Adjika from tomato for the winter the best recipes. Adjika spicy for the winter

landscaping 18.10.2019

Sauces are a wonderful culinary invention. With their help, dishes made from meat, fish, vegetables and grains (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, etc.) become much tastier and more appetizing. There are many various recipes for making sauces. Moreover, they can be both raw, not requiring heat treatment, or boiled. Some of them should be used immediately after cooking in hot or cold form, and there are those that can be prepared for future use and stored in a refrigerator in a special container or rolled up in jars for the winter. These sauces include adjika.

Spicy spice from Abkhazia

What we used to call adjika, namely a spicy pasty sauce made from tomatoes, red peppers and other vegetables and even fruits, is very different in composition and method of preparation from the real Abkhazian sauce with this name.

After all, adjika (aџyka in Abkhazian) is not a sauce at all, but a spicy seasoning, which consists of grated red hot pepper (often smoked or baked on charcoal) and sodium chloride, which we call table salt in everyday life.

A bit of history

In ancient times, housewives living in the mountain villages of Abkhazia ground red hot peppers with coarse salt and garlic to a paste-like state on a stone grater "akhaya" specially designed for this purpose, and then used this mixture as a seasoning for meat, poultry, fish and other dishes . As you can see, there are no tomatoes in the original version. Later, the Georgians borrowed this recipe from the Abkhazians, but made their own adjustments to it, namely: they added chopped walnuts, cilantro seeds, utskho-suneli and other spices. As a result, the seasoning turned out to be much tastier than the Abkhaz one.

Until now, in Georgia, as well as in Georgian restaurants around the world, you can find this thick sauce on the tables, thanks to which many dishes acquire a unique aroma and spicy taste.

Adjika from tomato - spicy gourmet seasoning

But here in Russia, as well as in the Transcaucasian countries, except for Georgia (Armenia and Azerbaijan), they have long been accustomed to a delicious bright red aromatic sauce made from tomatoes and red bell peppers, and sometimes other vegetables (apples, carrots, onions, etc.). d.). Thanks to spicy adjika, even the most ordinary boiled pasta or rice turns into delicious meals. In this article, we present to you a few interesting recipes of this sauce, and also give step by step instructions how to cook adjika from tomatoes at home. All methods have been tested over the years, and more than one generation of housewives used them to prepare delicious and fragrant seasoning sauces for their households.

By the way, on the shelves of supermarkets you can find big choice these sauces. By the way, the factory version is also adjika from tomato with garlic. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer to cook this delicious sauce at home, because this way you can control the degree of sharpness and salinity. As they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color.

The most common recipe in Russia

So, now you will learn how to cook tomato adjika according to a Russian recipe. To do this, you need to go to the vegetable market and buy the following ingredients:

Having bought all these vegetables in the market, you will need to go to the supermarket and buy wine or apple cider vinegar, sunflower or corn oil, sugar, and, we hope, there is always salt in every home.

Cooking process: step by step instructions

Before preparing adjika from tomatoes, all vegetables bought on the market, as well as apples and herbs, must be thoroughly washed. Peppers need to be peeled from the stalks and seeds, carrots and apples - from the skin with a special knife. Tomatoes must be dipped in boiling water, and then in cold water and also remove the skin from them. Scroll all this through a meat grinder, and finely chop the greens. The crushed fruit and vegetable mixture should be transferred to a saucepan and simmered over low heat for about 1 hour. Disassemble the garlic into cloves and peel, pass through a press. Add one glass of vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil to the garlic gruel. Mix all this well and pour into the pan with vegetables.

When boiling resumes, wait another 15 minutes and remove from heat. It will be necessary to pour this mixture into jars, wait until it cools, and store in the refrigerator.

How to cook tomato adjika according to the Armenian recipe?

This sauce contains fewer ingredients and is more spicy. Adjika from tomatoes, the recipe of which is distributed throughout Armenia, is thicker in consistency than Russian, and its color is more intense, bright red. The composition of such adjika includes red pepper (5 kg, of which half a kilogram of spicy capsicum), 5 kg of tomatoes, 300 g of garlic, a bunch of cilantro, vegetable oil. Homemade tomato adjika prepared according to this recipe will delight you throughout the fall, and maybe even winter.

Cooking method

With tomatoes previously dipped in boiling water and cold water, you need to remove the skin, cut into small pieces and, stirring constantly, cook in a saucepan until thickened (to the state of tomato paste). By the way, some housewives use ready-made tomato paste instead of tomatoes at the rate of 1 kilogram of paste per 5 kg of peppers. This option is, of course, much faster.

Peel the peppers from the stalks and seeds, cut in half and fry in vegetable oil under a closed lid until "fading". After they cool down a bit, you need to grind them in a meat grinder or blender. The mass of peppers should be transferred to the tomato mass and cook for about 1 hour. Peel the garlic, pass through a press, wash and finely chop the cilantro, mix with garlic and add to the tomato-pepper mass, salt to taste. After 15-20 minutes, adjika will be ready. It can be transferred to jars and stored in the refrigerator, or you can roll it up for the winter. In this case, adjika in jars will need to be sterilized for 40 minutes. This way you can avoid food poisoning.

Raw adjika

As you understand, it's time to talk about the most easy way making this sauce. Adjika from tomato without cooking is also called fresh or raw and, perhaps, is the most useful and fortified, because in the process of heat treatment, many of useful substances are dying. It is very important to buy fresh village vegetables not in the supermarket, but in the agricultural market. And here is a list of products that are needed to prepare this fresh homemade sauce:

  • tomatoes - 3-3.5 kg;
  • garlic - 4-5 heads
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • hot red or green pepper - 4-5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • 9% vinegar - 1 coffee cup.

How to cook?

Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into 4 parts, put in a deep bowl and wait an hour for the juice to flow out. Peel peppers from tails and seeds, garlic - from the skin. Grind vegetables using a meat grinder. Lastly, you need to scroll the hot pepper. Just stir the mass along the way until smooth and taste it so as not to overdo it with hot pepper. At the very end, finely chopped parsley, or cilantro, salt and garlic, passed through a press, are added to the mass. That's all, raw adjika is ready. It can be stored not as long as boiled, but in the refrigerator it can last for one month.


We hope that you will like one of these wonderful recipes, and maybe all of them, and use it to prepare this delicious sauce for the whole family.

Adjika - a spicy pasty seasoning, popular in Abkhazian and Georgian cuisines - is a frequent guest on our tables. And this is not at all surprising, because the versatility of this spicy sauce allows you to use it in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes or as an appetizing snack that goes well with meat and vegetables. Despite the fact that traditional adjika is made from hot capsicum, garlic, salt and spices, the option of making adjika from tomatoes is very popular among Russian housewives.

Tomato adjika for the winter will be an excellent addition to numerous dishes, highlighting their taste and adding a touch of piquancy. Adjika will help you out more than once when you need to cook soup, marinate barbecue, bake pizza, stew meat or prepare sauce. And if you are a lover of oriental cuisine, then you can’t do without this seasoning at all.

Tomato adjika for the winter is a wonderful preparation, the taste of which can be varied at your discretion. For example, it can be made spicier, sweeter or more spicy, add apples, horseradish, bell peppers or more greens to adjika. It all depends on your taste preferences and the wishes of your family. Since the main component of tomato adjika is tomatoes, their choice should be approached especially carefully - the fruits must be ripe, fleshy, without traces of rot and damage. AT this case Even overripe tomatoes will do.

The composition of tomato adjika should also include components of a traditional seasoning, such as hot pepper, garlic and salt. All other ingredients are added to your taste. Do not forget about spices and herbs that will help make adjika more tasty and fragrant: among the spices, these are suneli hops, chili peppers, coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, dill seeds and mustard seeds, among herbs - cilantro, parsley, basil and marjoram . Adjika from tomatoes for the winter can be harvested both raw and boiled. Each option has its own advantages - raw adjika retains more vitamins, while boiled adjika can be stored longer.

To make your adjika from tomatoes for the winter a success, do not be too lazy to carefully sterilize the jars. By the way, half-liter jars are considered the most suitable for adjika in size - it is convenient to treat relatives or friends to such a jar, besides, its contents are quickly eaten so that you can open the next one. Adjika cooking options are striking in their diversity, so choose, experiment, try and be inspired recipes offered by our site!

Adjika from tomatoes and bell peppers with garlic

3 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of bell pepper,
500 g garlic
150 g hot pepper,
100 ml of 9% vinegar,
80-100 g of salt,
60 g sugar.

Peel tomatoes, garlic and peppers and rinse under running water. Using a grinder or food processor, grind these ingredients, then mix well and leave the mixture for 1 hour. Drain the resulting liquid, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Mix thoroughly, put adjika in sterilized jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

Adjika "Homemade" with carrots, bell peppers and apples

2 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg carrots
1 kg of bell pepper,
1 kg of apples
200 g garlic
100 g hot pepper,
200 ml vegetable oil,
150 ml 9% vinegar,
150 g sugar
100 g suneli hops,
50 g salt.

Remove the stalk from the tomatoes and cut into several pieces. Cut the skin off the apples and remove the core. Peel carrots, remove seeds from peppers. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder and put the resulting mixture into a large saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon. Cook over low heat for 1 hour, stirring regularly. Approximately 10 minutes before the readiness, add chopped garlic, sugar, salt, suneli hops and vinegar, mix well. Pour the finished adjika into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and cool, covering with a warm blanket.

Adjika "Sharp" with horseradish and herbs

2 kg of tomatoes,
2 kg bell pepper,
10-15 hot peppers
8-10 heads of garlic.
3 pieces of horseradish root,
2 bunches of parsley.
2 bunches of dill,
4 tablespoons of salt
4 tablespoons of sugar
150 ml of 9% vinegar.

Rinse all vegetables well, removing stems and seeds. Rinse the herbs, peel the garlic. Pass all ingredients (except salt, sugar and vinegar) through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Stir the resulting mixture well. Add salt, sugar and vinegar, mix again and arrange in sterilized jars. Close jars with lids and store.

Adjika "Ajarian style" of tomatoes, peppers, carrots and onions

5 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of bell pepper.
1 kg carrots
500 g of onions.
5-10 hot peppers
5-7 heads of garlic,
500 ml vegetable oil,
salt to taste
ground coriander to taste.

Remove the stalk and core from the tomatoes, peel the pepper from the seeds. Tomatoes, peppers and onions cut into 2-4 parts and pass through a meat grinder. Put the mixture in a saucepan, add chopped garlic, vegetable oil, salt and coriander to taste. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon and simmer for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Arrange the finished adjika in sterilized jars, roll up and cool, turning upside down.

Adjika from tomatoes and eggplants

1.5 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg eggplant,
1 kg of bell pepper,
6 heads of garlic,
3-4 hot peppers,
1 glass of vegetable oil,
100 ml of 9% vinegar,
1 tablespoon of salt.

Prepare vegetables with garlic and pass through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mixture in a large saucepan, pour in the oil and cook for 40-50 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and vinegar. Arrange the finished adjika in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and let cool, turning upside down.

Adjika from tomatoes in a slow cooker

1.5 kg of tomatoes,
3 large heads of garlic,
2 hot peppers
1 bunch of herbs (parsley, dill and cilantro),
100 ml vegetable oil,
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon ground coriander,
50 ml of 5% vinegar.

Remove the stalks from the tomatoes and cut into several pieces. Cut the stems off the peppers and remove the seeds. Peel the garlic. Grind tomatoes, peppers and garlic with a meat grinder or blender. Put the tomato mixture in the multicooker bowl and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 2 hours. The mixture during cooking must be stirred periodically, and after 1 hour add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix. 30 minutes before readiness, add chopped herbs and ground coriander. 10 minutes before readiness, pour in the vinegar. Pour adjika into sterilized jars, seal tightly, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket. Store adjika in a cool place.

As you can see, cooking adjika is a simple matter, but so tasty and fragrant that you definitely need to add this sauce to your list of preparations. Adjika from tomatoes for the winter will undoubtedly please you and your loved ones more than once with its wonderful taste and high quality.

Enjoy your meal!

Exists great amount ways to cook adjika from tomatoes. Recipes can be selected, depending on the skill level of the hostess, both quite simple and more complex. How to prepare the most delicious adjika from The best recipes are collected in our article. But I want to note the fact that each of us has different taste preferences. Therefore, it is not necessary to argue that it is the workpiece prepared according to a certain recipe that is the most delicious. They are all "the most delicious" to some extent. And the choice is yours.

Adjika "Home comfort"

Are you looking for the most delicious adjika recipe? Then try this one. Adjika prepared according to this recipe has a mild taste, without excessive spiciness. In addition, this method of cooking has its own zest - these are apples. They affect the taste of the dish so much that it becomes a great addition to any side dish.

List of ingredients:

  • about two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of apples (variety is unimportant);
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • one hundred grams of hot pepper;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of vinegar;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • two hundred milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • two hundred grams of garlic;
  • fifty grams of salt.

The main role in this recipe is given to tomatoes, as they, interacting with seasonings, give an extraordinary taste. It follows from this that the tomatoes must be neither green nor sluggish.

Cooking method. From pre-washed tomatoes, it is necessary to cut the stalks. Further, if the tomatoes are small, then they are cut into two parts, if large, then into four parts. Apples are peeled and the core is removed. Carrots need to be washed and peeled. Seeds are removed from sweet and hot peppers. Grind everything with a meat grinder, and then transfer the resulting mass to a bowl with a thick bottom or a cauldron. After that, everything is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon, and then placed on the stove. Adjika is cooked for 60 minutes, but at the same time it should be constantly stirred. Already at the end (about seven to ten minutes before the end) you need to add garlic, vinegar. After that, the dish is mixed again, boiled well and poured into jars.

Adjika with horseradish

Required Ingredients:

  • about two kilograms of red tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • three hundred grams of garlic;
  • three hundred grams of hot pepper;
  • three hundred grams of horseradish (one fresh root);
  • two hundred grams of salt;
  • two hundred milliliters of vinegar (necessarily 9%).

Cooking method. Tomatoes need to be washed and cut off their stalks. The pepper is thoroughly washed, the seeds are removed, the stalk is cut out. Horseradish and garlic are peeled and cut into very small pieces (some housewives prefer to grind these ingredients in a meat grinder). Sweet and bitter peppers, together with tomatoes, are passed through a meat grinder. Next, you need to add salt, vinegar, chopped garlic and horseradish. After thorough mixing, all unnecessary liquid is drained. We lay out the resulting mass in jars and close. It is best to store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. As a rule, it turns out about 3 liters of adjika.

Adjika with garlic and tomatoes

The most delicious tomato and garlic adjika is suitable for both spicy lovers (adding garlic) and people who do not like too spicy preparations.

Required Ingredients:

  • about three kilos of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 500 g of garlic;
  • 150 grams of hot pepper;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • three tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method. Initially, all seeds must be removed from the bell pepper. Then the stalks are removed and the garlic is peeled from the husk. And only after completing all of the above steps, you can start washing all the vegetables. After that, Bulgarian and hot peppers. Salt and sugar are added to the resulting mixture. After completing all these steps, you need to put the dish in the refrigerator for a day. In the morning, all excess fluid is washed off. After cooking, adjika is placed in pre-prepared jars, and then placed back in the refrigerator for further storage.

Adjika "Kyiv"

Some argue that this is the most delicious adjika. Prepared for the winter, it will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmets. In addition, it is quite easy and simple to prepare it.

Required Ingredients:

  • 5 kg of tomatoes (ripe);
  • bell pepper (1 kg);
  • sour apples (1 kg);
  • carrot (1 kg);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • black and red pepper (one tablespoon each);

First you need to wash all the vegetables. The pepper is de-seeded and the core is cut out. Then the peel is removed from the tomatoes (to make this faster and easier, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the tomatoes for five to seven minutes). After that, all the vegetables are chopped in a meat grinder. Oil, sugar, salt, spices are added to the resulting mass. Next, the resulting mixture is placed on the stove and cooked until the desired density is obtained. After it immediately needs to be poured into pre-prepared containers. It is best to store in a cool place - a refrigerator, basement, cellar.

Adjika in Armenian

Despite the duration of the cooking process, adjika made according to this recipe will not leave you and your guests indifferent to its taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • about 5 kilograms of tomatoes (ripe);
  • 0.5-1 kilogram of garlic;
  • 0.5 kilograms of hot capsicum;
  • salt (to taste).

Method of preparation: vegetables need to be washed and cleaned from seeds and core. Garlic, peppers and tomatoes are ground in a meat grinder. Salt is added to the resulting mass. Then the dish must be left in enamelware for ten to fifteen days. This time is necessary for adjika to ferment, and every day it needs to be stirred. It is important to remember that tomato juice should be drained before garlic and pepper are added to the dish. If this is not done, then adjika will seem undersalted.

Adjika "Restless Sinner"

This recipe is perfect for lovers of "thrill" sensations. Having tried such adjika, everyone will appreciate its peppercorn.

Required Ingredients:

  • about 2 kilograms of tomatoes (red);
  • twenty pieces of sweet pepper;
  • ten - fifteen pieces of hot pepper;
  • 400 grams of garlic;
  • three sticks of horseradish;
  • two bunches of parsley;
  • two bunches of dill;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • vinegar to taste (required 9%).

Cooking method. Before preparing this dish, you need to thoroughly rinse all vegetables, and then rid them of seeds and stalks. After that, the vegetables need to be chopped with a meat grinder or blender. Salt, sugar and a little vinegar are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into pre-prepared jars. Banks are closed with polyethylene lids.

Adjika "Vigorous"

This adjika will appeal to real men. It goes well with almost all products, but acquires a special taste with fish dishes.


  • about five kilos of tomatoes (ripe);
  • five to six heads of garlic;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • one hot pepper;
  • six big roots horseradish;
  • one Bell pepper.

Cooking method. Vegetables are washed in cold water, remove all seeds and stalks, and then twist in a meat grinder. Salt and chopped garlic are added to the resulting mass. Then the dish is thoroughly mixed, after which it can be laid out in prepared containers. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Adjika "Adjarian"

Real adjika, which is made on the basis of such irreplaceable ingredients as hot red pepper and garlic. Naturally, other vegetables and spices are added for a variety of taste sensations. It is not only tasty, but also useful. Only its excessive use can be harmful to health.

Required products:

  • about five kilos of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • kilogram of bell pepper;
  • five to ten pieces of hot pepper (to taste);
  • half a kilogram of onions;
  • half a liter of vegetable oil;
  • five to seven heads of garlic;
  • salt (to taste).

Wash vegetables. Next, the tomatoes must be rid of the core and stalks, the pepper is cleared of seeds. Then you need to divide the tomatoes, bell peppers and onions into 2-4 parts. All ingredients are scrolled in a meat grinder. After that, vegetable oil, salt and pre-chopped garlic are added. Everything is well mixed with a wooden spoon and put on fire. Cooking time - two hours. Stir periodically. After cooking, the dish must be decomposed into jars and rolled up.

Adjika "Home"

The most delicious recipe homemade adjika in this case, the good thing is that the dish is easy to prepare. It is also worth noting that the workpiece prepared in this way does not have to be stored in a cool place. Even when stored in warm room the taste of this adjika does not deteriorate.

Adjika "Homemade" will be the most delicious if you use vegetables grown in your garden when preparing it. So, the list of products:

  • about five kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of bell pepper;
  • fifteen pieces of hot pepper;
  • 250-300 grams of garlic;
  • 450-500 grams of horseradish;
  • 200 milliliters of salt;
  • 400 milliliters of vinegar (required 9%);
  • 400 grams of sugar.

Cooking method. Vegetables need to be washed cold water, and then remove the seeds, core and peel. Then everything is ground in a meat grinder, including pepper seeds. After that, salt, vinegar, sugar and pre-chopped garlic cloves are added. After mixing everything, it is necessary to let the resulting mixture brew for exactly 50 minutes. no need. After the time has elapsed, you can safely bottle adjika.

Reflecting on the question of what is the most delicious adjika, it is necessary to remember the fact that taste qualities the preparation you have prepared depends entirely on the number of proportions of seasonings and auxiliary ingredients. When preparing it, you can safely show your imagination and add something from yourself to the existing recipe. If the experiment was a success, then next time you can harvest a large number of jars with tasty and healthy adjika.

Adjika is a very popular dish from Abkhazia. In fact, the classic Abkhazian adjika is made from fresh herbs, garlic, salt and fresh vegetables. Abkhazians rubbed all the ingredients between two flat stones to get a paste-like mass. Nowadays, everything is simpler - in the kitchen there are such good electric helpers as a blender or a meat grinder. Yes, and there are so many adjika recipes that they cook it with tomatoes, peppers, carrots, and even zucchini and eggplant. The taste of adjika only benefited from the new ingredients. You can verify this for yourself and get to know a very delicious recipes. And adjika for the winter - just required element autumn preparations.

Homemade adjika - the most delicious homemade adjika recipe

I used to think that adjika should be very spicy. But after trying many recipes, I realized that we can regulate the spiciness ourselves.

I have been making this recipe over the summer and it always turns out delicious. It is rare when the stocks of this adjika survive until the New Year. I recommend.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 1 kg
  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • salt - 1/4 cup
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • vinegar 9% - 1 cup
  • garlic - 300 gr.
  • chili pepper to taste

Such adjika is prepared simply.

  1. Wash and clean all vegetables. Naturally, we remove the cores from apples, the partitions and seeds from peppers. After that, we chop all the vegetables in turn. Here you can use a meat grinder or blender. The blender turns out quite finely, so I prefer an electric meat grinder.

2. Put the chopped vegetables in a large saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for about 1 hour.

3. Pour sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar into the vegetable mass.

I recently received a note about a large number vinegar in this recipe, and I want to say that this is a matter of taste. For such a large amount of vegetables (5.5 kg) to the taste of my family - just right. But if in doubt, use less vinegar.

4. Finely chop the garlic (you can also pass it through a meat grinder), and also add it to the almost ready adjika.

5. For spiciness, if desired and to taste, add hot pepper. We love it spicier, since adjika.

6. Cook for another 5 minutes and put in sterilized jars.

Raw adjika for the winter from tomato and garlic without cooking

The most vitamin and healthy adjika is obtained if the vegetables are not cooked. Such raw adjika must be stored, of course, in the refrigerator and laid out in sterilized jars.

For raw adjika, it is better to use less juicy tomatoes, I usually use fingers.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  1. We wash the tomatoes, peel the garlic and chili peppers and pass everything together through a meat grinder.

If you want a spicier dish, use hot peppers along with the seeds. And if you like delicate taste, then the seeds from the pepper must be removed

2. Add salt and sugar, stir everything and put it in pre-sterilized jars.

After all, it really can't be easier, can it?

Adjika for the winter - the best recipe without cooking

Another great raw adjika recipe for those who prepare this vitamin appetizer without cooking vegetables. Adjika according to this recipe is spicy and tasty.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 2 kg
  • garlic - 200 gr.
  • red hot pepper - 250 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.

1. Wash, clean and chop all vegetables with a blender.

2. Grind the garlic.

3. Pass tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers through a blender.

Sometimes it happens that hot pepper is difficult to grind in a blender, gets stuck - add a few tomatoes to it and the process will go easier

4. Finally, add sugar, salt and vinegar.

5. Mix everything well and put it in sterilized jars.

You can store such adjika and any other dishes, but then it will be stored much less. With tomatoes and bell peppers, I don’t risk storing adjika for more than a month without sterilization - it can ferment.

Recipe for spicy adjika for the winter - you will lick your fingers

Spicy, of course, adjika is obtained, because here we will add hot pepper, and horseradish, and vinegar. But in my family they like spicy, so we also prepare burning adjika. In the end, you can always determine the amount of hot pepper, horseradish and vinegar yourself in order to get a sharpness and acid that is comfortable for your stomach.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • bell pepper - 10 pcs.
  • garlic - 200 gr.
  • red hot pepper - 3-4 pcs.
  • horseradish - 200 gr. (I buy marinated in a jar)
  • vinegar 9% - 70 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • fresh dill and parsley
  1. Tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers are cleaned, cut into pieces and chopped with a meat grinder or blender.

2. Add salt, sugar, horseradish and vinegar, stir everything well.

3. Add finely chopped fresh herbs to this mass to taste. It is desirable to cut greens smaller. We stir everything well so that the vegetables make friends.

4. We lay out in sterilized jars.

Adjika with apples for the winter - the best recipe

Adjika with apples was a good find for me from all the recipes. Apples give adjika a sweetish taste and at the same time soften the sharpness of vinegar and pepper. In addition, there is a use for apples if there is a fruitful year.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 1/2 kg
  • apples - 200 gr. (preferably sour)
  • onion- 200 gr.
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions and apples are passed through a meat grinder.

2. Put all the vegetables in a deep saucepan and pour in the vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour over low heat.

3. We clean the garlic and also grind it with a meat grinder or blender. Add garlic to vegetables.

4. Salt adjika, add sugar. There is very little vinegar in this recipe, if you like it spicier, add 1 more spoon.

5. After that, cover with a lid and boil for another 1 hour. During this time, excess liquid evaporates, adjika thickens a little.

6. Can be poured into sterilized jars.

Adjika from zucchini "lick your fingers" - a recipe for the winter

Classic adjika is made from tomatoes and sweet peppers. And this is a recipe for an unusual adjika, since it is based on zucchini. And now is the season for harvesting zucchini, so the recipe will come in handy.

Recipe for delicious eggplant adjika for the winter

Adjika from zucchini will not surprise us anymore. And let's try to cook more from eggplant. It makes an excellent snack.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper - 1/2 kg
  • eggplant - 1 kg
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • hot pepper - 5 pcs. (you can reduce the amount)
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 50 gr.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. As in all adjika recipes, we chop the vegetables with a meat grinder or blender. Put everything in a deep bowl and mix well. If you want to get not very spicy adjika, reduce the amount of hot pepper and remove the seeds from it.

2. Pour in vegetable oil and add salt, stir and put on fire.

3. Cook adjika for quite a long time - 1 hour. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

4. We lay out in sterilized jars and twist.

That's all adjika recipes for today. Of course, there are many more of them. We will definitely continue this interesting topic in future. And now you have a good time in the kitchen and let the result of your work please you.

good and delicious preparations to you!

Step-by-step recipes for spicy adjika for the winter with garlic, apples, different peppers, tomatoes

2018-07-15 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

4 gr.


8 gr.

70 kcal.

Option 1: Classic spicy adjika for the winter with tomatoes and peppers

For classic adjika, according to this recipe, you need tomatoes, sweet peppers, and spicy pods. The recipe with cooking, so the workpiece is perfectly stored in a cool place, not only until the new harvest, but also for several years. In addition to the main ingredients, you need garlic. You can reduce the amount in this recipe if you like.


  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pepper (sweet);
  • 200 g hot pepper;
  • 170 g of garlic;
  • 0.15 l of oil;
  • 60 g of salt;
  • 120 g sugar.

How to cook classic spicy adjika

Rinse both peppers and tomatoes. Peel the garlic. Cut tomatoes and peppers into large pieces. At bell peppers be sure to remove the seeds.

We twist the tomatoes first. We put it in a saucepan on the stove, boil for about seven minutes, removing the foam. Next, add hot and sweet pepper, also twisted through a meat grinder. We give adjika another fifteen minutes to boil.

Add salt, sugar, pour oil and add garlic. Now we boil adjika for literally three minutes. By this time, we should already have sterile jars ready. Their size is not important. Screw caps also need to be rinsed in boiling water.

We lay out the hot adjika, immediately twist it. Banks with sharp workpiece turn over, leave for a day. It is not necessary to cover, let the adjika cool down naturally.

Sometimes garlic is laid and twisted together with tomatoes, but not everyone likes its boiled aroma and taste. You can also pour it into the finished adjika at the very end, after which turn off the stove. In this embodiment, it is important to rinse the cloves well, otherwise the workpiece will quickly turn sour.

Option 2: A quick recipe for homemade adjika for the winter (spicy)

Here the recipe is not just spicy, but vigorous adjika in Georgian. The sauce mainly consists of hot peppers and garlic. To smooth the taste, vegetable oil is added to it. An obligatory ingredient is hops-suneli seasoning. Usually it is sold in the spice department, packaged in a jar or bag.


  • 10 pods of pepper;
  • 65 g of garlic;
  • 1.5 tsp dry seasoning hops-suneli;
  • 20 g fresh cilantro leaves;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons rast. oils.

How to quickly make spicy adjika

Pepper cut into several pieces each pod. We cut off the green tail, and leave everything inside. We just peel the garlic. Finely chop the cilantro.

Grind hot pepper with garlic. We add salt, suneli hops, sometimes a spoonful of sugar is added for depth of taste. Thoroughly grind it all.

It remains only to fill the adjika with natural vegetable oil and put it in a jar. Screw on the lid and put it in the fridge. It is not necessary to roll up adjika, it is perfectly stored all winter without it.

For viscosity and moisture, you can add a couple of ground bell peppers to adjika or twist one tomato. Often, on the contrary, it is dried and poured into jars, it is convenient to use such a seasoning for making stews, kharcho, but in this case we exclude oil.

Option 3: Adjika spicy for the winter (vegetable)

In adjika, not only tomatoes and peppers can be present, but also various other vegetables. Here is the recipe with onions and carrots. You will definitely need vegetable little, some of the vegetables will be stewed in it, this will significantly improve the taste of adjika. This recipe does not contain garlic.


  • 0.8 kg of carrots;
  • 0.8 kg of onion;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 400 g hot pepper;
  • 1.5 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 300 ml of oil;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 90 g sugar.

Step by step recipe

Peel all onions and twist through a meat grinder. It is advisable to insert a grate with large holes into the device. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, send the onion, cook over a silt fire for about five minutes.

We clean or simply wash the carrots well, also cut into pieces, twist. Pour over to the onion. We cook vegetables for ten minutes.

We cut the Bulgarian and hot peppers into pieces, send them to the meat grinder, pour over the onions and carrots. Grind tomatoes, pour next. Boil spicy adjika for 45 minutes.

We fill the workpiece with salt, add sugar, it is advisable to try adjika after that. Pour into jars while the sauce is still hot. Roll up and turn upside down.

If there are not enough carrots, then you can take more onions or vice versa, but in general it is recommended to stick to the indicated amount so that you do not have to recalculate the amount of spices.

Option 4: Adjika spicy for the winter with horseradish

Another recipe for mixed adjika with tomatoes and peppers, but with the addition of horseradish. This blank does not need to be cooked, so it also applies to quick options. We choose vegetables that are fresh, ripe, but not overripe, wash them thoroughly, be sure to dry or wipe them.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pepper;
  • 230 g of garlic;
  • 20 ml essence;
  • 150 g horseradish;
  • 5-7 chili;
  • 120 g of salt;
  • 150 g sugar.

Step by step recipe

To grind vegetables for such adjika, it is best to use a meat grinder. Only it gives small pieces, the combine does not fit. We cut the washed vegetables into pieces that will easily pass into the hole, drive them away.

We clean all the garlic and also send it next, you can twist the splice into a total mass. We take a pan or basin, a bucket in which all the ingredients will fit.

The hardest part of this recipe is the twisting of the horseradish. We take only fresh roots, it is difficult to work with dry ones. We clean and cut with a knife. Since the root is hard, you need to crumble it into small pieces. We twist them last. It is advisable to do this in a ventilated area so that it does not irritate the eyes too much.

Combine the horseradish with the rest of the ingredients. Add salt and sugar, mix well. At the very end, for reliability, add a little vinegar. Without it, you can also cook if you do not plan to store the workpiece for more than three months. If the tomatoes are fleshy and sweet, then sugar can not be added to them, we make adjika without it.

It remains only to pour spicy adjika into jars. It is already ready to use, but it will also stand wonderfully until spring. We take a dense cover, it can be screwed, air should not pass.

This adjika is very convenient to keep in plastic bottles, they easily fit in the door shelf of the refrigerator. Just wash and dry the container first.

Option 5: Adjika spicy for the winter with apples

A very tasty and fragrant sauce that can be prepared with any apples, but it is better to choose sweet and sour varieties. In addition to fruits, pods of fresh or dried hot peppers are a must. The recipe is based on tomatoes and bell peppers. For this adjika, you need a saucepan, since the preparation requires cooking on the stove.


  • 2.2 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1.4 kg of pepper;
  • 80 g of garlic;
  • 0.15 l of oil;
  • kilogram of apples;
  • 1 tsp coriander;
  • 90 g of sugar;
  • 55 g salt;
  • 0.2 st. vinegar 3%;
  • 7 chili pods.

How to cook

Rinse tomatoes, peppers and apples. Tomatoes and pepper pulp are twisted through a meat grinder. We put them on the stove, start cooking, while you can do other ingredients.

While we are peeling the apples, cut them into pieces that are convenient for scrolling, and simply cut the hot pepper into several pieces. We drive all this through a meat grinder, after which we send it to a pan with a boiled base. We cook adjika for exactly an hour on a small fire.

There is time to prepare sugar with salt, as well as peel the garlic. It can also be twisted or simply rubbed, driven through the press.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, we pour garlic with sugar and salt, pour oil. For preparations, unrefined products are used. Mix, boil together.

Pour the bite, after which we take a dry and clean ladle, stir and immediately collect spicy adjika, put it in jars, put a seaming lid on each. We cork with a special key (machines). The jar must be turned over immediately. Set aside until completely cool.

Boiling tomatoes usually form a foam, which is desirable to remove. Also, the tomato mass often rises, so we take a large pan with a margin of free space.

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