movement" AutorenKollektiv. Walter Ulbricht et al. Geschichte der Deutschen ArbeiterBewegung. 8 BDE., HRSG. v. Institut Für Marxismus-Leninismus Beim ZK Der Sed, Berlin (OST), 1966. The key figures of the German anti-fascist movement were not mentioned, as Willy Munitsberg fell into disfavor, and had to be understood that she had a mention of about 3 thousand emigrants were mentioned. The victims of the "Big Terror" in the USSR.

Under Stalinism, its own biography was clean water case. The formulation of the biography, and then its change so that it contains the "right" anti-fascist past and recorded the right points at the author's account, was conditio Sine Qua Non(indispensable condition. - Lat., Approx. transit.) Ascension into the ranks of the party elite. The state authorized by the state of anti-fascist resistance was often faced with the real life experience of individuals and groups, which, as soon as described, really experienced events erected into the rank of stylized memories. Among them were, for example, the veterans of the Civil War in Spain, although they became the objects of worship in the Pantheon of the heroes, but often perceived as a danger to official memories. Their experience of acquaintance with the Spanish Military Police, with repression by anarchists and the "Trotskyist" Poom (Reducing the Spanish name Poum - Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista, the working party of the Marxist Association. - Approx. Per.), as well as knowledge of the fact that the writer Bodo Zode called "arrest there" (in the Soviet Union) fed a deep distrust of them from the party frames.

In 1953, Olpn was suddenly dissolved in the GDR (combining persons pursuing during the Nazis), since the friction between members of the association and the regime constantly had. Some members of another group used by high respect - the Communist functionaries enclosed in the Buchenwald concentration camp - as it turned out later, as "Red Capo" (camp police) turned out to be involved in extremely dubious events. Nevertheless, the experience of imprisonment or emigration in the Soviet Union brought among the members of the party not, say, to b about long doubts, and on the contrary - strengthened loyalty to business and distrust of comrades who could abuse this loyalty.

From the very beginning, active "fighters against fascism" occupied a higher position in the official hierarchy of memory than the survivors after the Holocaust or Witnesses of Jehovah, who were only not without oscillations recognized "victims of fascism." The communists who survived the war in Western emigration were under observation, since - and partly not without reason - their commitment to ideology caused doubt. Until the beginning of the 60s. Most of the left intellectuals of Jewish origin, including the philosopher Ernst Bloch, literary critic Hans Mayer or Publicist Alfred Kantorovich, after 1945, settled in the Soviet occupation zone, and then in the GDR, moved to the West.

In 1948, the Soviet Union began a campaign against prominent representatives of the Jewish people, the start of which was given from the murder of actor Solomon Mikhoels, the world famous activist of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee ( CM. Mikhoels was the chairman of the Eak from the moment of its creation in 1941, he was killed on January 13, 1949, after the elimination of the Committee in November 1948 and the same arrests of a number of future accused and victims.- approx. per.). In August 1952, 15 Soviet Jews were secretly accused and executed and executed, including five well-known writers.

In December of the same year, the Secretary General of the Central Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Rudolph Slansky and 13 other accused (including 11 Jews) were found in Prague in Prague. Finally, in 1951, in the GDR began preparations for the process against "cosmopolitans" (anti-Semitic euphemism). The target of the process was Paul Merker, a member of the Central Committee of the SEPG, who lived in Mexico during World War II. Although after the death of Stalin, the process against Merker and did not take place contrary to what was planned, Merker was accused of as an agent of the "imperialist intelligentsia" and "Zionista", as he advocated to compensate for the Jews of the suffering caused by the Germans. The process created a milestone in memory of the Holocaust in East Germany. For few exceptions, for example, Roman Jurec Becker "Jacob liar"(1969), the theme of the murder of European Jews remained in the GDR Taboo until the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989

Official anti-fascism was nothing more than a cult around the nostalgia, authorized by the state, and the image of the story imbued with attempts to legitimacy. This cult has reached the highest point in metaphorically and with respect to real policies to the construction in 1961 of the Berlin Wall, which was even called the "anti-fascist protective shaft". The institutionalized memory of the antiphisme turned the massacre of the Jews into something marginal, as this massacre was a solid scheme, which went beyond the scope of the "eternal struggle" between communism and fascism and threatened therefore destabilize the official master story.

The efforts of friendly scientists and intellectuals after 1989, aimed at the separation of the "genuine" anti-fascist will or the "sensation of life" from the official rituals of the state policy of memories, could not be separated from each other with a retrospective look, which was inseparably connected. Realize this is probably bitterly adherents widely interpreted anti-fascism. Although not all the anti-fascists were involved in communism with his crimes, anti-infirmism as ideology and authorized by the state, the memory will never be considered in complete separation from its heritage.

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Anti-Fascist underground in Riga - The general name of groups and organizations that fought with the Nazi occupation regime during the Great Patriotic War. It existed during the Nazi occupation from July 1941 to October 1944, it was functioning, as in all areas occupied by Nazi invaders, in conditions of a cruel terror.

The underground at all stages of its existence consisted of various groups and organizations that were operating under the leadership of the CPV in the capital and its surroundings against the Nazi occupation administration (headed by the head of the General Commissariat of Otto Drexler) and the local authority of the self-government (the chairman of which Oscar Dankers was) . Despite the numerous shares of punishable character, which were planned by the heads of the police and the occupation administration of the region, underground functioned with varying success throughout the entire period of Latvia's occurrence in the composition of the occupying territorial education is island.

Participants and groups of anti-fascist underground

The first groups of anti-fascist underground in Riga were created in early July 1941, Janis Anton (1905-1941), who organized the Komsomol cell of the resistance to fascist aggressors. Later, at the turn of 1941 and 1942, the Central Committee of the KP (b) of Latvia organized a transfer across the border of several active participants of the anti-fascist underground, including Arvid Rendniex (1919-1943), which was one of the defenders of Riga during the battle for this city At the end of June 1941. Randnieks headed the Riga Komsomol Company for some time, at the very beginning of hostilities joined the first Latvian rifle company, later participated in the defense of Tallinn. He was sent to Latvia to participate in the organization of the anti-fascist underground traffic at the end of August 1941. Later, having survived the wound and arrest of Schotsmans, on May 1, 1942, he managed to achieve liberation, after which Randnieks continued to be active underground activities, taking the post of secretary of the Riga urban illegal committee of the Komsomol. On November 21, 1942, when crossing the line of the Randneks, the Randnex was a second time with the Nazis and later - shot in Bikerneyk Forest.

In September 1941, the Underground Organization "Young Guard" was created, which was headed by Komsomol J. Krop and K. Maishan, she combined about 100 people. The participants of the group collected weapons and ammunition, organized shoots arrested and Soviet prisoners of war, they were engaged in sabotage, produced newspapers and flyers. In 1942, the Organization established contacts with other groups of Soviet underground workers, in 1943 - became part of the United Underground Center.

In May 1942, the underground group began to operate in Riga, which included Augusta Lanenar, Augusta Yumikis and Goldberg. The group acted for one and a half years before was revealed and destroyed by the enemy.

From other activists of the underground anti-fascist movement in the occupied territory, Boris Akimovich Vaschonok (1918 -?), Ernest Saulitis (1910-1943), as well as the Creator of the Communist International of Youth In 1942, Vitold Yantiran, head of the combat detachment of this organization killed in battle with The formations of policemen under the humility.

Many groups of anti-fascist underground distributed in enterprises subordinate to the Nazi administration, leaflets of anti-fascist content, which voiced calls for sabotage, distributed illegal literature (as the Comintern Naountain), provided assistance to Soviet prisoners of war, to the extent possible, were organized from the conclusion of prisoners and activists of the anti-fascist movement. Also, anti-fascist organizations participated in providing armaments of the Red Army.

The activities of the Riga underground center

The second half of the summer was granted heavy for representatives of the anti-fascist underground. In just 1941, more than 100 participants were arrested in July-August 1941, among whom was the head of the first underground armed formation of Janis Anton. The period of October-November 1941 and April-May 1942, the overlooking the arrest of another 400 participants of the anti-fascist underground. However, the situation was gradually aligned in 1942, when the Riga Stem Center began to function. The center appeared in July-August 1942, when Sauulitis's interlock was merged with several anti-fascist organizations and formed the Riga illegal partnership (secretary of Arvid Randnieks) on the basis of the Riga Urban ignorable committee of the Komsomol.

The Riga Stem Center led the Latvian anti-fascist organization, which, in turn, coordinated the activities of the underground activists in the territories of the Salaspil Strolle, Riga Ghetto, the Riga camp of prisoners of war, as well as anti-fascist groups in Ligatné, Cessevin, Roller, Road, Ogre, in the vicinity of Sabile railway station etc. From the sabotage acts implemented by the Riga underground center, you should call:

The participants of the Underground Center of Riga also took part in many other acts of subversive activities, also tried to establish contact with French Macs. The Big Damage of the ROC was brought on November 21, 1942, when, when moving the front line, Stroy Russa were arrested Rendneks, Saulitis and other participants who were delivered to the Matisian prison, and then shot in the Bikerneyk forest.

The activities of the Riga illegal committee of Komsomol Latvia

The first urban illegal committee was established by Rendnikes and Victoria Misoy (1921-1943) as a result of the unification of several underground groups of Riga Komsomol in the summer of 1942. The first committee engaged in the spread of leaflets and conducting sabotage existed until November-December 1942, when he was defeated by the Nazis, and on May 6, 1943 more than 100 participants were shot.

The second committee was established in the fall of 1943 by Imante Sudmailis. His secretaries were Riga undergrounders James Bank and Malds Screara. Bank participated in the creation of such important institutions as an illegal printing house and the workshop for the production of explosives. They were organized a breakdown of a protascious rally at the Doma Square on November 13, 1943.

In February 1944, the Nazis defeated the second illegal committee, on February 18, James Bank, Malds Screara and Imant Shimmaleis, who later were executed.

After the victories of the Red Army in battles near Stalingrad and on the Kursk arc, in 1943 he began the second stage of the activities of Riga underground anti-fascist organizations. Front-line scouts August Laneness and Augustus Yumikis in the fall of 1943 organized new Organization Resistance, the Comintern of Youth was created, the "Folk Avengers", under the guidance of the actor of the actor of the Leningrad Tyus, which fled from captivity (1908-1944) in the first half of 1943 and many other resistance organizations ("Young Communards", a female underground organization Olga Greennberg).

The activities of the underground anti-fascist organization "Folk Avengers"

In the early autumn of 1941, the participant of the Leningrad militia of the actor of the Leningrad Tyuza Ivan Tasvera passed in Riga. This group of militias was cut off by the Germans from Leningrad in the area of \u200b\u200bSiverskaya and, hidden moving to the West, got to Riga. As an architect, it was able to go to work in the architectural bureau. Surrounding by like-minded people, he created the underground group "Folk Avengers". The main activity of his group was the formation of combat units of resistance among workers' urban enterprises, which in one or another were serviced by the military machine of the occupying mode. Also, the working combat groups included the Soviet prisoners of war sent to enterprises, which weapons were delivered in a timely manner.

By the middle of the summer of 1943, more than 170 partially armed participants were officially listed as part of the Folk Avengers Organization, which provided opposition to the occupying regime. Particularly significant was the manufacturer of fake documents for new members of the Anti-Fascist Organization, secretly held on a conveyor for new members of the Anti-Fascist Organization, secretly arrived at the Ostlata Reichskisariat. In addition, "Folk Avengers" distributed campaign leaflets with calls to sabotage and resistance.

In early July 1943, Ivan Sashirov managed to ensure the secret crossing of the border of the border of the group of Soviet pilots who fled from captivity, which he had substantial assistance to intelligence and sabotage units of the Belarusian partisans. Shortly after this operation, on July 14, 1943, "Folk Avengers" due to a lack of conspiracy, and perhaps on the denunciation, were exposed and neutralized by police formations. Ivan Tashers and many members of the group were executed in the Central Riga Prison in the late 1943 or early 1944.

Second period of anti-fascist underground

At the new stage of the functioning of the anti-fascist underground in the direction of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Latvia, which by the middle of the summer of 1944 assumed responsibility for the coordination of the activities of the local anti-fascist underground center, the veteran of the partisan movement Imant Shimmaleis arrived in Riga. In the spring and summer of 1944, the acts of large-scale sabotage at industrial enterprises subordinate to the needs of the occupation administration increased dramatically, the number of local clashes increased, the diversions planned to be carried out intensively by the groupings of the Riga underground. To the most active can be classified such organizations of anti-fascist resistance as "death of death", "Qinny" ("Fighting"), "Windsputn" ("Burevestnik"), "Young Communards", as well as a combat underground group under the command of Hado Lapse (? - 1944) and Edward Indulsa (? - 1944).

Also in July 1944, a partisan detachment of Riga District was created in the Baldon forest, the command of whom Professor Paul Matisovich Galeneks (1891-1962) and the worker Oleg Voldemarovich Tikhonovsky (born in 1920) were accepted. On September 24, 1944, Galenex, Tikhonovsky and their associates organized an ambush on the road Baldon - Kekawa, as a result of the operation, 30 officials of the occupying administration were destroyed. In the summer and in the fall of 1944, the Baldonen partisan detachment was able to prevent exporting from Latvia to the third Reich of a large number of material and cultural value items, which was planned in the Directorate of Local Government Culture. In order to maintain values, underground storage facilities were created at several Riga enterprises. In the summer of 1944, representatives of the combat units of the Red Army unfolded wide activity, mainly professional intelligence officers and partisans (for example, Arvid Rose (1909-1944) and Eric Stepins (1921-1942) [ ] .

It should be noted that the participants in the Riga anti-fascist underground suffered significant losses. Nazi occupiers and local collaborators arrested more than 12,000 participants in the Latvian resistance movement.

In addition to Riga underground organizations, actively operating in different periods of Nazi occupation, partisan detachments and resistance groupings were functioning throughout Latvia.

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Riga: Encyclopedia \u003d Enciklopēdija "Rīga" / ch. ed. P. P. Eran. - 1st ed. - Riga: the main editorial office of Encyclopedia, 1989. - P. 166-167. - 880 p. - 60,000 copies. - ISBN 5-89960-002-0.

see also

  • Partisan movement in Latvia during the Great Patriotic War

An excerpt characterizing the anti-fascist underground in Riga

Minutes three were all silent. "Be sure!" Natasha whispered and did not finish ... Suddenly Sonya was eliminated by the mirror that she kept, and closed her eyes with her hand.
- Ah, Natasha! - she said.
- Saw? Saw? What did you see? - screamed Natasha, supporting the mirror.
Sonya did not see anything, she had just wanted to wink through her eyes and get up when he had heard the voice of Natasha, who said "certainly" ... She did not want to deceive to Dunyash, nor Natasha, and it was hard to sit. She herself did not know how and as a result of which she had a scream when she closed her eyes hand.
- Did you see him? - asked Natasha, grabbing her hand.
- Yes. Wait ... I ... I saw him, "Sonya said unwittingly, not knowing who I intelled to Natasha under his word: His - Nikolai or him - Andrei.
"But why should I not say that I saw? After all, they see others! And who can catch me in the fact that I saw or did not see? " flashed in Sony's head.
"Yes, I saw him," she said.
- How? How? Is it worth it or lies?
"No, I saw ... that was nothing, suddenly I see that he lies."
- Andrei lies? He is sick? - frightened with his eyes looking at the girlfriend, asked Natasha.
- No, on the contrary, - on the contrary, a fun face, and he turned to me - and at that moment as she said, it seemed to her that she had seen what she said.
- Well, then, Sonya? ...
- here I did not consider something blue and red ...
- Sonya! When will he return? When I see him! My God, as I am afraid for him and for myself, and for everything I'm scared ... - Natasha spoke, and not answering a word on Sony's comfort, lay down in bed and long after put out the candle, with open eyes, lay motionlessly on Bed and looked at the frosty, moonlight through the frozen windows.

Soon after the shield, Nikolai declared her mother about his love for Sona and the hard decision to marry her. The Countess, who has long noticed what was happening between Sonya and Nikolai, and who was waiting for this explanation, silently listened to his words and told the Son that he could marry comers; But that neither she nor father will give him a blessing for such a marriage. For the first time, Nikolai felt that the mother is dissatisfied with them that despite all her love for him, she will not give way to him. She, cold and without looking at his son, sent her husband; And when he came, the Countess wanted briefly and coldly in the presence of Nicholas to tell him what's the matter, but I could not stand it: I cried with tears of annoyance and left the room. The old Graf began to hesitate to strangle Nicholas and ask him to abandon his intention. Nikolay answered that he could not change his word, and his father, sighing and obviously embarrassed, very soon reapped his speech and went to the Countess. With all collisions with the son, the count did not leave the consciousness of his ulibency in front of him for the disorder of cases, and therefore he could not be angry with his son for refusing to marry a rich bride and for choosing a unprecedented Sony - he just recalled the fact that If things were not upset, it was impossible for Nicholas to wish the best wife than Sonya; And that only one he is guilty of the disorder with his mitten and with his insurmountable habits.
The father with his mother no longer spoken about this case with her son; But a few days after that, the Countess called Sonya and with cruelty, who did not expect that neither the other, the Countess reproached the niece in the lubrication of the Son and in Justice. Sonya, silently with her eyes, listened to the cruel words of the Countess and did not understand what they demand from it. She was ready for everyone to donate for their benefactors. The thought of self-sacrifice was her thoughtless thought; But in this case, she could not understand who and what she had to sacrifice. She could not not love the Countess and the whole family of growth, but could not not love Nicholas and not to know that his happiness depended on this love. She was silent and sad, and did not answer. Nikolai could not, as he seemed to be transferred to the share of this situation and went to explain with his mother. Nikolai then begged her mother to forgive him and Sonya and agree to their marriage, he threatened his mother by the fact that, if Sonya would be pursued, he now marries her secretly.
Countess with a coldness that has never seen the Son, answered him that he was an adult that Prince Andrei marries without the consent of his father, and that he can do the same, but that she never recognizes this intrigant with his daughter.
Initrigant's blown by the word, Nikolay, an elevating voice, said Mother, that he never thought that she forced him to sell her feelings, and that if it was so, he was last talking ... But he did not have time to say that decisive word, which, judging In terms of expressing his face, a mother was waiting with horror and which could be forever remained a cruel memoir between them. He did not have time to finish, because Natasha with a pale and serious face entered the room from the door, which she overheard.
- Nikolinka, you say trifles, silent, silent! I'm telling you, silently! .. - She almost screamed to drown out his voice.
"Mom, a darling, it's not at all about it ... My dinner, poor," she appealed to the mother, who, feeling at the edge of the gap, looked at his son with horror, but, as a result of stubbornness and hobbies, did not want to surrender.
"Nikolinka, I am a fractured you, you leave - you listen, my mother's mother," she said Mother.
Her words were meaningless; But they achieved the result to which she sought.
Countess hardly Zalespów hid his face on his daughter's chest, and Nikolai got up, grabbed his head and left the room.
Natasha took up the work of reconciliation and brought him to the fact that Nikolai received a promise from the mother that Sonya will not oppress, and he himself gave a promise that he would do anything secretly from his parents.
With the solid intention, having arranged his business in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sona, Nikolai, sad and serious, in a break with relatives, but as it seemed to him, passionately in love, in early January went to the regiment.
After leaving Nicholas in the house, Rostovaya became sadger than ever. Countess from mental disorder became ill.
Sonya was sad and from separation from Nikolai and even more from that hostile tone, with whom she could not not handle the Countess. Count more than ever was concerned about the bad state of affairs demanding any decisive measures. It was necessary to sell the Moscow home and the Moscow region, and for the sale of the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the health of the Countess forced from day to postpone the departure.
Natasha, easily and even having fun in the first time of separation with his fiance, now every day became agitated and impatient. The idea that so, for nothing, no one disappears best timeThat she would use to love for him, relentlessly tormented her. Letters of him mostly angry her. She was insulting to think that then how she lives only the thought of him, he lives a real life, sees new places, new people who are interesting for him. The more interesting was his letters, it was annoying. Her letters to him not only did not give her consolation, but seemed boring and fake duty. She did not know how to write, because it could not comprehend the opportunity to express in a letter truthfully at least one thousandth share that she was used to expressing a voice, a smile and a look. She wrote to him classically monotonous, dry letters, which herself did not attribute any importance in which, on Brulon, the Countess corrected her spelling errors.
The health of the Countess all was not corrected; But it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and moreover, the prince of Andrei was waiting at Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived in this winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived.
The Countess remained in the village, and the count, taking a son and Natasha with him, at the end of January went to Moscow.

Pierre after the walling of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his former life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths of his benefactor, he was the first time of his hobbies internal work The self-improvement, which he betrayed with such a heat, after the engagement of Prince Andrei with Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news in almost at the same time, - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. One custody of life remained: his house with a brilliant wife, who was now the Milosts of one important person, acquaintance with all St. Petersburg and a service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly with an unexpected illness was introduced by Pierre. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the society of the brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again it became closed with idle companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilyevna found it necessary to make him a strict remark. Pierre felt that she was right and not to compromise his wife, went to Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he drove into his huge house with dried and drying princes, with a huge courtyard, as soon as he saw - driving around the city - this Iverly chapel with countless lights in front of golden rizam, this Kremlin square with unexpressed snow, these cabesters And the lach tugs of Sivzyev, he saw the old people of Moscow, nothing wishing and anywhere who lives lives her age, saw the old women, Moscow Baryn, Moscow balls and the Moscow English club, - he felt at home, in a quiet shelter. He became late in Moscow, warm, habitual and dirty, as in the old coat.
The Moscow society is all, ranging from the old woman to children, as his long-wait guest, which the place was always ready and not occupied, - took Pierre. For Moscow light, Pierre was the most cute, kind, smart cheerful, generous eccentric, scattered and spiritual, Russian, old cut, Barine. His wallet was always empty, because it is open to all.
Benefishes, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, Gypsies, schools, subscription lunches, couments, masons, churches, books - no one and nothing has fallen a refusal, and if he would not have two friends who have taken a lot of money from him and taking him under their custody, he would distribute everything. There was no dinner in the club, no evening without him. As soon as he fell into his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margo, he was surrounded, and the convictions, spokes, jokes were tied. Where they quarreled, he is one of her good smile and by the way said joke, Mirill. Masonic canteens lodges were boring and sluggish, if it was not.
When after idling dinner, he, with a good and sweet smile, giving rise to the requests of a funny company, rose to go with them, joyful, solemn cries between young people were heard. On the ballas he danced, if he did not take a cavaller. Young ladies and young ladies loved him for what he, not causing anyone, was equally kind, especially after dinner. "Il Est Charmant, Il N" A Pas de Sech ", [he is very nice, but does not have sex,] talked about him.
Pierre was a retired good-naturedly working out his age in Moscow, a chamber, which hundreds were.
As if he was horrified, if it were seven years ago, when he just came out of the border, someone would tell him that he had nothing to look for and inventing that his river had long been broken, was defined either, and that, as he was not Whether he will be the fact that everything was in his position. He could not believe it! Isn't he wanted all his soul, then to produce a republic in Russia, then to be Napoleon himself, then a philosopher, then tactic, the winner of Napoleon? Didn't he see the opportunity and passionately wanted to keep the vicious genus human and bring himself to the highest degree of perfection? Didn't he accomplish the schools and hospitals and released his peasants to the will?
And instead of all this, here he is rich husband invalid wife, Camger retired, loving to eat, drink and unbuttoning easily the government, member of the Moscow English club and all the favorite member of the Moscow society. He could not reconcile with that thought that he had the most retired Moscow chamber, whose type he was so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this is just so, depression, he leads this life; But then his other thought was terrified, that so, deposit, no longer how many people were, as he, with all his teeth and hair in this life and in this club and came out from there without one tooth and Volos.
In minutes of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, specially from those retired chamber meters, which he despised before that those were vulgar and stupid, satisfied and calmed down with their position, "And I am now everything is unhappy , I won't want to do something for humanity, "he said himself in minutes of pride. "Or maybe all those comrades, just like me, beat, were looking for some kind of new, their road in life, and as well as I am the force of the situation, society, the breed, that spontaneous force against which not The rural man, they were given there, where I and I, "he said herself in moments of modesty, and eating several time in Moscow, he did not despise already, but began to love, respect and regret, as well as herself, his own comrades .
At Pierre did not find, as before, minutes of despair, Handers and disgust for life; But the same disease, expressed before sharp seizures, was vanned inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? What for? What is happening in the world? " He asked himself with bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily since the meaning of life phenomena; But the experience knowing that these were not answers to questions, he hurriedly tried to turn away from them, took the book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolayevich talk about urban gossip.
"Elena Vasilyevna, never loved anything in except for his body and one of the most stupid women in the world," Pierre thought - it seems to be a riding mind and refinement, and in front of it. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone until he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian - Emperor Franz seeks to offer him his daughter to illegal spouses. The Spaniards fuss of the Molves through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they won the French on the 14th of June, and the French fighters molbs through the same Catholic clergy that they won the Spaniards on the 14th of June. Brothers My Masons swear in the fact that they are all ready to sacrifice for the near, and do not pay one ruble for the fees of the poor and intriguish the Astrey against the seekers of manna, and cotton on the present Scottish carpet and the act of which the one who does not know the one who He wrote him, and whom no one needs. All we confess the Christian lawsuit of the offense and love to the neighbor - the law, as a result of which we have erected forty-forty-forties in Moscow, and yesterday they were kept the whip of the fizzly man, and the minister of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, gave kissing a soldier in front of execution " . So I thought Pierre, and this whole, general, everyone recognized as a lie, as he was accustomed to her, as if something new, every time amazed him. "I understand this lie and confusion, he thought," but how I tell them everything I understand? " I tried and always found that they in the depths of the soul understand the same as I, but try only not to see her. It became so necessary! But me, where do I go? " Thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people, - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and too clearly see evil and lies of life in order to be able to take serious participation in it. Every region of labor in his eyes was connected with evil and deception. What he tried to be, for which he was taken - evil and lies repelled him and blocked him all the ways of activity. Meanwhile, it was necessary to live, it was necessary to be busy. It was too scary to be under the oppression of these unsolvable issues of life, and he was given to the first hobbies to just forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.

The feat of the German "Young Guardians" - 70 years Two years ago I had the opportunity to take part in the seminar for teachers german language "Culture and Art in the city of Munich." During the visit to the University of Munich, I was struck by the story of the movement of the resistance "White Rose": how in the heart of Germany, where fascism originated, could such a youthful political movement? I want to acquaint you with the history of these courageous young people.

Article Alexander Pavlova The Student Anti-Fascist Organization "White Rose" for the Germans Anyway, that the "Young Guard" for those who were born in the USSR. German youth has their own "young guard", about the feat of which young citizens of Germany begin to tell except that not in kindergarten. The resistance movement "White Rose", of course, was not so numerous as the Krasnodonovskaya organization of young anti-fascists, but for the Germans it does not matter. A country that unleashed one of the greatest wars in the history of the twentieth century is proud of the seven heroes, thanks to which, as well as thousands of the same Germans, as they, Germany managed to kill a demon of Nazism. From the day of the defeat of the "White Rose" marks 70 years. All resistance participants were executed. The head for the fight against Nazism was set: students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Munich Christoph Sleep, Hans Scholly, Alexander Schorotel and Willie Count, student of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sophie Scholly, student of the Chemical Faculty of Hans Laypelt, and also Professor Philosophy Kurt Huber. All "Belorozov" at the time of execution was from 21 to 25 years old, with the exception of Professor Huber - he was 49 by that time.

Sofa Scholl

Christoph Prote

Alexander Shimorne at lecture

Hans Scholl

Willie Count

Kurt Huber.

Although the heroic story of the "White Rose" ended, and did not have time to begin (the Organization existed a little more than six months), the memory of the feat of young Munchans is honored, and in the literal sense of the word - last year one of Belorozov, a leaving from Russia Alexander Shimorney, ranked in the local area of \u200b\u200bthe Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. The name of Hans and Sophie Scholly, who in Germany is considered to be the main activists of the movement, as well as Professor Huber are named both areas before the main building of the University of Munich (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz and Professor-Huber-Platz).

And before the University building is forever immortalized leaflets "White Rose"

In addition, in the Munich Student Town, all the streets are the names of the group members. "White Rose" was formed in June 1942. A little earlier, in the winter of the same year, students met the artist Manfred Eykemier, who told them about the Jewish ghetto and the mass extermination of Jews. Students were outraged by the Racist policies of the authorities. At that time, they had the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an organization to combat the existing regime. The romantic name for the movement was chosen not by chance - this is the way "White Rose", called the anti-fascist novel of the American writer of German origin Bruno herbal. The purpose of the movement was to bring any information about the public about the crimes of the Third Reich against humanity. In one of the first leaflets, written by Alexander Schoreret, it was written: "No, not about a Jewish question, we wanted to write in this leaf, not to compose in defense of the Jews - no, only as an example we wanted to bring the fact that since the conquest Poland three hundred thousand Jews in this country was killed by the most brutal way. In this we see a terrifying crime against the dignity of people, a crime that was not equal in the whole history of mankind. " The first batch of leaflets of the guys were delivered in German and Austrian cities, folding them selectively by mailboxes. Then they sent leaflets in letters at various addresses. When the brands for envelopes ended, Belorozovtsy began to lay the leaflets on entrances and yards, telephone booths and shops. "We are your conscience," it was written in leaflets. - "White Rose" will not leave you alone! ". The police quickly recognized about leaflets - many recipients, away from sin, they themselves hurried to pass there. However, to catch "Belorozov" for a long time could not. Soon, Odemellian students were so much that nightly tags began to take in the city, during which they left on the walls of houses inscriptions "Down of Hitler!", "Hitler - Killer!" etc. And within a few weeks, inxicated by success, forgetting about precautions and dangers, the guys began to lay flyers on audiences at the university.

Letter Hans Scholly from the Eastern Front. It is the exhibit of the museum in the University building.

On February 18, 1943, hundreds of leaflets abandoned by Sophie Scholly from the top floor of the main building, scattered across the courtyard of the University of Munich. In fact, this demarche was not included in Belorozov's plans: Sophie and her brother Hans had already laid off the packs of leaflets with calls for their classmates in the audiences on the first floor and were going to leave the main building. But from something suddenly decided to rise higher to put the remaining copies and there. Students were confident that he would remain unnoticed, but they saw the university locksmith, who, in the end, and passed the guys Gestapo. Why did the resistance participants undertake such an increasing step, which ultimately led them to death? "These questions will remain unanswered forever," the historian of Ursula Kaufman (Ursula Kaufmann) speaks of the latest shares of German "Young Guardians" from the White Rosa Foundation. Surely, the whole thing is inad and the "full exhaustion," says the historian. "Of course, it would be better if they didn't get up on that day to the top - before that day, the Gestapo could not reach their mark," said Kaufman. In her opinion, some euphoria could also play their role due to the gradually accepted power of the National Socialists and the previous successful shares of the White Rose. However, the resistance participants themselves may have been guided by other motivations. "Someone should finally launch this process," said Sofi Scholly a few hours before his execution, in February 1943, to the question about the motives of his actions. Interest in the feat of the "White Rose" does not weaken to this day, especially among students and schoolchildren. After all, many young Germans associate themselves with members of the resistance movement, Hildegard Kronawter (Hildegard Kronawter), Chairman of the Board of the Association "White Rose Foundation", notes. "A white rose symbolizes purity - including the purity of conscience," says Kronavitter. And the University of Munich, the University of Munich, Ludwig Maximiliana, is long, the truth is still unsuccessful, fighting for the renaming of his Alma Mater to Brother's University and Sisters Scholly.

The root fracture in the war, which was the result of the victories of the Soviet Army near Stalingrad and Kurk, also marked the beginning of the third period of the anti-fascist liberation struggle (1943 - beginning of 1944). According to one of the organizers of the resistance movement in the bearer (Western France). P. Dela, the response to the Stalingrad victory of the Soviet Army was "huge. The German army from now on is not invincible. All the wider layers of the masses in enslaved countries are penetrated by confidence. "In close liberation. The characteristic features of this stage were further expansion and intensification of the struggle, especially armed, the formation of liberation armies, the final folding of nationwide fronts and the development of their political and economic platforms.

A large stimulus for the development of resistance in France was the landing of Anglo-American troops in North Africa, implemented in early November 1942. The liberation of Algeria and Morocco's allied armies did " possible creation The leadership of the leadership and organization of all French forces in order to lead a national liberation war and contribute to the defeat of Hitler's Germany. "

Terrible for fascism events occurred in Italy, where the anti-fascist resistance steadily gained strength. In March 1943, under the direct effect of the defeat of the fascist troops near Stalingrad, the first in two decades of the power of the fascism was held, the mass performance of the Italian proletariat: the universal strike of the workers of Northern Italy, organized by the Communists. The strike has become an important trial of the forces, which clearly showed, on the one hand, the political maturity of the proletariat, his readiness for the struggle, and on the other - the growing confusion of the ruling circles, the inability of the fascist regime to restrain the intensive perturbation of the masses.

The revolutionary situation in the country prompted the right wing of anti-fascist resistance to change tactics from concerning that otherwise the leadership of the anti-fascist uprising will be fully in the hands of the left organizations. In June, the first National Liberation Committees (CNO), who adopted the decision on the preparation of the uprising on the initiative of the Communists and Socialists, were formed in Milan and Rome. His goal of Milan Kno proclaimed a gap with fascist Germany, the punishment of the perpetrators of war, restoring democratic rights and freedoms.

The consolidation of resistance to a large extent contributed to the organizational strengthening of the Committee for the restoration of the Socialist Party in August 1943. A prominent role in resistance was also to play formed in the summer of 1942 on the basis of the movement "Justice and Freedom" a petty-bourgeois party of action, which advocated the revolutionary methods of combating fascism.

Prepared and implemented in the top " palace coup"On July 25, 1943, the result was the overthrow of the Mussolini government, did not allow a completely deep political crisis, in the vice of which Italy turned out to be. On the other day, mass anti-fascist excitements broke out in the country. Anti-fascist organizations formed by the Committee of the Anti-Fascist Opposition in Milan, who united along with the left parties also representatives of the Christian Democratic Party and some other conservative organizations. The Committee demanded that the government of the immediate exit from the war, the adoption of harsh measures against the fascist tip, the implementation of the most important democratic transformations. Under the pressure of the masses, whose aspirations and hopes expressed the anti-fascist opposition, the government was forced to ban the fascist party. At the same time, it pulled with the fulfillment of other requirements of the people, conducted a parallery and waiting policies.

The situation in the country has changed in the fall of 1943 in connection with the landing of the British and American troops in southern Italy. On September 3, an agreement on truce was concluded between the command of the Allied Troops and the Government of Badolo - the act, which entailed the occupation of the German-fascist troops of the entire North and Central Italy, including Rome.

The initiator of the organization of removal in the invaders was made by the Communist Party, the leadership of which was already on August 31 submitted to the Committee of the Anti-Fascist Opposition "a memorable note on the urgent need to organize national defense against the occupation and the threat of attack from the Germans." The note was an important program document, which lay down the future activities of the ICA on the deployment of the National Anti-Fascist War of the Italian People.

On September 9, the anti-fascist parties were formed in Rome the Committee of National Liberation (CNO) "- the body of the political leadership of the struggle for the expulsion of the occupiers, to" return Italy to the place, rightly belonging to it in the Commonwealth of Free Nations. "

The formation of KNO did not eliminate the contradictions between opposition fascism with currents. It concerned first of all political movement prospects. If the left wing of the anti-fascist opposition proclaimed its goal of establishing the system of folk democracy and in the future - the transition to socialism, the right did not go on the restoration of bourgeois-democratic orders on the restoration of bourgeois-democratic orders.

At this stage of the struggle, the uniting moments - the interest in the expulsion of the invaders and the elimination of fascism - outweigh the differences. However, to preserve the union from the left parties, especially the Communist Party, it was necessary to show a maximum of political flexibility, not to leave searches for political formulas and tactics acceptable to the entire anti-fascist opposition.

From the fall of 1943, the Communist Party began to organize the Garibaldian partisan detachments for the conduct of armed struggle with the fascists and to prepare the national anti-fascist uprising. Such a task is obviously abandoned, as evidenced by the elemental speeches of the masses against the Hitler's invasion army, in particular the four-day September uprising in Naples. These speeches showed the readiness of the wide sections of the population, primarily workers, with weapons in the hands of defend independence and freedom.

With the creation of partisan detachments, the anti-fascist struggle began to grow into a nationwide war against Nazism and fascism. The actions of the units formed by various parties were coordinated by the national liberation committees led by Northern Italy, which performed the functions of the headquarters of the armed forces of resistance movement:

Defeat german fascist troops The battle on the Volga caused the deepening of the internal political crisis also in Germany. Under these conditions, the clarification of the political prospects of the anti-fascist movement took importance. The CPG Central Committee in December 1942 adopted an appeal to the German people - the manifesto of the world, which contained the assessment of the military-political situation of Germany. The leadership of the Communist Party stated that the continuation of the war would lead the country to the catastrophe. The only way out still remained from the German people is to end the Hitler's regime on their own.

The manifesto of the world offered a program from nine points, which envisaged the overthrow of the fascist regime and the formation of a national-democratic government, which should conduct indigenous democratic transformations. "The goals and requirements of the Manifesta were ... a wide political platform, on the basis of which Hitler's opponents from various segments of the population belonging to different political trends and religion could be rally and agree on a joint struggle."

In 1943, the Communist underground mainly managed to overcome the territorial disunity. The central operational leadership of the CSG was created, which includes representatives of the largest anti-fascist organizations. In his work, the central leadership followed the political line, a certain CPG Central Committee. Cooperation in the underground between the Communists and Social Democrats also strengthened. Communist and Social Democratic Groups acted together in enterprises, including military factories. Street connections of German anti-fascists with foreign workers. All this spoke about the development of the process of unification of genuinely national patriotic forces.

In the same year, the bourgeois opposition was formed in Germany, which was also an obvious manifestation of the growing internal political crisis. She sought to bring the country out of the "lowest price" war, retaining the intact fundamentals of the domination of monopolistic capital. At the same time, in fact, the question of guarantees against the revival of fascism was in fact.

Conscious of the limited bourgeois antihytler movement, the Communications Communication with him, to make the fight against the Nazi regime, it is possible to be more widely reflecting the interests of various segments of the population, including parts of the bourgeoisie. The steps taken by the Communist underground in this direction did not meet the response from the right wing of the bourgeois opposition. However, on her left wing there was a group (Colonel Staugenberg and others), which was standing for cooperation with the Communists.

Thus, the outcome of the third period of war in Germany, the conditions for the transition to a more coordinated and active struggle against fascism were ripe.

The "Free Germany" movement was made of a great contribution to the antihytler resistance, originated among German prisoners of war in the USSR. Having arisen on the initiative of the CPG, the movement has absorbed the opposition to the Hitler's regime elements belonging to various classes and layers of the population. The massive nature of the "Free Germany" movement, pursuing anti-fascist and anti-war targets, began to acquire under the influence of severe lesions incurred by Hitler's Germany under Stalingrad and Kursk. In the summer of 1943, at the conference of representatives of prisoners of war and German public figures, anti-fascists, the governing body of the movement was elected - the National Committee "Free Germany" (NKSG). The first political act was the release of Manifesta to the German army and the German people. The movement "Free Germany", emphasized in the document, aims to cohesive all German anti-fascists, regardless of their party affiliation for the struggle for the termination of war, the liberation of the German people and Europe from the Hitler's IGA, the creation of genuine democratic Germany. NKCG launched a greater agitational advocacy work on the involvement of German prisoners of war in motion against war and fascism. He also made a significant contribution to the anti-fascist propaganda, facing the German army. On a number of sections of the front actively operated the combat groups of German anti-fascists - the Commissioner Committee "Free Germany".

The "Free Germany" movement played a prominent role not only in the cohesion of anti-fascist and patriotic forces outside of Germany, but also in the intensification of the struggle against the Hitler's regime within the country.

The anti-fascist resistance movement in the occupied countries of Western Europe is significantly advanced along the path of cohesion and consistency.

In France, in May 1943, the National Resistance Council (NSS) began its activities, which united as the left organizations (the National Front, restored in the same year, the Universal Confederation of Labor, Communist and Socialist Party) and the main bourgeois organizations associated with the Committee " Fingering France. "

The National Council of Resistance, the powers of which extended to the whole country, carried out great work to ensure the unity of the armed formations of various anti-fascist organizations. This task was mainly solved with the creation of the internal forces of resistance in February 1944. They included themselves as an independent unit and French Francers and partisans. At the head of the FFI, the number of which reached 500 thousand people, stood the subordinate NSS Commission of the Military Action (Comacon), whose chairman was a communist Pierre Viyon.

The formation of the inner army made it possible to significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200baction against the occupiers and the Vichi gendarmerie, to cleanse individual items and even areas.

On March 15, 1944, the National Council of Resistance took a detailed program based on the project developed by the National Front. Considering the liberation of France as the first task, prerequisite Subsequent democratic transformations, the program at the same time put forward far-reaching socio-political requirements: the nationalization of banks, the main industries and transport; Deep democratization of the country's life; The implementation of major social reforms in favor of workers. Among the most important of them were the right to work and rest, solid minimum wagesGuarantee a decent person existence, a wide social security system. The special point of the program was asked to assist the labor peasantry (the establishment of fair prices for agricultural products), extend to agricultural workers benefits on the social security system (paid leave, pensions). Much attention was paid to the program to punish military criminals and accomplices of the German fascist occupiers (confiscation of their property, profits, etc.).

"Thus, it was summarized in the document, the new republic will be founded, which will meet the vile reaction regime established by Vichy, and give the effectiveness of democratic and national institutions ... The unity of the actions of representatives of resistance in the interests of the Motherland should serve in the present and future to serve as an incentive for all French ... "

In other words, NSSs sought to consolidate and develop the conquest of the anti-fascist resistance movement, to make it a guarantee against the recurrence of fascism, initial position not only for recovery, but also for deepening democracy, its actual outrage into the people's democracy.

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